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 Keeping Love Alive

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D

When I was 24 years old I fell madly in love. I was madly in love for three weeks, and then spent the next 30 years  struggling to regain and maintain that wonderful feeling. In  the course of my long marriage and in the 35 years I've been  counseling individuals and couples, I've learned what it  takes to keep love alive and what diminishes the feelings  and experience of love. 

The concept of what it takes to keep love alive is really  quite simple, but not so easy to do. The simple answer is  this: love flows between two people whose hearts are open to  learning and to sharing love. The hard part is keeping the heart open. 

Before I go more deeply into what does keep love alive, I  want to focus on what doesn't work to keep love alive. The  bottom line of what diminishes or even eventually kills loving feelings is controlling behavior. 

There are two major forms of controlling behavior that  always result in dampening loving feelings: 

  • Overt control such as anger, blame, criticism and  judgment, defensiveness, lecturing, teaching, righteousness,  physical violence, and so on. 

  • Covert control such as withdrawal, withholding truth,  compliance, giving oneself up, resistance, denial, and so on. 

None of us like to be controlled. Most people, in the face of controlling behavior, react with their own controlling behavior. Controlling behavior diminishes love because the focus is on changing the other person rather than on changing yourself. When the intention of your behavior is to change your partner's feelings or behavior, your behavior will often be experienced by your partner as manipulative  and/or rejecting. Trying to change how someone feels about  you or treats you with overt forms of control feels  manipulative and rejecting to your partner, while covert forms of control such a compliance or "niceness," feels  manipulative and inauthentic to the other person. 

The good news is that love can be kept alive, even in  long-term relationships. Love is kept alive when each person  is more devoted to learning about being loving to themselves  and to each other than to getting love. The moment the intention is to get love, controlling behavior takes over.  In any given moment, we either want to be loving and share  love, or to get love. Trying to get love diminishes love.  Being loving and sharing love keeps love alive. 

Being loving and sharing love means: 

  • Each person learns to take responsibility for your own  feelings rather than making the other person responsible for  your feelings of worth, lovability, security, happiness, joy  or pain. 

  • Each person has your own and your partner's highest good  at heart. Each of you supports your own and your partner's  joy and well being. Both of you are considerate of the other  person without giving yourselves up. 

  • Each person chooses to be honest and authentic about how  you feel and what you want and don't want. You are willing  to speak your truth without blame or judgment. 

  • Each person stays open to learning about your own and your  partner's wants, needs, and fears, especially in conflict. 

What keeps love alive is each person's willingness to do  whatever inner work is necessary to keep the heart open to  loving and learning. Controlling behavior is motivated by  fear - of loss of self and loss of other, of engulfment and  rejection, of smothering and abandonment. When each person  is willing to do the inner work necessary to heal these  fears, they are able to keep their hearts open more and more  of the time. Love flows freely when hearts are open to  loving and learning. 

Practicing the Six Steps of Inner Bonding that we teach is a  powerful way of doing this inner work. Partners who both  consistently practice this process discover the great joy of  keeping their love alive. Even when it seems that there is  no way to get love back, it does come back when both  partners are devoted to learning to take loving care of  themselves and to sharing their love with each other. 

We cannot give to another what we do not have within. Inner  Bonding is a process for creating so much love within that  it comes spilling out, to be joyously shared with others. 


Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process.

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