Ekaterina Sokalova (Khabarovsk, Russia)
I am a Divorced White male, father of three grown boys, and 43 years old. I was approached by Ekaterina as a response to a dating post I had made. She told me how impressed she was with my profile and wanted to know more.
She sent a picture, and told me she was 28, living with her mum, etc. I saw the picture of this lovely young lady and I thought it odd such a lovely lady would seek out a man like I, but then I thought, "why not try?"
Every Day a new letter, and a new picture. I was amazed that she found me
so interesting, I began to read up on Russian Customs and my eyes were
opened that MAYBE this was a true opportunity for me. Every letter she sent,
she was more and more in love with me, but rarely answered direct questions
(altho she DID answer one or two) and then began to talk of wanting to meet
me immediately. THAT'S when the letter asking for the money came. I had
already informed her that this time of year in my business is not a good time to
take off, and that I travel for my work. Still, she sent the following letter, and if
you look at the PROFILE of Marina Salina, also of Khabarovsk, you will find
the two letters almost Identical!!!
Letter 2:
Congratulations my new friend TJ. It - I Ekaterina! I so am pleased, that you
have answer on my letter which I have written to you through neodates.com. I
did not hope at all, that such person as you, I shall answer me. To me The
truth very pleasantly from it. Now it - is a little about itself. I Alive in Russia in
city of Khabarovsk. It - not so small city, it Possible(probable) even to inform,
that big. I live, and I work here. I work medical sister In children's hospital.
Very much to similar me work, because I very much It is a lot of love
small children. Unfortunately, I nevertheless have no any children, but me Think, that
in the future I shall be capable to have children from The favourite person. I
have written the first letter to you not simply So, I have written it because you
very much loved me as the person. I want to study (find out) about you in the
greatest possible degree and is direct me Will inform you about me directly.
Also I think, that our friendship will be Do not lose sense, and each day
becomes stronger. oops, has passed(missed) To inform you, about age.
To me of 28 years. I gave rise June, 5 1973 in native city. I have since then the
childhood which grow in mine The city and very much is (it((him)) I like. I do
not know why, but in me huge Bent for on travels. Probably, it because of my
father, it (it((he)) was The traveller, unfortunately I remember it (it((him)) a
little, because it (it((he)) Was tragically lost in one (sending) from
expeditions(dispatches) when I was some More very small, but I
believe, that it (it((he)) very much loved us with Mum. I very much estimate in ability of the
person to love(like) (similarly to), up to The end of days. In heart I also very
romantic person, I very much Like to observe (to observe) stars at night,
sometimes I would like to fly Also touch (touch) their hands. I would be, so is
happy, if with me about(near) The person who could care of me, was. Unfortunately,
now I have no any anyone The person during long time because I had in
past very bad case with One person the ambassador who long could not
trust any. But recently I have Met (executed) the girlfriend, and
she(it) (it) advised (notified) to me to take advantage Service
(service) of acquaintances, on it I have taken advantage of services neodates.com Also
have chosen you from thousand other people. You can Judge my appearance
(occurrence) from a picture which I to you I send, please inform, That you
think of it. And I would be pleased to receive your photo also. I Would be
pleased to hear, which you inform about you directly. I want to Study (find
out) all about you, because so we can reach(achieve) mutual Understanding
and familiarity (attitudes((relations)). Inform me about Directly. I shall wait
your prompt reply with impatience. Also I shall be Inform about me directly
even more in my ambassador of the letter.
Your new friend
Letter 4:
Congratulations my best friend TJ.
Thank for the letter back and for The shown Interest (interest) (interest ((interest) to me. So it is pleasant for me from it,
That you (do((make)), do not forget me. I think, that we became good Friends. I feel, that ours the
friendship becomes stronger each day. I Are pleased, which was not mistaken
In you, and I shall try to was not present Disappoint you behaviour. I already
Spoke you, that I live with mum Together, unfortunately I have no any any
anyone Brothers and sisters About which it is possible to share
(divide((share)) the most Reserved (kept) secrets And dreams. On it to my
mum if it is interesting His(its) (its((her)) age, With 51 years to you. We very
friendly alive with my mum. I admit I (recognize) me (Recognize) (rather
enough ((fairly), it, again and again my mum was against Acquaintance to the
foreigner but when I have shown (its((her)) yours Letters, she(it) (which it) has
told, that you were not right and that the person The respect (attitude((relation)) is good, and (the
attitude(relation) ((attitude(((relation)) deserves. By the way, mine Mum passes (moves) you Congratulations.
She(it) (it) is sure, that we shall be Good friends also That we should charge each
other completely because Without ?????????? (the trust ((trust) is not present
any strong friendship. I try to was not present Think concerning that distance
which separates us, but about each yours The letter to me to seem, up to
which the distance between us reduces and Start ever less and less. I like to
dance much, is especial a Waltz. In the childhood I was borrowed
(borrowed((occupied)) In dances in Choreographic school. Whether also you
really capable to dance - a Waltz? If - not existing, I could study you to this,
certainly for This purpose the purpose it is necessary for us to meet everyone
Another face to face though everyone can take place in the future + In
Us today cold weather it it is snowing, and you have snow, and as Frequently? I
know, that to you to ski, have need(requirement), to lift Highly in mountains,
and to us for this purpose the purpose, it It is necessary to leave in the street.
And what weather Now in You? Inform me even more about itself. I want to
know about All from you And directly I should try to inform about me directly
so much, as Much Possible(probable) (probable). I shall look forward to
hearing from you with impatience.
Your best Friend
Letter 6:
Greetings my loved(liked) TJ.
Today I with impatience have hastened in internetclub Is faster to check an electronic box of the
letter. I have found yours The letter and my heart were filled with high temperature and to knock with unknown Force. During our
correspondence (conformity) I have understood that you very good The person. Also that you maintain my attention. Also I hope, that I
stand Yours also. You the person whom I searched for all life. And when I have I seeing
carelessly your structure at once have fallen in love with you Without memory.
I became similar to the mad girl, raving love. First I was afraid to recognize
you it, thought, that when you at once will be Hear these words, you will laugh
at my feelings. You see, that I then did(made) Do not know you so well as
now. But during our dialogue I did not store(keep) Feelings inside me it is
direct also they have escaped outside of. Now I do(make) Are not confused
to recognize you it. I love you, very urgently also want To leave for you in a
marriage(spoilage)!!!!!! I for ever yours. I hope you you Will not break (to
break) my dreams concerning you. Also you will be my husband In the future.
I do not want, that you lost for what - ??????!!!!
With love ekaterina!!!!!!!!
Letter 7:
Greetings my dear TJ.
I hope, that my last letter has no Caused you an attack of confusion. You
probably ask me, " why So quickly? " I shall hasten to answer you which I
simply could not keep In me directly these feelings are more, and they have
escaped outside of. I am simple Did not know, how to you to inform about it
at once, you see then you Would not understand me. I have never checked up
such feelings to anyone to Another. I think, that you are created
especially (specially) for me, and I want to To be create only for you
my love. Your letters always bring high temperature and a Cosiness in
my heart though we and far apart, I all the same feel you As though
you - with me in one room (place). I so want to convenient and feeling
to You are heated up your breath, I feel, which with you to me will be
always Warm, even in the coldest weather. I believe that to you that
the person Which I searched for all life. I am very lonely here
without you. I Hold all your letters in me directly and when me, to
begin one I read Them again and I to become little bit better.
Sometimes I think, and It if we have met (would execute) and have
remained one even within some minutes Then it would be the happiest day in my life.
Interestingly, and there Any way - for our meeting? I so would like, that it was
possible. Tomorrow I shall go for the sake of my interest (interest) in any
travel agency And I shall ask them concerning an opportunity of travel to
USA. I Hope, what you not against it? Please, inform me, that you think of it.
I shall wait your answer.
With love Ekaterina.
I send you a photo Which, I have made in this summer, I hope, you love it.
Letter requesting money
"Congratulations my love TJ,
I am very happy to read your letter, as Always. Many thanks for your good letterI was interested
one Travel agency about an opportunity of travel to USA. And then to me Have told, that with it there are no problems, and I can
arrive in You. Only for this purpose again and again it is necessary for me to
Released(exempted) for me directly the visa, and then I have left in
embassy, And in me informed, that to me it is necessary to pay on 47 Dollars the Visa
and registration to 21 dollar, I have left in The embassy and in me, there was
50 dollars in hands, I have told them, That I have 50 dollars, and them have
told well, give 50 dollars. And Me have begun registration. They have started
to do(make) (do((make)) (do(make) ((do(((make)) The visa to me. But to
finish registration it it is urgently necessary To bring all Documents which is the
review of pass in hospital and It to cost 96 dollars and more and more
registration and made According to many documents, the foreign passport and
all necessary Accusations which is all from them, USA for 379 dollars, will
cost. You Understand? I have told, and it is possible, later, which I give Their
their Money because I ???????? enough money, to receive all from them
Documents. To me have told, that they can wait approximately within the
limits of 5 Days and if I as I believe in you, and in us to both, that all in us It
will Be good! And I hope, they - Everyone, I shall be good. I know it. If You
can send this money to me as soon as far as far as
possible(probable). Please, if you can send me this money these 5 days. Well? It - very much Important,
that we could meet (to execute) you. I wait! And The visa at last was made in
2 weeks or is faster if to pay 24 more $, Also it will be good for three-monthly. It - visa B-2, the tourist. But Concerning me have explained, if
us to want, marry, she(it) (on it) (on (It) we can be changed (are replaced) (is
replaced) for constant. So, I want to Inform, that Money it is better to send
system of the bank named The western Union. It - System, it is very reliable,
also money Transfer (moving) (moving) is executed within the limits of 15
minutes. As you should send Money to my passport the data. - my data:
After you will send money, you in The bank informs ten numbers (numbers) (numbers ((number))
(MTCN, number (number) (number (number)) The control (management) (management),
also does not pass (avoid) to write your full The address And YOUR FULL NAME (NAME) (the NAME ((NAME)
which you are filled in a package (the Package ((parcel(((sending)) of money
also should inform me it. Yesterday night, I had remarkable, sexual dream to
be relative you and I. As you take Hands of me to offer a kiss and to pass a
soft, wide bed. Gentle and sensitive to place me in it (her(it) ((it) to
touch everyone a Part of my body (body) (body ((body)), and me yours. It deletes
(removes ((lifts)) us up to Clouds of happiness and ecstasy. I should express it
to you to be Divided(shared) (has divided(shared)) the Part it with you. I
should find out, whether you Also have dream Concerning similar character
(mark) (mark), or - only me. You and I, anyone still. I love you very much. I
want to speak love To you. We now have snow. Snow brings love. The love
prospers in it Weather. It - very romantic situation. When is all white,
Beautiful falling (about (autumn) of snowflakes. I love you, is very strong.
Yours for ever
.... and then after I had basically told her NOT NOW, This letter
Letter 9
Greetings my love TJ.
I have received your e-mail. I loved it. Fairly, I completely use Reception of
your characters. That I use most of all which you very much open and It
does(makes) it very simple for me to open my basis (main principles) also.
That I am valid It is loved, your three sources of love were. It - silent
understanding, Mutual privacy (trust), Division and pardon. It - loyalty through
good times. The love is pleased Existing, it hopes during the future, and
it does not reflect the past. It - the chronicle " day in Day from " Irritations, problems,
compromises, small disappointments, the big victories And Overall aims. If
you have love in your resource (safe life), it can be filled very much Many
many things you absence. Anyhow, which can a little also " to be juicy " for
The person, but it something, that to close (to capture) me within the limits of
the last several years. Successful opencast but it is fair, they really do not
mean (mean) much because their things do(make) (Main principles) do
not help the basis. I am pleased, that you can trust me, and you can Name me
love. I hope it Legs (support) that path. If there is any time where you doubt
be relative Concerning me or if I speak something, that infringements
(excitement) you, please inform To me. I think, that is very simple To be fair,
when we speak concerning good , however, I find subjects (section) difficult
To be completely fair, when we Speak concerning negative editions. At least it
for me. I hope, sometime, that you Feeling, that you can trust me sufficient to
inform me "Poor" things also. Especially (specially), if you
Infringement (excitement) with me. I shall try to do(make) the Same. However, I should
emphasize, I Have no any any reason to doubt be relative concerning you.
Fairly, your characters were filled so The big soul and the basis (main
principles) which it we (force) me to feel really good. It was long time as I felt
a warm feeling Inside my main principles. I like to receive Your e-mails. You,
????????, very pleasant (sweet) person, it seems, really to know that you
Search in for the Attitude(relation) also does not wish to agree about less than
it, you search, It It seems, really to use a resource (safe life) and
to have the strong basis (main principles). Gratitude For opening your
basis (main principles) to me. I wish to study much more be relative You.
Your love
This letter immediately caused me to look into scamming, and see if this
indeed was happening to me. I found your site, and at first thought that maybe I was being too suspicious, and gave her the benefit of the doubt. Today, however, I was perusing your site again and searched the blacklist for names from
Khabarovsk. That is when I saw the letter regarding this Marina Saliva, and was so
disheartened by it all. Now I must end this email relationship, and it makes me sad to think that people will play on other's emotions so willingly. I hope the following letters and pictures will help another spot a scammer more quickly than I did. I may not have sent her any money, but my heart was really interested in this one. God Bless, All!
   
Ekaterina Strelkova (Yoshkar-Ola,
My name is Michael, I am a single Dad from Australia. I am 41 Years old, and
unfortunately I was scammed bigtime by the abovementioned person, before I got to see your site. I guess the reason this happened is because
I am a lonely guy, and was genuinely looking for a partner. The person I have been talking was listed in the Friendfinder.com service, to which I am a member. She has the following listing with that service. v_katusha. Her e-mail address is (or was), prettykitty@fromru.com. she first contacted me as follows:
Letter 1 (dated Jan 19, 02)
Hi, my name is Katya. I live in Russia. I work as a tutor in a childrens day
nursery. I love children and animals very much. I am 26 years old. I want to get
acquainted with the man, who will be a support in my life. I agree to get
acquainted with a man from 30 and older. For me age is not the main thing. The
main thing is that there is love and mutual understanding! I do not notice a
difference in ages. I hope only for my true love, and I hope very much that all
with us will be good! I agree to answer all questions that interest you. I am
anxious for your letters! PS: Please write me letters only to pretty_kitty@fromru.com
Letter 2 (dated Jan 23, 02)
Hi, Michael.
I'm so pleased that you can understand my not so good English language, that I
has learned in school and in College. I'm 171 centimeters tall, my weight is 59
kg, I have medical education, I'm a child nurse. I work in children's hospital and
I look after children. I live in the city Yoshkar-Ola. It is approximately in 850
kilometers from the Moscow city. I want to say you, that I love children very
much. I have an experience of dialogue directly with Russian people,
but they are not adapted, it is serious also. And they drink alcohol very frequently and it
not so is pleasant to me. I think, that such habit is not a gift. I want to inform,
that I do not smoke, and I do not drink strong drinks. But sometimes I like to
drink in the good company a small glass of grape vine, though it happens very
seldom. I want to say, that I am able well to play a piano, I have finished
musical school, I've studied for 6 years. I Want to inform, that I
live with my mum. I have the father. My grandfather unfortunately has
died, 7 years ago. I want to say, that I like various music, but mostly classical. I want to be serious.
My relations with you are to find love and to create happy family. I will be
pleased, if you want the same. I want to say, that I write to you from an office
computer. Unfortunately I have no the computer at home. I hope, that it will not
be a problem. I hope you'll answer me soon.
Yours, Katya.
Ok here comes the monkey, I am normally so cautious, but she seemed so
genuine.......what did I know!
This is part of my reply to that letter
...If things were to develop between us to the point that we wanted to make some
sort of commitment, it would almost certainly mean that you would have to
move to Australia to live. Have you thought about that. It's a long way from
your family, and the way of life that you know. It would be hard for you to
adjust I think. The question you need to ask yourself is "could I do that',
"would I do that". I realize I am asking some very heavy questions of you, but I
think it is best to consider these issues before trying to get any further in making
a relationship with each other. You could come out and visit if you wanted. My
house has spare rooms and the like that you could use if you wanted to make
the trip. I even would have no problem if you wanted to bring a friend so that
you felt safer. It might even be possible for me to help with the cost for you in
getting out here, though I cant say right now the exact extent of that help...
What an idiot I was. But ok, lets move on
Letter 3 (dated Jan 23, 02)
Hi, my dear Michael.
Sorry, my dear, yesterday my mail server didn't work, and I could not read &
sent letters. I write this letter from an Internet cafe. It's very fast. I do not have
children! I was never married! I very much to want to marry. My age 26 years.
I've finished a musical school. I am able to play on the piano. I work as a
children's medical sister. What you to like to do in free time? What
kind of food do you like? I have a day off today and I have decided to
write a letter to you. My mum an me are going to visit my grandmother
today. She lives in 50 kilometers from our city in a village. I live
in city Yoshkar-Ola. There are perfect nature and circle of woods. She
will prepare pies which are made in the furnace. They are very delicious and fragrant. You probably never ate such
tasty pies. My feelings with each letter to you are becoming stronger and
stroner. I talked to the mum about our relations. I told her some phrases from
your letter and she said that you are probably honour man and your
feelings are sincere about your relations to me, but you should not hurry up with acceptance
of the serious decision, you should understand the feelings. We with you as two
climbers which rise in a mountain, I am on the one side, and you are on the
other, and the final point is the top on which we will meet. We should climb to
the top not looking on obstacles which can will meet on our way, and then
everything will be very well. I shall wait for your answer.
Always yours,
Looks very familiar to some of the other letters you have on your site!
But at this point I was completely unsuspecting, and completely trusting of this
person. I had never heard of any of these scams! Soon after this I began to
have some doubts, after I spoke to some friends and family about Kate. But
the photos and letters she sent to me completely blew me away, and all
caution that I had went out the window!
Letter 4 & 5 (dated Jan 25 & 29, 02)
Pretty much the same as above. Exchanges of information. What I like. Me falling for her. You know the drill.
Lets cut to the chase shall we. By the time of this next letter, I am in deep, and she is playing me like a musical instrument. Lets have a look!
Letter 6 (dated Feb 05, 02)
Hello, my dear Michael.
First of all today I have gone to look if the letter from you has come. And I was delighted with your letter. I
have a feeling, like I have received a charge of energy for all day.
My full name is Ekaterina Strelkova. My dear Michael, in Russia at
customs house the very large money undertakes at reception of sendings
from other countries. My school friend Elena told, that the relative
has sent her a ring at date of birth, and she had to pay for it about
250 dollars. Unfortunately I do not have such money. Michael, I shall
be happy, if you will help me with installation of the telephone. I
very strongly want to talk to you too. You can send money through
Western Union. It's branch is at us in city and I can is fast and
safely receive money. My dear, I would like to know all about you,
what is your the most favorite dish, what do you like to do in free
from work time. Lovely I want to tell, that I have chosen in you soul
superior others in love, in mercy, in mighty desire to love and to bring happiness. And
please, be honour with me. You see the deceit breaks a lot of families. Today
I shall attend to church and I shall ask for us. Be healthy and in a good spirit,
remember that you always in my heart. The fidelity and caress is necessary to
you? I have selected destiny of a fidelity, as closest to my nature. Will be sure.
Vainly speak, that the love is blind; True in that fond is indifferent
to those or other lacks, which it perfectly sees, if only it seemed,
that it finds in the man that is most important for him. And it is in
you. As I would like to see us together, evenings, in a room. We would
start with you long conversation, one that I love; we would discuss
people, things seen during the day. Recently has found east love
treatise and would like you to read - Three sources have inclinations
of the man: soul, reason (or mind) and body. An inclination of souls
derivate friendship. An inclination of mind derivate respect. An
inclination of a body derivate desire. The connection of three
inclinations derivates love. Michael, I'm always waiting for your answer with impatience.
Forever yours,
Letter 7 (dated Feb 07, 02)
Hello, my dear Michael. I've awaken early today to make various
fruit salads. I do not have a lot of food, I keep my figure and I'm constantly jogging a little
after work. I shall be very glad to receive your new photos. I shall print them
on the color printer and place them above my bed in a sleeping room. My
mum likes to read your letters too. I am translating them to Russian and we
reading them together with my mum. I was never married, but I want to marry
very much. I never had sexual contacts! It is very pleasant to me to find
out that by mutual understanding each other, you see it is a very important fact in
our relations. If we want to create strong union, we should trust and
understand each other in all I feel fine, concerning me can not worry with me
that's all right. Today I have received my salary. It probably will be ridiculous
but I have earned forty dollars for this month. Well, we shall not speak about
problems which rise on our way. Write me as often as possible, I like to read
your letters very much, they giving me pleasure in life, giving me chance to
believe that I'm loved by a man somewhere far away from me, it raises
my mood at once, it would be desirable to live and to believe that we shall meet. I
shall wait for your answer today. I send my photo for you: by the past in the
summer I was at the school friend Elena (she lives in Kazan). I shall be glad, if
you will come to me in Russia. The purchase and installation of the telephone
in our country costs about 170-200 USA dollars. Michael, I send you many
kisses and hugs. Every minute you're in my heart.
Forever yours,
Okay, so here is the first request for money. Subsequently I find out the cost
and send her the money. Everything is still cool with me.. It wasnt too much
money after all, and I do want to speak to her on the telephone. And boy is
she gorgeous or what!!! Further letters were exchanged, ultimately leading to me
agreeing to sending her the money for an airfare out to Australia. I am not a rich man and the amount she wanted from me ($2250 US) caused to go into some debt. It was then
that I started to finally get a little suspicious (finally you say)
Letter dated Feb 18, 02
Hello, my dear Michael.
How are you, my love? It's a really wonderful news. I am very happy, that we
can soon meet. I shall come to you so quickly, as you will want. I very much
want to hugs and strong to kiss you. I think, that I shall be the happiest woman
not only in Australia, but also all over the world. You see I have you -
the most beautiful man in the world. Yes, my darling, you correctly have
understood me. I need about $2250 (US) to get my tickets, arrange visa and
passport, and have enough money for guarantees. Yes, my Michael, you can
send money through Western Union. It's branch is in our city and I can is fast
and safely receive money. My dear, I am well. I understand, that it is
necessary difficultly enough without the girlfriends and of relatives, is especial
without my mum. But I so like you, I so want faster to meet you. Besides
approximately in two months at us will establish the telephone and I can talk to
my mum. I told my mom about you everything I know and she's happy for me.
She said that I'm the most lucky because I have found such wonderful
person as you are... It seems to me that I was waiting for you for all
my life... My Michael, I am very strong love you and I can not live without you. I very much
miss on you. I all time think of you. I very much want faster to meet you. I
love you, my dear Michael. With great impatience I wait for your following letter.
Forever your
Letter Dated Feb 22, 02
Hello, my dear Michael.
How are you, my love? I just have come home from bank. I wanted to receive money, which you have sent for me. But
I could not make it. To me have said, that you incorrectly have specified my name. Probably you have
made a mistake in my name. Believe please still of time. Mine a complete
name is Ekaterina Strelkova. Michael, I thought very much about you, my
darling. I very much have become missed of you. I'm waiting for your answer
with great impatience. I love you, my Michael.
Yours Katya.
Ok now I start to get really worried, because I don't hear from her for like a week
then yesterday I received this letter from her/them.
Letter Dated Mar 07, 02
Hello, Michael. My name is Lena. I'm Kate close girlfriend. At me for
you very bad news. I regret that to me to have to write about it, but with Katya
there was a misfortune. The day before yesterday she went to make out the
passport and visa in travelling company and on a return way has got in terrible
failure. Now she to be in hospital. Last time she frequently spoke to me about
you, therefore I shall forgive at you of the help. Katya very strongly has
suffered, and now doctors are afraid for her life. She is in a heavy condition in
reanimation, at her multiple crises, concussion of a brain..... She
now in a unconscious condition. I shall tell directly - her the serious operation in
Moscow is necessary which very dearly costs (it is necessary about 1100
USD). For us it is the very large money, and neither I, nor her relatives can
not collect such sum for short terms. Excuse me, that I am addressed to you
behind the help, but it is a unique chance to rescue her. Michael, with deepest
excitement I wait for your answer.
It was then that I realized that I had been taken for a ride. I found your site,
and there she is, large as life. I have most of the photos that you have, as well
as some others. But there is no doubt that it is her, and that I have been
scammed. Currently I am in the process of trying to recover the money, but I am not at all hopeful.
I'll keep you posted. Anyone who has any tips on what I should do, other than give myself a good kick in the pants, please let me
know. I am in the process of contacting the Russian authorities at the moment, but
I am skeptical that I will see the money again. How many people are
getting burned like me? I wonder....
   
Ekaterina Strelkova (Yoshkar-Ola,
I am a seasoned man looking to share life with someone. I believe I was
scammed by Katya. I believed her letters, even when there were inconsistencies and early talk of falling in love. She asked for money for a visa
so we could meet. I found the black list too late, because there she is. I
received letters almost word for word as are listed on the black list site.
Nearly a thousand dollars later I am finding out that my suspicions were right.
I hope this does not happen to any others. I will be contacting the U.S.
Embassy with info so this woman/group can be stopped.
Letter requesting money - 2/23/02
Hi my love Joe!
How at you? I hope, that as well as at me is excellent! I have for you one very
pleasant news! Soon we can will meet! Remember, I wrote what for the sake
of the favourite man I can go in USA? So here, for the sake of you, love mine,
I have decided to arrive. I was at the girlfriend in company of travels and she
has told me that we soon shall meet! You not represent, what feelings now
overflow me! I very wait for that moment, when I can see you, to
embrace.... I have found out all concerning my arrival to you my love.
I will need visa and passport. Also I need medical references for visa
receiption. It will cost 440 dollars for me. I can try to receive visa
myself (in that case it would cost 90 dollars), but I would have to go
to Moscow to the nearest embassy and live in Moscow for at least 10
days. As I know, I will need about 50-70 dollars per day in Moscow, so
it would be much cheaper and convenient for me to make request for
visa via local transport company. Also I can make prepayment for
airplane tickets and buy round-trip tickets for 1335 dollars. After
successful arrival I would be able to request a refund for the back way ticket and return
about 400-450 dollars. The last important condition - I must have 500 or
more dollars in cash or on a credit card as a proof that I'm able to pay for my
expenses. As I know this rule is applied only for Russian and other third-party
countries' citizens. I don't have to spend the proof money, I must have them
only to show their presence at custom-house. My visa would be valid for 6
months and I would be able to prolong it for another six months
easily. And if we will decide to marry (I hope we will), I will not have problems with visa
anymore. I will need 2275 dollars to arrange my arrival to you and I will be
able to return 900-950 dollars. I hope it would not be very expensive for you.
I have found out that the easiest and safest way would be send money by
Western Union, using my home address.
My home address.
republic Mari-el,
city Yoshkar-ola,
street Lebediba, house 60b, apartment 3.
Mine a complete name Ekaterina Strelkova.
Your complete name and complete home address is also necessary. It is
very important! I'm waiting for your answer.
Yours Kate.
PS: My love, I perfectly understand that it is the very large money.
But if you want to see me you should send me in a near future even their part for the
beginning of registration of the visa. My dear, believe, it for me is very
important also I shall wait for your fast reply.
   
Ekaterina Tselisheva
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
Long story short. I got an email from Ekaterina about a month ago, and
through some web surfing, I discovered that the emails she sent me were
already "published" on your website. I never sent her money, but she made
several requests for money via Western Union.
Michael Hogan
 
Elena Vasina (Kemerovo, Russia)
Through absolute Agency I was contacted by Elena. I found through the black list, letters she wrote to
Jon on 6/8/01 were identical to the ones she wrote to me. Thanks for your information. Here
are more of her letters, and pictures.
Hi my friend Mo.
I am happy, that you again to answer to me. I very closely to read the letter and to understand almost all. It was very
interesting to me to read it(him) and I to learn(find out) a lot of new about you. Age for me to not have
meaning(importance). I think, that it will be interesting to you to learn(find out)
about me. My growth(increase) 5 " 8, my weight 125 lbs. I am not so good to
perceive your units of measurement. I to write to you, how it will be for us,
growth(increase) 173 cm., weight 60 kg. I dwell with together with the mum.
For us with her very good attitudes(relations) and she my best friend, helper.
She the most dear(expensive) person for me. I very much to like and to
respect her(it). We always with her can find a common language. I to think
that you are good to perceive it. My mother still to not know yet, that we to
write one another. I for the present to not know its(her) reacting to all this. But
I to think, that she to perceive me. I to think, that she all the same should say
all. Today I to say to her about it. For me no from my mum of any secrets.
We to live together with my mum. My father has left from us 5 years back. I
long can not go through it. I very much to like it(him). But they with the mother
recently had differences. I guessed, that all goes to divorce. I now
it(him) to not see. I to not know at all where he now. But I very much to miss for
it(him). I do not have brothers. I to have only one sister. She now to live in
Habarovsk together with the husband. I to not have the computer of a house,
therefore I to write to you from the computer class at university. There to
work my best girlfriend. I to know her(it) from the childhood. We with her
together to grow. I to come to her and there to use the Internet. It is very
convenient for me, because it is charge-free. For me is much hobbi. In free
from activity time I to like to conduct time with the friends. I to like to listen to
classic music. Me to like Bethoven and Chaykovski. What music to listen you
to? To me to like simplly good modern music, which one to raise mood. I very
much to like be on the nature. I to like be in a forest and on lake. Me very
much to like camping. I to like to float. Each Sunday together with the
girlfriend I to catch in basin. you to like to swiming? I very much. I very to
like animal. I have cat Barsik. To him 5 years. This very beautiful and clever
animal. By the way I am very good to prepare. My liked dish is of Pie with
apples. It(him) to like all mine native and friends. They speak, that better me
nobody can prepare it(him). you are very a pity, that to me can not it(him) try
and evaluate. I to think, that you he too to like. I very much to like Russian
galley. I to want to know what dishes to like you? And than you to like to be
engaged in free time? What kinds(views) of sports to like you? To me to like
to look large tennis. I to want to learn(find out) it is more about you.
you can to me tell about the life. I shall finish the letter. If you can, transmit to me still
photo. I to hope soon to receive the letter.
Bye Bye
Hi my liked friend Mo.
Thanks for you new letter. If I am honest, to wait it(him) all the day. I to be
afraid, that you to not write to me. I already to miss for you letters a little.
Thank I was very glad to you for very beautiful photos to see them. With each
new letter we to become closer and closer to one another. All of us it is more
to learn(find out) one another. And I to consider(count), is what is it
correct. Now I to think, that I am available to you to tell about the experience with the
man. For me was the man. I was very happy with it(him). I to like
it(him) and to be pleased to each to conduct together with it(him) day. We were happy
with it(him) equally 1 year. I already to dream of wedding and I to want to
give rise to him children. But there was a case, which one has inverted
completely all my life. I to learn(find out), that he to begin to receive drug
materials(matters). With each day it(he) was more difficult for all for knowing.
Then all this beginning to be combined with alcohol. Both all my schedules and dreams have failed. We become to not perceive one
another. He began to concern very badly to me. To avoid me. His(its) love of steel only narcotic
and to drink. I to attempt to him to help, but he to not listen to me. I many
night to cry and to think. And I to decide that all this not for me. I shall not
bear(take out) some more such moment in life. I any more will not entrust to
Russian men. I to not want more so to risk and to fracture to myself life. I to
want be is simplly happy and to live as the normal person. After that I to
decide to address to a service of acquaintances. And I to find you. And we to
write one another. And me it very much to like. I to want be is happy with the
man and to conduct with it(him) all life. I to wait from the man of comprehension, I to think what is it most important
and certainly large love and care of me and about our future
monogynopaedium. I shall try to make the man happy. But without
his(its) help, without his(its) love and comprehensions it will make difficultly. I once again to want to
test(experience) such feeling as love. I very much to hope for it. Therefore I to
write to you. I to think, that thee to perceive my words. I to want to learn(find
out) thy judgement on all this. I to think, that it will be interesting to
thee to learn(find out) my post address in Kemerovo .
My post address
Lenina street 20 -12
Elena Vasina.
Thee can to me dispatch there some letters and photo. I shall be happy to receive
them. But I to think. It will be what is it very long and it is possible to
lose all letters and photo. Thee simplly to not know as for us to work mail
especially in Siberia. It while all. I to promise thee to write later. I with
impatience shall wait for you answer. To take care .
Yours friend Elena.
 
Stepanova (Irina@ Friendfinder)
This woman contacted me through Friend Finder. I found the content of her
letters to match word for word a listing you have at http://www.womenrussia.com/blackpage61.htm#katya I have pictures
attached of "Irina" and received all the same letters as your listing.
George S
 
Irina Kozlova
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
I am a single white male who first contacted Irina at Friendfinder and
I would like to give you a report on her. I have seen her profile listed on other scam
websites as well as yours and would like you to add her to your blacklist.
Her personal information is: Irina Kozlova, PO Box 54, Mari El,
Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, 424200 and her date of birth is Dec. 27. Her e-mail
address is irinak1@fromru.com. She is trying to get me to send her money for
her plane tickets, passport and her tourist visa to come visit me. I am still
writing to her and am giving her the run around now and will play with her for
a while longer. Please add her to your blacklist of known scammers. If I get
any more photos from her I will forward them to you.
S. H. ( Scam Hunter )
My darling,
I'm sorry that I forgot to attach the picture, here it is.
Darling, may be we can be together even earlier than the middle April!
God! I really can't believe! Honey, won't you mind if I can come in the beginning of
April? because the agency can do all the documents in a month. Darling, you
asked me about the prices of the tickets and the documents. I wrote you this
in the last letter and here is the copy of that part: the round trip ticket on 03/27
(Moscow (SVO) 9:05am - Amsterdam, Netherlands (AMS) 10:35am; Amsterdam, Netherlands (AMS) 2:25pm - Boston, MA
(BOS)4:20pm and back ) and it'll cost $1438. And for the documents they require $400.
Thank you very much that you want to help me in it because alone I couldn't solve this problem even if I really wanted...
The agency will do B-2 visa for me (travel visa) for 6 months. They said that they will explain all detail
for me if I agree to pay for all that things and when they begin to do the
documents, I'll tell you about all details.
Honey, I feel that I really love you and I can't and don't want to do anything
with this feelings because it's so wonderful to love you...
Your Irina,
Best regards,
Irina mailto:irinakl@fromru.com
 
Julia from Odessa
Brides (Odessa, Ukraine)
My name is Jack, I'm 49 year old American white male with 2 children. I saw
Julia's ad on Absolute Agency and had written to Julia ( bride@farlep.net )
back in September and I noticed her letters were very odd. She would go off
on tangents writing stories about her 'dreams' after answering some personal
questions. I feel she is either NOT REAL because she is so beautiful, or if she
is real she is basically taking money from people. I saw her ad again on
Absolute Agency <A HREF="http://p.absoluteagency.com/new/A1978121.asp?pcode=">Julia
31D Odessa</A> and wrote her again. She sent me the SAME intro letter
plus followup letters have had exact same letters as back in September.
I sent her a photo of me but she (or he )did not remember me. She talk of my
eyes being beautiful ... but my photo was full length and I wear glasses
which make it difficult to see them. By her forth letter she asked for support. Keep in mind
she is writing me HUGE, LONG letters. She spoke of ODESSA BRIDES as
if she was the OWNER of this agency ... even though she said it was her
FIRST TIME to advertise on the internet. I have found almost 50% of the
women from Odessa who advertise on Absolute Agency to be scammers.
1st Letter - 27 February 02
Hello Honey!
I am glad to meet you:) If you begin to yawn when you read my letter just tell
me the next time: "Julia please stop it. Just tell me about yourself." :)
So I will try. It was the New Year's Eve. A very beautiful woman gave birth
to a little curly girl with laughing green eyes. It was the best gift what
my father would like to get. This special little gift was I. My parents and my elder brother
Andrey were the first people who met me in this world. They have become
my closest and dear people. Andrey was 9 years old. He was very indulgent
nanny and the best friend the same time. You know even now when we have
grown he considers me a baby and relates to me with that tenderness and love
what he always gave me when I was a child. So when my parents had met each other love had settled in our house and
stood there forever. My father was very kind, attentive and reserved man. He tried to do all the
best to help people. Maybe that's the reason why he decided to be a doctor.
He also was fond of reading. I think that my love to literature is the
desert of my father. I remember when I was a child he read me fairy tales
in the evenings and I had very nice dreams all night long.:) These dreams are so far now...My mother…
If I could be the best and the most talented writer in this world I think I would
not describe her anyway… She is restless, very energetic person who takes
part in every event what occurs in our home. She is a wonderful housewife,
mart woman and just a perfect mother. She is already 64 years old but I think
she has remained the same till now. My brother has become a navigator. So
his life is connected to fleet. I hope you don't think that I'm a bore?:) Ok I will
continue…As you already know I have graduated from medical college. My
parents as well as I dreamed about my entrance to the Institute but instead
Institute I went to the registry office…<< You can't marry in your age; it's too
early for marriage,» told me my parents but… Who cares when you are 19
and you are in love.:) First love… You know this moment turned my hackneyed story into wonderful
affair.:) We met each other when we were teenagers; then 4 years later we became a
husband and a wife. Many years passed many events happened in my life during this time… But I
think I will tell you about them in my next letter:) Dear, may I ask you to do something for
me? I would lie you to send your letters on address <bride@farlep.net> to
Julia. Thanks :) I hope you will not consider me a bore?:) I hope to hear from
you soon. :) Charming, beautiful and smart young lady tells you Good bye.:)(It is a joke)
Yours Julia. :)
2nd Letter - 4 March 02
Hello My Dear Friend Jack!
It's snowing here… Snowflakes are spinning in the air and softly fall on
the ground…Days become colder and colder… but your letters warm my soul:)
Do you remember me?:) Thanks a lot for your attention and that wonderful
pictures of yours.:) I must admit that you are a very cute man :) Today I
thought about our corresponding and realized that I talked with man whom I
almost did not know. I would like you to write to me more about yourself.
You can write the first ideas what will appear in your mind just
your thoughts.:) What do you think about love? What do you like to do? Your
favorite occupation, place for rest? Do you like children? Too many questions? Sorry:)
As for your proposition to try some of your beers… Why not? :) I would try
it with pleasure :) Today is my day off and I would like to spend it on the shore of the sea. I
have a little house what is on the sand very close to water. You know when
I sit right on the sand and stare at waves what touch my feet tenderly I
feel that I am on the deck of the ship and it takes me away. The day passes
and exciting night sinks on the world. It brings the sensation of mystery
and expectation of something amazing. I am lying on the sand and feel its cool and tenderness. The huge sky is
above me it's deep as the ocean and boundless as the life. The thousand
stars gaze at me. I feel that I am a tiny part of Universe and the whole
world wrap me up the warm wind. I believe the longer we live the longer pause of expectation of love. Our
life is unforeseen and sometimes we just can't find our love. This is the
tragedy of our life but the same time it is the most exciting intrigue of
it. The more you know what do you want the more your personality grows up.
So every time the searching becomes harder and harder. But I am sure there is a way out in
any drama if you realize your own mistakes. Then you will get a chance to
have stronger feeling of the close person. I believe that love finds us in very
moment when we begin to lose our faith. So as far as you can see I'm a very
optimistic person.:) I will bring my letter to the end. I hope to hear from you
soon. :)
Yours Julia. :)
3rd Letter - 9 March 02
Hello My Dear Jack!
It was very pleasantly for me to receive your letter :) If you could see me
how.:) I behave, as if I were a child. I had believed partly in communication in
Internet and I was very glad to found out that I was wrong. :) As far as I can
see you are a very curious man :) " This beautiful and sexy woman" is not
looking for just a man … I want to find true, real love. Yes, this is my first
time in Internet and I hope it will be successful :) I was born on December
19th. You know it seemed to me that when people are far from each other
and communicate only through letters these relations just can't be serious.
Now our feelings like a butterfly beautiful and tender. It sits on my hand and
I fear to scare it off.:) Your letter warmed me. I appreciate your tenderness
and kindness. I want you to know that YOU ARE VERY CUTE AND ATTRACTIVE MAN. Your eyes
shine with intellect and kindness.:) I consider these qualities the most
important of human personality. My friends tell me that I look at world through "pink glasses".:) It means
that my point of view on our life is quite naive and old-fashioned. Maybe
they are right.:)In fact there are many things in this world what I just
can't accept as normal ones. Betrayal, lie and greed are the most disgusting and unpleasant things what can
exist in human personality. But I think people should believe in love,
faithfulness, decency and kindness. I appreciate family values. IT'S A GREAT
GIFT OF GOD TO LIVE ONE LIFE WITH OTHER MAN. Nine months ago a big tragedy occurred in our life. I lost my husband. Our
children and I went through this sorrow together. They helped me to be
strong for them and they were the best support for me. There was emptiness
in my heart during long time. And words of my close people that life must
go on seemed to be stupid and unimportant to me. Time passes… Day by day night-by-night hour
by hour I realized that life do must go on. I want to run through new life and
new feeling. I don't need many men I need my one and only the closest the
best the most caring. I want to fall asleep and awake next to him. I want to be
inseparably linked with him to be afflicted with him to feel happy with him. Ok
as you can see I could talk and talk with you but this letter will never be
finished.:) People have a great advantage to speak and use speech. We can
express the most important and wonderful feeling with words.:) Unfortunately
I don't speak English well so I use the service of the translator from the
agency for translation of our letters .The agency is renown by its good
reputation and I decided to choose it. It wasn't easy for me to turn there for
help, but once I have done it and I don't regret. The employees of the agency
are very smart, responsive and professional people. They help me to carry my
feelings to you, join our hearts. I hope I will able to translate our letters by
myself soon. :) Well… I will bring my letter to end in spite of my big
unwillingness to do it.:) I hope to hear from you soon.:)
With sincerity
4th Letter - 11 March 02
Hello Sweetheart Jack!
I'm glad to talk to you again.:) Dear, first of all I would like to apologize for
delaying with my answer … I hope you are glad to see me now? :) You
know… I have some interesting thoughts what I would like to share with
you. I hope you don't mind? Surely you don't:) Pleasure… We are looking for it in
art, in nature, in sex, in communication and just in life. Everybody searches it in
his own way. Somebody discovers new stars or law of gravity. Somebody
eats favorite burger and drink bear. But there is no any difference between
pleasures of these people. I think it's very important to be able to rejoice in
simple things. As for me I like to come home after cold and raining weather,
wrap myself in warm plaid and just watch TV. I like to wake my children in
the morning and kiss their tender cheeks. I like to present gifts my close and
loved people. I'm fond of swimming and diving. I enjoy drinking coffee in the
morning. I think we should live well and happily first of all for our loved
people. If they feel fine we will able to feel fine either. We just must not wait.
We are waiting for something all the time. I believe that we ought to live
now, to live every second of this life as if it were the last. And we should enjoy
every minute of our life. I can't do it by myself yet. Maybe you will teach
me?:) It was nice talk to you.:) No, no I have not mistaken.:) Talk… You are
in my mind; in my heart you read my words and my thoughts through the lines
of my letter. So we are talking and I like to talk to you.
I hope to hear from you soon. :)
Yours Julia. :)
