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To send your own story, please click here Ekaterina (Novosibirsk, Russia) I am a single business owner. She sent me a message on And even though I had never thought about getting a Russian wife, she was too
pretty to ignore. We've exchanged emails for about 2 weeks. She got very serious very quickly, and she also
expressed an interest in coming to see me. Luckily I found this site and saw
her picture under a different name. I never sent her any money. Elena Fefelova (Surgut, Russia) My name is Pete and I am 48 Years old, am an engineer and live in the US. I have been divorced for 4 years and am the father of 2 great kids. I wish to let everyone know about a scammer I have been corresponding with. Her name is Elena Fefelova from Surgut, Russia. She was very smooth and waited about 4 weeks and wrote 10 letter before asking for money to purchase a visa to come and visit me here in the US. I became suspicious after 4 or 5 letter when I asked her about airports near her town and said there were no airports and that it took 3 days of train travel if I wanted to visit her in her town of Surgut. The last picture she sent me, I noticed a wedding ring on her finger and asked about it. She said it was just ornamental ring. The following day she sent me the letter asking for money and the name and address of the bank where to send it to. Needless to say, I never sent her any. Elena first contacted me, saying she saw a personal ad I had placed with
an agency. This agency distributed men's ads to different agencies through
out Ukraine and Russia. Well, as for the rest, I will let her letters speak
for themselves. Her letter of introduction. Hi. My name Elena. I have read your profile. It has liked me. I would like to correspond with you. Earlier I did not use dating sites. Therefore I bring to you the apologies if I have made something not so. You may write to me the letter on mine e-mail I shall answer you letter and I shall send the photo. I shall wait for your letter. Once again I bring to you the apologies if I have made something not so. Letter 2 Hi, Peter. Letter 3 Hi, Peter. As I promised you last letter I will continue to tell
you about myself. I recalled that I didn't tell you Peter about my education.I am correcting my
mistake. In 1982 year I went to school. I studied there for 10 years. After
succesful finishing school I entered a business college, where I got a
profession of accountant. But it is difficult to find a job in our town
if you haven't got a higher education. That's why in 1994 I entered Surgut State University. In 1997 I
graduated and got a status of a specialist with a diploma. Now as you know I am
working as an accountant. On the whole I like my job. Only I am not satisfied
with my salary. But I don't despond. At present I am looking for the same job but
with larger salary. I hope I will be lucky. I didn'ty write you about my private live.
I think it is time to tell you Peter about it. I have never been married. I haven't got
children. Half a year ago a had a boy-friendBut we interruted our relations. The
reason is alcohol. At the beginning everything was wonderful. But then he began
to drink alcohol. If he did it only at holidays I would not be against. But he drank
constantly. I don't know as for your country but in our country the problem of
alcogolism is a great problem. At fist I thought that only I had such problems with
a boy-friend But I talked with my girl-friends and they told me that they
had the same problems. That's why I want to find a friend not from Russia.I don't want to
spend my life with an alcoholic. May be you think that I want an easy life. No, I
don't want an easy life. I am not afraid of worc. All my short life I work hard.
Even when I studied at school I tryed to earn money.During holidays I worked at
the post-office and carried post. I don't hesitate of work. The only thing I want is
to have a near me a beloved and strong man WOW I have written. And now I
am thinking that I tell about it a man which I have never seen. I think that our
correspondence is not a joke. For me it is very important. I heard that in Internet
there are a lot of decievers.Please don't play with me and with my feelings.It will
be a great stroke for me. Letter 4 Hi Peter, this is me again. Today I have got wonderful mood and
I want to tell you about our holidays. Some days ago we like all people in Russia celebrated
orthodox holiday Epiphany. This is the day when Jesus Christ was baptised. I
think you Peter know it. From this the expression "holy water" appeared because
Jesus was baptised by water from river. That's why we have got such a tradition
- on this day people make a large there and the most courageous take off their
clothes on the snow and jump into the icy water. Then they go out and dress. But
before this a priest holy this water. It is considered that if you bath in this water
you will never fall ill and you will wash off all your sins. And not only
"sea cows" but common people from young to old bath there too. It is very funny to watch
these people especially who tries for the first time. I had a desire to bath too but I
couldn't And then after bathing people pour holy water from another hole
into buckets bottles and carry home. On the whole it is very funny. In Russia New
Year is very interesting too. Only it is considered to be a family holiday and I
unfortunately haven't got any brothers or sisters. Though I have got an aunt who
lives in town Tyumen. But she comes rarely that's why I celebrate New Year with
my friends but this is interesting too. To tell the truth I feel upset that I have got
nobody to whom I can put present under the New Year tree. Lately my parents
always left presents under the tree and I couldn't wait New Year and tried to see
what was there. For New Year I always buy alive New Year tree. I don't like an
artificial one because from an alive tree there is a smell of needles all over the
house. New Year 2002 I celebrated with my girl-friends at home. Usually we
prepare a large table ourselves, a lot of people gather. On 31 of December at
10-pm we begin to see off old year. Then we watch a New Year speech of the
president which stops 2 seconds before mid night. At midnight Moscow kremlin
clock begin striking and while the clock strike. We must open and pour
champaign and clink glasses. Then we go to our town square where there is a
large New Year tree and almost all the town gather there. All familiars and non
familiars congratulate each other some people mould from snow large figures - 2
meters high, snow hills for tresses and whatever. A lot of petards, fire works flash
everywhere. Nearly in the morning we come back home, tired and hungry and
rush to the food. Lately I dreamt to celebrate New Year in Moscow but my
dream hasnit come true yet. As a matter of fact I didn't travel a lot though I was
in Moscow twice with my father when he was alive. Now I still want to travel
some where for example even to Moscow. I want to go to one of the famous
Moscow cinemas which are better then ours. I like film very much, especially
when a film is interesting. I like your film especially fantastic films and
melodramas. As for music. I like different music. I like Phil Kirkorov and
group DDT. I think you don't know them. And then I like to listen classical music very
much for example Bethoven. Then I like to listen Pavarotti. I try to translate many
americans songs into Russian. It is interesting. Now I attend English courses. My
teacher sais that I am rather good at English. I don't use a program to translate
yours letters. I read it myself. I studied my English in school and college. And I
take english classes now. I do it for speak English more best. I speak on English.
You ask about my boy friend and when we not together more. Our attitudes
proceeded with it 1,5 years. However we were engaged in sex only two times. Letter 5 Hi, Peter. It's me your friend from Russia. My working day has
finished and I continue to tell you about myself. Only I don't know if
it is interesting for you to read about different trivialities of my life, because I write explicitly. Only I wrote
few letters in my life, so I haven't got experience in it. Some people write letters
each other for years and always find what to tell. It is surprising.May be for
this it is necessiary to describe every lived day, what events happened
on this day, and what plans appeared for the next day. I remember very
well how my aunt told me about myself. When she was young she corresponded with a young man too. He
lived in Hungary. He didn't speak Russian.He sat for hours to write a letter. As a
matter of fact it was very difficult for him to write a letter. But my aunt had
difficulties too thoug the Hungarian language is easier than Russian. But in spite
of it they corresponded for three years. I can hardly imagine it. My aunt even told
me on a secret that she had fallen in love with him. But this story has a sad end.
The men changed the place of living. And my aunt finished to study and left for
another city. Unfortinately the man didn't leave a new address. So my aunt never
saw him. I don't want it to happen with us. May I write you a letter? Usual letter
not e-mail. I want you, Peter, to see my handwriting. And I will pour perfume on
my letter Then you will learn how I smell.( Smile) Is it really funny? I
can give you my address but I am afraid that you will send me presents
for my birthday. But you shouldn't do it because Russian post doesn't work well. Parcels often don't
reach the place. My aunt set me a parcel half a year ago and I haven't got it yet.
This is the reason becase of which you shouldn't send presents. Peter, you would
better write me some good words or send me a photoby usual mail. OK? Please,
understand, it will be more pleasent for me. Let's do in such way. You
will give me your address. I will write you a letter. As soon as it will reach you we will
check how the post work. OK. Do you know what helps me during all my life. It
is my optimism. I have gone through so many difficulties that if didn't have
optimism I wouldn't know what I would be. And then I like to dream very much
and I alwais dream and hope for something better. This is good and bad. It is
good because when you dream and aspire to something it is becoming to live
more interesting. I don't wait when happiness will fall from heavens. No. I am
trying very much and want my dreams to come true. But unfortunately live is
incredibly difficult thing not everything in this life depend upon me. So it is bad to
dream sometime too. Because when you wait for something for long and long and
and dream of it and the dream don't come true, then the dream brings more pain
than happines whatever you do. I dream about many things but my dreams are
not in a hurry to come true yet. Letter 6 Privet, Peter!(Russian) Letter 7 Hi my dear friend Peter! Letter 8 Hi my beloved Peter. |
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