join HERE!
advice from a USA male .., you
have captured the spirit of the Russian woman., she is very
independent, yet incredibly loving, supportive and understanding,
despite my usual male faults. I was very lucky to find her.., pure
luck.., been to Moscow 3 times to visit her, as well as other trips,
and her coming here for 10 days. USA guys, you must check these women
out, they are very different from USA women, they are not after a rich
USA guy, that is a total myth, just normal love and family. The whole
"Russian Bride" thing is a total insult to them, they are way too smart
for that. Just be kind and honest, and you will find a woman that blows
away anything in USA.., trust me.., been there, done that.
My first observation about your internet site was how much you
genuinely care about the ultimate satisfaction of both the women and
men whom you help. Your straightforward attitude was most important in
easing my doubts and concerns. Thank you for being the lighthouse which
guides our hearts on the delicate voyage for love and security.
found your internet site quite by accident, but find it to be one of
the best sites for information I could have ever found. God bless you
for the desire you saw to do this and the service you do for many
I was a member of a site called introserve.com which sends out an
update once a month or so. I happened to see a woman's profile and
decided to read it. It was then I saw she was in Ukraine. I almost did
not read the profile, but then decided, why not?
then we have been writing letters every few days, learning as much as
we can about each other. I had some questions and doubts, but after
reading your site, I now understand so much better why things are as
they are.
is so very much I still need to learn, but again, thanks for your help
in understanding many aspects of life in Russia and why a lady would
seek a mate elsewhere. Great site!
I found your site almost a year ago and was very impressed with it, I
was so impressed in fact that I called and talked with you for about 45
minutes. In the last month before Christmas I heard of a Russian woman
that worked at a store near to where I live,..... I went to meet her. I
adore her, her name is Lora but she is already married (too bad!)....
Lora is the reason that I have decided to move ahead with my pursuit of
a Russian woman. I feel that her husband Adam got lucky and found
himself one in a million, she is a sweetheart and now I must try to
find the one for me. Elena, if it were not for your site I most likely
would not be doing this, thank you for all of the time, and effort that
you have put into your web site, it is wonderful, and I look forward to
dealing with what your site has to offer.
Gerald (USA)
am just amazed by the amount of relevant information I got through your
site. I only started looking into this in the past couple of days and
the info found in these pages has only helped convince me to pursue
this venture.
Carl, Canada
today! |

Lana, 33 |

Juliya, 21 |

Olesya, 34 |

Irina, 30 |

Zhanna, 34 |

Elena, 25 |

Zofiia, 25 |

Sofia, 25 |

Olga, 23 |

Tatiana, 27 |

Оlga, 30 |

Tanya, 19 |

Viktoria, 28 |

Kristina, 18 |

Tanya, 24 |

Lisa, 31 |

Angelina, 34 |

Alyona, 35 |

Darya, 25 |

Tanya, 43 |

Lesia, 23 |

Oksana, 31 |

Anna, 27 |

Victoria, 22 |

Irina, 50 |

Katya, 23 |

Kateryna, 25 |

Yulianna, 21 |

Olga, 44 |

Tatiana , 44 |

Kate, 20 |

Anastasiya, 29 |

Olga, 28 |

Anna, 30 |

Aida, 30 |
Are you the American
male looking for the Russian wife?
Richard A. Blackwood
If you are reading this
at least you have some curiosity about Russian women. I also am seeking
a Russian wife, I have been there, and made most of the common mistakes
we American males make, yet I have learned from these mistakes, so this
adventure I consider to be a success. Anytime a person learns something
then it should not be considered a failure, even though the ultimate
goal may not be achieved. I am writing this solely to distribute the
knowledge I have learned, in the hope others do not make my mistakes.
If all that you are looking for is a woman to have sexual relations
with, read no farther, that is NOT what I will help you with, this
process is costly, so, you would be better off to go to the Mustang
Ranch, in Sparks, Nevada, and hire a woman.
No. 1 biggest mistake,
things are the same with Russian women. There are very few similarities
between the Russian women and western women, American women to be
specific. The Russian women think and act considerably different from
what we are accustomed to. It is beneficial to forget everything you
think you know about women, no man can know how a woman thinks, Russian
women are no exception to this. But, since you are not Russian, and not
subject to the cultural and socio-economic conditions of Russia, it
would be beneficial to start fresh.
Whatever a dating agency
tells or publishes to you, forget, with one exception, I will get into
that later, when we get to the 'do' section. You should know that the
dating or marriage agencies in general make less money when their
clients are married, than they do when the clients are single and
actively pursuing a mate, now, the object of business is to maximize
profits, most of these how to articles can be slanted to benefit the
agency, whether they consciously do it or not. The only exception that
I have found is Elena Petrova's site www.womenrussia.com,
I only found a few things that I don't fully agree with there, and as
this is not an exact science, they may be correct, given situation and
circumstance. Overall, I have found Elena's site to be the most concise
and accurate on the web, as I understand it, she originally started it
as a hobby, because she was happy in her marriage to a western man, and
was originally a help site, it is so popular that it has become a
business for her, having gotten too many requests for assistance from
western men, which was not her original goal, life is not predictable.
Elena has developed services that appear to me to be of good value, and
effective. I didn't always think this, but after going to Russia, and
experiencing their way of life, well, who would know better how to
succeed with Russian women, than a Russian woman? Things are different
Once you do find Russian
women, and arrange meetings, don't fail to show, if you do, I can take
your woman! It would surprise you the high percentage of these women
that are stood up. Practically every day I noticed at least one Russian
woman whose date stood her up, the signs are obvious, no, there is no
crying or stuff like that, these are strong willed women, after she is
convinced there is no possibility of you coming, she will stand up,
pick up her bag and leave. Simple as that, but I'll bet your chance of
getting back with her will be about the same as a snowballs chance in
hell. Often these women come from great distance, using public
transportation; they are nice girls, with good intentions generally.
THEY DO NOT DESERVE THIS TREATMENT!!! If I am there and you stand up
your date, guess who will be at the front door with a red rose for her
when she comes out? I'll make sure she never talks to you again, even
if I don't want her!!! This is the day of modern communication, if you
can't make it, find a way to communicate. But the worse thing you can
do to yourself as well as all of us, is to get a reputation as a cad,
the Russian women have a communication grapevine that is unbelievable,
I've seen it work, but still don't know how they do it. Word will get
around!!! If the word is about you, then it is better positive than
negative. You can make a safe bet that the word was out on me before I
left Moscow, I can assure you it was very positive.
Don't think that just
because you have a US passport, all the Russian women will be falling
at your feet, just thru the virtue of your citizenship. In most cases
your foreign citizenship is exactly what they do not want. A Russian
woman WANTS to live in Russia, in most cases she will not want to
leave. She will leave, but not because of your citizenship. She is
Russian, she is proud of that fact! She is a citizen of the largest
country in the world. She only knows as much about our world as her
friends have written back and told her, or she has gotten through their
grapevine. She will have absolutely no concept of our way of life, and
what little she does know is probably tainted, but she will think she
knows as much as you do about our lifestyle. Don't question this, just
let it ride, otherwise you will be opening a can of worms. You see, she
learned about our world from other Russians, and you are not a Russian.
I never met any Russian who did not have a severe inferiority complex.
In their mind anyone or anything that is not Russian is stupid, cheap,
and of poor quality, once again, let it ride. If you find your wife in
Russia, she will learn about the west soon enough, then she will
experience what is known as 'cultural shock', after that she will not
be able to go back and live with what she was satisfied with before.
But, she will still be Russian. Why would she want you? In my research
I found only one universal answer, she must feel that it is her
destiny, that she loves and is loved, that is the most important thing
possible in her life, she will follow it anywhere. That is
overwhelmingly the answer I got to the question; What would persuade
you to live outside of Russia? I am often told women look for financial
security, or maturity, but that was never the answer to my question,
so, I would consider that to be a secondary issue, though, not being an
exact science, anything can be considered a possibility.
Don't think that you
know all about Russia, or Russian women, I don't, I have spent time
there, and you certainly haven't. All I know is what I have seen or
been told, which they will freely answer most anything they are asked.
Bottom line is you know exactly as much about them and their country as
they know about you and yours, which is close to nothing.
Don't try to prove you
are faithful by selecting one woman, and sticking to it. She probably
won't understand. Yes, she would dearly love to have a faithful
husband, it is an almost impossible dream for her, but you are not her
husband, or even her boyfriend as of yet. You are her pen pal! Boris
and Ivan will not be faithful at all, so, even if you marry her,
faithfulness on your part is something she will have difficulty coming
to grips with, she will probably not believe it. To find her destiny
along with a faithful husband, is nearly impossible for her. Not only
that, but none of the other Russian women will be able to understand
why you would be so stupid as to wait for her, before you have ever met
her, and they are available!
Don't eliminate any
possible candidate for the sole reason that she only speaks Russian.
Often she will be a better choice than the 'modern' woman. Language
will not be a barrier that you can't overcome. I have found that the
ability to speak English, possibly other 'foreign' language, can be a
status symbol, leading to an overemphasized feeling of self importance.
This is not to say that you should eliminate those who do speak your
language, but, I have had equally enjoyable experiences with both.
Remember this destiny thing, if she feels that you may be her destiny,
you WILL communicate, it might be difficult, everything is difficult in
Russia, which is just normal life for her, but it is possible.
Don't 'spoil' her, she
is not accustomed to it and may take it for weakness. You must realize
that she can make it in Russia perfectly well on her own, she has been
doing so all her life. So, if she would like to have clothes, car,
jewelry, stereo, phone, TV, etc. but doesn't have 'some' money, tell
her that she is not your wife, and she will need to get her money
herself or do without. This she can respect and understand. If she
can't then you have yourself a bona fide gold digger. Dump her
immediately!!! After all, would you give any American girl who wrote
you letters or e-mailed you money to buy things, without ever meeting
her? I didn't think so, you are smarter than that. I thought I was too,
but still took very good care of my pen pal, initially insisting she
take money for specific purposes. You will be OK to send her $10 or $20
a month for e-mail fees, or postage, not more, IF she will take it. She
would appreciate that, e-mail costs anywhere from $.50 to about $4.00
in Moscow, depending on how long the message is, how proficient she is
with either writing English, or transcribing a translated message to
her e-mail format, and the day of the week, as well as the time of day
she goes to the internet café, in all probability she will
not have a computer, I never found one that did. Some will say they do,
but I think that probably goes back to soviet times. What she is
probably meaning is that she has an account at mail.ru, and goes to the
internet café. Other places may cost more, probably less for
internet cafe fees, I am basing the cost, on the cost of what the
Russians call 'Moscow the expensive', other places where internet cafes
are available probably cost less. I was talking to a couple of girls
one day, I was amazed that one had a guy in New York who never sent her
any money for e-mail, she told me that she would send him e-mail every
week or two as she had 'some' money for e-mail, that she liked him and
would get by trying to pay for it herself. I told her about the
'spoiled' one that I had, telling her that I sent $100 every month for
e-mail, she thought the 'spoiled' one was very lucky. She would have
been just as appreciative to get $5 as the 'spoiled' one was with $100.
Don't try to impress her
with a high priced hotel, most agencies love for you to take their
suggestion of a high priced accommodation that is one of the ways they
make their money. You remember I told you of her quest for her destiny?
If she loves and is loved, accommodations will make no difference to
her, she will love you in a shack just as much as she will in a
mansion, the reverse of which may not be too informative to you. I
asked a number of Russian women about this accommodation matter,
practically all of them told me that all they want is to love and be
loved, where, made absolutely no difference to them, accommodation is
not her goal. I'm not saying to meet her in a rat hole or flea bag, but
any average or decent place will work as well as the best hotel, or
apartment in town. If she loves and is loved that is all she will be
interested in. If she is digging for gold, well, that is a whole
different story. You must realize, you don't know this woman, you might
think you do, but really you don't, you have never laid eyes on her.
So, testing her is appropriate, and to your benefit.
Don't send her any
pictures other than yourself, or possibly a favorite pet. Yes, she is
probably curious about the conditions you live under, but she is more
interested in you. Don't go taking pictures of your car, your house, or
Wal-Mart either, she probably doesn't have such things, they tend to
use subways, apartments, and small shops, her inferiority complex will
kick in, and once again you will offend her. I had one girl tell me
that an American wrote her, telling her that in the US we have makeup,
if she moved here, she could have lipstick. She thought he was a pure
idiot and was very offended, they have plenty of war paint in Russia,
and know how to use it. Take your cues from the pictures she sends you,
she will probably start out very conservatively, and as she decides she
likes you a little better she might send some a little more revealing.
Don't expect to get the nude ones, possibly one in a swim suit, but not
more. Take her cue in this matter, never send her a nude photo unless
she sends you one first, which I doubt will happen, you will not
favorably impress her, it doesn't matter what you look like naked, she
will probably be offended.
Don't bring up ANY
subject of a sexual nature. This is an issue that will quickly offend
her. If she wants to bring up the subject, she will. It is not in her
nature to want strangers to ask her of such things. It is not that she
is a prude, it is just something that is not discussed in polite
conversation. If she likes you when she meets you, I guarantee you will
be convinced she is no prude, after you get your breath back.
Now, let's have a few
'do's'. Do prepare to make several trips to Russia, or spend a few
months there. At times, some are lucky and find the right woman in one
trip, but do you really want to marry a woman you have only seen for a
couple of days? I don't think so. To be realistic, figure to spend at
least $10,000 on this venture, in all probability considerably more.
But, can you really put a dollar figure on the right wife? I know I
wouldn't be able to. I would say the minimum you should be prepared for
is 3 trips of at least 1 week each. Writing and e-mail is fine, but
nothing replaces personal contact, which is costly as well as time
I earlier mentioned in
paragraph 2 that there is one bit of truth in the info you get from
practically every dating agency. That is to make multiple contacts. The
reason for this is that she would not understand why you want only her,
she will think there is possibly something wrong with you, that you can
not attract women, so why would she want you? She is VERY insecure, she
will be attracted by a man who attracts other women. Another good
reason is she is prepared to be competitive, that woman will fight for
her destiny, it has always been her dream to love and be loved. Russian
women are tough survivors, they will pursue their dreams, in their own
way, just don't try too hard to understand their ways. Most women get
jealous of the fact that another woman might have the attention of
'their' man, Russian women are no exception, probably even more so,
this can be a useful tool, use it to your advantage. It
is a nice feeling to have women competing for your attention. I fully
agree with my friend, Richard Welch,
the best way to attract a sufficient quantity of possible candidates
for your meetings is to publish your own profile, then let them write
you. I feel that this method eliminates the deadwood. Every letter or
e-mail that you get will be a woman who took the time and expense to
contact you, which is not the small sacrifice for them as it is for us.
There are many websites that have this service, personally I have been
looking at Elena Petrova's website, there is a start up package she has
that sends your profile to 372 agencies in the Russian republic, now if
you only get 2 inquiries from each agency on the average, that would
give you a possibility of 590 women who wish to at least correspond,
probably much more, of course your job will be to whittle this figure
down to that very special 1. The reason that I prefer this specific
package is that is requires the women to physically go to an agency,
and go thru profiles, picking the ones she likes, rather than go to the
internet café, find your profile and just e-mail you. She is
putting more effort and expense into her search, so, she will be a
little more serious about her quest. You can find Elena's site at www.womenrussia.com
then click on services & prices to get into this service, also
there is much useful information and links on this site. In case you
wonder, I never found or heard of the stigma attached to anyone going
to a dating service in Russia that is experienced in the states; they
view it as a normal thing.
Next, once that you
start getting correspondence from these ladies, at bare minimum respond
with a thanks, but no thanks, to the ones you don't care for, but be
prepared to respond in some fashion. The ones you really like, you can
correspond to stating your intention to meet Russian women within 6
months or less, that you would like to possibly meet her for a day, and
that the ultimate purpose is the possibility of matrimony, tell her a
little about yourself and what you expect. Don't give her your life
history, about 1 page will do. Elena Petrova can translate a letter for
you that you can use for all these women, just change the woman's name,
it will be in Russian, so that your Russian women can fully understand
it, and will be able to completely read it, you can find Elena's, web
address elsewhere in this article. The maybes, you could tell them that
you are already involved, but if it didn't work out you will contact
her later. But you need to reply to every one, you are the one
advertising yourself, she is just answering your advertisement. You
know how you would feel to send her a letter or e-mail and not get a
reply. You may really like one, and unknowingly to you, her best friend
also wrote you, and you didn't reply, well, word gets around, I think
you can figure it out.
Her location is not of
primary importance, often one from rural areas will be a better choice
than from Moscow, or St. Pete, which are very westernized. You may find
your diamond in a coal pile, the question is which coal pile? We do not
Consider age in your
selection, yes, you can find very young women, I am 49 and was picking
up girls who were 18, maybe younger, in Moscow, would it last? I doubt
it, they were just out on a lark and not really serious about anything
except having fun, I was doing the same thing. It would be better to
choose 5, 10, 15, or even as far as 20 years younger, remember the
farther the age difference is, the lower the chance of survival is to
the relationship. You should have no problem with a woman 15 years
younger, if you can keep up with her, possibly even 20, but be advised
that this is probably the limit, and might be stretching it some. It is
erroneous to believe she will seek a much older man, she will accept
one, but only if she feels it will fulfill her destiny.
Be very specific in what
you are looking for, make your choices wisely, (don't pay much
attention to the poses or quality of the photographs, Russians use some
really strange techniques for this) then write these women that
interest you, maybe as many as 20 of them, some guys like more, some
less, if you will be in Russia for a week and a half or so, figure that
half to 2/3 will drop out by the time you get there, probably more, and
you want an afternoon and night with each minimum. OK, so you are not
comfortable meeting so many women in such short time, remember, the
more you physically meet one on one, the better the mathematical odds
are that you find the one you can't do without. Now, don't forget, if
too many drop out you still might be able to retrieve some of the
maybes. You can even send them a little money monthly, if you wish, via
Western Union, $10 is sufficient, and no more than $20 each, or you can
wait for some to drop out first. Make your own decision. But at some
point you should help some of them with their e-mail/postage expenses.
Remember that the more difficulty she is willing to go thru to keep it
touch, the more serious her intentions are, but you should also take
into consideration not to give her a burden too heavy to bear. Ask
questions, she will probably answer most, at least what she
understands, just nothing of a sexual nature, they are generally very
accommodating, if you just ask. Somewhere about this time you should
learn a foreign language if you don't know one, preferably Russian, it
is a complicated and exact language, difficult to learn, but still it
is possible, Berlitz has several different courses, or you may find
something that works better for you, check out the websites, most offer
something. As for me, I fluently speak a dialect of German, as we know
the Russians had forces in East Germany, many with families, I found it
easier many times to speak German, than English. At any rate, if you
speak German and English you will have no problem communicating, or if
you speak Russian. I even heard French being used, but no Spanish which
I also speak some of.
Within 6 months arrange
to be in Russia, you should book 1 double room for yourself, and 1
single or guest room at an average hotel, preferably both rooms
adjoining or very close to each other. Even if all the women express
their wish to stay with you, in your room, which I doubt they will, as
they don't know you, get both rooms, as most hotels are funny about
that, she will need that other key or key card, in case she needs to
prove that she is legitimately staying there. In all probability the
doorman will check her, in the evening or night, but not you, normally.
Check in both rooms in your own name, so that you can continue to use
the key for each woman, and if things go crazy you will be able to send
her on her way, and then look for something else to play with. This is
where my friend Richard Welch and I disagree, he prefers to meet her in
her own element, I prefer neutral ground, there are some advantages to
his school of thought that I respect, it is less costly initially, and
you would get to know her better, but, what if she is not what you
expected? It also is very limiting as to your choices. I strongly
suggest that you meet multiple women on neutral ground initially, and
then once you have physically met her, and want to know her better, it
is perfectly fine to make another trip to visit her in her own element,
or extend your visit for this purpose.
Decide where in Russia
you want to meet these women. Remember, you are investing considerable
effort, time, and money into this venture, in all probability, YOU will
be carrying the burden of the load, make sure that it is understood
from the beginning that she will need to travel to meet you, offer her
train fare to do so, to be reimbursed upon her arrival. It makes
perfect sense that if she is not willing to do this, why would she be
willing to go anywhere for you? She will need to put some effort into
this relationship, too. You will spend in a couple of weeks, probably
as much as she earns in 3 to 4 years.
Realize your trip will
cost you at least $18.25 per hour, whether awake, sleeping eating or
whatever, that is the current costs involved for a moderate 10 day stay
divided by 240 hours, shorter stays increase the cost per hour, longer
decrease it. But you can put a per hour cost on this. As such you may
want to do a background check on these girls. I have found a website
for this also, www,allrussian.com
, it won't take long to save lots of money if the report comes back
bad. It is a good investment, but nothing is wrong with your situation
is it? Right! Believe it! But don't come back to me if USCIS (former
INS) denies your K-1, because you didn't do your homework. I talked to
a woman who knew two Russian women that were in the process of trying
to find an American to marry, and come to the US. These two women had
already been here, didn't like their fiancés and left them.
Well, when their K-1's expired, that made them an illegal alien, a
crime in the US, eventually they were deported back to Russia. They
didn't know that they were no longer eligible for a visa. They were
back out there trying to find another couple of men to marry and take
them to the states. What if one of those men is you?
A few weeks prior to
going to Russia arrange a schedule to meet each of these women,
remember check out is normally noon, so, try to meet them in the
afternoon, as to eliminate a conflict with the one from the day before.
Keep this schedule, I
explained this earlier. You should at least give each woman a red rose.
They really like red roses, they must be red, never give an even
number, you would be better with 1 than 6 or 12, they are sold in any
quantity you wish, there is no set quantity like in the states, current
Moscow price is 100 rubles each, about $3.03. It must be a rose, it
must be red and the quantity must be an odd number. I had considerable
success one day picking up women in a Metro station that had a flower
shop, I would buy a single red rose, and then, when I saw a woman that
I liked I would give it to her, this worked well for me. Red roses are
sort of a magical thing with Russian women, they really like guys who
give them.
Take your good manners
with you. Boris and Ivan would rather slam a door in a woman's face
than hold it for her, you will find success in being gentlemanly. It
really stuns these women, they never expect to have a man open the
door, seat them at a restaurant, or stand back for her to get in the
elevator first. But, she loves it, it is like a fairy tale princess
story for her. Speak quietly in public places, she will consider it bad
to make public your conversation, and nobody else is interested in it
anyhow. Remember, you are there to impress her, not Boris and Ivan.
Don't think that good manners will not work for you, it worked for me,
not as well as the roses, but I did have one take my arm after I opened
the door for her to come into the hotel. That has something to do with
the way they tell you they like you, they will either take your arm or
hand. After that the fun begins.
Each woman that comes to
meet you should have her train fare reimbursed immediately upon her
arrival, I asked several women about this, they normally don't have the
extra money to pay for this. They will find it, borrow it from a
friend, or otherwise come up with it, but it must be paid back. You are
inviting her to meet you, so, it is your responsibility to take care of
her travel expense. Remember this when you decide where you wish to
meet them, it doesn't hurt to have them go out of their way to come
meet you, and might even help you with your process of elimination, the
serious ones will be there.
All the keepers, make
sure you arrange to keep contact with, the others, that you don't
really care for, let them go, keep things moving along, don't drag out
a bad relationship, it is of no advantage to either of you, she will
understand this, and probably prefer it, as her time is valuable to
her, also. When you are finished with your meetings come home, or you
may wish to extend your trip to spend a week with your favorite, in her
own element, if you have the time.
If you do decide on one
and wish to spend some time with her, it is good advice to take her 9
or 11 red roses, as well as some nice gifts you have brought with you,
when you go to visit, they need not be expensive, just nice, not junk.
Depending on the number
remaining and how you feel about each other, you may now wish to choose
a wife, or look into other options.
If you choose a wife I
would suggest that you arrange in the near future to go spend a week or
two with just her, as soon as possible, this can now be done in her own
element, unless you already have been able to do this, and would
probably be better, if you both feel that you are right for each other,
go for it, with my blessing! You should come back again to help walk
her thru the immigration process, it is not necessary, but, you won't
want to be away from her, and it is a good excuse.
you could
keep refining your search, and if you have learned by your mistakes and
successes you will have plenty of tools to continue.
This is, I mentioned
several times before, not an exact science, practically anything can
and probably will happen. There are few hard and fast rules. There are
too many variables for anybody to accurately predict. Russian women are
beautiful, sensitive, intelligent, insecure, and can be offended by
things we least expect. They place great importance in love, security,
and family. This is merely knowledge I have personally acquired thru
personal experience, observations, and asking many questions of Russian
women in Moscow. For some everything may work like a charm, for others
nothing may work. You should remember, this is a strange and unusual
thing for most people to do, it requires great patience and
understanding for all parties involved, and you should make your
perspective wife work for you, because you will have to work for her,
unless you have all the time and money in the world. On the other hand,
don't forget she is from an environment where life is difficult, the
time and money will come to her at great personal sacrifice, so don't
make your relationship so tough that she just can't afford it. If you
do pursue this quest, you will be entering into a realm where few men
go, if you make it to Russia, you will become a member of a very elite
group, as surprisingly few men make it that far. But, your potential
rewards are great, I never saw a single Russian woman of child bearing
years who wasn't absolutely gorgeous, their average woman will put our
top supermodels to shame. Needless to say, but, I was like a kid in a
candy store, you probably will be too!!!
women are the Cold Wars best kept secret,
I can understand why!!
Will I go back? You're
darn tootin' I will!!!
Will I follow my own
advice? Hopefully so, probably not, as I am one of those hopelessly
romantic types, who lives by faith in my fellow man! Yeah, I know that
is stupid!
Happy hunting!!!!
Richard A. Blackwood
Copyright © 2002
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10 reasons why Russian women
are NOT desperate to leave their country
- an
unbiased opinion of the American man
who has spent in Russia 6 months, traveled to 9 cities and talked to
hundreds of Russian people.
Any man who even remotely considers the idea of marrying a Russian
woman will face the question of immigration scams: that a woman will
marry him with the only purpose of gaining residence to his country,
and will divorce him soon after the marriage. Is it true that there are
many Russian women that will marry a man only for the purpose of
immigration? How common are immigration scams in marriages with Russian
Why Russian Women? - If you decided
to find
yourself a Russian wife, you would be inundated with questions of the
type "Why Russian Women?" from everybody you cared to share your idea
with. Surprisingly, every Russian woman you are writing to will ask the
same question: "Why do you want to find a wife in Russia?" After a
while, you might start questioning your own sanity in doing the thing
which everybody, including your dates in this Internet rendezvous,
consider strange enough to request explanations. Here you will find
some ready-to-use answers for your family, friends and Russian women
you are writing to.
and Reality
- There
is too much prejudice towards Russian women seeking men, both positive
and negative. I call this prejudice "myths", and consider them one by
women secrets - Do's and don'ts
your relationship with a Russian lady.
The Universal Crib On
Finding A Russian Wife - 101
tips for men
seeking a young, beautiful Russian bride: the most compressed,
step-by-step guidance on finding, courting and marrying a Russian woman.
e-book by Marina Smiley (the author of famous "The
shocking truth about Russian
- Discover why so
guys continue to go to Russia, again and again they spend their money
and time and are still unable to find their woman.
- Learn how you can
dramatically improve your success with Russian women and win when other
- Most intimate
answered by a Russian woman - Medical Doctor.

12 Simple
This book will
light a
few light bulbs in your head.
- If
you wonder what is the cause of your problems with women/men,
this book will open your eyes and give you precise instructions on how
you can get the love life you always wanted.
- If
you were out of the game for a while and struggle to get back,
this book will help you re-gain your lost confidence and learn a few
new tricks along the road.
- If
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you will find several tips that will make you pinch yourself and say,
"I can't believe I didn't think about it before!"
The secrets in this book
will give you an
unfair advantage
in the battle of sexes, so much that you may even feel
of using them... because you know EXACTLY what results you are going to
get when the other party doesn't have a clue! It's like taking a candy
from a baby.
So, if you want to keep your life the way it is...
DON'T read this book.
Because you'll NEVER
be the same person again.
I promise.
unless you are ready to get MORE love, MORE money and MORE success in
your life! |