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To send your own story, please click here Click here to support Black List Natalia Popovia (Novosibrisk, Russia) I am a 36 year old single male using She responded on the double blind response ( ) I will inform the authorities now, this was so obvious, she didn't even have time to ask for money. Letters Hi!!! I was very much of rad to receive your letter. My heart hassuggested me that I should acquaint with you. A thank that you haveanswered to me. I want to find the half, with whom I could sectionhappiness and difficulty of life. My intentions are very severe. Idwell in Russia, in city Novosibirsk. My city is on the river Inya.Novosibirsk - large city with a population of 1446 thousand the man. Ahistory of our city very large and interesting. Our city in 1893 wasderivated. In our city there are more than 400 schools, in one ofwhich I work. I have received formation of the teacher, has finishedNovosibirsk pedagogical university. This university is in our city.Now I work at school ¹119. I teach lessons of Russian and literature.My growth(increase) of 168 centimeters, my weight of 54 kgs. I wasnever married and I have no children. I love to be engaged in sports,specially by gymnastics. I take up with it in a school sports hall.Still I love to rest with the friends on the nature. I do not smokeand I do not drink alcohol. I have a healthy way of life. I love tolisten to different music, but specially I like classics. When Ilisten to classic music I receive large pleasure from it. I neverthought that is possible to acquaint with the man through theInternet. I am afraid that it can appear a joke. I hope that yourealize my letter well, as I do not know well grammar English and Iuse by the program of transfer(translation). I hope that it will notinfluence further acquaintance. I would like to learn(find out) aboutyou more: hobby, what music you prefer to listen, your favourite foodand etc. I shall dispatch you some photos. I hope that it will be itis pleasant to you. I shall wait your answer with impatience.......Your friend from Russia Natasha
Hi my friend!!! I am happy to receive from you the answer. I thoughtthat you can not answer to me, when will read my letter. I teach tochildren of initial classes. I very much love children, especiallysmall. I am engaged in gymnastics to keep and make better the figure.I very closely(very attentively) read your letter both has understoodalmost all and has learned(found out) about you more. I think that itwill be interesting to you to learn(find out) about me more. I livewith my aunt, as I have no the parents. My father was lost many yearsback in the russian-Afghani war. It was in 1985, when to me there were12 years. It(he) was the officer of the Soviet army. It(he) hasreceived many awards for a good and brave service. My daddy served inspecial group. Them have sent on the dangerous task, in which it(he)and was lost. Up to destruction of the father my mum worked thebookkeeper. She(it) was sick much ambassador of destruction of thefather, left from work, its(her) heart has not sustained such loadingswith experiences, it became bad to work. She(it) has died in two yearsafter destruction of the father. I experienced about much it and nowto me is very sick to recollect it. I would not know that there waswith me, if not my aunt. She(it) has brought up and has brought up me.Its(her) support very much has helped me in difficult time. I am verygrateful to my aunt and I try always to help it(her). The aunt hasreplaced to me the mum and I have no from it(her) of any secrets. Wewith it(her) well understand each other. I necessarily shall tell toit(her) about you. I have no the brothers and sisters. I was theunique(sole) child of my parents. I love to write to you the lettersand I would like to write them as it is possible more often, but Ihave no an opportunity it to make, as I have no the computer of ahouse. I write you from a computer class at school. It is convenientfor me because free-of-charge. I have many friends. When to me 26years my friends were executed have presented me the charming cat, asthey knew that I very much love animals. I have given it(him) the nameAlisa. She(it) already became adult, and behaviour as at the smallcat. You have animals? I have hobby to prepare various dishes. I loveto find the new recipes of preparation and to surprise the friends.They always liked my dishes. My favourite dish Siberian Pelmeny. It isloved all by(with) mine native and friends. It is very a pity, thatyou can not it try. But I am sure that it would be pleasant to youtoo. You can tell to me more about your life? I would like to see moreyour photos. Now I shall be closed..... I hope to receive your lettersoon.... Your friend Natasha
Hello my dear friend I am glad to receive from you again theletter. Thank you for new interesting photos. I have no a structureon I have found your data in the Internet with the help ofthe girlfriend. I never was in tropics. The photo was made in abotanical garden of Novosibirsk. I am grateful to you that you havewritten to me. I think that each new letter pulls together us more andmore. I think that you have learned(found out) about me much. I wasfamiliar with young people, but not one of them might not it ispleasant to me. I have found you and I think that you approach me. Ihope that I have made a correct choice. I do not want to risk. I wantto be happy and to love persons which am worthy it. I write you withpure(clean) intentions. I want you to make happy. It is possible forme to make it how you think? Once I had long attitudes(relations) withone guy. We met it(him) two years. I thought that we marry. But hisfeelings to me have grown cold, he began to concern badly to me, beganto drink and carry out(and spend) a lot of time with the friends a lotof. he told him bad things about me. he became rough with me. His(its)friends consist in a mafia and he began one of them. he had a goodtime with other women. he liked this sweet life. I might not continueto meet him and we have left. he in any way has not reacted to it. Iwas strongly upset and after that I was strongly disappointed inRussian men. Has passed already two one year. I have understood thatcan become the happy man with one Russian. Recently I was told by mygirlfriend that it is possible to get acquainted with the man underthe Internet. I have not believed this but have decided to try. And Ihave found you. I am very happy that we write each other. For me it isvery serious. I to want to be happy with the man and to lead(carryout) with him all life. I to wait from the man of understanding, I tothink that this most important and certainly big love and care of meand of our future family. I shall try to make the man happy. Butwithout his help, without his love and understanding it will makedifficultly. I once again to want to test such feeling as love. I verymuch to hope for it. Therefore I to write to you. I to think, that youto understand my words. I to want to learn(find out) your opinion onall this? I want to learn(find out) more about you. About your soul, aprivate world. That it is important for you: material or spiritualvalues? I want to see more than your photos. Now I shall beclosed.......... I shall wait for your answer with impatience.....Your friend Natasha. Hi my dear friend What means the photo, which you have sent me?Today I had bad day at school. I have found a new technique on grammarof Russian. I think that this technique would allow children tounderstand grammar better and fastly. But the chief of school has notapproved it. It(he) began to shout at me and to speak that I amengaged not in the business, it(he) began to offend and humiliate me.It(he) spoke that there are experts who create the special program forstudying Russian. I very much was upset after conversation with thechief of school. My mood was gone. I left in the study and cried much.I thought that I shall leave work. Mine Schoolchildren to see as I payand have asked me why I pay. I have told them that I shall not workmore with them. They very much were upset and began to ask to remainme. At one mine the schoolgirl tears on eyes have appeared. I mightnot give up to them and have decided to not give up work. Your lettersthis only thing that cheers up me. I like your letters, when I readthem I feel as we approach. We are Far apart. But it does not preventour dialogue. Though I already thought, that It is absolutely enoughof dialogue through the Internet not to understand each other morestrongly. What you think of it? I would like to see you not only on aphoto. But I not I know as it probably, because we very much farapart. You to me like And I think that our relations can be deeper. Ido not know as to explain It is by words. I simply feel it. Yourletters make my mood high. I am becomes joyful on soul. I want to askyou to write to me your address, I am possible I shall write to youthe letter. I do not remember you wrote whether or not, I can not saveyour letters, because them can read somebody another. My addressRussia,630058, city of Novosibirsk, street of Workers 14-23. But Ithink that it is not necessary to write to me because can steal Theletter, and would not be desirable for me that someone knew about thatabout what we with you we think. I I hope you me understand. I shallwait your letters and I hope that you will write to me soon. I thinkthat Sometime we shall meet you. I would like to arrive to America, tomeet With you to see as you live. I want it because I begin tounderstand that Between us there is something greater than thefriendship seems to me what is it feeling Trust to each other, itseems what is it lovefriend, I seem that you Feel it. I wait for youranswer, it is very important to me to know that you think of that thatI have written To you. I want to learn(find out) much about you. Howat you an affair? How mood? I to think, that at you all is good. I towant it am very strong. I shall ask the god that you were healthy andhappy. I the christian and frequently to go to church. It is veryimportant for me. You to visit(attend) church? What you to ask thegod? I always to ask him(it) that at all all was good also everyonewere healthy. I to know, that it(he) to hear me and to be good onlyfor people. Each person in the world should live well and happilyregardless of the fact that it(he) to make bad. You agree with me? Ito want to know your point of view on this question. Your friendNatasha. |
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