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Why a beautiful Russian lady will be interested in me?

Top question - June

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Q: I have been corresponding with a very nice lady. My question is our age difference (almost 20 years), and also I am not rich. I am doing well in my business, and I am good looking, but comparing to her I am very plain. Why such a beautiful intelligent lady would be interested in me? She seems to be a kind person and is right now saying all the right things. She has not asked for money or how much money do I make. Could you please give me some advice as to what to look for now in her letters for any danger signs that she is not really interested in me, but in something else.

A: You must not look for danger signs all the time. You must trust your lady,
and trust your feelings, that's all. If you feel suspicious all the time, you will ruin your relationship. 

20 years difference can work, it's possible. Every relationship is special. One of my Russian friends here and her husband have an age difference of 18 years, and they are very happy. If you and your lady are genuine and truly interested in each other, you will make it, though you both will need to work on it. Listen to your intuition, and open your heart to the new relationship.

Actually, all issues of age difference should be considered BEFORE you buy addresses or place a personal ad. Many men receive letters from much younger women, but they understand that it may cause problems in future. A huge age gap is an issue in itself, and not only in international marriages.

Decide from the beginning which age difference is acceptable, and don't let yourself become involved with somebody who does not fit into the portrait of your future mate. When you are in a relationship, it's very difficult to pull out without being hurt; and the right way is to try your best to make it work.

About danger signs, there are only 2 definite red flags: instant falling in love with you, openly expressing her feelings and request for money. Usually the two appear not far from one another.

All men who are involved with Russian ladies agree to the fact that Russian women do not talk a lot about feelings. As one of the men said, it's normal when on your 3-page letter about your feelings you receive a couple of paragraphs on the current weather in Moscow. It's not that she did not like your letter; she is just not used to talking about feelings.

A beautiful educated professional Russian lady does not feel being special; she feels "very plain". She wonders why you - a successful good looking businessman - would be interested in such an ordinary person as she. In Russia a successful businessman or professional making a good living - anything more than $300 - is considered to be rich, and very special.

To meet a nice and real Russian lady who is interested in you is normal; being scammed is abnormal. Keep it in mind, and let yourself go.


Last month Top FAQ:

Q: After thoroughly reading and reviewing about Russian women from your site, I've come to the conclusion that Russian women and American women are pretty much the same in their search for love and security. Men don't have that option in finding a woman that, lets say is rich. If a man is poor regardless of what country he is from, the chances of him finding a descent women are slim. If a man has a lot of money, he gets a pretty girl. Is Russia that much different than America? Only money wise.

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