Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 13:51:11 -0600
From: hone6stolga@yahoo.com
To: jules-11007@hotmail.com
Subject: It is Olga here again.
Hello Julian , I want to tell you some more things about me and my
life! you know I am 26 years old,I was born here in Russia I have one
brother and many relatives.My mom works in dining as assistant kitchen
and my is father retired, he was a former military. You know I work as
a manicure master.I worked as model to show different styles of the
dresses but two years ago they told that I am too old to work as model
and you know now I am manicure master. I am looking just for a good man
who can show me over there, who can help me first months. I think it is
hard enough to be alone in foreign country for young girl, I hope my
age is ok for you? Julian you should know I am hardworking lady! I have
two diplomas and certificates, I can do different types of manicure.
When I arrive (I will travel alone) I want to work hard and change my
life! Julian you see that maybe I'm too naive but I still believe in
miracles to come! I am about 167 cm tall and my weight is 50 kg. I will
leave my town to travel to moscow (I can't tell you exact date right
now) and if you are ready to meet me I will travel from moscow to you.
I would like to be sure I have a man who is waiting for me over there.
Well I will finish this letter and do hope you have interest to meet me
and tell me more about you and your life. I know it is hard enough to
describe myself. As for me I hate to write too long letters and I
prefer alive conversation and if we will meet you will be tired to
listen all my stories!!! Olga. P.S. I live in small village near black
sea,it is Taman, it is near town Anapa. some my new photos for your
eyes!!!! I am on the left with my friend photo!!and thank you for photo
I liked a lot.
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 23:17:20 -0600
From: olga71rabbit@yahoo.com
To: jules-11007@hotmail.com
Subject: Olga here with some words.
Julian dear you see I am here, wrting to you as always!!!!
You should know that The agency here only helps me to get work visa and
leave russia! And I can choose any city or town in your area. I don't
want to live in Russia because I have not any chances here,it is hardly
possible to explain but I want you to know my plans. I saw many stories
in news on TV about girls who started a new life and decided to work
abroad... I started to register my documents about 2 months ago, so I
will travel soon and I will be allowed to work! Julian You see I`ve
already started to register documents and now I need to decide in which
city I want to work. When I am in moscow I will inform the agency that
I know the town where I want to work. Julian dear if you are ready to
meet me please tell me the name town you live and nearest inter airport
name! So it will be my destination!!! Well,I will leave you, because I
have to go now ,I have a lot of things today to finish! Kiss you!Olga
Please forgive me if I missed some of your questions so many things to
do!and I do hope you like my new photos! I was about five years old and
some photos from my ex job and from my life!
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2012 10:38:51 -0600
From: olga71rabbit@yahoo.com
To: jules-11007@hotmail.com
Subject: I leave my town ,Olga here!!!
Hello dear Julian ! You should know that after sending this email I
will go home, take my packed bags and fly to Moscow! You know I sent
documents for visa to moscow about 2 months ago,so when I arrive to
moscow my visa will be already ready!! Well,I have to run,I think I
will be able to send letter from moscow tomorrow or aftertomorrow.
Please wait for me and don't look at different girls, you know I am the
best!!!(joke). Julian please confirm the name of the closest Airport to
you (possibly International) and the code if you know.I will get my
documents to travel, as work permission, medical insurance etc. Julian
from Moscow I will buy ticket to your airport. I know it will not be
cheap, but my mother will receive a salary for last 6 months (her work
detained wages)and will send me to moscow by western union to help me
to pay for tickets! And about one important thing,do you agree that
good sex is quite important for successful relationship? I like sex a
lot but at first I have to be sure that I have feelings and want this
man because just sex without feelings is not so hot and tender,I think
so. Please tell me what do you think about it?Kiss Olga,I am sending
photo of my granny and some new of mine.
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 11:32:29 +0600
From: olga71rabbit@yahoo.com
To: jules-11007@hotmail.com
Subject: My travel info,Olga here.
Julian I have got all travel info from agency You should know it is
only booked schedule and I will send more details later when I have
tickets in my hands . I will send time of my arrival to your airport
and number of terminal . Now I am sending exact date of my flight
From "Travel & Work,Moscow, RUSSIA" to Olga Shmakowa.
TRAVEL INFO : Olga Shmakowa - Individual tour. Flight info - English
Travel dates for: Ms.Olga Shmakowa
Thank you for your booking and have a pleasant journey. Kind
regards.Travel Agency - "Travel & Work,Moscow, RUSSIA" is a
licensed and officially registered travel
Please use our service .Manager: Ms.Golovakina Irina
The date of the flight is - Friday,15 June 2012.
Price: Service of agency , foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate
fee,ticket Eco.class.USD
1200 USD
all the sum : 1200 USD
Taxes and fees 60.00USD Includes a service fee. Total trip cost
1260.00 USD
Your reservation will be confirmed by e-mail. Prices are not
confirmed until we issue your confirmation invoice.
This reservation will be automatically cancelled if the order is not
purchased until - Thursday,14 June 2012.
Julian I am here after my visit to the consulate and to the agency so
please be ready to read my long letter. The thing that mom was able to
send me only 200$ due to finance problems at home, so I received a
transfer today morning and I need your help. Mom told me that I can ask
you about help if you are my beloved and she will send all the sum
in a few weeks and i will give it all to you.Julian I wanted to ask you
to help me to pay for my tickets directly but I was told in travel
agency I can't use your help or ask you about sending me tickets or
ordering electronic ones because I have a permission to use the help of
the travel agency only. You see it is business of travel agency to
arrange all travel things for my trip, such is the law. If I will buy
ticket by myself, I will be not able to use my work visa. So you can't
send me tickets.you see the price of the trip is big enough but I can
get work permission only with help of agency. If I will not buy
tickets my visa will be canceled and it will be forbidden for me to
apply for visa again for next 8 months. Now I have only about 150
dollars that I expected to take with me for the first time and plus
200$ mom sent so if you will help me with 950$ I will have enough to
buy tickets and have some extra money for travel needs. Well,I will be
here tonight and please don't worry if I can't answer immedeatelly . I
have too much to do. Julian please make transfer by western union, I
got transfer from mom and have all the info for it, it was so easy to
get. You should know my rent address here is Russia, Moscow, Prospek
Lenina 229 - 31. My full name is Olga (first name) Shmakowa(last name)
and I can pick up the money at any bank of moscow. It will be safe to
use western union transfer! Please try to help me with the sum and in
one month I will return you money back!! P.S. Julian dear I am sure
when we meet we will have no regrets about it, I promise. I dream about
our first meeting, our first kiss ,our first night.............I will
dance for you, I think everything depends on you! Please, honey, don't
leave me alone I've done so much to start this trip and I don't want to
give up. And as always forget about important thing, when I got my mom
transfer in western union bank here I fill out the form and I send this
form because I can't get transfer from you if I don't know this info to
fill the form. I need to know Full name of the sender. The name of the
town from where the transfer was sent. MTCN transfer number. I am
sending my best photos to make you sure that I look enough well for you
and some fotos from my ex job I worked as model.
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 11:33:44 +0600
From: olga71rabbit@yahoo.com
To: jules-11007@hotmail.com
Subject: Julian please take me from here!!!
Julian, my love, I don`t know what to do.
I asked for help all my friends and family but their answer was "no". I
thought that I will never ask you for such help, but I don`t have
another way...I do hope to get your letter with words that you will
help me because if not I have to cancel all travel preparations and
collect things to go home.I can't imagine I am at home again,without
any result with canceled documents.. Oh I want to be with you so much..
Honey please take me from here,I will work hard to earn money and I am
sure I will be able to return all your money and return your kindness
because you are so kind to me.My poor english is problem to express all
my feelings I only hope that you can read between words and I very much
hope that we will meet each other on Friday. I`m not a ganster or a
mafia, I`m a usual girl which just wants to be happy. But I feel that
its something special between us, I never met such man as you are..
Julian I`m sure I`m the only girl who can make you happy and I can be
happy only with you.. My heart is in your arms.. We just need to make
the last step to each other and finally kiss.... Today I had a dream at
night. I dreamed about our meeting, how I will look into your eyes,
touch your skin and kiss your lips.Oh it was so realistik! We laught
and we both were happy. I never had such sexy dreams before I want it
to happen in real life soon.. And I was so dissapointed when I woke up
in the morning and understood that it was just a dream. But I hope
it will happen in real life. We will spend all time together and
we will kiss each other without stop.!! I`m waiting for your answer in
internet cafe.
Yours, Olga