Pavlova (Kiev, Ukraine)
I am a french man 42 years old and I work as teacher in scientific university in
France and I am in contacts with many universities in Kiev and in Ukraine in
general. I have travelled many times in this country and I like ukrainian peoples,
but sometime you find scammers on your road. One of them is PAVLOVA Angelinna in Kiev .
Never given any address Phone : 8-050-550-03-93 mob site address :
Our first email contact was on 22th January 2002 and on her 5th email (22th
February) she asked me 300 Euros (around (300 $)) to come in Paris with a tour
28th February 2002 : Dear Michel. The matter is that I plan to arrive to Paris in
March. At me business trip. I want to cooperate with the Parisian marriage
agency. Only I am afraid that by March I shall not type(collect) the necessary
sum of money for trip to me there is no 300 euros .???? you can help me this
sum I shall to you is very grateful also we with you in March we shall meet. I very
much wanted to see as you live. Your house. To take a walk with you over Paris.
?????? I now do(make) studio photos. Soon to you I shall send. While.
17th March 2002 : TRANSLATION : Greetings Michel. At me all delay with
money. Me does not suffice 300 $. If тыхочешь that is fast to see me помоги to me
please on Western Union went 300. On mine пасспорт: Peresun'ko Valentine
Mihajlovna (this my name on пасспорту) .И write please a code from 10 figures.
Which there to you will tell. I hope you soon to see. I wait the answer.
I met her in May during one of my travel in Kiev. She explained me, that she
wanted to come in Paris to create a marriage agency (but she doesn't speak
french and she speaks a bad english); We have exchanged new emails after my
come back in France and new requests of money immediatly (but she didn't want
to give any address in Kiev). And she said me that to come in France, she didn't
need any visa !
16th June 2002 Hello Michel. My pics you.Give me money in( western union )in
This is my answer to her :hello thank for pictures i didn't remember that you were
so pretty !! but even if you are pretty girl, i need some garanties about money !!
Imagine just a moment ! I send money to a girl that I have met in Kiev
during 15 mn (on first time) and 30 mn on the second time. I know her name and first name
only !! and a mobile phone !! No address, no number of passport !! and she don't
want to give me more information !! She asks me money to do a toursim travel in
Paris, without any certitude to come near me in my city , just to do a trip in Paris
with an tour agency !!! When I propose to this girl to send her a private invitation,
she said me: "" no no no, to travel in france with agency , I don't need a visa
!!!!!!!!!!"" so , Angelinna , I love your body and your face , but I am not so stupid to
send 300 $ or more just because you ask me this !! Be reasonnable !!! give me
some garanties (and real garantie) !! and after we can begin to discuss !!!!
Her answer on 28th June : Good by my love.Good by....
I hope that no other men, will have a bad contacts with her ! And thank you your
site !! Michel
Marriage Agency/ Galina Shuliko
I am jeffrey from Holland and I was also contacting an agency from the Ukraine called Diana Marriage Agency the women in charge called herself Shuliko Galina and
they are fake because I send them money for a trip, the amount of the reservation cost $ 250,00 and suddently the girl who
was coming to Holland was ill and she dissapeared and I still have
heard nothing from them. So I would like to ask if you can send a warning
about the Diana marriage agency. Because it is false and they hurt normal people feelings and
they cheat a lot of people out of their money. I hope there will be a solution for
these kind of internet sites. Because I still hope to find someone but not
this way anymore. Greetings & success with your site
Ella/Elvira (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
In just 3 weeks, this "lady" who contacted me from, has just asked
for US $ 400 for a visa. I add the complete messages because I'm sure that she is
going to use the same next time she tries to scam someone. She hasn't answered any of my questions in the last 6 messages, is just like talking
alone......her email is
Words of advise: If the subject line is always empty,
If she never answers the questions, If she says she loves you too fast,
If the photos are numberer 01.jpg, 32.jpg, 12.jpg ( it's from a database of pictures and she's just borrowing those.
Letter 1:
My name is Ella! I saw your announcement and has decided to write to you. The
soul is singing, but it has a place for a man who can become a friend and,
perhaps, more than a friend for me. I like a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. But
sometimes when I come home I like to put my favourite tape on and listen to
music- different music: ether classical or morden. It doesn't matter, it should just
correspond to my mood. I like to dream. I like when my dreams come true. I am
industrious both at work and at home. I am especially good at baking cakes, pies
and buns and also at cooking chicken in the oven and our Russian pelmeni. I am
faithful. I'm very tender and passionate. I'm a person who likes to be hand in hand
with somebody and to be always by his side. I would like to spend more time with
my beloved. I'm fond of quiet evenings at home, walks in the park in the moonlight
and trips to the lake for the weekend or just for an evening or just to sit together in
a cosy cafe. I not a lot of story about myself,
member since: June 1, 2002
Last activity: July 14, 2002
I am a: Woman seeking a man
Country or Region: Russia
State/Province: Sankt-Peterburg
City: Aleksandrovskiy
Acceptable distance in miles: I would travel anywhere to meet someone
Horoscope: Aries
Chinese Horoscope: DRAGON
Age: 26
By using I expect: to find a serious relationship--marriage can come later
Height: 5 ft 11 in - 180 cm
Weight: 123 lb - 56 kg
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Religion: Christian
Ethnic background: Other
Level of education: College degree
Current career/job: Sales
Income: $50,000-$75,000
Smoking preference: I do not smoke. Smokers do not bother me
Body build: Large and lovely
Other information: unknown
Letter 2:
Hi my friend xxxxx. I am pleased to read your letter, thanks, which you
write to me! I very much would be Like to study (find out) concerning
you more. Now it is a little concerning me: I live in Ekaterinburg, Russia, My birthday of April 1 1976. I
have no any of the sisters or brothers, I the unique(sole) child in Family. My urban
Ekaterinburg Posed about the Ural Mountains, my city - main city in Sverdlovskaya
oblast (Sverdlovsk Range). You perceive me? Well, my body height of 170 centimeters and weight of 54 kg, in Me a chestnut hair and brown
eye. Now in me length of a hair is long, I think you, all this sees on
My photos. I shall send certainly you even a lot of my photos. Please,
send to me your photos, WELL? I shall be very pleased to see them. I am single, and I have no children. My favorite
The colour is red. You know, unfortunately, that I have no the telephone of a
house, for this reason you could To not invoke(produce) (to name) me. And
Letter 3:
Hi my dear friend xxxxx. I was very glad to receive from you the
letter. Excuse, that has forced you to wait with the answer, I was very much engaged on a
Summer residence. At us warm weather only was adjusted. I live in an average
strip of Russia, from Moscow approximately 1000 kms. I not so for a long time
rest on a coast Volga, there very beautiful places, was very many people, but
I was one with the mum, on this was not so cheerfully. I hope, that when be we
could together lead(carry out) remarkable target(day off). What you think in this
occasion? It is a little about itself. I love to prepare food, I like home businesses, is
especial if I shall do(make) this all for favourite the man. My favourite colour
red. In&nb
Timofeeva (Odessa, Ukraine )
I'm a 36 year old man from the US who had posted a personal ad on Yahoo. This
scammer contacted me initially through their email service. The scammer wrote
once per week for about 6 weeks. Then the scammer requested money for airfare
to visit me in the US. The scammer did not respond to questions about obtaining a
visa (although would respond to other questions). The scammer stopped writing
after I suggested meeting in Eastern Europe (as a test). I never could get the
scammer's phone number, but eventually I did manage to get the scammer's
"passport." I sent no money. Scammer's Contact Info: email:
Letter 1
Hello XXXX, My name is Eugenia. I found your profile at Personals Yahoo and
decided to respond. I live in Odessa, Ukraine, but would be willing to relocate if I
find a right man to marry. I could also had a desire to visit him in his
country. My Height Is 5'8'', weight is 125 lbs. My birthday is on
September 14 1982. I was never married and do not have children. In fact I
live alone in a city apartment, if not to count a cat Dusya. I have my
own computer at home. I teach English at school, so my English is not that bad. I like to be
on nature, out of city trips or being at beach at summer. I have some
friends whom I meet from time to time. I dream of visiting different
countries, and see some other corners of the world. I also enjoy cooking, and sometimes I try something new, most of times
I succeed, but sometimes not. :-) Well, I will not bore you with my writing, as I do
not know if you are interested in a woman from another country or not, or you
might already found someone and forgot to take off your ad. I will send you my
photo with this letter. I will wait for your reply. Take care,
Letter 2
Hello XXXX, I'm glad you responded back. And thanks for a photo! I am sending
you anther photo of me with this letter. You asked me to tell you more
about Odessa. I've always lived here. Odessa is a large city and a port
on the Black Sea on the South of Ukraine. Odessa occupies the territory about
160 square kilometers. The Odessa population consists of more than 100
nationalities and is about 1.2 million people. There are about 1400
streets, prospects, lanes, boulevards, squares. Odessa is the industrial, scientific and resort center of
Ukraine. There are many wonderful architectural sites in the downtown. The
famous Opera and Ballet Theater is one of the most beautiful in Europe. The city
is very green, there are many parks, public gardens, there are many sandy
beaches. But the most important is the special spiritual atmosphere
created by its inhabitants. Odessians - are very cheerful, intelligent
people, very friendly, with a special sense of humor. There are many
Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish, Greek etc. Traditions, which form that
special spirit of Odessa. Summers are usually hot and pleasant for swimming in the Sea, sunbathing and other outdoor activities. Winters
are usually not very cold, but windy with an average temperature about
0*C. There are many cafes, restaurants, stores and markets in the
city. Odessians and guests of Odessa usually like to walk in the central area, the most
popular is Deribasovskaya, there is no traffic there. There is plenty of stores,
cafes, a nice city garden where you are welcome to buy some souvenirs to
remember your stay in our wonderful city. Many people say our city is smiling!
My eyes are brown. As for my family, I live alone since my parents died
in car accident two years ago. I don't have brothers or sisters. I haven't
met a right man in my life yet, but when I meet him I'll give him all
my love, and will love him with all my heart. I like men older than
me, yes, even 16 years older, as guys of my age in Ukraine are still
children by the way of their thinking and behavior. When we write some
more I will give you my phone number and address. I am an honest and quiet person. It is now almost summer, so I enjoy
going to a beach. But it is cold to swim in the sea yet. In general I enjoy living life to it's fullest. I
graduated from a pedagogical college and I am currently working in secondary
school, teaching English to children ages 8-10. They will go to summer holidays,
so I will have a vacation from June 1st till September 1st. I hope to visit your
country during this period. Well... I won't take up all of your time. Write me
back when you get a chance. Take care! Eugenia
Letter 3
Hello XXXX, I am very glad to hear from you. I greet you with the first days of
summer! I'm on my vacation already. I will have a vacation till September 1st as it
is school summer holidays time. Hopefully we can meet sometime soon. I would
miss Odessa, but my love to husband would overcome missing a place where I
was born and lived the beginning of my life. And streets here remind me of my
parents too much and I am sad living here. I would definitely like to be your
friend if you like, for a long long time, and possibly more than that. I
pledge to be totally sincere and honest with you. It is much easier to do
that than it is to try and cover up something later. In relations I can
offer my love, affection, friendship, total fidelity, caring, communication, honesty, openness, romance and
trustworthiness. In short I truly believe I can bring into a relationship everything a
man would want. I hope to hear from you very soon. Eugenia
Letter 5 (invited herself for a visit, at my expense)
Good afternoon, my dear, How are you today? It is an afternoon for you now. Do
you have a nice mood this afternoon? As for me, I'm not in a good mood, I am
really tired of sitting in Odessa. sorry that I didn't write to you sooner.
It is a mid of summer now, and I began to lose a hope to meet you. Please give me an
answer to this question: will we meet this summer or not? I am really not into
being pen-pals, I want a real meeting. Yes, I do have plans to visit you this
summer, but do not have money to pay for the tickets… I start to think maybe I
responded to your ad in vain, if you do not have money to buy me tickets for the
last week of August. Yesterday my friends Natasha and Vitalik dropped at my
place and in a short while we all went out to Deribasovskaya Street. This is the
main and one of the most magnificent streets of our city. We went to McDonald's
and there we ran into five of my friends and co-workers in the same time. By the
way, did you know that sandwich was a last name of a person who finally decided
to cut roll in two pieces and put beef cutlet inside? Before that Americans had to
bite rolls and then cutlet separately. After a cup of coffee we all decided that we
needed some active kind of rest. A disco is the best place for it, we concluded.
There is an excellent disco in Odessa that is called "Amsterdam" So we all had a
splendid time there till very late in the night! And today I wasn't left
alone either. In the evening Alena came to me and she invited me to go to
Men In Black-II tonight. We sat to drink coffee and remembered our common acquaintances and friends.
Well, I am sorry my letters is short, but I need to get ready to go to
a movie hall.By the way, is "Men In Black-II" is on screens in your area from July 5th also?
Please respond to my question about a meeting. If we can't meet this summer,
you may not respond, I do not see the sense in these writings. I want real
relations. Tender kisses to you, Your Eugenia
Letter #6 (money request)
Hello dear XXXX, I was glad to see you being serious about our meeting. I, of
course, have no problem sending you my passport page and my address. I am 16
years old on that passport photo. But you should to sent money in the mail, you
will need my address just for filling in the form at Western Union. Sending money
in the mail is very unreliable. Two way tickets to you cost $780 US. If we meet you
will see I'm the woman that likes to experience all sorts of fun things that life has
to offer. We are only here for a short time that and we need to make the most of it.
You sound like a good person to spend my vacation with, I know I will overcome
these 1000's miles to be with you in your country. I believe that a woman should
be a friend and a monogamous lover to her man. A man should be the same to a
woman. It's an outdated practice here as people tend to want convenience over a
real relationship. I'm still of the old school and I believe that I am to be there in
every way for my man. We have hot days in Odessa now, and I get to spend much
time at a beach and swim in the Black sea. Well, have a good day and I hope to
email you some more soon. Eugenia
Bagriy (Odessa, Ukraine)
Postal address:4-Prigorodnaya st. h-2 Phone number:380-482-641-460 I am a
single, white american, 47 yr and self-employed. I want to start this out by saying I
should have purchased the anti-scam guide as this woman fits everything Elena
stated in the category Gold Digger. Julia is a very intelligent woman and she does
use the Internet, and many agencies, she also has a new computer that I
purchased for her so that when she arrived in America she can correspond with
her mother. Along with her new computer came a $300 digital line as she could
not stay on the Internet with her old telephone line. Most of the money was sent
through western union, as I was supposedly engaged to this woman, after
spending $3200 and just before it was time to sign all the forms from my attorney
for the INS, I was told that she would not come to America. I asked her
specifically how long she had known about this and she told me for many months.
Her bio indicates she is Christian, smokes only sometimes, is a normal woman
looking for a father for her son. I can tell you for a fact, Julia smokes on the
average of two packs of cigarettes a day. She has had four lesbian relationships,
one with a sailor's wife for three and one half years, one with the school friend for a
lengthy time, two more encounters at those specific clubs and many man to
numerous to mention, but when I demanded to know she told me over 50. I will
send copies of paragraphs where she has asked me for money rather than
sending the entire letter as it would be boring. Julia's main tactic is not to ask for
money through correspondence of letters, but over the phone as she speaks
English well. I have documented everything so I can back up everything that I have
said and all money that I sent. She now wears a new hairstyle as she had her hair
corn rowed and much hair added in to lengthen her hair. Another gift from me.
Except for pleasant news I have as well unpleasant news. My
grandmother is sick.She does not rise from a bed two days. She was sick of
a flu and after that a flu has received complication - at her the chronic
bronchitis was activated. For the old woman it is very bad, she very much is
weakened because of it and if she wants to rise, she needs assistance. She
accepts many medicines and injections. Her it is very a pity to me, as she
has got used to be the active and mobile person and all to do independently.
And now the second unpleasant news - I need in money, because I now
in club with last from them. Probably, I have made you very happy because of
it? ( joke!)
I not so would like you to speak about it, but at me all money
were finished. And I need to pay a kindergarten for Nikita. And so on, you
understand... And that for me money was already finished, which one I have earned on the previous activity,
because I had heavy expenses on "Kindergarten" and on trip to ???? in a country
house (basically, on products). Besides, I need to purchase Nikita of a thing for
an autumnal season, because almost all his things are small for him. I too
need something from clothes(clothing). And my parents can not help me,
because they has large charges of a house and on completion of its construction (they do(make)
in the house repair). About my attitudes(relations) with the husband, - yes, I with
him in divorce. I have divorced, when to my son was 9 months from birth. I at all do
not answer on phone calls if I am called by my former husband.
(this is Julia's so-called second husband when actually she was never married to him, only lived
with him and had his child) All of these were copied directly from letters except for last portion in parentheses which I typed for explanation. I will
also send how Julia finishes her letters just to let you know how she shows
So, My Dear, I shall have tomorrow very much loaded day because I want also to
go to shop. You see, how I try! It I try just FOR YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU
VERY MUCH And I MISS YOU VERY MUCH!!! So long! I shall wait your phone
call today in 10.30. 999999999999999999999 KISSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SEE YOU!!!!! And I can not wait, when I already can show you this new hairdress.
I have in a kind, when it will be completed completely, instead of how I look now
as any strange punk! (a smile!) I send you MUCH KISSES, the SEA And OCEAN
I found Julia in many agencies and the most reputable one I contacted, they
informed me that my experience was horrible and that I should contact Russian
scam and blacklist which I am doing now.
Katya Manakova
(Lugansk, Ukraine)
I am a white male in the U.S. and would like to report to you about a scammer by
the name of Katya Manakova from Lugansk ( DOB 8/22/82). She has a profile
listed at Matchdoctor under Katusha721. Her e-mail is and
her mailing address is Katya Manakova, 395 Shahterskoy divisii street 12/47,
Lugansk, Ukraine, 91000. How unusual for a scammer to be coming from Lugansk!
Letter 1:
Dear my friend whom i trust have a bank account and you can transfer
money to her and she will tell me ,it is my friend form the very childhood.
In sputnik said if i will make a passport with them them then they will give you their e-mail address
and even can send a letter to you so you can be sure that i make passport.
Beneficiary Prominvestbank Lugansk branch,MFO 304308
account of beneficiary account 39015901304308/840 bank of beneficiary Prominvestbank Kiev
acc.890-0060-077 SWIFT UPIB UA UX Bank- correspondent Bank of New York
,New York S.W.I.F.T. IRVT US 3N Transfer for 290909031/840
Mozhaeva Olga EK855086 Ukraine Lugansk Dalya 11/10 Waiting for your letter.
yours Katya.
Letter 2:
Dear to the pity i have no bank account it is very expensive in our
country only rich people has it. Please try to use Western Union it is very safe and my friend has a
fiancee in England and he always use this system ,please i don't want to loose
our connection. I feel so alone now, I feel I need to hug you right now, I want you
here now, I want you to live with me, wake up beside you every morning watching
you when you wake up beside me, meet your eyes when you open them, meet
your smile when you see me in the morning, I will be there only for you my dear.
I love you so much so I do not know what to do, I can only tell you that I
love you and I can only try to give you proof that I telling you the true,
that I am seriously in love with you, that I really want to marry you. I did
not want to be your girlfriend only, I want to be your woman, your wife, the father of your children. I know what I
feel for you and I know what I have asking you, I know I will be happy with you, we
will both support and be beside each other for the rest of our life, I hope that will be
true, I want that. I try to write you something every day, something that you can
feel that I thinking of you, thinking of you like we already are a family, a family who
love each other, I want us to be a real family , I want you to be the king and I will
be the queen in our family .Now i am only a princess in my home, and you are a
lonely king without your queen. I want to be your queen. Make it true, let us start
our family, I love you and I know it is possible, my heart belong to you only.
Take care of you Kiss you Your woman... yours Katya.
Letter 3:
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Thank you very much for your intention to help . I heard about Western
Union on the TV they say it is very safe and fast way to transfer the money ,
it is all over the world. For this you need my full name Manakova Katya ,my address is Ukraine
Lugansk 395Shahterskoy divisii 12/47 Manakova Katya and then you will send me the number of transfer and as
soon as i get money i will reply to you. I will use firm Sputnik to make a passport.
they will make digital photo of me at once and put it in to the passport ,then i can
send you the copy of my passport . Katya.
I need 150 $for International passport ,for visa 800$ ,and for
tickets. so after i will have money i can write you the number of my flight.
sorry for short message i have no money to write. yours Katya.
Letter 4:
Thank you very much for your letter i was so glad to hear from you and
i am glad that you wish to meet me ,i think it is good idea thank you for your invitation . We
can meet when you wish i will be happy to meet you in my country any time you
can come ,to the pity i can't come to yours because I have no International
passport and i have no money for it and here we can meet any time you think we
are ready for meeting but if it is not a problem for you my passport and money for
my trip then i can meet you where you wish or we can meet in my country. I would
like to know more about your life, your likes and dislikes. My address is :
Ukraine Lugansk 91000 395 shahterskoy divisii street 12/47 Manakova Katya
You are the man for me - the only one. I found you and I found love. You explained it very well
that each person has different strength and weakness that together create one
undeniable partnership. I have always known this but never met anyone that truly
believes as you do. This romantic soul binds us from the inside and I believe you
may be the only man on earth for me at all. Some people live with a close match
but not their perfect match. We could be the perfect match for the other...
we will see. I lay awake at night thinking how you will feel, smell, how you will tease
me playful and also many serious things we will live through. As lovers
and friends. I have spoken only truth to you, only real thoughts and feelings. I make up no story
or talk to make you like me better. If you love me than you do love ME.
You said before that it is easy to fall in love but the work is to keep
the love. I understand this by example of both types of relations. My
parents work to keep the love and young couples now just marry and divorce
without even try to understand what is wrong. Usually just to talk to the
other at all times to explain the thoughts. Never think your lover will
know what is wrong...they may have no idea but when they know now they
can adjust to make things better, or maybe not. At least they will know
what is going on. This talking also avoids any quarreling to become serious.
With people that are calm and kind in nature it has a good chance that
everything can be discussed and agreement can be made. If love is there,
then sacrifice can be made as well to keep the other happy and loving.
But neither should demand too much change from a lover or they should have
not joined at all. You and I MUST join!!!! You are so reasonable and kind and so am I.
When two people are EXACTLY alike usually they will not get along well.
The differences are what makes love fun and unique to each person. Just
the fact that we are from different countries will interest us for a long
time. And we will always have this uniting through love letters and blind
faith in the other to remember!!! I want to grow together, doing little things as one. Travel, relax,
chores, exercise, work and especially learn to make love:) Dear i must to tell you one thing because i want to
be honest and if you are serious then you must to understand me ,i pay for all my
letters and for me it is rare expensive ,and it will be good if you can help
us with our correspondence if you are really interesting to know each other better and to
give us a chance for a future happiness. I rely on your understanding and support.
Love takes time, and I wish to spend all of my time with you. a lot of kisses and
hugs.Yours Katya.
Letter 5:
Thank you very much for your letter i was so glad to hear from you and
i like your photo very much,thank you. I was thinking the other day how nice it would be to
spend the day outdoors enjoying skiing or snowmobile and then returning home or
to lodge where a nice warm fireplace is. To end the day like this would be great.
How nice it would be to share this with you: a quite evening cuddled by the
fireplace enjoying the moment. We would not have to say anything; we would just
look into each others eyes, hold each other, kiss and make love. Perhaps there
would be some romantic music in the background or the crackling of the
burning fire. The night would seem like forever knowing this is where each
other wants to be; I would know I was happy to enjoy another great moment
with my best friend and lover. Even from so far away I can close my eyes and
imagine you were here right now. Please know how much I wish I was
holding you right now and we could hear each others heart. I look forward to
your next letter and await your thoughts! Sincerely yours Katya.
Letter 6:
Thank you so much for your letter i am so glad that you wrote to me
and now i think it will be interesting for your to know about myself.I am single never married
no kids. I am raised by loving parents . They loved, provided and set the perfect
example for me. The marriage was without exposed anger or raised voice . I am an
average woman but I am considerate of others and easy to reach agreement. I am
flexible yet consistent in my reasoning. In a relationship I desire my mate to forget
the world while we are together. As will I. He is my world. I stare in amazement at
him beauty as he smiles shyly. He knows that I am for real. As we walk
through the park we stop to hold each other. Embracing in silence from head to toe for
minutes that feel like life is in our arms. Nothing is better until our love brings us
further. Now i study at Medical college and i want to be a doctor i like to
help to people. As to the place i live it is not very big city named Lugank ,Ukraine , there
are a lot historical places and museums , cinemas, theatres,etc. I live with my
parents . I am ready to give my heart to a man. Quite possibly you.
But only you will know your heart for now, so please absorb my words and reply with your
honest reaction. Trust is the foundation of love. Love commands truth and sincerity
as well as commitment to open communication. I will be await your response and
respect and accept your wishes. Hope to hear from you very soon. Yours Katya .
P.S. I want to be honest with you dear . My English isn't well I study it at school
and to my shame I didn't do this very well and now I am very regret about this .
That's why I use the interpret , and I have no my own computer and I use it in the
Internet cafe .I hope this is not change your mind about me and I hope you still
want to know each other better .
I believe that she should be placed on your scammer list, as I think she will fit
rather nicely along with all of her other scammer friends. Hopefully someday the
Ukraine authorities will also be interested in her strange and peculiar business
activities of scamming men around the world to support her lavish lifestyle.
Sincerely, S. H. ( Scam Hunter )
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ANTI-SCAM GUIDE - Read how to make scammers to leave you alone
themselves, and choose the right girls from the very beginning.
Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
- Article by
Anatoly Neverov
Dating Services - where to look for a
Russian wife
dating agencies
- how do they make their
Russian Translations - Russian-English/English-Russian
translation: fast and comprehensive.