Olya Gushina
(Tumen, Russia)
I am a 40 year old, single white American male.
First, your black list saved the day! After reading letters to other poor slobs like
myself, the pattern was crystal clear. I stopped writing then and there...
The M.O. is the same as the others: She contacted me on 11/30/01. She got my
email from AbsoluteAgency. A different photo with every letter. A sob story about her
Father leaving. She kept mentioning "a helping hand".
She had no phone number. She did not answer my questions.
Each letter was more serious then the last in less than 2 weeks. Her letters were 2-3 days apart until I
mentioned her coming to the USA, then I got a 12 hour response. The sting setup
really begins in the last letter, dated 12/8/01, with some crap about her sister visiting
Florida. Clever girl... I didn't stick around for the ending. HEADED HER OFF AT THE
PASS THANKS TO YOU GUYS!!! It's clear that my letters were written by the same
person who wrote many other letters on this blacklist! I guess those poor Russians
got to make a buck somehow boys!
Hi Robert!!.To me very much to like your structure on it a site and I to
decide to write you. This day will be main in my life. I search for the person with which I could To
conduct all life. My intentions very serious. I to want, that we it is good to know each
other and to understand completely. You probably already notice what to use the
interpreter when to write to you. I to do(make) it, because I am not so good to know
the English language. But it should not be a problem between us. I to want to study
your language and to learn(teach) you Russian. It will be very interesting and it is
useful for us. As to know language and culture other country it is very important. It is
the help to us will speak is open. I to want to tell you, that acquaintance through the
Internet this new to me. I never to do(make) it earlier. I very much to worry and to be
afraid. I to not trust, that such happens, but my girlfriend to get acquainted and now
she(it) is happy. I to decide(solve) to try to write to you. I to worry, but I
shall be open and there will be a story about itself. Now I shall speak about myself. ??. Me call
Olya. I live in Russia in city of Tumen. It is the very large country, which to have was
a lot of an opportunity, but as I to think, she(it) to not open yet all potential.
In Russia is all for good life: resources, there is a lot of ground, the clever people, but now there
is a transitive period. The people here trust, that all will be speed well, but for the
present it is not known how many still to wait. Though the people, which want to work
and to have the purpose in life, live happily. There were only people,
which bring up at kommunism and very difficultly to break their stereotype about life, when for you to
do(make) all state. They to not know, that such the market, market
attitudes(relations) and business. You do not think, that I so to divide(share) the
people and to speak so, but it is the Russian reality. I to think what there to know
about Russia and to know our life. I too much to know about your country,
but to want to study more concerning it. You will learn(teach) me about your country and city? It
is very interesting to me! I live in city Tumen.. It is small city in comparison with other
cities. It(he) is in east part Russia Our city is industrial here again to make the
much industrial goods (to add about city). Now you to know about, where I live. I to think,
that it was interesting to you to learn(find out) it. I was born and has grown here. Here
I to go in a children's garden, at school and in university. With me to remain very good
memoirs on my childhood. I was the very vigorous and inquisitive girl.
Now to me 29 years and I already to work. I to work in library. It is children's library. She(it) small
and only for the schoolboys. We have a lot of book for school and almost all the book
the Russian writer and poet. In our library each day to come it is a lot of children.
With them it is very interesting to work. I to explain them what book by
him(it) it is better to take to study only on an excellent(different) estimation. They very much to
love our library. With me to work 4 men. It is the women, at which very much wide
experience and I to study at them. I to work here it is not so long. In university I to
study as building faculty. I to receive maximum formation(education) and should work
as the engineer the builder. But at us the work and I can not find such is very difficult
to find. Everywhere to require(demand) the experience it is not less 5 years
and young experts very difficultly to find work. I can be arranged at work in library. I to not
pity(regret) about it, but I always to dream be the builder and to work in building
organization. I to trust, that my dream will be a reality. I shall aspire to this. My work
not complex(difficult), but she(it) to borrow(occupy) a lot of time. My
working day to begin in 9.00am. At us is not present dinner and I to come back home only in
20.00pm. The library is far from our house and I to go before work on the bus. I to love
to work. You not strongly to get tired when to read my letter? I simply to want to tell
to you the life. I to hope, that you to understand, that I to write to you. Now I
very much to get tired and I shall write about itself more in the following letter. I shall wait
from you the letter and information on you, if you to want, that I to know about you am
more. Good to you of day. I hope your friend Olya..
Hi my friend Robert. I am happy, that you again to answer to me. I very
closely to read the letter and to understand almost all. It was very interesting to me to read
it(him) and I to learn(find out) a lot of new about you. I think, that it will be interesting
to you to learn(find out) about me. My growth(increase) 5 " 8, my weight 115
lbs. I am not so good to perceive your units of measurement. I to write to you, how it will be for
us, growth(increase) 173 cm., weight 55 kg. I dwell with together with the mum. For
us with her very good attitudes(relations) and she my best friend, helper. She the
most dear(expensive) person for me. I very much to like and to respect
her(it). We always with her can find a common language. I to think that you are good to perceive
it. My mother still to not know yet, that we to write one another. I for the present to
not know its(her) reacting to all this. But I to think, that she to perceive me. I to
think, that she all the same should say all. Today I to say to her about it. For me no from
my mum of any secrets. We to live together with my mum. My father has left from us
5 years back. I long can not go through it. I very much to like it(him). But they with
the mother recently had differences. I guessed, that all goes to divorce. I now
it(him) to not see. I to not know at all where he now. But I very much
to miss for it(him). I do not have brothers. I to have only one sister. She now to live in Habarovsk together
with the husband. I to not have the computer of a house, therefore I to write to you
from the computer class at university. There to work my best girlfriend. I
to know her(it) from the childhood. We with her together to grow. I to
come to her and there to use the Internet. It is very convenient for me, because it is charge-free. For me is
much hobbi. In free from activity time I to like to conduct time with the friends. I to like
to listen to classic music. Me to like Bethoven and Chaykovski. What music to listen
you to? To me to like simplly good modern music, which one to raise mood. I very
much to like be on the nature. I to like be in a forest and on lake. Me very much to
like camping. I to like to float. Each Sunday together with the girlfriend I to catch in
basin. you to like to swiming? I very much. I very to like animal. I have cat Barsik. To
him 5 years. This very beautiful and clever animal. By the way I am very good to
prepare. My liked dish is of Pie with apples. It(him) to like all mine native and friends.
They speak, that better me nobody can prepare it(him). you are very a pity, that to
me can not it(him) try and evaluate. I to think, that you he too to like. I very much to
like Russian galley. I to want to know what dishes to like you? And than you to like to
be engaged in free time? What kinds(views) of sports to like you? To me to like to
look large tennis. I to want to learn(find out) it is more about you. you can to me tell
about the life. I shall finish the letter. If you can, transmit to me still photo. I to hope
soon to receive the letter. Bye Bye Olya.
Hi my liked friend Robert. Thanks for you new letter. If I am honest,
to wait it(him) all the day.I do like you foto I am very good to play on a guitar. I to be born in city
Tumen. I to be afraid, that you to not write to me. I already to miss for you letters a
little. With each new letter we to become closer and closer to one another. All of us it
is more to learn(find out) one another. And I to consider(count), is what is it correct.
Now I to think, that I am available to you to tell about the experience with the man.
For me was the man. I was very happy with it(him). I to like it(him) and to be pleased
to each to conduct together with it(him) day. We were happy with it(him) equally
1 year. I already to dream of wedding and I to want to give rise to him children. But
there was a case, which one has inverted completely all my life. I to learn(find out),
that he to begin to receive drug materials(matters). With each day it(he) was more
difficult for all for knowing. Then all this beginning to be combined with alcohol. Both
all my schedules and dreams have failed. We become to not perceive one
another. He began to concern very badly to me. To avoid me. His(its) love of steel only
narcotic and to drink. I to attempt to him to help, but he to not listen to me. I many
night to cry and to think. And I to decide that all this not for me. I shall not bear(take
out) some more such moment in life. I any more will not entrust to Russian men. I to
not want more so to risk and to fracture to myself life. I to want be is simplly happy
and to live as the normal person. After that I to decide to address to a service of
acquaintances. And I to find you. And we to write one another. And me it very much
to like. I to want be is happy with the man and to conduct with it(him) all life. I to wait
from the man of comprehension, I to think what is it most important and certainly
large love and care of me and about our future monogynopaedium. I shall try to make
he man happy. But without his(its) help, without his(its) love and comprehensions it
will make difficultly. I once again to want to test(experience) such feeling as
love. I very much to hope for it. Therefore I to write to you. I to think, that thee to perceive my
words. I to want to learn(find out) thy judgement on all this. I to think, that it will be
interesting to thee to learn(find out) my post address in Tumen . My post address
625027 Russia Tumen Lenina street 20 -12 Olya Gushina. Thee can to me dispatch
there some letters and photo. I shall be happy to receive them. But I to think. It will be
what is it very long and it is possible to lose all letters and photo. Thee simplly to not
know as for us to work mail especially in Siberia. It while all. I to promise
thee to write later. I with impatience shall wait for you answer. To take care .Yours friend
Hi my dear Robert! It shall be possible I to name you so? I already for a
long time to not speak such words anybody. I am ever more and more began to be convinced, that
I to have already attachment to you and already to wait your letters about impatience.
I to not think, that such can take place. But for me it is very pleasant, I to think, that
to you too. It is very important, that you to understand me and to listen to me. The
understanding is very important between the people, when they want to have the
attitudes(relation). Today I to go to the girlfriend with hope to receive your letter and I
was very happy to see it(him). These days at us at home very difficult. We recently to
move on other apartment. It to borrow(occupy) it is a lot of time. We to transport all
furniture and all things. Now we repair our new apartment and now all is good. But at
us now is not present the telephone of a house. It is very bad, as it is the very
important thing in an apartment. I already to want to speak with you till the
telephone and to hear your vote, though I am bad to know English, but it will be dialogue to hear
a vote and to know, that who we. I to think, that till a vote it is possible much to
learn(find out) about the man. How you consider(count)? If I to have an opportunity to
speak with you till the computer, I already for a long time to make it. But
I can only write to you the letter. I shall trust, that I soon to search for a way and we can
communicate till the telephone. Even if it will be some words, but for me it will be very
important! At us now very good weather. This is winter. I am very glad, as this most
beautiful season.. . I very much to love flowers, especially yellow rose. But nobody to
give to me them already for a long time. I to dream, that in such beautiful season I
shall have the love and to go with it(him) till a street with a Yellow rose in hands and
kiss with it(him) long long. It is all will be so beautifully and romantically I
already for a long time to not test such feelings and very much to want to test them!!! But while I
one and to search the companion of life. I to want to continue with you the
attitudes(relation) and I to trust, that all can be very well. Though between us it is so
much a lot of distance, and me so to want to see you beside and to speak with
you. While it only my dreams also should return to a reality. I shall send you all my
photos, which are on the computer. Them I not have a lot of, but you should see them
all. You to want it? I to do(make) them the last year. I to wish to you good mood
these days and do not overlook(forget) me (Smile!!!). I shall wait about impatience
your letter and to miss for you!!!! Yours flower Olya!!!
Hi favourite Robert. I would like to visit America.I so am happy, that you at me on
mind(wit) all the day. I am happy to read your letter. How at you of business? How
mood? I to think, that at you all is good. I to want it is very strong. I shall
ask the god, that you were healthy and is happy. I the christian and frequently to go in church. It is
very important for me. You to visit(attend) church? What you to ask the god? I always
to ask him(it), that at all all was good also everyone were healthy. I to
know, that it(he) to hear me and to do(make) only kindly to the people. Each man in the world
should live well and happily, regardless f the fact that it(he) to make bad. You agree
with me? I to want to know your point of view on this question. Well, I to want to tell
you, that my heart began to beat more often, when I to think of you. It is
spring?!!!! Certainly yes!!!, but my heart is beaten so, when I to think of you!!!! I you to ask, that
you to send to me all photos, which at you are. They will help me to feel your
presence near to me. I to want to feel you, your gentle sight, yours a smile, your
hands. I so to require in heat and care and I to think, that I to ask not so
much. I to search pure(clean) love and romanticism in the
attitudes(relations). I to love when all is beautiful, perfectly, is gentle and it is romantic!!! Desire to have family favourite man
beside, feeling care and constant support in difficult minute, to what
to aspire each man in life and I too. To me 29 years, and I and to not
have, about what I to speak you. I was close to happiness in the past,
but my trust to break my heart. I should trust the man with which I all life. To trust his(its) each word, gesture, sight, smile. In
the world now so there is a lot of meanness(low act) and deceit, that is
necessary very closely(very attentively) to concern to people, which
to surround you. I to not speak you, that is necessary to concern about mistrust to everyone, the man is
simply necessary to know so that to be completely sure in it(him). I to know you it is
not long, but I can tell, that you very honour and open and it very much to
involve(attract) me and to give me to trust, that I that I can love and to be
favourite!!! My mum to learn(teach) me, that I should be always open. I to tell it(her), that our
attitudes(relations) to develop successfully and she(it) is happy for us. She(it) to
dream, that I, at last, should be not one and to have family. Now I to want
to inform with you my small pleasure. Last night to arrive my sister.
She(it) to work in university and to teach biology. It(she) has a lot of friends till all world and she(it) to go in USA
to the American colleague. She(it) to leave there 3 weeks back and to return only
yesterday. She(it) very much to not want to leave, as it(she) had to leave on time the
husband and daughter. By the way daughter my sister is called ????? and
it(her) by(with) 5 years. She(it) is simple charm and I to love her(it) as the daughter. But this
trip was very important for it(her) and for university and it(she) had to go. But
its(her) husband is a very good, careful, correct man and it(he) to
consult(cope) one about the daughter and I to be proud of him(it). As soon as she(it) to arrive, she(it) to send us
the telegram and we with the mum to go on telephone item and to speak with
it(her) till the telephone. She(it) was very happy to return home to the family.
She(it) to tell me, that was at Jenifer, which lives in staff(state) Florida
St.Peterburg. It is the very good and kind woman. She(it) to tell what to reach without any problem and to live all
this time at it(her). But now its(her) stay of a house will be not long,
she(it) about the daughter and husband will leave for 4 weeks to have a rest
in medical sanatorium. And all these days they will be together, far from work and can devote all this time
each other. It is very happy and fond family. I to think, that you were not against, that
I to inform with you my pleasure. I now very much to want to talk about
you! I so to want to be divided with you pleasure personally, when I to see your eyes and smile
that I am glad. I to want to see your pleasure and to divide(share) her(it) with you. I to
want to know what to do(make) you happy? And I shall try, that everything, that I to
make was the present happiness for you. Please give me chance to make it!!! Give
me chance again to feel by the favourite and fond woman. I wait for your beautiful
letter and I promise, that I shall think of you each minute. About love
   
Curdiucova (Kobryn, Belarus)
I am glad that I ran across your site before I got more involved more than I am. I was just getting ready to start spending the cash until now. Here is some more recent pictures of
Oxana Curdiucova, email bestwomen7@hotmail.com. I hope this helps others You do have to say that she is very beautiful though. I could have really fell for this lady.
   
Tatyana Aytova
(Saratov, Russia)
I'm glad that I ran onto your website before I sent any more money to Russia. I'm
a divorced father of two. I posted my profile up on Match.com back in
early October 2001 and immediately began receiving email from
"tanushka123@pochtamt.ru (Tatyana)". They asked for my actual email address,
which I ignorantly gave. I exchanged emails for about 1 month. There was a
new email each day with a different picture. Although the messages stayed
fairly conservative, she(they) eventually proclaimed her love for me. I
received many of the form messages that are already posted on this site. I
also received shorter messages that filled in between the larger form messages. They were very
convincing. They answered some of the questions that I asked, but not all of
them. Just enough to keep me convinced. Eventually she(they) supposedly went
to get a Visa. They then claimed that they only had $50 and needed $300 more.
They begged me to send the $300 Western Union. Which I finally did. I had the
feeling that I was being scammed, but I still took the chance. They claimed that
the Visa would take two weeks, so we continued to exchange messages with
pictures. Then she(they) went to Moscow to get the airline ticket.
She(they) claimed to have an aunt that worked at the airport(same claim made by other
postings on this website). She then asked for $700 for the airline ticket, again by
Western Union. I then knew I was being scammed. I knew that $700 was not
enough for a plain ticket from Russia. I did a web search on "Tatyana
Aytova" and found your website. There was another "Tatyana Aytova" posted
with some of the same pictures that I had received. The differences were her
location in Russia and her email address. Here are the specifics on the
Tatyana that I sent money to: Tatyana Aytova Saratov Russia
tanushka123@pochtamt.ru (Tatyana) I can't remember the street address that she sent me, but it is likely not
real anyway. The final messages contained poems and love letters and did get
a lot more personal, i.e., sexual dreams. I have attached several of the
pictures that were sent to me. Once again, thanks very much for your website, it likely saved me a
lot of money!!!!!!
   
Tatyana Ershova
(Kiev, Ukraine)
I am single remodeling contractor 38 years old. I have been looking for a bride in
former soviet countries for almost 2 years. I have been taking my time because of
all the strange people that I have run into on the dating sites. Although I have
found 2 very nice ladies that I have been corresponding with for over 8 months, I
must share a story with your readers because I appreciate the info that I have
read on your site. I have not known of your site for long (about a week) and have
not had time to read everything on it yet. I could go on and on with several
incidents that would be informative to readers but this one is the only one that I
had sent money to. She is listed on page 5 as Ekaterina Mykhailova
from Kiev Ukraine. I wish I
could contact the gentleman that submitted that story. I have submitted a couple
of pictures for readers. I could send some of her letters if anyone requests but
there are too many and I would just like to stay with the basics. Like the
unidentified gentleman says she is very, very smart. I am not too foolish but she
really got to me because of the personal nature of her letters. She made me feel
pretty good but I don't think quite good enough for the 200$ that I sent her through
western union. She seemed very nice and we e-mailed about 15 nice letters back
and forth until I thought it was ok to send her the money. (Believe me I am not
easily fooled but I am ashamed of this one.) It was only after that I sent the
money that she changed into a weirdo. I was suspicious because she acted like
she was on drugs or something. Maybe it's because she got the money and it
went to her head and she just turned into a real weirdo. For all I know maybe it
was her brother writing to me and using her pictures. Her brother also seemed to
be ever present as in the other man's letters. She contacted me first through
Kiss.com in April of 2001. We emailed back and forth over the next 2 months
before I sent the money and got suspicious when she acted strange. I did not see
a profile for her and it added to my suspicions. She said that she was 23 years
old and finishing final exams in history at a university in Kiev,
Ukraine. Anyways if you
need other info or if readers would like to contact me my email is:
snowpal_ak@yahoo.com I have ran into many other scammers some that I have
seen posted on your site(most are a little too obvious)l'd really be aware of this
one. Like I say, I have not seen all of your pages. Thank you for having this site.
There are probably many people who do not know about it or are too embarassed
to write. Now that I have found it, I am so thankful for all of the great information
and links to forums for advice. Her info that she gave me was: Tatyana Ershova 04107 Ukraine, Kiev Pugachova 14 Apt. 68 After I already got suspicious she
sent this address: 8 Bubnova street apt. 33 (same everthing else) she also gave me a
phone # but no one ever answered. All her lies eventually caught up to her. She
said the usual stuff, her brother's computer was not working so she has to go to
internet cafe, the 200 I sent was used for her grandmothers medecine, and so on
and now she had nothing to eat etc. I was really starting to get mad when she
requested more money with some really bad stories. When I told her I had none
right now she dropped me like a hot rock. She looked so glamorous in her
pictures that I thought she should be sending me money and not like her claim
that she had nothing to eat. Oh well, I chalk this up as a valuable lesson for me
and I hope that this info helps someone else. Good luck to all you guys. I have
found a very nice lady after all this time and will go see her soon. That is too bad
that there are some bad apples in the batch to ruin things.
  
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