Anastasiya Belljanina
From: Dennis
To: Anastasiya <>
Sent: Mon, May 10, 2010 12:02:03 PM
Subject: Re: Good news, I hope!
My sweet love;
I was wondering when the day would come that this email
would arrive.
I have actually left Amsterdam, but I will be in touch.
--- On Mon, 5/10/10, Anastasiya <> wrote:
From: Anastasiya <>
Subject: Good news, I hope!
To: "Dee"
Date: Monday, May 10, 2010, 5:29 AM
Hi Dee! I have feeling that you have not received my letter.
I send you again my letter that I sent on May 03.
Now I at all do not know what to tell, you did not write to me week.
Here is my letter that I sent you but didn't get answer:
Hi, my Dee.
I even do not know what to tell first. I simply hope that you will be
happy! The most important, finest news - I did it! I got the visa! I am
very happy!!!! I as well have found out that I will get vacation May,
10, 2010. I have been to the company that reserves airway tickets. I
asked them how I can reach Amsterdam (AMS) and how much it costs. They
have offered to me the roundtrip ticket that costs 552 EURO. I asked
them to find cheapest ticket, because this price is expensive for me.
They have answered that they have a cheaper roundtrip ticket and the
beginning of the flight May, 14, 2010. It costs 464 EURO. It was the
best variant for me. I asked them to reserve a ticket. But they
refused, because they can't reserve the ticket without advance payment.
I must pay full cost. I have asked if I can pay a part of money now,
and the other part later. They have told that it is possible, but I
will be limited by term. And if I will not pay the full cost of the
ticket within of this term, I will lose already nested money. I have
agreed because it is the only chance for me, because I must give to
anti-emigration committee a data about my payment. By this moment I had
only the concrete sum of money which I had after all my expenses. I
paid 150 EURO. But it was not enough for them. In a panic, all
what Natalia and I could do - we pawned our earrings and gold rings and
I got 81 EURO. That is all I could do. The number of the flight
on which I will get the ticket is 403 Aeroflot-Russian Airlines.
Nonstop flight. The time of departure from Moscow is 6:00 pm. The time
of arrival in Amsterdam is 7:25 pm. I know that probably I simply must
tell that I can't come to you because I haven't the remaining sum. I
know that I promised to do all by self, and I was sure that I can. I
did not want to ask you. But after I did everything I did, I cannot
simply tell that I will not come to you. I have passed through so many
difficulties, and I have overcome the most difficult. But all the same
I have disgusting feeling that I could not fulfill the promise. I am
always ready to do all what is possible,- to fulfill my promises, but
at the same time I understand that any person could get in such a
situation. To get the visa I have spent much more money than I
expected. But people were ready to help me only if I will pay them. I
paid more than 200 EURO to get all documents, I paid in municipal
committee, in the ministry. Even officers in army garrison have
compelled me to pay for their help. I did not expect all this, but up
to the last moment I was sure that I still can make everything. I
expected that I can get a vacation payment. We get a vacation payment
after ending of a vacation. I asked to give me this money now because I
need this money urgently. But, at the last moment I have got the answer
that I can get this money urgently only in case of serious illness or
for example in case of death of the relative. I feel so guilty. I was
sure that nothing can prevent our meeting. But I must pay remaining
sum. It is 233 EURO. And I must pay money before May, 07,
evening. Otherwise I will lose my nested money and our jewelry will be
sold out simply in vain. I know that I should not ask you, and I am
very ashamed to do it. And maybe I really simply had to tell you that I
can't meet with you because I could not provide my travel completely.
But I cannot simply refuse our meeting because then all my diligence,
forces, nerves, means will be spent in vain. I understand that for you
it is too big sum to lend me. You are not obliged to help me. And 200
EURO which I have spent to get the visa, and 231 EURO that I have given
for the ticket are huge money for me. But I want you to know that I
have given everything not for the sake of myself, but for the sake of
us, for the sake of you and me. And I was happy all this time. If you
want to meet me, to help me to make our meeting, please, send money to
the help before May, 07, evening. I want you to be confident in my
sincerity, that is why I send you the view of my passport and visa. I
want you to see the result of my efforts.
I address to you only because I need it right now, because the anti-
emigration committee waits for me with all documents and I am obliged
to come to committee according to appointed term. I do not know if you
can to help me. But I have no other exit. I need you. If you can help
me I will tell you what I have found out. Natalia said that you can
help me with the help of remittance system. So I have addressed to the
nearest bank the agent ''Western Union''. I have been told that they
use the system ''Western Union''. They have told that it is very
convenient office for me; and this system works always and reliably. I
give you necessary elements for sending money with the help of
''Western Union'':
The name of bank: DONINVEST
CITY - Taganrog
STREET - Chekhova 121
ZIP - 347900
In bank I have been told, that to get the money, I must tell to
employee of bank your full name, your full address, exact sent sum and
the confidential number - Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN). You
will get this number in your bank if you will send your help. Only with
presence of all this information I can get your help. I do not know
what answer I will get from you. I very much am afraid that you will
not help me. But I want to tell, that I really need you, and I simply
can't endure the thought that I did almost everything, but I will not
meet you. I understand that it is big money. I have given all my
forces, but together we are stronger. I really ask you to help me. I
will give you back all your money at the earliest opportunity. I have
written you honestly and sincerely. Are you with me?
Your Anastasiya.
Svetlana Mikhneva
got email from Svetlana using some else Profile from Yahoo Personals a
couple of week ago trying to come to USA. Here are the emails and
last one asking for money. I DID NOT SEND HER ANY MONEY. Her
picture is listed under many names under the backlist
Ekaterina Koryukowa
Ekaterina Wostroukhova ( Ertarskiy, Russia )
Elena Samoylova
Elena Shabunina
Svetlana Shustowa
Anna Kouminowa (Moscow, Russia)
Anna Kuminova ( Russia)
Anna Wolkova ( Russia, Arsinskiy)
Anzhelika Shagiahmetova
Daria Salnikowa
Nataliya Belonogova (Elizavetpolskoe, Russia)
Tatiana Nikonowa
Yana Putilova
Yana Tsygantsova
Yuliya Razoueva (Dolgovskoe, Russia)
First Email
Hi! Thanks a lot for your answer!
I am from Russia. But its impossible to send any email on the site from
"Russian" profile at all. Excuse me please for this misunderstanding.
Telling from the beginning that profile wasn't mine, I know a woman who
is on a dating site. It was a profile of that woman, but she let me
find someone from the dating site from her profile. I don't know how to
use the site, I'm not sure what could I write for the first time, I'm
sending my photos... I have many photos, sorry I don't have any
professional one, just usual photos. Let me know and I can send more
pics! I'm looking forward to visiting your beautiful country and I
would like to find a man over there who will be interested in meeting
me! I've never been abroad before and I would like to visit it so much!
I'm looking for a friend, lover or maybe even something serious... I'm
a free bird now, I don't have a boyfriend and I'm open to anything!!!
Please send me your photos and write me about yourself!!!! I would like
to have a serious relationship although I don't know if that's possible
in internet so I'm looking just for a good man who can show me over
there and....... we will see!!!!!!!! I hope you like my pics! I’m
27 years old, I hope my age is ok for you?? My height is 5.6 live in
Russia. In small town in deep of Ural. May I hope that you will write
me back? I hope so much! Also I hope I'm your type of girl, I'm not
sure you like Slavic appearance!!
OK, I will wait for your answer. When I hear back from you I will write
more things about myself and send more pics!
Svetlana (this is my real name)
Second Email
Hello!!! This is me again!
It is my first time I try to correspondence with man in internet world.
The thing is that I will work abroad for six months or so and I would
like to meet a nice man to be my guide or just be good friend to spend
time with. I think that it is hard enough to live in foreign town
without friends. I am from a small town here in Russia, I don't want to
be alone over there without any relatives or friends! I want to see the
real life over there and maybe you will be able to tell me more about
your culture and life over there and give me some information in
general! You know, life in Russia is rather difficult, especially in
small towns. I don't want to live in Russia because I have not any
chances here, it is hardly possible to explain but I want you to know
my plans. I saw many stories in news on TV about girls who started a
new life and decided to work abroad... So I decided to do the same and
to try to find my luck abroad. I started to register my documents about
2 months ago, so I will travel soon and I will be allowed to work! You
see I already started to register documents and now I need to decide in
which city I want to work. I’m 27 years old and I’m a
hardworking lady! (I will work as a dance teacher). You know, I’m
a professional dancer, I dance in group on festivals, wedding
celebrations etc. But when I will arrive (I will travel alone) I will
work as a dance teacher (instructor), I have an international
certificate. I can teach ball dances and sport dances. I want to work
hard and change my life! You see that maybe I'm too naive but I still
believe in miracles to come! I decided to find a friend and make his
city to be my destination. I think it is great chance to change my
life. I am full of plans and dreams! My hair is blonde and I have mixed
color of eyes (it depends on lightening)... I think I'm somewhat
pretty, but first of all I want to be beautiful inside. I do hope that
you will be not disappointed to meet me in the real life when we meet.
I will leave my town in a few days or so (I can't tell you everything
exactly right now) and I would like to be sure I have a man who is
waiting for me over there. I will work hard and I would like to find a
man to spend my free time together to get to know each other better and
have some fun together. If you have any interest to meet me I will be
more then happy to meet you too. If you want I can call you when we get
to know each other better it would be nice to talk to you. Sorry I
really have to go now. I will write more next time, my sister is
waiting for me and I have to go!
Bye-bye!!! Svetlana (for short you can call me Sveta)
Third Email
Hello Bill!!! This is me again!
I think I should write you more things about me, I hope it will be
interesting for you to know me better! My birthday is 21 of June 1982.
I am Gemini. I'm 167 cm tall (5.6) and 51 kg weight. I don't know
exactly my bust-waist-hips measurements, I don't have a reason to
measure it because I think it's OK and my body is proportionate )) I am
a Christian and on Sundays I go to Church. I've never been married,
don't have kids but I love them and they love me! I don't smoke, drink
occasionally. My favorite color is blue. As for my family - I live with
my mother and my brother. My mother is 48 years old, her name is
Valentina, I love her very much. I have a sister, her name is Zoya, she
is already married and she lives with her husband. I also have a
younger brother, his name is Maksim. He is very clever and he wants to
be a naval officer like our father. My father was a great person, he
was courageous and brave. He is an ideal man for me. My father died in
auto crash 7 months ago... My mum cried but now she is ok, she will
never meet another man because my father was the only man in her life
and now her aim in life is to grow up our brother. It was my mother's
idea to try to work to another country. She loves me very much and she
thinks that its impossible to earn good money in Russia. My mother read
many stories about girls who found their happiness abroad and now she
wants me to do the same. As I wrote you I live in Russia, the name of
my town is Asbest it is situated in Sverdlovskaya Obl. (District). It
will be great if you also tell me some interesting facts about your
city. I don’t remember if I told you or not but I graduated from
Ekaterinburg University two years ago, Economy faculty but I don't work
on my specialization because I can't find a good job here in economy
sphere, my city is so small. I don’t use any translators and I
can speak and write English well. I write my emails from Internet cafe,
we have a computer but no Internet. If you want I can call you when we
get to know each other better it would be nice to talk to you. Today
I'm going to tell my mother about you, I'm sure she will be happy I've
met someone over there who can show me around! I hope you are not
getting bored to read my emails? It's a pity there is no messenger
here, so we can talk only using e-mails... My address here is Russia,
Asbest, Yasnaya street 37, flat 62. So now you have a representation of
who I am....I just can tell you I enjoy life and I try to live to the
fullest, I like to try new things. I'm very tender, caring, artistic,
faithful, decent person. Sometimes I can be not well organized, I think
everybody had it's own minuses and pluses. I don't look any special
qualities in a man. I just hope he will be faithful to me and ready to
create a happy family with me and I will do everything to make him
happy. I'm looking for a soul mate! Do you look for any special
P.S. Forgot to say I'm sending a pic with my sister, my father and me
(2 years ago).
Fourth Email
Hello dear Bill! I think I'm a lucky girl to meet such good man as you
in Internet!
I hope I will be lucky enough to meet you in the real life soon!
Yesterday I told my mom about you. She said that now she doesn’t
worry about me as before because now she knows you are a kind man and
can help me if I need your help. You can show me your city and tell me
more about the life over there! I think I didn't write you I like
cooking. I can cook some Russian dishes for you! Pelmeni, vareniki,
blini, borsch, okroshka! You will like it! Besides Russian cuisine I
like Italian and Mexican. I love spaghetti and pizzza!!!!! mmmmmmm! I
can't live without it! I like Mexican food because it's very spicy,
although I don't cook Mexican dishes too often. I've been told my
cooking is very tasty! I like to cook cakes. My favorite is cheese-cake
with raspberry! You know... when I talk about food I'm getting hungry
))) I eat everything and I don't like any diets but usually I don't eat
after 7 pm. This helps me not to be fat! I can cook many tasty things
for you when we meet! Sometimes I like to listen to music. I like
almost all kind of Music and my favorite one is pop music and
classical. You know almost all Russian men are like bears! They are so
rude, they can't be nice and polite, they don't want to have a family.
I think you are not like them. I like to go to the cinema! I really
like to watch a good movie with my friends. 50 percents of movies in
our cinemas are Russian and about 50 American. Actually my favorite
actor is Johnny Depp and I like all movies with him. I've watched
Pirates of the Caribbean (part 3) some time ago! I think the third part
is not as good as the first part. Have you seen it? Could you recommend
me any movie so I can watch it? What is your favorite movie and actor?
Soooooooooooooooo......... what else could I say? Sometimes I go to the
theatre but not often. There is only one small theatre in my city and
there is nothing interesting. If I want to watch a good play I should
go to the nearest big city, there sometimes can come some famous
Russian actors and dancers but I can't go there often because it's
quite expensive. I want you to know small things about my life, because
it will show you who I am. Ok, I think I will finish my e-mail for
today and I should go home to cook some food for my mom and brother!
PS I'm sending more pics this time! They were taken in Sochi one year
Fifth Email
Hello Bill! I don't have enough time to write a long email I'm in a
hurry.... Please write me the name of the closest Airport to you
(possibly International) and it's code (if you know). For example the
closest Airport to me is Ekaterinburg and it's code is (SVX). I already
started to pack my things and I want to start my trip so I will go to
Moscow from Ekaterinburg. I have so many worries and I'm so afraid to
start everything but if I don't start it now I will never do
it!!!!!!!!!!!! I will go to airlines office now and will buy a tickets
to Moscow, its very expensive, but I have some savings so I have money
to pay for plane ticket to Moscow and to pay for renting room in
Moscow. As soon as I will arrive to Moscow, I will finish my documents
to travel, as work permission, medical insurance etc. I’m waiting
a confirmation of airport from you, so I will buy ticket to your
airport. I know it won’t be cheap, but my mother will receive a
salary for last 6 months (her work detained wages) and will send me
money when I will find out the cost of tickets! I will know this info
in Moscow. I asked my sister to take a naked photo of myself because I
didn't have any naked photos and I thought I will need them and it was
my choice. Also I didn't want all men to look at this pic.... and now I
know you little more and I will cross my fingers I'm not wrong in doing
this and I will make a show of trust and send you my naked pic to you
hoping it will be for your eyes only and you will not show it to
someone. I was not comfortable to pose for such pic and I tried to
smile, I think the pic is nice. I don't want to chat about sex or
something like that, I just wanted to show you how my body looks
like... and that's all. Maybe I shouldn't do this but I will
click "send" button and close my eyes! I hope you will be not mad on me
because I sent this pic for you, I'm a good girl, really!!!!!!!!!!
Please don't show my pic to anyone and please don't ask for any naked
pics in different poses or something like that. I'm a good girl and I'm
not info taking naked photos! I really apologize if you think now I'm
not a good girl... I hope you don't think so. I'm impatiently waiting
for your answer! AAAAAAAAAAAh!!!! I'm so ashamed to send this
Sixth Email
Hello Bill!! How are you? I'm ok!!!
I just returned from my work. It was my last day at work, they tell
that there are so sorry that I leave them and they have great hope that
I will return back one day soon I have told not any promises. My boss
is very nice woman and she is really sorry that I leave them she says
that I am very good worker and she thinks that she will have problems
to find different girl like me to work. But she understand that I want
to leave this country because of so many problems for young girls here
and every days there are new ones because of finance crisis here a lot.
I told my friends about you and everybody said they will cross one's
fingers for us and they hope you are a good man and we will like each
other! to be fair I feel myself so sad... I will miss my work... I
almost cry now... anyway I don't want to make any steps back and I want
to continue my arrangements. Please forgive me but today I have not
time to write long letter again. After sending this email I will go
home, take my packed bags and go to Ekaterinburg! It is a nearest big
city and there is an airport. From there I will fly to Moscow!
I’m really afraid to fly on a plane! I hope my plane will not
fall down! I'm really afraid! It is several hours from here to Moscow.
I've never been to Moscow before and I'm so nervous now...I had such
great desire to start my trip already.. and now I feel myself like a
newborn kitten who has even didn't open it's eyes...I just want to hug
my mom and don't want to go anywhere... but I know that's my dream to
start a new life and I will try to turn in to reality! Soon you will
hear some news from me from Moscow!!!!!!!! I do hope you are really
kind man and will not make me sad!??!!?!?! Right!??!? I’m so
exited we will meet soon! I will be able to find a work as soon as I
will arrive to you, so I won’t have money problems. You know I
sent documents for visa to Moscow about 2 months ago, so when I will
arrive to Moscow my visa will be already ready!! well, I have to run, I
think I will be able to send letter from Moscow tomorrow but if not
please don't worry I m not sure how long I will need time to find rent
room and cyber cafe. Please wait for me and don't look at different
girls, you know I am the best!!!(joke) and please forgive me that every
time I have not time but when we meet we will have a lot of time to
talk and you will know all about me then!
I hope I'm the one for you!
Your Sveta
Seventh Email
Hello dear Bill!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited to write you again!!!!!!!!!! I'm in Moscow! You can't
imagine how happy I am because I already started my trip to you! I
still cannot believe I've done it! Wow! As I wrote you I was scared to
fly on the plane but everything was OK and I'm still alive )))) Moscow
is a really big city! I've been told the population of Moscow is about
10 million of people! From the Airport I went by bus... it was so long
way... about 1 hour and 30 minutes. I've seen so many nice places in
Moscow while going by bus! When I got off the plane in the Moscow
Airport policeman asked me about passport and he looked at me like I am
an enemy ))) I think all people here are a little crazy because of
terrorism. Everything here is very expensive, not like in my city...
and everywhere are big crowds of people! Everywhere is so many people!
I feel uncomfortable because of it but I hope I will be OK soon. I
couldn't find a cheap hotel, everything is so expensive in Moscow.
Finally I found a place to stay, I rent a room from an old woman. She
is about 70 years old. She said her husband died 2 years ago and she
doesn’t have money to live, so she gives in rent rooms in her
apartment. She is very nice woman. She said I have to be very careful.
You know... she said many girls from small cities come to big cities,
they are looking for a better future and fortune but because they are
from small cities they can’t imagine their way to find the
happiness can be not so easy as they thought... and some of them can
end up as prostitutes or something like that. She said I should be
careful when I meet you!! But I don't worry about it! I feel with all
my heart you are really nice man! Sorry I wrote you about my worries..
I have nobody to write about it. My mother is worried enough about me
and I don't want to make her worry any more. I think that's really good
I've met you! I can write you about everything. By, the way, one more
thing about my trip.
Agency will help me to rent a room to stay near my future work in your
area. I will share this room with a few girls yet, it is usual
procedure and it helps to pay the rent (it will be cheaper). And I have
a question, is it normal if we will like each other may be it is
possible to live together? Of course if you or somebody doesn't mind.
Do you have a big wide bed? (joke). Anyway, if you will not want to
stay with me it is ok for me to rent a room, don’t worry!!! As
you know I will stay there for three months and later if I want I will
be able to prolong my trip. I will arrive by my Work visa, so I
won’t have any problems with law while I will be working. I think
I will be able to improve my English and I think it will help us to
learn each other better, who knows. I miss my family... but I'm getting
better with every hour )) Now I'm very hungry and I will go and eat
something. I hope everything will be fine.
Please write me as soon as possible! See you soon! Big kiss from
Eighth Email Asking for Money
Hello dear Bill!!!
Here is the info, about my flight, that I was given in agency:
Information for Svetlana Mikhneva
Kind regards, "Antal Tour", 119051, Moscow, Shabolovka 31
office 21. e-mail:
Please use our service. Manager: Aleksey Markov
Flight, May 31, 2010
1. Moscow/Washington UA965 Flight duration: 10h 54
United Airlines
12:35 Moscow (DME), Russia , Domodedovo
15:29 Washington , DC (IAD), USA , Dulles International
Change of plane required. Stop duration: 3h 06
2. Washington/Tampa UA729 Flight duration: 2h 28
United Airlines
18:35 Washington , DC (IAD), USA , Dulles International
Tampa , FL (TPA), USA , Tampa International
Price: foreign passport, visa, tax, consulate fee, ticket Eco. Class.
USD 1590.00
I've got all the information and I'm resending it for you!! I am here
after my visit to the consulate and to the agency I am so happy to say
we will meet in few days!!!! I am really lucky girl to meet you. Honey
the thing is that I booked the nearest possible flight but I have a
little problem and I really hope you will be able to help me. You see I
never expected I will ask you for such help but I have nothing else to
do. You know my mom promised to send me money for tickets by western
union as soon as I will find out prices but she was told on her work
that because of economic crisis she will receive all the money she
saved from every months salary only in a few months. So that’s
why she can’t send me all the sum for tickets now and she was
able to send only 200$ I have got it today. I was sure my mom will help
me because she promised but now she sent a letter explaining it is
possible only in few months or so because of economic crisis. I was in
the bank to try to ask them a loan but they said I need to have a
registration in Moscow to get a loan from their bank and I don't have
it! I think it is not great problem for you to help me. I even hope
maybe it will be pleasure to help me because you are my knight, right?
I wanted to ask you to help me to pay for my tickets directly but they
tell I can't use your help or ask you about sending me tickets because
I have a permission to use the help of the travel agency only because
they do all travel things and it is their business to arrange all
travel things for my trip, such is the law. It is not possible to get a
work visa without the help of the agency, they have too strict rules of
getting visas. After all payments here and my flight from Ekaterinburg
I have about 700 dollars of my own money and I need about 950 US
dollars from your side because I have to pay for my tickets and few
more things, and I have to pay in advance about 1590 dollars. This
price includes all arrangements of documents and everything. I
have to be sure that I will be able to book my tickets or I will lose
all the money I gave them in advance. I'm not going to ask one more
time for your help, you see I am in such situation... I will be waiting
for your answer. I know it sounds like I am a poor outsider but you see
I don't have enough time to find the money I need and find somebody to
help me, you know my mom gave me all she could collect for my travel. I
hate to ask but now I don't have any other choice. I need some help
from you, please help me to leave Moscow and it is all I ask now. Kiss
you, counting days and minutes before our meeting. You know it is only
money, and I think it is not too hard for you to help me, you see I
have such chance only once in my life. I know you are a kind man and I
hope you will be able to help me. I promise I will return all the money
and I will earn money because I am ready to work as hard as I can! You
know my rent address here is Russia, Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka, 63, flat
- 85. Remember my full name is Svetlana - (first name) Mikhneva - (last
name). It is right writing in English, and you should put it on Money
Gram or western union list and you can choose any bank in Moscow, they
tell it is international service and I can pick up the money at any
bank of Moscow. They said I can get only Money Gram or western union
transfer because I have not any bank accounts in Moscow and I have only
passport and it is enough to get it! If you need the address of Money
Gram or Western Union in Moscow is
Bolshaya Ordynka, 40
Moscow, 119017
Actually I've been told you can send it to any of their offices. I can
call you as soon as I receive the transfer to let you know about it.
And please after you complete a transfer write me the number of your
transfer, I'm not sure how it's call but they will give you a number of
your transfer.
Million of Kisses,
Your Sveta
P.S. I am not sure I should tell this but I want to let you know if you
don't like me when I come I will not bother you and it is only your
choice to spend time with me or not. I know you may be too busy, and in
any case I will return the money back. I can have a room for rent if I
want, a job and I want to say please don't worry I don't want to use
you just to reach my goal. I am sure when we meet we will have no
regrets about it, I promise. Please, don't leave me alone I've done so
much to start this trip and I don't want to give up. And I can stay
more than six months, I can stay longer and I can prolong my visa. I
want to get to know you better..... to learn more things about you, to
touch your hand.. look in your eyes..