Are you going to send money to somebody you met on the Internet? |
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To send your own story, please click here I am single father of 3 children, white American and 40 years old. I have work for an automotive company as an engineer for 17.years. I did not lose any money but this scammer tried to get me to send them money (about 900USD) but I do not think I would ever send money to someone I have only know for two months. The scammer (Marina or Maria) never gave me their last name or answer my question and when I ask for a phone number and address I stop receiving letters. Last I knew you could still see a picture at I have not seen her picture in any of the black list that I went through here but some of the phrases used in my letters I received where used in the black list letters. I hope this helps others Bruce Marina or Maria use two diffrent e-mail address 1st 2nd 1st Please don't reply to this email...use the link below. Email From: Marina, 30 yrs Russia Marina says: Hi. I have just been finding something interesting and seen your profile. Don't know why I wanted to write to you. Maybe we can talk about something. If you would like to correspond with me, please, reply to my private e-mail box: View this users profile and send a reply at: 2nd Dear friend Bruce. It is very pleasant, that you have answered my letter. I want to know more about you. I recently was on site of acquaintances and I liked your profile very much. I shall tell slightly about myself. My name is Marina. I am 30 years. I live in city Uhta. It is not large city in Russia. I work as a doctor in a isolation hospital for children. I am very cheerful woman and very much love children. I keep a healthy image of life, and engaged in sports, I go on dancing. I love to listen to music and to read the books. Still I take a great interest in cookery and knitting. I dream to find the partner of life. It will be kind, sympathetic, tender and clever man. I would like, that such man will become my husband and live with me all my life. As for children, I don't have any. But I am not against them. I want to have strong, amicable family. I has never been married. I live with my parents. I very much love them, but I should arrange the personal life. I like your country, its style of life, force and power. Therefore I am watching a man in it. May be, I am naive, but it seems to me, that with the help of Internet I can find the worthy man who is ready to share all my pleasures and problems. At school I studied English, and now I am engaged on rates on the English language. But my knowledge of language is not yet enough to communicate now. My letter I have translated with the computer translation program and dictionary. Do you understand me? I want to arrange the personal life. I want to find the man, which could become my husband. I want, that it was the kind, sympathetic, decent and clever man. I am tired from loneliness. The reliable support in life is necessary to me. As for me I am ready to become the fond and tender wife, good housewife for this man. I would like to learn your thoughts and intentions. I think they are serious. I can't promise you anything, let's be the friends. If you want to have fun, do not write me any longer, I will finaly learn about it. I need the man with serious intentions. You know, it seems to me, that you are respectable and honest man. I think, that we can understand each other. I hope for your answer. Yours faithfully Marina. 3rd Dear friend Bruce. Yesterday I have received your letter and very much is glad. Did not think, that you will answer me so quickly. It is very pleasant to think, that there is a man on other party of a planet who is interesting of me. Your letter was very pleasant for me. Your thoughts seem to me close and clear. Unfortunately, I poorly know the English language. But it does not prevent me to understand you. In the first letter I have told you a little about myself. You, probably, want to know more about me. So, as I already spoke, I work as a teacher of primary classes. I have high pedagogical education, but, unfortunately, could not find work on the professional status (you know, it is difficult to do there, in Russia). But I am not sad. My work is very pleasant for me. I love children and I am ready to spend a lot of time for them. I live together with my parents. They the pensioners. The parents help me in life, and I am obliged them. You know, I very much love a family cosiness and family heat. I am the rather home woman. But do not think, that I am bore and sit all free time at home. I have friends, but not many. Basically they are my old girlfriends from institute, which I know well and trust. I have the best girlfriend - Yulia, we are the girlfriends from childhood. Recently she has started to correspond with the man from England.They have quickly come to an understanding and now they are already best friends, and can be even more. I think, that they will be good. Looking on them, I become both joyfully and sadly. Sadly because, that I can't find the partner of life for a long time. Yulia has advised me to advert Internet for finding the friends. I did not think, that somebody will answer me, I am badly familiar with Internet. I have no computer and phone at my home, and Yulia helps me to send the letters. I have tried, and has found you. Now I see, that Yulia was right. Internet is a miracle! Even one week ago I did not imagine our acquaintance, and now I am sitting and writing you the letter to the other side of planet to receive the answer. It is great, isn't it? In my opinion, I have distracted slightly. I shall continue the story about myself. As I already wrote, I very much like cooking and I know very many tasty dishes. My favourite dish is Pelemeni. Pelemeni is a simple Russian dish. They are prepared from the test and forcemeat. It is necessary to make a small ball of forcemeat and to turn it in small disk of the test, then to cook 5-7 minutes in water. But this is very high-calorie and tasty food, and it is possible quickly to be stout. But I keep up the figure and appearance. I consider, that the real woman should be beautiful both soul and body. Three years ago I have started to go to the dancing studio. The dances help me to support the form and vitality. In general I am very active and cheerful woman, but frequently there are moments in the life, when it becomes lonely and sadly. In my 30 years I don't have any personal life. It is sad to feel lonely. You know, in the first letter you have told about yourself not so much. I want to learn more about you. I want to learn, what you love in life, what your enthusiasmes, bent, your friends, your parents, your trade. What do you like to do in free time? How you treat me and my letters? Are my words and thoughts clear and close to you? If it so, I with the large impatience wait for your following letter. Yours truly Marina. 4th Hi, Bruce. It was nice of you to answer me so soon. It was very pleasant for me to read your letter telling me about yourself and your life. Now I know much more about you. Your words seem frank, very warm and considerate. You might like to know that I told my mum about you yesterday. She was surprised. At first she was doubtful of our friendship, but after I read some of your letter, she thinks you can be trusted and asked me to say "hi". My mum is simply a miracle. At 57 she looks so young and beautiful that sometimes we are mistaken for girlfriends. Isn't that funny? She loves me very much and wishes for me to be happy. It seems she is very glad that we have met. My girlfriend, Yulia, was also delighted when I told her about you. Yulia hopes that things work out between us. I am very grateful to her. You see she has helped me get acquainted with you. If not for Yulia's help, I never would have written you. It is very pleasant for me to hear that you want to learn more about me. With pleasure I carry out your desire. I like to help children. At first I thought it will be difficult with them because, as you know, they are such the fidgets. But now we are one amicable family. I frequently play with them and have a good time. They love me for it and appreciate me very much. I love these little ridiculous men, such that they are. You see, children are such a miracle. My colleagues at work think that I pamper them too much. Actually, I simply give them my sincere warm feelings and caresses, filling their small hearts with kindness and tenderness. And kindness is the main key to understanding, respect and love. I think you share my opinion although you expressed it differently without such love and sympathy. I already told you that in my life there has been no serious relationship with a man. I see that men pay attention to me, but I feel that their intentions are frivolous and insincere. I do not want fleeting relations based on account and deceit. All I want is to find that man who will completely understand, respect and love me. In return, I will give him all that he desires. Spiritual affinity and mutual understanding - this is what I am seeking in a man. This is what makes strong relations between a man and a woman. You seem to me to be that man who I can trust. You are very open and sincere. I think, Bruce, that you are not like other men, who laugh at my words and thoughts. I very much did not want to interrupt our relations. Write to me again. I wait with great impatience for your coming letters. Marina 5th Hi, Bruce. Bruce, I am sorry I can't write before. Server where I have my e-Mail is very bad. I can't get your message until today. I will made new e-Mail. I think I give it in next letter, ok? It was pleasant to me again to receive your letter. Your letter has lifted to me mood and has forced me to smile. Today I had heavy day. There was a lot of work. In the first half of day I conducted lessons and drove children on excursion in a museum. There was the exhibition of pictures of Russian artists. They were very beautiful. Children were glad to excursion, but I am very tired. In second half of day I carried out(spent) assembly of the parents and finally was beat out from forces. Besides on a way home, in the bus, overflown by the people, some drunk man has pushed me in a shoulder so strongly, that it hurts me till now. It so low! You see most of all in the men I do not bear(take out) their roughness in relation to a weaker sex. Know, Bruce, majority of the Russian men are such rude fellows and boors, that seem similar on bears. I hope, you will forgive my ironical tone, it is simple helps me to get rid of feeling of weariness and sadness. I am helped also by that I am shared with you by the experiences and feelings. Bruce, I want to say you my real name is Maria. Sorry that I made you mistaken. It's very long history. When I was a student I had girlfriend she was my namesake. All our group give me name Marina, because all had confuse. Now I get accustomed. All my friends and familiar call me Marina. I am sorry again. You can call me as you wish, but it appears as Maria in my indentification. Your letter has lifted my mood. It is very pleasant to me to read it and to feel your hidden presence. As though you stand behind my back and talk with me. Oh, as it is a pity, that only my imagination. It is a pity, that I can not see your person and to hear your voice. It is a pity, that the kilometers separate us. It is a pity, that it is not possible to jump the Atlantic ocean which is not tiny brook. Because I can jump over the tiny brook on my way to you.. We are a pity, that not together. I inexpressibly I shall be glad to answer to you again and again. See you again. Yours Maria. P.S. I have some photos. They are from Black Sea. It was last summer when I went for rest with my girlfriend Yulia. She made them. 6th Hi my dear Bruce. I can not hide excitement, which covers me now. Your letters become all hot and more frank. You are so lovely and is close to me, to my feelings and experiences. And apperend to me by such close and clear, that I feel to you unusual draft and need. Bruce, my new e-Mail is At work I have one more pleasant news expected. My salary was raised. Now each month instead of 1000 roubles ($35), I shall receive 1300 roubles ($45). It will seem to you Bruce, probably, ridiculous, but at us in Russia it refers to as " as the average salary ". Other part of day has passed very quickly and imperceptibly. After work (at evening) I have hurried to Yulia to read your answer. When I have found out, that from you the letter has come, my pleasure was not of a limit. With an inexplicable sincere alarm I read your lines and with each second, there was all hearty and hearty to me. As you are lovely and is sympathetic. It seems, that I any more can not live without your letters! Bruce ever more I understand, that all of us are necessary each other stronger! All is stronger I want to see you! I know, Bruce that you wish me our meeting not less. But both of us understand, that it is impossible. But I want to see you, your eyes, I want to hear your vote, I want to feel your gentle touch to me!!! Where are you, Bruce? I want to feel your breath and to kiss your lips!!! I want to be with you!!! With an ardent kiss yours Maria. P.S. Sorry, I don't understand you about money. 7th Hi, Bruce. Today I very much was afflicted with one very important event. I already spoke to you, that I send the letters using the Yulia's computer. You see, Bruce, soon our meetings will be complicated. Today she has told me, that she is going to leave to the fiance to Belgium. Oh as she was happy. I very much was delighted for her. But then I have understood, that I can not any more so frequently write to you. She has told me, that two weeks ago has applyed for the visa for 350$ and tomorrow she is going to buy the ticket to Moscow. Approximately, in one week she leaves. I am in confusion. I simultaneously both am glad for her and I feel bitterness. I can not write to you so frequently. I, certainly, can use the computer at work, but unfortunately there is no access in Internet. Yulia had the credit for one month in Internet and I could answer you at any time. But I can not allow such credit to myself. It is very expensive for me. Most likely I shall use an Internet-card on days off. It is too expensive for me, but I can not do another way. I do not want to lose you. Now for me it is the most important to feel your hidden presence each evening. I am too strongly adhered to you. I can not without you. Believe me, Bruce, for our sincere affinity it is not a pity now anything. Money means nothing for me. We still have time. Even one week. 7 days of boundless happiness and heat. Now I do not want to waste any minutes. I shall wait for your letters with the large impatience and tremor. I am sorry, Bruce, that my letter such short and problematic today. I probably seem to be an egoist. Sorry me, that I am not interested your businesses. Simply today's news very much has shaken and has afflicted me. Therefore I speak only about it. You see there is nobody to share this problem except you. Know, Bruce, that I more former want meeting with you. Know, that all is interesting to me that you write, all what you speak with me. Write to me again, please. I can live not without your letters. I can live not without you. I am so afraid to lose you. I want to be with you forever. I love you. Hotly whole, yours Maria. 8th and last and ask for money Bruce, I have a crazy idea. I want to visit you.
It would be very interesting for me to see your country. And it would be very special to meet you. I'd like to see you
and how you live. I'd like to meet your friends. Bruce, I understand that it maybe
hard. Bruce, I have found some information about visiting you. You see I
need visa to come to your country. I located the company here that engaged in tourist
travel and emigration. They said that now government of your country is
practicing in giving visa in 5 days. It is realy fast. They said that they have ties
with embassy in Moscow. So they can arrange all things here. They said that it
will take more time to get visa in Moscow, because there is long line there.
Maybe some months and I will need to go there several times. It is not
safety and additional charges. I told them about you. They said that it is good for me
because there will not be any problems. Then I asked them about charge. They
told that I must pay about 300$ (9000 rubles). I was very upset with it. You see
my salary is not enough to save it. And I have no any savings. I greatly feel
uncomfortable to ask you for help. But I realy need it. Bruce, if you could help me
with it we could meet very soon. You see it will be cheaper for me to visit you
than you visit me here. As for ticket I learned that I can buy ticket with discount
in Aeroflot company as a teacher. Our trade union has some seats reserved
for different professors and teachers. I think the price of ticket will be about 700
USD. Tell me what do you think of it? Maria |
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