Natalia Derevyashkina
My apparent scam story matches several of the ones on you web site. She answered my advertisement on friend finder. The poor poverty stricken young women who lives in an
apartment with her mum, has grandfather and earns $40 US per month in wages. The name and place has changed again..this time it is
Natalia Derevyashkina (sometimes spelt Natalya Deryashkina) who resides in
Salekhard, North Russia, works as a cashier in a grocery store and falls in love after about 4 email messages that arrived regularly every 2-3 days. She mentions she has no phone at home and uses computer at work. She fails to answer a lot of my questions and didn't provide a contact address after asking for one. Two of the 'fallen in love" letters sent to me exactly matches part of a letter posted on this site. 2 of the photos have received from "her" exactly match ones sent from
Elena Novikova also posted at this site. She reveals she is a Virgin and needs money for a VISA $500 US (good for 90 days) to visit me in Australia which I sent by Western Union Money Transfer. Then it is apparent she needs help to pay for an airline ticket which in my story is half paid for from her loving mothers savings. So I sent another $600 US dollars to help pay for this. Her story includes having contact at airport for discount ticket and a firm to obtain VISA. Then it is apparent she needs money to pay for insurance which is supposed to be a $470 US dollars which is refundable after a safe airline journey. At this point I got a little more wary in light of the insurance cost and suggested to her that I could arrange her airline ticket and insurance her at a cheaper price and in light of my ailing credit card limit asked her to return $600 US via western union to help pay for ticket and also a residential address I could send the ticket which has not been given to me yet. Similarly to other cases at this point I receive no more email after this request.
During this correspondence I always get messages of the burning love she has for me, the impatience to meet me, eternal love, love forever, wanting me sexually, missing me, loneliness and waking up crying at night when she
realizes I am not there beside her and cannot live without me. A lot of this I took to heart.
This appears to be the work of a cruel heartless person or organization who is preying on kind hearted guys who would love to help someone like the women portrayed to a better life and "win" the "eternal, forever love" of an ideal lover and possible future spouse that many of us men dream of meeting. (I know I do). The person or
organization appears to be a seasoned "professional" (not a good word to call them) with all the bluffs and cons like an experienced poker player and knowledge of who is a likely victim.
In my case even though I mentioned in some of the letters I sent to her I have had not much success with women in the past and am struggling to make a living they have persisted to try and get more money from me.
It is true I have been gullible and fell into this trap by believing that this might actually be genuine answer to my relationship dreams. The loss of over $1300 US will be quite a blow to me on my part time/unemployment income but I have appreciated in finding this information before I was hurt more. Surely this is a big deal if men like me or in a worse situation are hurt if this is not stopped.
Svetlana Kashkova
- 1
Dear Elena, thanks again for your web-site. I had been exchanging e.mails with a 27-year old from your home city for about a month. She had responded to me from an ad I have on
AsianFriendfinder. After reading some of your guide, I realized that it might be costing her a small fortune to
e.mail, so I wrote almost apologetically that if she needed me to wire her some money to cover the expenses, I'd be happy to do that. I am a hopeful romantic and always seem to pursue impossible romances. She responded back that she was in great despair because her mum had borrow $285 to buy stocks and the telephone company she invested in went bankrupt. The sum was no big deal but the story didn't make sense. Who would lend $285 to a woman who makes $40 a month. I planned to send the money anyway just to see what happened and find out quickly whether it was a scam or real. I went back and wandered through your guide and found one of the same exact letters that I had received..word for word! I also found one of my most favorite pictures in the whole world....the girl in the sunflower field. She used to be
Elena Novikova but is now:
Svetlana Kashkova
Bluhere 63-a
Apartment 173
When I received her e.mail and realized you were from the same city, I was going to ask if you knew someone there to help me check this out. But we solved it ourselves. Certainly doesn't spoil my interest in russian women as I think american women are too jaded. This girl has revised her strategy. she answered most of my questions but kept most of the story the same: father left mum when she was 5; she lives with mum; is still a virgin at 27; wrote me a poem in perfect English (I thought she copied it but she said she wrote it); spoke alot of religion and trust and fell in love with me way too fast (I thought maybe because I was cuter than most of the men doing this :-)!) I may still send her the money just to get the sunflower field picture in a non-email format. Also her pictures are professionally done, are always sent with the file
#.jpg; in one of them she is holding a camcorder that must cost a fortune. She mentioned early on that she had been to see about a visa and that she did not have the $350 for it. She told me she had never been out of her city but when we I told her I would visit first and then bring her here if she liked, she said she had a passport. Thanks again....boys be wary with this stuff but I think the potential reward of a foreign love outweigh most risks. Just use your brains about it. Sincerely...
Andy Luick

Svetlana Kashkova
- 2
Below is an excerpt from the last letter I received from a
Svetlana Kashkova, Email:
(It seems that Petrova street in Yoshcar-Ola is building quite a reputation!) The funny thing is, I had a personal ad looking for pen-pals to which she responded, so I decided to play along. Every letter she sent was straight from the Date Scammer's handbook. After receiving this request, I sent her a link to an article regarding dating scams, and asked her if this was what she was doing. She never replied...
Louis R.
I have sent you the letter with the information yesterday. You to not receive it (it)((him))? Well, I shall write to you once again. I to study I (find (out) all concerning my arrival (achievement) in you my love. I - necessary need(requirement) the visa and passport, and also document of insurance and hospital. It costs(stands) 340 $ USA. I am written down on reception in the transport company on Monday. I shall give back back documents concerning registration. I shall require in by Friday the next week to pay my documents in embassy. You will send to me this sum of money by Friday to this week? My documents will be registration in time 10 days. It is good? I have given you the address, on which you through branch (branch) of bank Western Union should send to me money? I very much to want as soon as possible to arrive in you my love. I to give you the address of my bank where there is a system of remittances Western Union. Mine a complete name
Svetlana Kashkova
My home address
Republic MARI-El
street Petrova
house 32á an apartment 178
I give you the address of bank! Guta Bank, Street Vashskaya 8, city Yoshkar-Ola. complete home address and airport, nearest(coming) to you also is necessary for me your complete name. It is very important! I very much to wait on your fast answer!
Svetlana Kashkova
- 3
Just wanted to send you a letter from a scammer I saw
on this list. Wants money to be sent to Westen Union. Her e-mail address Name Svetlana Kashkova
Hi my love Joe. I am very glad to receive from you the letter. You to want to send me money? You know as to send money? I have learned(found out) that money can be sent through system of remittances Western Union. Here is the data: Russia, city Ekaterinburg, street Bluhera 63-a apartments 173. Svetlana Kashkova. Only inform me number of translation both address and surname. Only when I to name from whom money and number of translation is sent, me will give money.
Today very good day. The good dream has dreamed today me. I so am sweet slept. Me has dreamed, that we with you to have supper together. When you was on work I to prepare to you supper. I have made to you a surprise. When you have come home, around there was all darkly. You to search for me. Then you to come into a room, and there beautiful table was covered. There were very many dishes, which I have prepared for you. I to light candles, and itself has hidden. Then I to approach(suit) to you behind and to close to you eyes. You at once have named my name and has turned to me. You gently to kiss me and strongly to embrace. From your kiss at me the head has begun to spin. We have sat down a table and I to feed you Russian kitchen and to pour you good wine. Then you too have told to me, that you have surprise for me. You have told that I have closed eyes and has waited slightly. Then you have told to open to me eyes and has presented me a wedding ring. You to rise on one knee and has offered me to marry you. I so was happy it to hear. I at once have agreed and strongly to embrace you and to kiss. You have taken me on hands and has incurred(carried) me in sleeping. You have put me on a bed and began to undress gently me. You kissed my body, and then we to be engaged love. It was so beautifully and superb, that I would not like to wake up at all. I hope that it will be all in a reality. I shall write to you then. It is a lot of love.
Yours on one century
(Elena) Smirnova
Derevyashkina (Salekhard)
The scammers don't even care what you
write as long as there is a sequence of emails. I just return theirs
until they give an address. It usually takes about five times. They
are easy to spot now. It must be all the same group or even one person
don't you think?
The latest is:
city Salekhard
Petrova street 90 - 100
Ekaterina Derevyashkina
The email address is:
Smirnova Derevyashkina (Salekhard)
I was scammed by Ekaterina Smirnova
Derevyashkina. She uses email
She wrote me everyday saying she needed $350 for a visa. She had an
aunt that worked at the airport in Russia who could get her a ticket
"on the discount". When I offered to send her a ticket for
half the price she said she already got the ticket and had to pay the
person back for it. I said I found one for half the price of $850 she
was asking for, she did not respond to this question. She did not
respond to the most question that I asked about her family or specific
information about her. She said she was from Salekhard, Russia. She
used the computer at work or Internet cafe. She sent a lot of
pictures. Sometimes she had a video camera around her neck. I wondered
how someone who earned only $40 a month could afford one. She talked
about her mother giving her advice about me and her uncle who
harvested mushrooms for the family. She expressed her love for me
always. When I told her about my children, she did not respond to that
at all. She wrote for a month insisting for money until I told her I
would not send any more. She never wrote again.
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*The name was changed to protect identity