Fedorovskaya - Yalena
She is using the name Yalena and is currently writing to me from a different address than the one on
LOVE@AOL. Attached is the latest picture of Alena. LOL I asked the agency for a nude
photo of her, and she sent this a few hours later. Also the agency sent me a
copy of her passport.

Fedorovskaya" is using pictures of Russian photo-model
Anastasia Smirnova
In reality she is a very beautiful
Russian PHOTO-MODEL! Her name is Anastasia Smirnova. She has own websites like and . All the pictures you know and many more, you can find there...
agency / Alexandra Kasianenco (Lugansk, Ukraine)
I am reading a lot on this site about agency AMOUR, which is all true. To the same category belongs in, YES AGAIN, in Lugansk. For a while I communicated with a lady who didn't have any knowledge of English, as she stated. Nevertheless I received letters like
Dear sir, We have printed, translated and delivered your message to your Lady.
We'll be glad to provide you our service. We wish you all the best.
We work day and night 7 days a week without holidays and days-off.
Best regards,
post-manager Alexandra Kasianenco
Hello dear Ben!
I am so happy to receive your letter. Excuse me please that I didn't answered you last days. I got the flue, so I had to stay in bed these days. But I am well now, and I with great joy want to write to you! All my thoughts was about your letter, your reflections about life....I very liked to
read your long letter. You are really wise man!!! And I like very much your thoughts about your relations with sons. When I was reading your letter I was lost in thought....Of course, without authority the adults are not able to bring up child. The foundation for real authority- is our own life, job,
behavior. The adults must to understand, what are on the children's heart and soul, they must to take part in their children life as a close person, as a friend. And than the adult's authority will be indisputable. It is very necessary to have more real attention to children. And of course, it is necessary to have a serious interest to childish tricks:), to have more participation for their games. Your sons maybe consider you the best father over the world!!! Because you are their friend and it is very important
thing. The child must be happy with parents! And there is a very important for sons to have their father as a close friend!!! I understood from your letter, that you are very happy person! I feel so, because you have wonderful sons, an interesting job, you know what you have from your life, and you are able to make all people near you happy. and even me
you made happy! All these days I was not able to write to you but I have been thinking about you. Ben! You have brought sense to my life to everything that I do know. Since you have come into my life it has changed!!! You are such an interesting personality and it is so pleasant to
communicate with you!!! Omar Hayam said "It's better to be alone then next to anybody who ever
comes" You are so far a way from me; you have your morning coffee and start deepen into your problems and business,but I'm here and I feel so lonely. Sorry. I think that the most difficult thing in this life is to begin something. Everything has its"start" and " finish" and both start and finish don't come easy. It's difficult and terrible to imagine the" start", it's hard and painful to forget the "finish." But we are still alive and we must improve
ourselves, we must move ahead. Don't you think so? Dear Ben! I very want to receive your next letter.
Please don't forget to think about me. Your Alena
After the second letter I knew already that these letters were only preparations for the final request:
MONEY. But I continued with amusement and pleasure the correspondence until I indeed got this letter on April 12th:
Dear Mr.Ben
The day before Easter we are able to give your girl Alena Phetisova with
courier's servises these kind of surprises:
holiday paskha small-20$
Easter basket(pie, painted eggs, chocolate candies)
Bunch of flowers(roses-30$, orchids-40$)
We prefer the money's remittance in Western Union on the name of
post-manager Alexandra Kasianenko, Lugansk city bank AVAL.
Best regards,
post-manager Alexandra Kasianenco
Of course I refused to pay any money and after this I didn't receive any letter from this lady who was "so much in love" with me.
So readers of this site, be careful with agencies from Lugansk in general, and in particular with GLAMOUR906090 and Mrs. Alexandra
Kasianenco. I have a great time when reading this site which should be observed by much more
Regards from
Octopus (Holland)
Alfia Magdeeva
(Chelyabinsk, Russia) - aka Marina Chumachenko/Vasilisa Shekonogova
Although cautious after encountering a few obvious scammers in the past, I was recently successfully scammed by a cunning woman from Chelyabinsk, one
Alfia Magdeeva who I found at Kiss. com. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful when I tried to find any information on her while we were corresponding. After searching for any information about her on the Internet later, I found a site that devoted a full page to her - including photos and letters, (as well as pages to other scammers) and stated that she had scammed as many as 500 other
Her other names are
Vasilisa Schelkonogova
Marina Chumachenko
As I doubt she paid Tax on any of the money she stole I reported this woman to the Russian Tax Police at in the hope they will investigate and hopefully prosecute her for Tax fraud if nothing else. I also reported her to the Moscow Embassies of all English speaking countries, to make sure she never gets a visa to enter these countries.
Thank you

Amber Marriage Agency
Please inform people that the Amber Marriage Agency ( a scam. I was taken in by them last year through the persona of a beautiful woman named Yulia. They send rather creative letters with only small amounts of personalized content. They attempt to extract money from men by asking for help to pay for translation services, language lessons, and other means. They post personals on other sites to attract men. I originally connected with this agency through a posting they made on Below I provide this agency's contact information and a copy of a few of the correspondences I received from them.
Thank you for helping to spread the word on fraudulent companies exploiting innocent people.
Amber Marriage Agency
Ukraine, Schastie
Lenina street, house 26, office 10
tel.(fax)+380 642 550275 (please,
inform us in advance about your call)
Hello dear Jess!
Your letter was sweet & interesting. I feel myself happy because of the fact
that such sociable & easy-going man liked me & decided to start a
correspondence with me. First of all let me tell you about myself. I like
Life very much. I enjoy every minute of it & become very happy when my close
persons feel the same. I like active life. I mean, I like to do almost
everything what exists in the world. I like to wake up in the morning & do
morning exercises. I like to run early in the morning when everybody sleeps
(except nature, which presents me its swish & tender smells & voices). In
such minutes among birds' singing & trees' rustle I have a feeling that I am
the only person on this Earth. But this feeling disappeared quite quickly as
the morning turns into bright day. Very often the day brings me meetings
with my close friends & interesting plans connected with the job. But
especially I enjoy weekends. Just in these days I can do almost everything
what I want & what I like to do. I enjoy nature very much. That's why it's
always a special day for me when I & my friends have a picnic somewhere in
the forest or near the river. If the weather is fine nobody can't draw me
out from the river. I adore swimming. I enjoy parties too. I feel myself
especially happy when it's me who organize it. I know for granted that my
friends will enjoy themselves dancing, talking, making fun. I like to travel
very much. There's a proverb: "so many countries so many customs" & I know
that every country as its own culture, traditions, habits. They are different & very interesting. I'd to know about different countries as much
as possible. You know me better now, don't you? I hope that you like my letter and I
also hope that you will write me back in nearest time. I speak both Russian and Ukrainian. They are much a like.
I want to receive an answer from you so much. I kiss you.
Dear Jesse!
We will be happy to see you among our clients and help you and your lady
with the correspondence. You can transfer money to our currency invoice
intermediary Bank:
Alfa-Bank, Moscow
Beneficiary's Bank:
Acc. 30112840000000000060
IMTB, Moscow
Acc. 9747-3640-2270
Beneficiary name: Agency M
Please, send the copy of the payment assignment to the name of the director
of the agency. We would like to clean something up. Would you like to receive your letter
translated by our interpreter to Russian back? Will you be able to read it in Cyrillic?
We send you your picture.
Wish best regards
Director of Amber Marriage Agency
Kudryavceva Tamara
Karaseva (Magadan, Russia)
This is a scammer from Magadan, Russia
- Elena Karaseva. Fits all other stories on your site.
Greetings my love jay.
I called in the American embassy, they have advised me to
take the visa of the tourist, This visa B-2, she (it) is valid during 90 days.
She (it) costs (stands) 220 dollars, but I now do not have such money. If you
can, have gone them to me through Western Union, the address of branch:
Elena Karaseva
When you will send money you necessarily write ten numbers of a remittance. I am very glad
that you want to see me, unfortunately, to meet are necessary money, but money
it only a paper, the main thing that we shall meet you. We should trust each
other because we like each other and we soon shall meet. I called to the uncle
to Vladivostok and it (he) has told that can make to me the ticket at a
discount, but for this purpose it is necessary to know where the international
airport nearest to you. Still I talked to my girlfriend which works in travel
agency and she (it) has told me that visa B-2 the best variant that to us you to
meet. She (it) speaks that when we shall meet we can discuss that as we shall
live further. Yesterday I saw sexual dream about us with you, it (he) has very
much liked me also I want to tell it (him) to you. To me has dreamed as we with
you we meet, as you take me on hands, we go to you home. At you at home we go at
once in a bedroom and you start to undress me, our hearts are beaten
synchronously, we are passionately kissed also you start to learn (teach) me to
all pleasures of sex. I to love you and I start to understand that love this
such strong feeling, I am glad that I could to test it (him) due to you.
With love forever yours Elena.

Elena Stamat
(Odessa, Ukraine)
My name is Louis (
and I met Elena Stamat (Lena) in site We started corresponding frequently. I sent
her my letters to I offered her to come to Costa
Rica. She then answered she had obtained the visa, and I should send her the
money for air tickets. I offered to send not the money but the air tickets.
Then her letters became brief and sporadic. At I found
she had deleted her original photo and put another ad with a different
photo. Mailbox 1763640. Suddenly she sent a letter saying her mother was hit
by a car, she urgently needed $200. I sent her $100 through Western Union
May 7, Money Transfer Control Number 0373378614. Afterwards she asked for
more money for her mother's intensive therapy. Already suspicious, luckily I
did not send it. She did not answer my numerous letters, asking her for copy
of her passport and visa, which I had to send to my travel agency, Costa
Rica Express. The air flight tickets cost $2700.- Today she sent a message
saying: "I'm not interesting in you any more. I found another man that I love
very much."
I would appreciate your taking immediate measures in this serious issue and putting
this thief on your public records. The money does not worry me, what is
indignant is the insult this Elena Stamat is to the Ukrainian women. Following are her letters:
Letter 1
I want to say that the day when I will fly can be between 21-25 of
this month. And I vant to visit to you for one month because tourist visa is only for one month. And if everything will be OK between us I
will be stay with you forever.
Love Elena.
Letter 2
Hi, honey.
It's great that you help me fly to you ! Your feelings to me is so beautiful and deeply. You are my dream. I can't
wait our meet. Now is late. I am tired and very much I want to sleep. But my dreams
will be gentle and perfect because I fall asleep with a gentle idea on
you, lover. Of course I tell my parents best regards form you. Tomorrow
I shall come to tourist firm and shall try find out ticket cost. My daddy tell me that he have a friend who work with VISA. He tell that
tourist VISA will costs $160 and it need 2 weeks to do she, but if we pay
additional $50 he can make VISA only in 3 days. I was at post office and
was known that it is dangerous to send expensive things by post mail because
it disappear very often. Woman that work there told me that is only safe to
send money. I do not know how much it will be cost because I do not know
what is the nearest international airport from you. My love to you became
only much stronger and deeply. Kiss you and wish you sweet dreams. Now I must go in my warm bed under
a down blanket to dream of our speed meeting in sleep. I write you tomorrow. Very very much love you. Your sweet Princess.
Letter 3
Hi honey.
I was in Western Union office and they told me what is needed to send money. They told me that you will be needed my
name - Elena, surname - Stamat, my address: Ukraine, town - Odessa (zip 56003), street - Sobornaya 17, apt.47.For get money I need to
give them Money Transfer Control Number. I was dream of you at last night. I will
try to send to you more my photos. Your sweet Princess.
P.S I forget to tell you - I love you.
Letter 4
Hi dear.
It would be more easy for me if you will send me tickets. But people at post
office told that it dangerous to send it by post it can disappear. And all letters that going abroad is
checking at customs and some of people that work at customs steal very offtern. And oure government do nothing because it
corruption. I do not know can I trust bank and Western Union or not. I had had ask some people , some of my friends and they told me
that there is no one happen that Western Union steal money. I know that Western Union transfer is expensive but I think
It is the one safe way to send money on tiskets by Western Union and by tiskets there. I do not know in past that it is so diffidult
to leave my country. Of course I will teach you russian but it is wery difficult.
Maybe you will have not enouth pover to learn it?:) :) :) (I'm joking).
About the trip, I feel happy and scared it same time,(happy more than scare)
Miss you.
Love. Elena.
Letter 5
Hi dear
Sorry that I did not answer so long. There is big grief there.
A car hit my ma and now hi is in the hospital in the critical condition. We with the father do not know what do. The Doctor give us a list that we
needed to buy and said that all this needed to buy immediately. Hospitals in
out country poor and there is nothing there, no even bandages and beds linen.
The Doctor has said that he helps all than can, but he can not to buy it
itself. If we does not buy all that he said in time, he said that ma die, I
not know that I then shall do, my ma the most best person in my lifes. I in
such mad condition that I seem that this dream. This can not be. My ma can die on my eyes. We with the father already have spent all money
which we had for this. Sold and pawned all that have been able. And we
needed near 200US$ more and we do not know from where we can have it. Sorry
that I put you in my own problems but there is no anybody from who can help
me. my condition in very terrible. Yours Elena
Dmitrieva (Stavropol, Russia)
Beware of Elena Dmitrieva of Stavropol,
Russia. She wants $1450 to get a visa and ticket. All in 3 weeks.
It is impossible for visa to be issued in 3 weeks. Here is the pitch:
Hello dear,
I called you today. But you haven't picked up a phone! I was so sad. Check your answering machine I tryied to leave a massage for you.
I don't know if I made it. What's up? Are you ok? I have find out a lot of things today. I was at
Stavropol Intur (turist firm) the told that they can form documents for California for
me. Firm will do all for 3 weeks (visa, tickets...) All will cost 1450$. They told that it would be easy because California is region
for rest where a lot of foreigners go. So I can come to visit you. You know to be true I would like to visit you at first... I want to
see the place where I will live, people how they behave themselves. Krasnodar is very dirty city. I don't like it.
It is our first meeting it must be in a romantic place!!! May be Europe? So it's up to you to decide.
Wait your answer! Kiss you many times
PS Here she is again. She was ALBINO1245@FREEMAIL.RU.
Now she is
She is using the same pictures. I was conned by Dmitry Kruchinin and
Alena Fedorovskaya. This woman has the feel of their operation. BUYER BEWARE
Brad Parker
Hello Mike.
Please write me to another address. The matter is that last one have problems with mail delivery. Please mail to: I saw your photos and you look like a very interesting man. You are
strong and handsome man. First of all I want to tell you that the age doesn't worry me.
It's very important that I like the man himself and our interests be the same.
Now I want to tell you something about myself to give you a bit imagination about me.
I am 23 years old. My birthday is on the 10 of May. Last year I have finished University. Now I work as an accountant at the
building company. My English is not very good but I do my best in translating.
I don't have computer at home I type from the computer club situated not far from my house.
I don't have a family now. My mother died many years ago and father was killed in Chechnya two years ago. He was a soldier. My
father was raised in the orphanage that is why he had no relatives. After
the death of my mother her relatives forget about us. So now I live alone and earn for living myself.
I am very family oriented woman. I want to build a family based on love and understanding. I love children and want to have my
own in future. I love nature, I love mountains, hikes, picnics. My dream is to visit Paris. I don't know why but this city
attract me greatly. I hope my dream will come true somewhen. A man I am looking for must be faithfulness, care and tender.
I think that man must be the head in the family because they are more practical
in life. I like quick minded man, as my father were, who know what he want and how to reach it. My father is a prototype of my
husband for me. I will give all I have for the happiness of my family and
especial children. Here are some pictures of me. I would greatly like to
see more yours. If you haven't changed you mind to type with me I wait your reply.
Sincerely Inna
Kororez (Chernovtsy, Ukraine) - 1
This woman contacted me through a
newspaper ad - asks for money to go to Kiev to receive visa ($300),
afterwards for tickets. Her name is Galina Kozorez, address:
Krasnoarmeiskaia str. 99A/28, 58013, Chernovtsy, Ukraine. During the
week her phone number is +380-372-590005, Saturdays +380-372-278827
(says it's her friends number); email:
Hereby is her first letter to me and photos:
Hi, dear Mike! My name is Galya. I am from Ukraine.
I`ve read your
advertisement and decided to write to you. I want to find a real soul friend and a husband, with whom I can spend nights with candles and music.
I think you can be the real one for me. I am 35. I have green eyes and
long middle dark hair. I am 160cm and 54 kg. I send you my photos, and if
you want to be at first pen-friends with me, I`ll send you my photo by post. I have a higher education and I am
a teacher by proffesion. I would like to find a real soul friend and husband. If you like me,
you can write me, I `ll be waiting. My photo is the computer is not the best one, because I have no enough
possibilitty in the computer. I will be very thankfull for your photo.
I want to meet a devoted and honest man, who would love me, treat me with respect.
I wish to have a stable and happy family with a good-natured reliable man who is able to appreciate not only materialism but also romantic love.
From my side I'll do my best to be a good woman, affectionate, careful, creating warm and hearted atmosphere in family . I'm optimistic and I try to fill my life not to have time for sadness and not to be bothered by everyday routine. . Happiness to me means to feel love, care for and to give back the same wonderful emotions. I see the family as a fortress that should provide shelter from the life's problems, troubles and stress.
Normally I try to be very positive and find joy in little facts of life: lovely day full of sunshine, and enjoyable chat with a friend, an interesting book or a movie, a telephone call from the family, a blooming flower in the backyard. I don't find it difficult to ignore minor problems and inconveniences of everyday life. But there are things that really hurt me: lies, rudeness, lack of attention and understanding - and I do my best to avoid them in relations with friends and especially with special person.
My email
Get your star from the sky! If I am not your real star, then I wish you to find her. Be happy!
My best regards to you. Galya.
Kozorez (Chernovtsy, Ukraine) - 2
This women is a scammer if she is a women at all ,she used the name
Galina Kororez, her address is below, claims no phone when you turn down money request, you will get a virus called gor and
ko, do not open it, I played her with three other names and guess what she had the same letter but a different photo for each one ,she claims to live in
Chernovtsy Ukraine. I tracked her isp address to Kiev, I called
Western Union, she is clever.
I am happy to have you, and thanks for your understanding. It is difficult to correspond with somebody, who speaks another language and lives in another country, how correctly to explain own thoughts, and don`t hurt you. It is reall very difficult. I have a lot of thoughts in my mind, but I cann`t express them correctly. I know how to say them in my language and to our people, but I don`t know how to say it correctly in your language and to you. But I want you to be always very honest with me, and if you don`t understand something, then ask me twice, but don`t do the wrong decision, please.
It is better, when you send your photod by post, I`ll be very glad.
My address:
Galina Kozorez
Krasnoarmeiskaiastr. 99A/28
59013 Chernovtsy
I`ve spoken to the Internet service, and they tell me, that you have to send money to me by Western Union, and then I have to come there and to pay it alone. Our Internet system is not so developed as in your country, and they
can't receive payments on the account of their bank from another country. It is connected with our taxes somewhere, I
can't explain it correctly. I know your looking for a wife, but you think about your children too. It is good, now I understand you better, you can take care of people, and it is very important for me. I`ll have only you, when we`ll fall in love and when we`ll live together in your country, and it is important for me, when you`ll take care of me.
Write me when you are going to give your papers for your visa, I am waiting.
It would be nice, when we`ll spend sometimes alone in Kiev, in order better to understand each other. Only you and me, and then we could visit my town, my friends and relatives.
With love, Galina

Shkolnaya (Kiev, Ukraine) - additional info
Additional info on Lena Shkolnaya:
Her new phone: (380)-44-545-50-23.
Her new address:
Lena Shkolnaya
ul. Raduzhnaya 13-26
Kiev 02218
She is a very convincing actress, and speaks excellent English. Her scams are
"send me some visa money and air fair and I'll be right over.", and also a
"sick grandmother" scam.

Svetlana Glushkova
Hi, I'm Matthias from Frankfurt/Main. I had an
ad at FriendFinder. The girl known on the Black List as Svetlana
Glushkova from Yoshkar-Ola or as Svetlana Kashkova was contacting me there. Everything went like you already know from all other letters: not answered questions, living with her mother alone, has no own
telephone/ Internet-access, spoke from love after the fourth or fifth mail, asking for money: 500,- DM but said that she has 120,- DM on her own. Asked how much I could pay from the rest (=380,- DM) otherwise she must ask her poor mother for money, etc...
But the more she wrote, I was getting more critical, cause she was beginning to speak from love(!) while I was detecting that I (we) couldn't find a way to communicate in an acceptable way cause she didn't
really communicate... so I didn't send her money. When she detected that I was getting critical, she said that she cannot visit me anymore because her mother is now diseased...
Now after that, I was surfing around and found your website. It was a confirmation to my
doubts I had with this girl. Maybe I had been lucky that I could keep cool thoughts, because this girl isn't
totally the kind of woman I love (although she is really sweet and beautiful).
But I also learned something from this all, and I think now, if the next time my 'dream-woman' would write to me, I would detect if it is real or not, because the key to it is good and warm communication. If you have good communication, you will
really know if a person is interested in YOU and not in your money. If you have no good communication, don't send any money.
Maybe this girl also didn't know, what someone did with her pics and passport or maybe she did it herself?!
I cannot really declaim her, cause she didn't really deceive me, but I'm sure she wanted to...
Here some pics and a scan of the passport of Svetlana Glushkova (scammer) from

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Link to
the Black List