Agency SOCRAT: Margarita
Mihalskaya, Irina, Angelina
I am German, 43 years of age, I work as a
TV-producer. I would like to
report a woman called Irina Pletneva and her agency, which is called
"Socrat". her mail address is this supposed to be a
translation agency, but this whole thing is a scam.
I saw 3 different adds at the site
AbsoluteAgency which appealed to me so I wrote to all of them. One was from a girl called
Irina (see pictures), one was called Margarita Mihalskaya and the last one was going under the name
I wrote to them and they replied with normal
letters, they seemed to be real at first. After their initial letters,
Irina and Angelina didn't write to me
again and I didn't receive any more answers on my e-mails. In the meantime
I received a number of letters where Irina Pletneva was offering her different
services. My messages with Margarita went on for a while, but I was alerted by the usual signs of scam (don't we know them all ).
So I asked her for a prove that she really exists (like private pictures
with her family or friends and a copy of her passport). this is what I got
back from her:
Dear Sir,
We would like to inform you that Margarita, the girl you are corresponding with, is
a user of our translation and computer service. Agency "Socrat"
Hello, Thilo.
I could understand your doubts in first letters, but you said that still you won't stop and want to find a Russian women, i explained you my point of view. you agreed to try and to find out are we made for each other or not. But when today i received your letter where you blaming me on lie, it's too much. You saying that I'm very attractive. Yes, i am. Yes, i receive a lot of letters, but I'm alive human being and have a right to choose whom to spend my life with. If I won't be serious I would grab the first who wrote me and will go with him. But i'm not answering to all the letters, i picked up your letter as you seemed to be very interesting and unusual man, and I thought maybe you will be that one who will love me not just for appearance but who will try to understand my inner world. are you trying to say that I was mistaken? And I will have to prove my entire life that I'm serious and real? if the girl is beautiful, it doesn't mean she isn't serious. beautiful girls also want to be happy, to love and be loved! You saying I have to send you a copy of my passport? What you will ask to do next time? Maybe the detector of lie? Why don't I ask you for passport, why do I believe you? Who knows, maybe you are a fat bold 90 years old guy who siting in the basement and having fun, or just collecting pictures of beautiful girls. But I believe you, why don't you? I'm so upset, why are you doing it? We won't move from the dead point in such way, and of course we won't discover each other. Thilo, we have no other way but either to stop this communication or continue it without being suspicious, open and honest. You have to make your choice! I hope you will make a right one, hope to hear from you soon, always yours
Well, I haven't continued my correspondence with this girl nor have I sent
any money. But in the meantime, I have found several stories on this site
that warned about the "service" of this SOCRAT agency. So I can only say:
BEWARE !! Guys be careful with this agency and its ladies
- its a definite scam.
T. Rex,
Margarita Mihalskaya
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
Just to let you know that a scammer is using the name Katya (Kate, Katia) and is targeting people at Friendfinder.
I received a response to a Friendfinder profile. It seemed legitimate at first. Being the suspicious type that I am, I took everything said with a careful suspicion. Plus, I always use Sneakemail or SpamMotel addresses for
communicating with someone I don't know.
As of yet, she has not asked for money and I have not contacted
FriendFinder. Her email are of the same nature that others have described; not answering questions, etc. In just a few email, I was fairly convinced it was a scam. This morning, she repeated the same email as yesterday.
She uses the profile name of ice_kitty25. Her first email was a sending of her profile:
Letter 1
Hi, my name is Katya. I live in Russia. I work as a tutor in a childrens day nursery. I love children and animals very much. I am 26 years old. I want to get acquainted with the man, who will be a support in my life. I agree to get acquainted with a man from 30 and older. For me age is not the main thing. The main thing is that there is love and mutual understanding! I do not notice a difference in ages. I hope only for my true love, and I hope very much that all with us will be good! I agree to answer all questions that interest you. I am anxious for your letters! PS: Please write me letters only to
I replied even though I am not looking for a foreign bride in particular, and
even though I am suspicious of these kinds of emails. From then on, "her" replies took on the standard form as described on your site:
Letter 2
Hello Mark !!! I'm so pleased that you can understand my not so good
English language, that I has learned in school and in College. I'm 171
centimeters tall, my weight is 64 kg, I have medical education, I'm a
child nurse. I work in children's hospital and I look after children.
I live in the city Yoshkar-Ola. It is approximately in 850 kilometers
from the Moscow city. I want to say you, that I love children very
much. I have an experience of dialogue directly with Russian people,
but they are not adapted, it is serious also. And they drink alcohol
very frequently and it not so is pleasant to me. I think, that such
habit is not a gift. I want to inform, that I do not smoke, and I do
not drink strong drinks. But sometimes I like to drink in the good
company a small glass of grape vine, though it happens very seldom. I
want to say, that I am able well to play a piano, I have finished
musical school, I've studied for 6 years. I Want to inform, that I
live with my mum. I have the father. My grandfather unfortunately has
died, 7 years ago. I want to say, that I like various music, but
mostly classical. I want to be serious. My relations with you are to
find love and to create happy family. I will be pleased, if you want
the same. I want to say, that I write to you from an office computer.
Unfortunately I have no the computer at home. I hope, that it will not
be a problem. I hope you'll answer me soon.
Letter 3
Hi my dear Mark. I write this letters from an Internet cafe. It's very
fast. My weight of 64 kgs. I'm 171 cm tall. I to not have children! I
was never married! I very much to want to marry. My age 25 years. I've
finished a musical school. I am able to play on the piano. I work as a
children's medical sister. What you to love to do in free time? What
kind of food do you like? I have a day off today and I have decided to
write a letter to you. My mum an me are going to visit my grandmother
today. She lives in 50 kilometers from our city in a village. I live
in city Yoshkar-Ola. There are perfect nature and circle of woods. She
will prepare pies which are made in the furnace. They are very
delicious and fragrant. You probably never ate such tasty pies. My
feelings with each letter to you are becoming stronger and stroner. I
talked to the mum about our relations. I told her some phrases from
your letter and she said that you are probably honour man and your
feelings are sincere about your relations to me, but you should not
hurry up with acceptance of the serious decision, you should
understand the feelings. We with you as two climbers which rise in a
mountain, I am on the one side, and you are on the other, and the
final point is the top on which we will meet. We should climb to the
top not looking on obstacles which can will meet on our way, and then
everything will be very well. I shall wait for your answer.
Always yours,
Letter 4
Hi my dear Mark! It's a very big pleasure to read your letter.
Yesterday I had a lot work and was very tired. I want to say more
about myself! My work consists in treating and preventing children
diseases. It is very necessary work. I have sliding work schedule. It
once in afternoon, other time in night. I like my work very much. I
have a dog at home. His name is Polkan. He is a large but very kind
dog. When I am playing the piano he tries sing under the music. I am
playing different music. I like music of the composers such as Bach,
Shopen, Mozart and others. My favourite food are sea products, and
also various fruit salads, but I also can prepare other dishes. I am a
very good cook. In free time I like to go for a walk in a wood or on
lake, when warm weather. In winter evenings I love laying in beds to
read the romantic books, and also to make a wool of the ram for a
sweater and scarfs. I also very much love sports. I to be engaged in
gymnastics. Also I watch football, hockey, basketball on the TV. I am
very happy, that I have found you on the friendfinder. I always wait
for your new photos and pictures. My city is small it is near Moscow,
and it 150 kilometers far from the city Kazan. My grandmother sends
you a big hello! She taught me to how make tasty pies. I think that
when we would be together, I shall make tasty pies for you. I am going
for walk in a park today. I hope you are not against. What will you do
today? I am interested in each your step. Well? I shall write to you
tomorrow. I am waiting for your letters! Kissing and hugging you,
Letter 5
Hi my dear ! I am very glad to receive news from you again and again.
I like to prepare various tasty meals very much. I shall prepare to
you the most tasty dishes at ours meeting. I am living alone with my
mum. My daddy left us when I was only 6 years old. I do not have
brothers and sisters. It's a pity. I live in a beautiful city. I
unfortunately still do not have telephone. I've worked hard for the
last year to earn money for the telephone, but we are still unable to
pay for it's installation. I want to hear you very much, but I to
think, when we meet we shall not only speak with each other, but also
greater! I very much like to read your letters, they are giving a lot
of pleasure to me. With each your letter I am understanding more and
more what will turn out. I am already taking our relations much more
seriously. My opinion that the most important thing between man and
woman is the complete trust, I hate when people lie and deceive each
other. As I consider in that moment of life we have to accept the
conciliatory proposals, you see it is the important part of the
relation between the man and woman. You probably think that I am too
serious, but I simply do not want to be mistaken in a choice of the
future husband. At this moment my feelings to YOU already much more
than friendship. I am understanding that you are honour man. Your
words you write me warms my soul and heart. It so is wonderful that
there is a man is in this world, to whom I am not indifferent. It is
pleasant for me to receive letters from you and feelings which I thus
test to not pass by words. Probably on it I shall finish and with the
large impatience. I shall wait for your next letter. Strong I hugs and
Yours Kate.
Letter number 6 was the same as number 5. This was just this morning 1/16/02.
I received another email this morning which looks like another (or the same) scammer at work. There were a couple of words that look like key words used in the other emails posted to the blacklist. I guess I'll find out.
Skorenko/Lora (Kremenchug)
Hey, guys,
BE AWARE: Larisa Skorenko/Larisa Sorenko (Dyrty) from Kremenchug Page
5, this lady is back on track again. She "launched" her personal at
AbsoluteAgency site again just 3 days ago. She is listed there as Lora

YN from Colorado
Bazhenova (Orenburg Russia)
My friends call me Dok. I am a 42 year old Carpenter from Chicago.
About Nov 20th or so I received a letter from Lubov7 c/o the In it she expressed interest in getting to know about me and our life style here in the U S . I never thought of finding a Russian bride and since I was dating no one at the time. I replied with a short letter and a Picture to her at . We then started corresponding on a daily basis. she talked about her MUM and dad Elena & Pavel Her friends Karl and Katya ( who also met on the Internet) and a wicked school teacher named Lydmila Praksina that she worked with. She must have really been loosing her touch at scamming as she really polished her letters with answers to most of my questions. Not a common trait as you have seen. I received a yahoo gram from her at Christmas and she finally asked for money In the 16th letter. What did I do? Yep you guessed it. I sent 300 USD western union the same address we see in the Lubov Gavrilova entry. After doing so I felt happy about it and thought I would do a little research on her home town (Orenburg) to impress her in my next letter. That is when I found this site. I was shocked to see Lubov Baranova. TOO much of a similarity in that name. although its not a perfect match. it compelled me to start scrolling through the blacklist. When I saw the letter in The Lubov Gavrilova entry, I immediately got in my truck and went back to western union and got a refund on my wire to her. I am still corresponding with her. I have contacted the FBI (something I think all you guys out there should
do). And I am collecting as much data on her as I can. I am looking for a picture of her dog. Bobik (her dog) I'd love to blow her
/his, its mind with a Picture sent to someone else. So far I can see a
distinct connection in several of the scammers in the area of the blacklist
where you find Marina Milhailove and Lubov Gavrilova. If any one has a
picture of Bobik please send it to me. And if your sweetheart sends you a picture of a black lab with a corn husk in its mouth,, well then you are definitely getting scamed,, ( THAT'S MY DOG)
any way let me know,,,
Best Regards
Terry D
Letter 8 Jan 2002
Hi my dear love Terry!!! I am very glad to receive your warm and
lovely letters my darling. Also I want to say to you that we in Russia had a Happy Christian
Chrismas yesterday. My love, it was very good here to meet this holiday, again it was many gifts, beautiful cards and many other
feeling things to each other. We went yesterday with Katya and Carl to City Area where is beautiful fur-tree. There was many holyday
performances with songs too, it was so happy to be there and see on this. Also, I want congratulate you with this so well holiday
here in Russia. Last Happy Christian Christmas to you my love my love Terry.
My dear, I know that our hearts will together always, because OUR LOVE
IS ETERNAL, this great feeling connects the another people and us through a continents. My dear, my love Terry, as it seems, this
feeling which includes a three basic feelings. These feelings are a trust, careful attitude to each other, and complete understanding to
each other, sometimes even understanding without words,do you agree with me my darling? But not looking on that LOVE is very strong great
feeling, it also is very fragile, realy my dear, because only one word
or an not right action can destroy it and already anybody willn't can to restore this great feeling. Probably, you will think that a purpose
of all my correspondence with you it is only desire to leave for America. Believe me my darling, it is not so my love, the fact in that
when I began to write to you, I couldn't to believe what it is possible to fall in love through the Internet. I thank Internet that
we found each other my darling. Only I have decided to try to do it and that from this it has turned out. We with you love each other very
much and we should be together, because we can't withoiut each other my darling. I have learned much in the searches as we want to meet
each other very much. My dear, I have a good news for us my darling Terry. My mum called
to our aunt Olga to Moscow at last. My aunt Olga has said to my mum at
last day that she has learned how much cost a visa and a passport. She
called in embassy and there have said to my aunt Olga that it will be better for us, if I will have the visa of a tourist. This visa will
valid during 12 months. It is one year my darling. With this visa I can travel till USA without any restrictions. The price of the visa,
as my aunt Olga was informed in embassy, is 155 US dollars. Besides the process of registration of the visa costs 55 US dollars. By the
way my aunt as has taken an interest about other kinds of the visas, as to her have said, that there is a set of kinds of the visas. For
example, visa of a bride. My aunt has thought that this visa of bride approaches to us, but her in embassy have said that this visa costs
more expensively and its registration costs a lot of money. It is 480 dollars and the registration of the visa will during 4,5 months, it is
very long. From it because the tourist visa is better variant than visa of bride now for us my love Terry. My Terry, I want to ask
you my dear, that you will help me with the money recourses on the documents. As probably you know an economic situation in our country,
simply it is awful, and at school don't give the salary to teachers during a long time. Our government explains it to those that they
simply don't have money and they havn't a recourses on the salary for the teachers. By the way I ask you my dear send to me 295 dollars. It
is certainly large money, you probably have thought what is it more than the cost of the visa. But I must have a recourses on the air
plane ticket from Orenburg to Moscow too the cost of which is 2520 russian rubles or it is 85 US dollars. By the way my aunt Olga will
find the prices of the air ticket for the fling to you in USA too. She
will say about it later through a few days, she will find a cheaper
airtickets, also she ask you to say to me about the air tickets which cost in USA, ok my dear? But now at first I will must to begin a
process of the registration of all necessary documents for my fling to
you my Terry. If you will send me money recourses, it will be better for making through a system of
Western Union. As to me my aunt Olga and Carl has said, it is the best and fast translation system,
besides this sistem is a safe. By the way when Carl helped to Katya with the necessary documents for Katya's coming, Carl used the sistem
of the Western Union too. You will may use the sistem of MoneyGram too
as Carl said. He sent a money to Katya as help her with a recourses on
the visa, passport and air ticket too. My dear Terry, when you will send the money, send it on this address, which is here:
161 Turkestanskaya Str.,
Orenburg City,
Lubov Bazhenova.
When you will sent me the recourses, it will be necessary for me that you must send me the an important information which from you required
at a parcel of money. It is ten-digits, that is "Money Transfer Control
Number" or MTCN. Without these data I can't receive the money which are necessary for my coming to you my dear Terry. My Terry, I
understand that it is a large money, but me any more on whom I can to rely and on this I ask you about your help with it. We with you love
each other very much and we will together, simply I am sure in it my darling. I am waiting and I am dreaming for a moment of our meeting in
your airport my Terry. I will cry in this moment, because it will from
our happiness my dear Terry. I dream as we will live together my darling, to go for a walk, keeping for our hands my love Terry. I want
that you will show me your native land, a places where you like to go for a walk and you like to spend a more your time. I want very to be
with you my, I want it very much my dear, I love you and I miss you my
love Terry. My dear, also you asked me to call to you, my dear, I will
try to do it soon. Also my mum and dad say you a hot hi and Carl and Katya too. They hope that we will together soon.
Thinking about you my darling Terry,
Forever, your love Lubov.
Letter 9 Jan 2002
Hi my love Terry!!!!!
I write you this letter very urgently because my mum has called to my
aunt Olga in the morning to Moscow, also she has informed my mum in
some information. She called in embassy and there her have said that
it is possible to receive the visa already tomorrow, but it will necessary for this a money recourses very urgently. I ask you to send
295 dollars tomorrow my dear Terry. If now we let's miss this chance, then it is necessary very long to wait then. I think that our God
gives us such good luck and we with you should use it my darling. As only I will receive the money, I can take off for Moscow, in embassy
and issue the visa. As my aunt has said us an air ticket it is not problem because already for a long time she works in a system on
tourism and also she will can get to me a cheaper tickets. My love, the process of the registration of the visa and passport will during
12 days my dear, if, for example, I will begin a process of the registration of the visa on Friday, or since January, 11, my visa will
registrated on January, 23. My dear Terry, it is so soon darling, if I
will begin a process of the registration of the visa since Friday, I will can to fly to you on January, 24 or 25. My dear, I can't believe
in it my darling, I so want to be with you quickly my love Terry. I think what is it good and happy news to you and you will support me my
darling Terry. I so wait for this moment what even I will go from my mind from
expectation. My darling, my love Terry, at last night a dream about our meeting has dreamed me. It was a beautiful dream about
that as we with you have met and then we had a nice night of hot love.
You caressed me and my body by your warmth hands and I love it my darling. I answered you on yours caress by my sweet kisses and my
warmth caress. I love you my dear love, also I wait for the moment of our meeting to carry out all ours dreams. If you will send the
recourses for the necessary documents tomorrow, send it on the same address. Also don't forget about that data about which I asked you. I
hope that you will do all correctly, because from it depends as be fast we with you we can together. My dear Terry, I want to say to you
that Carl and Katya will go to Germany when I will go to you, they said me about it, I was so surprised by it, also I want to say to you
that they send you a hot hi, also my mum and dad are very happy that we with you wil together soon my darling. They said me that I must
learn you Russian Language when we will together with you because they
so want to speak with you my darling, when we will visit Russia in future, I hope that you willn't against from it that we will visit my
parents in future my love Terry. My parents say to you a hot "relative" hi too. You are as son for them they said. My darling, I so
miss you my darling I love you and you love me too, and as it should seems to me, we must to be together my love Terry. I will wait your
letter with a happy news for us my lovely man my Terry.
All my warmth kisses my love caress only for you my Terry,
Your and only your great love,
Senyagovsky is Galina (Yalta, Ukraine)
Lyna Senyagovsky (Yalta, Ukraine) reported to your Black List some time
ago Page 33 has just appeared again at She is listed there
as Galina A1783310 of 1/15/02. Watch out for her.
YN from Colorado

Nataliya Petrova
/ Albina Alexandrova (Ulan Ude, Russia)
I am writing with some regret to inform you that Nataliya Petrova is also Albina Alexandrova in Ulan Ude, Russia. Her email I was writing to is
Albina27. She responded to my profile as Ylia40 and said that it is her alias! I was just doing some research to protect myself and found Albina's picture under Nataliya's name. I have thirteen pictures, but thankfully I still have all my money. She did begin to ask for visa money, and seeing that poem was very saddening. Thank you for your outstanding web page! I would be willing to share any of my dozen or so emails and the pics. Boy that was close!!
Kevin (really)
Fedotova/Olga Naumova(Novosibirsk, Russia)/Natalia Petrova
Well, I am not an American guy scammed when looking for a Russian
charming bride. I am just a girl from Ukraine who married an American guy not long
ago. As far as I met my husband through Internet and I had my personals at
AbsoluteAgency too I came across this site and I found it interesting to
read. I recognised a lot of familiar faces that were used there (some world
known models like Leticia Casta, Adriana Sklerikova, others). I just wanted
to warn that some Russian scammers are using photos of Ukrainian singer Katya
Buzhinskaya. This is pretty convenient because she is cute and not well known
outside the Ukraine. I found her pictures used for Olga Fedotova/Olga
Naumova(Novosibirsk, Russia)/Natalia Petrova, some others. I am attaching the
photos of real singer who has to do nothing with all those scams. So, be
aware: if a girl from Russia sends you photos of THAT singer - this is a
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