Denis(Deny)/Beloozersk (Minsk/Belarus, Russia)
This scammer got my email address off of the internet. We wrote for three
weeks ending the last of July. I never relied to the last email mentioning
money and have not heard from the scammer since. Kevin
Letter 1:
Hello my name is Denis (Deny). I looked your photo in internet and I like you very
much.I think you are a real man...But let me introduce myself. Let me start from
the very beginning. Some words about myself. I'm from the small town Beloozersk(Belarus). I have very kind, but
strict parents.I am 25 y.o.I have not children. I graduated from the institute this eyar. My profession is economist.I am
very seldom in Beloozersk, and I spend my time in Minsk mostly.I live in a
hostile, so you could not call me, because there is no a telephone in my room.
But if you will intresting in my person you can give me your telephone number
,and i will try to call you. I'm fond of tennis, I like to go to cinemas,to museums, I
go to discos,to concerts.I read a lot. I feel lonely and I wanna meet a rael man
who could love me with all his heart and to whom I could give all my love an
tenderness. I hope you are the man I'm waiting for. I do the sports regularly, I
walk, go to gym, in other words I watch my fisical apperiance. I don't smoke, I
drink a red wine as an alcohole only and just on big holidays. I love children.I
don't have close brothers and sisters, but I have a dog who loves me and whom I
love.I did dancing since I was 8 y.o. and I danced in many ansambles.Once we
wemt to Austria with our dance group. In men I admire hys mind, bravity and
kindness most. I think such a man can do a woman happy. And I hope you are
such a man.I'm fond of cooking, and cakes are the best what I can cook. I wanna
have a child from the man I love. I can't say anything about my bad features,it's
better to ask my friends, they should know better. I dream to find ajod on my
specialization (economist) somewhere abroad. It's difficult to find a job in Belarus.
They pay very little, because our country is very little economicly developped. So
it is difficult to live in our country. But work is the second thing I think of. The first
one is a family. I soon will come to USA (I think in next mounth).I will work there
babysitter,and I will stay in USA 3 mounth. Please send me your photo in your
answer if you like me .Write me about you at all and about your life.Write me
please about your attitude to domestic animals, which ones you prefere more.
What kind of books do you read. What is your favorite film and an editer.What do
you like in a woman. What your dream.And about all,all you can! That's it. I'm
waiting for your answer. Deny.
Hello my dear Kavin!!!!!!!!! I was glad to get your reply.
How are you doing? How is the weather? I am fine. I was to the job interview. It
was nice. I signed the final papers and filled in questionnaires. I learnt
the details. I will fly from Moscow. The date is not yet known, something
in two and a half weeks. In USA a man will meet me. He will take me to hotel as I will need a place to spend the night and to
have some rest. Then the same man will take me to the family I will work at.
Hopefully, the family will be nice. As soon as I know the date and time I will let
you know. It would be nice if could meet me if you have time. I would be
glad. I will feel lonely in the unfamiliar city and I want to see you.
Tomorrow we go to the lake. I want to get sin burnt before the trip. Tonight
we are going to view movies till late night. In general, I am fine, but
there are many things to attend to prior to the trip.How do your people accept Russian?
Sorry for the short message, many things to do. I will tell you everything
in next letter. We will have much time to learn each other. Looking forward to see you soon.
With kisses DENY!!!!!!! P.S.I will chek my e-mail tommorrow.
Hello my dear Kevin!!!!!!!!!!! How are you ?How is the weather?
I am fine .The weather is here hot,it is 29-31C.Yesterday I was in the
cinema .I saw a film named -The lord of the rings-.It is a great film and I liked it so
much.When I was 18-19y.o. I read book-The lord of the rings-wrote by R.Tolkien.Have you seen or
read it?If not you must try, it is very interesting. Today at the evening I will go to
my grandma.She leaves near Minsk in small town named Dzerginsk.She is very
old and I love her very much.She is very kind and funny.I am going to print your
photo and show her .Every time when I wisit her she asking me when I am going
to marry.I can talk with her about all my problems and happy moments ,because
I trust to her on 100%.I think she will like you. At the next week I will know where
I will work(town and other all things about my trip).I ask- ed on firm to find work for
me somewhere near you.They sad that maybe it will be possible. It will be great if
they can do it, as so we can see each other often.I will be in US 3 monthes,so
we will have many time. My dear I dont like lie ,that is why I decided to close this
my e-mail adress and I will open new one,so now write me on my new e-mail
adress( ,dont forget it).I decided to do it because 1,5
mounth ago I send my anketa and photos to datind agency.So now I reacive letters from
different men.But I dont want to read it and I am tired delete it.I like you and
I fell somthing to you , I think that you are good and kind man and I fell that I can trust
you.So write me on my new e-mail ( ) It is a pity that we cant
talk by phone ,because I have not place where you can ring up to me. And now I
cant ring up to you because now I have not left money.I must do many pays-visa+
tikket+pay for servis.Special international telephone card cost 30 USD
but I cant buy it now, sorry but we must wait our meeting.I think all will be good.
I have quastion to you.US autemn is cold or not?What kind of clothes better to
take with me? I will chek my e-mail and send answer to you at saturday morning.
Well I must finish. I always thinking about you... With kisses your Deny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My new e-mail is Do not forget it!!!!!!!!
Hello my dear Kevin!!!!!!!!!! How are you?I am fine .The weather is very hot,but
somtimes it is rainy.I dont like hot weather ,it is not comfortable,I think.
I came from Dzerginsk at esterday evening. I was very tired,and went sleep immediatly.I
was meesing without reading you letters ,so when I got up at morning first
what I did is went to inter net-cafe.So now I am siting and writingan answer for you.I
showed your pikture (I printed it) to my grandma.She liked you and asked me will
give to you her best wishes.All friday I helped my grandma in her house work as
she is very old and cant do many things. What you did all this time ?Maybe you
have some news?I heard from TV news that polis arrested pressident Bush
grand-daughter.Is it truth?USA are very free country.My country is not free .
Our TV show only what our president goverment wants.Many people who tried say
truth missed I dont like my goverment, most of them dont care about country and
they care only about themselfs and their familys.Sorry me for writing it ,it is not
interesting. What are you going to do at weekend?As for me I will spend this
weekend by siting at home and looking TV.Maybe I will read book.Now I read
book named *Master and Margarita*by M.Bulgakov.It is russian writer.Have you
read russian writers books?I will have good rest , because future week will be very
hard and difficult for me. At two oclock I will go to sweeming pool . And after that
I will go home. Maybe I will cook cake.Do you like cakes?I can cook very-very
good cakes and many other dishes.What is your favourit dish? Well I must finish
my letter, my time is over.I will check my e-mail and send answer at tuesday,
because internet cafe will be close at monday.I will meesing you.... Have a good
weekend. With kisses your Deny!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S.Please write me your full adress, I
want to write it in my handbook.
Hello my dearest !!!!!!! Sorry for later letter in monday internet cafes are closed.
How are you my darling.I am fine, but only missing you.The weather is her good
now it is 25C. How you spended your weekend?As about me all weekend I was
at home. Maybe you have some news? Today evening I will go to Beloozersk.I
want visit my parents.I will be there 2-3 days. My dear I am sorry for short letter
,but I am very bisy and now I must hurry go to firm and after to hospital.I must do
some analises because I will work with children I must have good health.Tommoroy I will write you long letter.
Kiss kisss kisss kisss!!!!!!!!!! I always thinking about you With kisses your DENY!!
Hello my dear Kavin!!!!!! I dont reacive letters from you.......
How are you ?I am fine.The weather is good.It is not so hot, it is 24-25C.I like the weather
like now . Now I am in Beloozersk.And I will be here 3 days more.I will go to
Minsk at sunday evening. Because at monday I must go to my firm , and there they will
say me all important things about my trip to USA.So soon I will know place of my
work and other things. In Beloozersk I spend all time with my family. I will miss
them when I will be in USA.Yesterday I played tennis with my friends.There is
tennis corts near my house.After I will finish my letter I will go for a walk with my
dog ,I will miss her too. Tommorow will be my father bithday.We will celebrate it
with oyr family and close friends.I think it will be nice and funny.It is a pity that
my grandma will not come as she is too old for trips. Yesterday I saw film about
plane crashed in montains. And people who not died will alive there mor than two
mounth,there was no food and they eated corps of dead people.It is very terrible
situations.But the most terrible is that it is a true story.I dont know
how to write the name of this film in english.Now I am afraid of flying more than before.
Well my dear I must finish my letter. I allways thinking about you....
With love and kisses your Deny!!!!!!!!
Hello my dear Kevin!!!!! How are you? I am fine,but the weather is hot again.
Fathers birthday was very interesting and funny.There was many people and all af
them are very interesting . What are you going to do on weekend?As for me I will
be home ,and tomm- orow evening I will go to Minsk .Maybe today I will go with
my friends to the lake.There is 3 lakes around my town. I choosed and collect
clothes wich I will take with me to US.Oh!It is a very big bag. You know my
darling ,I bought very interesting present for you.I think you will like it .But sorry! I
cant write about it ,because it is secret. My father dont like that I will go to US,
he is worry about me .But my mother is very happy for me ,she know me better
and dont worry. I will write you back at tuesday.I will write all about my trip in US.
So my dear I must finish my letter. Have a good weekend. With love and kiss
your Deny!!!!!!!!!!
Hello my dear Kavin!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 How are you?
As for me I am fine.I have very good news. All is ready and I will go to USA at 7 august. I will fly from Poland
(Warshava) at 16.40. I will be with 5 wemen more ,they will work babysitters
too.We will fly to New York. There spetial russian women will meet us and will
bring us to hotel.The current place of my work I dont know now .Because in New
York this women will give us list of cities and states where we can work.And I will
choose place of work somewhere near you. They sad that they have job at all
states.So I hope all will be good. I know that I will work inrussian family.You know
that tere are a lot of russian people live in USA and most of them need babysitter
,and of cours most of them want russian babysiters,It is mor convinient for them.I
will earn 1500-1800$ per mounth.For me it is great.10% of money that I will earn I
must give to firm. But I have one problem .At monday I fond out that I need 2
tikets.One to USA and the second out from USA.So now I try to find money for
second tiket.I am going to ask my friends for money .I must hurry because I have
only a week before my trip. So I must finish, as I am very bisy. I am always
thinking about you... With love and kisssssss your Deny!!!!!!!
Ekaterina/Katya Bugayova
(Lugansk, Ukraine) MillenniumGirls/Tatyana Patzaul
I am a white male from the USA and would like to report to you about a scammer
by the name of Kataya Bugayova. She has a profile listed at matchdoctor under
the name of "Bygayova". Her e-mail is and her address is
Bugayova Ekaterina, Covetskaya Street 4/47, Lugansk, 91000, Ukraine. How
surprising and unexpected, another scammer from Lugansk! The agency she is
using supposedly is Millennium Girls"- Internet mail delivery agency, and the
manager is Tatyana Patzaul. They also have the exact same e-mail address as
They are trying to get me to send money to them for correspondence with their
supposed client. What makes me very suspicious of this girl and this agency is
that I wrote her and she sent to me the exact same letter as she had sent to me
a month earlier. It seems as if her letters were pre-written which would explain
why she would send the exact same letter two times when I had written to her
different letters with different questions and she seemed to avoid my questions
which was common with her. Her letters were always very vague and never
seemed to answer any of my question. I would be very cautious in dealing with
her if she really exists at all and also the agency Millennium Girls, as it all has
the markings of a scammer agency as well as a scammer lady. Sincerely,
Dear Sir, Welcome to the "Millennium Girls"- Internet mail delivery agency,
Your letter has been printed ,translated and delievered to Bugayova Ekaterina.
We offer you "two FREE letters trial" ,that means you'd be able to write
and get two letters free. Our staff will gladly provide you with any information and answer any
question you have. Sincerely Tatyana Patzaul post manager MIllennium Girls
mail to:
Thank you for your letter. I was very glad to receive it.
I liked everything you wrote me about yourself! Thank you for beautiful compliments!
I think I have to tell you something about myself now. What can I start from? Honestly, I'm
not form that people who are fond of talking about themselves. I prefer listening more then
speaking myself. Well+ I have the beautiful and resonant name - it's Ekaterina. In
English it sounds like Katherine, but I prefer the Russian version of my name. So
was called the great Empress of the Russian Empery of the 18th century. In my
everyday life I'm mostly called Katya, or Katyusha. I'm 24 y.o, I live in the city of
Lugansk, that is situated on the east of Ukraine, that is famous for it's steppes,
coal and beautiful yards. I'm working as a sport manager in the sport club, and
study marketing in the economical university of our city. I'm fond of sport and
prefer bodybuilding, not professionally but for myself. I understand that working in
the sport club supposes going into sport, because it's rather difficult to work there
but do not like sport. So, for me there are two very important moments in my job -
the possibility of earning money and time for pleasure. As you have probably
noticed I took all of my photos at the sea, because I must confess that sea is my
weakness. Sea has always been some kind of a mystery for me. It always shows
me something new every time when I visit it. It shares with its secrets and I like to
know that still sea is something unknown for me. The sun shining, the sky, thewaves, the crying
gulls, the wind blowing, the smell of the sea and the feeling of patience - what can be more
pleasant? I like traveling very much, though I must say that I have never been abroad. I have
explored the territory of my native land far and wide and now I'm very curios what is there
behind the border of Ukraine. It's like a mystery for me and I like mysteries so much. I
like to feel that still there is something new for my inquisitive glance, waiting for
discovering and exploring. How can I describe my character? Well, that's rather difficult for me,
and I think not only for me but also for every one. Don't you think so? I'm very
persistent in the achieving my aim, very confident in my abilities and
opportunities, truthful and friendly. At the same time I am very communicative and
easygoing person, I'm fond of creating comfort around my friends and me.
You may be wondering what I am looking forward from this correspondence? I'd better
say that I'm looking for to meet my second half and life partner. I'm looking for
someone who can protect me from everyday troubles, who will accept me, as I
am, who will treat me as a real personality. I need someone to take care of, to
give my love and admiration. Though my English is not well enough for writing
letters myself and because of this I use the service of the agency here. I came to
the agency in hope to meet a reliable man, who desires to create a happy loving
family. And I will become a loving and faithful wife for this man. And I'd like to
learn more about you, your preferences, work and friends, about your family.
What do you like, what do you do when you are free? I will close now, and am
waiting for your letter. I send you my photo and hope to receive your in return!
Take care. Sincerely, Katya
Dear Sir! Your letter has been printed, translated and delievered to Bugayova
Ekaterina. We are at your service. We'll be glad to provide you with all the
necessary help and information. Best regards, Tatyana Patzaul post manager
Thank you for your replay. You did not send me your photos,
unfortunately. I liked everything that you told me about your life, dear. Hope our correspondence will be
pleasant for both. I'll tell you more about myself. I appreciate beauty and
beautiful things. As any woman, I adore flowers. Of course roses. Rose is a queen of
flowers, and each woman is a queen in her soul. Roses are like women. They are
lovely and proud. They are tender and full of smell that mesmerizes all around.
And the velour surface of petals is like skin of a woman: you can't help the desire
to kiss it more and more. Red roses are especially beautiful. It's not a girl; it's a
woman in the pick of her beauty. With some experience behind her, charming in
her motherhood, aware about all the happiness and danger of real life, and,
nevertheless, ready to Love, anxious about Love. Whoever is able to stand
against it? My favorite color is pink. But I know that no color is beautiful as it is,
only the combination of them. And I suppose it's like people, that is the best
features of people are opened only in combination with somebody; when you find
your second half your soul is in blossom. I like to wear comfortable clothes.
Being an energetic woman, I need to be always in motion. So, very often you can
see me in trousers. But when I may relax, I like to be a real woman - charming,
mysterious, feminine and sexual. Then anyone is in love with me. I think I need to
tell you some more facts from my biography, because only knowing the past we
can create the future. Do you agree with me? . So, I think I will go back to my
family. My family consists of four members: my Mum, my Dad, my brother, and
me. What I can say about my parents is that they adore me. All their life is
obeyed to this, to their desire to protect and make me happy. They live in me, if
you understand what I mean. They are happy when I am happy, and every pain of
me hurts them even more. I don't know if I am able to love so much+You know,
my parents are the example for me of a true and honest love. They are together
for about 30 years, and still they love each other no less then when they
met. I have always been dreaming about such relations like my parents have.
My brother is a little younger then I, he is already 18. He is a nice boy, if I can call
him so J. He is much taller and stronger then me, and you will never guess that
he is my younger brother. Some times I tease him, saying "little boy"J, but this
never offends him, because he understands that these are only jokes.
Now I'm living along, without my parents, though I visit them every week. I have very cozy
apartment and I like to cook and create comfortable atmosphere there. My home
is always full of guests and friends. I'm fond of making parties and inviting a lot of
guests, I like joy and noise. Some of my friends sometimes say that I'm too
noisy. But such I am, nothing more and nothing less. You have only to accept
me, as I am. I'm looking forward your next letter. You can ask me everything you
want. It would be a real pleasure for me to answer you. Hope to hear form you
soon. Take care. Sincerely, Katya. P.S. My address is: Bugayova Ekaterina
Covetskaya Street 4/47 Lugansk 91000, Ukraine
Dear Sir, Unfortunately we can not transfer the letter from Bugayova Ekaterina to
you, because the correspondence is not paid. Let us inform you about the way of
payment for your correspondence. Your first two letters are free, and then they
should be paid for. For additional information please, apply to our agency staff.
I'd like to tell you thet the girls come to the agency and ask us to
advertise them in several foreign agencies,we do so. The idea with "two free letters" was a good
decision of our psychologist,because it helps people to understand each other
and figure out if they are compatible and wish to continue corresonding . As you
might know,in a bunch of agencies the corresondence should be paid at
once,even though you don't know the person you intend to write .
We hope to continue our cooperation. We are at your service 5 days a week without breaks
and be glad to provide you with all the necessary help and information.
Best regards, Tatyana Patzaul post manager mail to :
Dear Sir! Your letter has been printed, translated and delievered to Bugayova
Ekaterina. We are at your service. We'll be glad to provide you with all the
necessary help and information. Best regards, Tatyana Patzaul
post manager mail to :
Maximova (Tula, Russia)
Hello, I am a single man, 37 years old and work full time.
I had an old profile that I filled out on for the personals there, and elena, (or that's what she told
me her name was) and I started writing back and fourth, it was nice talking to her
at first and then she started to talk about money and visa's. Now don't get me
wrong at first I was like, hmm sounds interesting, and then I guess that the logical
side of me kicked in and started reading the letters on your site. Well, to my
suprise under the scammers I found a woman named elena, who had written the
exact same letter that I got (number 7) to someone else. she sent me 2 letters
here's the first 2
Greetings! I am interested in yours profile. I would like to get acquainted with you
more close. I to want to find the man of the dream. Such person which is
necessary for me would understand Me also would love. I would like get
acquainted with the person which may to estimate My love, tenderness and care.
I to want find such person which might to me To offer a helping hand in any
situation. If you are interested in me, you You may write to me on my electronic
address: I hope that you to write to me soon the letter
and to tell about yourself. I hope for yours Understanding. I shall wait for your
letter soon. Write to me. Yours faithfully Elena.
Hi!!!. I very much to become interested in your structure. I would like to get
acquainted with the man, who could estimate my care , tenderness and love. I
would like, that he was kind, responsible, capable to stretch a hand of the help in
any problems. If you to hear me and to understand me that you can write to me
on only mine e-mail: In my turn I shall try be the offer,
loving, devoted ,responsible woman
here's the 7th letter (exactly like another on
your site no less)
Greetings my love, Mark. I have received from you the letter and
life for me was filled with sense. I begin To understand that my life I was not
meaningful without you because I love you, Spoke with mum about that that
probably I shall leave to America, she(it) only Were glad for me, mother blessed
me, she(it) thinks that it and there is I Happiness. Today I all day thought only of you, about that as we
with you Let's meet. I represented it to yourself as you meet me at the airport as
we We search each other eyes, we find and we rush in embraces each other. I
have learned(found out) about cost of the visa, she(it)costs(stands) 350 dollars. To
me about it was told by mine The girlfriend, she(it) works in a travel company.
Today fine summer day, but me it is sad because we with you so Far apart.
Between us huge ocean, but in the ideas I itself. I To love you and for ever in your
ideas. For ever yours Elena. My home address300600 RussiaCity of TulaLenins
prospect 24-3Maximova
Here's all the pictures that I have of her
I'm glad your site is helping people like me be informed, god knows what I would
have done if this had kept going on. Thank you Mark
Scheglova (Cheboksary, Russia)
Elena Scheglova
Kadykova Street. 36 ap.130 Cheboksary,Russia 428000
I am Andrew Harman a retired military person that has 7 year old daughter. I
have not been looking for a date although when the scammer started writing
out of the blue it was very pleasant. She never ask for money for months.
I even accused her of scamming and she was affended and made me feel so wrong.
I put my trust in this women. After 6 months me and my baby Amber were being
ordered to an other area for work and I ask her to come i gave her with out
regret 100 through western union which she said that she had internet bills
and it was a blessing to get the money, She also said she was going to get
her passport which i guess she did not because then she told me that the
airline ticket was only 520. which seem way low after checking and the
prices were in the 1000's to make a long story short because to tell you the
truth after she started calling me and then give me the flight numbers and
all to Denver I was convinced she was real. I was at the airport waiting she
never arrived. I never regretted losing the 1300 and would have been more
although only that she never said thankyou or get lost or anything at the
end. She wrote to me everyday for 6 months it just was wrong after hiring an
investigator i found no one at the address with this name and no one home at
this address and no one registered to this name in cheboksary.
July 26 2002 3:40am
Hello Andrew, I again have come in Internet-Caffe and likely last time.
I hardly hardly have escaped from my friends and girlfriends. All my
girlfriends Envy me because I have found such remarkable man As YOU!!!!! I love you very much. I
want faster to embrace you. Likely when You will meet me in the airport I to cry
with happiness. At me already There are tears of pleasure on eyes. I can not trust
in that that already In 3 days I shall be in America in your embraces. I love you
very much. I believe in our happy future. I want you very much. I want to engage
sex With you I want to caress your body to kiss your lips, neck, breast, stomach
I shall be lowered all below and below and mmmmmmm I want it very much.
NowI can is open to speak you that each night I dreamed of sex with you.
I to wake up at the night all damp and exited. I want suck your cock, I want suck out him up to
last drop. I shall deliver to you sooooooo more Pleasure I want that you have
departed highly to the sky to a star from pleasure. I want you very much. I want
.......................... And all this I shall feel in three days.
I love you. When you will meet me search for a light-blue silk scarf. It will be I. Still I in hands will have large
black bag with my things and By your gift. I shall give you a gift which you have
no in America. Now I shall finish the letter. Likely I can not write to you in a near
future any more Because I shall be astir. If I shall have time that I shall write from
Moscow. But if I shall not have time to write To you that do not take offence and
do not feel anxiety it means that I already sit in the plane And fly to you on wings
love. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For ever yours Lena
Hello Andrew, Hi my favourite husband.
I am glad to receive your letter as always. I love you very much and soon very soon all my dreams will real.
I dreamed of our meeting already a lot of time and now it will be Wou !!!!!!!!!! I love you very much.
Today I visit my relatives and The friends. We have carried out good time together.
I have written down many addresses All friends also I shall write to them of the
letter. Today we with the mum have made the application On the telephone and
us have told that will lead the telephone only in 5 days. I leave to my mum your
address and telephone and when to us in an apartment Will establish the
telephone the mum will call to you or already to us. I have learned
The mum to some English offers and I think that you can To understand that she wants.Wou!!!!!!! 2 days up to my start. I love you very much.
Now I have not enough time I shall write to you today in evening. I love you.
For ever yours Lena
july 25 2002
Hello Andrew, Today I very long spoke with my mum concerning you and mine
trip To you. I shall tell to you honourly that my mum very strongly worries. I
sole The child in family and mum very much worries about me. Earlier mum easily
concerned to this And now when there were 3 days she very much worries.
I love you Also I want as soon as possible to get in your embraces. But my mum very
much worries from for me because I For the first time leave from her very much far
and can be For ever. I love you and I want to be your wife. If You agree to marry
me that I shall stay with you for ever. I very much want that it happened.
My mum strongly is anxious. She wants that we could Frequently to talk on the phone, but
we have no the telephone In the house. I shall worry for the mum too and too I
want to her to call. When I shall be in USA I shall feel quietly If I shall know that
with my mum all well. Earlier we with the mum Could not establish the telephone
in our apartment because it costs Very dearly for us but now I feel that the
telephone is very necessary. The installation the telephone costs 9500 roubles
approximately = $ 317. I have still a little money from that that you have sent me
but them strongly not enough for the telephone. My mum urgently asks you that
you have helped to establish to us The telephone. It is last request for our family.
The telephone will be very necessary To us with you and my mum. I very much
ask you help to establish the telephone to us In the house and my mum will be
quiet. She can speak with you and me at any time. I worry behind the mum too. I
want even once in one week to call to her. My mum and I very much we ask you
about it. Please. It is last entreaty. I love you and always I think of you.
For ever yours Lena.
july 25 2002
Hello Andrew my Love !!!!!!!!!! I hour back have arrived back in Cheboksary and at
once has gone in Internet-Caffe To write to you joyful news. Today I have received
money Also has bought the tickets. I take off from Moscow of July 28. Wou
!!!!!!!!!!! In 3 days I can To embrace you and to kiss long long while your person my
lip lipstick will not become covered. To me will be reached to fly from 2 changes:
Moscow - Los Angeles: Date a start: 1225 - July 28 Date of arrival:1415 -
July 28 Aeroflot 0321 Los Angeles - Denver : Date a start: 1737 - July 28 Date of arrival:
2100 - July 28 Alaska Airlines Inc 1895 I love you very much very much. I want
to be your wife once and for all. I want to see you Soon is very speed. I can not
wait our meeting. I love you very much. I yours for ever!!!!! I very much missed
without the mum. She was very glad that I have arrived. My mum very much
worried From behind my long absence. But now I have calmed her. I love the mum
as well as you. I very much miss without you. Today I have invited all friends on
farewell evening. Tomorrow all my friends will be going together
In my apartment and we shall mark my departure in USA. Excuse that I could not write to you
earlier. As soon as I have bought the ticket I at once has paid Behind the hotel
also has gone on road service station. I have arrived home by the bus because it
much more Faster than in a train. Wou!!! Now I at home with the mum again.
I love you more than my life I is ready to make all for the sake of you.
Soon we shall together Also we shall be together always. I very much love you!!! I very
much miss without you. I feel myself by the most proud woman in our city. All my
girlfriends Envy me. I shall write to them the letters. we sat with the mum twenty
minutes together and talked all day about us to you. I am very happy, but
My mum is very disturbing for me. I told to the mum that you the most good
man In the world also that I shall be very happy with you. I love you!!!!!!!
Soon I shall tell to you all about Russia. You will know about Russia all. I
shall know all About USA. I am happy!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!! I shall write to you tomorrow.
Your wife Elena
july 24 2002
Hi my love. I am glad to receive your letter. Your letters sole that
Consoles me today. I could not receive today passport Back. Me have told that my visa passes
final registration And I can receive the passport later. And I could not receive
money today. We with Alexander have paid half of cost for my ticket that it could
not To buy other people. Today I again have sent the telegram to the mum about
that that she did not worry Also that with me all is good. I already long time am in
Moscow and my mum likely Very much worries. Today at us is very hot. In the
sky there was no cloud. Approximately 30 degrees. Today I went in a wax
museum. It was pleasant very much to me. There were submitted It is a lot of the
famous Russian people: the leaders, presidents, film actors etc.......
All of them were in complete size and looked as present. I very much miss without you. All
my ideas only about you and about our happy future. I love you very strongly. For
me the life without you became intolerable. I think of you Constantly. You pass to
me each night in mine dream. I love you more and more and more. Likely if who
be has told that I could not see you I has died. YOU are my life. Now to me very
much does not suffice yours presence here Near to me. I want to nestle on you
and to not release you never. I love you very much. But soon I am very speed I
can to make a reality my dream I love you very much. For ever your wife Elena,
july 23 2002
Hi my favourite husband Andrew. I love you very much. At the given moment I
miss without you very much. But is soon very soon we shall together. Today I am
very tired. I all the day have carried out in embassy. I signed various papers and
documents. Was very much It is a lot of questions down to mine the biography
and biography mine The relatives. I did not think that all so difficultly but glory to
the god All behind. At me all is good. I receive the visa of July 27. I could not
receive money today because my passport was in embassy Together with my
documents. I shall receive them tomorrow and at once after that I shall buy the
ticket.We went with Alexander in the airport and reservation mine the tickets.
Now it is possible are not afraid of that That the tickets can will be finished. I shall
have the tickets 100 %. Dear mine Andy I love you very much. I think of you 25hours per day. Soon
I can embrace you and Amber my daughter. Andrew YOU my most favourite man
in the world. I can not live without you. YOU and I and Amber we shall be
very happy together. I very strongly love you. I dream of day when I to be lowered about a gangway of the plane and
I shall see you. Mmmmmmm At this momentI shall feel the happiest woman in the world.
I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!! I can not live without you. Tomorrow I shall write to you
flight of my plane. Your wife Elena Harman.
july 22 2002
Hello Andrew, I have received your letter very short.
I love you very strongly. I want to become âàùåé the wife and I shall be to
her. Why you do not write to me??? I love you very much mine lovely. I never lie to you. All my words sincere.
The tickets really cost so dearly up to Denver. Also it is necessary to buy two tickets
because under my visa It is impossible to buy a single ticket. The American
government Is afraid of that that many people from Russia go in America and
remain There. Therefore they have entered such rule. Write to me the letter
please. I love you very much. Your future wife Elena Harman.
I would have given anything for her to have been for real.
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