Lubov Smirnova
(Makeevka, Ukraine)
Osanna agency Don Bass
I am 37 years old from Switzerland - I started communicating with this lady
a few months ago - Her name is Lubov Smirnova. I knew her from I was just coming out from another scammer relationship in which I had lost
some money. However, what seem unique to me with this one was her constant
reference to God - she seemed quite real and apparently she didn't even ask
for money, but constantly referred to her mother who was sick and the
medical fees, which seems to be too expensive for her. I was quite outright
- I told her, I wasn't going to be responsible until I can sit down with
her and talk - however, I was so stupid to send her a 50$ for our communication.
What made me suspicious was the fact that she made a mistake on one of her
later in which she referred to me with a name of somebody else - the whole
scam came clear when I phone to the agency (Don bass - which is the real
scammer) - she was not the same Lubov who is so tender but a cold voice of a
monster. That's when I checked the blacklist and found the Devil - a pretender who comes as an angle of light!! The
following are the wonderful sweet sensation of this devil.
Hello, my dear Mr. Bin!
I am very glad to continuer our correspondents. I hope that everything
was OK with you and your relatives those days. I want to thank you for
you. You change my life for better like the spring sun can change the weather for a few
days-you are my life and my dreams. It is so wonderful to feel such way... But
our life consists not only of good but bad time too. I am worry about my
mother- she is in hospital now. Our doctors are good but the medicines which
she need cost a great amount of money but the others help her very slowly. it
is very difficult to understand that you can do nothing to help such person as
your mother. I hope that The God hears my prays and helps her to recover as
soon as possible. Sorry, I don't want to bother you with my problems and
troubles but I feel that you are kind man and can understand what I feel these
days. I am an optimist and believe only in better... Please, take care about
yourself. I wish you to be health. I send you my kisses waiting for your soon
Only your
Hello, dear Mr. Bin!
I need your letters and your sweet thoughts and you,Honey... Of course,you
are right that only our meting help us to realize better that we are the parts of
one unit-you and me... It is wonderful to imagine your sweet smile, kind and
full of love eyes and warm hands- you are the perfect man to me- I feel it by
every inch of my body... I need to see you and to be behind you 24 hours a
day, if it is possible... But nowadays you are there and I am here and only our
letters can bring the peaces of our thoughts and feelings to each other. If only
it would be possible to change something I wish only to appear in your arms. I
send you my long warm kiss waiting your soon reply.
Only your Lubov.
Hello, my dear Mr. Bin!
I feel myself so unusual way- you are so far from me and I have never seen
you but it seems for me that I have known you for ages. I trust you so that
ready to follow behind you to the end of Earth... Of course, I understand quite
well that only our meeting show us the true reality of things- and help us to
feel, if it is possible to create the family. Please, forgive me but I have no
possibility to click see you photos and albums, I have seen only your beautiful
card and rose. Roses in button are my favorite flowers- they look like a lady-
full of beauty and mystery at the same time... Thank you very much for them. I
like you very much,Mr. Bin. I wish to be behind you kissing every inch of
your face... I so worry about my mother but I have no possibility to help her. I am
so sad that these peaces of paper which we call- money means more in our
life then the people lives. It is terrible. But I hope that the God is with us and
help my mother to recover soon. My brother worried about her too. He was
so young when our father died. I don't want that this illness take our mother
too. We so love and need her. I am sure you understand me,dear. Please,
forgive me that I bother you with my problems but I so trust you. Only such
man as you can understand me and share my problem not only best moments
of my life. I send you my warm kiss right on your sweet lips.
Only your Lubov.
My sweetheart,hi!
I am so happy to receive your letter,my future!!! Mr. Bin,I trust on you, my
intuition whispers me that you are the right person for me... Thank you very
much for your prayers. My mother is much better now but lack of money to
buy the necessary medicines play its role in her recover. But I am sure that our
prayers help her a little,my Angel. Our God is so kind for His children that He
is constantly taking care about us,human beings!!! I'm really happy that
I met you in my life. I don't know what I would do either if I don't meet you, Mr.
Bin. I'm certain that you and I are meant to be together. I just know that deep
within my heart that this is all happening for a reason and though it may not be
easy but in the end it will all be worth it and we will be happy with each other.
I am so thankful that you have come into my life and one day I will be
able to show you how much I appreciate you, dear. I wish we could have
met years earlier but it is meant to happen this way so I can't change
destiny. In life there are up and down cycles and at certain timeswhen you are up things don't
cross your path at that time which you want, they sometimes cross your path
when you are on a down cycle but if something crosses your path then, you
will appreciate this more. I'm not sure I am making any sense here and I will
explain this to you when we meet. When we meet I have so much to say which I don't think I
could properly convey in a letter. You are my inspiration and you make
me think that anything is possible and I never have felt this way
before. I hope that you feel the same, my dear Mr. Bin. I must tell you that I
feel very positive and excited about our future. I have to tell you bye for now,
dear. I'm thinking about you all the time...
Take care,
your Lubov.
Letter with the wrong name
My sweetheart Mr. Bin!
I like how you share your thoughts with me, i feel how The Father's hand is
guiding us to each other- we are on the right way,dear!!! My future husband i
am very dedicated to our relationship. I feel very positive and excited about
our nearest future... I wish to create a family with you and be a helping hand to
our parents and loving ones. Thinking about you(about us!!!)I am ready to
forget about all the difficulties and troubles- I wish to pray one day
behind you- feeling your shoulder close to mine,my Mr. Bin. My address and full
ame are:
Sedova street,172a/18
My honey, I wish to hear your voice. It helps me to imagine myself
close to you. You call me,my sweetheart!But unfortunately I don't have a telephone at
ome. So we may use the telephone of the Linguistic club. Mr. Bin, don't be
afraid of my bad knowing of English. I can speak a little, but I understand
almost everything if you speak slowly, of course. So, here is the telephone
number of the Club 380-62-385-27-21 Is it possible for you to call me on
Monday,the 28 of January at 17.30 (Kiev, Ukraine time)? And mind the
difference of time, my dear Keith. I miss your sweat voice and you,dear!!! I
send you my warm kiss waiting your soon reply.
Only your Lubov.
Saleeva (Norilsk, Russia)
I am a white American male, single, no kids, age 37. I received contact from
this person through I corresponded with her for about four weeks. I became suspicious when she declared her love to me and then asked
for money later on. I am familiar with the visa process, so I did not send any
money. I continued to communicate with this person since I found no scam
info on her. I finally found a similar picture at under
known scammers ( Elena Koldyreva from Ekaterninburg ). Attached are several photos, "money" letter, her given info, and e-mail routing info.
She claims to be from Norilsk, but does not describe the weather accurately.
This town is closed to foreigners, so going there is out of the question. Did not
reply to my meeting her in another town in Russia.
Initial letter:
Hello! Let me introduce myself. I am a nice-looking girl from Russia.
My name is Maria, I am 27 years old. I am rather tall (170cm), slim. My hobbies
are music and reading. I am fond of sports. Ia m good at badminton. Besides,
I like walking on foot. It seems to me that nature is the most harmonic and
beautiful thing in the world. And I often try to spend my free time in the open
air. I also like to travel. It helps us to meet other people, get new interesting
useful information and communicate. I have graduated from the University. I
am a teacher of a secondary school. I speak English and a little bit German. I
am a sincere, faithful, kind and tender girl. I like to laugh and enjoy
life. I have a good sense of humour and I like jokes. I don't drink or
smoke. I am interested in marriage. I have never been married because
it is a very serious question for me. But I hope to create a family
someday. I would like to meet a SINCERE, kind, tender and honest man
with similar interests and values. To my mind, the main human value is
kindness. If you are kind everything will be fine in your life. People
must be kind to each other and try to do only good things. In spite of
today's world problems we must not forget taht we are people and all
in this world, in our lives depends upon us. A man can build and also
can destroy! But it is much better to be a builder, isn't it? If you
are interested in my personality, please write me about yourself.
Money letter: ( 7th letter in chain
Hi my love John,
I am very happy to read your letter, as always. Thank you so much for your nice letter! Well, I looked for visa one
else yesterday and to me it is necessary to pay 45 dollars for the
visa and 20 dollars registration I went to embassy and at me was 50
dollars in hands, I have told them, that I have 50 dollars and they
have told well, give 50 dollars. And me have started registration.
They started to make the visa for me. I so have understood that for the visa of this
money will suffice, because to me so have told. But today I went there and to
me have told, that to me gave the visa that it to finish registration urgently it is
necessary to bring all those documents, i.e. pass inspection in hospital X-ray
and it to cost 100 dollars and more and more registration and made many
documents, foreign passport, i.e. all these will cost 350 dollars US. You
understand? I have told, and it is possible later I give them these
money, because I do not have not enough money to receive all these documents, at
me at once have shouted, have scolded and have told, that for you then have
begun to make the visa if you do not have not enough money, but I speak, that
the visa costs 45 dollars and registration 20, but to me have not explained at
once to receive the visa, is necessary that were applied all necessary
documents, I has certainly apologized, and has told, that I shall bring soon,
one of these days. To me have told, that they may wait about 5 days and if I
shall not bring the necessary documents they will stop to make the
visa to me. And it is even worse, that if I not shall have time, to me
have told that may not make to me the visa more, they will take offence at me, for my acts. But I
promised, that I shall make all correctly and to me have believed. Therefore I
very much ask you, try to borrow from somebody money if you now do not
have it, at the friends for example. Because to me now in such situation the
help nobody may, I searched already, but not any successes. Therefore I
hope only for you, you one to me may the help. Because I believe in
you, and in both of us, that all at us will be Ok! And I hope, that all will be good. I
know it. I ask you to send this money to me as soon as possible. Please send
to me 300 dollars in these 5 days. Ok? It's very important. I wait! And visa
was finally done in 2 weeks or faster and will be good for three month. So, I
want to tell that the money better to send by the bank system called Western
Union. This system is very reliable also transferring money is carried out during
minutes. By the way you must send the money on my passport data. Here
is my data:
Metallurgists STREET 34-93.
After you will send money you in bank will tell ten figures (MTCN, control
number) and do not forget to write your full address and full name which you
will fill at sending money and should inform me it. Yesterday night, I had this
remarkable, sexual dream concerning you and me. I can not address, will
carry out (spend) it to me immediately. I should express it to you, to be the
divided (shared) part it with you. I should find out, whether you also have
dream concerning similar character, or - only me. You and me, anyone still.
I love you very much. I want to speak love to you. We now have a rain.
The rain brings love. The love prospers in this weather. It - very romantic situation.
I love you am very strong.
Yours for ever
Given info:
Metallurgists STREET 34-93
Here is the routing info: ( dialup account in Mari-El Republic - ( maybe
Yoshkar-Ola) - far from Norilsk ).
Note: The user ( last quad ) is different for every letter
Return-Path: <>
Received: (qmail 5010 invoked from network); 23 Jan 2002 22:25:30 -0000
Received: from (
by with SMTP; 23 Jan 2002 22:25:30
Received: from USER ( [])
by (X.X.X/X.X.X) with ESMTP id BAA50470
for <>; Thu, 24 Jan 2002 01:15:38 +0300 (MSK)
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 17:11:17 +0300
From: maria <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.51) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Reply-To: maria <>
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To: John <>
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J W. Evans
Saleeva (Chelyabinsk, Russia)
I'm a single man who is 34 years old, never married and have relatives in
Sweden and Norway. I was looking for a woman in Russia or the Ukraine because
I have heard that they are very good women from my relatives in Scandinavia.
My first letter from her was the 30th of January and we are still actively
e-mailing each other so she doesn't know that I'm on to her. I noticed
on page 71 (please check that page)
different addresses are used. So there may be more than a couple people scamming out there with her pictures.
I didn't find out until now that there were black lists and I may be reporting on another lady soon.
Metallurgists STREET 34-93.
John B.

Saliva (Khabarovsk, Russia)
I am a 46 year old man from the USA.
This is the third scammer that has contacted me this year.
I am getting smarter about identifying them now. From the
very beginning I knew this lady was a scammer. First she contacted me
from my profile on Friend Finders...same as the other scammers. Her
email address was similar
the is used my many of the scammers on your list. She fell
in love with me by the third letter and was asking for money on the
fourth. Of course she asked that I send the money by Western
Union like all the other scammers. I played along but this time
I sent her four identical copied or pasted letters I had sent my
mother and the photos I attached were of my dog! Never once did
she comment on the letters or photos...of course not she never reads
the letters or opens the attachments. I will not bore you with any
more details because they are the similar or the same as the others.
I will paste the first and money letter along with some photos.
I hope she enjoys my dog photos because that is all she got from
Letter #1
Greetings Tim.
You really compel me to be pleased each your letter,
I Pleased, which you want to communicate with me. Then I shall
continue History about me it is direct. My growth
170 cm. - average growth for the girl And I do not think
directly very highly. Mine too average weight, I weigh Only 56
kg. Color of my green eyes, it is bad probably In a
photo which I have sent you. I have passed(missed) to inform you in My
last (last) letter, that I never was for the husband, and that I never
had Children you already know about it. I am right? I hope, that
you Understand my letters because I am not absolutely well capable
to write In English, though I completely understand it, and I can
speak. On it to I to have necessity to
use the program - the translator. To speak, in
English I have õÚÎÁÎÎÙÊ at school then I studied
at university, and I had the highest Estimations. I
always very well wanted to speak English. I like to Listen to
various music. For me there are no distinctions in it That
it: SHAKE or POPULARITY, the main thing, that music was beautiful. In
The general whom music of the tool is more to similar me,
I very much, likes to go in Theatres and to look actions and games
(play). My favourite color, Color of red roses. I am
very similar to these colors. I am very similar To read novels
of love. Most of all in life I do
not love treachery The favourite person. Probably it that I had
in the last trouble With it, I already spoke you
about it. A question - that I loved that The person
in the past, but it(he) has deceived my dreams, it(he) had the
mistress. And When I have learned(found out)
(found out) about it, could not arrive in itself
very much Long time. After that I long could not trust people. I have
told you About this case because I want to entrust to
you all secrets and I hope, That you will not have
secrets from me, you see only so we can be very much Good
friends who have no secrets from each other. I would be
Characterize style of my life according to one offer: " do not
wish the person From this you do not wish yourselves.
" Such value of life to me Very much to similar and I
would like this, all people on a planet lived Precisely as. In leisure
I like to be engaged in sports meets. It helps me to Stay in the
excellent (various) sports form. Now in us colds
begin Also it will be fast snow, both I shall ski.
And you ski? I heard, That for this purpose it is
necessary for you enter mountains Because in you not enough
snow lower(omit) or do not leave in The
general? I am right? Inform me more about city in which you live. I
shall be pleased to study (find out) it. I wait your answer. Also I
Still a lot of many about me is direct.
The money letter #4
Congratulations my love
I am very happy to read yours The letter, as always. Many
thanks for your good letterI was interested One Travel agency
about an opportunity of travel to USA. And then to Me have told, that
with it there are no problems, and I can arrive in You. Only for
this purpose again and again it is necessary for me to Issued (released((exempted))
for me directly the visa, and then I have left in
Embassy, And in me informed, that to me it is necessary to pay
on 47 Dollars the Visa and registration to 21 dollar, I have left
in The embassy and in me, there was 50 dollars in hands, I have told
them, That I have 50 dollars, and them have told well, give 50
dollars. And Me have begun registration.
They have started to do(make) (do((make)) (do(make)
((do(((make)) (Do(make) (do(make)) ((do(make) (((do(make)))
the visa to me. But to finish registration it It is
urgently necessary to bring all Documents which is
the review From pass to hospital and It to cost 102 dollars and
more and more Registration and made According to many
documents, foreign The passport and all necessary
Accusations which is all from them, USA For 413 dollars,
will cost. You Understand? I have told, and it
Possible(probable), later, which I give Their their Money
because me to run into debt There is
enough money to receive all from them Documents. To me
have told, That they can wait approximately within the limits of
limits of 5 Days and if for me As I believe in you, and in us
to both, that all in us It will be Good! And I hope, they
- Everyone, I shall be good. I know it. If you Can send
this money to me as soon as far as far as Possible(probable)
(probable). Please, if you can send me this money these 5
Days. Well? It - very important, which we could meet
(to execute) You. I wait! And the visa at last was made in 2 weeks or
is faster if To pay 24 more $, Also it will be good for
three-monthly. It - visa B - 2, the tourist. But Concerning me
have explained, if us to want, Marry, she(it) (it)
(on it) (on (It) we can be changed (are replaced) (are replaced)
( Replaced) for constant. So, I want To
inform, that Money it is better To send system of
bank named the western Union. It - System, it
Is very reliable, also Transfer (moving) of
money (moving) (moving) is executed Within the
limits of limits of 15 minutes. As you should send Money
to mine The passport the data. - my data: Maria Saliva, USSIA,
Khabarovsk, STREET LENINA 42-92. After you will send money,
you in bank Informs ten numbers
(numbers) (numbers ((number)) (numbers number) ((number
((number))) (MTCN, number (number) (Number ((number)
(number (number) (number
(number))) the control (management)
(management) (management), Also does not pass (avoid) to write
your full Against the address And YOURS the FULL NAME
(NAME) (the NAME ((NAME)) (the NAME (NAME) ((the NAME ((the NAME))
which you are filled in a
package (the Package ((the package
(((a parcel(sending))) money also should inform me it. Yesterday
night, I had remarkable, sexual dream to be relative
you And I. As you take Hands of me to offer a kiss
and to pass soft, Wide bed. Gentle and sensitive to place me in it (her(it)
(it) ((it) to Touch everyon he Part of my body
(body) (body ((body) (body (body) ((body ((body))), and me
yours. It deletes (deletes ((rises ((lifts))) us up to Clouds of
happiness and Ecstasy. I should express
it to you to be Divided(shared)
(divided((shared)) (I have
Divided(shared) (divided((shared))) the Part it with you. I
should find out, whether you Also have dream Concerning similar
character (mark) ((mark mark), or - only I. You and I, anyone still. I
love you very much. I want to speak Like To you.
We now have snow. Snow brings love. The love prospers
in It is Weather. It - very romantic situation. When all is white,
Beautiful falling (about (autumn) of snowflakes. I love you, is
very much Strong.
Marina Svetlova
(Murmansk, Russia)
I'm very glad to finally find you list. I was scammed by Marina Svetlova of
Murmansk, Russia. This happened around Aug 2001 to Oct 2001. I actually
sent her money several times. It was a little rewarding to see her pictures and
letters she sent to others was the same as some of that she sent to me. I
actually received about 60 letters from her. She was to fly to me 2 times. I
went to airport - no Marina. Thank you for your services. Maybe some other
honest hard working guys won't get ripped off.
Her e-mail address at that time was
I have since destroyed all pictures and letters because I felt pretty stupid.
Bruce E
(Yoshkar-ola, Russia) and Olesya (Samara, Russia)
I am a divorced white 49 year old American. This contact originated by her
E-mailing me from the Absolute I have carried on a conversation
for about 1 month with Natasha. At the same time she said she wanted to
come here to be with me, my company changed E-mail addresses. I then got
an E-mail from a woman called Olesya, wanting to start conversations. Today,
on my old E-mail ( which is still being forwarded) I got the request for money.
I already knew it was a scam because under her second name she sent a picture that I could tell was the same as Natasha. ( Same day, Same clothes)
Initial letter for Natasha:
Hi, I have seen the announcements on and I liked your structure
very much! You have seemed to me as the good man. My name is Natasha. I
am 28 years old. I work as the children's doctor in hospital. I like children and
animals.I am interesting in reading books and going in for sport. I have the
romantic character. I want to find the happiness!!! If you think me the
person you like,look through for my structure I hope a lot for the answer in a short
I am waiting for your letter,
My e-mail is
Letter wanting Money (after just 3 weeks)
Hi my dear Fred,
I have learned that is necessary for me the passport and the visa. I have
girlfriend which can to make for me all necessary information for reception of
the visa.I can receive for small time the visa and the passport for 350 $. I can
hope only for your help. I still can be in time on to you on mine birthday.
Today at us coldly and in the street ice. I constantly think of you.
Initial letter from Olesya
Me name is Olesya.
After Valentine day after all my girlfriends have left to meet with the husbands
and guys I has decided, that the friend with whom I might connect all further
life too is necessary for me, but such person with whom I would not be happy
is not necessary for me.
My number ID A1968018
I shall tell to you slightly about myself, me 26 years, I live in city of Samara in
spite of the fact that it is very beautiful city, here very difficultly to find the
good person with which it is possible would be to connect the life, the
purposes of people in our city very much low, and the girlfriend has advised
me to look same people as well as I in the Internet, I and have made I have
gone to the Internet of cafe and have found a site which to me the girlfriend
has advised, at her mum as has got acquainted with the person from Germany.
From all countries which were offered me on a choice, I have decided to
choose USA, on films and under stories I know, that people for which his (its)
personal honour and decency is appreciated more than any petty interests live
in this country. After short viewing structures I have seen yours which most
approaches me, and have decided to write to you in hope that I shall receive
from you the answer. Excuse I has distracted from the story about itself
slightly. As I to you already spoke me 26 years I live in Russia, city of
Samara, my weight makes 54 kgs at growth of 171 centimeter. At me higher
education on a speciality the ecologist, but on the trade I do not work, as on it
(her) it is very difficult to find work. I work to help the bookkeeper in the
company which is engaged in sale of home appliances. I live one without
parents, my parents were lost at a fire of 6 years back, my grandmothers and
grandfathers communists, my relatives were noblemen when Russia king corrected earlier, but there was it for a long time. I never supported ideas
communists, they have resulted the country which once was great power, in
full route. But about it I shall not continue to me this subject not so it is
pleasant have shot.
I live together with mine cat Murka, she (it) my best friend! She (it) also likes
to ask to have a meal black color at me, in exchange on it she (it) may sit next
hours me and purr. Unfortunately I badly know the English language so I the
first time shall be to use the translator, but I go on rates, on studying language.
With impatience I wait from you for the answer.
Your new friend from Russia
The photos sent from the two 'women'
were of the same girl in the same clothes.
Fred A Slaymaker,
Decatur, IL
Olga Yureva
(Kazan, Russia)
AKA Zinaida Petrova, Elena Votrina, Elena Volodina
street of Gorkogo 24-6
city of Kazan,
Her latest email address is:
I am a single white American male 45 years old, who thanks to your site was
saved a lot of money and heartache. I originally was contacted by on 1/20/02 about a match from their service.
From email #7:
But before our occurring it - there are a lot of
difficulties. I have the girlfriend, which one work in transport agency.
She(it) has told me, that in USA the visa, which one lasts within 3 months
there are 350 bucks. It is very expensive for me. I do(make) my grant 60
bucks per one month.
From email #9:
I talked to my girlfriend from travel
agency. She speaks that visa B-2 is necessary for me. The visa is registered 2 weeks and operates 3 months then.
It to cost 350 dollars. Tickets to cost 1200 dollars there and back. It is very
many money. Unfortunately I have no such money. If you may help me with
money to speed up our meeting, you may send money through Western Union. The
address of bank:
1 Dekabristov street
Kazan 420066 RUSSIA.
Olga Yureva.
Money was only requested in these two emails.
After finding your site 2 days ago, and praying to God that what I found was
not true, I contacted one hour ago with what I had learned. I
will inform you of the outcome on their part when I am contacted by them. I
have included a copy of the email below:
Dear Sirs:
I recieved an email on 1/20/02 from your site about a possible match with a
girl that uses the name russiangirl. Her name is Olga and we have corresponded heavily since then, with plans on meeting in the future. I know
this is sounding like a "true love found" letter, but let me assure you that
it is not. The saga took a severe left turn about 3 days ago when I discovered a
website discussing Russian girls scamming men for money for non-existent
plane tickets and visas. That website is
I believe that she is one of those listed on that website, because a picture
that she sent me is listed under three different names on that website.
Those three names are:
Zinaida Petrova
Elena Votrina
Elena Volodina
The name she used with me was Olga Yureva.
And to make matters worse, the letters on that website all sound eerily familiar to the ones I have
recieved. I have copies of all 15 emails she has sent me, along with all of
the photos she has sent. She suddenly changed her email address 2 days ago
Her old email address was
I hope that this is coincidence, but I fear I am wrong.
I hope this email
saves the next person from certain heartache and possible financial ruin.
Robert Orth
Yurieva (Kazan, Russia) - 2
I'm a single dad of 1 daughter, living in
Australia. I was contacted by this person "Olga Yurieva" through the Freindfinder website.
I have seen most of the letters she has sent me on your website, and her
photos also. When it came time to "give money for a visa" I decided it was
time to do some checking, and luckly I found this website! She is also listed
under these names on your website; Anna Garanina Vladimirovna / Natasha Kuvshinova / Elena (Kazan Russia)
I wont bother copying the emails as most of them are already listed on the website.
I'll attach only a single photo as you have them all too!!
Thank goodness for this website!!
Update on possible information on the whereabouts of this person for those
who have been scammed.
Upon checking the details of the emails this person sent to me I have found
Received: from ([]) by
mx01.****** with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.4617);
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 22:44:24 +1100
Received: from andron ( [])
by (X.X.X/X.X.X) with ESMTP id OAA23500
When I checked I used and
I found that this is a Russian Internet service provider, providing dial up accounts.
This information will be of value to those who are
forwarding complaints to the FBI, and will provide a possible trace to the person who is sending these
This person obviously has an internet account with this company. Everything is
traceable on the internet now days, all you have to do is contact the company,
and match the times the emails was sent, with the company's log of who was
accessing the free email account in question, in my case it was
They can match the IP address used to access that website, with the time, and
then you have the dialup account used to take your money !!
With that a name and address can be retrieved from the dialup company in
Russia and the FBI can go to work.
Thanks for helping us all out.
