Tsaregorodseva (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Greetings! I would love to have you add my scam story to your site. Once I saw
the pics posted for Tatyana Yurina from Novosibirsk, I knew for sure that I was
definitely taken for $1800!!!
I was contacted thru kiss.com from a member "TNT2000." She called herself
TATYANA TSAREGORODSEVA, with the address 23-61 Kirova Street in
Novosibirsk, Russia. With the e-mail address tata333@fromru.com I was
definitely intrigued. We struck up an internet friendship/relationship and it all
snowballed from there. We exchanged pictures and letters. I was really thinking I
was going to meet a nice attractive girl from Russia----if Tatyana only knew what I
was thinking NOW!!! I didn't think much when I received a request for help with a
VISA---$300. That was in the middle of October. Then I was going to buy an
airline here to have her fly over----oh no the ticket "had to be bought there." So, I
did some checking and found out it was $150 less for a ticket to be purchased in
Russia, so I sent over $900--November 3rd. Then once I did that, she e-mailed me
that she needed $530 for some kind of insurance to allow her to leave the country.
I sent $600 on November 8th. Then 3 days after I sent the $600. I received the
e-mail from her saying that the money had been stolen from her while she was in
the Moscow subway. I contacted Western Union to see where the money was
picked up----all from the same location---not in Novosibirsk and in Moscow as I
was told---all through a Bank called "Menate P/St. Petersburg," from a location
called "Yoshkarola." Western Union did do a little checking, and in the last 45
days there had been dozens and dozens of money transfers to TATYANA TSAREGORODSEVA from the United States. Western Union would not tell me
who or how much---just the fact that they were indeed large transfers and many of
them. Western Union would NOT list her name as a potential scammer. It seems
all Western Union is---simply a tool used by scammers in this particular case.
I am not normally a stupid or gullable person---I'm in media and usually pretty
savvy---but not this time. I wish I had found your "Blacklist" sooner----but
unfortunantly it cost me $1800, and another $200 in Western Union charges.
So---I am out $2000 to this scammer from Novosibirsk. I am including the letters
she wrote to me, her photos, and after all this happened I got an e-mail---supposed to be from her mother---Svetlana. I have notified the FBI and will
contact the Russian embassy here in the United States, but I want to warn any
and all men---this woman IS A SCAMMER!!
Here are the letters I received from her starting in September, so you can
compare them to some you may have received or may be receiving:
#1/September 28th
Hi. My name is Tatyana. I have looked your structure on Kiss.com, it very much
to like me and I have decided to write to you the letter. I very much want to get
acquainted and strike up with you long acquaintance if certainly you do not
object. On the character I very devoted woman and if I shall grow fond of someone
I shall wish to remain together with him for ever. I am always fair in the intentions.
Most of all in life I do not love a deceit. I very much hope, that you will not leave
my letter without attention and will answer me my electronic address:
tata333@fromru.com. I Wait with impatience of your fast reply. And if you want, I
can send you the photo. Tatyana.
#2 Oct 1, 2001
Hi my new friend J. Greetings from Russia! I am glad that you
have written to me. I very much would like to learn (find out) more
concerning you. My name is Tatyana, I live in the best city on light -
Novosibirsk. Probably, it is necessary to tell a little about itself... My mark on a horoscope - Aquarius. Was born January,
27, 1973. Growth of 170 centimeters. Weight of 54 kgs. Formation
(education) the maximum (supreme). I was not for the husband and I have no any own children. I
haven't brothers and sisters. My father has left us with mum when I was some
more absolutely small. Since then I about him nothing did not hear. About my
appeal look at my photo. Please came to me the photo, well??? I shall be very
pleased to see them. I have no any children. My favourite colors - bright. It is
possible to tell, that the motto of my life is " do not make to
another what yourself you do not wish ". What I appreciate in people?
Kindness, mind (wit), tenderness, fidelity, sense of humour... And the
main thing - honesty! I hate rage, envy, lie, treachery. And still -
vainglory! Certainly, everyone has lacks (I too not an ideal). The
main thing that them was very little!:). Unfortunately I have no any
phone of a house. I work as the medical sister in children's hospital.
I very much love the work. I to speak in English not much, but now I
go on rates on studying the English language. Now it is a little about
my interests. They WELL ARE VERY EXTENSIVE! First, I do not present
myself life without MUSIC (capital letters!). It means - only "ingenious" or, at least, talented. What exactly? Beatles, Talking
Heads, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Queen. classics. By the way, I very
much love alive music. Second, I very much love books. Actually, without them life too would
lose much. I read, basically, "classics", love novels and philosophical things
(Dostoevsky it is repeatedly re-read, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Sholohov... Well it is a lot
of Them!). The reference book - " the Master and Margarita ". Thirdly, I love
cinema, Films too I look "clever", but genres practically anyone. I like
Mastroini, Kluny Hofman, De Niro, From directors Koppola, Parker,
Torontino. Mihalkov, Ryazanov, and much, much... All and to not list! And fourthly, my weakness - I
very much like to spend time on kitchen to prepare (be going) for new dishes and
salads. I simply adore it!! Mine loved (liked, favourite) foodstuff it " Russian borch
". This very tasty dish I would hope that it very much was pleasant to you.
That else... Still I very much love animal (especially cats). I have a
cat, it's name a Boris. I adore the friends (them a little, but all of
them are checked up by years). In general it is possible to tell, that
I very sociable person. I want to find that unique and unique in the
life with which I could divide (share) all life. In the choice I do
not want to make a mistake. I would like to know as much as possible
about you. My intentions are very serious. I at myself here have not found worthy to
myself the man and consequently I have decided to try to get acquainted through
Internet. Therefore I can write to you 6 days per one week. But, unfortunately, I to
not have an own computer and consequently I shall write to you with internet cafe.
I think that we shall be good friends or even more …. On what I to hope. I would
like to hear your ideas, that you wish concerning the future. I hope
that you find my words are interesting also it starts to help to learn
(find out) to you me little bit better. I wait for the answer from you
again. You had such desire - write!! Your new friend Tanya. P.S. In a photo, I with my cat Boris.
#3 October 2, 2001
Hi my liked friend J!! I am very happy to receive letter from
you letter. In your letters you show me the big interest, and it very
pleasant for me. I looked at you and if it is fair, I do not know, why
I have chosen your structure, it likely any mark from above. You trust
in it? I yes. Today in us very good weather. I today havedecided to Take walk in such fine day. I saw so many happy people.... And I
like in love in, liking sympathy which liked, a favorite! I like those who
kisses in underground transitions and in automobiles underground. I smile, when I see
under a canopy at stops of the bus Para of scope. It is pleasant for me to look at
boys - schoolboys Who bears bags for the girlfriend and buys for them ice-cream,
and Then eat it together, biting off with turns because there was no money To two
frozen... I would like to give all from them flowers and stars. And the dark blue
sky with fluffy clouds. Also it is insignificant, what weather In the street. I continue a
balcony. I raise eyes to the sky, and I find There an asterisk, and I think, that it
may, you, there in me look also it shines only for me. I smile... I have decided to
show today a Para of lines of your letter to my loved mum. Mum, reading has
Probably good person has close told it you. Also that it trust you.
She would like it we with you, had all well. We With you begin to understand and feel each other
it is very important. We should entrust each other. Lie it is bad very much. Mum
from The childhood always teach me to speak the truth. We with you Completely
should entrust each other only the ambassador who may be a The good union. It
is a pity, that we with you - while separately. But everyone Our letter
rallies us, and distances between us become ever It is less and less.
I like to dance!!! It very much to similar me. And you Like to dance
and to what dances it is similar to you? I dance a waltz, it is a lot
of another Modern dances. When I some was more absolute small I to go
in The school of dances it was funny very much. You seem to me which
most of all The good person I has met in life. I would like to write
to you each day. If you certainly not against. It to similar me. I
would like to hear Concerning you it is more. How you like to carry out spend a free time?
Write to me not much about city in which you live? You like To be on nature and
to sit in summer evening on fire? It you See so it is romantic, whether the truth?
Write to me answers to mine Calls in question and to ask me anyone interesting
you and problems. I hope to Receive the information from you soon. So we may
begin to study each other. On it I finish the letter. I wait from you
The answer. Tatyana.
#4/October 3, 2001
Hi my loving friend J. I am so happy to receive from you the
letter again. When I find your letters in the letter box me at once to
become easily and joyfully on heart. I feel, that every day we all
become closer and more close to each other. I am sure that you do not
forget me for one minute. I too always think of you. I very much love
walks on a nature. I in general very much love a nature and animals.
At us now autumn was included in full force and around all blossoms. Leaves on
trees start to turn yellow and all around to become gold. And you love a nature?
And what trees grow at you? At us grow: the birch, a linden, a maple, a fur-tree, a
pine, a cedar and is a lot of another. Today we with mum went in a village to the
grandfather, his(its) name Fedor. My mum has told the grandfather, that I
correspond with the foreigner. Then the grandfather has called me to
itself and has wished good luck me good luck in it. It(he) was glad, that I at last have found
the person who is interesting to me. It you my dear, you seem to me very
interesting person to correspond with you delivers to me great pleasure. In a
village at the grandfather we went in a bath. The bath in the country is very
popular in us, it is our pride. And you heard about Russian bath? If is not present,
I shall tell to you about it. The bath is such small house which is made of
logs of a tree. In this house there is a room in which it is necessary
to bakee. Temperature in this room very high approximately 80 degrees
Celsey. Near to the bath is the river, in which we to jump when to run
out from a bath. It so is fine, when from such hot room to plunge into
cool water. Tatyana is mine a full name, and in abbreviated form or
simply Tanya. You understand me?Now I shall finish the letter. Write
to me as I was possible more often very much I wait for your following
letter with impatience. Sincerely yours, Tatyana.
#5 October 6, 2001
Hi J. I very much love to read your letters, and they deliver
me many pleasures. With each your letter I am begun, understand, that
in us with you that can which was going. I already more to reflect in
the our attitude (attitudes) is more serious. My opinion - those, I
examine(consider) it as most important between the man and woman by
this complete trust (trust), I hate, when the people deceive each
other. I began to correspond with the person whom to be outside of
Russia therefore here I have not found that the man with whom it is possible to live the
stayed life. Earlier I walked with one guy, but it(he) has hurt offended me, and
after that I with anybody did not dare to get acquainted, till now. As I
examine (consider) that it is the moment we of life to accept the conciliatory
proposals, you see, that it also - important part of the attitude
(relation) between the man and woman. You probably think, that I the most serious man, but it
not so, I simply do not want to be mistaken in a choice of the future
husband and man of sympathy.At the given moment my feelings to YOU already, that it is more than
friendly. I to feel, that we as 2 small streamlets, which run in themselves, and at
the end of ways merge in one large river. Which to break all barrier on the way for
the sake of one purpose. To your words I begin to understand that you the man of
honour. Your words, which you write to me warm my soul and heart. So
it is wonderful, when there there is in this world a man to which I is
not indifferent. It is pleasant to me so that to receive from you letter and feeling, which I thus check
to not pass by words. Probably on it I shall come to an end, and with the large
impatience Separately you are grateful before a card, that to you to me has sent.
She(it) very much loved to me. It is very pleasant to me to study (find out),
that we by mutual understanding the friend the friend, you see, that it - most important
fact in the our attitude (attitudes). If we want to create strong union, we should
entrust and understand each other everything, I feel perfect, concerning me can
not worry with me, it in the order is ((good). Write to me, as it is possible more
frequently, I very much love to read your letters, they establish in me any
pleasure in life, to believe that in me somewhere far there loves, the
man, mood at once lifts, it would be desirable to live and to believe
that we when to be we shall meet. I shall wait your answer today. Many
times you cover a kiss and from the basis of heart I. You in my heart
each minute. In me even such feeling, that I have received loading
(accusation) of the large energy within all day. Write to me
concerning work. I would like to know concerning all of you, that in you the majority of a
favourite dish, than you loves to be engaged in free from work time. Perfect I want
to inform, that I have chosen in you soul superior others in love in, in mercy, in
powerful desire to love and to bring happiness. And please, with me to be
honour. You see, that the deceit breaks huge quantity(amount) of families. Today I
shall visit church, and about me will ask about us. Be healthy and in the good
arrangement of spirit, know that you always in my heart. Fidelity and tenderness
are necessary for you? I have chosen destiny of fidelity, as closest to my
character . Will be convinced. Unsuccessfully speak, that love blind; true in it fond
is indifferent to this or that lacks, which it perfectly sees, if only it seemed,
that it he)) finds in the man that for him(it) it (is) by most important. And it in you. As I
would like to see us together, evening, in a room. We would reach (begin) from
you long conversation. I shall wait your letter. Kiss from me. Tatyana. P.S. This
photos is made one year ago.
#6 October 8, 2001
Hi my loved J. Today I with impatience have hurried in internetcafe Is faster to
check an electronic box of the letter. I have found yours The letter and my heart
were filled with high temperature and to knock with unknown Force. During our correspondence I have understood that you very good The person. Also that you
maintain my attention. Also I hope, that I stand Yours also. Yesterday in church I
have understood, that you the person Which I searched for all life. And when I
saw carelessly yours The structure I at once has fallen in love with you without
memory. I Became similar to the mad girl, raving love. All over again I was afraid
to Recognize you it, thought, that when you will hear at once these words You
will laugh at my feelings. You see, that I then did not know you so Well as now.
But during our dialogue I did not store feeling Inside me it is direct also they have
escaped outside of. Now I not ËÏÌÅÂÌÀÓØ to Recognize you it. I for ever yours. I
hope you, you will not break (to break) mine Dreams concerning you. Mine full name Tatyana Tsaregorodseva or on Russian ( ãÁÒÅÇÏÒÏÄÃÅxÁ). I do not want,
that you lost for what !!!! You for me J! With love Tatyana!!!!!!!!
#7 October 10, 2001
Hi J!!! I very much LOVE the Letter which you have written to
me, it was than most of all and VERY CLOSE HEATING!! It my HEART And
SOUL GOOD!!! It has Taking into account me very much warm feelings inside, downwards - is deep
in my SOUL. I Want more than life directly for YOU to be With YOU! YOU ARE
VERY NECESSARY FOR ME!!! I am very lonely Here without YOU! Everything,
that I have - your letters to lead me Progress (progress). I come back, and I read
them when I am lonely for YOU. But Then it we do me, it is sad, because I can
not be with YOU NOW! I WANT OUR UNION MORE THAN THAT - TO BE in which to me
DEMANDED EVERYONE LIFE!!!!!!! IT HAPPENS!!!!! YOU - very much a thing
about which I might Ask in LIFE, YOU CARE, LIKE, UNDERSTANDING, And
HONOUR!!!!! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH MY LOVE. I had no any such feelings
of love in very long time. I May inform YOU, that YOU -THAT FOR ME!!!! UNIQUE I WANT!!!!!!!! NOBODY WILL COMPEL ME TO FEEL
QUESTION!!!!!!! Now I only can dream of this time, but soon real it is
fast goes in Happen, and I SHALL BE the HAPPIEST WOMAN In the WORLD
And YOU the HAPPIEST PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(FINDING) With YOU!!!!!! Today I am simple so have learned, that the
visa it is possible to make. But I do not have such money to pay it. I to speak on
the English language well enough. I to want to be closer to you! SET of LOVE
#8/October 13, 2001(1st request for money)
Hi my love J, I am very happy to read your letter, as always.
Thank you so much for your nice letter! Well, I looked for visa one
else yesterday and to me it is necessary to pay 45 dollars for the
visa and 20 dollars registration I went to embassy and at me was 50
dollars in hands, I have told them, that I have 50 dollars and they
have told well, give 50 dollars. And me have started registration.
They started to make the visa for me. I so have understood that for
the visa of this money will suffice, because to me so have told. But
today I went there and to me have told, that to me gave the visa that
it to finish registration urgently it is necessary to bring all those
documents, i.e. pass inspection in hospital X-ray and it to cost 100
dollars and more and more registration and made many documents,
foreign passport, i.e. all these will cost 350 dollars US. You
understand? I have told, and it is possible later I give them these
money, because I do not have not enough money to receive all these documents, at me at once
have shouted, have scolded and have told, that for you then have begun to make
the visa if you do not have not enough money, but I speak, that the visa costs 45
dollars and registration 20, but to me have not explained at once to receive the
visa, is necessary that were applied all necessary documents, I has
certainly apologized, and has told, that I shall bring soon, one of these days. To me have
told, that they may wait about 5 days and if I shall not bring the necessary
documents they will stop to make the visa to me. And it is even worse, that if I
not shall have time, to me have told that may not make to me the visa more, they
will take offence at me, for my acts. But I promised, that I shall make all
correctly and to me have believed. Therefore I very much ask you, try to borrow from
somebody money if you now do not have it, at the friends for example. Because
to me now in such situation the help nobody may, I searched already, but not any
successes. Therefore I hope only for you, you one to me may the help. Because I
believe in you, and in both of us, that all at us will be Ok! And I hope, that
all will be good. I know it. I ask you to send this money to me as soon as possible.
Please send to me 300 dollars in these 5 days. Ok? It's very important. I wait!
And visa was finally done in 2 weeks or faster and will be good for three month.
So, I want to tell that the money better to send by the bank system called
Western Union. This system is very reliable also transferring money is carried out
during 15 minutes. By the way you must send the money on my passport data.
STREET 23-61. After you will send money you in bank will tell ten
figures (MTCN, control number) and do not forget to write your full address and full
name which you will fill at sending money and should inform me it. Yesterday
night, I had this remarkable, sexual dream concerning you and me. I can not
address, will carry out (spend) it to me immediately. I should express it to you, to
be the divided (shared) part it with you. I should find out, whether you also have
dream concerning similar character, or - only me. You and me, anyone still.
I love you very much. I want to speak love to you. We now have a rain.
The rain brings love. The love prospers in this weather. It - very romantic situation. I love you am
very strong. Yours for ever Tatyana.
#9/October 14, 2001/I forgot to include the MTCN # for her to pick up the
money....wish I never had sent it!!!
Hi my love J. I have received your email. I liked
WILL NOT GIVE MONEY, LOVE MINE.Honestly, I completely use Obtaining of
your characters. That I use most, that you very much open and It makes
it very simple for me to open my basis(fundamentals) also. That I
really liked, was your three sources of love. It - quiet
comprehension, Mutual confidence, sharing and pardoning. It - loyalty through good times. The
love is pleased with existing, it hopes during the future and it Does not reflect
past. It - chronicle " day per day from " Borings, problems, compromises, small
disappointments, large victories and General purposes. If you have love in your
resource(safe life), it can fill very much many things you absence. Anyway, which
one can a little too "be juicy" for the person, but it Something, that
to cover with me within past several years. Successful opencast but it
is honest they really do not mean much because them The things do not
help the basis(fundamentals). I am pleased, that you can trust me, and
you can name me love. I hope it of a Leg that path. If there is any
time, where you doubt concerning me or if I speak something, that
violations(disturbance) you, please inform to me. I think, what very
simply be Honestly, when we speak concerning good subjects , however,
I find it difficult to Be completely honest, when we speak concerning negative
issuings. At least it Is for me. Specially, if you violation with me. I shall try to do
Same.However, I should underline, I have no any reason to doubt concerning you.
Honestly, your characters were filled so by large soul and
basis(fundamentals), which one it does(makes) me feel really good. It was a long time, as I felt a warm
feeling Inside my fundamentals. I like to receive your emails. You,
seem, Very pleasant face, it seems, really know that you search in a for Relation and does
not wish to agree on less than that you search, It seems, really use resource(safe
life), and have the strong basis(fundamentals). Thanks for discovery your
basis(fundamentals) to me. I wish to study much more concerning you. I love you
J. Your love Tatyana. P.S. This photo was made the last year.
#10/October 16, 2001
Hi my love J. I is very glad to see your letter. At ME FOR YOU GOOD
NEWS! YESTERDAY I WENT To BANK And HAVE RECEIVED MONEY. And AT ONCE HAS PAID FOR the VISA. I so to be pleased, that we soon shall together
my love!!! As I have learned(found out) that the ticket aboard the plane
costs(stands) 932 $, up to you my love!I am simply happy and with such happiness I have
written to you a poem. ARE YOU READY ë...... SOFT GENTLE CONTACT KIND
WHAT the LOVE CAN DO(MAKE) ARE YOU READY To THIS I shall wait for your answer. It is a lot of love to you
mine by a road.With love Tatyana!
#11/October 18, 2001
Hi my love J. I am very pleased to receive from you the letter. The
sun and good weather in street lights. I think, when to me will tell
that the visa is made, only then it will be possible to speak about
the ticket. You with me agree? I very much like all your photos which
you send me! And the house too fine. I to be able to drive the
automobile, but a driving licence at me is not present. Yes I am ready
to to live life with you!I to wake up today in morning from good dream. Ours dreamed
for the benefit of me at first with you meeting. I to arrive (to fly) to you and you to
meet me at the airport. I at first to not see you and to search. Then I saw you.
You cost(stand) with a bouquet of red roses. Seeing each other we run to each
other at meeting. We urgently to capture each other and to kiss each other. In
me on eyes of tear of happiness. It is real? Then we go to you home and me slightly
to lie down to sleep from tiresome trip. When I to have rest we with you in the
evening we enter into restaurant to have supper in candles. We drink a good wine
drink, and we dance slowly dances all evening. After restaurant we go on foot on
beautiful avenue. You to capture me, that it was not a cold. Your warm hands so
are gentle. We look together at stars and softly to kiss each other.
When we were slightly froze, we to go to you home. We to accept a warm
bath with foam together. Then we to go to you in dream and I to begin
to you to do(make) massage for a body. And then I have woken also my
dream, was completed. I so did not want to wake up, I wanted to see my
dream by the end. But I was disappointed, that up to the end looked
dream. I know, that it will be speed not in dream, and actually. I to
wake up very much with good mood. Today I think to be lowered (go) in
cinema and to see interesting film concerning love. Now I shall finish
the letter. I shall wait yours after the letter. It - there is a lot
of love from yours Tatyana.
#12/October 20, 2001
Hi by road J. I so am happy that you have written to me and very much
I wait that instant, that moment when I shall find myself in your strong and hot embraces. I
want will meet you as soon as possible. It will be necessary for me to fly up to
Moscow by the plane, and then there to buy tickets of the plane there, I have
found out concerning cost plane ticket from Moscow up to you my love, it makes
923 dollars. If you can help me with this money I shall buy beforehand tickets of
the plane. If I shall do(make) it beforehand the VISA will be ready
EVEN FASTER. éÄÏ November I shall be already in your hot embraces, my
love!I am very strong because of it to experience. Well why in our life all so depends on money. I do
not understand those people, which live only for the sake of money. My mum to
feel already it is good, and she(it) transfers you hi. Dear, by mail that do not send.
I do not trust mail. My mum speaks me, that you so worry, all will be good, I
so worry, that I shall see you, I shall be pressed to you. I directly fly with happiness,
in me there is a lot of energy, that is ready to sing and to dance love mine. On
work I go in good mood, I how anew to be born. I think, that between us there
should be a truth, I have written all as is. But it is good while all. Write, very much
I wait for the answer from you mine, TIGER. KISS! KISS! KISS! With LOVE
#13/October 22, 2001
Hello , my pretty man in the world J!!! How are you today? I'm fine. I
love you. Today I have once again learned(found out) about cost of air
tickets. And yes I have found the ticket which costs(stands) 800 $.
You know loved(liked,favourite) for me it would be more convenient to
buy the ticket here. When xÅÝÔ at me it is more convenient and not so
it is terrible. You understand me?I even dream how I'm with you we go
for a walk together, that we sit in restaurant at candles, it is very
perfect dream and I want, that it was on the present. You think that
too? I know, that you too so think, I love you and I want to be only with you!!!! I to feel
your body near to mine, I want, that we to be kissed and to be embraced, I want
you, I know, that at us all will be good. I at you want to ask, and what we shall
do(make) in the beginning, when I arrive to you, we shall go somewhere and to
look something, to travel? Write to me please what you think, what we shall
do? I very wait for your answer, I think of you always when I sleep and when I work and
even when to eat! Bye bye!!! I love you!!!! See you tomorrow! Your love
#14/October 24, 2001 (2nd request for money to fly to Moscow)
Hi J!!! Your words are very beautiful, you speak very well, it is very pleasant to me
to read your letter, it is wonderful! I told, that I'm with you soon shall together,
because I love you! I am happy from one only idea, when I think of you, I am very
ME?? My mum too is pleased, when looks at my happy face, you understand
me? I hope, that yes. I earlier, how it seems, did not trust in destiny, and now it is
simply interesting, if it not the destiny has reduced us together, then who?
Probably it is destiny so to make, that we have appeared together, it is perfect!!! I
wait with impatience of each your letter, you to me write please, what we with you
in the beginning shall do, may be we shall visit somewhere? I shall wait your
letter. I think of you always. Bye bye my sweetheart! Your lady
#15/October 26, 2001...she doesn't have a bank account to wire the money to...I
have to use Western Union....
Hi mine lovely, tender and gentle J! You can send money through the
Western Union because the bank account at me is not present. I very much love you!!! I
like color a peach. My size of a dress on ours a measure of 44 size. I to not have
CD of the player. And I to write an arrival time to you when I shall be in Moscow. I
very much love you my husband!Now behind a window the dampness, goes a
cold rain and, alas, and my soul is compressed by a steel hoop
by(with) melancholy on you. I am thrown by(with) that in heat, in a cold from one idea.
That I already soon can inhale aroma of your hair, touch up to your
leather(skin), touch by the lips of your lips. I present, as we with you sit, having embraced at
the warm years(summer) night at border of inflow, gentle waves caress our legs,
and in a wind to blow our naked bodies. The ocean of our feelings storms in me
now, when I write you this letter. I like you sincerely and gently, is warm and is
passionate. Whether you feel too to me? If yes that I shall live by
one hope and dream to embrace you. I like you very strongly!!! Yours
#16 /October 28, 2001
The request for the $900 for the ticket Hello my love J! I
want to be with you right now! I miss you very much! I love you! The sum which is
necessary for me about(near) 900 $ with fine charges. I to go in Moscow as soon
as to receive money, I at once to leave there. You know, sometimes I close my
eyes and I see you, I feel you, as though you stand near me! It's wonderful to feel
this! But I want, that this will be the reality! Do you understand? Well, these days
were very difficult, because at my work there was the verification and I was very
tired. And e-mail server was bad else. So, I hope that everything will be good now!
And I want to read your dreams, about us, what do you think about us and what
we shall do at first and then? When I arrive to you. I'll be waiting your letter with
impatience! Bye bye my love! Your lady Tatyana.
#17/October 30, 2001
Hi my love J! I very much love you. I love you so, that all
becomes transfixed in heart. I want to be near to you! And the words
leave, be convinced itself: " Two silver wings " we are up in the air
again on my way the moment so near the waiting increased our longing
indeed to look, hold and kiss is now what we need My heart, my desire,
who would hold here? a mind full of questions I no more could bear
this day on my way to you what will it hold moments of fear
satisfaction untold Two people one hope, one moment so dear two
hearts, one soul you and I we are here will we become friends, be united as one " co incident
" fate, may be our gods will be done Despite of all odds make our wishes come
true may there be a future still for me and for you if " love is in the air " like
mimosa in the spring will our hearts grow " two silver wings "? to you with all my
love. Yours love Tatyana!!!!! KISS/ KISS/ KISS!!!!!!
#18/November 1, 2001
Hallo, lovely mine J! As I have become bored(missed) of you! I so to
worry concerning trip. But I to be pleased, because I to meet you my love!As I have no
your exciting sight, your gentle embraces! Each day I dream of meeting with you,
I get accustomed - suddenly, in the underground, in crowd your eyes will flash,
your smile to burn me by the heat, tenderness and love. You - mine. As it is
pleasant to realize it, as the magic it sounds, but even better other words - I
yours sound. Each day, each instant, each life I devote to you. Now
you far from me - for thousand kilometers. And behind a window it is
raining. Spring. Our liked season. We can by hours wander on park, look at drops killing the river, on
perfect clouds and … to think of Spring. To our Spring. Which in us. Today. Now.
You see if the people like they always live in the spring. I like you. You like me.
Strange, truth? Though no - naturally. As in physics. The force of action is
equal to force of counteraction. Neither it is more nor less. And it is surprisingly perfect.
But why I then I pay? With happiness? Can be. And, can from …. How to me to
live without you these hours? I do not know. Whole, you. Yours Tatyana .
P.S. Yes, has forgotten to say to you.Know, and you see I you almost do not know,
liked, but I believe, that you are. You see there is I on this light. And the friend
without the friend in any way is impossible for us. And you know it itself
#19/November 4, 2001 After the $900 was sent
YOU AS ME TO MEET And WHAT FLIGHT. OK?I already spoke somehow, that
you "sit" in each my section, so it is a lot of you in me and that I
did not do(make) - I all time remember you, I think of you. You know,
lovely, at me one habit has appeared. When I lie down to sleep, I extinguish light I start to
think of you. I touch our next days with you, they such happy! What happiness -
to be with you beside to keep for your hand, to look in your eyes and to see in
them shine of own pleasure! I fall asleep with thoughts(dumas) about you and to
wake up to me it would not be desirable at all. Therefore, when I wake up, I
would not like to open eyes. You are not present beside, and the next sad day again
begins. In the mornings I would like to cry. But I courageously collect the lax
soul, the ideas creeping away in the different parties(sides) from bed, I tear off
from a pillow the heavy head, I try to put even externally all in the order and I rise.
Then I wash " with you ", I have breakfast " with you ", my utensils " with
you ", I erase(wash) " with you ", all " with you ", " with you ", "
with you ". Never before my life was not filled with such expectation
- daily, hourly, every minute. Heart so extraordinary becomes transfixed, as soon as I shall think, that we shall meet,
and I can nestle on you. Never suspected, that I am able so to wait. And, can,
there are simply nobody. You know, that it would be desirable at
present? With you beside go barefooted legs on pools under a
years(summer) torrential rain, but necessarily warm to laugh and breathe fresh - fresh air which only and happens
pure(clean) during a rain. It not seems to you, lovely, that my letters remind the
logbook. All occuring events, material and moral, I ÆÉËÓÉÒÕÀ on a paper. I as
though by the ship which drifts in the storming sea of life. All is
carried by by me at reckless speed, and I in the closed space of it of
" the Flying Dutch " still has only the handle and a paper. It not
seems to you, lovely, that my letters remind the logbook. All occuring
events, material and moral, I ÆÉËÓÉÒÕÀ on a paper. I as though by the
ship which drifts in the storming sea of life. All is carried by by me
at reckless speed, and I in the closed space of it of " the Flying
Dutch " still has only the handle and a paper. Already so long we from
each other in inconceivable gave, I hurry and I hurry time which near
to you flies imperceptibly, and without you lasts is intolerable. I as
though in any imprisonment as though it is punished for something, I
choke without you, I do not live, I have turned to the big walking
hours, I simply physically feel, how this clockwork of time does not
work in separation from you. I as the bird who has got in a
cell(cage), am beaten in last hope to escape from a captivity and to
depart to you, as to my unique bright asterisk. So many the crossed
out days in my calendar - the days which have been carried out(spent)
without you! It is so much caress and tendernesses in us with you has
collected for this time, that it seems to me, when we shall meet -
this wave will overflow us with a head, and I at all against to plunge
into it(her) and to be floating on its(her) current all life. I would like to become such
small - small enter your heart and to remain there for ever! I so a long time have
given you everything, that is at me - soul and a body, heart and reason then -
when you also did not think to take it from me. I to belong to you. I ask you, do
not doubt, never doubt of me whatever happened - I yours, I always yours! In a
head something not clear is created, all time I think, I think of you,
about myself, about us. Something turns endlessly in my poor head. Very much and very much
I am afraid, that you not so will understand, not that will think. I have suddenly
forgot to transfer the ideas on a paper. Very much I regret, that our system of
communication(connection) so is imperfect, my letters are late, and I
so instantly would like to transfer you the pulses arising in my brain
to see your eyes, to hear your voice, to smell your smells - me alive
dialogue with you is necessary. I feel only one - I can not, I shall
not manage to transfer you that is now created in my soul. And
nevertheless, you all the same would be better beside then all would
explain you my eyes, my hands, my lips. I LOVE YOU!!! Yours love
#20/November 6, 2001....a request supposedly from Moscow for another $530
Hi my love J. I am very glad to see your letter, I now to be in Moscow, I to write to
you from the internet-centre. I have not enough of time to write to you much
because here to cost very dearly internet. I you understand that you could not to
take money, you me to ask where to send of money I you to speak that in
Moscow because I now in Moscow, I to hope that you to me to send of money
today because I here one, I very much love you to ask that you to me to
send of money, I you, I so wait for this moment when I shall be with you, I very much to
want you to see, I am very happy that you at me is, me who is necessary except
for you, I very much to ask you that you to me to send 530 dollars, without the
insurance me to not let out from the country. Remember, I love you also I to you
to trust. I shall finish the letter. I shall wait for your letter. Yours forever
Tatyana Tsaregorodseva.
#21/November 8, 2001 The Money "has been stolen"
Hi my love J.J, I do not know from what to begin to write to you, but at me very
bad news, it not that that bad, they simply break my heart. I can not hold the
tears on eyes and at me heart is poured by blood. I not many times was in
Moscow, it is possible to tell, that I there in general in second time, I very badly
know Moscow and when I to go in the underground, there were very many people.
Me pushed from different directions, it very much was not pleasant to me and at
me the bag was in hands, but her(it) didn't it was visible, when I to
leave from the underground, I have seen, that my bag is open, I have thought, that like I would
close her(it), why she(it) is open, I look in it(her), … and there, there is no at me
is not present money, my notebook, all documents, temporary sanction to be in
Moscow, … glory god at me passport have not stolen, I sat on bench and could
not be set with place, I thought, how you is all to tell, you see it were such hopes
on mine future(next), on our future, at me tear are poured river, I to run to
militiaman and to tell all it(him), that has taken place, it(he) me asks, you
remember person of the man, which at you has stolen thing, but I can not
recollect, there was very many(a lot of, very much) people near to me, someone
left, someone came, I do not know who at me has stolen everything, militiaman
me speaks, as we shall search thief now, and I to cry and nothing can tell …it(he)
me speaks, Then I can not by anything the help to you. Me have taken up to
houses and has told all to my aunt, and both of us sat and did not know what now
to do(make). It(she) too had words, that something to tell me, she(it) completely
was upset, is sad, I all the same have decided to you to write and to tell in what
business, probably now you hate me, you think, that I you to deceive, … you
certainly can so think, this your right, you have on this right, but know I always to trust to you and to love you, I knew, that you me too love and if you spoke the
truth, please, if can do not think about me poorly, because I shall love always
you. You probably will tell, there can not be such, that so simply have stolen
things, if you do not trust, I do not know, as though we could with you live
together, if you do not trust me, basically, to me it seems, that you now to see
me and do not want, because all so has turned out, and I do not know, how I now
shall go home, because at me anything is not present … I hope, that will be the
kind people and they help me, I do not know as all this to tell to the mum,
because at it(her) sick heart, and suddenly at it(her) happen a heart attack with
strong experience and frustration she(it) can die, I do not know, how to say this
all to my mum … Then probably I'm so sorry and goodbye … … …. I'll be love
you all my life Your love forever Tanya.
I wrote back to her....playing along...saying I wanted to come see her...etc. Then I
received 1 other letter this one from her "Mom." (And there's "ocean front property
in Casper, Wyoming" also)
#22/Letter from "Mum"/November 17, 2001
Hello J.J ! It is written to you by mum Svetlana. I now to be in Moscow. I
to not know how to speak about it, but between you should be arrangements. I have
arrived(flied) how to learn(find out) about it. At once! Happened terrible, I to not
know at all how to write, at me tears cost(stand) on eyes. I daughter Tatyana was
brought down with the machine. Now she(it) lays in hospital, and does not come
in consciousness. Doctors struggle for its(her) life. These words to me
to be given difficultly so excuse if what not so have written. She(it)
was so is happy that the destiny has found the unique person in this
life, but probably not. The daughter of me has warned, if what to
happen to write to you. She(it) to be afraid. That you thought, that
she(it) you has deceived or still something. She(it) the fair girl.
And on the account of money which you sent it(her), I to not know, at
it(her) remained not much that remained after medicines. And if you want I can to send you that
you did not think, that she(it) to deceive you. We fair people. She(it) very much
loved you. Well like and all. Thank you big. Mum Svetlana.
Surprisingly----NO request for money. Again---a word to the wise I was scammed
big time----the silly things we do for what we think is "love." If you have information
regarding this woman, please feel free to contact me:
J.J. Hemingway 726-E. Greta Avenue Spokane, Washington, USA 99208
509-465-1850 jjhemingway@icehouse.net
She needs to be stopped---no tell how many people have been scammed the
same way I was and how many more will be scammed. There are 11 photos that
she sent me, so you'll know what to be looking for
Thanks again for taking the time to read this and passing along any information
you may have!
J.J. Hemingway Spokane
   
Mironenko (Lugansk, Ukraine)
I am writing to you, as I feel that, yes I have been scammed, from an individual
with the help of a dating agency called "Fortune", one of their offices are at
Lugansk, Ukraine. They charge $100 for writing and translating 20 letters to and
from the woman you have chosen. Up to now, I have only received about 6 letters,
in a two month period. The person from the agency is named Inna Vitsentiy, the
address of this so called agency is Sovetskaya 14, Lugansk 91000, Ukraine. They
gave me the telephone number which is +380642562223.
Now about this lady. Her name is Valentina Mironenko, her address is Matrosova
Street 4-17, Schastie, 91000 Lugansk Region, Ukraine. I will now paste three
letters from her on how she obtained $100 for herself, as I now, do not believe what
she has written to me. She is now advertising herself on Kiss.com with the handle
of Val 28.
Hi, my lovely David, Thank you for your beautiful letter, my darling. I have a
problem now, and you are the only man, who I can share my problem with. I trust
you and I love you with all my heart. I got into the difficult situation. As you know I
was in the hospital, I spend a lot of money for it, because the treatment is very
expensive. I paid 430$ for my treatment. But my salary is very small ,
last month I earned 80$, and that's why I borrowed 430$ to cover my hospital expenses. But
today I met the person, who lent me the money, and he said, that he needs his
money back immediately, and I should return them during 48 hours. He demands
his money back. I don't know what to do. I am very desperate. My parents saved
some money, but it is too little, about 100-110$. Sweetheart, can you borrow me
the rest of this sum, 320$? I know it is a great sum of money, but I don't know
what to do. I don't ask you to present me this sum, I ask you to borrow. My
parents have a small house in the country side, and now they are selling it. As
soon as I sell the house, I will return you the money. I promise. But know I
need this money, 320$. Can you help me, sweetheart, or not? I am very disappointed
about this situation, and it is a shame for me to ask you for money, but I need
them very urgently. If you don't help me with the money, I will understand you,
because every person has his problem and he should overcome it on his own.
But if you decide to help me, can you send the money via Western Union, on the
address: Ukraine, Lugansk, on the name of Valentina Mironenko. Please, reply as
soon as you can, because I need to know your response very soon, Please, don't
leave me alone with my problems, Love you, Kiss you tenderly,
Hi, my sweet David, Yes, I understand you very much, my darling, don't worry. I
also know that many girls use the foreign man only for the money. I am not going
to prove you that I am not the same, you will see, what I am , when the time pass.
I am grateful to you for any help, and 100$ it will be a good help in my situation.
And I hope, that the rest of the money I will find somewhere. Thank you, my lovely
David. I will write more tomorrow. Please, when you send the money, send me
the control number of the money transfer. My full name is Valentina
Mironenko. I thank my destiny, that I have you in my life. I need you, only you,
sweetheart. Kiss you, Valentina.
Hi, my sweet David, Don't worry, I will pick up the money tomorrow, because I
have the meeting with the man ,who lent me this money, tomorrow, and I will
return him this money. My friend also promised to borrow me the rest of this sum,
and I hope that tomorrow I will return the whole sum. Today I was at work till
18.00, usually I work till 17.00, but today I was very busy with all the papers,
numbers, and didn't manage to finish my work by 17.00. And that's why I couldn't
go to the Western Union office before, when I came at 18.15, the Western union
was closed.Also I felt myself today not very good, I had a bad head-ache, I think
it is the result of all my problems and nerves. But thanks God, I have
you, my sweetheart, the only person, who brings me joy and happiness. I love you!!!
Tomorrow I will pick up the money, and if there will be any problems, I will let you
know. Hope to hear from you very very soon, Kiss you tenderly, Yours,
My lovely David, Thank you very much for your help, sweetheart, finally my
problem is solved, and I again feel myself very active and optimistic.
I have been thinking about you a lot these last few days, it seems that you
have become part of my day-to-day virtual life. Whenever I work, watch
TV or lie in bed I think and dream of you :-) It was supposed to rain over the weekend, but instead we just had
a lot of cloudy weather. It slowly cleared up Saturday afternoon and we had a nice
sunny, but cool day. Perfect for a nice barbecue though. Whenever summer
comes along, we generally try to fit in as many barbecues as possible. I do
all the cooking, which I don't mind because afterwards we just sit, chat and
have a nice relaxing evening. Sunday was much the same, which made the
weekend very pleasant indeed, but it lacked one vital aspect, you were not
with me. I don't know what the future holds professionally but especially personally
and although I am generally happy with where I am, something is not quite
right. Have you ever completed a jigsaw and when you get near to the end,
you can't find the last piece. You search everywhere, but you can't find
that damn piece anywhere. You get frustrated and annoyed, but there is no
point getting upset because you know it will turn up eventually, it always
does. It is like loosing something and when you least expect it, you find it
in your washing basket or a draw. That is what I think about our correspondence, however it is making me feel whole and complete, as
though I have found that missing jigsaw piece. It is most definitely early days
and I am in no rush. Time is a great healer (as they say) and it is also great
in slowly getting to know someone. The only barrier to time is distance and
I really feel the distance between us sometimes. Do you have a favorite place or activity that you
like to do when it rains? One of my pleasures, is lying in bed listening to the rain
as it hits the glass, it is almost hypnotizing. The pitter, patter sound it makes is
comforting (in a strange way), and I can just sit for hours listening to it.
How about thunder and lightening? I like waiting for the bolt of lightening then counting one,
two, three... Inevitability the "BOOM" follows. Then it starts all over again, but this
time the "BOOM" is closer. This is why lying in bed next to the person you love
when it is thundering, is a wonderful experience. Sorry, but I don't understand, do
you want to come to me, or you want to invite me in your country? It would be
great to spend my vacations in England. OK, my sweetheart, I close up for now.
Hope to hear from you very soon, Take care, Kiss you tenderly,
I have had one more letter from her, saying that she is back in the hospital, or so
she say's, and she tried to explain why her profile was still on
Hi, my darling David, I know that I am very sorry , I made you worry about my
silence, because I know how important our relations are for you . Inna told me
everything , about my profile and how she communicated with you on the line.
I want to explain you the system how the agency works. They put my picture with
my profile in the Internet and then they check my mails and send the first general
letter to my admirers. Then the agency shows me the letters of my clients with
their pictures, and I choose some of them. So I don't have a deal with my profile
and the Internet. I just can allow to put my profile and remove it. Now I want to
explain, why I was silent, for about a week. I am again in the hospital, I felt myself
very bad for the last time , I was weak and even 1 time I lost my conscience. My
parents brought me to the hospital and there I was taken the analyses. I have very
low hemoglobin and low blood pressure, that's why I was so weak. Now I am
taking the treatment to make my hemoglobin higher and to make the blood
pressure normal. And I will be in the hospital 3 days more. But I should say, that I
didn't forget about you, sweetheart, I remember you and I want to see you
besides. You are the only happiness in my life now. I didn't want to tell you that I
was in the hospital, because I didn't want to make you worry about me and about
my problems. But I am happy that you want to come to me. I think that the best
time for it will be in January , beginning from 14th, because at that time I will have
a vacation in the University and can take some days off from my work. What do
you think about it? My lovely David, don't think of me bad. I love you, and I am very
interested in our further relations. You cares about me, and it is very important for
me. Please, don't be angry with me. I love you. Write to me as soon as you can,
Take care, VAlentina.
It seems to me that this girl is very cleaver at playing on the conscience of people.
So for all you guy's out there looking for that someone special! Be careful as it
seems that some people are not what they claim to be. Yes I have been a fool and
out of pocket of $200, but I will put that down to experience. It has also occurred
to me that the agency ( Inna Vitsentiy) and Valentina Mironenko are working
together on this, as the response time for the so called scam way very quick, I fell
for it. I have attached some photo's of this girl and you can understand why I got a
little bit too involved and did not take care of my instincts! It is a pity that this goes
on. So once again be careful out there
   
(Yoshkar-Ola, Mari-El, Russia)
This is a picture of Victoria who write letters very similar to ones already
listed here... I was scammed before, hope this helps somebody.
Hi my dear Richard!!! I write this letters from an Internet cafe. It's
very fast. My weight of 54 kgs. I'm 171 cm tall. I to not have children! I was never married! I very
much to want to marry. My age 25 years. I've finished a musical school. I am able
to play on the piano. I work as a children's medical sister. What you to love to do
in free time? What kind of food do you like? I have a day off today and I have
decided to write a letter to you. My mum an me are going to visit my
grandmother today. She lives in 50 kilometers from our city in a village. I live in city
Yoshkar-Ola. There are perfect nature and circle of woods. She will prepare pies
which are made in the furnace. They are very delicious and fragrant. You probably
never ate such tasty pies. My feelings with each letter to you are becoming
stronger and stroner. I talked to the mum about our relations. I told her some
phrases from your letter and she said that you are probably honour man
and your feelings are sincere about your relations to me, but you should not hurry up with
acceptance of the serious decision, you should understand the feelings. We with
you as two climbers which rise in a mountain, I am on the one side, and you are
on the other, and the final point is the top on which we will meet. We should climb
to the top not looking on obstacles which can will meet on our way, and then
everything will be very well. I shall wait for your answer. Always
yours, Victoria.

Here is another picture of Victoria Oh by the way look at how she signs her letter
using the name Irina! Know Thats interesting!
Hi my dear Richard! It's a very big pleasure to read your letter.
Yesterday I had a lot work and was very tired. I want to say more about myself! My work consists in
treating and preventing children diseases. It is very necessary work. I have sliding
work schedule. It once in afternoon, other time in night. I like my work very much. I
have a dog at home. He is a large but very kind dog. When I am playing
the piano he tries sing under the music. I am playing different music.
I like music of the composers such as Bach, Shopen, Mozart and others.
My favorite food are sea products, and also various fruit salads, but
I also can prepare other dishes. I am a very good cook. In free time I
like to go for a walk in a wood or on lake, when warm weather. In
winter evenings I love laying in beds to read the romantic books, and
also to make a wool of the ram for a sweater and scarfs. I also very
much love sports. I to be engaged in gymnastics. Also I watch football, hockey, basketball
on the TV. I am very happy, that I have found you. I always wait for your new
photos and pictures. My city is small it is near Moscow, and it 150 kilometers far
from the city Kazan. My grandmother sends you a big hello! She taught me to how
make tasty pies. I think that when we would be together, I shall make tasty
pies for you. I am going for walk in a park tomorrow. I hope you are not against. What
will you do today? I am interested in each your step. Well? I shall write to you
tomorrow. I am waiting for your letters! Kissing and hugging you, yours

Well this is Victoria aka Irina sorry still no last name i asked her
about a phone number so of course she claims not to have one. This letter is
really looking for sympathy and trust so no doubt she will ask for money
Hi my dear Rich! I am very glad to receive news from you again and
again. I like to prepare various tasty meals very much. I shall prepare to you the most tasty
dishes at ours meeting. I am living alone with my mum. My daddy left us when I
was only 6 years old. I do not have brothers and sisters. It's a pity. I live in a
beautiful city. I unfortunately still do not have telephone. I've worked hard
for the last year to earn money for the telephone, but we are still unable to pay for it's
installation. I want to hear you very much, but I to think, when we meet we shall
not only speak with each other, but also greater! I very much like to read your
letters, they are giving a lot of pleasure to me. With each your letter I am
understanding more and more what will turn out. I am already taking our relations
much more seriously. My opinion that the most important thing between man
and woman is the complete trust, I hate when people lie and deceive each other. As I
consider in that moment of life we have to accept the conciliatory proposals, you
see it is the important part of the relation between the man and woman. You
probably think that I am too serious, but I simply do not want to be mistaken in a
choice of the future husband. At this moment my feelings to YOU already much
more than friendship. I am understanding that you are honour man. Your
words you write me warms my soul and heart. It so is wonderful that there is a man is in
this world, to whom I am not indifferent. It is pleasant for me to receive letters from
you and feelings which I thus test to not pass by words. Probably on it I shall
finish and with the large impatience. I shall wait for your next letter. Strong I hugs
and kisses. Yours Victoria.
PS: I have signed the last letter IRINA absolute casually. Simply in
Russia my friends sometimes name me so.

Yana Volkava
My name is Mark, I am a divorced 33 year old male living in NYC. I was
recenty contacted by Yana Volkava. We were exchanging emails and by the
fourth email she was asking me to send her 378.00 to pay for her visa. I
thought, hey I have not even talked to this girl and she wants me to send her
money. I sent her a letter asking her for her number. We went back and
forth, I even sent her my number and she would send me a letter saying how
much she loved me etc. I sent her my number today and came accross this
site. When I saw her name on the black list I was not surprised. I am very
greatful for this information because I would not have known that I was being
scammed or not. I was going to pay to have her come, but now I am just going
to play her game, but by my rules. From reading the blacklist, it appears
that Yana Volkava or whatever her name is, is sending letters the same
letters to guys like us with different pictures.
Solovyova (Serov, Russia)
I am a 34 year old, divorced male living in the U.S. I received an email from a
woman named Yulia Solovyova. She resides in Serov, Russia. Her email
address is solovyova@yours.com. She first contacted me on a singles dating site. We
corresponded for about 2 months, which after the third or fourth letter she had
asked me to send her some $ in order to help pay for a visa. The visa was to cost
her $310, which I later found out should have only costed around $150 (it depends
on what type of visa they are getting, most are $150 or less). She would hardly
ever answer any of my questions directly, but when she did they were very short
and to the point and usually at the end of the letter (probably added at the end of
the "form letter"). I caught her contradicting herself on several occasions. She
always asked for money to be sent to her through western union and to be sent as
Letter 1
Hi, american friend. Thank you very much that you have answered my letter.
please, forgive me that I haven't written you at once. The reason of my long
silence is a computer. Unfortunately I haven't got a computer at home.
I've got a computyer at my work. I can use it 5 days per week (from
Monday till Friday) . Last time it worked not very good and the
computer was taken for repairing. Now it is o'key and I can answer you.
I hope you don't worry that I won't be able to answer you at weekend.
But if you want I can write you using Internet Cafe. I haven't found your name at singles.com. Please write me what's
your name. I don't know how to call you. I will call you my american
friend. I hope I haven't offended you by anything. If I have offended
you by calling you this name, please, forgive me. Now I am going to tell you about myself because the information at
singles.com about me is not full. My full name Yulia Solovyova. I am
27. My birthday is November 20. I live with my aunt. Unfortunately I
haven't got parents, I lost them 2 years ago. They perished in the
traffic accident.I was shocked and it is still difficult for me to
write about it. I have never been married and I haven't got children. During my free time I like cooking and kniting different things. My
favourite dish is "French meat". I think I will be able to cook it for
you some time. I like to listen to music and to dance. When I want to
to rest I listen to classical music, when I am in a merry mood I prefer
dancing music.But nevertheless I feel lonely Because I haven't got
brothers or siters. American friend, may be you have got a question why I can't find a
boy-friend in Russia and why I use singles.com. OK. I will answer you
this question. I had a boy-friend. Our relationship was short. He was
light-minded. He used to drink and to go to other women. In our country
men drink toomuch. It's a great problem for our country. I thought that
only my boy-friend behaves so. But my girl-friends have got the same
problems. It's good that I understood it at once. Sometimes I would
like to leave for another town but I haven't got friends there. But I
don't despond and try to smile because smile is always nessesary. I think that woman should do housekeeping, cooking and
bringing up children. It's pleasant when loving wife and happy children meet you.
But don't think that I am afraid of work. I attend English courses because I am not
good at English. When writing letters I use dictionary. Please write me concerning
my English, because it is necessary for us and it will help us to learn
each other better. American friend, for me our correspondence is not a joke. It is very
serious. I don't like when people deceive each other. I hear that now
there are a lot of different jokers in Internet which use Internet for
there entertainment. If you are such a person I will be very angry. I
was already deceived many times in my life by other people. I ask you
don't do it with me. It's mean when people deceive each other. I want
you to understand that our correspondece is very seriouse. If you find
my letter interesting please write me back. I am waiting for your
reply, american friend. Your new friend Yulia.
P.S. I promised you to send a photo. I keep my promise. Also I will
try to find and send you a map where you can find my town Serov I live
   
Solovyova (Serov, Russia)
Thank you so much for this list, I still have all my money.
Watch out for this one!! Yulia Solovyova Russia, 62440, Serov, Sverdlovsk Region,
Zaslavskogo, Street, 23-85 We met on www.singles.com
I would like to send some of her letters and pictures in hopes
others will know what to be aware of. After her second e-mail to me she was already in love and of
course needed $310 for a visa, sound familiar? Both her parents died in a car
wreck 3 years ago (sympathy). She has never driven a car though, how amazing.
She is 27, are all women in Russia this age? She only know's the metric system
and weigh's 125.5lbs., but measures her height in centimeter's. I even have a
picture of her vacationing on the Black Sea, over 2,000 miles from where she lives.
I know some things about Russia and in the past it was political figures that went
there. I'm sure it is a vacation for the wealthy only. Sort of like an American going
to Hawaii for vacation. From her pictures her flat appears to be nicer than my
living quarters. I also seen a large, 25in. or larger T.V. in her picture. She
has also apologized for the quality of her photo's, wish mine were as good and said she
needs a digital camera! Not bad for the average Russian salary of $40 a month and
she works as a food inspector. By the sixth e-mail she has managed to get a
$300 visa and now just needs an airline ticket for $540. I checked all the airlines
and the best I could find was $818. Like others I've read, she doesn't have a
phone. Uses her computer at work, I guess they must provide scanners for the
sent pictures also! Wish I worked for such a company. Let me send some
examples of her e-mail in hopes it will keep others from getting scammed!
Hi my unique and desired man Charles!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excuse me that I did not write to
you for a long time. I was not able to do it, because I have caught a cold and was
sick. So I did not go to my job. But now I have recovered and I write you this letter.
AND I'M VERY-VERY-VERY GLAD TO DO IT!!!!!!!! I so strongly missed you!!! How
are you?! Charles my love, I have one more good news. My visa at last
is ready, and I send you its scan. Write to me your thoughts about it.
What you think about it? Can I ask you about the airport closest to you, that I could begin a searching
for the cheapest airfare? OK? All my love and much kisses, Yulia.
Hi my love Charles! My visas firm can reserve tickets, and I used its services
again. I WANT TO MEET YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!! My plane on Thursday December, 6
7:25 AM Depart Moscow (SVO) Air France 2545 Arrive Chicago (ORD) 1:29 PM United Airlines 943
Connect in Paris (CDG) Full cost of flight is 16550 Russian rubles. It's about 552 American
dollars. Besides I should pay 5% the Russian tax for sale. I can pay for my ticket up to Moscow, but I can't pay full
cost of the ticket to you, my love. But I must do it as soon as possible.
Unfortunately the office of the Western Union in our city recently was closed. And I
do not know why it happened and when it will open again. But there is an
international company, which deals with money transfers like Western Union. Its
name Money Gram. It has Offices in many cities and countries. Also it has
website MoneyGram.com. There is an Office in my city. Please go to Money
Gram office and send me money for air ticket according following data:
Russian, Serov 17 L.TOLSTOGO STREET URALPROMSTROYBANK for Solovyova Yulia I
SHALL WAIT FOR YOUR LOVE. To get the money, I should tell the employee of
bank your full name, postal address and some confidential numbers, which will
give you, when you will send the money. NEXT THURSDAY WE WILL MEET!!!!!!!
YAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! My visa means that I should return to Russia by the
February, 20-th 2002. The visa is valid within 90 days. BUT IT CAN BE PROLONGED!
And I wish stay with you forever. With all my love Yulia! I have already bought to you a gift for Christmas.
Hi, american friend, Brian. Thank you very much that you have answered my letter. please,
forgive me that I haven't written you at once. The reason of my long
silence is a computer. Unfortunately I haven't got a computer at home.
I've got a computyer at my work. I can use it 5 days per week (from
Monday till Friday) . Last time it worked not very good and the
computer was taken for repairing. Now it is o'key and I can answer you.
I hope you don't worry that I won't be able to answer you at weekend.
But if you want I can write you using Internet Cafe. Now I am going to tell you about myself
because the information at singles.com about me is not full. My full name Yulia
Solovyova. I am 27. My birthday is November 20. I live with my aunt. Unfortunately
I haven't got parents, I lost them 2 years ago. They perished in the
traffic accident.I was shocked and it is still difficult for me to
write about it. I have never been married and I haven't got children. During my free time I like cooking and kniting
different things. My favourite dish is "French meat". I think I will be able to cook it
for you some time. I like to listen to music and to dance. When I want to
to rest I listen to classical music, when I am in a merry mood I prefer
dancing music.But nevertheless I feel lonely Because I haven't got
brothers or siters. Brian, may be you have got a question why I can't find a
boy-friend in Russia and why I use singles.com. OK. I will answer you
this question. I had a boy-friend. Our relationship was short. He was
light-minded. He used to drink and to go to other women. In our country
men drink toomuch. It's a great problem for our country. I thought that
only my boy-friend behaves so. But my girl-friends have got the same
problems. It's good that I understood it at once. Sometimes I would
like to leave for another town but I haven't got friends there. But I
don't despond and try to smile because smile is always nessesary. I think that woman should do housekeeping,
cooking and bringing up children. It's pleasant when loving wife and happy children
meet you. But don't think that I am afraid of work. I attend English courses
because I am not good at English. When writing letters I use dictionary. Please
write me concerning my English, because it is necessary for us and it will help us
to learn each other better. Brian, for me our correspondence is not a joke. It is very
serious. I don't like when people deceive each other. I hear that now
there are a lot of different jokers in Internet which use Internet for
there entertainment. If you are such a person I will be very angry. I
was already deceived many times in my life by other people. I ask you
don't do it with me. It's mean when people deceive each other. I want
you to understand that our correspondece is very seriouse. If you find
my letter interesting please write me back. I am waiting for your
reply, Brian. Your new friend Yulia.
P.S. I promised you to send a photo.
I keep my promise. Also I will try to find and
send you a map where you can find my town Serov I live in. Today I've got your
letter. I was very glad. I will tell you about myself more. I have already writen you
that I am 27. My weight is 125,5 pounds. My height is 170 sm. I live in town
Serov. The town is situated near the Urals mountains. The distance between Moscow and
Serov is 1420 km. The town is not big. The population is 99,8 thousands of people.
There is a river Cavca near the town. It's not big. But one can bathe
there. There is another river Sosva, it is 9 km from town. It's much
bigger. In summer when it is hot I like to go to bathe. I like to rest
on fresh air. I like to travel. I visited all the nearest districts.
Unfortunately I haven't been in America. Is it a beautiful country? I
hear there are beautiful Niagara falls there. Have you been there? It
was 3 years ago when I left home for long. At that time my parents were
alive. We went to the south to have rest near sea. The town we stayed
in was called Sochi. I liked the sea very much. I am sending you a
photo where I am lying on the beach. In our country it is very hot in the south unlike in our town. The
temperature in our town is different. In summer the middle temperature
is +20-25, in winter -40. In winter it is very cold. Today there was
fist snow in our town. Today when I went to the work I put on a warm
coat. What weather do you have. Last letter I haven't told you about my job. I will correct my
mistake. I work in a small company. I am a commodity expert. Our
company does wholesale trade of food products. Our customers are
different small shops. I do analising of the trade. I watch what goods
are sold better and what worse. Then this information I give the people
who do shopping. Unfortunately I am not satisfied with my job. My boss
is angry when the workers use the computer for there personal needs.
But I don''t do any harm for my job when use the computer. It is a mean
of my communication with you. My boss doesn't know that I make
correspondence and use Internet. But you shouldn't worry. Everything
will be OK. Are Americain bosses angry when t6heir workers use Internet
for their needs I wonder. How do you spend your weekends I wonder, Brian? Last weekend I
learnt how to cook Russain beetroot soup. By the way do you know how to
cook "French meat"? You should take a frying pen, put meat steaks on
it, fry it, then put potato cutted in curcles on it. Then one should
put cutted onion and cheese on it. Then everything is poured by
mayonnaise and put in the oven. I want to ask you a question. Can you drive, Brian? Unfortunately
I can't. But I want to learn very much.I think I will learn with the
time. May be you think that I correspond with you only with the aim to go
abroad. I hear that many girls get married with foreigners with the aim
to leave country and then give them up. You are mistaken if you think
that I am such a girl. I can explain. In the fist, to get married with
a foreigner it is not necessairy to correspond with him. There are a
lot of dating agencies in our country. you can apply ther and you will
get married easily. In the second It is very important for me with
whome I will spend all my future life. I can't live with the person not
only because he is rich and occupy a high position in the society. The
main thing is his soul. Excuse me if I have offended you by anything.
Simply I wanted to be sincere with you. I think I have ennoied you by my long letter. I am finishing it. And
waiting with impaition for your reply. Bye (English) Poka (Russian) You friend Yulia
Hi dear, Brian. (English) Privet
dorogoy, Brian. (Russian) How are you today? How was your working day? I am wonderful. But
there was a funny accidant at my work. I poured coffee on my dress.I
had to go home to change my clothes. And did you have some funny cases? By the way my working day begins at 6 00 in the
morning. I get up, take shower,warm breakfast and run to the work. I am to be at
work at 8.00.I work till 12.00.Then breakfast till 1 p.m. Then I work till 6 p.m. It
takes me 1 hour to get home. I live in a flat. My flat is not very big. There 2 rooms
there. One room is a bedroom. Another is a living room. There is also a kitchen
there. Actually it is not big but it is enough for me. So this is my home. May be
you are laughing, but many people in Russia live in sush flats. People in their own
houses live actually in villages and settlements. In towns only rich people
have their own houses. Unfortunately I don't have telephone in my flat. But I can phone
you from internatinal telephone station. It was snowing half of the day in
our town. People put on warm hats. My mood began rising, because the
streets became white. It means soon there will be Cristmas. In Russia
it is a very merry holiday. People congratulate each other and give
presents. One can hear music all the night. People celebrate all the
night. There are a lot of garlands lighting in the streets. It is very
beautiful. Recently I watched a movi about Cristmas. It is called
"Operation Cristmas". By the way my favourite film is "Gladiator". It took Oscar.
Have you seen it ? If no, watch it, I advise you. Did you like my last
photo? I open you a secret. I went in for dancing and that's why I have
got such a good figure. I used to do ball dances. Our coach made us do
gimnastics to be always in a good shape.But don't thing that I am
boasting. I thing you understand everything that I am writing to you. If you
didn't understand anything, ask me and I will write you. By the way
your letteres help me to learn English. Practically I don't use a
dictionary now. Only in rare cases. At the English courses I attend,
the teacher say that I speak English rather well. Good bye. I am waiting for your reply.
(English) Do svidaniy. Ya zhdu vashego pisma. (Russian) You friend.
   
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ANTI-SCAM GUIDE - Read how to make scammers to leave you alone
themselves, and choose the right girls from the very beginning.
Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
- Article by
Anatoly Neverov
Dating Services - where to look for a
Russian wife
dating agencies
- how do they make their