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Elvira Savinceva/Marina Korotkova (Kazan, Russia) Dear Sir or Madam This lady is back again. However she know uses the name Marina Korotkova. Who lives in Kazan Russia. After five letters I get the request for $700 for Visa, passport and plane tickets for visiting me in England. However as having read about not sending money to women I saw you sight and behold the lady I write to. When I write to her asking what her real name is I do not get a reply. However she is still advertising on the Dreammates website. I woul advise people to avoid this sight as mucjh as possible as a lot of the women on you balck list appear on this site. I have contacted the site owners and advised them that she is scammer, but they have done nothing. Many thanks for your brillant site. Peter Yates Marina Petrova (Ekaterinburg, Russia) I am a single father of two living in Australia and one month ago I received an anonymous e-mail saying that she had seen my details on a Yahoo singles site, I belive that this has come from Adult Singles. I was susspicious immediately as within a day or so she had fell in love with me, then I was asked for money for a visa, only problem was that her English or her translator kept thinking that I live in America when on many occasions I had said I live in Australia. Then a week later says that she needs the US$ for an American visa. Haveing played along with it now for a few weeks, I am convinced this is a scam, I have sent no money but other please beware. I have heard so many stories. Letters: First letter Hello my new friend!!! Me 30 years call Marina, me, my growth 173 sm, my weight 54 kg. I was born In Russia, now I live in city Ekaterinburg. The marital status is single! I was given birth May, 14 1972!, my mark of the zodiac a Taurus. My eyes have green color. I have decided to find the man in the Internet therefore as I know about Russian men in bitter experience about which I to you shall tell if you write to me the letter on a letter box which I shall specify below!!! My girlfriend has given me the address of a site " Yahoo personals " and there I have seen you. You have very much liked me!!! My dream to find persons with whom I felt like easily, conveniently, freely and confidently! The person which is capable To like softly and sincerely. I do not search for any benefit and I do not search for adventures. I would like to find the unique person on all life. For him I shall become the loved wife and the true friend. I shall wait from you for the fast letter!!! I shall wait your letter but my letter box: Second letter Greetings my new friend. Thank you for so fast answer. I very much to wait it and am very glad to this event. I am glad for that , That you to understand me and to decide to write to me. I think, that it will be interesting to you to learn about me more and I shall inform To you all necessary information. Also it is interesting to me to learn and study about you as much as possible. I to live in the big industrial city to calm down in the east of Russia. My city refers to as Ekaterinburg my city very beautiful and I To love it . I to live in one of areas of this city. Our city very green as in it is a lot of trees and parks. I to want to inform you my address: Russia, city Ekaterinburg, street Lenina 24, index 620025 And to ask you to send me your photo the letter. I too very much to want to learn your address and to send you, that that from Russia. I very much to like to prepare. All my relatives to speak, that I was very good to do it. Especially I to love gifts of the sea, and also sometimes sharp food. Also our city to surround very big and rich woods. The population of our city makes about 3000000 inhabitants. My city To settle down in 2500 KM from Moscow. This city is strong to differ from the big cities and to be rather silent. Life in ours The city goes slowly. I to hope, what also beautiful and I to want to hear your city about it slightly? Further I to tell You have some about yourself. My birthday May, 14 1972, that is me now 30 years and call me Marina I to think, that you already to understand, that I to have Very serious intentions to find to itself the half and happy family. I to want to meet which persons to love and which To like me to lead with it all life and to be pleased to each day carried out with it. I to think that our purposes coincide and You to want to make too most. I was never married and had no children, but very to love them and hope that can to have it So children to decorate happiness our life and to do its happy. I also to want to learn about your private life and about your attitude To children? It is important for me that you were single now and fair with me! It was pleasant for me to receive from you the answer and I to hope That you to understand my English. I to wait your answer. Sincerely Marina. Third letter Greetings my love.Paul yes I was at the grandmother we very well have spent. Yes I am able to drive the automobile. I am mad happy to see your letter and to know about your feeling to me. I try to learn as much as possible About that how to arrive to you and to meet you. But I to learn today, that for the meeting to me is necessary to make out the visa and to go in Moscow. In Moscow of me for a long time to wait my brother. I already for a long time to promise to arrive to it and at last at me to appear such Opportunity. But I shall go in Moscow with very good news to him , that I love of you and very much to want to be with you. Mine The brother is ready the help me in all. It it is fine to know the city and to have much familiar. It to promise me, that at me will not be Problem in city and with the visa. It is ready me to give the apartment, that I lived there all these days. I spoke with my parents about that that probably I shall leave to America, they only Mother and father blessed me were glad for me, she thinks that it and there is my happiness. At me does not suffice Patiences to wait for this light moment in our life, I want to meet you, that more soon To kiss on the mouth you in, to look to you in eyes and to tell you I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! When you are far I feel lonely, you are very necessary for me. Ideas about our fast meeting heat to me soul and heart, they do me happy. My girlfriends already for a long time have noticed that I Began to look happier and cheerful, I am happy that I have you. I wait for our meeting, as the young schoolgirl of the first appointment in life. Tomorrow I to want to go in a travel company which is near to our work and to learn about the visa more. I to think, that I to please you such news and soon our dreams begin a reality. Your love Marina. Seventh letter Greetings my love.Paul as I know, that I love you I simply have very strongly grown fond of you for this time. I today am very happy as to receive the letter from you and to learn more about the visa. I today to go in tourist in the morning The firm and there to give me the information how to receive the visa. They gave me advice to take the visa of the tourist, This visa to refer to as B-2 and term of its registration of 10 days, she is valid during 90 days. But she should be made out in Moscow in the American embassy, this firm may not render such services. They to tell, me, that all that is necessary for The visa, it to have registration the passport and the medical information. This visa to cost 350 dollars. These are the big money for me and I not To know, what to do. I have my savings, but they only will suffice me on flight up to Moscow. Almost each day I see sexual dream about us with you, it has very much liked me also I wants To tell it to you. To me has dreamed as we with you we meet and we go together as you take Me on hands, we go to you home. Then we go in a bedroom and you begin to undress me, our hearts arebeaten synchronously, we are passionately kissed and and we become very close to each other. And it for me the biggest happiness in the world. I to love you and I begin to understand that love this such strong feeling, I am glad that I could to test it due to you. With love forever yours Marina. Eighth letter I thought that this was very clinical in the way it was written, certainly had done this before, there was no stone left unturned. Greetings my love. I about pleasure to want to answer your letter. I very much to miss on you. I to think of you all day. I so It is happy, that we may be together. I to learn as you may help me about money to the visa. I to go to bank and to me to tell, that It is possible to send money through system of remittances the Western union. It will be very fast and not a problem. Bank, which To be near to my work to have branch Western Union. I to inform you : Agent Location Details address URALVNESHTORGBANK GRIBOEDOVA 32 EKATERINBURG 620010 RU Marina Petrova When you to send money you number of a remittance both the full name and the address that I to not have problems should me inform With reception of money. I am sure, that all this to turn out. I already to speak, that on the visa it will be necessary to me of 350 dollars. In the last Time to me any more so is lonely, as earlier because you are at me. And all this due to you my love I to shine with happiness Right now. I each day to represent our first appointment and our first kiss. I to represent as we to look in the face Each other and to smile. I to want, that it is all there was a straight line now. But I to understand, that it is necessary to wait and suffer. I It is sure, that in some weeks we shall embrace each other. I to want to wish you successful day. I to want, that you To think of me and to think about our meeting. I always shall be yours and only yours. Yours forever Marina. Tenth letter Greetings my love Paul. Today I have learned in the Australian Embassy, what I shall receive the visa to require the medical information. Tomorrow I shall go and I shall make this information. But what I shall receive the visa to require in 350 American dollars! My love Paul if you have this money what to help me that help me well! I am very glad that have received from you the letter. I am very glad that between us exists Trust, I am simply happy to realize that my loved trusts me. Except for that I become more sure that we soon shall meet you, because love May overcome anyone ðàñòîÿíèÿ. Certainly there are difficulties which prevent To us to reunite, but we together should overcome them, because all in ours Hands. We should meet you because we may not live the friend without The friend, you agree with me? Write to me that you think of that that we with you in Fast time we shall meet. Whether to me you are necessary to know enough to me trust Or there may be all that about what we with you write each other only words? Love Develops of three components: understanding, trust and patience. You agree with Me? I wait for your answer, eternally loving you Marina. Final reply (I suggested that I go and visit her this was the reply) Greetings my love. Paul yes yesterday I was borrowed. There is no I do not want that you visited me in my city. Because at us it is very dangerous in Russia to foreigners and I am afraid for you. I itself want to visit you in America! I want that you helped me with money to the visa through the Western Union. I to receive your letter. At me all is good. My life to become very happy as I have you. All is good, but I that our love should be, when we together, when beside. We should prove her at a meeting, at life together. I love you and to want to prove it to you. I to require you and to want to be with you. We so much long to write each other and to know much about us, but all of us still far apart and it to do me very bad. You too so to think? It seems to me, that we should be together right now, directly today. I to dream of it all these days. My ideas only about you and about us with you together. I very much to wait day when you to tell me at a meeting: I love you Marina and a kiss of me. It very much to like me. I shall wait your letter, my love. Yours for ever Marina. All I can say to others, if it is too good to be true, then perhaps it is. You gona be scamed.
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