Irina Kamaeva/Natalia Arsibekov (Syktyvkar, Russia)
Hello, My name is Steve from Pennsylvania, I am in the cable tv industry. This
one is a slick lady now so be careful of her. She uses the name of Irina Kamaeva.
Same letters as the rest of the guys. I originally got an initial contact at under the user of Tender_Woman. I am currently on the
letter where she asks for the money for her via and a plane ticket. I have attached
all requested information as asked for by the blacklist site. Luckily I wanted to
know where the hell Syktyvkar, Russia was otheriwse I would have never found
out in time who this lady was at this site. Steve
Viktorovna Vlasova / Ulan-Ude/ Russia
I am a single father of 1, white Australian and 32 years old. This person first
Contacted me from about 2 weeks ago. After the 2nd Email
she started to talk about Love and relationships, I went along for the ride to see
where it would lead. then she started saying how she would like to come to
Australia to live with me as my Wife. She stated that she only had US$600 but
needed $1950 to get here, the following day she mentioned how she has this
Powerful Aunty that has lent her US900 to help her get here. she then requested
that I try and find the remaining US$450 to pay for her ticket, and that her Aunty
has arranged the Visa. I'm not stupid I know how Visa's work and to get an
Australian Visa, no powerful Russian Aunt can influence the Australian
Government into giving out Visa's. anyway, I continued to play along with it while
asking crucial questions about her, and her Family, her work, and about her
internet access, she claimed she was in an Internet Cafe, but when tracing her
connection back it came from a dial up account. over the period of time she
became very pushy about getting the money, trying to hurry me up. I have not
and will not send money to this scammer, she deserves to be put in Prison and I
will do my best to help her get there. I will be contacting all the appropriate
authorities and giving them all the Information I can. the address she was using is
413402 Russia, Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, Komsomolskaya str. 23 apt. 12 Olga Viktorovna Vlasova.
and you guessed it she wanted the money sent by Western Union, I mentioned other forms of payment, but she always came back to the
Western Union. the following are emails sent to me from her.
Attached is her Photo
Hello my dear friend. My name is Olga. I'm for the first time in this site and I like
your profile very much. I would like to get acquainted closer to you. You could
see my profile and if you like it I'll wait for your answer with great impatience.
Always yours Olga
Hi my new friend. I'm so happy to get your letter! I like your profile very much and
I like to get acquainted closer to you. So let me introduce myself. My name is
Olga. I was born on the 12th of June and I'm Gemini(astrological sign). I was born
in the Ulan-Ude. It is a capital of Buryatiya republic in Russia. It is a very beautiful
city and not far from Ulan-Ude there is a Baikal sea. I love nature very much and
I'm so lucky that I live here because we have rather good biological conditions.
And nature is really beatiful. I have a very friendly family: my mother, father and
little sister Tanya. I love them very much. My father is a lorry driver so drive his
big car all over the huge country and he is at home very seldom. I miss him very
much. My mom is a assistent in the hospital. As for me I work as a teacher in
the school. I teach little children to different science such as math, russian
language, russian literature, painting and many other. I love children and I love my
work. I've finished Pedagogical University. As for my hobbies I have a lot of them.
I like nature first of all and I like to go to the different kind of picnics and
trips. I enjoy going on kayaks down the mountain rivers. I like hiking and skiing. I like
different kind of sports and I try to keep my fit. Do you like sport? I like to dance.
When I was a teen I went in for classical dancing. It is really wonderful. I like
different kind of music such as classical, jazz, blues and sometimes folk music. I
would like to tell you a lot of things in one time but they are confused in my head.
Please ask any questions you like to know. And please tell me about yourself,
your hobbies, about your family. I would like to know everything about you. I'll bewaiting for your answer with great impatience! Your Olga
P.S. Please excuse me for my english. I hope we won't have big problems in our
dialogs. I'll try to improve my english in future and I work on it right now.
My dear Jason. Thank you very much for your wonderful letter. You know I'm very
serious in my intension. I would like to create a strong and happy family with my
loveling man. I couldn't write you a letter by myself, it is too difficult for me. I have
a lot things to say you and I don't know what I could start with. Please ask me
what do you want to know about me? I'll ask all your questions. The beginning is
very important when we need to to understand if we are a good match, if we have
common in interests and views on life and decide if we want to develop our
relationship. I just want to continue our correspondents. I don't know why. I feel
again the excitement in my blood that I thought I have forgotten already. I am
afraid to lose my excitement, my admiration of you, I am glad with your sincerity,
ingenuousness and honesty. I appreciate this features of character very much.
Your admiration, compliments, your feelings warm me so much that I am ready
to close my eyes on some misses and weaknesses. I like you very much. I'll be
waiting for your answer soon! And I would like to get your pictures. I like it very
much! Your Olga
Hi my dear Jason! I'm very glad to receive your letter! I appreciate your honesty
very much. Of course you're right and I would like to have children. I love them
very much. But first of all I'm looking for my match. I'm looking for my man.
Intelligent, tender, kind-hearted and of course honest. That is why I like you and I
see you're a very decent man and I could believe you and rely on your honesty. I
would like to know you better, wouldn't you? I hope yes. So I'll be waiting for oyur
answer. Please tell me more about yourself. And please ask me any questions
you want to know. I'll answer all of them. I promise I'll be honest with you.
Thank you. Your Olga from Russia
Hi my dear Jason! I understand your question. I'll try to answer it with all my
honesty. I'd like to answer as we say here in Russia: if I find my man I'll go after
them to the end of the world. Is it understandable? I hope yes. Another words you
I find him in the Antarctic Continent I'll go there. And now I'll try to answer all of
your questions. As for food I like national russian dishes such as "pelmeni" and
"pirogi". Also I like to cook myself and I hope you'll have a chance to test it
sometime. I don't know how to answer your question about my favourite clolour.
Actually I have three favourite colours: green, blue and yellow. It depends on my
mood if I try to choose one of them. I think that my favourite flower is may be
white roses. Also I like field flowers. It is very intresting and rather hard to answer
your question about what makes me sad and happy. I'm an optimistical and
cheerful person and a lot of thing can make me happy. Such as sunrise, first
snowfall, smiles of close people and really million and one reaon in this
wonderful world! What about sadness I think that may be deceit, insincerity, death of the
close people or something else unpleasant And you know I would like to know
your opinion on the same question. What is your attitude to the life? I would like
to know all about you my dear Jason! Please write me soon! I'll be waiting for
your answer with great impatience! With love from Russia your Olga
Hi my darling! Dear Jason! I miss you very much my love! Please excuse me for
the silence! I was in the village visiting my grandparents. I've told them about you
my love and they are very happy for us and wishing us such happy life as they
had. They are really happy now. They were together for 40 years and they really
love each other now! What about the visa I think that I'll not have any problems
with getting it because my aunt in Moscow have a great influence and powerful
friends. She'll help me to come to Australia to you my love! As for the money I
don't know what is the best way to wire the money: all money in one time or part
by part. Anyway you could send it. Here is my full data: 413402 Russia,
Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, Komsomolskaya str. 23 apt. 12 Olga Viktorovna Vlasova. I
don't know for sure if it is all the information you'll be need in. If you need anything
else please ask it. I'll answer you as soon as I could. My love! I miss you
very much and if only I could be with you this moment! Kiss you! With love from
Russia your Olga
Jason, I'm so sorry but I have no possibility to install any programs on the
computer. Internet cafe had some troubles yesterday(all their systems have been
crushed). So this time we could communicate only with e-mails. As for the visa i
could get it in two days. I began to get it 2 weeks ago and now it is ready to
receive. But I have to go to the Moscow to receive it and then to fly to you my
love. I should be sure that I'll be able to buy ticket in Moscow to come to you
because I couldn't stay in Moscow for long period of time. I hope you understand
me my darling? So if you're ready to send me the rest of the money I need to buy
the ticket I'll fly to Moscow tomorrow and in 2-3 days I'll be with you my loev! I
couldn't believe that it is true! It is my greatest wish!
My love! Thank you very much for your wonderful letter. Could you tell me the
exact date you'll send me the money? I think I could stay with my aunt for a
week or so. Is it possible to wire money in a week? Everytday without you makes
me very sad! And only one thing I wish best of all for now. I wish to be with you
my darling! I could come to you as soon as you'll help me. Love you! Kiss you!
Your bride Olga

I am a single 49 y/o mail from upstate NY. I met this lady on
who clamed her name was Tanya. She used the profile Fatewithyou67258. It only
took two letters before she started asking for money. After the second letter, I
told her that I was always cautious about sending any money and that I always
check the scam list on the internet. Never heard from her again.
Hello my Dear Friend! I'm very glad that among many ads you chose just mine!
That you are interested in me Jim! I'm 28 years . I'm 170 cm in height. My
weight is 53 kg. My small Angel is 2.5 years and his name is Nikita. Now I really
live only by hope. Though many years I suffered from loneliness, I know that I'll
find my wayout. Only Love can give peacefulness and joy. I do not look for pen-
pal. I dream and family coziness. Honey, I want to share all
kindness I have in my soul. I want to find my Only One and to be the only
for him. In this uneasy and at once nice life we so much need the one
who will believe in us and the main thing is to understand. To create
own unique world without unsincere and empty - what can be more
important? My family life unfortunately isn't happy, my Nice Jim.
But I have nice child. Since I stayed lonely, much in life turned to me
the other way. I learned to value simple human joys and stopped to take
hurting trifles close to me. I look at future with hope for you, Nice. Surely it's very
hard to be lonely. But I can't feel despair for my child's sake. The most happy
time for me is when I spend it with my child. On the whole I like children. And
they love me too as I can see. So I value my work much. I work as a tutor of
children in kindergarten. I like my job very much and each day come to work with
pleasure. I'll tell of my work in details in my next letter Jim.
I wait for your letters. Send me please you photos my Dear! I want to look at your eyes!
I kiss you All the best. Tanya
Hello my Dear Jim! I'm so glad that you have received my letter. Thank you very
much Darling for the chance you give to me, chance to love and be loved and for
the hope you put into my heart. I read a little bit more about you, Jim, with a
great interest. It seems for us both it wasn't always so as we wanted. But now
we have each other and we both can value the most important things in life. Love
and simple human happiness. Thanks for your picture. But, unfortunately I can't
open it. So, it will be really pleasure for me, if you try to send it one more time.
About your question about children. Now it's very hard for me to grow up the child
by myself. And I just don't think to have many of them. Of course I like children
very much. But I'm sure all decisions must be taken together in a really happy,
friendly, and loving family. And no matter what the decision is, it'll always be
common, desired and thought out. I want to tell you of my job. It's my second
family . As the Love of these small Angels is so real and doesn't demand
anything .I like to walk and play different games with them. I seem to find myself
in another dimension. They have their own world - bright, joy and kind. It's filled
with loud child's laughter . I'm grateful to them without limit that they took me to
them and let to be the part of their world. Jim, I'll tell you a little bit about my
city. It's called Kremenchug. The city is industrial. But not looking at this the city
is beautiful. There are a lot of parks here. We with my angel especially like to
go to the river. The Dnieper river flaws through our city. When it's warm outside we
can stay for a long time and admire how it's waves clamor. There is a lake not
far from our house. In winter when it's frozen a lot of children go there to skate. In
summer when the water in it is warm a lot of people come to swim and get brown
or just have good rest. We with Nikita also like to go to the lake.
But sometimes I feel very sad that during our walking with him alone I see a lot of parents play
with their children. And I know that Nikita will lack man's father's attention with
time. And if honestly I'm afraid very much of the time when hi would ask me why
hi doesn't have father and I would have nothing to say. But now when you my
Sweetheart appeared in my life I believe that everything will change and I will
never hear the answer from my Angel and we'll be the happiest family in the
world. Will we? It's very hard for me as I can't be always with my Child as I have
to work much. Dear Jim! I value your letters very high. I want to continue our
correspondence as I see much in common. It's very inconvenient to ask you of it
but I do not have other choice. I'll be very grateful to you can help me with paying
our correspondence. I didn't get my salary for 3 months and live only on my
additional work. I can't pay for Internet-cafe services. I have to pay for translator,
for number of incoming and coming letters and for hiring the box. All it is
extremely expensive for me. If my letters are necessary for you as well as yours
for me and if you value our association, I hope you'll not deny me in help.
In my next letters I want to send you more of my with Nikita photos, tell you of my life
and to know of yours, Jim. I wait for your letters impatiently Say "Hello" from us
to your children. You must be proud with them. I hope we'll become friends.
With Love to you Tanya PS Nikita kisses you too.
Lebedeva/Natalia Bahtina (Syktyvkar, Russia)
Hello, I like other men I am seeing am embarrassed to say I have been had by
this woman , Tatyana Lebedeva, only, to me she is Natalia Bahtina, of Syktyvkar
Russia, I am 46 years old,and I am still not sure as to where she found me in the
first place, Anyway she took me for $2100.00 cdn after 8 months of writing to me,
she continued to write 6 letters after I sent her the money. This woman is not only
a thief and a great actress, she is a definite heart breaker that has to be stopped.
What can say... We learn everyday...
After finding the Russian embassy in Canada on the net. I find none of the url's
can be displayed. Anyway I thought I would give you the address she sent me for
the Western Union pickup This address probably belongs to someone ?? Natalia
Bahtina 167017 Russia, Syktyvkar UL. Pervomaiskaia, 53-12. If this is helpful to
anyone.. See ya.
Wind Of Love Agency / Olga (Olenka) Kurchinskaya
I started writing with Olenka Kurchinskaya having initially made contact via a free
dating site, her initial letter to me was so interesting and well written I found
myself interested by her. Her letter came from 'Wind Of love' agency in Kiev
however at this stage there was nothing to arouse my suspicions although each
letter would finish with the following:
This message was translated and forwarded to you by Wind of
Love Travel Company.Please visit us at to know more about
Translation Services and Flowers/Gifts Delivery. We also specialize on all travel services in
Olenka's 2nd letter arrived, whilst she wasn't asking for money she did say:
And the last thing for this letter. I think you should know
that my letters are translated to you. Though I've got the University degree it's in economics. I didn't
pay much attention on languages at school or University. I never
thought I'd need it. As I don't know English I found the agency that helps me with translation for
some payment.
Olenka's 3rd letter included the following lines, why should she say such a thing?
I hadn't said anything in my letters to prompt such a statement:
I feel that I'm getting used to your letters more and more,
that is why it is important to me that you realize that I do exist, I'm real.
We exchanged 4th letters, Olenka still seemed amazingly interesting, saying the
right things in her letters, telling me about her life, interests etc. Being constantly
reminded by the agency I had visited and for as little as $20 I
could assist with correspondence, $20 would cover the expense of 8 letters (4
each), I could afford to lose $20.00 so I decided to show a gentlemanly gesture.
By now we had been writing for some weeks, letters continued however I was
becoming more and more suspicious these letters were 'canned' with a few lines
added to each to personalise them. My questions were now going unanswered
despite reminders and in her letters Olenka would write excessively about
something relatively trivial such as a movie she had seen, this is just an
example, each of her letters now would include such 'canned' writings:
I also remembered the movie that impressed me a lot
recently. The movie is called "Unfaithful" .Richard Gere is starring in it. Well, I love the movie "Pretty
woman", but Richard Gere wasn't really the reason for my decision to
watch the "Unfaithful". :-) The advertisement as well as the name describes the plot of it a
little bit. And I like to watch love stories, melodramas. So we decided to go to
see it with Sveta, one of my girlfriends. If you don't mind I'd
like to write you a little bit about it.There is a happy American family. There are three of them: a
father, a mother and their nine-year old son. They live in one of the suburbs of
New York city. As for a couple, they love each other and seem to form a
successful marriage and family. It's their regular day, they have breakfast, make
jokes at each other. Father (Richard Gere) goes to work, son goes to school and
mother who is a housewife needs to do some shopping. It's very windy outside.
She goes to Manhatten and while she walks along the street in the search
of a taxi she ran into a young man. They both fell down, she hurt herself, and went up
to his apartment to get some help with her injured knee. He turned out to be a
book-seller, a very attractive one. At first, this meeting didn't mean
anything to her. But then she realized that she was attracted to this man (whose name is
Paul) more and more. They became lovers. Finally her husband found out about
that. He more felt that than found proofs of her unfaithfulness. He met the lover of
his wife and killed him. You know, dear Martin, now when I try to describe this
movie to you, it's really hard to explain everything. The problem
is much deeper than it seems to be. And the creators of the movie have made a great job to
show the feelings of those three people. While watching you can't really say who
is guilty. Well, the woman is because she is the one to cheat.
But she does love her husband, they don't have problems in bed. And this another one…he is a
fresh breeze in her life, who drives her crazy, who makes her suffer because she
is not kind of a person who can cheat and pretend. That is why
her husband has figured out that she was unfaithful, and also because he loves her and he knows
just everything about her, and, of course, he notices that she is not the same any
more. I'm not saying that it was right of her to cheat, and of him to kill her
lover, but what they did just destroyed their life forever. Police didn't arrest him, as
he cleaned everything and didn't leave any proofs and the end of the
movie is they sit in the car with their son and decide what they should do. Their life is
supposedly going on after everything that have happened but it's only an image of
a happy life but not the life itself. Even if they leave the
country, change the names as they plan in the end I'm sure they won't be able to continue their regular
life, and the day when he goes to the police and tells everything will
come soon. They say "I love you", they really mean it, but their love is fulfilled with despair and
I was becoming more and more suspicious with each letter and after an exchange
of 9 letters over a 6 week period they eventually 'slipped up' sending a letter to me
that was intended for another man. This letter was dated 16 October however it
was the same letter that was sent to me on 24 September. Furthermore, the
agency had written to me asking for more money, I wrote a short but polite note
to Olenka:
Hello Olenka, I think either yourself or your agency have made a mistake !
This (attached) letter received by me last evening was addressed
to someone named 'Mike'. The letter is familiar to me though because you wrote this very same letter
to me on 24 September. I'm very sorry Olenka, I was hoping to meet a serious
lady ! A short while later I received the following response, e-mail addresses have
been 'doctored' to protect identity, I would have thought a more apologetic
response would have been appropriate to a customer, obviously disappointed to
have recently learnt his lady was writing to other men:
Hello M xxxxxxx <> or or
whatever - you lost the girl who was sincerely interested in you.
Please bear in mind that my letter was addressed to Olenka, as Wind Of Love
were to subsequently state they merely translate and forward. If this were the
case they should have forwarded my letter to Olenka, who are they to involve
themselves in the personal communications of 2 of their customers? Why should
I have lost the girl? Who are Wind of Love to decide on Olenka's behalf that I have
lost her? They didn't translate and forward, they reacted to it, they do not just
merely translate and forward, they write letters also:
Dear Sir, if you have the problem with the lady, if does
not mean that the agency did something wrong - we has been doing our work , people pay us for -
translation and forwarding of the letters. They subsequently tried to explain:
If necessary we can scan all the letters from Olenka to
you and send them to you - so you will see that she wrote all her letters to you.
However these duplicate letters include the same typing discrepancies,
punctuations, the same everything, it is clear they are stored on computer with
lines added to personalise or answer question(s), Olenka had told me she didn't
have a computer thus it can only be the agency's computer, examples:
Martin, there is one more thing I wanted to write to you. I like our correspondence a lot, I
feel that I'm getting used to your letters more and more, that is why it's important
to me that you realize that I do exist, I'm real. I care about learning more about
you, knowing you better, and I want everything is to be clear between us. May be
I'm too straight but I've mentioned that I appreciate honesty a lot.
Please, if you have any doubts, share them with me. I will be sending you my pictures, not only
the ones made in the studio (by the way, today I send you a picture of me with
my girlfriends that was taken several months ago when we celebrated the birthday
of one of them). And I wanted to thank you for sending me your picture. I get
all your letters but if you want to make sure you may write my name in the subject.
As for English, I don't speak any and I totally agree with you and know that it's
necessary for me to start learning it. I was thinking about that myself. I did check
the prices, and unfortunately right now I can't afford paying
for the classes. I hope to meet your understanding and patience. I do care about our correspondence
and it inspires me a lot to start studying and I will as soon as it's possible.
Let me send you a small butterfly kiss with this letter…Let's see how good the internet is
in transmitting kisses. :-) With growing affection, Olenka
Mike, there is one more thing I wanted to write to you. I
like our correspondence a lot, I feel that I'm getting used to your letters more and more, that is why it's
important to me that you realize that I do exist, I'm real. I care about
learning more about you, knowing you better, and I want everything is to be clear between
us. May be I'm too straight but I've mentioned that I appreciate honesty a lot.
Please, if you have any doubts, share them with me. I will be sending you my
pictures, not only the ones made in the studio (by the way, today I send you a
picture of me with my girlfriends that was taken several months ago when we
celebrated the birthday of one of them). Let me send you a small butterfly kiss
with this letter…Let's see how good the internet is in transmitting kisses. :-)
With growing affection, Olenka
There is absolutely no doubt 'Wind Of Love' are persuading men to pay for the
translation etc. of these 'canned' letters that are already stored on their computer
in English. Wind Of Love advertises their offices in several Ukrainian cities, their
site offers no address for their Kiev office yet invites you to visit them in person:
Still have questions? Wind of Love Travel Company encourages you to call us at
working hours Monday - Saturday. And of course, you are welcome to visit us in
person when you are in Ukraine. Furthermore and bearing in mind they are closed
on Sunday I still have no explanation regarding the following e-mail received (note
the transmission date and time):
Date:Sun, 06 Oct 2002 22:08:02 +0300
From:"Wind of Love" <
I wonder how many other men may be paying Wind Of Love for correspondence to ladies such as Olenka?
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ANTI-SCAM GUIDE - Secure yourself against Russian brides scams!
Read how to make scammers to leave you alone, and choose the right girls from the very beginning.
Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
- Article by
Anatoly Neverov
Dating Services - where to look for a
Russian wife
dating agencies
- how do they make their
Russian Translations - Russian-English/English-Russian
translation: fast and comprehensive. You are not sure she understands
what you mean? Translate your letter to Russian!