Evgeniya (Samara, Russia) aka ELENA KRUCHININA
(Selehev, Russia), aka Katya Golubok (Saratov, Russia)
I am a 36 white male, US, employed. This person contacted me via yahoopersonals.com out of the blue asking me to reply via her personal e-mail. She said her name is Evgeniya (Samara, Russia). I got suspicious after she suggested that I might want to see photos of her without her cloths after only exchanging 3 emails. I checked your site and bingo, there she is. She is even wearing the same cloths. She is already reported on here as ELENA KRUCHININA (Selehev, Russia), and as Katya Golubok (Saratov, Russia). The e-mail she is using now is KOTENOK110@BK.RU I have attached 3 of her emails. She does not know that I am on to her, so I am curious how long it will take to get to the "money."
Letter 1
Hello!!! As I have told my name is Evgeniya and I am very glad that you have answered my letter, I have seen yours uestionnaires and you have liked me, and then I have decided to write to you because you have strongly interested me. I want to tell a little about myself. To me of 26 years and I the independent woman. I search to myself new familiar with which I could communicate on souls. I think that you that person, but I want to know about you much more, than I saw in your questionnaire. I want that you have told to me about it. I search to myself for the person with which I could adjust close relations with which to me would be good and quiet. I shall not do hasty conclusions and I want to know you much better. As I have no own computer of a house I write to you from the Internet of cafe. I rather frequently here come, because my girlfriend here works. I live one in an one-room apartment, very much to like me my apartment she small and cosy. I work in a bar as the waitress and I have the income that me sufficed for a normal life. I for a long time have no parents near to myself. They live in the other city from me. I live in city Samara. It is small city in the central part of Russia. To like me my city, here there are many beautiful places which I like to visit. Also I have higher education which I have received recently. I studied as the bookkeeper and to like me this trade, but I could not find to myself work by a trade and was arranged with the waitress in a bar. I have no children, but I very much love small children and I would like when ather to have the child, but I would not like that it(he) grew in Russia, because this too adverse country. Now I also would not have which man I liked also to me from it very alone. It is quite good work and to me to like to work with people. I use the program the translator to understand that you write, but I also have not bad English and I can speak a little in English. If to you words will be not clear what that, do not pay attention, these are problems with the translatorI do not know that. I can tell still to you about myself, but I hope that we shall continue our acquaintance and we become good friends, and can and more. If you want to ask about what that, please not constraint. I shall answer all your questions. I wait from you a fast reply. Evgeniya.
Letter 2
Hello, Troy!!! I am glad that you have written to me again, I would like and further with you to communicate, whether that we can know to approach(suit) each other. I want to tell to you that at me serious intentions and I want to find to myself the husband in other country. I met the man from Russia earlier, but I do not like Russian men because they too rough and uneducated, on it also are many reasons. I never was in other countries, I have grown in Russia and I am here all life, but I was involved always with other countries. And when I would like to live in other country because I do not want that my children lived in Russia. I would like to create family, in other country andit is possible to have children. I would like to find to myself the husband and to not think of others, I always wanted to be only with one person, but at me bad experience of friendship with Russian the man was. I adhere to orthodox belief and I go to church every Sunday. I believe in the god and this belief the only thing that at me now is, she(it) very much helps me. To me to like to go to campaigns with my girlfriend. Last time we went on lake which is near to us. And very strongly it was pleasant to me. I love the nature and I like animal very strongly. I have been never married, but I very strongly want to create the family. I have no any children. It would be very good, if we could speak by phone, but unfortunately, I have no phone of a house, probably later I can find a variant that I could hear your voice. I very strongly like to travel, learn different cities, the truth I seldom leave the city, but I would like to do(make) it much more often. My working day is very strongly intense and I do not have time to have dinner very well, I am usual eat on the move. I know that it very bad for a stomach, but I do not have other choice. I very seldom go to have a rest, because I on it absolutely do not have time, but to me to like to go to cinema, to walk on night streets because it is very romantic. Last film which I saw it " Night patrol " Russian manufacture was. But I never use a lot of alcohol to have a rest and in general I drink alcohol very seldom because it is bad for health, I also do not smoke. I would like to give my address on any case, but I shall make it little bit later that you could send me that or on him(it). If you want can leave the address and I ask you to not be surprised, if to you the letter from Russia will come.:) I come in the Internet of cafe in one day, but sometimes every day, it depends on my financial condition. I hope that I could tell all to you in this letter, but I hope that you will ask to me questions. Because to me to like to answer them. I wait for your answer soon. I send to you my summer photo. Evgeniya.
Letter 3
Hello, Troy!!! It was pleasant for me to receive again from you the letter. I hope that I can count you the friend and you will frequently send me the letter. We can only so while to communicate. I would like to tell to you about the childhood. I grew one in family and at me was not present neither brothers nor the sister. My parents always lived together but when I have gone in children's they have divorced. Also did not live any more together. I badly remember it because I was still small. I remember just in one my day the daddy have left a house and more I did not see it(him) very for a long time. Mum does not know where it(he) now. I tried it(him) to search but at me it has turned out nothing. But I speak all that it(he) lives in the same In Kirov. Because my mum there lives. I would like it(him) to find, but I think that it not soon happen, if it(he) is still alive. But I am very strong love mum, but unfortunately I seldom see her(it). I have left from Kirov when to me was 21 and I 5 years do not live in the native city. I have left in Kirov that studies, earlier I studied in Kirov, but then I could not pay expensive(dear) study, and in Kirove was cheaper studies and consequently I have left there. Also I do not regret about it. I thought to find to myself here the husband but as I have already told the Russian men very much bad. Almost all from them drink a lot of alcohol and do not wish to give attention to women. Probably in Moscow still there are good men, but all of them have the wives. Therefore I have decided to find to myself the husband in the your country. It is difficult for me to understand that that you write without the translator because I learned(taught) English only at school and institute. And to us good knowledge of language were not required. I use the translator the program to read and write messages. Sometimes it happens very ridiculously when the translator translates not words familiar to it(him). I can talk in English but it is necessary to me a little traning in it. I thought of that that will be, when we shall meet. I think that it should happen. Because I have received from you a few(a little,little bit) letters and would like when you to see, but only as the friend, because I do not know you still well enough to tell to you that I love you. I think that is necessary to write to us still each other many letters before we should speak about that that meet in a life really. I want chat with you and I was possible the next month shall tell that we shall do(make) that will meet, but now we should better learn(find out) each other. I think that people could have real feelings with which person they have learned(have found out) through the Internet. I have decided to write to you after my good girlfriend has left in the your country and has married the American and now she(it) lives in the your country, but she(it) does not write to me and does not call. She(it) absolutely has forgotten me, because she(it) is happy with that the man with which she(it) now lives. And they had real feelings when they wrote each other letters on the Internet. I dream of that to have the family and to live in the your country with the man which will love me. The man to which I shall be necessary. I very much would want to have a small small house. In which all would be very cosy. I dream only of that that I had not to think of that that I tomorrow should pay accounts and I do not have on it money. I would like to find the love and it will be not important in what country. I would like to be simply happy together with person which will make me happy. I would like to send you the letter by usual mail, but in fact more it is more convenient to write each other letters when we write letters through the Internet. Probably soon I shall write to you the letter by usual mail. Only I should learn(find out) all about that as she(it) will depart to you and when it appears at you and whether it while will be do up to you will be lost. At us cold weather and i have is very much bad moon . I now sit in the Internet of cafe in the evening and I know that that I shall strongly freeze, while go up to a house. But I know that that I in these days off shall have a rest at home and to tidy up the apartment. I seldom want where that to have a rest and the most part of the a free time I spend(see off) houses. I think that you would like to see me without clothes, but I shall not do(make) it yet. Because I for the present know you a little. It is possible I shall make it specially for you, but not now little bit later when we shall be better to know each other I. For me the most important person in a life is my mum. Because she(it) from most mine burn was with me and always supported me when it was necessary for me. I very much love her(it). Earlier I had the man, but now I am lonely and at me anybody is not present. I try be the figure that I well looked. I constantly want on foot for this purpose, but also from for that that I have no automobile, and I should go on foot, also I every morning run on a wood which is at us a beside. I in general very much love the nature. You can count me unfortunate in Russia, but it not so, I am happy, but it not on for a long time because in Russia the life is very heavy, but she(it) also has the positive parties(sides). I hope soon to receive from you the letter. I want to be honour with you and to tell all about me. With love Evgeniya.
Stepanova (Murmansk, Russia)
Irina Stepanova. Her email is
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 11:28:20 +0300
Hello my lovely Prince! I have gotten your answer, it's so happy for me to receive your necessary love for me, your warmth words my dear. When I read your letter it seems that I feel your presence near to myself, I feel your breath and warmly of your hands. I love you so much that I can't without you now my love, you and your messages are so necessary for me, you are the inseparable part of my life. I say about it very seriously! Because you know how much I love you my darling William! All days, all seconds I'm dreaming about our meeting, I can't wait a moment when we will meet in your airport my love, I want it so much my darling! I'm a happiest woman in this world, because we have met each other. I want to wish to all people to love each other very much, because I have tested this feeling with you my dear, it happen so quick my dear and through Internet, I want to say to you my dear, that all people, who want to find a love man or woman, this man or woman will find the love necessarily, I'm sure in this, because I found you my love through the Internet, and we love each other so much, and I know that our love is most dear feeling from other feelings that exists on this small light-blue planet. Now all my ideas only about you and this night know that I shall think of you. I see in the sky, among dark clouds the lonely moon, I see in it an outline of your face. Now I think, that is very good that I have got acquainted with you, let even we did not see each other actually, let between us large distance. I do not know that occurs to me, my soul is torn to you, I have what that strange, inexplicable feelings. Close the eyes and do not think of anything bad, let you will be left by all problems and care. Present that we beside. You feel me, my touch of hands, my gentle kiss. Now about travel to you, it is difficult to receive the visa to the lonely Russian women The majority of people of Russia are compelled to wait approval of the visa a lot of time, from 6 months about one year In some cases, it is especial to girls, refuse, but due to my familiar (she works in embassy of Moscow) it easily. Are necessary to pay registration of necessary documents only If you really seriously concern to that that I have visited you, I can settle these formalities. Whether I should know you are capable help me with the finance for the visa and air tickets? Inform me the closest international airport, I want to look flights and cost of air tickets. I remember, that Elena spoke, for registration of the visa necessary time from 2 - 4 weeks. Elena has learned how much cost a visa and a foreign passport too. She have called in embassy and there have said to her that it will be better for us, if I will have the visa of a tourist. This tourist visa B-2, the visitor visa will valid during six months. On this type of visa I'll can travel till USA without any restrictions. The price of this visa, as Elena was informed in embassy, is 110 US dollars. Besides the process of the registration of the visa costs 55 US dollars. Elena also has taken an interest about other kinds of the visas too, as to her have said, that there is a set of kinds of the visas. For example, visa of a bride. She thought, that it is the best variant for us, but her in Embassy have said that this visa costs more expensively and visa's registration costs a lot of money. It's around 650 US dollars and the registration of the visa will during seven months, it is very long and expensive! From it because the tourist visa B-2 is the bitterest variant than visa of bride now for us my love William! My love, I want to ask you one thing, I will need to ask your help with a financial charges for the getting all necessary documents for my coming to you. As probably, may be you know an economic situation in our country, it's simply awful. Our government explains it to those that simply they don't have a money, it's a difficult financial situation, and they don't have a recourses on the salary for the any kind of the job in total. My dearest, my love William, I have a great desire to come to you, to see you at last and only recourses separate us from each another. I love you so much, honey, and I don't want to lose you. Nobody can help me with it. Of course, I asked my mum and my friends to help me with this expense on the necessary documents for my coming, but my mother and my friends doesn't have such money though they would like to help us. My dearest William, in general, I'll need for 400 US dollars. It's certainly large money, you probably have thought what is it more than the total price of the visa and visa's registration, but I will must to get the foreign passport too of course the price of which is 60 US dollars. Also I will need to pay for medical exams, it will be 50 dollars. And of course I will need to pay for the coming from Murmansk to Moscow, I have learned about the price of the airplane ticket Murmansk - Moscow, it will be 2500.00 Russian rubles or it is around 85 US dollars. Elena will try to find the cheaper prices of the air ticket for going to you. She said me, that will try to find a cheaper air tickets! I so happy from this so happy news! But now, at first, my angel, I will must begin a process of the registration of all necessary documents, in total I will need 400 US dollars. My dearest William, if you will send me this so necessary recourses for this documents, it will be better to do through a system of Western Union Elena trust this system Western Union, as She have said me, Western Union is the fastest and reliable system of remittances worldwide! Also Elena said me, you will need in some detailes from me, you will need my full name, and address of the nearest bank where is situated the system of Western Union in Murmansk: Irina Stepanova, Russia, 183700, Murmansk city , Lenin prospectus, 43 BANK MENATEP SPb. My love William, when you will sent this remittance, it will be necessary for me, that you send me an important information which required at a parcel of money. The receiver must know ten digits for receiving money (Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN)), your full name and full home address My love, I understand completely that it's a large money, but to me any more on whom I can to rely and on this I ask you about your help with this expense. My lovely prince, we love each other very much and we will together, I sure in it!!! I'm waiting and I'm dreaming for a moment of our meeting in your airport my William. I will cry in this moment, when I will leave from an air gangway and when I will see you my angel, because it will from our happiness. I close my eyes and I am imagining about this so happy picture. My love, I dream as we will live together my darling, to go for a walk, keeping for our hands. I want, that you will show me your native land, a places where you like to go for a walk and where you like to spend a more of your time. Also I want to get acquainted with your relatives and closest friends so much! I want to be with you very much and I miss you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! My darling, on this I will end my e-mail to you, I will wait for your next e-mail with my great love desire!!! You must know, William, how I love you! Well, it is time to me to go, I will think about you so much, I love you, and I want to be with you as soon as possible my love!!!!! More kisses and hugs. Your love, IRINA.
Yulya (Kazan, Russia) I am a single father of 2, Native American, 27 years old Management Services. I signed up on a singles web site called othersingles.com. Just immediately I received three emails but it was the email from Yulya2004 and her aggressiveness that made her appealing. Several days ago (Nov. 25, 2004) I received an email from a Kazan's City, Russian woman posing as a 27 yr old. She has pictures online (see Yulya2004). I was not excepting to be approached by a foreign woman, but I wasn't closing any options. She written to me three times and in the third time, I noticed she wasn't giving information like last name, references and work location name. I finished my last sentence and emailed my third one to her and just for a second it dawned on me, she has not given me any real information. I took it upon myself to look on the internet for her job. I remembered she wrote; "Now I'm working as a waiter in the bar. I like to work here in our bar, and our visitors are a good clients. Also I want to say to you, that I have an access to Internet by the computer which is situated in an cabinet of our boss here in our bar, because I don't have a computer in my home, and I have asked the sanction at our director for my using of the Internet, and he permitted me to use the computer in a free time from my job." Anthony. Her email is: yulmav@bk.ru; Her name is Mavlikeeva Yulya, and my home address is: Kazan 467000. street Adoratskogo 13 flat 6. Russian Federation.  
Natalia Morozova
(A_K_A Irina Egorova)_Cheboksary_Russia
Hello. My name is Edward, and I am a 41 year old divorced male. I was contacted by a Russian woman via Absolute Agency. We exchanged a few emails, and she quickly expressed her interest and love in our relationship. I came across this website, and found the link concerning scams. She fit most of the warning signs and was listed on this site
Her emails hit point after point listed in the scam site even though she changed her name. She started asking for a certain amount of money for travel and visa application. I wrote back that I would not send the money. She has not responded to that email. Thank you for providing this site to keep men educated on dealing with scammers. I hope your site is able to help others avoid getting scammed.
November 18, 2004:
My friend , i has seen the advertisment on this site. I much want to communicate in you and , think, between you and me can develop the relations. I, young and modest lady. Beside me beautiful figure and pleasing appearance. My mail: baby_girl160879@mail.ru.I shall wait yours fast answer. Your friend
November 21, 2004:
Hi Edward!!! I was very glad when I has found out your letter in my mail box. It is so nice of you! I was waitong for your letter a lot!!! I at once bring my apologies for my mistakes in my structure and the last letter.Now I want to tell in detail about itself, my family and answer some questions.My birth day on August 16 .On sign of the zodiac I lion and my favorite color is blue. I love this color very much! , I think that you can agree with me because this color is really great and it is suit for me very much!!! Please write me what is your favorite color and why, ok? I think first of all I need to know anything about my man, to spend a lot of time with him and only then I think the time will come and I will be able to decide he is for me or not. I hope that you can understand me. Maybe it's not right but I am afraid of making mistakes. I understand that there is no life without mistakes butb& Please, try to believe me and to understand me. I would like to know more about your family and to learn a little bit more in detail about your birth and did the origin of your family have historical character? You probably would like to learn more in detail about my character as I want to know more about your character. I can tell about it only according to mine familiar. When I studied at university, my teacher of the English language spoke that I am too open, simple girl, that someone can take advantage of it in the purposes. I can tell precisely by myself that the sociable and purposeful woman. I love to be in a circle of the cheerful, clever friends. In a circle of the people which I communicate with, I have not found the man whom would be possible to connect the destiny with. I work in female collective, where I hear about married life so many that as though itself married. Each day only also I hear how someone complains that the husband has not come home or drunk has come again. It is too hard for me to listen to their groans each day. It is very a pity of my friends and would like to connect the life with the man from another country where, to my opinion, is not present such an attitude to the women.I have finished the university two years ago. My student's years were the happiest in my life. And you,what can you tell me about your student's life? We had cheerful, friendly company which had time simultaneously well to study and to have a rest. My parents were proud of me as that time as present time! They said that we could have fun without spirits, cigarettes and especially without drugs. I very seriously treat these problems. The world to be rolled not clearly where and it is difficult to tell that against it. A lot of families in the world have mentioned this problem and they can only be pitied. It would not be desirable to speak about sad, probably, do you agree with me? Though it and small on the sizes, I very much love to visit our museums and theatres. Write to me, please, about your city. What is your city and do you like to live there? I speak your language only a little and I own rules of a spelling. But I would like to know what do you think about my knowledge of your language. I want to apologize for mistakes admitted in my letter. I hope that in a near future I shall begin to write more competently.Want to show you its photo when we with my girlfriend went to repose on Black Sea in this summer , we then much have beautifully reposed 15 days, lay under sun and sailled, even went on excursion in caves! Much hope that photo you like!Your answer wait With big impatience! Your
November 23, 2004:
Hello my dear Curtis!!! How are you? How are you doing there? I am ok here you for your quick answer to me. I was very glad again and again! That is great that we have correspondence to each other! And most of all I like that we know more and more about each other! Clipboard From your letters I have some imagination about your person.You are very interesting, serious and good man! I want your business will always be fine. If you need some help from my side you can ask it or tell me what I can do for you. I will do my best to make you happy! Maybe it's the destiny that we found each other. It's great!!!In our region late autumn to be coldly , this foreshadows begin winters and snow, small and unpleasant. Today in our region to become sharply cold , at night -14 C. I little be ill, was a small temperature and cough, I not even left on work two days, treated the building and looked TV. Only, my girlfriend Katya called at to me last night, but not for a long time. In such moments of the lifes understand that comes short beside reliable and loving person, who could say warm words and look after when bad on soul. I am writing you my letter during bad weather outside this window. But I know that you think of me and it makes me to become warm! It's cold here. Today was a good working day. Thank you very much for your answers. I like them all. I hope that you were truly with me answering my questions. And now I know that you can understand everything I say to you. It's good to have a man who can understand me all. By the way I wanted to ask you one thing. Do you believe in destiny. I mean have you ever attend a soothsayer? I have never do it but my mother many years ago (about 5 or 6 years ago) went to one nice lady (she was soothsayer, she was about 70 years old, she had no kids and she lived alone near Saratov-city (country side), friends of my mother attended her before and she never lied them). So my mother is very curious and she decided to go there. This woman told her a lot of interesting things and my mother was surprised because this woman guess almost everything about her Past. And soothsayer said to my mother about her future life. She told her that I find my present work and she told her in what age I will marry. Do you think it is interesting to tell you? But my mother still doesn't want to tell me about it. That soothsayer told that my mother doesn't have to say about it to anybody That is all story. I just want to know do you believe in soothsayer or do you think that every man make his own destiny by his self? Answer ,please, ok? How is your day going? I know that we have some difference in time. So in some hours I should go sleeping and you should go home from your work. I wish I were there with you Ok, now I would better go. I hope I'll see your letter tomorrow in my mailbox, my dear . Already miss you Wait to hear from you soon. Bye! Best wishes, your
November 25, 2004:
Hi my sweet Ed!!! Today has once again got from you letter and much,very pleased !I love when from you come such warm and tender words,pleasantly when man beautifully takes care of woman,let this occurs in letter,but don't care beautifully! I certain that in real life you such tender and tactful and know how to communicate with woman.I now wait output to descend in club and read your new letter,and always outlive and am afraid suddenly there will not be your mails,but come and see your letter so I so radium and cannot describe the word.Today beside us good weather, even shines the sun, but coldly.Yesterday was big snowfall and the whole city is fallen snows. Next week promise the cold and much snows , this the most unpleasant weather beside us. But as beside you in this time of the year weather? In such time nowhere to want to go, usually I read the magazines or books, but more often take the cassettes with video recording and one, or with girlfriend, review new films. Last I looked " Woman-Cat " in main actor- Sharon Stone, but me not much liked, too much fantasies, I prefer the drama or thriller with lucky completion. Probably, all women love such cinema. Much love to listen the music, particularly when ??????? meal or cleare out in apartment. I like almost all styles of music, it depends on my mood. For example, when i am tired listen to classical music. I like Vivaldi. Well, when i am clean my appartament i listen to something more, well, how to say... rock or pop-music. I like russian singer, Alla Pugachova, Masha Rasputina, Alsy and Taty... and other. I ike foreign singer... Madona, Ricky Martin, Robert Wiliams.....other... As for books and reading in general, i love russian classics: Dostoevski, Pushkin, Esenin. But now i read Richard B. Bach. have you ever read his books? My famouse story by Bach is about Jonathan Livingstone. It's so lovely. And his novel i don't know how actualy whether translate the name correctly: "The bridge across eternity." it's romantic, i think. Movies..., The Lord of the Ring (trilogy), The Star Wars (all) Some time ago, i was very happy because my favorite film takes much figurines on a film festival "Oskar". Did you sow it??? My favorite actor are J. Chan, Tommy Le Johns, Vin Disel, Jim Carry, and other. Tv show, Show Jerry Springer. But most of all, i like to spend my free time with my girlfriends. Sometimes we go to the cinema or meet in cafe. Sometimes we make trips along the countryside by bicycles.During weekend I am going to in trip to its parent in Zvenigovo, I already one and a month their did not see and much became bored. I want to tell him about you and our relations with you. Well, shall finish its letter, shall long for your answer!!!!!!!! When I shall arrive I in this day I shall write you, ok. I shall long for without your warm words and wish!!!!!!!! Who you spend time when you are together??? Tell me...Kiss you!!!!!Your
November 27, 2004:
Sweetheart Ed!!!I'm so happy that you are with me even at so big distance. You can't even impress how I'm glad to receive your letters. I begin to feel that I need in them like in bread and water. I think, it's love. I think life is so short and we must live it in love and mutual understanding and don't lose the time which the God gave us.Today with morning will go on work,much waited the evening to go sooner in club and write you letter.Today I want to write you about ensemble,I feel that can not without you and your letters.I have told about you only ma since father beside me very strict and I shall tell him about you afterwards.Ma has perceived well news about my friend from other country,I have said that we while only write to each other letter and can be I arrive in your nice country and are soon met,I have told her that I have a feeling to you and difference at age for me does not matter if me well with you.I want to tell you that you are my love, I trust you and I tell you about my feelings I want to tell you all what in my heart now, I don't know can I write it in words but I try now. Today is cold weather near -18C and snow, but thoughts about you make me warm, I fell that you are very favourite for me. My heart beats faster when I dream about our meeting, yesterday, last night I had a dream about us. It was fantastic dream, we was together and speak a lot, I don't remember where we was, but it was not important for me. I feel your breath and it was the happiest moment in my life, It was so real... Then we come to house, we had a dinner with candles. I remember then we come to bedroom, but it was the final moment I remember, then I waked up, I was so warm and my heart beats very often. I understood it was only a dream, but it was so real... I think this dream has a important value for me. Maybe it's mark? I don't know but I really know that I love you all my heart. I LOVE YOU!!! I WANT TO TELL IT YOU PERSONALLY, I WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AND SEE YOUR EYES AND TELL IT TO YOU!!!! I LOVE YOU AND IT'S TRUE!!! Today I'll go to the church and put candle for our relations, I make a wish to meet you, I'll ask the God for you. My heart is yours, I tell it to you because I trust you and I never lie, I tell you my feelings to you and I'm sure I must tell you the truth. And it's beautiful truth to me that I love you... I don't thought that it will be, but I don't know why but I feel it to you. I think we must meet, I don't know how to do it now but I'll think about it, I think about you as my best friend in future but we must know better each other for it and I know we must meet and be with each other. I have a school girlfriend,which vein in Zvenigovo,her name Nastya,one and a half year back she got acquainted through internet c Robert,he lives in Atlanta,former police,but now beside it small company on computer.In month after their acquaintance Robert has invited Nastya to itself in America,through several months they married and now live in Atlanta-city.Nastya arrived at the end summer to its parent and we were going to together with girlfriend and have noted her arrival,she much told about lifes in America and has said that to return in Russia not will.She also me advised to find good person and persisting man through internet,but first I was afraid,but now understand that it is correct has done and got acquainted-man of my dreams !!!Excuse me that I today much wrote about love and feeling,but beside me today such romantic mood. I know that it's fate smiled to us and shone our life with its smile. I'm happy that we could find each other in this big world. Now I don't feel myself so alone because I know that you are in my life. You gave me hope for happy life. The greatest happiness for me is to feel love, tenderness and care of man who is ready to understand and support his loved woman. My ,write me as possible more often,I need for your letter and warm tender word !!!
Many Kisses,only your Natalia !!!!!!
November 28, 2004:
My love Edward!!!Today, the weather is cold here again, and I'm thinking of you ! It was a great day when I received the first letter from you I thank the God and I know that I found the nice man and I love you. Today I find out up to the end all about opportunities come to you. I miss you !!!I am pleased with an opportunity to meet you soon, and I want it very much, I think you want it too, your letters was the ray of light in my life. As you know I was not very interested in moving to other country but I will do it. We have firm in our city which makes the documents for people who want to leave the country.They answer that I need the visa, foreign passport and some other documents for registration. We have defined a type of the visa and it's type which allows to marry in the future but if it will be not realize I must return to my country after ninety days it's limit for visa. I asked about prices and was very surprised, first I ask about terms of performance and they said that there is many people who wants to make documents and leave the country but if I'll make the application now, and pay for it now they will make all documents not more than two weeks, and if I'll not make the application, documents will be prepared not earlier than two or three months because there are many people who wants to do it. I was very surprised of price of it. It cost three hundreds and fifty five american dollars or two hundreds sixty nine euros. It's make me little suppressed and disappointed I don't have so much now. I was make application but I must pay for it. I asked my mother about our savings she said that the money should not be a barrier between two people which love each other. I counted my sum and I found out that I have only about thirty dollars and my wages will be not soon. I asked my friends about helping me and they said that haven't it at the present moment. I asked the advice my mother and she said that maybe you can help me because he loves me. I asked her how he can help me, because he is far from me. My mother said that you can send the money through company which make this service. I asked about it on my work and I know now that exists reliable and fast company which makes remittances in world and it's called western union. I has remember that I saw advertising this company on tv. I take a directory book and found the address of it and it's not far from me. I went there and I asked them about service. They said that sender must go to the western union branch, give them information: the name and last name of receiver, country they make transfer and bring the ten digits secret code to sender. The receiver must know ten digits for receiving money. They say that the branches of it must be everywhere worldwide. Here is the information about me: Country: Russia, city: Cheboksary, Chehova street,block 63,apartment 103, name: Natalia Morozova, address of branch of western union:VNESHTORGBANK, K.IVANOVA, 80-A, Cheboksary , 428018. I must know your full name, full address, your contact phone.You must know that I decide to ask you about it because I love you and trust you very much. I decide to come to you because I feel this way and you are very necessary to me, I decided to come to the unfamiliar country and I never be outside my country. But I decided to do it because now you are part of my life and I trust you in all. I think you trust me too and love me too. You must inform me the closest airport to you I'll ask the help with ticket from my relatives. Please don't forget to tell me the closest airport. My love, I need 355 dollars or 269 euros.The price of this visa, was informed in embassy, is 240 US dollars or 181 euro . Besides the process of the registration of the visa costs 55 US dollars or 43 euro. It's certainly large money, you probably have thought what is it more than the total price of the visa and visa's registration, but I will must to get the foreign passport too of course the price of which is 25 US dollars. Also I will need to pay for medical exams too, it will be 35 dollars. I think you will help us because we found our love and we want to meet closer. Do you remember I already wrote you about my girlfriend Nastya who leave Russia and live now with her husband Robert in America. She told me when she was still here in russia: Robert has sent some money to her via western union. She made all documents and after it she came to him in America. And now they live there. I hope she will write me soon. I wait letter from you. But I think she will write later because she told me that they will go to wedding tour and she can write when they will back to home. I think it's good idea to use western union company for transfer. I asked about papers at my boss. He have a lot of trips to another countries And he said that he will help me with documents. He has advised me to address to this firm. He constantly addressing to this firm for the papers for trips and for tickets. He said this firm is reliable. You must know we must hurry because I can receive the documents soon and if we lost the time it is necessary for a long time. Now it's very difficultly to receive the visa, and it's fact, but if I pay now I think I do it.I think about sense of money, and I'm very sad if this paper can prevent people to meet each other. In most cases the money play a main role in life but it's not right! I'm sure. And the quantity of money was and will not important to me I always not aspired to material enrichment and don't search specially for rich man. I appreciate human qualities and relations and I love you !!! I love you all my heart, I want to be with you now... I want to be with you forever. If it's mutually we will be very happy in our life. I think you love me too and we will meet very soon. My heart is yours. I'm waiting good news from you, I hope everything will be all right and we will be together soon. Every day I think about our meeting, and I think it's real, we must use this chance of destiny. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! Yourlove Natalia. P.S. Don't forget, I need in your full name, full address, phone number, 10 digit of secret code (you will get it in your western union branch) and sum of money you will send. Please don't forget anything from this list! If you have problems-ring me at evening, after my workday I can to talk with you after 6.00 pm at Moscow time +7 903 050 6864.
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