Gayane Navalova
(Lugansk, Ukraine)
MY name is JACK SLADKY, I'm 51 with 2 daughters, living in Pennsylvania. I
was pursuing a young woman from Lugansk, name Gayane Navalova (Armenian)
who was very attractive, very sexy, and had ALL THE RIGHT WORDS in her
letter for me. We seemed to communicate very well and I was looking forward to
meet her.
Then she pulled the MONEY thing on me. I sent her $50 to cover the letters
and she was VERY disappointed in this. She said she needed MORE money to
make herself beautiful for me ... I thought .. for WHAT .. I'm not going to
meet you for 45 days !!!! Yet she insisted. Then when I inquired as to how
much to include train ticket, she responded with $200.
I decided to send her an email from a 'fake' man named Tom. She fell hook
line and sinker and wanted $280 from 'Tom' to come to the same city (KIEV)
... and meet with Tom.
All told ... she'd have made almost $500 on 1 train ticket PLUS most likely
would have scammed us for clothes while in Kiev.
I've attached her AD on ABSOLUTE AGENCY ... it shows different photos of her
and notice the clothes she's wearing. Then I'm sending photos of her also,
one sexy and one in a luxurious fur coat.
Gayane also advertises on KISS.COM NEW Ad for GAYA NAVALOVA
<A HREF="">Absolute
Agency Dating Service</A> A1412206
Here are her letters addressed to ME, Jack Sladky. They are followed by her
letters to the FAKE email address, listed as TOM. You can see how good she
is with her words and how she makes you feel good. She does not write
'canned' letters for the most part, but very personable which makes her
First Letter to JACK from Gaya (Gayane)
Hello dear Jack ! I am very glad that you noticed me and sent the message. Dear, I was pleasantly surprised that you wrote to me a few words in Russian!
Where did you learned it? I am impressed!!!:-)))))) Jack, I think that sometimes it
is very difficult to describe itself and specially at first letter. Dear, I little introduce
myself to you. I am nice Ukrainian girl 24 years old. My name is
Gayane. I am living at Lugansk, it is south-east of Ukraine. I am working at private firm as
manager. I want to find my second half -nice,tender and reliable man and just to
be happy in this life. Of course, I want to have a children and cosy home. After
reading your letter I think that we have so much in common! I also very romantic
person, I like to travel,I like sport very much and specially dances !!!! I am very
sociable,cheerful and kind. I just don't know what else to write about myself. Will
be better if you will ask me any questions, which you want and I will reply with
pleasure. Jack, I will be glad to meet with you. I think that this is a good idea!!!! Dear,please send to me your letter and
photo. Waiting your soon reply with impatience. With tenderness.
8th Letter from Gayane to Jack.
It took her 3 weeks of writing to ask for
money. Because of this long delay I did not feel suspicious at this point.
I understood the costs of sending emails out. So she did not at this time
appear to be a scammer. However, by letter 4 she feels she has found her
Hello my very hot and sexy man! Thank you very much for your very hot letters! I
adore it. Dear, of course, I can little wait. It is not so far away!!!!!! Dear, I hope that
our meeting in Kiev will be very nice and I can only imagine how wonderfully it will
be -to spent some time and nights with you!!!!!!:-)))))))))) Dear, you know, I already
started to count how many days left to our nice romantic meeting. Jack,are you
romantic person? Do you like candle light dinner with soft music and red nice vine. Tell me,dear, how do you imagine our first meeting? Or our first night
together? And then I will tell you. Tell me,please, where do you want to make love
to me? I am very-very curious girl!!!:-)))))))))) Dear, as you know, I don't have own
computer. I hope that you understand,dear. I am using translating agency and
pay for this. That is why I am writing to you not very often and not very big letters
as I wanted because for me very difficult to afford such letters. Of course, I
appreciate this very much if you will help me with this and I will be writing letters
to you often and bigger. I promise!!!!!! Do you want this,darling?
Jack,dear, you told that you want to help me with our letters. Dear,I appreciate this very much!
Now I can see that you real man and not only at the bed!!!!! Dear, but I have small
request for you. You know, many girls corresponding here with men from many
countries and many men sent to their girls some help,I mean to buy something nice. Now is Summer and I want to buy something nice for Summer - some
t-shirts and sandals. Of course, it would be good if I could go to beauty saloon
and make to myself nails and other things. But these things here very costly and
I can not afford it even once in a year. Dear, can you help me little? I want that
when my darling Jack will come to meet me,I will be 'in order' -I mean, as real
lady! Dear, waiting your soon reply. Passionately kiss you. Yours
Gayane. P.S. My name is Gayane / Гаяне/. It is Armenian name!
14th Letter from Gayane to Jack
Here she writes how disappointed she was in
receiving the $50 for letters. She wants more money so she can look beautiful for
me. Our meeting was NOT for 45 days yet so naturally I was VERY suspicious
Hello dear Jack! Thank you very much for your message and for your help. I
appreciate this very much. But,dear, this I can only give for our correspondence
and nothing left for me. But I want also at list something to spent for myself.:-)))))) I want to be very beautiful for you. Dear, I like all your messages very much. I like
to read and read your messages. I could read it read over and over and I get such
pleasure from it. Dear, I am sorry for my small message. I am very hurry in my job. I promise that I will write nice letter to you in couple days. Jack, thank you
very much for your photo. Tenderly kiss you. Yours Gayane.
Money Letter (#23)
This is where I drew the line ... I could not believe how
much she was asking. For me it was expensive. Plus the fact she was asking
even MORE from TOM (see below). I'm not sure she was a total scammer to me
... she liked me and I think one can be writing a 'scammer' but she was very
interested in me as well. Her last letter (not shown) was very lengthy and
spoke of many American men coming ONLY for sex ... and as a woman she had to
protect herself.
Hello my dear hot sexy man, my Jack! Thank you very much for your nice
message. I was very glad to get it. Dear, I must to tell you that I can not wait to
see you and to feel everything what you describe in your last letter. Dear, I want
to see Kiev and about other plans - we will see about it. I don't know. I long time
wasn't at Kiev and we can go where you want and see what you want. I am with
pleasure will do everything and go everywhere where you want. Each time I read
and read your letters a few times. You make me very hot!!!!!:-))))) Dear, my sweet
and hot man, if you will sent to me the money soon I think that with the tickets it
is not going to be a problem. O'k, I will come at Kiev September the 13th, in the
morning at 8 a.m. But when I will go home? I think that I must buy now tickets at
both ways. How many days you want that we spent at Kiev? Jack, I think that for
the tickets I needs around 200 $ - for ticket and some food and some pocket
money. As for me - to make me at order for you - I can not ask - you sent as
much as you think it is enough for me. Waiting your soon reply. Tenderly kiss
you. Gayane.
Here are her letters to Tom.
First letter from Gayane to TOM
Hello dear Tom! I am very glad that you noticed me and sent the message. Dear,
I think that sometimes it is very difficult to describe itself and specially at first
letter. I think that the Internet it's serious thing and nice chance for people to
search for soul mate all over the world. I read in one book that God was separate
people in two parts, and each of one must find the other part for itself and
became the one perfect thing...maybe we are the two ideal parts who knows ;))))) Dear, I can say that I am very very romantic, caring and loving woman. I am also
very passionate and sensual. I love to kiss, to touch, to embrace ... You'll find me
very 'generouss' in giving you my attention, affection and love. I enjoy traveling
and meeting people of different cultures. I have many interests which I'll be glad to
share with you if you are interested. With my special Love, I will dance ... dance
... and dance all night long, go for romantic walks under the stars or as the sun
crests the horizon in the early morning. Together, we'll share candlelit dinners,
fireside conversations, picnics in the country, massages, bubble baths with
candles and soft music. Dear, I little introduce myself to you. I am nice Ukrainian
girl 24 years old. My name is Gayane. I am living at Lugansk, it is south-east of
Ukraine. I am working at private firm as manager. I want to find my second half
-nice,tender and reliable man and just to be happy in this life. Of course, I want to
have a children and cosy home. I just don't know what else to write about myself. Will be better if you will ask me any questions, which you want and I will reply
with pleasure. Tom,dear,of course,I also want to see you very much and as soon
as possible. But I think that we must at list little-little come to know about each
other and then let us meet. What do you think about second half of September or
beginning of October? Because I want to experience with you 'simple things'!:-)))))))))))) Dear,please send to me your letter and photo Waiting your soon reply with impatience.
With tenderness. Gayane.
3rd Letter from Gayane
Hello my dear Tom! Thank you very much for your nice message. I was very glad
to get it. Dear , I am so glad that you plan to come and meet me. Of course, I
want come and meet you at capital because I was there only when I was very
small girl and now I know that there so beautiful city. Plus I can meet you at the
airport because you must agree with me - that for foreign person - it will be
secure if somebody will meet him. I hope that you will agree with this. Tom, of
course,my darling, I think that I needs your help to buy the tickets. And it is
already time to buy my tickets to Kiev if you want that I came at the time at Kiev
because now with tickets very big problem and people book the tickets for 30-40
days ahead!:-))) How many days you want to stay at Kiev - when I must to buy
return ticket? Dear, I also want ask you about small help - to start prepare myself
to meeting with you!!!:-)))) Dear, I want to be very beautiful - on our first meeting.
And only for you. What you will say????? Waiting your soon reply. Tenderly kiss
you. Your Gayane.
4th Letter from Gayane.
Here she asks for $250-280 for a train ticket from
Lugansk (normally < $10 or $40 for First Class, entire compartment). She
also asked Jack for $200 dollars. She said she wanted some money for 'looking pretty' for me ... a MONTH BEFORE
WE WERE TO MEET ? In total ... she was going to make $450 off one train
ticket ... and she certainly was going to request CLOTHES and things for her
when we met. Probably a $1,000 girl by the time she leaves you high and dry.
GAYANE IS ONLY 1 OF PROBABLY 50-60 THAT ADVERTISE ON ABSOLUTE AGENCY. Hello my dear Tom! Thank you very much for your nice
letter. I was very glad to get it. Dear, I knew that you real gentleman because you
said such words, which touched me very much and surprised me. I am so glad
that I met you. Tom,darling, of course I want to talk with you on the phone. Dear,
do you know about time difference? Unfortunately I don't have the phone at home. But I can arrange this. I will come at translating agency and if so, we can use the
service of interpreter. I can come and wait for your phone call only after 5 p.m. Ukrainian time because I am working before that. I am giving the phone number to
you : 38-0642-953413. But, dear, you must inform me at what time you can call. I
can wait for your call from 5 to 6 p.m. or any suitable time for you. But please
inform me about this. You know, I also want to hear your voice very much. Dear
Tom,I asked at interpreter about the transfer and she told that you needs my
home address and address of Bank. Here is my address : Ukraine,91015
Lugansk, qv.Olhovskiy,16/16 Navalova Gayane. and here is Bank's addresses ; Ukraine, 91000
Lugansk, Soviet str., 61 Bank 'Aval' or other: Ukraine,91000,
Lugansk, Kotsubinskogo str., UkrKommunBank. The most fast and reliable way
to sent it will be service Western Union. Tom, dear, I am so pleased that you
want that I buy some sexy lingerie. I also want do this for my my special man!!!! But I must admit, that nice lingerie cost here not very cheap. Dear, I think that for
the tickets, lingerie, coming at the airport to meet you and to bring myself 'at
order' I needs approximately 250-280 $. Dear, I think that you can spent such money for your Princes? Tom, I am waiting your soon reply and phone call. With
tenderness. Gayane. P.S. Dear, what is the exact dates of your coming and
going back, I must to know for the tickets. P.P.S. Please sent to me your last
photo. [Unable to display image][Unable to display image][Unable to display
She may be sincere ... but unfortunately she also wants your money. Her
latest photos on Absolute Agency show MORE NICE CLOTHES ... probably from
some other poor sucker she met.
Jack Sladky
Glazkova/Angela Oleynik (Kherson, Ukraine)
Gentleman ( Please Read )
I was talking to a women named Irina Glazkova and she said all the right things
and wanted to come and marry me and leave Russia. she asked me to send her
$160.00 for her Passport, $940.00 for her airline ticket to St. Louis and $40.00 to
$50.00 for trip to airport from Kiev.
I was about to send her the money to Irina Glazkova address Ukraine, Kherson at
Lenina 47, ap.11 through western union, then call her back with the 10 digital
number and acted like she did not really know how to do this. I asked her if I
could have my cousin send her a ticket for her to come here, she said she would
get a better price because she worked at a travel agency and she could not get
her Visa if they did not do the paperwork. She said it would take 5 to 10 days and
she could be here. She said she could not eat, or sleep, that all she could do is
think about me and wanting to be with me. My cousin suggested that I go to this
site and make sure she is not on the blacklist and to my surprise she was under
Angela Oleynik ( Kherson, Ukraine ) and thanks to Jason, Randy, Ron and other I
saved allot of money and I hope no other honest people get scammed by her. I
sent her page that half of it is on her to her instead of the money. She is a very
attractive women and I can see how you could be drawn to her.
Thanks & if anybody has any questions you can email me at if you have any questions and everybody be careful & good luck we all work to
hard for our money.
The photos are of an famous
international model and was used in many previous scams
Irina Stolovynsk
(Kiev, Ukraine)
One Irina Stolovynsk of Kiev Ukraine sent me an email from suggesting that I look at her website for dating services that lists a number of
Russian/ukrainian girls profiles. Her website includes www. and All of the profiles are bogus and not legitimate. I, Richard Atwater of Florida have pursued an interest in
contacting one of the girls in the profile (Elena of saratov ID# dr 10347). After
numerous attempts to get information pertaining to her they indicated nothing would
be done unless a cash deposit of $36 (+ fees totalling $54) must be sent to Irina
Stolovynsk at her account number in Starokievskiy Bank in Kiev Ukraine, via
Western Union transfer of funds direct or through CITI Bank in New York where she
also has an account transfer file). It took me several weeks of contact with her and
she almost never responded to my many requests. The only time she responded
was to inform me that nothing would be done until she personally received the cash
money through Western Union for her account. I sent $54 including fees to her via
Western Union direct to Starokievskiy bank in Kiev. For nearly two weeks she kept
informing me that the money had not yet been received even though it was
confirmed by Western Union to be in Kiev on location. Finally after 30
full days of just trying to get one girls profile contact information she did send me an email as
the contact point to reach her. That contact was or I contacted them sending letters to whom I though to be Elena of
saratov profile ID# dr 10347 from the website. They responded with a short
statement that "soon Elena would write to be without fail". After a week went by I
received nothing after numerous inquiries. Then finally they sent a short note
saying:"we do not read or speak English". I heard nothing more. Finally I went to
Elena Besuden who is a Russian married to an American and the legitimate
administrator of the well known and respected company called Anastasia. I asked
her to help me find out about the email contact at who had sent a
message in Russian, and also about the Irina of Kiev who had taken my money with
no legitimate service in return. Elena Besuden helped me a great deal and did get a
reply from the email firm in Saratov. Theuy told her that the girl in
the profile had been listed since July 2001 but did not want to seek a foreign
husband. Her profile was for an internal Russian website. But Irina of Ukraine
transferred the files to her account to send to foreigners illegally. She collects the
money and sends the email listings of Russian firms that are not her associates.
I think administrator of Saratov agency should at least let Elena ID# dr 10347 know
that there is somebody interested in her. If anyone could put me in contact with
Elena Muravieva of Saratov profile ID# dr 10347directly I would appreciate it. The
administrator of is doing her and me a dis-service by denying us
the opportunity to make contact by just stating that she does not want a foreign
husband because she said so in her profile. Let Elena Muravieva be the one to
decide and not a middle person administrator who denies her the contact she
doesn't know about.
Rich Atwater
Pilaykina (Bishkek, Republic of Kazakhstan)
I'm Spanish man 44 years, I bought the
anti scam guide, after that I think that I was scammed. My English
is not perfect. I met one announcement in Iwantu, name lavanda76,
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. We begin to write, and I send money for Western Union to Irina
Address, Microraion street, Bishkek. I received calls for phone. I
send money in diverse transfer just 3000 USD. She missed the same week that she say that she has the visa for Spain. I
made one analysis of Bishkek announcements and all is different photos, but, when one scam is finish,
there are another time same words. The anouncements sure are: bolot,
kekus, nov2001. It's not sure million. Also, Bishkek in Cayman Island from
Emanuelru, poldi, squiel2001. I think that really is all with Bishkek residence in
Iwantu. I
wrote to Iwantu, for the moment any answer. Now, they make one new phase of
announcements. I'm Spanish, I have not FBI. I write only for news honest men.
Sorry for my English.
Larisa Karpova and Lubov
Gavrilova (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
I was almost taken by this girl Larisa until I discovered this site and
found her friend Lubov Gavrilova blacklisted. As I have found out, it
was the common visa scam. She wrote about 10 letters declaring her love, etc. before she tried to bite me for
the cash. Thank God, I wised up in time. These girls are very convincing. The
second "money" letter is attached and speaks for itself. I will be glad to send all 12
letters along with the 5 or 6 pictures if it will help. When I wised up
I informed her that I was on to her scam, and she quit writing. The original contact came from her
through By the way, in the picture that is "Larisa" on the left. Hopefully
this will save someone some money, heartache, and/or embarassment. CHRIS
CAPO--Biloxi, MS
It is pleasant to me to read your letter. I grieve without you. I love you very
much. I want to be with you. It is very inconvenient, but I again want to ask to
send me money to the visa. The visa is accessible. I need to pay her (it).
Understand me +. I do not have money. When I think of it, I to cry. Today I all night to not
sleep. I to cry. Beside were the mum and she (it) to calm me. She (it) has told,
you love me. Simply you cannot send money. Sometimes to me to seem, you to play
with me. But I do not believe in it. You really love me? It is a pity of money?
You trust me? At you other woman? I still TO TRUST and TO TRUST you. I ask, that
you have sent me money for me to arrive in you. If I to not pay the visa now,
then it is necessary long to wait. I love you and I wait from you the frank letter
Write to me in any case.
P. S. Mine lovely!!! I to give back the passport in agency. There to me to help to
issue the visa. I DO NOT HAVE PASSPORT. SEND MONEY ADDRESSED TO MINE GIRLFRIEND. She the very good man. She will receive money and will give
back them to me. I send the new ADDRESS: ALFA BANK LENINA ST.,121
Lubov Gavrilova

Komova (Tyumen, Russia)
Thank you elena for providing this service! I had
accidentally stumbled on to you while trying to search for this person, Larisa Komova, this person is still
in contact with me, but I became very suspicious after she stated she loved me after what?
Three letters?lol Any way I can t believe how many aliases and photos of
this person is on your site! I have to date received like 9 letters. The funny thing is if you
go to the American consulate website they will tell you the fees and types of visas.
Anyway I m having fun with it! If you are foolish enough to send money to someone
you dont know.....a fool and his money are soon parted!
Hi my great love Michael! I got your information
about the ticket. Sorry but I have no direct phone number you can call
me. I'll try to do it myself. I think that today is not usual day. It is so bad
weather today. But I'm in great mood! Sure firstly I want to tell you a very good new! I
learned about how I can get the visa to come to you to America. I was learned it with help
of mine wonderful Marina! She is the best girl all over the world. I think that the best way for me is to get Tourist
visitors visa. It is the easiest way to come to you. Sure it will be very hard to get it
nevertheless but I hope that I can do it with your help! It has one weakness - it allow to stay
in your country for only three months but I hope that after coming that time I will
have a chance to prolong it. I was said that it is possible. Marina said that she knows
many events when girls from Russia got Tourists visas and after that got married
and stayed abroad. So I think that we can be together too! How do you think? Am I
right? Unfortunately I still have no foreign passport. So I to make it too. I
counted all cost for preparing of all papers. It makes about 300 US dollars. By the way I
can get my visa in already two weeks! I was so pleased to hear this! It
means that we can meet so soon as I didn't ever dreamed! I'm really happy to know
that! As you see it's pretty big money here in Russia. And I can't save it
for that short time we are writing with you. I already saved about 40 dollars. So I want
you to help me with that rest money. If you don't mind I need your help me
with stayed 260 dollars! You can send them through the system Western Union. I was
advised to use it by my best Marina too! She said that that this system is very
reliable. And I trust her! So you can send me the money through Western Union.
Marina said that when you will send the money they will give you Money Transfer
Control Number (MTCN). This is ten digits. If you send me that MTCN by e-mail I can get
your money at my bank here in Russia. I'll give you the adress of Western Union here in
Tyumen. You are to send the money for my name LARISA KOMOVA. The address of Western
Another important information is that I need information about the closest
airport to you. Marina said that she will help me to find very cheap ticket for plain
to USA. As you see I speak too much about money. I hate this world for it is
controlled by the money! But without your help I will never see you! Unfortunately
we are to pay to be together! It's so pity! I'd love to fly to you simply with help of my
love-wings that carry me in my dreams about I will meet you and we will live
together forever until death!!! I'm so impatient when we will meet! Do you think I'm
crazy?! You are my best man! I love you so much! My parents were not very good
with that idea for us to be together firstly. They thought it is so far and dangerous!
But I convinced them to let me be with my beloved and they agree with me at the
end. All my friends wish for me to be the happiest girl in the world to
be together!!! Marina make all for me to be happy. Of course she is so
pity for the fact that we'll be apart but it is life - it is destiny. We will
always contact with her with help of computer and by mail! We'll be together in our souls! It is so
pity..... So I'm overing at this - my boss said that used too much the time at
computer here. Sorry if I may be offend you asking the money. But I hope that in
your next letter I'll read very good news for us my love! I need you. I dream of you! I love to think about you.
I'm so crazy....
Your Larisa.
Hi my great love Michael! I got your information
about the ticket. Sorry but I have no direct phone number you can call
me. I'll try to do it myself. I think that today is not usual day. It is so bad
weather today. But I'm in great mood! Sure firstly I want to tell you a very good new! I
learned about how I can get the visa to come to you to America. I was learned it with help
of mine wonderful Marina! She is the best girl all over the world. I think that the best way for me is to get Tourist
visitors visa. It is the easiest way to come to you. Sure it will be very hard to get it
nevertheless but I hope that I can do it with your help! It has one weakness - it allow to stay
in your country for only three months but I hope that after coming that time I will
have a chance to prolong it. I was said that it is possible. Marina said that she knows
many events when girls from Russia got Tourists visas and after that got married
and stayed abroad. So I think that we can be together too! How do you think? Am I
right? Unfortunately I still have no foreign passport. So I to make it too. I
counted all cost for preparing of all papers. It makes about 300 US dollars. By the way I
can get my visa in already two weeks! I was so pleased to hear this! It
means that we can meet so soon as I didn't ever dreamed! I'm really happy to know
that! As you see it's pretty big money here in Russia. And I can't save it
for that short time we are writing with you. I already saved about 40 dollars. So I want
you to help me with that rest money. If you don't mind I need your help me
with stayed 260 dollars! You can send them through the system Western Union. I was
advised to use it by my best Marina too! She said that that this system is very
reliable. And I trust her! So you can send me the money through Western Union.
Marina said that when you will send the money they will give you Money Transfer
Control Number (MTCN). This is ten digits. If you send me that MTCN by e-mail I can get
your money at my bank here in Russia. I'll give you the adress of Western Union here in
Tyumen. You are to send the money for my name LARISA KOMOVA. The address of Western
Another important information is that I need information about the closest
airport to you. Marina said that she will help me to find very cheap
ticket for plain to USA. As you see I speak too much about money. I hate this
world for it is controlled by the money! But without your help I will never see you!
Unfortunately we are to pay to be together! It's so pity! I'd love to fly to you simply with help of my
love-wings that carry me in my dreams about I will meet you and we will live
together forever until death!!! I'm so impatient when we will meet! Do you think I'm
crazy?! You are my best man! I love you so much! My parents were not very good
with that idea for us to be together firstly. They thought it is so far and dangerous!
But I convinced them to let me be with my beloved and they agree with me at the
end. All my friends wish for me to be the happiest girl in the world to
be together!!! Marina make all for me to be happy. Of course she is so
pity for the fact that we'll be apart but it is life - it is destiny. We will
always contact with her with help of computer and by mail! We'll be together in our souls! It is so
pity..... So I'm overing at this - my boss said that used too much the time at
computer here. Sorry if I may be offend you asking the money. But I hope that in
your next letter I'll read very good news for us my love! I need you. I dream of you! I love to think about you.
I'm so crazy....
Your Larisa.
Hi my great love Michael! I got your information
about the ticket. Sorry but I have no direct phone number you can call
me. I'll try to do it myself. I think that today is not usual day. It is so bad
weather today. But I'm in great mood! Sure firstly I want to tell you a very good new! I
learned about how I can get the visa to come to you to America. I was learned it with help
of mine wonderful Marina! She is the best girl all over the world. I think that the best way for me is to get Tourist
visitors visa. It is the easiest way to come to you. Sure it will be very hard to get it
nevertheless but I hope that I can do it with your help! It has one weakness - it allow to stay
in your country for only three months but I hope that after coming that time I will
have a chance to prolong it. I was said that it is possible. Marina said that she knows
many events when girls from Russia got Tourists visas and after that got married
and stayed abroad. So I think that we can be together too! How do you think? Am I
right? Unfortunately I still have no foreign passport. So I to make it too. I
counted all cost for preparing of all papers. It makes about 300 US dollars. By the way I
can get my visa in already two weeks! I was so pleased to hear this! It
means that we can meet so soon as I didn't ever dreamed! I'm really happy to know
that! As you see it's pretty big money here in Russia. And I can't save it
for that short time we are writing with you. I already saved about 40 dollars. So I want
you to help me with that rest money. If you don't mind I need your help me
with stayed 260 dollars! You can send them through the system Western Union. I was
advised to use it by my best Marina too! She said that that this system is very
reliable. And I trust her! So you can send me the money through Western Union.
Marina said that when you will send the money they will give you Money Transfer
Control Number (MTCN). This is ten digits. If you send me that MTCN by e-mail I can get
your money at my bank here in Russia. I'll give you the adress of Western Union here in
Tyumen. You are to send the money for my name LARISA KOMOVA. The address of Western
Another important information is that I need information about the
closest airport to you. Marina said that she will help me to find very cheap
ticket for plain to USA. As you see I speak too much about money. I hate this
world for it is controlled by the money! But without your help I will never see you!
Unfortunately we are to pay to be together! It's so pity! I'd love to fly to you simply with help of my
love-wings that carry me in my dreams about I will meet you and we will live
together forever until death!!! I'm so impatient when we will meet! Do you think I'm
crazy?! You are my best man! I love you so much! My parents were not very good
with that idea for us to be together firstly. They thought it is so far and dangerous!
But I convinced them to let me be with my beloved and they agree with me at the
end. All my friends wish for me to be the happiest girl in the world to
be together!!! Marina make all for me to be happy. Of course she is so
pity for the fact that we'll be apart but it is life - it is destiny. We will
always contact with her with help of computer and by mail! We'll be together in our souls! It is so
pity..... So I'm overing at this - my boss said that used too much the time at
computer here. Sorry if I may be offend you asking the money. But I hope that in
your next letter I'll read very good news for us my love! I need you. I dream of you! I love to think about you.
I'm so crazy....
Your Larisa.
Larisa I never, ever, send money. PERIOD. As far as the fees go this is from the
American consulate website: U.S. law requires reciprocity of visa fees between
countries. Therefore the issuance fees charged for U.S. visas were adjusted on
May 1,1996 to reflect the cost of Russian visas for U.S. citizens. For almost
all visa categories, visa fees are as follows, and are denominated in dollars for the
convenience of our other posts abroad which issue visas to Russians to
travel to the U.S. Applicants in Russia may pay in rubles at the day's exchange rate on the
date they pick up the visa. (Fees can be paid in U.S. dollars or
travellers' checks, but we cannot accept payment partly in dollars and partly in rubles.)
$20 for a single-entry visa valid for six months; $150 for a multiple-entry visa valid for one
year; or, $450 for a multiple-entry visa valid for three years. Effective February 1,
1998, applicants must pay $45 visa application fee at the time they submit their
application form. I m thinking maybe I m not the only one? How many others are
there? I dont know but it sure smells fishy, You probably are not even who you say
you are, you are probably some guy bilking american males! Oh well, Thanks for
the ride! sucker is not tattooed on my forehead, michael
P.S. and if you are male i really enjoyed the pics
whoever they are! this was my last letter to her and she just replied with this:
Hi my love Michael! Sorry but I have
some problems with my e-mail <>. I think it is down! I hope
you don't mind to write to my new e-mail <>
It is working now! I hope to hear from you soon! Still thinking of you SO MUCH!... Yours
p.s. Sorry that it's too short! But I have too few
time now. I'll write much more in the next one!
So I havent replied yet, But beware! enclosed you
will find some I didnt see of her!
Gavrilova (Novosibirsk, Russia)
The following are a series of photos and letters from someone who is trying to pull
the old visa scam. Her name is Lyubov or Luda Gavrilova. Karl Marx Str., 14-19,
Novosibirsk, 630132, Russia. Her e-mail is I just purchased you
book "The Anti Scam Guide" and it is excellent by the way.
The following letters and photos I am sending you are a scam in the process.
Please post her photos for all to see. I am still talking with her and I will forward
more of her photos and letters as I get them. It can be fun to watch them work for
their money. The other letters are to follow and you can see her at work, trying to
scam. I have sent her nothing and will not send her anything at all but I will try and
keep her working as long as possible.
Sincerely, Mike
Letter 1
A message from "luba_289" to "Doctorblue":
Hi! How are you? I like yours of profile on I want with you to
correspond. My name is Lyubov .By nature I am communicative, Cheerful, honest,
loyal, sensitive And optimistic. My main life goal is to create a happy, united family
with a aithful, honest, sincere and loving man. If you want to write to me, I shall be
glad. Mine of
Most sincerely, Lyubov
Letter 2
Hi! I am glad that you answered to my email. It's interesting to receive the email
from man of another country. I want to tell you about me and my life. I am cheerful
woman, I think that the people don't must be gloomy. I like camping, fishing
(there are many men in my country who love fishing. I like to see movies.
Usualy it's romantic movies, comedies. Now I want to tell you where I live.
So, I live in Novosibirsk , it's not small town in our country. There are many beautiful
places here. Maybe you saw this places on the pictures in internet. Do you saw?
Please tell me about your live place, your town. I want to know where you live.
I have the purpose: I want to find my soulmate, I'm looking for companion of
life with which I want to be. Of course I don't want to make mistake. My intentions are serious. You
may think: why am I looking for man in other country? I think: Our country is
beautiful of course, but there are some problems. There are financial problems in
our country. It derivates drunkenness among the men, growth of number of criminal
elements. I had two men, they are liked to drink alcohol. So, I decided to find my
man in internet from other country, I choose the america because
I think it's more successfull country. In future, if I shall have a children
I want that they must live in normal society. I badly know the computer,
I ask the internet center consultant from internet service for help to find the
nominee, he show me 'match' service, I saw the profiles and I decide to write
you. I decide that you quite worthy man. So what you think? You may ask about my english. You must know, our people learn
english in school during five years. Then it learns in universities or college. By the
way I finished the college of culinary. You know, I like to cook very much. My
favourite dishes are italian and russian. I know english not bad. I can read and write
english, I speak a little. Sometimes I use the dictionary to translate some words.
I am 26 years old. I live in small flat which I rented. I have a mother. My
father dead five years ago. He was taxi driver and he has got in failure (auto accident).
I am very missed him. I havn't any brothers and sisters. My mother work in
food-processing industries, she is casher of food store. I am work as bookkeeper in
office of public catering. I make the receipts, checks and other. I think that you
understand my english. Do you understand? I hope yes. I write you from work, we
have two computers here for accounts department. I work five days per week.
Sometimes I work in weekend. Please tell me about your life. What are you doing
in weekends and free time? What do you do for a living? Do you work? I want to
know more about you, and you? Sorry, I havn't pictures of me now, I shall try to
scan it and send it to you in next email. If you will answer me, I shall write to you
more about me and send my picture. So, please send me your pictures.I shall
send you the photo tomorrow. I shall wait your email.
Lyubov from Russia. Take care.
Letter 3
Hi my friend Michael! I am very glad that you answered to me. It's very interesting
to chat with man of other country. Now I think that you want know more about
me and my life. I want it too! I'll send you a picture in this email, do you see me? I see
that you has shown interest to me and I'll tell you about my life. So, I like to work. I
work from 9 o'clock of morning to 6 of evening. I have a dayoff at saturday and
sunday. Sometimes I work in this days. I like to listen to music, usually it's
folk music, rock'n'roll, country music and other. Sometimes I dance, I
like romantic or cheerful music. I like singers like Bryan Adams, Carlos Santana, Scorpions others
and russian music. What kinds of music do you like? Today it's cold here, the cold
wind blows and I think that the winter coming soon. What weather in your town? I
like nature, there are many forests, rivers, lakes in our country. In
summer I like to swim and to be under the sun. Do you like beach? I
was in south of my country two times, I saw the sea and I really like
it! I like to read, do you like it? My favourite writers are Tolstoy,
Dostoevskiy and others. I like many kinds of literature, the most is
romantic stories. What are your favourite writers? In free time I like
to go to the cinema. I saw many movies and I liked for example Titanic, Pearl Harbor.
The last movie I saw was 'Brave heart'. It's so intersting. Do you saw it? What
movies do you like? I told you that I havn't a father, I have only mother.I was never
married and I have not children. I havn't brothers and sisters, I have grandmother
and grandfather. The lives in village near my town. The village called
'Eblanovo'. It's 57 kilometres from my town Orenburg. My grandmother's
name is Zinaida, she is 73. My grandfather's name is Boris. He is 75.
I have an aunt, she lives in Ukraine. I have friends in our city, it's
two my girlfriends. Sometimes we like to have a tea and to talk. Do
you have any friends? As you know I don't drink alcohol and don't
smoke. I prefer a healthy style of life. Do you have any hobbies? In
the village my grandparents have a garden. We put in ground the potatoes, tomatos, cucumbers
and other kinds of vegetables there. We have an apple, cherry trees also. There is
a dog in the village, his name is Dozor, and he is the sheep-dog. He is very good
protector. I like a pets. Do you have any pets? It's the last days of autumn here,
this is the beautiful time. It fall here, many colors of trees. What
your favourite colors? My favourite are blue, green and purple. Is it
hot or cold weather in your town? I never be outside Russia. I have a
cowoker, she was in America last year. I don't know where she was
because we are not the close friends, but she said me that it's
beautiful country. Maybe in future, I'll see it too. I do not know the
destiny. Now I want to know more about you. You may ask me your questions, I'll answer.
I'm looking forward your next letter and tell me how to call you. You can call me
Lyubov or Luba. I liked your photo
Your friend Luybov.
Letter 4
Hi my friend Michael! I'm so happy to receive letter from you. Your letter contain a
lot of heat and heat mine I throttle. With each your letter I perceive that
you are very interesting to me. I want to know you ever more and more.
Some words about me: My weight about 56-58 kgs. My height about 5'6.
My eyes are green, I have a brown hair. I hope that I write enough
clearly and you understand me not bad. I shall try to answer all your
questions. But if I don't that's mean that I could not understand it.
Do not take offence at me and ask it once again. I think that with
each new letter we become closer friends. I hope that you feel it. How
are you feel? I think that you understand that main purpose in my life
is to find that unique one, my half with which I can go through all
difficulties of life together to meet pleasure, to grow children. To
surround with care to present them happy childhood, I so dream of it.
I'm christian. In weekend I go to church. I think that you understand
me and your vital purposes are similar to mine and in my mind I hope
that sometime our hearts will meet. I shall ask to tell you about that
how you spend the day. How you spend weekends? Tell to me about native. Today the grandmother
comes to my mother from village and has called us on day off in village. I speak
with my mother about you Michael. She said that I must be careful with new
acquaintances . Sometimes my mother advises me. Tell me more about your life.I
shall speak you the address. I want to warn, that the Russian mail works
very bad. The parcel(sending) goes Very long also can be lost. It will
be very a pity. Do not send anything in mail. Please. I liked your
photo I wait for your letter.
Your Luybov.
p.s. My full name is Lyubov Gavrilova
Letter 5
Hello Michael! I like to read your letter today! I think that with each letter we
know more about each other. Do you think so too? My working week? I go
to work and I make the receipts. At evening I return to my flat, cook
the food and usually watch tv, I like to see romantic movies. Sometimes I meet with my girlfriends, we have tea
I speak with them about life, we joke and laugh. Sometimes I read books at home,
I like to read. Sometimes I feel alone and I decided to find my love and I
write to you, maybe you are that man which I want to find? I don't know. I want to tell you
more about me and my life. I like sports, my favourite kinds are ski, volleyball. I
think I must use the healthy style of life. I like pets, I wrote you before. I also like
horses, but I never be on horse. You must know that I write only you, I badly
know the computer, I don't know how to use other programs for chat on computer, but I
know how to send letters. I find you and want to know more about you, please tell
me all about you, tell me more about your life, your thoughts. I want to write about
my town, it's not small town, and it's beautiful in autumn, I wrote you about
autumn, do you remember Michael? There are many theatres, cinemas, parks in
our town. Do you like to walk in the parks? I do. I also like the theatre. You
must know that I was born here in 1974, 17 october. Do you celebrate your birthday? I'll
celebrate it with my friends and mom at home. When I think about my future, I
dream about happy life, I want to make my life better. I like children, I think it's the
important part of life. Maybe in future I'll have children, I'll love them and will give
them all I know. I never thought about coming to other country but I think
about it now because I want to find my love. I was never married. I think that the marriage is
important part of life too, because it's the love of two persons which
want to live always together. Maybe in future we'll meet one day, I don't know the destiny. Now
we must know better each other and I write to you my letter, please write me all
your thoughts, it's intersting to get new email from you, I'll wait
your next letter. I think it's soon. And I think that I want to hear
your voice, maybe I can call you. I'm will be very glad if you call
me, but I havn't the phone in my flat and in the house of my mom. I
thought about work phone, but it's not for personal using, I think
that I'll go to the phone service and will call you if you want. I don't know the time
difference but I think that it's about 8-10 hours. So, if you want that I'm call, please
give the phone number where I must call, sorry if I missed it, I don't keep letters, I
remember what you write about yourself. I'm looking forward your letter.
Yours Luybov.
I shall speak you the address. I want to warn, that the Russian mail
works very bad. The parcel(sending) goes Very long also can be lost. It will be very a pity. Do
not send anything in mail. Please.
Letter 6
Hi my friend Michael! I'm very glad to see your letter Michael! When I read it, I think
that we become closer to each other, now we know more and I want to know
all about you. Please tell me your thoughts, your purposes, and the most important
moments of your life Michael. Today is not hot here, I thought about you and I
talked with my mother about you, I told her that I find the man which name
Michael. She said that maybe we'll have a future, maybe we become more closer
and can meet one day, I don't know about it. Maybe we'll have a future, what you
think? I want to know what you think Michael. It's important for me. You show me
the interest to my person, I show you that I'm interested too. I begin to
think often about you Michael because we enter a new stage of development of the relations. I
forgot to tel you that my mothers says 'Hi' to you. I want to know more about you,
you may ask me all questions you want. I'll answer. I never thought that there is an
opportunity to meet through the Internet. Now I think that it's real.
Of course it's early to speak about meeting, maybe it to happen one day. I don't know. Please
write your thoughts. There are three ways in this correspondence. First: to know
better each other and to try to eet. Second: to continue correspondence as friends.
Three: to finish dialogue. I don't want to choose second and third way because I
have a purpose to find a man of my life. I like your letters, maybe we become
closer. Today I speak with my colleagues on work about you Michael.
They say that we can have a chance. I wake up at six o'clock this morning, go to wash and
have took a shower. I have it two times per day, at morning and at evening, how
about you? Then I have breakfast, I cook my breakfeast by myself only. I like to
cook, maybe one day I'll can to cook something for you Michael. Then I was going
on job with thoughts of you Michael. And now I'm here and see your letter to
me. I go to work by bus. It takes about 20-30 minutes to arrive on job. I wrote you that
I'm work five days but sometimes I work at weekend. Please don't to be upset if
you don't receive the email on saturday or sunday from me. I necessarily will write
you as soon as I can. I want to ask you how do you feel about meeting with women
from other country? If you want I'll ask about opportunity of trip to your
country. I think that I know english and can speak it. What you think
Michael? I havn't the purpose to visit america but I have the purpose
to find my man. I wrote you about it, do you remember? You has
continued correspondence with me and I think you want to find the
right woman. Maybe the destiny will reduce us together. I don't know.
Our world as an ant hill and we as two ants which can meet. It is very
difficult to find each other because an ant hill very large and it is
too much ants. I'm waiting for your letter.
Yours Luybov.
p.s.I any more am not the member FriendFinder. What my feelings to
the dentists? The people from childhood are afraid to visit the dentists:) But I am not afraid:))). I
shall speak you the address. I want to warn, that the Russian mail works very bad.
The parcel(sending) goes Very long also can be lost. It will be very a
pity. Do not send anything in mail. Please.
Letter 7
Hi my liked friend Michael!!!
I was very glad to receive from you the letter. When I read your
letter, at me even have appeared on face smile of pleasure. I see that
we are necessary each other. How you there without me? I here very
much without you men. You in ideas always with me. You show very
strong interest to me it very pleasantly to feel. I began very much to
think of us with you that waits for us ahead. You now are, by the
second man in this world which to me is necessary most of all. The first man is my mum. I
very much hope for that that our meeting the speed future is held. I am very grateful
to you that you trust me. Through the Internet it is as that not naturally, we should
take each other in hands and look each other in eyes and speak about that as the
world is perfect. At me very good mood. I want to know all. To me you
are very important. When I began to correspond with you I had what that hope that at us
with you all will be good. With each your letter I understood that I have found that
man which to me is necessary. I as well as you want to see you believe to me very
faster it it would be desirable. I want to embrace you caress. I consider what
exactly creation of a spiritual emotional basis of the man and there is a
purpose sense of family education. I want to you to tell one that my feelings and the words
in relation to you always were sincerely and I always understood that we put a lot
of trust, that our union would be when that real. Now I am sure on all 100 that I can
to you to trust. And you that man which to me are necessary. When I read your
letter I has seen in it your sincerity and fidelity to me. Today I even felt so
highly, at me all turned out so easily, because my ideas were directed
about you. I as knew when I think of you and you think of me and it
warmed my soul and body. . I understand that our relations are under
construction on trust. But we should trust each other, without it we
Simply can not exist. Today when I went on a road home, I thought of
that as much to me to admit to you about it. You see between us there
should be a complete trust and we should know about each other all. I
do not know how to tell you, but I am the virgin. You probably think
that I such not modern, but I consider that first time I should have
affinity with the favorite man. At present at me the large inclination
to you, I do not know why but it is the truth. Sometimes such dreams
dream me, that it is a shame to me to you to speak about it. This
dream has dreamed me today at night. " We have supper with you at you at home and
then we go to you in sleeping and we begin to be engaged with you love. " But in
life I know about very little sex, only on television films and would like to find out
maximal with you about it. Excuse me that I speak with you so frankly, but I think
that you should know about me all. I would be happy to visit you is a limit of
my desires.
p.s.I shall think of your offer to visit you:))
You have the beautiful automobile:)))
Letter 8
Hi Michael! I read your letter and I think about you now Michael. I spoke with my
mom about you again. I think that we can have future, we must know
more about each other. I forgot to tell you that my mother's name is Svetlana. I think about our
meeting if we decide to meet. I think it's possible thing, my mother's friend work in
travel agency. I think that I'll ask about travel to America. There is another way to
meet I think, you Michael can come to Russia. But I know precisely that it
will be more expensive. And more, I know the english and can speak it,
I think it's very difficultly be in country and don't know the language. I never thought about travel to
another country before. I havn't the purpose to live in America, but I have a purpose
to find my man in life. I thought about you this days, and I fell that you are
not simply friend to me, I feel that I learn about you every day, and I like you Michael!!!
It's difficult to speak about love now, but I feel that I can love you Michael, I must
understand feelings in this days, please tell me your things about it, I really want to
know your thoughts Michael! I speak with my mom about travel to America, she
said that I must make my own choice. I know that I'm the adult woman
and can choose the destiny. She wish me luck, maybe it's the chance. I
ask you about moving to other country, she said that she don't want to
leave Russia and she said that I can do it because my life will be in
the future. I feel that you Michael the right man for me, I trust you,
I think you don't play games and want to find the right woman, maybe
we have a chance? My heart speaks that I trust you, do you trust me? I
hope so. If we decide to meet I beleive that it will be! I want to
write the letter to you Michael on paper. I need to know your mailing
address, please specify it in next email. please don't forget to write
your full mailing address. I want to know all about you Michael, I
think we can have the future. My address is: Russia, Novosibirsk, Karl Marx str., 14-19.
p.s.I want to warn, the Russian mail works very
bad. The parcel(sending) goes very long and can be lost. It will be very a
pity. Do not send anything in mail. Well?
Yours Luybov.
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