I am a single 35 year old male form Seattle Washingotn , I had posted a add on
yahoo personals, and had a response from 2 different woman from russia , I wrote
fluint english , the other was poor and broken english, With the individual who had
broken english i had kept in contact and told that i would not be sending money
to her for some, yet the leeters from her kept coming. A request for $250.00 was
made for a Visa so she could get to the states so she said, I was hesitant,.She
stated that her Aunt worked at the airport and that "HE" could get her discount
flight tickes for $800.00, This was after I had emailed her and told her that i had
found tickets on the net for $500.00, A friend told me about the black book on
Russian ladies and scams list,and to check it out , I did not find her name listed
but I found alot of the catch frases being the same that are used in the wording of
the scams her name bering Marina Lipmar , a good looking ladie of 27 years old
with 6 different pic
Hi my friend Dennis. A thank for the letter.
I very much worried, you will answer to me, whether or not. A thank. I to think,
between us can be a friendship.Excuse, if I write you not each day.
Sometimes I to not have time in Internet-club. But I hope, you to not take offence.
Thank for the story about itself. I want to tell about the family. I live with
the mum and daddy. To the mum 48 years. Her name Irina.She works in nursery.
To the daddy 50 years. He works the engineer. His name Sergey. Our family not rich, but we live amicably and to help each other. At
us a two-room apartment. At me a separate room. In the evening we to look TV.
The daddy loves to look news. I love to look cable TV. At us to show the
American channels. I look hockey, baseball. Me to like sports. I do not have
favourite commands, me like game. To us in the visitors frequently go my
girlfriends and girlfriend the mum. We like to drink tea and to eat pies. I am very
tasty to prepare meal. My favourite meal a pizza. I to be able to bake pies with
cabbage and potatoes.The visitors always are pleased. Write about the favourite
meal. In a day off I cleaning of a house. Together with the mum we to clean
carpets and to wash windows. If I not go anywhere, I to knit to myself different
jackets. To me to like to knit. This mine hobbie. With the girlfriends we go in
cinema. We like to go for a walk in urban park and to tell each other histories.
Already warmly, and we with pleasure to go for a walk. Yesterday I to tell to the
mum about you. I to tell, I to receive the letter from the American man. The mum
was surprised, but was delighted. The mum to tell, can this my happiness.
Today I to work much. At work all is good. I to think, trade the teacher - very
important. I saw the mum and me too to want to bring up children! I to finish
pedagogical university. At me higher education. I to not regret, I to choose a profession of the
teacher! My friend Dennis. I think, I can call you! Me to want to hear your vote. I
do not have house of the telephone. I can not call you from work. But if you want,
send the telephone number. I can call you from urban telegraph. It costs dearly,
but I want to call you.I shall wait your letter with a telephone number.
It will be pleasant to me to call you. Excuse, if I not answer all questions. I am good to
speak on English, but it is bad to write. Therefore I To translate the text on the
computer. Thank for the letter, I wait from you of the new letter. Write about the
life, about the friends. Successful day! :-)
Hi my friend Dennis! I to receive your letter, it is very pleasant, when it comes, at
me even to come excitement, when I to read it. A thank that you give for me
attention and time as at you in America much to work and of very poorly free
time. Today I am going to go in cinema with mine the girlfriend. Her to call
Snezhanna. We to be friends of her for a long time, she to be always one as well
as I. At a cinema have established a sound, new system, Dolby Digital and we to
want to look though once, that it, and that then will not be of time. At us at
school a lot of work begins, as at the end of May the academic year comes to an
end, it is necessary to carry out(spend) control works and to expose to the
schoolboys of an estimation. I did not have favourite friend, the men speak,
that I am attractive but him the sex is necessary only. And me is necessary the
present man, that he loved me, respected and protected, that I to be behind him
" as behind a stone wall ". It will be very pleasant, if you will understand my
letter, as it will read. I shall wait with impatience of your answer. Marina
Hi my friend! Excuse, I to not write to you! I am very much engaged. Now at
school the examinations begin, therefore I have not enough time! I to not forget
about you! I to read all your letters! A thank, you respond me! Once again
excuse, if I to not respond on all Your questions! If I read your letter, I forget
about all! It is very pleasant to me to read the letters! I want to tell to you about
the childhood. I was born on April 10, 1974 in Perm. I had happy childhood!
I to go for a walk with the parents much. I to travel on the country much. In
that time of the price were accessible! I am very grateful to the parents. They
correctly to bring up me! I was the sole child in family, but I have not grown
egoist. Then I studied at school. It was carefree time! We much had fun and played. I
very much liked to study! I always well studied! After school we frequently to go in cinema. It
was interesting with the boys. But in the senior classes the boys began to drink
vodka and to smoke. It is not interesting with them. I never smoked and not a
saw alcohol. To the women very harmfully to smoke! After school I studied at the
Perm University. I already to tell to you about it.Yesterday I to speak with the
girlfriend about you. She tell, you the good man. Mum speaks, I should continue
to write to you letters! Everyone speak you " hi!!! " Today sun brightly shines!
Already very warmly, though my city near to Siberia. But your letters " heat" me
is even stronger! Each your letter I to understand even better! I hope, you to
understand my letters too. Once again excuse, if I to write to you not each day!
Remember, I to not forget you!I shall wait your letter and to hope for the further
attitudes! I believe to you! You the good man! Successful day!
Hi lovely Dennis! Thank, you have answered to me with reciprocity. A thank, you
think as I. I think, that for That time that we with you are copied, we were very
much pulled together and between us has appeared Feeling, I think, that we are
necessary each other. I constantly think of you, you have borrowed(occupied)
Place in my heart. I constantly think of you. My ideas are engaged in you. I
became It is bad to work. At work and house I think of you. The girlfriends speak
- I am in love. Now I precisely know - I LOVE YOU Dennis. I have talked about it
to the mum. She very much was glad for me. She has told, I shall be happy.
The mum to tell, it will be better with you. It seems, we should meet. Emotions
and the feelings overflow my heart and soul. It is heavy to me to write. I want
to meet you and to tell you in the person - I love you very strongly. We began
to understand each other. You such good man! In Russia the men are able only to
have a drink and to drag the woman in bed. They rough. With them there is
nothing to speak. With you it is easy. I can talk to you about love. The love it
something more than she is given to the man to learn happiness in this life. Many
men think, that the love is only sex. I think, it not main. Main is feelings. I
????? to you the soul and body. We together learn pleasure. We should be
together. It is a pity, It while my dreams. I think if very much to want, it is possible to carry
out anyone Dream. The love should overcome any distances. I feel, that our
hearts Are beaten in one rhythm, and you feel it? I wait for your answer to my
recognition. It is very important to me to know your opinion. Can be, I have fallen
in love too quickly? Answer to me. It will be bad, if my love is meek! The thank for
that, you is at me. Do not forget me, favorite. I shall wait for your answer!!
Hi my love Dennis!!! I have received your letter, and the life was filled with sense.
My soul was filled By light. Now I precisely know, I like you. Now I live for the
sake of your letters. But I would like to live for the sake of you. I want
??????????? and to see you. The parents have said - You my happiness..
Today I all day thought only of you, how we with you Can we shall meet. I
represented it to myself, as you meet me at the airport as we We search each
other by eyes, we find and we rush in embraces to each other....... Why you have
grown fond of me? I far from you. But I to believe, our feelings pure and light!
I to not believe in the happiness. Thanks to you for it. At us autumn. Soon at us to go
snow. To become coldly. Very boringly. But me is sad Not because of it. To me
you are sad, because far. I all day think of you. I To like you and you forever in my
ideas. I very much to hope, that you again will write To me. I do not have
money to come to you. But I hope, that we shall meet + I to try to find out about
the visa and about the ticket. Sweet dream. Good luck in the afternoon!
Forever yours!!! Do not forget liking heart from Russia!
Does not pass also day
Without an idea on us.
Simply you for me
Than all is more dear now.
I suffer loving
From that we separately.
You dew for me
Fresh morning roses.
You vivifying juice
All spring birches.
You my king, you my god
My dreams, my dreams.
Hi, my unique love Dennis!!!!!!!! Thank, you understand me. I to find out more
particularly, as I can to you arrive. I to call in the American consulate in
Ekaterinburg. If you want, I shall find out how to issue the visa. But for this
purpose you should trust me. I trust you. I love you. I do not have girlfriends,
which have left abroad. But I shall find out all. For the sake of our love. My
girlfriends are very glad for me. They speak, I have met the happiness. I have told
them, I can leave for America. They will miss, but they are glad for me. I hope,
you love me. You understand me. To me to want be with you together. Me
seems, that we already on so much are close with each other, we as if The
husband and wife only, unfortunately, divided (shared) in huge distance.
But, not looking on it we should continue to love each other and to trust each
other, you with me agree? My girlfriends too have noticed that I Began to look happier and
cheerful, they speak that too wanted To leave for America, but they already have
which boys they love. I am happy that I have you. I to learn (find out) from the
relatives, they live in Ekaterinburg, as it is better to make, that to us will meet. I
LOVE YOU, I WANT TO BE With YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I dream of our meeting and, how
we shall go for a walk with you, to keep for hands, As we shall look after one after
another and as we shall do (make) love. I LOVE YOU, I WANT YOU, YOU FOREVER In MY HEART, In MY IDEAS. I dream as you
Will carry me on hands, to embrace me, to kiss my gentle body. It is a pity,
that it only dreams and whether is fated by him (it) to come true the God knows
only. I wait for your letter. The ideas on our speed meeting heat to me soul,
they support me when at me bad mood, and do (make) me happy. I hope, we shall
overcome all difficulties. I believe, we shall meet sometime, we shall be
embraced and we shall tell each other - I you I love. Write to me. I wait for
your answer. I believe in you. I think, you will do, it is necessary meeting. I
love you. Remember it. Forever yours..
My love I want to hold your hand.My love I want to whisper nice words in your ear.
My love I want to kiss your sweet gentle lips.
My love I want to touch your face with my caressing fingers.
My love I want to share with you the sunset.
My love I want to learn from you.
My love I want to enjoy with you quiet interludes of thought and contemplation.
My love I want to see your smile.
My love I want you.
My love I want.
My love.
Hi mine lovely Dennis! At me all is good! How at you? I very much grieve without
you! To me to want to see you! I love you! I very wait for our meeting, I to be
afraid, that we to not meet, but After your letter I have calmed down.At me to
come a vacation - I to have a rest. The schoolboys have terminated to study.
Today in the street is warm. Tomorrow I go to accept solar Bath, then go to eat
ice-cream, and evening go in cinema with Snezhannoy. Now at me the free time
has appeared. How your businesses? You there in America have not found to
yourselves the woman?:) I LOVE OUY MARINA!!!!
?? my American prince Dennis! Today at us good weather. I with the girlfriends
was included in park and to leave on walk We spoke with the girlfriends
concerning Love. They have told histories. I have told chronology concerning us.
They are very pleased For me. I have told, it is possible I shall enter Into
America. They envy me. But they Speak, which love the Russian people and
Remain in Russia. They will be absent concerning me. They speak, me is
successful , I to meet (to execute) love from America + We should place effort,
meet as soon as possible, I with The party also I try to find means for our
meeting. I, to find out, in Ekaterinburg there - international airport. Therefrom I can
arrive (fly) to you. You Dream of day of our meeting, inform me concerning it?
I to trust (to believe), is speed we can inform each other words of love!
I am good to speak in English, but it is bad to write. The justification, if you it is bad to
understand my symbols! I to try to answer correctly. Still there is a lot of
difficulty, but us to overcome it, and we shall meet! I to receive the passport, but
at me does not suffice on the visa 280 dollars are necessary Still .???? you can
to me send of money that, I can soon receive The visa. I LOVE YOU!!! p.s. I to
want be with you.
Hi my unforgettable Hi my unforgettable love Dennis!!!
I grieve without you. I to miss for you. I cannot suffer. I want you to
see. I want to tell you - I LOVE YOU!! You dream me of second time. Me dreamed,
as we go for a walk on park and we collect flowers. We to talk about us. We to
dream of our life. We to approach to lake and to sit on a coast. Then you
to kiss me. It was very pleasant. You the man of my dream. Then I to wake up. I
very much would not like to wake upIn dream there is you. It is very good. To me
very much to want, dream to become a reality. I am so happy to find you my
sole love!!! I have found, that all my ideas only about you. To me to not want to recollect the last life.It for me does not
exist. All in the past. Now for me there is only you. My soul singing a song by
love in expectation of our meeting. I to think, we to meet and to be embraced. We
shall tell each other words of love, and you to kiss me. We shall go Also speak
so much, how many we can. I am sure, that our love will overcome all barriers of
language!!! We shall go for a walk at the night. The moon to shine to us a way.
The stars will smile to us. I believe, we will meet! My aunt in Ekaterinburg has
told, to you it is possible to fly from this city. She to help us with the ticket. But
visa is necessary. It is time home. It is a pity, I cannot long be in the Internet -
cafe. It is expensive for me. I give you many kisses within good day for you. I
want to see your symbol, as soon as it is possible. FOREVER YOUR Russian
princess!!!!!! I grieve without you. I to miss for you. I cannot suffer. I want you to
see. I want to tell you - I LOVE YOU!! You dream me of second time. Me
dreamed, as we go for a walk on park and we collect flowers. We to talk about
us. We to dream of our life. We to approach to lake and to sit on a coast. Then
you to kiss me. It was very pleasant. You the man of my dream. Then I to wake
up. I very much would not like to wake upIn dream there is you. It is very good. To
me very much to want, dream to become a reality. I am so happy to find you my
sole love!!! I have found, that all my ideas only about you. To me to not want to
recollect the last life.It for me does not exist. All in the past. Now for me there is
only you. My soul singing a song by love in expectation of our meeting. I to think,
we to meet and to be embraced. We shall tell each other words of love, and you
to kiss me. We shall go Also speak so much, how many we can. I am sure, that
our love will overcome all barriers of language!!! We shall go for a walk at the
night. The moon to shine to us a way. The stars will smile to us. I believe, we will
meet! My aunt in Ekaterinburg has told, to you it is possible to fly from this city.
She to help us with the ticket. But visa is necessary. It is time home. It is a pity,
I cannot long be in the Internet - cafe. It is expensive for me. I give you many
kisses within good day for you. I want to see your symbol, as soon as it is
possible. FOREVER YOUR Russian princess!!!
Hi MINE LOVELY !!!!!!!!!! Excuse me please I to you to not write a lot of to time.
At me has died a uncle and I had urgently to go to him to help With funeral, as
the aunt can not reach in itself in connection with him Death. And me was
necessary to help to bury him, and then I to remain with By the aunt to help her
to reach in itself. They live far from cities in village - therefore I could not write to
you MINE FAVOURITE I on you very much to grieve. Write faster to me the
answer yours Marina.
Kind day mine favourite! At me all is good .? at you how businesses?
I to be very much excited when to receive your letter. I am very glad, that you me to not
forget love mine. I to want you to embrace and to nestle on you then I would feel
Quietly I was would happy - fly with happiness in clouds. I to want you to see, I
very strongly wish with you to meet. I shall send you in the following letter the
photo that you to not forget mine Image - dream MINE!!!!
Good luck to you my love!!!!!
Hi my love Dennis! I to receive your letter it is short.
I am bad to understand it. At you bad mood? You ????????? to not be ill?
Write soon. Yours Marina.
Hi mine sole. I am happy to read your letters. I strongly to grieve without you.
Write to me. Today at work we had heavy day. I to work much! I am very tired.
But I could come in the Internet - cafe. I always to wait for your letters. I
Has read the letter and me become easily. Your letters give me forces. When I worked,
All were surprised, why it is easy. I to think of you, and me become easily. You to
charge Me the love. I smile all day. I think of you. Each day, everyone
Hour, each minute, each second, you in my ideas and in my dreams. Know, that
My love only for you. All my life belongs to you. I to dream of day To our meeting. I ask
you, speed up day of our meeting. I to do everything, that we Will meet. Write to
me the new letters. As at you of business. I shall wait your letter with
By good news. I love you. Good-bye my love.
Hi my prince!! Excuse, if I not always at once to answer your letters! Sometimes I
cannot write to you at once. But I know, you love me and wait for my letter. Do
not take offence at me. I very strongly to love you. Without your letters, it is very
bad. I to require you and in your words. You to love me and this largest
happiness in the world. I very strongly to wait our meeting and to think, that it will
be speed. How you have written to me, my life was monotonous. But I did not
understand about it! I thought, it is good. I had girlfriend's and favorite work. At
home at me all is good. But then I to understand, the love is necessary to me.
And suddenly you have appeared. When I have seen your photo, through me the
electrical category has passed. I did not think, so it is possible to grow fond.
But it so! I have fallen in love with you. It is dream. But is not present, it
is the truth. I very strongly to love you! Our meeting will be for me a holiday.
I do not want to recollect the past. Now I live by hope of meeting with you.
Most important - we trust and we like each other. Now at us it is cold. But your love warms me. I feel
her through ocean. I love you. Write to me!
Hi mine lovely! Thank for the letter! With each new letter I to understand, I very
much love you! I to trust, you to not offend me! I to trust, you love me! A thank for
the letters! It is very beautiful! Yesterday I saw the girlfriend. She tell about the
life. She is married 3 years. Last time her husband needs to be drunk vodka and
to beat the wife. It is very a pity her. I to tell about you. I to tell, you the very good
man. The girlfriend to be delighted. She to tell, I to meet the happiness!
I to know - you that man, which I to wait all life for!!! I love you! I wait our meeting!
Today good weather! It "to be pleased" together with me! I love you!
Thank for the letters. I shall wait your letters and to dream of our meeting in the airport!
Write to me! I love you!
Kind day or evening, my true love!!! My love to you grows with each letter. I want
you to kiss, and I not To represent life without you. I to love to read your letter.
Your words of love give me forces. If I ?????????? the letter in the morning, I to
be charged for all day. If I to read the letter In the evening, I am good to sleep. We
soon shall together. I still precisely to not know, but I To trust in it. The
businesses with registration of the documents go well. Me to not suffice money,
200 $. You can to me send? I to give you the address: ALFA BANK BOLSHEVISTSKAYA, 120
PERM 614000 RU Marina Lipova You to think, when we shall be together. I love you.
I am better and better to understand all your language. I to learn each day, evening, English.
I want to tell you words of love in English. Your love ????????? me. I yours for ever. My heart and soul
belongs to you. Know, for you waits in Russia Fond heart. Write to me soon. The
day becomes night, if I to not read your letter. At the night not The moon shines,
if I to not read your letter. Yours on all life
Mine lovely! Thank for the letter! I want to tell about the visa and about the ticket.
Now for me it is important to issue the visa. If I to pay it, To me it will give out in 1
weeks. Then I can buy the ticket. The ticket is better for buying in September. I
can buy the ticket with the discount. Me will help my girlfriend and my aunt. The
ticket costs about 800 Dollars, as I should reach Moscow, and then to you.
But the aunt works in the airport, and he can buy the ticket with the discount.
It costs 800-850 dollars. It will suffice on the visa, passport and ticket!!
Mine lovely. Do not worry! At us all will be good. If you can, write, when you can send money
to the visa! For me it is important! I wait for your letter! I love you!
I hope, your future wife Marina Nelson
  
Smirnova (Chelyabinsk, Russia)
Natalya Smirnova: email: and
claims to be 27-28 yrs. old and from (Chelyabinsk, Russia) used some of the IDENTICAL emails/letters as
shown by blacklisted Natalya Smirnova (Surgut, Russia) except the pictures
she(probably he!) sent are of another woman.
I received an unsolicited email from her through
"" I live in California and we exchanged a few innocent emails and then she (or he)
poured it on hot and heavy. She claimed to be a dance-master although her profile on stated she was a musician.
She told me she made $40 a month and that her email
access was up soon and wasn't going to be able to afford to continue. Even though I clearly established
the fact that I wasn't interested in a relationship with her (or he), I took pity on her and
told her I would send her some money. I typed in "Westen Union" and "Chelyabinsk, Russia" and I think I saw some links
to your site and I clicked on them and then found your "blacklist" and saw that name on the list!(thank
goodness!) When I read the Identical emails that another man had posted under
her name I was speechless but relieved.
I still have this person waiting for me to wire him or
her money. I frankly don't know what to do, I don't want them to know about the blacklist. Any
  
Smirnova (Murmansk, Russia)
I am a single 34 yr old white american, succesfully
imployed. I recieved a message from a dating service,, which I replied to. I recieved a
message right back. She seemed to fall in love to quickly and she wrote very
passionate letters. After only a few weeks she wanted to come and visit and gave
prices of what it would take to get a visa. I started doing research because things
didn't seem right. I put her off on the money, she soon hit me for airfair also. I
found this sight and checked the black list and found her pictures under Oksana
Hi Steve!!! It's me Natalya from the Russia. I like you name. I so
excited that you have answered my letter. I am very glad. At all I do not know from what to begin
the letter. Probably, you will want to learn(find out) something about me directly?
Well I shall tell in brief about myself. I the ordinary Russian girl, practically am
distinguished by nothing from the others. Probably to describe itself it was easier,
if I did not do(make) it for the first time … Excuse me for mess of words, it
because I worry a little, you see this my first acquaintance through internet. It is
time to continue the story about itself. My growth of 168 centimeters, and weight
of 54 kg. These are normal proportions for the girl who keeps up itself and
goes in for sports. I very much love occupations by sports, without it I feel not so well. I
go in for sports from the childhood, I participated in competitions on track and
field athletics, and repeatedly won first place. My age of 26 years, it can seem at
first sight unnaturally, but it is the truth because I very much care of
the health. And you go in for sports? However, it has no for me the big value. Important that
we have found with you mutual understanding. I live and I work in city Murmansk,
here I was born and have grown, very much to like me my city. On the nature I
the cheerful person, try to enjoy each moment of my life and to transfer
with a smile all difficulties of my lonely life. I live one in a small apartment some years.
First I liked such life, but in due course I have understood, that in my life there is
no man, on this I have taken advantage of services of service of acquaintances.
You see you have answered my letter. I shall tell about the work: I work as
the dancing-master at school. To me to like to be engaged in dances. And you are
fond of dances? If you are fond, with which? I dance a waltz, a tango and variety
dances. Do not pay attention to mine not absolutely correct English because I
use the program the translator for a spelling of letters. But I well understand the
English language and constantly I study in new words, soon I shall seize it in
perfection. Do not leave my letter without the answer. I wait for your fast reply
with impatience. Sincerely Natalya.
Hi my love Steve, I am very happy to read your letter, as always.
Many thanks for your good letter was interested. Today I went in one
travel agency about an opportunity of travel to USA. And then to me
have told, that with it there are no problems and I can arrive to you.
Only for this purpose all over again it is necessary for me to issue
for myself the visa and the passport. Also that for this purpose I was
necessary for following in the American embassy. In embassy to me have
told, that it is necessary for me to do(make) the visa of the visitor
because I never was in USA and outside the country too earlier. The
given visa of the visitor to cost 65 dollars. The given visa entitles
on stay to territories of USA during 90 days (the visa of the visitor). For this time we very well can learn(find
out) each other and if necessary we shall prolong the visa. Still working passport
is necessary for my travel for me, and it at me is not present, it is
necessary for me to pay 143 more dollars for this plus of 30 dollars for registration of
documents necessary for the visa. Still, in travel agency to me have explained,
that for travel to USA it is necessary for me to pass immunization and full
medical inspection, it is all to cost 85 dollars. In general(common) me it is
necessary 323 dollars. I have already paid 30 dollars for necessary documents
and started process of reception of the visa. But it is necessary for me to pay
other part of money for reception of the visa and an opportunity there
will be you my love. It is awkward to me to ask you about it but if you have helped me to pay
other part of cost of the visa I could finish process of reception of the visa very
soon and to arrive to you. I would pay all this, but unfortunately I to not have such
money. I have found out as you can send me money. You can send it through the
Western Union. Unfortunately other system of remittances in our city
is not present. Besides in bank to me have told that it is the most reliable system of
remittances in the world and that money reach very quickly. To send the money,
my address is necessary for you. It is my address: Natalya Smirnova,
Lenina st. 127 - 73 Murmansk, Russia, 183014
After you will send me money you should inform me control number of
translation (MTCN) it consists of 10 figures. And still the full name and a home address, only
after that I can receive this money. Such information to me have informed in bank
which to be near to my house. You at all do not imagine as I want to see you to
nestle on you and to speak words of love. I sleep and I see day of ours with you
meetings. I so would like that this day has come as soon as possible. That we
have met face to face and long looked in the face each other. I am
capable to overcome any difficulties for the sake of ours with you meetings. I very strongly
love you and I send you HUGS and KISSES. With all my love Natalya.
  
Oksana had been sending me emails for about 3 weeks.
I was suspicious because her letters did not exactly respond to mine, but my
eagerness for her interest to be real kept me interested. When I got the following
email, it just seemed to cookie cutter and 'her' reference to the Western Union
tracking number by it's acronym seemed especially suspicious.
I'm a 44 year old owner of a successful insurance and investment practice in the
LA area, the idea of a very attractive 28 year old woman being interested in me,
even if as a means to come to America seemed incredible. ½ of my friends said
it absolutely a scam, ½ said what if it was not and what's 300 bucks anyway? It
just did not seem right and was really bugging me---then I found her pic on your
site and almost the exact letter, with my name and she wanted 5 bucks more
from me.
I think she found me on digital city personals---- and that's it for personals for
me,,, no mas!
  
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ANTI-SCAM GUIDE - Secure yourself against of Russian wives scams!
Read how to make scammers to leave you alone, and choose the right girls from the very beginning.
Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
- Article by
Anatoly Neverov
Dating Services - where to look for a
Russian wife
dating agencies
- how do they make their
Russian Translations - Russian-English/English-Russian
translation: fast and comprehensive. You are not sure she understands
what you mean? Translate your letter to Russian!