Fecha: 7 de diciembre de 2010 14:42:25 GMT+01:00
Para: JOSE
Asunto: Hola mi hombre hermoso, y mi JOSE dom !!!!!
Hola mi hombre hermoso, y mi JOSE dom !!!!!!!! Realmente te extrano y
realmente quiere estaremos juntos para siempre. Te amo con todo mi
corazon y me alegro de que esta - la barrera de no destruir nuestro
amor. Te amo, JOSE !!!!!! Tu eres mi vida JOSE!! Tu eres mi angel y yo
hare todo lo que estabamos juntos. JOSE Hoy fui al banco, queria abrir
una cuenta, porque yo no tenia una cuenta bancaria, me dijo que abriera
una cuenta toma algun tiempo, yo estaba muy molesto. Le pregunte al
gerente del banco no puede haber ninguna salida, me dijeron que se
puede utilizar el sistema de transferencia de dinero Western Union. Fui
a la oficina de Western Union, para encontrar toda la informacion sobre
la transferencia. He encontrado una oficina de Western Union en mi
ciudad y encontro un gerente, un consultor para obtener la informacion
necesaria. Administrador me explico que Western Union es el sistema de
transferencia de dinero de la mejor. Es rapido, comodo y seguro! Con el
fin de que usted podria enviar el dinero que necesita saber es solo mi
nombre completo. Para obtener su dinero lo que necesito saber:
Su nombre completo
Ciudad de envio de dinero
La suma de transferencia de dinero
Codigo secreto (MTCN), que consta de 10 digitos que usted en el banco.
Carino, te estoy enviando la informacion necesaria acerca de ti.
Mi nombre completo:
Nombre: Marina
Apellidos: Igolkina
Pais: Rusia
Ciudad: Bor
Ayer, un gerente de banco me dijo que podia conseguir el dinero, usted
no debe permitir ningun error, de lo contrario no puede obtener su
dinero. Tu eres mi principe, eres un hombre de mis suenos y voy a hacer
todo por nuestro amor. JOSE que todo lo que tengo, sueno contigo todos
los dias, imaginar nuestra primera reunion, la primera noche beso,
primero juntos. Quiero sentir tu pasion, tu amor y ternura. Te amo. Me
alegro de que no me dejan en paz y amor en mi corazon me calienta. No
se que hacer, pero voy a hacer todo lo que este a mi alcance que sea
con vosotros. Estoy dispuesto a hacer todo por nosotros y por nuestro
futuro feliz. JOSE te espere y me alegro de que te conoci !!!!!!! TE
Tu y solo tu dulce favorito y Marina.

Nadezhda Mukovnya (Seversk)
For the past couple of
months I have been in contact with two persons who I suspect to be part
of the same online dating / visa scamming operation.
Their names are purportedly Nadezhda Mukovnya 26yo from Seversk and
Regina Antipova 28yo from Omsk. Coincidentally both contacted me
through the Connecting Singles website on the same day. Their
profiles there (since removed or hidden) contained spurious American
identities purportedly from Minnesota and Georgia respectively.
There has been considerable two way correspondence since culminating
inevitably in requests for money to pay for visas to visit Australia as
students, although it is obvious that neither correspondent knows very
much about the way the Australian system of accommodating international
students works. I have consistently pointed out that I believe I
am too old for them and made no secret of the fact that I am not
rich... Both totally true!
I have ignored the last couple of emails from both 'ladies' and intend
to set up a filter to block further correspondence from them in future.
It is perhaps worth noting that since this correspondence began I
believe my computer has been infiltrated by a hacker while I have been
online, intitially using Skype and later while using MSN
Messenger. Coincidence perhaps but I am not a great believer in
coincidences of this nature. I have recently ramped up security
on my laptop as a consequence.
I will follow up this email by forwarding all of the correspondence
from these 'ladies' to the above address in the hope that it will
assist your investigation of the matter.
I would appreciate some feedback in due course but wish to remain
anonymous in this matter. I trust that all of this will help you
in your efforts to reduce this sort of activity.
Yours faithfully,
PS I have been careful not to provide too much identifying
information about myself in all of my communication so far. If
you would like copies of my correspondence I would be happy to forward
those onto you to.
From: nady
Date: Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: ConnectingSingles
To: Don
Hi Don!!!
All apologies for my delay. I really did not have free time before to
replay sooner than now. Anyway it is so pleasant for me to get your
letter. So let's begin... I am some tired to be single with no male so
I decided to use internet for finding lovely male or just good friends,
so therefore I am writting to you... I tried to use some dating sites
and I found your profile on one of them. It was ConnectingSingles
dating site as I remember. I liked your profile and decided to write to
you directly to learn more about you. As for me I must write next
things. My name is Nadezhda. I am 26 years old right now, was born on
November, 22, 1983. I was born in Russia and right now I live in Russia
in city Seversk. So if you are interesting to know where is it you
could use some search in internet to leran more about my city. It is in
about 3600 km to east from Moscow in Siberia region. I am an average
woman, I am not model or something else. But my friends says that I
looks no badly for my age. I'm blondie with grey eyes.
But time to time I color my hair as most women I think. But my real
hair color is light brown. My height 5 ' 7 ", weight about 60 kg (120
pounds). I do not know how is your system of measurements but here is
in Russia we make it in cm, so my measurements from top to bottom are
89X64X92 in cm. I do not have any kids and I have never been married
before. But I like kids. I live alone in an apartment. My mom lives in
my city also not far from me. I use the program-translator therefore my
apologies for bad English language. I hope that you will understand me.
I can not say to you that I know English good, for example when I am
writting letter to you I try to write it in English and when I reach
difficult words or phrases I use translator-programm's help. OK I will
try to send pics in my letters so you will see how I am looks like, I
think photos will say more than words. Today I will send to you a one
pic like I promised. This pic shows to you how I am looks like just one
I have with myself, so I promise to send more pics next times. Anyway I
hope you are interesting in our contact and will continue to write to
me. I will wait for your reply soon.
From: nady <>
Date: 2010/10/28
To: Don
Hi again Don!!!
It is pleasant for me to get your reply.
I really do not know why my profile shows another country but when I
have had registration on that sate I wrote country Russia and I can not
understand why my profile shows another country, may be it is site’s
mistake, I will try to write them and explain the reason. OK I am
trying for write more info about me which I did not write in my first
letter to you. First of all I must inform to you that I do not have any
computer at home therefore I use Internet Cafe service. This is paid
service of granting of work on the computer and grantings of using of a
network the Internet. Therefore sometimes I would not be able to write
to you everyday. Please sorry for it. OK here is some more about me and
my family. My mom is 53 years old but she looks much younger. I love
her because it is the one person of my family for this time. Because my
daddy has died when I was was 24 years I mean 2 years ago. He had got
in car accident and next day he had died in hospital of loss of blood.
But time flies imperceptibly and I have reconciled to his loss. Few
thing what I like. I love sports very much: tennis, swimming,
volleyball, ski. I love to see sport on TV such as hockey, football,
racing, even boxing sometimes. Also I love to see some extreme kinds of
sports such as windserfing, skateboard, motorbikes shows. I also love
winter kinds of sports: ski, skate, snowboards… Winters in Russia are
long so most people likes winter kinds of sports.
Do you like sport? Do you like to see or enjoy youself? And what kinds
of sports you like? I do not smoke at all but if someone smoke around
me I am OK. Every man choose life. I will not ask you do you smoke or
not, because really it is not important for me at all. As for drinks
sometimes I drink wine, champane or beer. I tasted Russian vodka but I
do not like it. What drinks do you like? I thinks as a man you like
some strong and hard drinks? Let me know... I like to cook. I love
Russian food, but it demands very big efforts. I think that preparation
of Russian dish this present art. Some dishes demand very long
operating time above them, but then the dish turns out very tasty and
appetizing. Also I like Italian and some Europe food. Sometimes I like
to eat in McDonald's but not regulary only 1-2 times a month no more,
because it is some unhealthy.
And what kind of food do you like??? Ask me anything you want. I will
try to answer everything you are interesting. Excuse if I would not
answer you some of your questions now or in future because I am afraid
to understand some wrong them and I do not want to write uncorrect.
Therefore sometimes I have to think of a question or a word myself.
Because I know English sometimes slightly apply the knowledge reading
your letters. Here is my new pic for you... I will wait for your next
letter plus pic would be pleasant for me also.
From: nady <>
Date: 2010/11/1
To: Don
Hi my again my friend Don.
Again I came to the Internet Cafe just to get a letter from you. It
brings me so much satisfaction to read what you write me, about you and
your life there. I work as a seller-consultant in local woman shop. My
work consists in consultations about clothes to people which come to
buy it in our shop. Also I help women to try on dress. Our shop calls
"Zolla". In general I like my job, but it does not bring to me the big
money. I see and communicate with many interesting people there. But it
is a hard work because I have to stay there till late and walk from one
place to another. But this job allows me to have an independent life
and to earn for my living.
I have high education and my profession is economist of light industry
but right now I have work to not my profession because I can not find a
place because here are not enough companies work in this sphere. May be
one day I can find my work but it would not be in our city. And do you
like your work? What do you do at work? What is your profession? Do you
work on your profession or it is some other job? I like music and
movies. I like to visit cinema. And do you? Most off all I love a
comedy and historical movies. I love some new movies but mostly I like
such movies as Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura, The Mask with Jim Carry,
Troy, Gladiator, Brave heart and many others. These movies I can see
few times and do not tired of them. Also my favorite actors are John
Travolta, Nicholas Cage, Bruce willis, Johnny Depp, Cameron Diaz
Lindsay Lohan and etc. Also I like to watch 3D movies in cinemas, it is
amazing!!! Here are so many moveis here in our cinemas and I do not
have enough free time to see all new movies.
And which movies do you like mostly? As for music I like various
styles. I listen to different music from classical music to rock, new
waves depending on my mood. Here are som of my lovely misical groups
and singers: Lady Gaga, Enigma, Zemfira, Prodigy, Madonna, Scorpions,
Sting, Garbage, The Cranberries, Era, Metallica, Guano Apes, P.O.D.
Paul Van Dyke, Paul Oakenfold, Armin Van Buuren, Eric Prydz, Pendulum
and David Guetta from DJ’s music, some songs of pop music, also I like
instrumental music and some classic of course. And what kinds of music
is pleasant to you? Do you like some the same as me? OK I will wait for
your next letter with answers on my questions. Also please feel free to
send to me any pics of yourself, it would very pleasant for me to get
any of them. Sorry but I do not have home phone at all. Some pity but I
can not use to call to you a work telephone because it is forbidden
here. I can not promise to you anything about phone callings… So please
do not be mad at me, OK??? Here is a pic of me. It was made in some
garden in summer. Anyway I hope you like this pic. Also feel free to
send me your pic or pics also, I will be glad to get any of yours. Bye
till the next time,
From: nady <>
Date: Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 11:37 AM
To: Don
Hi Don!!!
You know today I have come to check a letter from you and I did
not find out it. It would be very pleasant to me to
receive it from you. Why did you not write to me? Or did you not
interest at me? I ask you to write to me because I want to
find the good friend and I hope that you will become him.
From: nady <>
Date: 2010/11/5
To: Don
Hello Don!!!
So pleasant for me to see and read your letter again. Thanks for pics.
Yes I can say about myself that I am romantic person, you know now I
looking for just a friend only. And who knows may be some later that
friend would my real boyfriend. I like to communicate with you and I
think you are my good friend now. Am I good friend for you also??? OK
here is some more about me. Sometimes I like to read books. Most of all
I love Russian classic literature. I love to read Michael Sholohov, Lev
Tolstoy, Aleksander Pushkin, Anton Chehov, Dostoevsky and Bulgakov…
Also I like to read Victor Hugo and Stephen King. Do you know these
writers??? I do not have a car or bike. Simply cars are expensive in
Russia and I do not have enough money to buy it. Here are in our
country Japan and European cars mostly such as BMW, Audi, Chevrolet,
Toyota, Mitsubishi, Mazda and some others.
I like all kinds of motorcycles, but I have riden on motorcycles about
4-5 times in my life, you know bikes in Russia are not famous because
understand that we have only about 3-4 months warm weather in Russia
and other time we have weather colder that 5*C try to understand that
in that weather to ride on motorcycles is not comfortable and our roads
under ice and it is dangerous, therefore people do not buy motorcycles,
mostly cars… I love animals very much especially cats, dogs, horses and
dolphins. You know 2 years ago I had a little kitty, but one day she
ran from me. I cannot find her from that moment and now I have not any
pets too. May be some interesting for you to know about my past
relations. Anyway I am single now. I have not a boyfriend also because
I can not find him… Although three years ago I have had a boyfriend,
but he have left me to other girl because she was rich. I think that he
has acted ugly though it is his affairs and I am not in the right to
decide for him. Now I have no boyfriend also because I can not find the
good person. Here in Russia it is very difficult for making because
many men drinks alcohol and rough with girls. I am so tired to search a
male for future life or just a boyfriend for myself because I am tired
to be alone. But to find good male here is really difficult mission for
women. Therefore I am using internet to try to find some good male or
just a friend. I want to be honest with you. You know I have
communicated else with one man on internet before. But right now I am
not interested it him, I want to write to you only. I have few friends
although they quite good people. We frequently meet with them on a
camping and we have a rest, play volleyball and badminthon, we talk,
sometimes we drink beer or wine. But I can not find a male for myself
among them, because almost all my friends in pairs.
And how does you and your friends have a rest? Do you have alot of
friends or few good friends as me? OK today I am sending to you my pics
again. Me in black dress was made about 2 years ago... Other was made
near some flowers again. I like all flowers therefore like to
photograthed near flowers. Hope you like these pics. Will wait for you
next letter,
Your friend Nadezhda
From: nady <>
Date: Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 1:32 PM
To: Don
Hi Don!!!
It is some pity for me to not have any new letter from you...
Please try to find some free time to write even some words to me
It would very pleasant to me to have any letter from you.
Please write...
From: nady <>
Date: 2010/11/10
To: Don
Hi my favorite friend Don.
Hope it is OK for you if I call you my favorite friend but it is truth.
You are very pleasant for me as good pen-pal and simple friend. I
called you favorite because I like to write and discuss with you on
some themes which I do not discuss even with not all of my girlfriends.
Your letters are very pleasant for me. Thanks to you, really... I feel
better myself after reading your words. Why I am writting these things
to you??? Because I want to let you know that I am trustful for you. I
do not like jokes or lie so that's way I am writting to you about my
last relations, that's why I am writting to you that I have written to
someone else but now I communicate with you only. I hate lie in any
kind so I hope you will not lie to me also or play some joke with me
OK??? I mean our communication must 100 real and with no any
jokes or games with my emotions or feelings OK? I want to be honest
with you and I want you will do the same. Sorry for such words simply
my last relations made me such opinion to word relation, any kind of
realtion: is it just friends or some more must be honest and true
Yesterday everning after work I went out of my city to some village
about 20 miles from my home to my girlfriend. We have some picnic.
Simply one of my girlfriend buy a car and she celebrated it. We drank
tea some wine and made a barbeque. All my girlfriends were in pairs
with males and I was alone still. They smiled a lot and I have seen on
them and was some sad. I am so tired to be alone. Do you like picnics
and barbeque??? As for me I like picnics and barbeque very much.
Russians likes go out of city any time of year. Most holidays are
celebrate on nature. We have a lot of Holidays here such are Christmas,
New Year, Valentine’s Day, Women’s Day, Men’s Day, Victory Day, May
Day, Child Day, Independence, different Birthdays, Thanksgiving, and
etc. My favorite holidays are my Birthday and New Year Ave. What's
holiday do you like the most? What holidays do you celebrate? You can
see two pics here again. Both were maden in city Sochi in Southern part
of Russia. May be you have heard about this city. I have rest there
last year. One of them was made near some pool in hotel another was
made on sea coast. Hope you like these pics. OK till the next time I
write to you bye,
your friend Nadezhda
From: nady <>
Date: Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 12:20 PM
To: Don
Hi my dear friend Don.
Thanks for reply again.
Yesterday I left work some earlier and went to home to have rest. I
decided to come to home and just watch TV because usually I come back
from work very tired and just go to sleep, therefore watching TV is
some holiday for me... I look some program on Animal Planets. Do you
have this chanel? I think you do. I like this chanel and some other
such as History, LuxeTV, Fashion TV, Discovery, also I like movie
chanels. What's your favorite chanels? I had some bad mood today, so
tired to be alone. I have already written to you why I am still alone.
Here in Russia it is very difficult for making because many men drinks
alcohol and rough with girls. I am also so tired that males sees on me
like on beautiful picture only but not on woman. I feel your good
intentions in our communication. That's why I feel so easy myself with
you. I have never felt it with another males.
I am so happy that I have found such good internet friend as you. I
will wait for your next letter. You know when I read your letters my
heart begin to beat fastly and more strongly. It feels heat and
tenderness. You know I never tested anything similar and sometimes
begin to think that I have more feelings to you than to a just friend.
And do you like my letters? How do you feel about our communication?
Here is my full name and address also, may be it would interesting for
you to know it:
Nadezhda Mukovnya,
18 Kurchatova, apt# 12,
Seversk, 636019,
It is just in case if you wish to send me something in the mail using
post but I do not think that it is good idea because I think mail would
come to me in few weeks if would come at all. OK it would be pleasant
for me to get your address also if you can. Here are two more pics of
me. I like these pics of me. Pic of me in red dress was made last New
Year Holiday, as we do not have a Halloween in Russia we dress on New
Year sometimes. I hope you like them also. I shall wait your answer
with impatience...
From: nady <>
Date: Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 11:23 AM
To: Don
Since I have written my last letter to you
I do not have any letters from you still. What happened? Are you busy?
Please explain...
From: nady <>
Date: 2010/11/17
To: Don
Hi my dear friend Don.
Thanks for reply again. So pleasant for me...
Sorry but I can not chat with you online because it is very expensive
service here in internet cafe. I speak English not bad but not so good…
I think it will quite enough for be able to dialogue with each other
for the first time if I would ever come to you. How are you??? Hope you
have wonderful day. As for me all day at work I thought about you only.
My co-workers asked me why I am such dreaming, but I did not begin to
speak them about that I have some feelings and dreams about you and me.
I can not understand what happens with me. I can not say that it's love
but I like you and it's true. I am in such good mood!!! Thank you that
you are in this world!!! You make my life happy!!! Yesterday everning I
decided to visit my mom. I told to her about me and you. I told her
that I have more feeling to you than just to friend. My mom understood
me and she was very glad that I have communication with you. Because
she saw me and my mood was better than in the past. It would be very
pleasant for me to meet each other one days. Don, how do you think
about it? Will it be pleasant for you if I would come to you one day? I
will try to learn what I need to do and to have to come to you. I have
already given some documents to register international passport few
days ago, will see what happen there soon. I will keep you informed
about it. OK I am sending some good pics for you today. All those pics
were maden in Southern Part of Russia at Black Sea coast, there are so
many beautiful places therefore I am sending these pics of me cause
they are good. I would be happy to get pics of you in your next letter
also, if you could to send of course. Bye for now...
Yours Nadezhda
From: nady <>
Date: Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 12:06 PM
To: Don
hi my dear friend Don
what did I say wrong? why did you not write to me? understand I am
afraid loose such good friend as you I want to be your friend and it is
truth You know if I have said something bad it is not from evil and
please sorry if I have really done it It is difficult here to be alone
Yours Nadezhda
From: nady <>
Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 10:22 AM
To: Don
Hi, my dear friend Don.
I became very happy to receive your letters. I am very tired from our
city, our cold, from cold in my spirit. I want to receive heat and love
from your words, your touches. All my ideas and dreams about you our
meeting only, I live dreaming to meet you in person faster. But right
now I do not know alot about visit you so I will learn about it more
and will inform to you. Don, I can inform you about it soon. As I am
going to visit you I will try to learn about what I need to do for it.
Do you dream about it? I think you would become happy when we shall
meet. I feel some new energy in my body that makes me so pleasant to
live by idea of our meeting. I wait for this meeting very much. My
friends have noticed that I became slightly another, but they are happy
that I feel happy myself. I love to dream of you. It so good and
pleasant for me. And here are some pics of me again for you. Hope you
like these pics of me in swim suit. Send me any of your pics also if
you can. OK now I will go to get more information about visa. I must
get very important information in few hours. I must hear good news
about ready some document for visiting you. But I need to pay for
registration. May I hope for your help with it or must I find a way
myself??? Just let me know it OK??? So I will learn about it and will
explain to you too. Would you like to meet me? Are you ready for it???
I bet yes. Think only how it would cool to meet each other in near
future. Only one dream about it makes me so happy...
Bye for now
Yours Nadezhda
From: nady <>
Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 4:08 PM
Subject: international passport
To: Don
Hi again my lovely friend Don.
I am writting this short message to you just to inform I have very good
news for you!!! I just return from travel agency few hours ago and I
got international passport. So I will add a copy of it even so you can
see that I really got it. I paid for it on my own 3050 russian rubels
which is about 95 $ US somewhere. But I am so happy right now that I
have passport!!! We are one step closer to our meeting!!! Now I am
ready to visit you!!! I hope you are glad for me also!!! So right now I
plan to learn more about my visit to you what else I need to have for
it. But to plan my trip to you better please send me info about what is
your closest international airport or some of them. Simply I want to
learn how much it is costs for me to come to you. It would better for
me if I will know it faster. So let me know it in your next letter,
OK??? Now I must go...
Yours Nadezhda
From: nady <>
Date: 2010/11/25
To: Don
Hi my lovely friend Don.
I went to travel agency to learn about visa. I could get it. But one
problem I have. I do not have money for visa registration. I had some
money before but I used it for my international passport registration.
So now I need about 265 $ US for it total. This amount includes: -
medicalsurvey (I might have blood testing before trip). - payment for
visa registration, - payment for quick registration (because sometimes
registration might borrow 6-9 months) - interview in embassy. I
plan to register a student type of visa because it is the easiest way
to visit you. Other types of visa has some difficulties in registration
or theirs process are long. But I must ask money help from you for
payment for registration of my visa and for visit your country, because
I do not have any money right now. So I am asking this money help from
you. I must pay for visa and passport myself only because I must prove
my solvency and payability this way, therefore I must do it myself.
That's why I am asking money help from you cause I do not have it.
Cause I have already paid for internetional passport as you know and
now I do not have money for visa registration. If I don’t pay for it
now, I could have problems in the future with getting visa. And I don’t
want to loose this chance. People in travel agency needs me to pay for
visa registration in 7-12 days and no more. If I would not pay for
registration in this period my visa access will stop at all and so I
will not be able to register it again because it is really not easy to
register visa for such young woman as me. The possibility to register
visa takes once a 2 years and if not now I will not have chance in
future 2 years to register it at all. So please try to find way to help
me this money sooner, so I might pay for registration sooner because as
you may understand the process of registration visa will take few
weeks. So if you would send money help that amount today or tomorrow I
will be able to pick up your money help faster and pay for it so we
would not loose any time, so it would take less time and we could meet
each other faster. It would very pleasant for me if you will be able to
help to me amount for visa sooner. I hope for your help. Simply I do
not have any other way to find this money because I spent money for
passport already. Or I must let you know something if you would help to
me this money it will nessesary to do it via Money Gram or Western
Union transfer system because we have only these kinds of transfer
system in our city. Also as I have heard it is faster and easy, because
sending money via mail or post office is some dangerous and crazy like
I have already explained to you, even our Russian post office has
attention papers: "Do not sending money and expensive things via post".
Also it is not nesesary to send via any other system because simply we
do not have any others in our city really. If you could make it today
it will be very pleasant for me. If not today please let me know when
can you do it??? So hope for your money help today so I could pay money
for registration that will take about 2 weeks. As I learned all you
need to know to send money transfer is my full name and city, so it is
Nadezhda Mukovnya, Seversk, 636019, Russia, and then you will get some
control transfer number which I would need to know for picking up it.
So I hope for your money help today or tomorrow with hope so I would
start this process sooner. OK here is some pic of my for you again. So
here is you can see me with international passport which I got. Once
again I want to show only how I am real for you and really I plan my
trip to you but still need some of your money help only. Don, I want to
be only yours. I need you and I miss you.
Yours and only yours Nadezhda Mukovnya
From: nady <>
Date: 2010/11/26
To: Don
Did you get this letter from me??? It seems like not...
I have sent it last time and still do not have any comments about it.
So I am sending it to you again...
Hi my lovely friend Don.
I went to travel agency to learn about visa. I could get it.
But one problem I have. I do not have money for visa
registration. I had some money before but I used it for my
international passport registration.
So now I need about 265 $ US for it total.
This amount includes:
- medicalsurvey (I might have blood testing before trip).
- payment for visa registration,
- payment for quick registration (because sometimes registration might
borrow 6-9 months)
- interview in embassy.
I plan to register a student type of visa because it is the
easiest way to visit you.
Other types of visa has some difficulties in registration or theirs
process are long. But I must ask money help from you for payment for
registration of my visa and for visit your country, because I do not
have any money right now. So I am asking this money help from you. I
must pay for visa and passport myself only because I must prove my
solvency and payability this way, therefore I must do it myself. That's
why I am asking money help from you cause I do not have it. Cause I
have already paid for internetional passport as you know and now I do
not have money for visa registration. If I don’t pay for it now, I
could have problems in the future with getting visa. And I don’t want
to loose this chance. People in travel agency needs me to pay for visa
registration in 7-12 days and no more. If I would not pay for
registration in this period my visa access will stop at all and so I
will not be able to register it again because it is really not easy to
register visa for such young woman as me. The possibility to register
visa takes once a 2 years and if not now I will not have chance in
future 2 years to register it at all.
So please try to find way to help me this money sooner, so I might pay
for registration sooner because as you may understand the process of
registration visa will take few weeks. So if you would send money help
that amount today or tomorrow I will be able to pick up your money help
faster and pay for it so we would not loose any time, so it would take
less time and we could meet each other faster. It would very pleasant
for me if you will be able to help to me amount for visa sooner. I hope
for your help. Simply I do not have any other way to find this money
because I spent money for passport already. Or I must let you know
something if you would help to me this money it will nessesary to do it
via Money Gram or Western Union transfer system because we have only
these kinds of transfer system in our city. Also as I have heard it is
faster and easy, because sending money via mail or post office is some
dangerous and crazy like I have already explained to you, even our
Russian post office has attention papers: "Do not sending money and
expensive things via post". Also it is not nesesary to send via any
other system because simply we do not have any others in our city
really. If you could make it today it will be very pleasant for me. If
not today please let me know when can you do it??? So hope for your
money help today so I could pay money for registration that will take
about 2 weeks. As I learned all you need to know to send money transfer
is my full name and city, so it is Nadezhda Mukovnya, Seversk, 636019,
Russia, and then you will get some control transfer number which I
would need to know for picking up it. So I hope for your money help
today or tomorrow with hope so I would start this process sooner. OK
here is some pic of my for you again. So here is you can see me with
international passport which I got. Once again I want to show only how
I am real for you and really I plan my trip to you but still need some
of your money help only. Don, I want to be only yours. I need you and I
miss you.
Yours and only yours Nadezhda Mukovnya
From: nady <>
Date: Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 8:11 AM
To: Don
Hi my lovely sweet friend Don.
I have read your letters. I still hope to get your money help for my
nesesary documents to your country. I want to meet you faster, while we
have this chance we must use it. I mean I still need your money help
for visa registration. It is really very important to get it soon, if I
would not dot it this 7-12 days embassy will stop this process at all
and I could not register visa in future only in 2012-2013 because they
would note me in list of not payability person and might say no for
registration if I decide to do it. So that's why I want to use this
chance. Please try to help me sooner. I feel so bad to ask this money
from you but really I do not have any other way from this problem.
Yesterday I have been so excited about dream of our meeting so I have
already had blood testing which I paid myself, it cost 10,5 $ US, test
was taken 20 mins and my blood is OK do not have any viruses or
bacteries so I may begin visa and international passport registration.
But I still need in amount 255 $ US correctly the process of my visa
registration. This price is for student type of visa as I have already
explained it. My visa will be allow me to be in your country maximum
for 90 days. Sorry but I can not have visa for more days. Of course if
you want we might register my visit for a long days when I would be
there already, it would easier. I hope that you will not wait and will
try to send me money faster that I might pay for this purpose. Then I
have already might plan my flight to you. You know I plan to leave my
country from SVO or DME international airport in Moscow. They are
closest international airports to me. I will need about 700 USD to buy
ticket. But I don't need it now. I will need to buy the ticket when I
would receive a visa. I will try to find money by that time. I
understand what you think now. If I can't find 255 USD then how could I
find 700 USD. Simply I am going to sell some gold rings and some other
jeweller decorations which I have from my grandparents and parents. I
think I can sell it for 600-800 USD. I might sell them, but please
understand to give an announcement in newspaper about it will take few
days, then this announcement will appear in newspaper will take a week
or so, then to find some gold collectioner will take time also. Don't
worry! I will have money for the ticket. I promise you! I want to
arrive to you faster and my sweet now it depends only on you. I have
already explained to you how difficultly to earn such money in Russia.
And I do not want that money stops our relations. Really a little it is
a shame to me to ask it from you but I have no other exit in this
situation. Even to try to borrow money from someone here will not work
also. Simply please try to understand the amount 255 $ US which I am
asking from you is a big amount for Russia. Nobody could give me such
money even friends. Please understand that average income here is
150-250 $ US in month. It is enough for living here but it is not
enough for buy visa and passport for almost 300 $ US. Also please
understand that nobody (except for us) interests in our meeting
therefore please understand that it is very difficult for people here
to give such big money for me for the reason that WE want to meet.
Therefore I am asking money help from you. Because I think we are both
interest in our meeting. Hope you will understand me and my situation
and will try to help sooner. I want to repeat. please, understand - I
ask you to send me money. I understand it is too expensive for a
preset. I understand that 255 $ USD is a big some of money in your
country. I don't believe in miracles as I was disappointed many times
in this life. You will not loose this money. I will come to your place
and will work there or will sell gold rings. And as soon as I earn I
will give you money back. So try to borrow this money help from someone
if you do not have it yourself. We just do not loose this chance me to
come to you. I want to meet only you and to be only with you. Don, do
not forget use Western Union or Money Gram when you would do. Sorry but
we have not any other transfer system therefore one of those ways would
good to use for us. Hope to get good news about it from you in your
next letter. I have limit of days to make a payment for my visa
regsitartion that's why I am so worry about it, that's why I am asking
it to do it sooner. I am so afraid to loose this chance to reach you
while it is still able. Oh, I see this letter turned out big but I only
want to explain the situation correct. Here are two pic of me for you
again. They are some sexy pics of me which I have found. I bet you like
them!!! Also I will try to make some pic for prove my reality. I will
try to send it next time. Anyway I will wait for your next letter...
Yours Nadezhda
From: nady <>
Date: Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:26 AM
Subject: kiss
To: Don
Hello my lovely friend Don!!!
I do not mean to ignore you. My apologies. Sorry but I have not a
computer at home therefore I can not write to you everyday. I thrill to
the thought of receiving your letters, as well as returning them. I
will try harder to please you from now on as to not lose our bond that
we have begun to have between us. I understand that it a little bit
silly so quickly to fall in love but I can not to be against my
feelings. I never thought that I shall fall in love with persons with
help Internet but I so have strongly grown fond of you that to me now
not important as we have got acquainted with you because the main thing
this that I love you strong and it is so cool. Even our financial
problems with my trip to you could not be against of my feeling to you,
I am so happy to feel myself such way. I just fall in love with you and
nothing else matters. As the days pass and the minutes tick away, I
have you and only you on my mind. I cannot stop thinking, wondering,
daydreaming about you. As I've said before, you are my heart and soul,
my reason for going on, my eternal fire that burns deep. My love,
without you, my world is a barren wasteland full of despair and
sadness. You are the sunshine that warms my face, soothes a weary soul,
relieves the aches and pains. To have you with me would be more
priceless than diamonds, worth more than any amount of money, even more
valuable than life itself. You have become my one hope in life, and
without you, I see no future. To be together would mean everything in
itself to me. I LOVE YOU. I have never had a person with such a
domineering effect on my person such as you, and we have not even met
yet. Once together I am certain that all things will be possible and
nothing will be out of our grasp. To have you near me would mean the
world, and that is all I dream and work for. Though things are a bit
rough, they will work out eventually and then things will be great in
our worlds. I love you and that's all that matters. It will guide me
though any and all difficulties to get me and you together. Once
together, we can delight in our life together, be one, love and be
loved as two such people should. The heights of our love cannot be
matched on a scale, will fly higher than! any airplane, and be bigger
than any ocean. I LOVE YOU! More so than any material possessions,
natural beauty, or love of parents. I want to be with you, become a
part of you, to hold you tight and never let go. Without you, I am
shallow, empty, unfulfilled. I really want to meet you soon that's why
I am asking money help from you. I only want to reach you soon. I am
afraid if we would not use this one chance I could not come to you next
2 years at all. Simply Embassy would not let me register nessesary
documents to visit you. So that's why I am asking to find this money
faster. The time is running and I have limit for payment, I have some
more that a week time to pay. Please try to find this money somehow. I
will return it to you as soon as I would come I promise!!! Just lets do
not loose this chance to meet each other and build our relations in new
step not just writting letters to each other. I mean I want physical
relations also such as touches, kisses, sex... Today I am sending to
you some pic that will again and again prove to you my reality. My
girlfriend helped to make this pic yesterday. So you can see me with
paper with your name. I am sending it to you just prove and say that I
am real, I really want to meet you soon that's why I am asking money
help from you. I only want to come true my dreams and promises. But the
money problems stop me and bring me many difficulties in my wish. I
want to reach you sooner to begin our relations in new step. I must go
to work... So for now I shall pause and await your next letter. I LOVE
YOU. That is all that matters to me is to be with you. For with you,
all things are possible.
Miss you...
From: nady <>
Date: Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 6:11 AM
Subject: good news
To: Don
Hi Don!!!
You know I have some good news for you.
As I understood you have some troubles to send money help for me
yesterday I went to bank to ask a credit. And today I got an answer.
They could give me 4000 rubles which is about 130 $ US. So it means
that right now I need in about 120 $ US money help from you. But I must
have it in these 2 days no later. Because I must pay for my visa
registration these two days. If not I would loose chance to get a visa
at all. Try to understand my situation, try to understand my wishes to
meet each other and try to find way to send this money help for me
these 2 days, OK??? Could you??? I hope for your money help only. I
have already done everything in my power, so you are my only hope now.
If you really interested in our meeting also, so please help me!!! Just
remember one thing, I need this money these 2 days and no late. So I
would pay for my visa registration and while this process will be going
I will sell some my jewerly to save money for tickets. So do not worry
about tickets to your side, I will earn it myself, simply I am really
afraid to loose this chance to get visa now and finally meet you.
Because if not now I will not be able to have it next 2 years. Oh I
hate these laws... I will wait for your answer about it with hope with
good news from you!!!
From: nady <>
Date: Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 7:10 AM
To: Don
Hi Don!!!
OK as I understand you absolutly do not have any way to send money help
for me for my visa registration to visit you, so OK I will try to pay
for it myself. Few days ago I have sold some gold thing which I have
simply I was going to use it for tickets but OK I will pay for my visa
registration because I must pay for it today. So will you still wait me
there??? I can pay for visa myself. So in 10-12 days I will have it in
my hand. I hope you still wait for me and want our meeting also. I will
contact with you later when I will have ready papers, OK???
From: nady <>
Date: Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 8:14 AM
To: Don
Hello Don!!!
I do not have any new letters from you still. Or do you really have not
any wishes to write to me? Tell to me the truth because I should know
why do you ignore my letters.
Regina Antipova (Omsk)
Regina Antipova
From: <>
Date: 2010/11/19
Subject: Don! I am from connectingsingles. Sorry for the long answer...
To: Don
Hello Don, I am from
Thank you so much for your reply. I was surprised and happy to hear
back from you. Sorry for the delay. I don’t often use this e-mail
address. I accidentally decided to check my mail box and was happily
surprised to see your letter. I have another e-mail address and I use
it to correspond with my friends. So please, write me on this e-mail
address I will send you a detailed letter
from this address so you know it. Well, I do hope that you’ll forgive
me and write me back very soon. I would like to get to know you better.
I am sure there is so much interesting we can find about each other. I
promised to send you my picture and so here I am attaching my picture.
I will tell you more about myself in my next letter and will send it
from my main, I will be waiting impatiently for your reply.
Have a good day!
Take care.
P.S. If you liked my picture and you are interested, please, write me
soon. And if you are interested , please, don’t forget to send letters
on this e-mail address -
This is my main mail address.
From: Regina <>
Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 3:01 PM
Subject: I am not interesting?
To: Don
Hi Don.
I do not know the reason of you keeping silence. Perhaps, you just
didn't get my letters. I have sent you some and wrote you more about
myself. I didn't write to you earlier as I didn't see your letter at my
email address. If you do not remember me, I wrote you at the dating
site. And I've got your reply at my e-mail. But I didn't see it earlier
that's why I had a delay. Your letter was in the spam folder. Perhaps,
you are not interested in me. So, please, just write me if you are
interested in me or not. And then I will not bother you any more.
Perhaps, you have someone already. Then just write me and I will not
wait for you but look for another man. Maybe you are scared that I am
russian. But I don't think it is a problem. I have lived in another
country (Australia) and worked there. That's why there will be no
difficulties with our communication. I speak English fluently. And I am
going to come and live in your country in a month. I am going to enter
the University in your country to get another higher education. I could
enter the one close to you so we could meet. I am waiting for your
reply. And I will understand everything even if you don't want to talk
to me any more.
From: Regina <>
Date: 2010/11/27
Subject: I am very glad to hear from you.
To: Don
Hello again Don.
I am very glad to hear from you. Thank you for paying attention and for
writing back. I am going to write to you 3 times a week so we could get
to know each other better. You can call me Chado. My name is Regina,
But all my friends call me Chado. it is my nickname... I am going to
tell you a little bit more about my lifestyle. My apartment is rather
small but very cozy. It is very expensive here to rent an
apartment. So this is what I can afford to myself now – one room,
no phone and a small kitchen. But my friends say it is very
comfortable. It is difficult to live alone and do all by myself.
My parents live in another city. I moved from there when I was 17. And
I don’t see them often. We are not in very good relations with them.
But any time they need my help, I will come and do what I can for them.
Though I am 28 y.o. I am ready to settle down, to have family, to
give all my time to my husband. I think that every person needs a place
he could come and feel easy and comfortable. This is what I am looking
for and what I need. I don’t want to be lonely any more. I was
disappointed several times. And I don’t trust men here any more.
By the way, how it happened that you still haven’t found your second
half? You are a very interesting person and a good man. And I am sure
you break hearts. You already know that I am trying to get a student
visa to your country. And it could be a very good opportunity for us to
meet if we like each other through letters and find that we match each
other. The situation in our country is very uncomfortable now.
With our Minister Putin we have no democracy. And our new president
Medvedev same as Putin. There are no good laws; we live like it was
during the Soviet times. And I don’t like it at all. Other countries
are developing fast. But we are still on the same level as it was many
years ago. And consequences of an economic crisis have very painfully
struck Russia. I liked living in Australia. It is a big and well
developed country with lots of opportunities for good life. I lived
there for 1,2 years. But unfortunately, I had to go back because of my
visa. I was there in 2000y. And it was a very good time for me. I
enjoyed it. I worked as a nurse with children. And I liked the family I
lived in very much. They are good people and they helped the first time
a lot. My language skill was not good and they helped me to speak and
understand it better. My living there helped to write and speak English
fluently. So there will be no problems with our communication. I told
youalready in my previous letter that a man I had there just left me
and I don’t want to anything to remind me about this again. I am going
to tell you about interests and hobbies in my next letter. I have to
stop here as the time in the internet cafe is limited. I don’t have my
personal computer at home as most people in Russia do. Well, I will
better stop here for now.
I will try to send you my pics with each letter.
I hope you don't mind?
Once again I added my first letter in bottom because I am not sure did
you get it or not.
As I promised I am going to tell you more about myself now.
I am 28 years old. I have never been married and I have no children. My
height is 5.4(166cm) and my weigh is 110(51kg). You can have an
impression about it from my picture. I am a very affectionate person. I
believe in a life full of physical, emotional and spiritual happiness.
And I want to share such a life with a person who wants the same. I
love the outdoors, spending time at home with a beloved person. I love
nature, water, picnics. But I don’t do this as often as I would like it
to be as I don’t have the one who could share it with me. I am honestly
ready to open my heart to a person who could really appreciate this. I
work as a shop-assistant and do sell clothes for women (skirts,
trousers, blouses ). I really like my job. It is great when you can
help someone to look more beautiful and I like to be around people.
I live in Russia. The city is called Tomsk. If you look at the map, you
will find it close to the center, in the beginning of Sibiria. but
somewhere I am going to get a student visa and I am going to come to
your country. I thought a lot about it and had come to such decision. I
love Russia but I do really want to move to a more stable country. The
life is very complicated here. I know it will not be easy in a foreign
country. But I am sure I can do much more in your country. I am a
hard-working person and I am not afraid of difficulties, so with the
opportunities that your country gives I can do more than I do here. I
already have some experience living and working in a foreign country.
Some years ago I worked in Australia and I should say I liked it very
much. So I know what is waiting for me and I don’t want to waste time.
And I decided to try and find a person I could rely on, the one who
will be with me in joy and sorrows. We all work a lot now and it takes
so much time that we miss the most important in this life – love
relations and family.
Living in Australia I had relations with a man. But I had to go back to
my country as my visa was over. He didn’t want to wait for me any
longer. It was too difficult for him. It was a very hard period for me
but I could handle it. And now I am ready to fall in love and to have
new relations. I tried to have correspondence with foreigners. But as
soon as they get to know I was from Russia they disappeared. They
thought I was a scammer. I hope that you are not scared that I am from
I want you to understand, I am not a scammer. I don’t need money from
you. I heard much about it and I really feel sorry for women who are
true and want to find their happiness. All this is so wrong as there
are so many people who really want to find their second halves. And
internet is a very good opportunity for this. I hope that you like my
pictures. I am not a model, of course. I am just an average Russian
girl who is truly seeking her love... I hope that you are interested in
me and I will hear back from you. And perhaps, in the future we will
have an opportunity to meet. I go to the internet cafe 3 times a week.
That is why I am going to write to you in a day. Well, I hope that now
you understand me better and I will be waiting impatiently for your
From: Regina <>
Date: 2010/11/30
Subject: I am very glad to see your reply.
To: Don
Hi Don,
It’s me again.
I am very glad to see your reply...
I am 28 y.o.
But I don’t care of age difference. I think when two people really love
each other they don’t think of the age.. I have some time and I decided
to tell you more about myself. I really like you and I would like to
know you well. And I want you to understand me better too, to know how
I live, what I do in my spare time. Well, I like cooking very much.
This is one of the things that make me relax and forget about all the
bad things that happen during the day. Salads, different soups,
pasta, souses, cakes and pies– it is just a short list of what I cook.
I like very much to try new things. It is always nice to go to a good
restaurant or to a nice pizza place, cafe. I do it seldom, usually it
happens when we celebrate someone’s birthday. I very like sushi. I like
trying new cuisine and trying to guess what are the ingredients.
What’s favorite dish?
I like pool? do you like pool?
I like Bowling? do you like Bowling?
What’s is your favorite colour ? Mine is red and black.
I like animals a lot. Also I like watching programmes on TV about
animals. I do love cats and dogs. Also I like make a horse ride. I
think it is very exciting. I have no pets. But my best friend Vika has
a dog and a cat. We often walk with them along the street. Watching
movies is one of my adorable things to do, especially at the weekend.
It is always so nice to rent some movie, to cook something tasty or
something sweet, to invite someone of my friends and enjoy the time
together. It is especially nice doing it in the cold winter evening
with a warm blanket and a cup of hot tea or coffee.
What’s favorite movie? Any favorite actress and actor? I like Brad Pitt
and Charlize Theron very much. I think she gorgeous. And I always try
not to miss a new movie with them. Also I like studying languages. I
try to improve my English and also I would like to learn French some
day. I have a phrase book and trying to learn something though
sometimes it is rather hard. I always try to find time to read
something. The last book I’ve read was “Loneliness in the
internet” by Vishnevskiy. I liked it very much though it is sad but it
shows the true life of people. I also like to read classical things by
Tolstoy, Bernard Show, Dostoevskiy and others. I regularly go into
aerobics. And I also I go twice a week to the swimming-pool. It helps
me to stay in a good shape and to be healthy. I try to lead a healthy
life style, don’t have any bad habbits. Music helps me to be a in good
spirit. I like ballads very much though sometimes I can listen to a
fast music. I like Lara Fabian very much and Darren Hayes.
I like to have long walks in parks.
I like to drive on a bicycle.
I have no it, but often take for rent bicycle.
What about you? What are your prefers? Tell me, please, more about you
and your interests. I have one question for you. Do you know any
colleges and universities close to your place? I could check them in
advance and enter then when I go to your country. I wish to arrive to
your country. I wish to receive the visa next month. I have already
started to collect documents necessary for a trip. I wish to study and
live near with you, that we could meet. I wish to study as the medical
worker or the bookkeeper. I like both trades. But I can choose and any
other branch of formation. Well, I have to close here. But will be
waiting very much for your reply.
From: Regina <>
Date: 2010/12/2
Subject: such a pity there is no message from you.
To: Don
Hello Don,
such a pity there is no message from you. Did you get my last letter? I
have sent few pics in it and have said about my hobbies. May be my
letter has got in yours spam folder? Look there! I only want to tell
you that I think of you and wait for your reply. Please, write me as
soon as possible. I am waiting for your reply impatiently.
Unfortunately, I can’t talk to you on-line, as I write letters to you
from the internet cafe and the time is limited there. I wish I could
chat with you but right now it is just impossible as I don’t have a
personal PC. But I shall continue to send you email letters and pics. I
am going to send you my address here. As I already told you I
rent my apartment and I don’t have a phone there. But here is my
address, in case you decide to send me a card or a hand-written letter:
to Regina,
apt.-14, Ukrainskaya street 2,
Tomsk, 634021, Russia
Yes, I am going to come to your country. Somewhere in a month. I am
going to enter the University or college. I am doing all the paperwork
for this now. That's why I asked you about the colleges or Universities
close to your place. So I could study and meet with you there. I shall
live in campus. Do you want it? You want that I lived near to you in
your district? Do not forget to send me your photos. As soon as I
finish this letter I will go and have a short walk. You know walking is
one of the things I adore. It is so nice to have a long walk and then
find some small cafe and get a cup of coffee there. I don’t have a car
and I don’t really want to have it right now. And it is too expensive
for me. I have no money to buy a car. I have never tried to drive a car
and I have no license. Walking is much more pleasant. Unfortunately,
most of the times I have to walk alone. All my friends are married and
they try to spend more time with their families. I also like to go to
the movie a lot. But do it rather seldom. Usually I go there with my
friends, but they don’t do this often. They try to spend more time with
their husbands and children. As I don’t have children and a husband, I
try not to bother them often. Sometimes I feel rather lonely but I try
not to think of this often. Any way, my city is too beautiful not to
walk. My city is very beautiful. There are so many places of culture
there, lots of monuments. It is very green. It is especially beautiful
in spring and in summer time when everything is awaken after the winter.
There are also many parks and we have one boulevard with fountains. And
it is gorgeous. Also we have some really beautiful churches. I am
Christian but I am not really religious. I have my own faith inside.
And I go to the church but do it seldom. I am not fanatic about
this. I like nature very much and it is always a please to go somewhere
to the country-side and to spend a day there. I like picnics, camping a
lot. It is great to spend a day on the fresh air, especially when you
are with friends or family. I try to enjoy it every time we do it but
sometimes I feel very sad as I miss not having my second half near.
Well, I am not going to be sad, as I am sure everything will be fine.
Please, tell me about your city? What is it? What’s interesting there?
From: Regina <>
Date: 2010/12/4
Subject: Hi.
To: Don
Dear Don!
I decided to come to the Internet cafe again to write you.
I already spoke you - I shall arrive to you in a month.
I still choose college in which I shall go to study.
I shall inform you the name when I shall know.
I shall know all the information in a week...
I am going from the post office. I decided to send my parents a
letter. As I already told you I am not really in good relations with
them. But any way, they are my parents and I love them. I also have a
brother and he is younger than me and they give him all the love they
have. They always loved him more than me and didn’t pay much attention
to me. My mum wanted to have a son very much and she couldn’t get
pregnant for a long time and she was very happy when she got to know
she was going to have a son. Of course, it hurts to know that they love
him a lot and are not very interested in my life. But if they are
happy, I am glad for them. When I have returned from Australia, I
entered the Pedagogical Institute and studied for an educator. I worked
as an educator in the kindergarten as soon as I finished it. Though I
like children a lot, the salary was too small to continue working
there. You know it is rather difficult to live alone when you
don’t have any help from anyone.
That’s why I decided to try and find another job. I had relations
with men in my life. But I can’t depend on a man. When I love I give
all of myself to this person. Unfortunately, men can’t always
appreciate this. I like sex but I think that when you are in relations
with someone you should be faithful and do not betray the one who lives
with you. Unfortunately, men here want to have everything, a faithful
wife and another woman as a lover. I am a very devoted and faithful
person and this I can’t accept. Hope you understand me. Sex is very
good but I accept it only with the person that I love. I am not a
virgin but at the same time I am not a slut. My last relations were 2
years ago. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out as he was too busy
spending good time with his friends all the time and he almost paid no
attention to me. I was just like a beautiful thing for him and nothing
more. Since that time I had no relations with other men.
Well, it is not really comfortable to talk about sex right now. You
know that I write from the internet cafe and there are lots of
people around me. And also I don’t know you too good yet to discuss
this topic. I have to go now. People are coming and coming to the
internet cafe and you know my time is limited. Internet cafe is a place
where everyone can come and use a computer there. We have to pay for
such a service. It is not a library where you can use computers free of
charge. When I lived in Australia I often went to the library and could
use computer there as long as I needed. But here the time is limited as
there are too many people who need to use them. Please, tell me about
your family. What relations do you have with them? On pics my friends
Vika and Lera.
Enjoy you day!!!
All the best to you.
P.S. I asked you in my previous letter to send me your address.
I want to send you a card and my picture. Or perhaps, I will send you a
hand written letter.
From: nady <>
Date: 2010/12/6
Subject: little time
To: Don
Hi Don!!!
You know I just want to write this letter to you just to remind you
that I have very little time to pay for my visa registration. The time
is running very fast and since I have written to you about my situation
for payment for visa went many days and I have been informed yesterday
that I have only 4 days for payment. If I would not do it so the
process of registration will stop so will stop my plan to reach you for
the next 2 years at all. Because Embassy would not allow me to have
visa in future. Only now!!! I am so afraid to understand that we will
not meet at all. So please find way to get that money somehow faster. I
have only these 4 days!!! Oh, please lets not miss this chance. Try to
send this money help sooner. I still need in about 255 $ US from you!!!
I will return this money to you if you need as soon as I would reach
you. Just remember it, I will have some money later but right now I do
not have any myself, because I spent it for international passport
registration and blood test. And to save money for visa needs time, but
this limit of days for payment brings me problem. I can not find this
money myself faster, so that's why I am asking money help from you. If
you really interest in our meeting also please help me soon. We have
only 4 days for it!!! Sorry may be this my letter to you some chaotic
or nervious but try to understand me correctly!!! I am so afraid to
loose this last chance to meet each other in person!!!
Yours Nadezhda
P.S. Also here is a copy of message which I have gotten from my travel
agency who has explained situation, read it and try to understand me and
help me:
> TRAVEL INFO : Nadezhda Mukovnya
> © Travel Agency Albatros-Tour .
> TRAVEL INFO : Nadezhda Mukovnya (individual) - student visa.
> Russian-English variants.
> Ms. Nadezhda Mukovnya
> We got copies from you of necessary documents to begin a visa
> process includes a copy of your Russian Passport, a copy of your
> International Passport, copy of blood test.
> We made request to Embassy and your documents were successfully
> But your visa registartion process may begin after cash purchase by
> youeself for it only. So we need to remind you to pay for process
in the
> appointed term which we have already reported to you before. If
you would
> not pay for visa registration process Embassy will note you as an
> insolvent citizen and will cancel an approval of your documents and
> will not accept any documents from you in future 2 years untill
> December 2012.
> Travel agency Albatros-Tour.
> Our goal is to provide quality services for group and individual
> Price: visa registration process USD 255.90
> Visa registration process will be automatically cancelled if the
order is not
> purchased until December 10, 2010.
> Thank you for choosing our agency.'Albatros-Tour' is a licensed and
> officially registered travel agency.
From: Regina <>
Date: 2010/12/7
Subject: how are you?
To: Don
Hello Don,
I am so glad I have you in my life and I have an opportunity
to come to the Internet cafe and talk to you...
Sydney, Australia?-
Because when I did this that lived in Australia!
I am not really in a good spirit today.
I had a very bad conflict at work. Some people here in Russia think
that if they have lots of money they can do and say everything they
want. I had a conflict with one very rich woman at work. She didn’t
like the quality of the clothes. And was so rude with me. But I am just
a shop-assistant. I am not the owner and I just sell things. Sometimes
I feel that I am very tired from my life in Russia. I have nothing. I
rent a very small apartment and can’t afford anything better. I get a
very small salary and prices increase here every year. But salaries are
still the same. I was shocked when I get to the store to buy some food
yesterday. They increased prices again for milk products. Milk costs
about one US dollar which is too much. For-example, my salary is 120 US
dollars a month. And a half of it I pay for the apartment. And what is
left I spend for food. Very seldom I can afford myself to buy something
from clothes. Therefore I wish to leave to live in other country.
Therefore I save money for a trip.
I am just tired from a hard life here. And I want to move to a foreign
country. I want to get another education, to find a good job there.
That is why I am trying to get a student visa. I haven't decided yet
what University I am going to come to. I am still searching
information. I would like it to be close to you. I am doing the
paperwork now. And as they told me my visa would be ready in a month.
But I don't know the exact dates. It is just the way things are done
here. As soon as I know everything, I will let you know. I want to have
a more stable life for me and my future family. And what is more
important I want have a strong man near me and to have a comfortable
life for us. So I am trying to save money any way I can for my trip and
studies. Please, forgive me for writing this to you. But I need to talk
to you. It is sometimes so hard to be just by myself. And sometimes I
need a strong shoulder and a friend to cry and to get an advice.
I know that you are a very understanding person. So, please, try to
understand me. You are my friend and I trust you. Now I shall go to a
bathroom. I like to lay in bathing with foam. It would be great to take
a bath together. It is very relaxing. And I think it is rather
romantic. PLease,let me know what you think of this. Write me your
thoughts and your dreams. Write a replay to me. Your letter will make
me glad. I will wait with hope.
From: Regina <>
Date: 2010/12/9
Subject: I want to apologise for complaining in my previous letter.
To: Don
Hi dear Don,
Miss you… wait answer.
You get my last letter???
In the first lines of this message I want to apologise for complaining
in my previous letter. I don’t really want to complain and I don’t want
to talk about money any more. This was the first and the last time I
did it. I was just in a very bad spiring while writing my last letter
to you. Sometimes we have bad periods in life and we need a strong
shoulder of a friend. I hope that you let me think you are my friend.
And I trust you that is why I decided to share my thoughts with you. If
you ever need to talk and if you ever need a friend, you can always
talk to me... I have been thinking a lot about our meeting and I want
to meet with you a lot. I am doing all the paperwork now to get a
student visa. And I do hope to get it. So if I get it I will be in your
country. and I think it is really a very good opportunity for us to
meet. Please, tell me do you really want to see me? Do you want me to
visit you? Do you think that we could like each other and be together
in the future? Please, be honest with me and tell me the truth.
I know that you are being tired with this question. But you should
understand my concerns. This is a very major decision to move to the
other country. Perhaps, you wonder why I have such a big desire to move
from here. The reason is very simple. I have nobody and nothing to stay
here. I will miss my friends, but they already have their families and
they live with their own lives. I have parents but you know we are not
in good relations with them. And I think they will not miss me. I have
no good job, have no stability. I have no family. It is very hard to
live in Russia and I don’t think it will ever be better. And I am
really tired from this life. That’s why I have such a strong desire to
get a student visa, to come there, to get a new education, to settle
down and already to have a family. I hope that you understand me and
that you support me in my decision. Please, don’t be offended if I
don’t always answer your questions. I do it because my time in the
internet cafe is limited. I don’t always answer your questions because
I am in a rush when I answer your letters. I come here 3 times a week
and have only 15 minutes to write to you. I wait your answer on my
From: Regina <>
Date: 2010/12/11
Subject: love you...
To: Don
Hello dear Don.
I already wrote to you - I am 28 y.o.
But I do not care of age difference. I think when two people really
love each other they do not think of the age.. Today I am writting to
you why I am alone. I am so tired that males sees on me as on beautiful
pic only but not on woman. I think you like my spirit mainly not my
appearance. That's why I feel so easy myself with you. I have never
felt it with another males. I feel that you like my spirit firstly and
then appearance. I want you to understand that I do really like you
very much. And I think that we have much in common and may be if
meet we will understand that we are a good match. I am trying to get
more information about the student visa and I am doing a paperwork that
is neccesary for it. There are so many things that I should do for this
but I think it is worth it. I am going to come to your country. I am
sure I will get my visa. And I want to know will you meet me there? You
are my friend and you are a very close person to me already. And I like
you very much. I feel that there is something between us. I hope you
too have the same feelings. Of course, I can’t say that I know you very
well. But I feel that you are close to me. I wish to know you better. I
wonder how it can be to spend time with you, to be with you, to
cook together, to have dinner together, to watch movies, to walk
holding hands. Letters are good, they help to understand people better.
But only meeting can show the real feelings. When you can touch, look
into each other’s eyes, it says a lot. Please, tell me what you think
of this. Would you like to meet me? Any way you can be my friend. I
will be in a foreign country and I will need a person I can trust. And
I trust you already and I hope you do the same.
Please, think on this and let me know if you too want to meet with
me. I want it very much. I want to see you in real life, to talk
to you, to know you real but not only through the letters. I think, I
can trust you? Today I added photos from Black Sea. I have been there
last year with my friend Vika. She says I have a beautiful body. She is
a very talanted photographer and I like to be her model. She is my
friend and is a very good girl. She usually takes pics of me. We went
to work together. She works close to my place. She is a shop-assistant
too. Also today she has made 2 pics me and my passport.
I shall attach to you it in the following letter.
I will go now to get more information about visa.
I am going to get very important information.
I hope to hear good news.
I shall have information approximately in half an hour.
From: Regina <>
Date: 2010/12/11
Subject: information...
To: Don
Hello my dear Don!
I have all the information about my visa now. And I will get it without
any problems. It will be so great to come to your country at last and
to see you. I even can’t believe this could happen some day! Yes,
perhaps, I act like a silly girl. But I already dream of our meeting. I
try to imagine how this could be. How I will touch your hand, look into
your eyes. So now I have to do is to show them all the papers and to
pay for it. But here I have one problem. I tried to save money. But I
didn’t expect I would have to pay for visa so soon. I thought it would
be later. So I don’t have enough money right now. And I need your help
in this if you really want to meet me. I need 240 US dollars to pay for
visa. It will include medical insurance and everything that should be
there. Perhaps, you think why it is so expensive. Well, sum of money
includes visa, insurance, medical certificate and many other papers.
I already have got my passport for going abroad. I have already made it
and have paid for it. But I didn’t think that they would give visa so
soon. And if I don’t pay for it now, I could have problems in the
future with getting visa. And I don’t want to miss this chance. To
prove you that I am real and I don’t lie to you, I am going to attach
you a copy of my passport. So all I need to do now is to pay for visa.
And then everything will be done and all we have to do is wait for the
time it is issued. I have only 7-10 to pay for it and I will get
it without any problems. This visa allows me to stay in your country
for 3 months. And to enter any university during 3 months. I can stay
for longer is I enter the university. But if I find a job I can stay
for the rest of the time in your country if I find a job when I finish
my education. But I also plan to work there while I study. I don't want
to depend on any one. I will return back your 240 $. I am asking it to
borrow. I will work and return back it. I promise. I’ve got to know
that the best way for you to send money through Western Union or Money
gram. Please, don’t send me money by regular mail. First, for sure I
will not get it as they steal money and things here. And also it will
take long time for the mail to come. And then I will miss my chance
with visa already.
So, please, use WU or Money gram for sending money. It is an easy and
quick way to get it. You already know my address, I’ve sent it to you
already. And my full name is Regina Antipova. You better check or to get more information and also
offices that are close to you. You can send money to any Western Union
of Tomsk. Please, understand my problem and send me 240 dollars. So,
please, let me know if you can help me in this.
From: Regina <>
Date: 2010/12/14
Subject: no reply? why? I feel shame and offended.
To: Don
Dear Don,
I do not know what to start my letter with. I feel shame and offended.
I just want to tell you that I am completely serious. I have serious
intentions to come to you and I am not going to lie to you. I am not a
silly little girl that plays games to get money. Can’t you see it from
my letters? I understand that I should settle down already and that is
why I am going to move to another country. I know that in Russia I will
not be able to have a strong family and good job. I will be unhappy.
Here men don’t look at women as you do it. I have decided to move
long time ago. But couldn’t start doing it before I met you. I
didn’t want to go to your country without love. . I asked you to send
me 240 USD. And I feel shame for this. But I had no other choice then
to ask you. The problem is that I have only 7-10 days to pay for my
visa. I didn’t realize I would need the money so urgently. They took my
papers and told me that I wouldn’t pay in 7-10 days, they would just
refuse me. And then I will not have another chance to get visa to your
country. It was a shock for me . I thought that I could just leave the
papers and then pay for it before the trip. I think I would be able to
find the money by that time. But it was beyond my forces/ I was
shocked. I went to all my friends and acquaintances. But all refused to
me. They don’t give such a big sum of money. I don’t ask my parents as
they just don’t give me money. When the last time I asked them to help
me, they refused me. They told me they had to support my Brother and
themselves. It hurt me. That is why I do not ask them about anything
any more and I almost don’t talk to them. I asked my friend Vika to
help me, but she had not such money. She is married and has a child.
And recently they have bought an apartment and took it in credit. I
also went to the bank to check there. But they even didn’t listen to
me. My salary is only 120 USD. And they just can’t give me 240 USD. I
had tears. That is why I decided to ask you. And I feel shame for this.
I understand that it is very difficult for you to trust the girl you
have never seen before. Lots of Russian women lied to foreigners. But I
am not the same. I am real. And I am not going to lie to you! I promise!
I know that 240 USD is not such a big sum of money in your country. And
I ask you this money not as A present to me, I am going to give them
back to you. As soon as I come there and start working I will give you
money back. I told you I was going to study and to work. I will be able
to pay for my studies and for my accommodation. I already told you I
was going to get a student visa for 3 months. I will be able to come to
your country and to choose any university or college. I have 3 months
to enter it. And I can stay there as soon as I finish it. I am going to
choose the one that is close to you to be able to see you often and
perhaps we could get married. You are really a very dear person to me
and I want to be with you and if you fall in love with me, we can get
married in the future. If we are together, we will build our
future together. I am not the one who wants to get everything in at
once. WE will work together and pay our bills. I understand that
family is for the rest of the life in joy and sorrows. And I will
understand if you decide not to have a family with me, and we can just
be friends. I will understand if you fall in love with another woman.
You can’t order your heart who to love. I understand that you can like
me through the letters but in real life you may not fall in love
with me.
I ask you one more time, please, understand me and send me 240USD. I
already told you that you have to send me money to my city. You should
use Western Union or Money Gram for this. And use my address that I
have sent to you. You should send money to Tomsk for my name. My full
name - Regina Antipova. Regina this is my name Antipova is my last
name. You don’t need anything else to send the money. As soon as you
send the money they will give you secret number ( MTCN or Reference
Number ). And you’ll have to tell me it. Or I will not be able to get
the money without it. As I already told you could get all the
information and the address of the office at the site -
I don’t know what else to say for you to send me money as soon as
possible as my time is limited. Next time they will just refuse me in
visa. I wrote you all the truth in this letter. I am sincere and open
with you. I hope that you will understand me and decide to meet
with me. Please, believe me and send me 240 USD. And please, remember
that I have only 7-10 days to pay for it. P.S. I was in such a rush
that I forgot to take pics with me. I will send them next time.
I promise you.