Gausheva (Saransk, Russia)
I am a white male from the USA and would like to report to you about a scammer that has
been reported before by the name of Svetlana Gausheva is at it again. She has a profile posted
at matchdoctor under the profile name of "HELPMESOSSOS" and lives in Moscow, Russia.
She is now using different photos from what she originally used but she still is using the same
scenario of being a poor Russian girl who is a virgin and is requesting money to be sent to her
by Western Union for her internet connection. You can see a previous report on her at
Her previous mailing address was: Svetlana Gausheva,Tereshkovoy 2-10, Saransk, Russia
430016 Her e-mail address is
I have written to matchdoctor several times to have her profile removed and yet it still remains
there for some unknown reason. I have even sent them a copy of the letter that she has written
to me and still they have done nothing! They are not very good at removing any of the many
scammer profiles that I have reported to them (around 20 total). Please beware of this scammer
and you can see her letter below. Sincerely, S.H. (SCAM HUNTER)
Dear XXXXXXX! I will be happy to know you more.
I see that you are very interesting man. But i have not money for internet connection.
I want to ask you to help me with money for internet connection. Because i am a student.
I still to be virgin for my one man, which will be my husband. Please, written to me and send me money for internet connection - i am writing to
you from internet cafe. My details for Western Union money transfer: Svetlana Gausheva
Russia Saransk (town) 430016 (postal code) I want to know you more! Who knows, may be
you are my distiny??? Waiting your fast reply Kisses and love Yours forever
Tatiana Akinshina and possibly Quest Agency and Manager- Irina Knyaseva
I would like to report to you about a scammer named Tatiana Akinshina and also
her agency named Quest Agency. She is in fact real and her information is:
Tatiana Akinshina, Zarechny Kvartal 9/50, Lugansk, Ukraine. DOB Jan. 4th,
1982. No phone number except the Quest Agency phone 380-642-344029. E-mail
address is has profiles listed at Adultsingles
as Tatiana (#ID D696219 and also at Matchdoctor as Tanyusha_a and probable
many others that I am not aware of at this time. The manager of this agency is
Mrs.Irina Knyazeva.From other stories I have read about this agency, it appears
that they are very clever and have scammed several people and will continue to
do so. (SEE REPORTS ABOUT QUEST AGENCY): Their girls are real, very
beautiful and quite sexy and make very good scammers. They are excellent at
what they do best and that is scamming people. They do not do the normal type
of scam of getting you to send them money for visas, airline tickets, and
passports. I believe instead they slowly milk their victims over time with the cost
of their letters, gifts, translations and what ever they may deem necessary. The
reason why I say this about Tatiana is that she was so crazy about me until she
realized that she would not be getting me to send her any money for her letters ( I
offered her a solution to her money woes and to use another translation agency
for her letters to me and she wanted nothing to do with this (LOL). Once she
realized the gig was up, it was time to move on to her next victim where shecould
"bear the fruits of her labor" so to speak.
Just a word of caution to anyone crazy enough to send money by Western Union
or any other way to someone with which you have not even me, "DO NOT DO IT"!
Instead, alwaysget the ladies address and full name and use another outside
agency that you can trustto send and translate your letter for you and your lady.
This will always show you if she is really interested in you or her bank account. If
she makes up excuses as to why she wants to use only her agency and does
not want to use any other outside agency, move on, as she is not really
interested in you at all.This is an excellent way to see her true motives and
colors. Any sincere lady who is truly interested in you would not really care how
she is able to send and receive her letters if she does in fact have financial
hardships. If you are willing to be generousand help to pay for the letters, she
should in fact be grateful. Please read the following letters from Tatiana Akinshina
which will show her true motives and why I believe that she is indeed a scammer
and works hand in hand with her Quest Agency to scam innocent victims.
Sincerely, XXXXXX
Dearest XXXX, Thanks for your perfectly lovely letter. What I especially liked
about was that I felt that it was not "serial". I got so many letters from
different people, but most of them were "serial" not addressed specifically to me. which
was a bit annoying. Anyhow, thanks God I came across a normal letter. OK, I will
start this letter with saying that I do not speak English. And sorry that I did not
mention it before,in fact I should have mentioned it at the very beginning. The
weakest point with me is that I hardly speak any English at the moment, so I am
forced to correspond with you through the agency. This is translation and Internet
agency, so please do not be worried about that, OK? But I myself feel that I am
restricted to one language only whilst the rest of the world communicates freely
in English. Hope you'll be patient here. Yes, completely in agreement, meeting in
person will decide whether there is chemistry between us or not, but can I
suggest here that we should start knowing each other through letters, which
could also be good way of making friends. At least I heard so many stories about
people meeting each other on Internet and later making good couple. And I am
willing to give it a try myself. Well, in the long run, you never know... Perhaps this
will give us both a chance... And thanks for the compliments about my figure.
Yes, I try to stay in shape. I used to be in gymnastics and ballet, I quit it later,
but old habits and healthy food ration are still there - with me. Yes, I also
adore sea, unfortunately I was there only once - it was Black sea coast. Needless to
say that I could not afford travelling that much. Yes, you were right in guessing
that I put a lot of thought into moving to another country as my own country is in
complete mess at the moment. You can be a hero to stay here, but about my
children? I do not want them to repeat this miserable life. I take marriage
perhaps too seriously and think about my children. What do I make of Americans? I think
people are the same everywhere, you can come across different people. But I
think you are more fun, men are more hardworking, and women are more career-focused. I hope I do not offend
you here. I think the women from our part of the world are usually traditional and believe in the commitment of marriage. I do
not know. perhaps these are all tired pre-conceptions, correct me if I am wrong.
OK, my postal address, I have to tell you that this is the first time I give my
address to a stranger, please understand, as I have said before, I got so many
stupid letters. Hopefully my intuition will not let me down here. My address:
Ukraine, Lugansk, Zarechny kvartal, 9 / 50. My birthday is January, 04, 1982. I
am Akinshina Tatiana, a student, living in Lugansk, writing all the letters myself.
And I am real... and serious... Hope just like you are. Yours, Tatiana
Dear XXXX, What can I say here? Words are not enough!!! I could not a vague
idea about the reason you asked my address! Incredible! Nobody has ever
treated me like that! Thanks a lot. You gave me wonderful minutes of utmost happiness.
You know I should tell you the truth here. When I read your first letter, I said to
myself "another guy who would disappear". I was not at least sure that we will
have such a wonderful beginning!!! You seem to know your way with women.
But you know before we go any further I feel I need to tell you something. And sorry
that I did not mention it before, in fact I should have mentioned it at the very
beginning. The weakest point with me is that I hardly speak any English at the
moment, so I am forced to correspond with you through the agency. This is
translation and Internet agency, so please do not be worried about that, OK?
That's why I can not write as much as I want to. Sorry for that. I need to earn
some extra cash and only then can afford to write a letter. So my apologies for
the delay. And something more... I need to you if language barrier could
be kind of an obstacle for you. I personally do not see it like this, but it's important that
you would be of the same opinion. OK, I will finish now, And I will be seriously
waiting for your reply, Love, Tatiana
hello dear XXXXX! Here I am again , your Tatiana, I hope I can call myself so ?
But I am sure that it is much better to trust a person and be intimate
with the one who is not different to you. I do not know why i felt so
much attached to you . Maybe your attentiveness, or your gallantry ? I can not explain to myself why i
want to write to you so much . I do not know what a magic flower you have
thrown to me, I have definitely caught it ! Thanks for all your compliments , I am
very glad to get them . XXXX there is a problem I do not have a home phone
number , that is why we can only talk at the Internet office here is the
number 380 642 344 029 , there is a time difference between our countries so please
think what is the best time for you to call and I will be there to talk to you. One
more thing is the date and the time, I am open to any suggestions . OK, a few
lines about myself. I am 20, still the age that forces you to look at life through
pink glasses. I desperately wish everybody is a little bit kinder in treating others,
really well meaning. That would make this world friendlier and closer and change
it for better. I wish I can find a guy, who would really need and care about me,
whom I would pay off all his efforts in return, who would become my real
soul mate in everything we would do. I am a student now, but already think about my
future. Try to learn hard, read more, get more knowledge so as to perceive life
objectively. All my life and family values originate from the way I was raised by
my parents. Now I live with my mom, dad and younger sister. I try to keep fit - do
a lot of swimming and gymnastics. It helps me to be in good shape apart from
fun that I get out of it. I think i have a very special dream - at least my close friends
say that - to make good money and to set up an orphanage for little kids. I
presume charity, friendliness and understanding - all the things that would always
be returned in a twice as much degree to you. What else... I wish one day I
would plunge myself into world-wide journey - would see new sceneries, new
cultures, new people. I love fun, love to entertain others and be entertained. I think
i am always good natured, i like to smile and see smiles in return. I love to meet
new people as it's always a chance to learn something new. I would be happy if
you tell me anything that is new to me. At least you seemed to be an interesting
personality and I am really looking forward to talking to you more. I would be
happy if we both find out that there are a lot of things that are common between
us. But this is a real challenge, isn't it - I mean to investigate, compare and
imagine things. Anyhow, I am looking for such a guy, who would have capacities
for doing that, would wold be able to offer me an interesting, full and meaningful
life. Please, understand, I am not the type of girl who awaits for everything to be
handed over to her on a silver platter. I am also committed to contributing so
much to my future relationships, i think it's just the case of finding the right guy.
OK, that's all for now, Fond wishes, Tanyusha P.S. I send you my picture,and as
for the theatre , I am not sure that I understand everything till the end ,perhaps TV
is closer to me , but I hope you will ask me out to the theatre and we will discuss
all the plays together , OK?
4th Letter:
Hello,my XXXX! I was very glad to hear from you. You are very special for me. I
feel your soul deep inside, understand? At once we found tendency to each
other. I am always thinking about you. You didn't tell me nothing
about telephone conversation. Do you want to speak with me? The translator
could help us to speak in agency. Simply I want to hear your voice. I want to get closer you to my
family. I send you my photo with my sister. Do you have photo of your family?
Please, write more about your family. Do you have any family traditions? I want to
know more about your habits. I want to know every little thing about you. I want
to feel your mood, support and love you. I thought a lot about theatre. I never
thought about it early. The theatre - it's more, than cinema. Theatre - is real life. I
saw a wonderful theatre from saint-Petersburg "Yunona and Avos". How I wish
to go there with you. I like to know something new in this big world. I think, I can be
with you,I want to surprise you every day. I can be only one for you. I'll be
everything for you: mysterious and only. You'll never stop to love me.
I am waiting for your answer,my Michael. I want to hear word: "yes". I send you my tender
kiss with smell of morning dew and exotic fruits, morning cool and light wind. It's
the most tender, because especially for you. I miss you. Yours Tatyana
5th Letter:
Hi,dear XXXXX! I'll waiting impatiently, when you back. I wish you success in
casino. I see, that you have no mood to speak with me now. Because your
letters are not the same as they were before. But its okay, I understand...Maybe
you need some time to be alone? Bye, Tatyana.
Hi,my dear XXXXXX! Didn't you come anywhere? Are you waiting for me? I also
want to win in casino. Do you have empty suitcase for me? I am so glad, that you
don't feel lonely now. Step be step we'll know each other better. Dear XXXX, I am
asking you to help me. I want to be sincere with you. If you really want to
continue our correspondence, please help me a bit to pay our correspondence?
My income is very poor and I hardly pay for our letters. Hope, you'll understand
my situation. Please, help me, I like you and want to continue our correspondence further.
I don't want to lose you because of money. I already have dew 35$. If you really can, please help me.
Please write me sooner. You can know all details from my manager in Agency. Because I cannot afford it myself
anymore. I am waiting impatiently. Yours, Tatyana.
hello XXXXXX! At last you are back ! I hope that you won all the money there and
you are fine!:) As for me I have bought a suitcase , you know why ?When we
meet you will take me with you . Do you think it will not be a very heavy
luggage for you to carry ?:0 To be serious I missed your letters very much they helped me
feel better and now I feel a little bit exhausted ,count days till the
end of the studding year , I have a month and a half left . Nothing has changed here , I would
love to hear more about your trip , how are you , , what are the news ? I think that
the things that happened to you are more interesting than my life. I miss you very
much here ,but now I have the opportunity to be with you again and I am very
happy. Won't you leave me again? I do not want to miss you , and feel lonely
again, Kiss you , Tatiana.
8th LETTER:(I sent her a registered letter directly to her home where she had to sign for it. I explained to her that I would help her for the total costs of her letters and that we would now use a letter forwarding agency that I had an account with which had already been paid for and had plenty of money in it to use. I would pay for everything and her only cost would be the cost of a postage stamp ( I think she can afford a postage stamp. I also told her that if she wished, she could still use e e-mail and send her letters in Russian to this agency and they would translate and send them in English directly to me by E-mail. This way, she only had to pay for a short time at the internet cafe which would cost her very little (May be $1 U.S. Dollar for an hour probably if that)
Hi dear ! I am glad that you are a very caring person and want the
best for us, but how do you see our communication through the agency in XXXX, I will have to
send them letters and pay for the Internet access any way , you do not trust me
at all, how can we continue our relations, bye Tanusha.
9th and FINAL LETTER ! (I again explained to her it would not cost her any
money to use the letter translation agency and it she was really serious that it
did not matter how we sent each other letters as long as we still could send
them. See her response below):
hello XXXXX ! I am very tired of this and want nothing, just do not want to
continue quarreling with you about some unexciting thing, bye dear .
Dear Sir, Please, accept my apologies, I am writing to you on behalf of our client.
She uses our agency services for accessing Internet and getting letters
translated. My name is Irina Knyazeva, I am the manager of the internet office
"Quest Way". We will be glad to offer you the e-mail and English-Russian
translation services. Our agency offers the translation services in 7 languages,
you can learn more about our services from our web site
Currently Ukrainian economy is in decline so our women prefer to look for a
family partner abroad as the men there are more reliable and serious in their
intentions. We do our best to help people to find a partner through internet and
we also help with the translation of the correspondence as letters are very
important at the beginning of any relationship. As far as I have understood, you
are interested in this particular type of service. In accordance with company
standards translation fee for one letter is 5 USD, but we can also offer a
monthly fee, which is 100 USD and which means we translate all your letters, sent within
this month, ASAP. Besides, if you are not interested in our services you can buy
the home address and the home telephone number of the girl you are interested
in. Home address-10 USD, home telephone number-10 USD. We sincerely hope
that you will be satisfied with our service. Please contact me without any
hesitation, if I you will need my help. You can get in touch with us by Our phone number is: +38 0642 344029 Best
regards, Mrs. Irina Knyazeva, manager
Tatiana Pulaeva
(Lugansk, Ukraine) Tatiana Zubova from Alishia Agency
I am a white male from the USA and I would like to report to you about a
SCAMMER named Tatiana Pulaeva from Lugansk and also her agency Alishia
and the director Tatiana Zubova. Tatiana, if she exists at all would not give me any
personal information about her and did not answer any of my questions that I
asked of her at all in her letters. She has a profile posted at Matchdoctor as
Tatiana69 and supposedly is 27 years old and has an e-mail address of . This agency is trying me to get to send Tatiana $150 to
her for our correspondence so that we can continue to write letters to one
another. The reason she and this agency are a total scam is that I have seen
other reports about this agency and also just saw Tatiana's photo listed as a
scammer (see report at . Please
add her and her agency to your scam list. She has since removed her photo from
her profile which seems to be a new ploy used by scammers. I believe they do
this so that they will not get exposed so easily, as they have already gotten their
initial 4 to 5 hundred letters to start with to try and scam their victims. I have seen
a lot more of this lately whereby the women all of a sudden removes her photo but
not her profile and it seems as most of these women are scammers for some
reason. Sincerely, S.H. ( Scam Hunter )
Thank you for your letter. Unfortunately Tatiana can't answer because
your account is over. We have to inform you that you may send money directly to
Tatiana for your correspondence and if you have any questions you may ask
Tatiana about it in your letters. Your lady's name is Tatiana Pulaeva. If you want
to have an unlimited correspondence with Tatiana you should pay $150 per
month. If it's not suitable for you we inform you that the translation of one letter
costs $5 and one picture costs $2. Translation of telephone conversation cost
$5 per 10 min. If you are interested in our gift services we can send you
the information. Sincerely Yours, "Alishia"
We are the firm which provides Tatiana P. with the access to Internet computer
and interpreter. Unfortunately her account is over and she can not reply to your
letter. If you are interested we can send you information concerning our service
and payment. We hope for our future cooperation. Sincerely Yours Director
"ALISHIA" Tatiana Zubova.
Thanks for your letter. I feel you have a very good heart and
will make your woman very happy. My friends say that I am very warm and affectionate, I am very doting
and once I fall in love I will give everything I have to make the other person be on
top of the world. I am very romantic, love candle light dinners,
cuddling and care of each other. The only thing I hate about people is when they lie, are not honest
and play games. I am very simple in my thoughts, love to meet people, I am very
trusting, have had some bad experiences but most of the time I end
up meeting people who are nice, I love my work, I think it is very interesting it makes me
meet a lot of different people, I think people are so different but they are the same
in a lot of ways and if you have an open mind and are not critical, you can
get along very well with people from different cultures. I am looking for a long lasting
relationship, one in which there are little children who will bring joy to our lives,
some dogs (I love dogs), a lovely house and a lovely caring loving husband who
will be my best friend, my lover, my companion, with whom I will be able
to share all my laughs and sorrows, with whom I can confide in and
also he can do the same. I want to build a relationship, where we can be soulmates and life is
one continuos holiday, where everyday will bring joy to our lives, where we can
raise nice family, children who are loved all them time, hopefully I can build this
lovely relationship with a such a nice person like you, they say pictures do
not say much but I think they do. I will be eagerly waiting for your response. Take
care of yourself and write back soon. Hope to hear from you soon Tanya
If You interesting in me please use this address to write me
Hello It is so nice to received your letter. I think that you are an interesting
person. I also would like to have your photo. Can you send me one? I am
attaching a picture of mine (hope you like it). I am interested in getting to know
you better, and I will tell you anything you would like to know about me,
all you have to do is ask:-) I know it can be difficult learning about someone through
letters, being far away, and I believe that love can conquer all, so a few thousand
kilometers cannot stand in it's way. What would you like to know about
me? I am from Lugansk, not very big Ukrainian city. I am 27, my birthday is November 7. I
work as a secretary at the university. I enjoy movies and theatre, I love to swim
and go to gym. I also enjoy reading, I enjoy foreign literature in Russian
(I don't know English well and have to use a translator service now) I teach myself many
things, and lately I have been trying to teach myself to speak English. It is very
interesting for me, and I enjoy it although I don't think I'm very good... perhaps I
need a tutor:-) I listen to all kinds of music, I like many kinds Pop, Rock, Classic
and I love to dance. I don't go to many clubs, but sometimes my friends and I get
together and we all go dancing. I have a good sense of humor, after all if we can't
have a little fun in our lives what good would that be? I have dreams about finding
my soul mate, and sharing with him everything in my life. I would like to read of
your dreams, and to know a little of what you want in life. Maybe, we have much
in common, I think, and our dreams are the same. Well, I feel that I am going on
and on, so perhaps I shall end for now. I look forward to your reply, I hope this
letter finds you in good health, and that you stay warm and safe. With my best
wishes, Tanya

Ershova (Kiev, Ukraine)
My name is Ty Bush and I am ashamed to say that Tatyana Ershova scamed me
out of about $1200 dollars In money I sent her and phone bills calling her.
She told me she just fineshed coluage and was going to be a translater . She
convenced me that she realy caired for me and if I would help her get the money
she would fly to me .After I sent her $500 she wrote me and she needed $500
more to get threw customs .when I told her that I could not com up with that she
said that her mom had browed all but $150 of it and asked me to send her the
rest and like a fool I did .I thought about turning her in to the red police but instead
I think I will find her in person .If any one can help me with a adress it would be
greatly aprecaited .The adress I have is * Budnova str apt 33 kiev Ukraine post
code 03040 . I will be going there in a few weaks to find her any help would be
aprecaited .
Thanks SGT Ty L Bush US army air born
email me at
It all started out by Tatyana emailing me from a service that I signed up
for over 2 years ago and completely forgot about. Here is the first message
that she sent me, which matches up quite well to those on page #110 dated
July 2002: Tatyana121 wrote:
" hello :) my name Tatyana. i like you profile and you photo nice. are you
still look for partner? i live ukraine. i would love come US meet nice man.
i prefer mature man so hope you not mind age difference. i more like man
with more life experience. i 25 but very mature my age. i not like past
experience from more young man. too many play game. i seek serious relation and want meet partner in
real, not only pen pal. so if interest me, please reply and i send you photo and
reply. Tatyana, "
I wrote back to here in the following message:
Hello Tatyana, Thank you for the pictures, you are a very beautiful woman.
Where you live does not bother me. I was just curious about where in the
Ukraine you reside. It always interests me about where people live and the
culture of different places. For me, I live in Colorado, just a couple of
miles from the mountains. The season here is turning to fall and it makes
the mountains very beautiful this time of year. It is still warm enough yet
that I can enjoy a good outing to the mountains. Thus it is important to me
that no matter where you are that you make the most of your surroundings and
to enjoy them for what they have to offer. It is a wonderful dream that you have to meet the person of your
dreams via the Internet. I have to admire your sense of adventure in moving to
another country possibly for the right person. That is something that would scare
me to death because of the new environment and my family so far away and not
knowing very many people there, although I did it when I moved to Colorado.
I have to agree with you about looking into someone's eyes and knowing what
is in their heart. The eyes are truly the windows to someone's soul and plus
you can tell a lot about a person from just looking into their eyes. Have a wonderful day.
Then she replies:
Hello Guy! :) thank you for you reply :) i live Ukraine. i hope this ok. i
very happy you reply me. :)) yes i prefer mature man because they wise and
more serious about life and family. this important to me. I speak and write English pretty good,
but not perfect. I learning very fast. I do not have a computer at home and can not
click to hyperlink either. :( I register with agency to send and receive e-mail when
need . When I not able to reply quickly, this is problem. It cost some to send for
email in ukraine. Please not worry about I forget to you ok. :)
I am look for a sincere relationship. Men my country are most time drunken
or do not want make commitment and to have family. I only 25 year, but I
very mature and I learn most about home and family value from parents. i
have for one brother. I would like to start a new life and have family of own. I speak to my
parents and they wish best for me, but my dad don't believe possible sometime. He think I silly to find
happiness on internet. He think no man in other country will send for me and that
man only to play internet. This not stopped me. I register with agency that can
make for my documents, visa, tickets, etc. This my dream! :) I told my father of
what I planning, and costs, and he cannot afford for costs. Agency can make for
me visa and plane fair under special program for students. It called foreign student
exchange. I would be allowed into foreign country for 3 months. If I become
married or obtaine work visa, I could stay longer or stay for always. I don't want to
scare you away with marriage of course. :) But I want to be sincere and
honest with you of what I want in life, and hopefully, we match. I think i
need only look in you eyes once, and I think then I know for sure about
heart :~). If I to arrive and it not work for us, I atleast make chance meet
you and try make a life with you once. I would really like to meet partner
in other country. I have friend who put ad like my ad and meet for her
soulmate. She then fly to other country to meet her partner. They become
married and plan for family together. They live California. I would love for
this to happen me too. :) I am very dedicate, honest and treat partner with
great sincerity. I hope that you sincere to meet because I would love to meet person who has
sincere heart also. If you are sincere with meeting and want woman with good
value and respect to you, and to know place as woman, maybe you reply to me
again, and that we meet possibly. I don't have any doubts or hesitation
about my choice to make this step in life. I know this what I want. And if
could, I would leave today to meet my partner and i not be scared this
chance take. :~) I ask if you interest me, that you not to write for other
girl. I not jealous, but I give all my heart and effort to decision and want
same from partner who interest me. I am client at agency that can help me with leave Ukraine to
meet partner. my cousin also work this agency and am wait for hope to meet my
soulmate and leave very soon. Once my account pay, I can leave less 2 weeks.
So you see how to serious I am I hope. :~) Where exact you live and exact work
you to do? send to me you telephone and i can to call you. I do not have phone,
but I may have chance to use friend's phone or call box if you sincere want to
meet. I have chance call you in my next day i think. Love Tatyana, not forget send
you telephone... i look forward speak you :) But I did not give her my telephone
number and she abruptly cut it off from there. I have your web-site to thank and all
the previous respondents to thank to being taken. Thank you very much for your
web-site. Guy
Hi, I was browsing through your website and couldn't believe that I saw
"Yulya" on the scam list. My name is Tim from New Jersey, US and I met
Yulya when I was on She contacted me with this email:
Hi!!!. I very much to become interested in your structure. I would
like to get acquainted with the man, who could estimate my care , tenderness and love. I
would like, that he was kind, responsible, capable to stretch a hand of the help in
any problems. If you to hear me and to understand me that you can write
to me on mine e-mail: In my turn I shall try be the offer, loving,
devoted , responsible woman. Click the following link to view the sender's profile:
After a few emails, we got along very well, and I really liked her. I
became suspicious when after only a few emails she kept telling me how
she loved me, and how she wanted to go to bed with me REAL BADLY. Then,
she wanted me to send her money for a visa. Supposedly, she had an "uncle" who worked at an
airport who could have gotten her a ticket to America. I think she wanted $300 via
Western Union. I stopped emailing her after that because I knew something was
wrong, and she (thank God) never responded. Here was the email before the visa
request (I deleted the visa message; actually, all of these are from the messages I
sent, the originals in the inbox were deleted):
Greetings my love Tim . I did not fly to Vladivostok, but tomorrow I
shall try to call in the American embassy and to learn (find out) about cost of the
visa. Still I shall call mine to the uncle which works at the international
airport in Vladivostok, it (he) the pilot and it (he) can learn (find out) how
many there is a ticket aboard the plane. I try to learn (find out) as much as
possible about that how to arrive (fly) to you and to meet you, I do not have
not enough patience to wait for this light moment in our life, I want to meet you
more soon to jump to you on a neck, to kiss on the mouth you in, to look to you
in eyes and to tell you I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! When you far I feel lonely, you are
necessary for me. Ideas about our fast meeting heat to me soul, they support me
when at me bad mood, and do (make) me happy. My girlfriends too have noticed that
I began to look happier and cheerful, they speak that too would like to leave
for America, but they already have which boys they like. I am happy that I
have you.I have written a poem for you:
We'll take a walk together
near the ocean shore,
and I'll kiss your naked body
as you cry with tears of joy...
While I hold you close to me
and keep you from the cold,
we'll whispher to each other
little secrets left untold...
Your busom so inviting
as I beg for your embrace,
it's warmth is so exciting
while tears of pleasure run my face...
And as you lay upon me
I can look into your eyes,
like a gateway into heaven
as the moon begins to rise...
We make love to each other
like the world will never end,
we passionately kiss one another
while time just seems to bend...
I love you so so so so much!!!!!!
And I want you!!!!
I hope it to you it is pleasant, I have
enclosed all love to you these lines. My love boils as a volcano woken
by god Eros, she it tries to escape outside, but does not find an exit in
absence of you. I wait for our meeting, as the young schoolgirl of the
first appointment in life. I think that I am similar on Juliette which waits
for a meeting with beloved. But I hope that at us with you all Will be at all so is sad as
at them. Your love Yulya.
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