Inna Birukova
(Kiev, Ukraine)
Look out for this one, she's hard to resist! Found her at Love@AOL with
screen name
Thereafter her email address is I am 45, and a single parent, have traveled to
Russia, and searching for same things you are. Inna Birukova is 23 years
old, and lives in Kiev. She writes a very endearing letter, sometimes 2-3
pages long with a sexy picture every time. We wrote for almost a month, and
she responded to my letters very genuinely. She talked about everything in
her letters from mundane chores to how she would like to have sex with her
man. I asked and received from her an address. Although I stopped writing
her a month ago, my letters are now coming back as "no such street". It
wasn't until the end she wrote me a very lengthy letter about old boyfriend
with drinking problem, and how he would steal her money, and then one day
coming home to her apartment to find it was empty. He had stolen everything,
and sold it for himself. She asks me to send some money, because now she
cannot afford the agency and translation services, and I must help her.....$40 to start, and not
much for me in America. Of course, she sugar coats everything with love and
her wanting me. I did not comply, and that was end of her letters and now the
return of mine via post. I only have copies of her very lengthy and sensual
letters. This is definitely her business, according to the amount of time she puts
into it. Watch out, she writes very seductive letters!!
RT from Colorado
Jasko (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
I sent an email to Irina, handle FINDLOVE8 on She responded with the following introductory email. We wrote to each other for
about a month. I responded to her first email and didn't hear from her. I sent
several letters and finally she sent her second letter saying that she was having
financial problems and would try to handle it better. Again she didn't respond
for a while and wrote me the second letter asking for help with her situation,
promising to chat and communicate "all night" after she received the money. I
sent her $100.
Several days later she said she had an offer to buy a computer and with
money from her brother-in-law, another $100 would get a computer for her
so we could have "wider communications." I was beginning to feel that she
was being dishonest with me and so I asked her intentions and why I hadn't
received more emails from her. She responded and assured me that she wouldn't betray me and that she only wanted to communicate with me. I again
sent her another $100. After several days she finally responded again and said
thanks, but seemed less friendly. Finally after several weeks of not hearing
from her any more I set up another email account and emailed her. Sure
enough she responded with almost the identical introduction letter as I had
received previously.
Her email address is
Introduction Email
Hello Clark!
I was pleased to have a short letter from you. Actually it is a new experience
for me and I can not stop wondering if it is really possible to meet a friend
from abroad through Internet. Tell me more about yourself. I am really
interested. My name is Irina. I am from Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek. Actually it is an
Asian country but I am russian. I am looking for a friend who I can rely on
during whole my life. I hope it is possible. I've decided that my ideal person
lives somewhere and seeks love as I do. I like your photo. Write me more
and ask me more if you are interested.
Second Email, Financial Problems
Hello Clark!
I thank you very much for all your letters. I have to ask for excuse for not
sending you any letters for a long time. I wish I could, but now I face serious
financial problems and mail are too expensive for me. I will try to manage this
problem better I swear. I am happy that you are going to visit Russia - that
means we can be closer :) I never been to anywhere exept my country. This is
my dream. May be it will come true and together with another dream - to
meet LOVE. My country is very mountainous, comparatively small and full of
different problems. But still I feel happy here and I think that human should
always rember tha happynes comes from inside and no problems can make one fel sad :) I do enjoy my work as well. It is very rewarding in terms of
good emotions when we manage to save life of a child. Please tell me wht are
your idea about a family? What do you see it like? Describe your ideal day of
a family? Have you been a noughty boy when you were young? What sports
do you like to play or watch or to do? I like swiiming and tennis most. also
play good table tennis :) If we decide to meet? how do you imagine this? Do you believe in love from the forst sight?
She's falling for me
I like you very very much. Your letter are full of magic energy which gives me
a hind. He may become... I will wait for your letters with all my heart. Please
forgive me is I seem to be too open or pushy. I just wanted you to know what
I feel.
The Request
Hello my dearest Clark!
I am very sorry that I didn't answer you for so long period of time. i really
have financial problems with writing to you. I recieved all your letters. But I
can afford only a short letter now. If you were so kind to help me a bit to pay
for longer letter i would be very thankfull and I would write everythunk you
ask me about. I look forward to meet you in Moskow. If you decide to help
me please use Western Union:
Irina Jasko
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
and than send your full requisites: adress, full name, phone and money transfer
nomber. Sorry for this but Ihave to do it to write you.
Several days after money was sent, we can talk all night, another request:
Hello Dearest Clark!!!
Thank youe very very much for the money. I was imediately offered to buy a
computer. My sister's husband gave me 100 dollars more and I payed 200. If
I pay 100 more in a week I will have it with 6month free internet. Do you
undertand? We'll have a chance to talk all nights throu paying nothing.
Would you please help me with that ?
I did not receive more communications with her, as she promised, so I asked her intentions:
.........The only intontion of buying computer is to make our communication less expensive and wider. I don't want to communicate with anybody else. I don't betray those who help me. And I also want to mett my only one.
After many days she sent one more email saying that she was busy with work
and would write soon. How long is soon? I have not heard from her since. I
have seen her picture on another website with a totally different name. During
the month that we communicated I did ask her about her picture on a different
website and she said that she would tell me about it later, when we could
communicate more. Watch out for this one!
(Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine)
This is yet another scammer. She listed Moscow on her personal ad, then
wrote to tell me she was really from Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. The scenario
is right out of the scammers guide. The upside to this report is that because of
the guide, I was able to avoid actually getting ripped off. She starts with the
"it's really expensive to use the Internet cafe and I have no money HINT,
HINT, HINT". When I didn't bite, but instead wrote back with an sympathetic "Yes, I now it's rough
there, but I'm willing to be patient for your responses due to your lack of
Internet access", she writes back with the "Suddenly-my-mother-was-hit-by-a-car-and-I-need-$230-for-the-operation"
ploy. I reply with a firm "I-have-an-ironclad-policy-of-not-sending-money"
answer, and she disappears. She is a freelancer, not connected with any
agency. I'm attaching several excellent pictures of her. Of course, she's
gorgeous! Her email address is
Hope this helps someone.
Peter Jordan
Natalya Jitinkina
(Yoshkar-Ola, Mari-El, Russia)
I got burned for $340. Her handle was Lana75, She went by Natalya Jitinkina with the nickname Deva used Natasha also got
sloppy and signed Sventlana on one letter. She didn't get me for airfare. Thank God I found your site !!!!
First letter
To Me very much to similar, that you to understand mine not so good English
language Language. I want to speak, that I has learned(found out) it in school,
and behind of it in College. I have growth of 172 centimeters and weights of
51 kg, I have Formation(education) of the doctor, I'm a psychologist. I work
in children's hospital And I look behind of behaviour of children. I live in city
Yoshkar-Ola. It to Be approximately in 850 kilometers from cities Moscow. I
want to speak you, That I very much love of children. I had experience of
dialogue in me directly in Russia with the people. But they were not adjusted
(are adapted), is serious also we owed Part. And they very much frequently to drink alcohol and in set, and
It not so is pleasant to me. I think, that in you - not a gift (present) such habit.
I want to inform, that I do not smoke, and I do not drink strong spirits drinks of spirit.
But sometimes I love to drink in the good company not a lot of grape vine,
Though it happens very seldom. I want to speak, which I am capable well to play
On a piano, I have finished musical school, in which I studied 6 years. I
Want to inform, that I live with my mum. I have the Father, grandfather
Unfortunately has died, 2 years back. I want to you to speak, which I love
Various music, but basically classical. I want to have serious. The
attitudes(relation) with you to find with you love and to create happy family. I
Will be pleased, if you it as will want as I. I want to speak, which I write
You from firm of the computer. I Unfortunately have no the computer and telephone of a house.
I think, with what It will not be for us by a problem? . My box (e-mail address) is I want more to study (find out) rather
You, concerning your family. I think, that you can to me, soon answer, I shall be
Write soon Natasha.
This is a copy of my profile:
Hi, my name is Natasha. I live in Russia. I work as a tutor in a childrens day
nursery. I love children and animals very much. I want to get acquainted with
the man, who will be a support in my life. I am 26 years old. I agree to get
acquainted with a man from 30 and older. For me age is not the main thing.
The main thing is that there is love and mutual understanding! I do not notice a
difference in ages. I hope only for my true love, and I hope very much that all
with us will be good! I agree to answer all questions that interest you. I am
anxious for your letters! Please write to me on my home electronic box
(computer?). Only on it can I receive your letters.
This is my second to the last letter from her; I was so upset I deleted the very last one until realized I needed to do something.
Hi my love Charles! I have sent you the letter with the information yesterday.
You to not receive it? Well, I shall write to you once again. I to study I (find
(from) all concerning my arrival (achievement) in you by mine love. I -
necessary need (requirement) visa and passport, and also document concerning insurance and hospital. It costs 340 $ USA. I am written down on
reception in the transport company on Monday. I shall give back back return
documents concerning registration. To me to require(demand) by Monday the
next week to pay my documents in embassy. You will send to me this sum of
money by Monday? If it is possible, by Friday of this week, then I will not
need excitement about payment in time! My documents will be registration in
time 10 days. It is good? I shall take the tourist visa. For arrival for 90 days. It
I to think very well for us with you mine love! I have given you the address, on
which you through branch bank Western Union should send me money! I very
much to want as soon as possible to arrive in you my love. I to give you the
address of my bank, where there is a system of remittances Western Union.
Mine a complete name Natalya Jitinkina. My home address. Russia, Republic
MARI-El, city YOSHCAR-OLA, street Chkalova, house 32 an apartment 78. I give you the address of bank! Guta Bank, Street Vashskaya 8, city
Yoshkar-Ola. I also need your exact complete name without mistakes and
address of the nearest urban airport. It is very important! I very much to wait
on your fast answer! We have not enough of time. Your future wife Natasha.

Natalya Novikova
(Irkutsk, Russia)
I am not absolutely sure that Ms. Novikova tried to scam me because I never
sent her money, but it had all of the signs.
Natalya Novikova of Irkutsk, Russia,
email, responded to my profile on the day after I had posted it. I was not looking to meet someone from Russia.
I live in New England and I was looking to meet someone within 100 miles
from me. But we began to correspond and I quickly fell in love with her. It has
only been a few weeks since that first email.
As I said, the signs were there, she was a cook who lived with her mom, she
told me her dog protected her when she walked the dangerous streets of the
city. Of course she said she was a virgin who was never married and an
Orthodox Christian. She did not have a phone, but always responded to my
emails the next day. However, she did not respond to the direct questions
that I asked in my emails. She also seemed disinterested in my son who she
knows lives with me and is very important to me. She sent me a love poem that
she claimed she wrote, but the English was much different than in her letters. Once
she realized that I had fallen in love with her, she became more open with her
purported sexual desires for me. I had done research regarding her visa and I
realized that she couldn't get a tourist visa, but she insisted that she could. She had attached a picture of her in a
bikini with this most recent letter. I also noticed that the language was
different in this letter, almost as if it was written by a different person.
Hi my love!
I am very glad to your letter!!! How your day? At me all is good! I constantly
think of you! I love your letters! I dream concerning ours Meetings!!!!
I called in agency , they have advised me to take the visa of the
tourist, it is valid during 90 days. Visa costs 240 The American dollars, But I now do
not have such money. I am sad, because it is for me By serious obstacle. I
have found the man capable to love me - and I I can not To see it, because I
have no money necessary to arrive to you. Unless It not a sad history??
Lovely, If you want to help us to meet, send them to me through Western
Union, it is very reliable and fast system. I send you the data:
The address of branch:
Natalya Novikova
When you will send money you necessarily write ten figures of a
remittance. I Is very glad that you want to see me, unfortunately, to
meet Are necessary money, but money it only paper, main that we shall
meet with By you. Why in the world all depends on money? I think that
money is most Main in life. I think, main are the people, which you
love, and people, Which love you. Money is a paper, and the human
relations remain For ever! We should trust each other because we like
each other and we soon Let's meet. I called to a uncle in Vladivostok
and he has told that can make to me The ticket with the discount, but
for this purpose is necessary to know where nearest to you The
international airport. Still I talked to my girlfriend which works in
travel agency and She has told me that the visa B-2 the best variant that to us with you to
meet. She speaks that when we shall meet we can discuss that as we shall live
Further. Yesterday I saw sexual dream about us with you, it very much has
liked me also I want To tell him to you. Me has dreamed as we with you we
meet, as you take Me on hands, we go to you home. At you at home we go at
once in a bedroom and you Begin to undress me, our hearts are beaten
synchronously, we are passionately kissed and You begin to teach me to all
pleasures of sex. I need in you, I want To feel your breath. I want to feel your
kiss on my lips. We lay close to the friend The friend to speak love
to each other, caress each other. I study yours Beautiful Eyes, you study my eyes both
see love in the friend the friend. I shall kiss You Breast, neck, everywhere.
You also pay with your sensitive gentle lips. I Love you very much. I want to
hear your beautiful vote. I want to speak love to You. We now have a rain.
The rain brings love. The love prospers in it Weather. It - very romantic
atmosphere I to love you and I begin to understand that love this such Strong
feeling, I am glad That I could test it due to you. About love always yours Natalya
p.s.On a photo I by the Black Sea, Water very warm!
Again I reiterate that I am not absolutely sure that she was pulling a scam
because I never sent her any money (although I had planned to wire her a
birthday present next week). After I became suspicious, though, I checked the
blacklist and I realized that she fit the profile.
Tipikina (Kremenchug, Ukraine)
I am sending you another name, the same
story - she needs $80 for Internet monthly, has a son she must feed,
wants to correspond only with me etc. Email
My Dear Todd!
Thank you for your understanding me and wish to change something to the better in my life. I and Sioma (boy) are grateful to you for it.
I'm waiting for your letters much . I'm so happy to get them! They bring me warmth and help to live. You mean much in our with Sioma life
and I want you to know it always. I'd like much us to be together as one friendly family, to Love and take care of each other. It's
pleasant to feel care and warmth from close and native person. Dear! I know that it's hard to find the person whom you need and with
whom you'll be really happy. But I hope that you are this person and we can make each other happy. And it'll not be for short period of
time. I want much it to be forever. That some time later we may sit on the
bench in the park, being old and funny and nursing our grandchildren. It'd very great to
watch them growing up. Darling Todd! If you really want to help me with a
payment of our correspondence, I will thankful to you. Transfer is better to do with
system Western Union to my full name - Tipikina Natalya, town of Kremenchug, Poltava area,
Ukraine. My adddress - Sumskay str. 40b-3 Our correspondence cost about 80$ in month. Next letter you must sent me
cod transfer, your full name and sum. I also want you to know that I'm very
constant person, so I look for constancy in life. I want to keep correspondence only with you and
want you to wish the same. I'll answer all your questions you'll ask me. I want us to have something particular and to
cherish each other. Let it be now only in letters, but it's very important.
I kiss you and wish all the best
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