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Different tactics that Russian scammers use to rip off naive western men seeking for a Russian bride, and how to avoid being scammed. Links to reliable dating services introducing Russian women for marriage
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SCAM By Anatoly Neverov Copyright Anatoly NEVEROV, 2000. All rights reserved As
more and more Western men seek life partners in the former USSR, the
quantity of male victims is rising. They fall prey to so called
"scammers" - individuals or groups of people who, using the
internet, defraud money from too naive or credulous persons. I would
like to share with you some tricks used by these dodgers. I am going
to produce here several situations known by me when a man was
bamboozled by an artful and crafty crook. Please get acquainted with
them and use in the search of your soul mate. I'd
classify the scammers in 2 categories:
Let's begin with the first category. Here is the usual situation: a
man (M) finds in the internet a female (F), contacts her, they begin
to correspond and in a short period of time they become
"friends". After exchange of several letters M feels more
and more sympathy and affection for F; her letters become necessary to
him, he wants to communicate more and more often with her, they begin
to plan their personal meeting... But all at once he is suddenly
informed, that:
so on. The result of all these misfortunes is one: the communication
of M and F will become impossible in the immediate future if she
doesn't find a certain sum urgently. She cried all the night and just
doesn't know what to do; she can't imagine how she will live without
his tender letters, blah, blah, blah... Can
you guess what M does after he knows such sad news? Right, he runs at
a breakneck speed to the Western Union office and sends her several
hundred dollars for computer, internet connection, surgery of her Mom,
and financial support for his robbed loved one. It is his second to
the last, but most expensive virtual contact with her. The last one is
his message to her with the control number for the Western Union
service. After that F disappears forever. Her mailbox is in (;, etc.) which she no longer answers, and in several months
the account is closed. The
described situations can slightly vary, but the following moments are
always presented:
know an interesting modification of this situation: M and F progressed
to the point of preparations for the trip of M to F's city for their
first personal meeting. M sends her money "for preparation of his
visit" - renting of apartment, driver for his meeting at the
airport, expenses in legal formalities for invitation, etc. To my
knowledge, $US 500.00 is typical.
ago I created a site with young Belarusian photo models. While
building that site, I made the acquaintances of many young pretty
girls-models, and with some of them I am still in contact. These girls
tell me that from time to time they are invited for photo and video
shots where they are shot as "brides" for marriage agencies.
The girl-model is paid $US 3.00-5.00 for one shot, plus, if she brings
to the shooting a young pretty girlfriend, they pay her an additional
sum for each model she brings. This
is how they operate. They hire an apartment or a studio, a cameraman,
a photographer, and a make-up person for several days. The
girls-models pretend to be seekers of husband in the West. As a rule
they shoot one model in 2-3 photos and 2-3 videos during one session.
The makeup artist changes her image, she changes her clothes,
hairstyle and make-up, and the photographer changes the background and
light in shooting her. They teach her 3-5 English phrases and when
shooting in video she introduces herself by various names. The girls
even don't know what this is all for, but I can tell you. Read
further! Some
of my clients have told me how they bought addresses of young pretty
girls from various internet agencies, and corresponded with these
girls using the mail forwarding, flowers/ gift delivery and
translation services offered by that agency. They spent heaps of time
and money for such contacts, and in the end the girl suddenly informs
them that she has found her match already and apologizes to him for
wasted time. Some people happen to not use the services offered by the
agency. They just bought the addresses of the girls and wrote to them
directly, but their letters weren't answered. Why? Nobody knows. Maybe
the girl just didn't like him? But I can tell you that it could be
also that the girl just didn't exist at all! It
could be that these shootings come from the marriage agency itself, or
from groups of independent photographers or cinematographers who sell
those pictures and films to the various marriage agencies which do not
realize that they are crooked. Both possibilities are absolutely real.
The result always is the same: the final customer pays money for his
contact with a non-existing lady. Now,
what to do? How do you know if your virtual girlfriend and
correspondent is a scammer? The
answer is very simple: just deliver her flowers. I am completely
serious! Let's see what happens. All
these tricks are based on the fact that the man (M) can not locate his
correspondent (F). He knows her e-mail address in some free internet
service like YAHOO, or uses e-mail forwarding services offered by the
agency where he purchased her address. He has seen her beautiful and
attractive pictures. Maybe even pictures of her family, child, and
cat. He has read her letters. He maybe even has her postal address and
phone number, but has never used them. And when M has finally been
robbed by F and begins to analyze their communication, he finds out
that he can not even tell, is she a real person or not? He sees that
it could be a male, an old ugly monster, or a group of young
pranksters. Almost
every city in former USSR has a flower delivery service. If you order
from such a service the delivery of flowers for your correspondent you
would never fall into the role of victim I described above. Obviously,
you should not to use the flower services offered by the agency from
which you have obtained her contact data if you have some doubts of
its reliability. As a rule, flower delivery services offer the photographing
of the addressee with your gift. Order this service from them. After
your order is accomplished you will know FOR SURE that:
render flower delivery service in Minsk and during Valentine's Day and
the Russian holiday on the 8th of March 2000
my service discovered 6 scammers. I just could not find the
ladies to whom I should deliver flowers from their gallant men. The
phones and addresses of women which my clients gave me did not belong
to the women they had been writing. One lady disappeared after she
knew that I had to take her picture with delivered gifts. And
one more thing, don't trust agencies with doubtful contact data. You
should be able to get without any trouble the agency's phone, fax, and
postal address. Its e-mail address should not be placed in any free
service like HOTMAIL or MAIL.RU. For your money they should present
the full contact data of the lady, at least her postal address. Their
offer of usage of their mail forwarding, translation and other
services should not be forced upon you. You must have the possibility
to use the ones rendered by an another provider of them
contacting the lady of your interest. In the end I want to tell that big agencies which operate from overseas have many more individual women scammers than local agencies which publish women from their own area of operation. Big American, British or German marriage agencies usually publish their ads in Russian newspapers and receive from all over the former USSR many letters with pictures and data of ladies looking for life partners. Sometimes they work through their affiliates who do not have to prove honesty. Big
foreign agencies are not physically able to check if this or that lady
is a scammer, whereas the temptation to publish a nice pretty girl who
undoubtfully will be sold many times is very big for them. That is why
if you buy an address from a big long-existing international agency
this DOES NOT assure you against scammers. And the more the percentage
of young, pretty "sellable" faces you see there, the more
risk you have of being scammed. In contrast, small local agencies
usually are in constant contact with their ladies-clients and although
their ladies maybe are not so beautiful and numerous, their catalogs
and biodata are as a rule much more reliable. Of course, such an
agency's e-mail box should not be located at YAHOO or MAIL.RU
server... RECOMMENDED:
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