Actual statistics and world rankings of Ukraine: geography, population, health and education, economy, and society.
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Statistics and World Ranking of Ukraine |
All statistical figures are quoted as
according to: General Area: 603,700
sq km People Population:
49.1 m The Economy GDP: UAH 202 bn Inflation and finance Consumer price inflation 2002: 0.8% Trade (Principal exports), $bn fob
Metals: 6.7 Trade (Principal imports), $bn fob Fuels, mineral products: 6.5 Health and education Health spending, % of GDP: 3.3 Society Number of households: 18.7m
The largest countries, '000 sq km: 1. Russia: 17,075 The largest deserts, '000 sq km: 1. Sahara (Nothern
Africa): 8,600 The largest lakes, '000 sq km: 1.
Caspian Sea (Central Asia/Ukraine): 371 Largest populations (2001), millions: 1. China:
1,285.0 Slowest growing populations (2000-05), average annual growth %: 1. Estonia:
-1.10 (negative growth) Lowest fertility rates, average number of children per woman (2000-05): 1. Hong
Kong: 1.00 Highest median age, Years 2000: 1. Japan: 41.3 Highest population aged 60 and over, % 2000: 1. Italy: 26.4 Most female populations, number of males per 100 females: 1. Estonia:
85 Nationality of asylum applications in industrialized countries, '000 2001: 1.
Afghanistan: 52.8 Biggest economics by purchasing power, GDP PPP $bn: 1. United
States: 9,792 Lowest economic growth
(1991-2001), 1. Moldova:
-8.5 (negative growth) Largest surpluses, $m: 1. Japan: 87,800 Lowest inflation (2001-2002), % consumer price inflation: 1. Lesotho:
-9.6 (negative growth) Highest foreign debt, $m: 1. Brazil: 226,362 Lowest growth in industrial
output, 1.
Tajikistan: -10.7 (negative growth) Lowest growth (Agriculture), average annual real % growth (1991-2001): 1. Moldova:
-10.3 (negative growth) Wheat, Top 10 producers, '000 tonnes: 1. China: 94,000 Wheat, Top 10 consumers, '000 tonnes: 1. China: 109,600 Natural gas, Top 10 consumers, billion cubic metres: 1. United States:
616.2 Coal, Top 10 producers, million tonnes oil equivalent: 1. United States:
590.7 Highest % of population in labour force, 2001 or latest: 1. China: 56.5 Highest % women in labour force, 2001 or latest: 1. Belarus:
52.9 Highest rate of unemployment, % of labour force: 1.
Macedonia: 55.5 The business environment, 2003-07 score: 1. Netherlands:
8.76 Highest business software piracy, % of software that is pirated (2001): 1. Vietnam:
94 Highest growth in value traded, $ terms % increase (1996-2001): 1. Kazakhstan:
15,900 Longest road networks, km (2001 or latest): 1. United States:
6,304,193 Longest railway networks, '000 km: 1. United
States: 230.2 Most rail passengers, Km per person per year: 1. Switzerland:
1,923 Most rail freight, million tonnes-km per year: 1. United
States: 2,151,866 Largest merchant fleets, number of vessels not less than 100 GRT and built before end of 2002: 1. Japan: 7,458
(registration), 2,912 (ownership) Most tourist arrivals, number of arrivals '000: 1. France: 76,503 Highest death rates, number of deaths per 1,000 populations (2000-05): 1. Sierra
Leone: 29.3 Largest death by Intentional injury, deaths per 100,000 population: 1. Colombia:
65.1 Lowest health spending, as % of GDP: 1. Taiwan: 0.4 Most hospital beds, beds per 1,000 population: 1. Japan: 17.0 Lowest population per doctor, latest population per doctor: 1. Argentina:
52 Highest cost living, December 2002 (USA = 100): 1. Japan: 139 Smallest households, population per dwelling: 1. Sweden: 2.0 Prisoners per 100,00 population, latest available year: 1. United
States: 707
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