Natalya Dementyeva
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
I am too nice, too generous and I was naïve, I got scammed...
I'm 32, Software Architect, White American/French and not bad looking at
all. I haven't used any bridal web sites but have signed up for a lot of
local sites matchmaker, friend finder, to meet people living around here. I'm new to the area and the country, I
moved back to Texas after living in France for 18 years. Anyway, this girl writes
me for friend finder, and we start corresponding. Has been a bit over a month now
and we still are because I just realized I was scammed and I haven't told her
anything yet. After a while, she asked me for money for a visa, and then tickets.
(She could get visa faster if it was travel agency who did the papers)....
Then after wondering how it could be that a Russian travel agency could
all of a sudden close down on the day she was supposed to get the visa &
tickets I paid for, I started looking up Russian web bridal Web sites.
To see how I could help her get here and out of curiosity to see if she
was on any, then I fumbled on to a black list page, I did a bit of research looking at pictures to see if she was on them. Then
BANG. Ouch that hurts.. I find the letters that are the same as the first few she
sent me, almost word for word, down to her dogs' name. No pictures though, but
now you have them :) The Name she gave me was: (All Money transfers were sent
Western Union to this Name) Natalya Dementyeva Proxorova 22a, Apt 180 Russia, Yoshkar-ola
(Actually Nataliya and Natasha as first name, but thought that was just
nick-names or something)
Here are her other pseudonyms that are on black list
where I found the letters: Marina Antonova (Yoshkar-Ola, Mari-El, Russia) aka Natalya
Jitinkina (Natasha) (Yoshkar-Ola, Mari-El, Russia), aka Maksimova Ksenia
(Oksana) Mihailovna (Yoshkar-Ola, Mari-El, Russia)
Letter 1
Hi, my name is Natalya. I live in Russia. I work as a tutor
in a childrens day nursery. I love children and animals very much. I want to get acquainted with the
man, who will be a support in my life. I am 25 years old. I agree to get acquainted
with a man from 30 and older. For me age is not the main thing. The main thing is
that there is love and mutual understanding! I do not notice a difference in
ages. I hope only for my true love, and I hope very much that all with us will be good! I
agree to answer all questions that interest you. I am anxious for your letters!
Please write to me on my home electronic box (computer?). Only on it can I
receive your letters. Nataliya
Letter 2
Hello gaston, Hi. I am very pleased so soon to receive from you the
letter. I would like to receive new photos from you. To Me very much to similar, that you to
understand mine not so good English language Language. I want to speak, that I
has learned(found out) it in school, and behind of it in College. I have growth of 170
centimeters and weights of 54 kg, I have Formation(education) of the doctor, I'm a
psychologist. I work in children's hospital And I look behind of behaviour of
children. I live in city Yoshkar-Ola. It to Be approximately in 850 kilometers
from cities Moscow. I want to speak you, That I very much love of children. I had
experience of dialogue in me directly in Russia with the people. But they were not
adjusted (are adapted), is serious also we owed Part. And they very much
frequently to drink alcohol and in set, and It not so is pleasant to me. I think, that
in you - not a gift (present) such habit. I want to inform, that I do not smoke, and I
do not drink strong spirits drinks of spirit. But sometimes I love to drink
in the good company not a lot of grape vine, Though it happens very seldom. I want to
speak, which I am capable well to play On a piano, I have finished musical school,
in which I studied 6 years. I Want to inform, that I live with my mum. I have the
Father, grandfather Unfortunately has died, 2 years back. I want to you to
speak, which I love Various music, but basically classical. I want to have
serious The attitudes(relation) with you to find with you love and to create happy family. I Will
be pleased, if you it as will want as I. I want to speak, which I write You from firm
of the computer. I Unfortunately have no the computer and telephone of a house.
I think, with what It will not be for us by a problem? I want more to study (find out)
rather You, concerning your family. I think, that you can to me, soon answer, I
shall wait. Write soon Natasha.
Letter 3
Hello , Hi my Dear. I to write to you the letters from
Internet cafe. It is very speed. I do not have children! I was never married! I very much want to marry.
My age 25 years. I earlier termination(ending) musical school. I to be able to play on
the piano. I to work the children's medical sister. What you to love to do(make) in free
from work time? It I by the black sea. What you to love from the foodstuffs? Today
at me by target (day off) and I have decided (solved) to you to write. Today we with
the mum we shall go to the grandmother. She lives in 50 kilometers from
our city in a village. I live in city Yoshkar-Ola. There at it (her) a perfect nature and circle of
one wood. She will prepare pies which are done (made) in the furnace. They very
tasty (delicious) and fragrant. You probably such did not try. Mine the feelings with
each letter to you become stronger and more strongly. I talked to the mum
concerning ours with you of the attitudes (relations). I spoke her some
phrases from your letter and she spoke that you probably honour man and your feelings
sincerely under the attitude (relation) to me, but you should not hurry up with
acceptance the serious decision, you should understand the feelings. We with
you as two climbers which rise in a mountain, only I on the one hand, and you
with another and final point is top on which we owe will meet. We should
advance to top not looking on obstacles which can will meet on our way, and then at us will
be very well with impatience I live with the mum together. I shall wait for your
answer. Whole also Kiss Natasha ..
Letter 4
Hello gaston, Hi my! I very much pleasure to your letter. I yesterday much to work
and could not write to you! I to want to speak more about myself! My work
consists in treating and to prevent diseases of children. It is the very
necessary work. I to work on changes. It once in afternoon, other time
in night. I very much to love my work. At home I have a dog. Its(her) name Palkan. It is the large dog, but
very kind. When I to play on the piano she(it) to sing under music. I to play
different music. Me to like music of the composers such as Bah, Shopen, Mocart
and others. My favourite food is sea products, and, also various fruit
salads, but I also can prepare and other dishes. I the very good cook. In mine free from work
time I to go walk in a wood or on lake, when warm weather. In winter evenings I
love laying in beds to read the romantic books, and also to do(make) of a wool of
the ram of a sweater and scarfs. I also very much love sports. I to be engaged in
gymnastics. Also I to look on Tv football, hockey, basketball. I am very happy,
that I to find you on friend finder. I always to wait for your new photos and pictures.
My city small it(he) to be near cities Moscow, and still it(he) in 150
kilometers from cities Kazan. My grandmother transfers you large hi. She(it) learned(taught)
me to do(make) pies. I to think, when we shall be together, I shall do(make) to you
tasty pies. I today to go on walk in park. I hope, that you not against. What you
will do(make) today? I am interested by(with) each your step. Well? I shall write to
you tomorrow. Very much, very to wait for your letters! It is a lot of, much, kiss
also embraces much. Yours Natasha.
Letter 5
Hello Gaston, Hi my today to rise early and to do(make) various fruit
salads. I to not have a lot of food, I to watch(keep up) the figure and constantly to do(make)
not the large jogs after work. I shall be very glad to receive still new your photos. I
shall do(make) their listing on the colour printer and to place them above my bed
in a sleeping room. Mine the mum too very much loves to read your letters. I to
do(make) their translation on Russian and we together with my mum to read.
I was never married, but very much it to want. I never to be engaged in sex with the
man! It is very pleasant to me to learn(find out) that we by mutual understanding
each other, you see it is the very important fact in ours with you the
attitudes(relations). If we want to create strong union, we should trust and
understand each other in all I feel fine, concerning me can not worry with me that's
all right. Today I have received from us at job wages. To you probably will
be ridiculous but she has made forty dollars. Well good we shall not speak about
problems which rise on our way. Write to me as it is possible more often, I very
much like to read your letters, they install in me any pleasure in life, to
believe in that that at me somewhere away there is liked a man, the mood at once raises, it
would be desirable to live and to believe in that that we when be we shall meet. I
shall wait for your answer today. Many times you a kiss and from the bottom of
the heart I embrace. You in my heart each minute. I am very glad that you want to
invite me to choose your house I with pleasure I shall help it to make.
Best regards, On all rest of life yours Natasha.
Letter 6
Hello Gaston, Gaston I can ???????? all documents here. As you think
concerning it. And at work I shall take holiday to lead(carry out) with ????? time
but for this purpose to me it is necessary to do(make) the visa. I wait for
a fast reply. Whole yours of Nataliya.
Letter 7
Hello Gaston, Yes the businesses go well I at work I shall take holiday for
90 days and I shall fill the visa on such - @ time. We shall 90 days together it so be
healthy. But only this visa costs (stands) 440 $ It dearly? Gaston if you can pay
this visa.
Letter 8
Hello Gaston, Hi my love! I to study I all
Concerning my arrival in you my love. I - Necessary need(requirement) (requirement) the visa and passport, and
also The document concerning insurance and hospital. It costs(stands) (costs)((stands))
440 $ USA. I am written down on reception in the transport company
I shall give back (back) return documents?rather Registration. I shall require(demand) in to
transport To pay my documents in the transport company. You will send to me
this sum From money environmental on this week? My documents will be Registration in time 10 days. It is good? I have given you
The address, on which you through branch of bank Western Union should send me money? I very much,
to want As soon as possible to arrive in you my love. I to give you The address of
my bank, where is present system Remittances Western Union. Mine(shaft) the
complete name (name) Nataliya Dement of ` eva.. Mine Home address. Rossiya,
city Yoshkar-ola, street proxorova the house 22a, apartment 180. I The arrival to
you also is necessary for me your complete name a name, surname, city ñòðîíó
and number - which will give in bank. It is very important! I very much to wait on
your fast The answer! Yours future(ònext) Nataliya.
Letter 9
Hello Gaston, My visa will be made out during 5 days only in this time
the visa will be made out. How many there is at you this ticket? The address you have given
correctly today ïîéäó to take away and precisely I shall learn(find out,recognize)
when the visa will be ready. While mine by a road.
Letter 10
Hello Gaston, Hi mine liked(favourite). Gaston I just have come from bank I has
received money, I have gone them to give back for the visa me have explained so
where I make the visa there I and should take the ticket. Owes a complete package of the documents.
But I shall be exacter to learn(find out) now I shall go there again I shall require(demand) that have made the visa more quickly.
Gaston and your government can give a guarantee what I can return? Please learn(find
out) how many at âîñ there is a ticket. I too shall ask how many costs(stands) at
Letter 11
Hello Gaston, Hi mine by a road. I have come so is tired. In this
firm speak that I should buy the tickets from them where I order the visa. How many cost(stand) I
did not learn(find out) yet but there ñòîðëüêî there were many
people there everywhere one turns I so you tired only would know. I so try to make her(it) more
quickly I so I want to you.
Letter 12
Hello Gaston, Hi mine by a road I was all day in bank there we filled in the
documents and I went took any informations for the visa. Gaston you so
romantically have described as we shall carry out(spend) time it so perfectly I so I
want to you mine lovely to me so you neither suffices. I nor have bought while the
tickets and money on them send only on Monday because the banks in target
(day off) do not work to me speak that is necessary still to be insured - as think it
it is necessary. In Sunday or on Monday I shall write how many to me it is
necessary on all. Gaston as you have lead(carried out) day. I even at the
night am bad I sleep, I can not fall asleep without you. To me so is bad without you.Whole I
embrace yours of Natalya. shall wait for your letter.
Letter 13
Gaston we shall have most better times in all of our life you see
we shall was constantly number(line) I so I want it. Today banks were closed I only I can receive
them on Monday, I have told in the company where I do(make) the visa that I with
you shall pay with you on Monday, they have told that then the visa will make
is fast. I need 1650 $ it on the tickets and on an insurance pole. It is normal for you.
And êà all only will become I at once to you. I can not without you I constantly I
think of you. I love you. So it is heavy without you. Yours of Natalya.
P.S. I shall repeat once again address. Gaston to receive money on
that to the address. This is my address: Natalya Dementyeva
Proxorova 22a, Apt 180 Russia, Yoshkar-ola RUSSIA
Letter 14
Hi mine by a road I collected bags I already on the sly beginnings to
collect them you see so lard of time remained that to you to arrive. The visa they
have told that will be off-the shelf on October 19. As soon as I shall receive the
visa I at once I shall come to you. I already almost have collected all bags. I can
transmit to you some more photos if you want? I on Monday in the morning go in bank to receive
money and will pay with this corporation. Gaston I take tempering for 90 days on
activity, it normally. Gaston advise me on how many to me better to take it(him) ëàäíî. Why you speak that I can not remain with you on absolutely. You see we
so like each other. Well certainly I should arrive to Russia, but I then could arrive
to you on absolutely. I ïåðåäîëà to the mum yours hi she(it) so was delighted on
its(her) face now smile. The mum transmits too hi. Whole mine by a road Gaston.
I shall wait for your speed letter. Yours of Natalya.
Letter 15
Gaston I can not fall asleep and now I think of you. As to me the
hunting is more fast to you to arrive I want that we were together to me so it would be desirable to
you. I love you. And here we is speed to be seen with you. As to me is bad
without you. Gaston money I can receive on Monday in the morning? You likely
now sleep and I look your photo Gaston you such beautiful, and even when I sleep
I see your image. Even the dreams about us as we together and us well dream,
weighed we laugh, we as two angels fly and we enjoy pallet. It so is delightful. I
love you. It is necessary to lie down to sleep you see for me tomorrow high-gravity
day. I should have time(be in time) to make all business. I wish to you well to
conduct this day. Yours of Natalya.
Letter 16
Hello Gaston, Gaston I have received money and has paid with the corporation.
I was long in bank there there was a large sequential queue. I so am strongly tired
all the day on legs and now I to the agio to sleep. I shall miss. And in the
corporation me have told that to me tomorrow to approach and ñîìíîé
will talk separately. That will not suffice to me you while.
Letter 17
Gaston through 12 days I already must be beside you.
I so shall tire at the last days and that I do I do for us and for this I äåðæó I on you long for. And
in that night I nearly have not rescued all thought about you. I could not çàñíóòü knowing
that we so fast are met me so weighed and so has tired. Tomorrow I on work shall
go with statements on furlough to director that he me his(its) has signed. want Me
that do not come in well. Longing for making look younger girl by name
Letter 18
Gaston tomorrow I go in company to withdrew the
visa and tickets. I so was pleased when I have said that can tomorrow come and withdrew all
documents. Tomorrow beside me on hand will be a tickets and visa. I love you Gaston. I shall
wait your letter.
Letter 19
I went in company she locked I do not understand. Why she locked.
Another: This company works each day. She today too locked. Beside already. Why she
locked. Another: I today whole unnerved she too was not opened today. If she was
ill don't care worked after all there works not one person. Yes money I have
returned as soon as has got them in bank. Yes us have else company who
concerns with the registrations of the visas. I love you Gaston. That me
to do?
Anyway, As I was saying above, I was naïve. At this point I started
looking on the web how I could initiate and try to get her on my end the
visa and ticket. So I started looking at web sites.... And here I am...
I lost what $2100 total, yep.. Oh well, what's lost is lost.. I won't cry over my own stupidity.
I hope this story helps someone, and it will be worth it... Attached are all the photos she sent me
  
Kuvshinova (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
I was contacted by Natasha through Frinedfinders and eventually I sent her $350 for
a Visa to come visit me. I also sent her plane tickets by registered mail using my
frequent flyiers miles. She then wanted $600 for insurance to be able to leave the
country. I pressed her on this issue and then knew something was not right. I was
able to cancel the tickets and got a refund on my miles but was out the $350
dollars which was a bargain. I also contacted Western Union and told them about
what happened and to put her name on a warning list. They did not see very
receptive to my request and story and said that there was nothing that they could
do to prevent her from doing the same thing again. It does not give me a lot of
confidence that they will do anything at all. I never heard back from her after I told
her that I wouldn't send her the money for the insurance because their was no such
thing. I will send you copies of the letters as well as the photos that I have from her.
I have seen her pictures on other scam sites and wanted to add these to your list.
You are doing a great service and wish that the services such as and
Friendfinder would list your web site to review especially when making contact with
women from Russia as I feel this is a very big problem and id very widespread.
Sincerely, Michael
My name is Natasha! Spring has come. The soul is singing, but it has a place for a
man who can become a friend and, perhaps, more than a friend for me. I like a quiet
and peaceful atmosphere. But sometimes when I come home I like to put my
favourite tape on and listen to music- different music: ether classical or morden. It
doesn't matter, it should just correspond to my mood. I like to dream. I like when
my dreams come true. I am industrious both at work and at home. I am especially
good at baking cakes, pies and buns and also at cooking chicken in the oven and
our Russian pelmeni. I am faithful. I'm very tender and passionate. I'm a person who
likes to be hand in hand with somebody and to be always by his side. I would like
to spend more time with my beloved. I'm fond of quiet evenings at home, walks in
the park in the moonlight and trips to the lake for the weekend or just for an evening
or just to sit together in a cosy cafe. I shall send you a photo.
Greetings from Russia! I am glad that you have written to me. I very much would like
to learn (find out) more concerning you. My name is Natasha, I live in the best city
on light - Ekaterinburg which to be about the Ural mountains in Sibiri. Probably, it is
necessary to tell a little about itself... My mark on a horoscope - Twins. Was born
June, 1, 1974. Growth of 170 centimeters. Weight of 54 kgs. Formation (education)
the maximum (supreme). I was not for the husband and I have no any own children.
I to not have the brother or the sister. My father has left us with mum when I was
some more absolutely small. Since then I about him (it) nothing did not hear. About
my appeal look at my photo. Please came to me the photo, well??? I shall be very
pleased to see them. I have no any children. My favourite colors - bright. It is
possible to tell, that the motto of my life is " do not make to another what yourself
you do not wish ". What I appreciate in people? Kindness, mind (wit),! t!
enderness, fidelity, sense of humour... And the main thing - honesty! I hate rage, envy, lie,
treachery. And still - vainglory! Certainly, everyone has lacks (I too not an ideal).
The main thing that them was very little!:). Unfortunately I have no any phone of a
house. I work as the tutor in a kindergarten. I to speak in English not much, but now
I go on rates on studying the English language. Now it is a little about my interests.
They WELL ARE VERY EXTENSIVE! First, I do not present myself life withoutMUSIC (capital letters!). It means - only "ingenious" or, at least, talented.
What exactly? Beatles, Talking Heads, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Queen. classics.
By the way, I very much love alive music. Second, I very much love books. Actually,
without them life too would lose much. I read, basically, "classics", love novels and
philosophical things (Dostoevsky it is repeatedly re-read, Tolstoy,
Pushkin, Sholohov... Well it is a lot of Them!). The reference book - " the Master and
Margarita ". Thirdly, I love cinema, Films too I look "clever", but genres practically
anyone. I like Mastroini, Kluny Hofman, De Niro, From directors Koppola, Parker,
Torontino. Mihalkov, Ryazanov, and much, much... All and to not list! And fourthly,
my weakness - I very much like to spend time on kitchen to prepare (be going) for
new dishes and salads. I simply adore it!! Mine loved (liked, favourite) foodstuff it "
Russian borch ". This very tasty dish I ! wo! uld hope that it very much was pleasant
to you. That else... Still I very much love animal (especially dogs). I have that -
poodle and a parrot. I adore the friends (them a little, but all of them are checked up
by years). In general it is possible to tell, that I very sociable person. I want to find
that unique and unique in the life with which I could divide (share) all life. In the
choice I do not want to make a mistake. I would like to know as much as possible
about you. My intentions are very serious. I at myself here have not found worthy to
myself the man and consequently I have decided to try to get acquainted through
Internet. Therefore I can write to you 6 once a week. But, unfortunately, I to not have
an own computer and consequently I shall write to you with internet cafe. I like to
get acquainted with new people is very interestingly! I think that we shall be good
friends or even more …. On what I to hope. I would like to hear your ideas, that you
wish concerning the future. I hope that you find my words are interesting also it
starts to help to learn (find out) to you me little bit better. I wait for
th! e ! answer from you again. You had such desire - write!! Your new friend Natasha.
Hi! It again I Natasha. In internetcafe have admitted(allowed) a mistake and to send
from other box. Thank, that have written. I shall look forward to hearing from you
very much. Natasha.
Greetings my favourite friend !! I am very happy to receive from you the letter. In your
letters you show to me the big interest and it is very pleasant for me. Today at us
very good weather. To shine the sun and almost already there is no snow. It to me
to like. In the street there has come (stepped) the present spring. Spring gives new
inflow of forces and energy. Very much to like me this season. I today have decided
to take a walk in such fine day. I have seen so much happy persons....
And I like in love, loving (liking), loved (liked, favourite)! I like those who kisses in
underground transitions and in cars of the underground. I smile, when I see under a
canopy at bus stops embracing couples. It is pleasant for me to look at boys -
schoolboys who carry bags for the the girlfriend and buy for them ice-cream, and
then eat it (him) together, biting off by turns because there was no money to two
frozen... I would like to give all of them flowers and stars. Because in their! e!
yes - spring and the sun. And the blue sky with fluffy clouds. And is unimportant, what
weather in the street. When I see in love, I know, that spring is, and winter - is not
eternal. Snow also thaws, exposing the ground, and the first, still diffident and shy a
grass makes the way, light grey city, and birds sing absolutely other songs. Silly
ridiculous verses also are written, being strung by lines on a solar beam. I leave on
a balcony. I raise eyes to the sky and I find there an asterisk, and I think it can you,
there at me look also she (it) shines only for me. I smile... I have decided to show
today a pair of lines of your letter to my favourite mum. Mum having read has
closely told it (him) that you probably good person. Also that it trusts you. She (it)
would like that we with you had all well. We with you start to understand and feel
each other it very important. We should trust each other. Lie it is very bad. Mum
from the childhood always learned (taught) me to spea! k ! the truth. We with you
completely should trust each other only after that there can be a good union. It is a
pity that we with you are so far apart. But each our letter pulls together us and
distances between us becomes ever less and less. I like to dance!!! It very much to
like me. And you like to dance and what dances like you? I dance a waltz, many
other modern dances. When I was some more absolutely small I to go to school of
dances it it was very amusing. You seem to me which most good person I met in
the life. I would like to write to you each day. If you certainly not against. It to like me. I would like to hear concerning you more. How you like to carry out (spend)
the free time? Write to me not much about the city in which you you live? You like
to be on a nature and to sit in the summer evening at a fire? It you see so is
romantic, whether the truth? Write to me answers to my questions and ask me
anyone interesting you and problems. I hope to receive the informatio!
n ! from you soon. So we can start to study to learn (find out) each other. On it I finish the letter.
I wait from you for the answer. Natasha.
Greetings my loved(liked) friend scotty. I very much to be pleased,
when I receive from you the letter. Your words more and more concern
me and to heat up my soul. You to become more and more interesting to
me and every day I more and more to think concerning you. I was not
outside of Russia earlier. At us here spring when a nature all
blossoms and smells as life, and freshness. My soul, too as though
wakes up and it would be desirable to love and be loved. Kidneys on
trees are dismissed, flowers to accept bright colouring, run streamlets. Life goes! Whether
not so? My mum does not work anywhere, she(it) sits at home. As she(it) already
on pension. I have grandfather who lives now in a village. I have told it(him) too, that
I to correspond with the man, and it(he) to wish good luck us good luck and sends
the regards to you. It(he) came yesterday to us, has brought honey and fresh meat.
You eat honey? It so is tasty! The grandfather has made a tasty shish kebab of
meat. These are slices of meat all over again put to pickle for night, then in the
morning this meat to spread on an iron rod. All this is put above hot ?oal, and the
main thing that there was no fire. Meat as though should be soared and
it to become very soft, gentle and very tasty. I think, you tried this
dish. But if is not present, I would prepare for it(him) to you if the
god will connect us. On what I would like to hope. But the sun to come
and day comes to an end. The letter mine too while comes to an end. I
shall wait very much for your letter my friend. Write to me. Natasha.
P.S. I to send you my photos. It I to be photographed about my house.
They like you? Also have gone to me on more photos if you can.
Hi my love Michael . I was very pleased to accept from you the
message. When I read your message, in me even were on eyes of tear of
pleasure. I try to write to you, but not it is a lot of to use of the
interpreter. I see, that we are necessary the friend the friend. Not
seldom I visit(attend) (visit)((attend)) church, and concerning me ask
concerning you and ours concerning occurrence. How you there without
me? I here very much without you the people. You in ideas always with
me. You show very strong interest (percent)((interest)) to me it very
pleasantly to feel. I began very much to think of us with you, which
waits for us forward. Write to me all uestions, which you interest. I
shall be very pleased to answer to you them. You now, second man (man)
in this world, that to me is necessary most of all. The first man
(man) - my mum. I very much hope, that, that estimate ours meeting the
future, bears(carries) from (spent) (is supported). I am very grateful
to you, that you trust me. Through the Internet it - as it is not natural, we should take each other in
hands and consider(examine) the friend the friend in eyes and speak concerning it,
as the world is perfect. In me very good mood. I want to know all. To me you are
very important. When I began to correspond(meet) (correspond)((meet)) with
you, I had it, that hope, that in us with you everyone will be good. With each your
message I have understood, which I have found, that the man (man), that to me is
necessary. I as well as you want to see, that you will trust to me very faster this, it
would be desirable. I want to grasp you tenderness. I research (believe), that the
building of spiritual emotional establishment of the man (man) is exact, and this
meaning the purposes of formation(education) of family. I want to you
to inform, that my feelings and words concerning you always were, I sincere also am always
perceived(always recognized), that we put a lot of trust (trust), that our union would
be, when it is real. Now I am sure concerning all 100 , to which I can to you to trust.
And you, that the man (man), that to me is necessary. When I read your message,
I saw in it your sincerity and behaviour of the appendix to me. I have
made your message for me immediately large conclusion, which is
possible(probable), owes to expressed in three words " (?), I LOVE YOU
". Today I even felt so highly, in me all went to so easily, because
my ideas were directed concerning you. I as knew, when I think of you,
and you think of me, and it has heated up mine, I soul also body
(body). I feel, that our attitudes are under construction on trust
(trust). But we should trust to each other, without it we simply can
not exist (breathe). Today I had rehearsal with the schoolboys. Rehearsal it, when we have prepared with children
musical numbers, as, informs to poems. Today with children to me was so
ridiculously. Children - such accomplished(perfect) of essence, when they in small
age. Today, when I have continued a path (route) home, I thought of it
so much to me to recognize you concerning it. Today for the sake of
interest I went in embassy and has learned(found out), that visa, which it is necessary to do(make) to arrive to
you there is $ 350. It very much has afflicted me. Because I to not have so much
money, I you see earn only 40 $ per one month. You see between us there should
be a complete trust (trust), and we should know rather each other all. I do
not know how to inform you, but me - virgin. You probably think, which
I research (consider)((examine)) such not modern, but I (expect), that
for the first time, when I should have affinity with the fond man
(man). Now in me the large inclination to you, I do not know, why, but
it - true. Sometimes such dreams dream me, that is they was of a shame
to me to you to speak concerning it. This dream dreamed me today at
night. " We have supper with you in you, at home and then we go to you
in dream, and we begin to be engaged with you love. " But in term
term) of a storage I know about rather very small sexual, only on TV Membranulas and would like to
study (find out) maximal with you concerning it. Excuse me, that I speak with you
so sincerely, but I think, that you should know concerning me only. I would be
happy to visit you - limen of my desires. I shall look forward to hearing from
you very much. Yours Natasha.
Hi Michael ! I very much LOVE the Letter, which you have written to
me, it was longer than Most of all and VERY CLOSE HEATING!! It to make
mine HEART And SOUL GOOD!!! It has given me very warm feelings Inside,
downwards - is deep in my SOUL. I want more than life Directly for YOU
to be With YOU! I am very lonely here Without YOU! All, which I have -
your letters to keep Me by progress (progress). I come back, and I
read them, when I Lonely for YOU. But then it (is done)((made)) me, is
sad, because I can not be with YOU NOW! I WANT OUR UNION MORE THAN IT
- BE, that I DEMAND EVERYONE In LIFE!!!!!!! IT HAPPEN!!!!! YOU - very
much thing, concerning which I could ask In LIFE, YOU CARE, LOVE,
any such feelings of love In very long time. I can inform YOU, for
dream of this time, but is speed(faster) Real soon it is going to
happen, and I SHALL BE the HAPPIEST WOMAN In the WORLD And YOU
HAPPIEST MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE, PLEASE
Hi my love Michael . I am very glad to see and to read your perfect letter. Your
letters warm me and give to energy for all day. I saw your photos and they very
much have liked to me. The rather English language advances very well. My mum to
speak that I LOVE you very strongly I do not know why so occurs but it is the truth I
very strongly love you and I can not without you live. At us I become very cold here
but your letters to warm me as already to speak about it. It becomes very boring
without you and I very much to want you to see very soon if you too it to want that I
am very glad to this. Today at me the mum I is a little to be unwell to go to the
doctor that he to me to give medicines for the mum, but I will think that with her all in the order, she to speak that she too very much like you. Today I have a lot of
work, so I shall not write to you much but I very much it to want that you me to write
very soon I to wait for your letter, whether and it would be still better, if we could
with you meet, I am wait this moment to want very soon because I to grieve till you
and very much you to love you simply to not represent as I love you. I want you to
see if you not against write to me the answer to want you me to see. Sometimes
when I to lie down to sleep that I to think of you, and I open eyes and see that you
is not present with me to me becomes so alone because there is no you beside
and I to begin to cry. I become very opposite when to me to think that what that a paper (money) to not allow to us with you to meet, if we to be with you that is not
necessary to me anything except for you and ours with you of family. I shall finish
the letter and to wait from you of the answer my love. You can trust me. Yours love
forever Natasha.
   
Plesko (Belaya Cerkov, Ukraine)
I'm 51, father of two and I own my own business. I
was in search of my dream girl and wrote this woman, Olesya, who had an
advertisement on ABSOLUTE AGENCY (which I finally realized has about 20-50%
scammers or women from other bad news agencies). DO NOT USE THIS AGENCY
The first letter she signs her name as Olesya but the address is from Alesya
Plesko. I'm not sure if these are the same but assume they are. She welcomed my
letter ... her's being very generic ... then the 2nd letter she was asking for money
already ... did NOT send me any photos which I requested and did NOT send me
her phone number which I also requested. She wanted $20 per letter. I do not have
photos since she did not send me any so I'm inserting her AD on ABSOLUTE
Absolute Agency Dating Service</A>, A1406216 The AGENCY is a SCAM also ... she has
an AD on out of EKATERINBURG. She's one of only two
Ukrainians on this site. The site is VERY QUESTIONABLE. It didn't take long to
SPOT this one.
sincerely, JACK
Letter 1
Hello, Jack, Thank you very much for your wonderful letter in
which you told me a little about yourself. Now I am looking forward to seeing your picture attached to
your next missive. I can't say that appearance plays such an important role in my
life, but your eyes will tell more than any words. I have a feeling that you
are a very easy-going and open-hearted man. I hope I am not wrong in my assumptions. Now
let me tell you a little about myself. I have graduated from Teacher's Training
Institute and am now working as elementary school teacher. I raise a seven-year-old
son Bogdan born in my first marriage. My interests and hobbies are varied and
believe it or not, they all look very much like the ones you listed in your letter. I
almost immediately felt a kindred spirit in you when I received your letter.
Please write soon. Sincerely, Olesya
This next letter is very interesting ... I WROTE HER IN RUSSIAN, and she
'sells' the AGENCY and how she 'forgets' about the telephone number and
Dear Jack,
I could understand your written Russian, but not at
once. I did enjoy your letter filled with warmth and interest. Please forgive me for certain harshness in
my second message, but I earnestly thought it was a standard letter that you wrote to every
woman. I know that it is a habit many men have. Now I am certain that you are only
interested in me and am very happy to begin our correspondence. Do you speak
Russian? How fluent is your Russian? My English is very far from perfection, and it
would be wonderful to communicate in Russian without interpreter. I understand that
once I meet my man, I should start learning his native language to be able
to communicate. So, I am likely to start attending English language courses some
time soon. At least this is what I thought today when I received your letter¡-
Our city is really beautiful and you will find many clandestine secrets and cultural and
historic monuments there. There are many parks and squares in Kiev, where we
could wander for hours and enjoy closeness to nature. I love long walks in the
parks. Last weekend we paid a visit to my parents with my son Bogdan and then
took a nice walk in the beautiful old park. It used to be a family estate of the
countess Bronitskaya ¡Ì a spectacular place located right along the river Ros,
that gave birth to the whole town (many of the towns of our region were originally founded
along the river banks). People enjoy walking there in any season ¡Ì but
what can compare to the fall? It is such a bright carpet of colors when the leaves are falling
rustling as if they were whispering something to you, or wishing to reveal some old
secretes. The sound of falling leaves gave name to my personal email account
¡Ì but unfortunately, a mistake was made during the registration and one letter was
missed. Too bad, such a wonderful thought was no realized. I love to listen
tot the trees ¡Ì I always stop in my shoes to listen to the trees whispering to each other.
Some of the trees in this park are 200-300 years old, I bet they have a
lot to tell people ¡Ì but sometimes we are so inattentive to the objects that surround us.
I will definitely send you my pictures, but a bit later. I do not have a computer at home
and thus have to use translating and email services of the agency that placed my
profile on their web site. So, please be patient if I can¡¯t respond to you at once.
In this connection, you may be aware of the miserable economic situation in Ukraine
¨C prices are constantly increasing, whereas salaries remain pitiful. I have to
work extra time to be able to afford the luxury of using the service of the agency. That is
why I would like to come forth with a bold request ¨C could you please be so kind
as to pay half of what I have to pay for our correspondence? One letter exchange
costs me around $20 (email, typing and interpreting services included). It is quite
expensive as you understand ¨C so I would like to ask you to pay for your own
letters, thus relieving part of my burden. You can contact my agency for details of
payment and see my profile at
I hope you can understand and forgive me for such a request. I will be looking forward to hearing from you very
soon. With tenderness and best wishes for a successful weekend,
Your Olesya
P.S. I have completely forgotten about a telephone
call. Of course you can call me, we just need to schedule our conversation - I would hate to miss such
a precious telephone call.
Olesya are from Belaya Cerkov, but was not
sure of her last name since her email address was Alesya Plesko. The LAST
name of this SCAMMER (see report on Olesya Plesko) may also be
Bogayets. I notified the AGENCY which displays her photo and ad ( out
of Ekaterinburg and Massachussetts, USA) and they threatened to sue me saying
it was not their responsibility to manage the women at their site. I think
it is. I think this AGENCY also ought to be BlackListed ...
Olga Fedotova
(Novosibirsk, Russia)
I am forwarding this letter from a girl in Russia that as your book reads, is
a textbook example of a scammer. We have been talking for about a month now,
and she repeatedly turned down my requests for her address. One of the many
pictures she sent me showed a wedding ring on the 4th finger of her right
hand. That's where they wear it over there. In her previous letter to me, she
mentioned the $350, but was not so demanding about it. In this one as you
see, she also asked for the 10 digit code she will need to retrieve the
money. What do you think, Should I send her $3.50 (Three dollars and fifty
cents)? I think she would be surprised!!! Thanks again for your book, it's reading that's worth the price.
Hi my love Steve!!!!! I understand you what now to trust people
very difficultly and I approve your care I talked to my girlfriend from travel agency. She speaks that visa
B-2 is necessary for me. The visa is registered 2 weeks and operates 3 months
then. It to cost 350 dollars. Tickets to cost 1200 dollars there and back. It is very
many money. Unfortunately I have no such money. If you may help me with
money to speed up our meeting, you may send money through Western Union. The
address of bank: ALFA BANK 1 DIMITROV street NOVOSIBIRSK RUSSIA Olga Fedotova.When you will send money you necessarily write ten numbers of a
remittance. I Is very glad that you want to see me, unfortunately, to meet Are
necessary money, but money it only paper, main that we shall meet with By you.
We should trust each other because we like each other and we soon Let's meet.
Still I talked to my girlfriend which works in travel agency and She has told me that
the visa B-2 the best variant that to us with you to meet. She speaks that when we
shall meet we can discuss that as we shall live Further. Yesterday I saw
sexual dream about us with you, he very much has liked me also I want To tell him to you.
Me has dreamed as we with you we meet, as you take Me on hands, we go to you
home. At you at home we go at once in a bedroom and you Begin to undress me,
our hearts are beaten synchronously, we are passionately kissed and You begin to
learn (teach) me to all pleasures of sex. I to love you and I begin to
understand that love this such strong feeling, I am glad That I could test him due to you.
About love forever yours Olga.

Belousova/Zinaida Petrova
I had contact with Zinaida Petrova, thanks to your service I new she was a scammer. When I told her I would come to Russia and bring her to America the letters stopped. One day later I received a letter from
Olga (Olechka) Belousova. I have received telephone calls from both and the calls
were the same voice and identical in duration and content. the letters from both women are identical. If you notice in the photos I enclosed of Olga they are two
different women.
   
Adamova/Olga Tihonova/Tatyana Krasinova
I have found out more interesting details relating to this person. She has two
aliases. One she used with me, and one with another guy. Please add these to her
OLGA TIHONOVA is the name given to me. Other person received the same
emails, but different pictures and different name. For reference the name she used
with this person is: TATYANA KRASINA. The real name is Raisa Adamova.
She did not get money from me because I smelled a rat by the 6th email. Her
pictures relating to the names are enclosed.
 
Svetlana Antonova
(Ekaterinburg, Russia)
I am a Single Father 34- She started
sending me letters a month ago- She always sent a new picture every time.
Always used a form letter with horrible grammar. Never responded to my
questions directly.
From: Svetlana
Reply-To: Svetlana
To: Ray
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 16:40:51 +0300
Hello my love Ray!!!! Thank you so much for your nice letter!
Well, I looked for visa one else and to me it is necessary to pay 45
dollars for the visa and 20 dollars registration and more it is
necessary to pass inspection in hospital X-ray and it to cost 100
dollars and more and more registration of the documents, foreign
passport, i.e. 350 dollars should suffice me. You understand? I went
to embassy and at me was 50 dollars and I start registration the visa,
it is necessary to pay for it, I have told, that I have 50 dollars and
they have told well, give 50 dollars. And me have started
registration. I so have understood that for the visa of this money
will suffice, because to me so have told. But today I went there and
to me have told, that to me gave the visa that it to finish
registration urgently it is necessary to bring all those documents,
i.e. medical and other. I have told, and it is possible later in some
days, because I do not have not enough money to receive all these
documents, at me at once have shouted, have scolded and have told,
that for you then have begun to make the visa if you do not have not
enough money, but I speak, that the visa costs 45 dollars and
registration a little more, but to me have not explained at once to
receive the visa, is necessary that were applied all necessary
documents, I has certainly apologized, and has told, that I shall
bring soon, one of these days. To me have told, that they may wait
about 5 days and if I shall not bring the necessary documents they
will stop to make the visa to me. And it is even worse, that if I not
shall have time, to me have told that may not make to me the visa
more, they will take offence at me, for my acts. But I promised, that
I shall make all correctly and to me have believed. Therefore I very
much ask you, try to borrow from somebody money if you now do not have
it, at the friends for example. Because to me now in such situation
the help nobody may, I searched already, but not any successes.
Therefore I hope only for you, you one to me may the help. Because I
believe in you, and in both of us, that all at us will be Ok! And I
hope, that all will be good. I know it. I ask you to send this money
to me as soon as possible. Please send to me 300 dollars in these 5
days. Ok? It's very important. I wait! I want to tell that the money
better to send by the bank system called Western Union. This system is
very reliable also transferring money is carried out during 15
minutes. By the way you must send the money on my passport data. Here
is my data: Ekaterinburg,a street Shevchenko the House 8, Apartments
47, Svetlana Antonova. After you will send money you in bank will tell
ten figures (MTCN, control number) and do not forget to write your
full address and full name which you will fill at sending money and
should inform me it. I wait your answer as soon as possible. Please,
help me. I know, that you good man and you correctly all understood. I
wait you. See you soon. Your forever Sveta.

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