Marina Moskvicheva
(Barnaul, Russia)
I am John, a single white American in my 40s who was contacted by Marina
from a listing in on February 1. I was surprised by her letter as
my profile was very brief and only supplied to view the site. Her listing and
profile were dropped the same day I replied back to her.
Her full name is Marina Moskvicheva of Barnaul, Russia. She used to be
Raisa Popova of Murmansk, Russia (listed in your database). She gave me an address of Street Lenin 3, Apartment 5 in Barnual to send her "visa" money.
Her current email address is: I have received approximately 16 emails from her so far. On email 11 dated February 18, she asked for visa money to get things rolling.
She sends a picture with each email. Her letters are in broken English, almost
in a form where she can interject answers to just a mere few of my many
questions. If I sent multiple letters, she would always reply that she received
my letter. Every mention of my possible visit to Russia was ignored. One letter was
even sent twice! She is now "sick" and her friend Tatyana wrote that she
will be back after her flu is over. This scam is ongoing (as of March 4, 2002).
No money was sent! Luckily, I read the blacklist and there was her picture.
When they seem to real and to good to be true, they are!
EMAIL #1 "Intro"
Date: 2/1/02
Hi, my dearest friend John!
I am writing you from Russia. I have seen your profil and decided to use my chance to get acquainted with
you. I know that somewhere in this world lives my second half. And
Internet is a good way to find him. So why not to try to get to know
each another? I believe that I need to tell you more about myself. My
name is Marina. My height is for about 168cm and weight is for about
58 kg. I was born on July 8,1974. To have a better idea of my appearance you
can look at my picture, which is attached to this letter. I want to apologize for
some mistakes in my letter. You see, I am not very good at English but I am
studying it hard myself and hope to prove my knowledge someday. As for my
family, I am an only child in my family. I have neither sisters no brothers. My
parents are divorced for long time already. My father left us when I was still a
little girl and I haven't seen him since that time. It is really very sad and
I am always very upset thinking about it. So I am looking for the person who will
be a reliable husband, friend, lover for me and who loves children because I
adore children and would like to have a happy, friendly family and our children
to live in the atmosphere of joy and happiness. It is my dream to create my
own family and to present all my love , care and tenderness to my future
husband and children. I have many interests and I will tell you about it in brief.
Well, I can't imagine my life without music. I get up with music and
go to bed with it.J I always listen to music when I do something at home and it helps me
to be in a high spirit. I like everything from classical to modern music. Usually
it depends on my mood. From modern foreign music, I prefer Elton John,
Madonna, Joe Cocker, Houston, etc. I always try to find some time during the
day to read a book. Usually I do it before going to bed. I prefer Russian
classics, such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevski and
many others. I have re-read them many times already and every time I take
one of these books, it is like I am reading it for the first time. I am sure
you have heard about these writers. Sometimes I don't mind to read
something from the modern literature, detective stories or novels. I do it just for fun.
Sport is a great part of my life. I go to the gym twice a week and also do
aerobics. It helps me to be in a good shape and in a high spirit. When I am
training, I forget about all problems and hardships in my life. I love my friends
a lot and I have many of them. They are all very different and it is always a
great pleasure to see them. Sometimes we go to the night clubs but do it
seldom because it is rather expensive for me. We like just to walk around the
town and talk about different things. We often go to visit each another, it
so nice to sit at home with a cup of hot tea in the cold winter evening. We often
go to the cinema and enjoy our time there. When I watch a movie, it is like I
am getting to that unusual for me world full of emotions, passion, love and
tenderness. You see I am very romantic and I like romantic dinners with the
candles, surprises, night walks under the stars and many, many another things
and some day I hope to experience all these with my beloved man. Well, I will
close here for today and leave something for tomorrowJ I am waiting
impatiently for your reply and hope to get to know as much as possible
about you. I really like you and have very serious intentions. So feel
free to ask me everything you are interested in. Take care and have a
good day!
Hope to hear from you very soon.
EMAIL #2 "Happy together?"
Date: 2/3/02
Hi, my dear John!
I was so happy to get a letter from you today! I had the feeling inside that I
will get a reply from you. So when I went to the Internet cafe I was in a high
spirit. You see, I don't have telephone and my own computer at home, so I
have to go to the Internet cafe to check if there is a mail from you. It was so
amazing to get a letter from you, that I was smiling all the time and people
looked at me like I was crazy. After getting a letter from you I went
to work. I think that you are interested to know where I work. So I work as a nurse in
the kindergarten. I like my profession and job very much. You already know
that I adore children and when I look at them, I feel that I will be a very good
mother. But at the same time I understand that it is a great responsibility and I
will do my best to give everything to my baby. * It is a real winter outside. But
it is a very beautiful time of the year here. New Year and Christmas are the
holidays which I like most of all. Walking down the streets covered
with the snow, I am thinking about you. Of course, I don't know you well and you
don't know me. After some letters it may be strange for you to hear these
words. The meeting will decide everything but I have the feeling that
everything will work for us. I am sure that everything will be fine and that we
could be happy together. The time will just show everything to us. As soon as
we see each another we will understand it. It is just the matter of time and we
need to be patient. Ok, I will send this letter to you and will go home. It is
already late and the Internet cafe is rather far from my place. At
this time of the day it is very difficult with the public transport.
You can spend an hour at the stop to get a bus or trolley bus. But the
thoughts about you warm me in this cold winter evenings. By the way, I
never have been married and I do not have children. But someday I
think I want to have my own children, because I really love children.
All my thoughts are with you, do you will feel it?
J Warm hugs,
EMAIL #4 "Mom"
Date: 2/5/02
Hi, sunshine John!
The day is great today because I've got a letter from you. You are the best what I have in my life and I am not alone
any more. Every time I go to the Internet cafe, it is a date with you.
It is the greatest even for me during the day. I even can't find the
words to describe what feelings I have when I get a message from you.
It is like a storm. I forget about the world around me- only you and I
in the whole world. But every fairy-tale has the end -sometimes sad,
sometimes happy. I hope that we will have the happy end, what do you
think???????? Yesterday I decided to talk to my mom about you. I was a
little bit afraid to do it. The reason is that she loves very much and
of course, like every mother she worries about me. It is not an easy
step to leave everything you have and move to the strange for you country. The country where you
know nothing. But I am sure that with you I would be feel safe and secure and
that I have nothing to be afraid of. I told this to my Mom and read some
points from your letter. She told me that she trusts me. And if I am happy, she
is happy too. She thinks that you are a good, reliable, honest, kind and
caring person. And she wishes us only happiness and good luck. But of course, only
the meeting will show us if we really were made for each another. I am sure
already that you are my second half . We really have much in common and I
admire and respect you. I can write only letters in Internetcafe, because I to
not have many money to pay other services. You ask me much, therefore I
shall try to answer everything, but I want you to warn, that I not always
understand, what exactly you want me to ask, I can translate it, but I to not
understand exact sense. Ukraine and Russia now the different countries, we
have different flags, the arms and so forth, but our peoples very related
and many have relatives in Russia or Ukraine. Tomorrow we are going to
visit my aunt (my mother's elder sister). She is the only one left in
our family. My grandparents died and I miss them very much. I loved them very much. My
aunt, her name is Katya, lives in the countryside not far from our town. She is
56 years old and she is often ill. So we often go to visit her and to help with
everything we can. She loves me like her own daughter and always very glad
to see me. I will write you after that. So I will close here, dear. I can't write
you long letters because the services of the internet-cafe are very expensive.
Take care.
Kisses and hugs.
You are always with me in my heart.
Yours Marina.
EMAIL #6 "Fantasies"
Date: 2/11/02
Hi, honey John!
It is already a tradition for me to go to the Internet cafe. But frankly speaking,
it is the best what is going on during my day. I enjoy every letter I get from
you and re-read them every night. I want to share my life with you, I want to
be always with you, to feel your warmth and care. I am a very emotional,
passionate, hot-tempered woman and it is usual for me to show my feelings.
May be it seems strange for you, we haven't met with you in the real life, we
have only letters which I cherish but I have the feeling that we know
each another for ages. Hope you are not scared with all these and you understand
me. The most important in the relations between two people, man and woman, love, of course, mutual understanding, respect. Two
people should trust each another at first, understand, care about each
another. His life will be my life and I will give him all my love,
care and tenderness.I was good to talk on English!!! I love the American cinema because it is better than quality. In
Internetcafe do not sell alcoholic drinks, exception beer. It, is similar to the
computer centre where only and speak about computers. Let's fantasy a
little bit. Imagine:…………….. night, romance, we are alone in the room,we turn
on the music and dance slowly. I look into your eyes, they are so deep and
you look in mine, they are full of emotions. I see your lips, so soft and I want
to kiss them. We love each another and the minute is an eternity….. Or so…..
you are coming back from work. I am waiting for you. I have cooked a very
tasty dinner and we are sitting at the table, you tell me the news, about your
work and I am just listening to you. I don't need anything else. I just enjoy the
moments I spend with you. Then we go to the living room and watch the
movie. We are sitting on the sofa, hugging and kissing. Just the calm
evening…. Or so ….. weekend, we are cooking breakfast for our
children, they are running near us - a boy and a girl. After breakfast
we are going to walk, we are having picnic, then we are going to see
our friends and we come back home tired but so happy. We spent a day
with our family. Children are sleeping already and we are alone. We
are making love and the whole night is not enough for us. Tomorrow one
more week will begin and it will be even better…………. Well, enough with
my dreams…..Write me , please, your thoughts about it. I am waiting
impatiently for your reply, sunshine.
Hot kisses for you .
Your baby
EMAIL #6 "Love"
Date: 2/16/2002
My dearest man in this world John! I thought much about us today. I
can't keep it in myself any more. I need to tell you everything I feel
inside. You are the dearest person in my life and I can't be apart from you. I know that it
sounds strange for you. But even that I haven't met you in the real life, I know
one thing for sure. Please, don't be scared. But I want to tell you that I love
you, yes, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you and the thought about you
makes me so happy. I want to be with you so much. I want to feel you with
every part of my body, I want to feel the tender touch of your hands, to
feel the smell of your body, just to know that I belong to you and that you are
mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am full of desire and I want you as a man, I want to be
your wife, your friend, your soul mate, your lover, your dream. I understand
now perfectly that you are the man of my dream. I was searching for you all
my life and now I have found you and I am not going to lose you. We will be
happy together, I will do everything for it. I am strong enough to overcome all
the difficulties and hardships which are between us. There is no barrier which
can stop me. My love will overcome all the difficulties on our way to each
another. We will be together, believe me. I will cross the ocean just
to be with you. I don't need anything else - I just want to see you,
to look into your eyes, to kiss your lips, to touch your strong body.
My love will be enough for two of us. Do you know the song of Bon Jove
" Always". This song is about my feelings to you. I will love you,
baby, always and it doesn't matter for me what will be in the future.
I will love you, you are the air I breath, the reason for me to live.
And there is no life for me without you. Please, don't hurt me and
tell me that you understand me. Hope to hear from you very soon. Love you.
Miss you badly.
Yours forever.
P.S.You always to ask me it is a lot of. It is very good!!!! But I not always to
understand their exact sense.
EMAIL #11 "Money requested for visa"
Date: 2/18/2002
Hi, honey John!
It is amazing to get your letter again!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you badly, honey. I love
you so much. I can't be apart from you, it is so hard. You are my life, I want
to hug you so much, to feel your warmth, to look into your eyes, to feel
myself happy and safe near you. I am sure everything will be Ok and the destiny will
work for us and we will be happy together. I often think about us and try to
imagine our life together. Sometimes I feel you so near and close to me. I even
feel you on the distance. I feel when you are in a high spirit and when you are
sad. I am happy when you are happy. I want to be with you so much and I
though about the ways for us to be together. So I tried to do something for us
and decided to go to the Embassy to check what I need to come to you. So,
to come to your country I need to make some paper work and to get
visa. It will take some time, of course, and to pick up many documents
from my side. But I will do everything which depends from me. But there is one thing which
upsets me very much. You see, I need to pay for getting visa. And you know
that my salary is too small for it. I don't want to complain but you know that I
have a difficult financial situation here. I have a great desire to come to you, to
see you at last and only money separate us from each another. I love you so
much, honey and I don't want to lose you. Nobody can help me with it. Of
course, I could ask my Mom to help me but she doesn't have such money
though she would like to help us. I am honest and sincere with you. I
hope that you understand me and that you will do it for me. I already
gave some papers to them and they made a file for me. All I need now
is to pay them money. So it will be, $55 for visa and $45 for registration, also I need to pay for medical
exams - it will be $90, $65 for the interview, and I need to get a foreign
passport, it will cost for about $50 and for some another expenses I may
have. So in general I will need for about $305. You have to send the money
by Western Union. You need to send me your full name, address, amount of
money and the control number. You need my full name and address, so
here it is (Marina Moskvicheva; Russia, Barnaul, street Lenin 3, apartment 5.)
Honey, I will need to pay them in a week, so, please, try to send them this
week. I really hope that you understand my situation. I want to see you very
much but without your help I can't do it just because I don't have such money.
Money is nothing but they help to overcome all the difficulties on our way to
each another. Sorry, dear, if it upsets you. I just think that we need to trust
each another and to share everything. Hope that you agree with me. Just
imagine that in short time we could be together. And there is only one
problem now which can be solved with your help, dear. I love you so much, you are
the best in my life and our meeting could be the happiest event for us. Miss
you badly honey and waiting impatiently for your soon reply.
Yours forever
EMAIL #12 "Send Money Plea"
Date: 2/20/2002
Hi, honey John!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you so much. Such a relief to get your letter at once. Frankly speaking,
I am so tired. I am busy at work now. It is winter and it is very cold outside
and many children are ill. Also another nurse who works with me has her
vacation now, so I have to make her work too. And at the end of the
day, I can't move neither my hand nor my leg.J I write you this just to get your moral
supportJ Sorry, dear. I am going to see my girl-friend tomorrow, her name is
Tanya. We will just drink tea and I will bake a cake for tomorrow. I haven't
seen her for long time already. She has problems with her ex-husband. He
doesn't want to help her and their child. Russian men don't want to be
responsible for anything, even for their own children. I don't understand such
an attitude to children. I often dream about our meeting. You would meet
me in the airport, I will hug and kiss you. Then we will go to your place and would
make love for some days without stopping. Sometimes we will make a break
to eat something or may be you will be not hungry?????????J I need to see
you because I can't wait any more. It hurts me so much to be apart from you.
I love you and it is true, darling. You should trust me as I trust you. I to not
have money independently to reach to you loved, therefore I to ask you
money and your help. I am strong to want you to see because I to not test to
other men of that I test to you, it is love, I love you!!!!!!! I to
understand, that we should do all together that I could arrive to you
and consequently make everything, that in my forces. I am very strong
to want to arrive to you to execute all our dreams, but I really now
am in a bad financial position. But I believe, that in spite of on
anything we shall be together!!!!!! Because I love you!!!!!!! Loved, I
to not want to force you to send money, but you should understand me
because I so to want, you to see now, that I could not be kept!! I am
really strong to want to see you, I to want to arrive to you as soon
as possible because to me have told, that it is very difficult to
receive the visa to America, and to me now can help to make it quickly, within one week and
if to do, then will leave about one month. Therefore I to want, that you sent
me money as soon as possible!!!!!! I will close here for tomorrow. Love you.
You are always with me in my heart. Thinking about you.
Your loving baby
EMAIL #12 "Western Union Office"
Date: 3/1/2002
Hi, my beloved man John!
I am so happy to get your letter again. I am really happy , the sun is shining and my soul is singing. Do you know,
why - because I love you, it is the most important for me now. I often
think what are you doing now, where are and how it would be if I were
there. But it is dreams again. But I am sure this dream will come
true. It is just the matter of time. I love you so much,
dear!!!!!!!!!!! My day at work was rather good. My children in the
kindergarten told me that I changed a lot. That I look so happy and
merry. I hug them and kiss them all the time. They are always very glad to see me too
and enjoy our time together. Well, I don't want you to be bored with the
stories about my work. My mom is Ok. Yesterday we were sitting in the
kitchen, drinking tea and talking about you. My mom often asks me about
you. And she wants you to take care and us to meet as soon as possible. Also
I Told my aunt Katya about you and she says great hello to you. She is better
now, I love her very much and I am very glad that she recovered.
The closest bank for me. This week we are going to make a party for my children in the kindergarten. We will have a performance,
children will take part in it too and after the show will have tea with something tasty. Their
parents will come too. So it will be a good holiday for children and their
parents. Ok, I will better stop here, I don't want you to be bored you for
death. J So, how was your work, dear? Hope that you are not very tired and
you are able to have a good rest?
Love you, dear very much. Take care and have a good day!
Your loving,
Color me just a little to smart.
Marina Zabolotskih
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
Zabolotskih Marina Igorevna.
republic Mari-El,
Yoshkar-ola city,
Karla-Marksa Street, house 120a, room 852.
I am a single father of 1, very educated and working for the government as a
computer engineer. The original contact from "Marina" was from the Philipino
Friend-Finder site from where she sent me this first correspondence. This was
sent to me in December, 2001. The correspondence continued until February
10, 2002 of which I received 31 letters about her "mum", "grandmother in
Moscow", etc. The letters were very much the same as other scam letters, but
the pictures of her are not any I have seen on the site.
E-mail 1:
Hi, my name is Marina. I live in Russia. I work as a tutor
in a childrens day nursery. I love children and animals very much. I want to get acquainted with
the man, who will be a support in my life. I am 25 years old. I agree to get
acquainted with a man from 30 and older. For me age is not the main thing.
The main thing is that there is love and mutual understanding! I do not notice a
difference in ages. I hope only for my true love, and I hope very much
that all with us will be good! I agree to answer all questions that interest you. I am
anxious for your letters! Please write to me on my home electronic box
(computer?). Only on it can I receive your letters.
My box (e-mail address) is
First money request:
Hi my dear Scott!!
I waited for your letter! So, you have written to me the address. I have
learned(found out) through the Internet how much approximately
cost(stand) the ticket up to you. So, the ticket costs(stands) about 420 dollars. The visa I
already began to make out on the money, she will be ready in 1-2 days. In
some days I shall go to receive the foreign passport (photo on the passport is
available). As I to you already have said my mum will pay a part. As I with the
mum the money has spent for the visa and passport, on the ticket the mum will
add 100 dollars. Send the rest, if not will suffice, I shall add. And I shall come
to you. I very wait for our meeting!!!!!
1 million kisses and love, your Marina. Soon we shall meet!!!
2nd request for money:
Hi mine dear Scott!!!
Today I have arrived from Nighziniy Novgorod. I again went to the mum. To
my mum to become better! She asked for herx to not worry. We again discussed a serious theme - our meeting. We with her have considered all. My
mum releases(lets off) me to you. At us at home (in Yoshkar-Ola) some time
the sister of my mum will live. That with an apartment nothing would be. It
would be necessary that you have sent 600-700 dollars. When we shall arrive
together to Russia, my mum will give back you a part of money. I now is exact
to you I shall come! My mum approves all and will write to me through e-mail.
If you will decide to send money, send them better addressed to my girlfriend,
because she works in bank the manager and if to send translation to her, the
bank will take to itself not 20-25 %, and only 13 %. It can save your money. I
collect things.. I wait for your answer...I very much love you!
Also I would shall do all that we have met!
her complete name is: Romanova Elvira Vitalievna
home address:
Russia, Mari-el,
Yoshkar-Ola city,
Eshpaya Streeet,
house 130, room 319.
address bank (Guta Bank)..
republic Mari-El,
Yoshkar-Ola city,
Vashskaya street 8,.
Western Union.
Her letters were clever and I was very ignorant. I sent her money but also
questioned her about many things. She wrote lengthy explanations and letters.
Definitely, an experienced scammer. The amounts were $500.00, $650.00
and over $700.00. The ONE picture is definitely not the same girl, however,
this is the one posted on the "Friend Finder" site from where she first
contacted me.
Oksana Stolyarenko
(Paradise of Angels Agency)
I contacted a young woman with the user name of "oksa10" on the dating service (it appears that she has already dropped her
account or has been reported since I cannot find her listed on
today). The reason for my concern is that her e-mail response now asks for
money in a typical scam type deal. In checking your message board, I found
her picture wherein she is listed as "Kiseleva, Irina - St Petersburg, Russia"
with E-mail: "" using a false agency named "Myriad of
Hearts" and is still using one of the same pictures.
She is now going by "Oksana Stolyarenko (acct K-107)" through the
"Paradise of Angels Internet Club <>". I have
included her e-mail response to me soliciting money for the VISA and student
exchange program as well as her alleged agency listing the costs and the
typical deadline. I have also included all of the pictures she sent me so that you
can add them to your list. Notice how she slipped up by signing her name as
"Irina" instead of her new name of Oksana.
These scammers really put a HUGE damper on the
process of legitimately trying to find an honest and sincere Russian woman.
Tony C
Letter requesting money for internet
Hi Tony! :) THANK YOU FOR VERY NICE PHOTO YOU! :)) and for
write again.. :o))). I was hope you send you telephone. I would like call to
you. :)) I hope you sincere!! I really want meet and hope we to find happy
future together. In begin relationship, I want to tell to you all. So I start with let
you know about problem with my account status and I to reach close to deadline. I not expect you help me pay to process so
that we to meet, but I hope you to consider if it really you want meet
to me. Well, more information me. I am 24, I've never be married and I
not have children. I live city Kiev in Ukraine with parents in apartment
house. I have a dog I love very much. she name Putts. :) She is very pretty and cute. I do not have a computer or
telephone at home. My father suppos to buy telephone soon but it is big
investment in Ukraine to have own phone. I use my friend telephone when
can. It's not easy for me to get around because have no car, and life here not
hold many promise.
I a very romantic person by nature i think. and i believe in real love.
I looking for my soulmate and I know that if search for real love I will
some day to find, even this way use internet. :) I optmistic and I have
good sense humour, I full of energy and love and ready to share my life
with someone special. I am belief comit to one man. I would like find a
man who some like my father and with his value. Although many young man
try talk to me, I more interested in secure man who is good
knowlegable, kind, loving and true to me. I will never leave a man like this, not
matter to age or to looks. i not this shallow.
My country condition much different. A woman is not common to leave man.
Its usually other way around. And the woman goes on for long time after
by herself. With meet you, I am not seek citizenship in you country. I
want to be happy like all people. I want chance in life to be good wife
with good family. I can be very happy with husband who love me no matter
age or look. i think man worry about this too much when meet to me, so
they i not have chance show to he that they handsome or special to me
for many reasons. not only one or two. I just expect that man respects
me and loves me and family and take me out sometimes :~). But mostly, I
want to help my man as he probably works really hard to support me and
family. I don't like games. and I not play games. I am very honest and i
think considerate. I have very good heart and I dream alot about love.
Each night I hold my Teddy. But now I want hold my man. :) I want to
spread wings as woman and I want to do this with man who love me and
protect me always. I know I be taking my chances with a new man, but in
life we can find no happiness unless we willing to take chance. So I can
say, I have trust that you will love me and protect to me, at least I
will do all to earn you love and I hope you will spend some time letting
our love grow together when we to meet.
I not looking for casual friend or penpal. Correspondence is expensive
for me and so I take it very serious. I do not want play on internet. I
want to start my life with partner. I don't know what else to write you
about myself. If you have questions, I will answer to my best. Please remember, I cannot always reply
very next day. E-mail is expensive for my poor budget, besides, I hope we
can save some conversation for when we should meet or that I may to call you
sometime from friend's or agency. :) You can ask me everything and we may
have chance be together to build life, a family and fulfilling both our dreams. I
get so excited about this life. :)) I want you to think of me as I would think of
you. We do not have to be apart. Why should we? Life very short. I want as
many years with my partner as possible. Your heart will tell you. If my
fate, of hat believe to be fate is right, your heart may belong to me
even now... ;) Am I right? :) i hope so. When I am meet to you, I should
tell you, that I will not let you go easily. If you good to me, I will
not let you go at all. ;) I'm not like some woman, who bounce from one
guy to the next guy. I give EVERYTHING in my heart to make my relationship work. I have only had 2
boyfriends in all life. They were both too immature. But I hurt for a long time
after each. I don't want to through again such immature relationship or to hurt
this way again.
There is way we can to meet very soon. In my process, I can obtain visa
and obtain place in student exchange program to meet you in you country.
My process is 1850 usd. I have not to prepare for this cost. It is almost impossible
for income in Ukraine make this costs. :( I only to hope you able help me with
agency cost for process. :) i receive cost of living check after 30-days from
program for 1100 usd, and then for 2200 usd next 30 days. I can to repay
you with this fund once I arrive. In case you want know more about process, i
already tell agency send to you details. you should receive soon. My deadline
to process is come soon and i hope i find right love, because i ready to leave
ukraine now. :)
With all love,
Your Irina...not forget send you telephone. :)
Paradise of Angels Internet Club
5 T. Shevchenko Blvd., Kiev
01002, UKRAINE
Tatyana Perlotva
Account Manager
Vladimir Orlova,
Please contact for more information
Letter requesting money for visa and
Dear sir:
My name is Tatyana Perlotva, account manager for Oksana Stolyarenko, our
client. She has asked us to send you some information regarding the processing of her account. We understand that you may be interested in
her arriving to your country to meet with you. Oksana's account costs
is $1850. This will cover all of her legal documents, visa and travel costs.
Please be aware that Oksana has a deadline of March 11, 2002, to begin
her process to your country, otherwise she will need to reapply. This
deadline is mandated by government department sponsoring these programs,
not our office. To reapply, her process could take between 6-10 months
to be reapproved again and there is no guarantee that she would be approved once
again. Oksana is currently in preapproved status and can be made ready in
5-7 working days time from start of process. Because she is quite close to her
deadline, if you decide you want to sponsor her, please inform us right away
via e-mail, and we will forward the information on how to make payment
arrangements, etc.
Meanwhile, we will need the name of the International Airport you would
need Oksana to arrive to. Once we retrieve payment, Oksana will be processed and ready for travel to your country within 5-7 working days.
For your convenience, I've included a breakdown of cost below:
Open Acct Preparation of New Account 300
Visa Enrollment Foreign Student Exchange 200
Qualifying Process Process confirmation of physical test, interview and
background checks 100
School Registration Enrollment to school w/30 day waiver to attend 300
Airline fee Tickets to any International
Airport 700
Misc/fees Embassy, E-mail and various other process fees,
etc. 250
CURRENY = U.S. Dollars
Grand Total 1850
Oksana will arrive on Student Visa status. However, she will not be
obligated to begin any schooling for 30-days. This means if you two would like to
become married or engaged and reapply for marriage visa or fiance visa it will
supercede the restrictions of student visa. Oksana is looking for serious
relationship with you of course. She does not expect more than that. Our
process is simply an avenue to put you two together. Do not worry, we will be
sending many instructions, along with all of your options as packet with
Oksana, both in English and Russian language.
If you have any questions, please feel free to forward them via e-mail.
Tatyana Perlotva
Account Manager
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
I'm a 43-year-old single male, never been married; the love of my life, Sveta
(short for Svetlana) contacted me 21 Feb 02 at 'GermanFriendFinder' (her
i.d. is "Sveta132"); I came across this site while trying to find out more info
about Yoshkar-Ola. I've attached her photos because I think they are new:
the out-of-focus one is from the Blacklist, 'Scammer299_1'. If you check
'Svetlana Ulmasova' on p.68 or 'Olya Sergeeva' on
p.62 of this site, you'll have, more or less, the same text that Sveta sent me. You'll begin to wonder if
those "fragrant pies" aren't some sort of aphrodiasiac. The similarity in all of
these profiles is the locale of 'Yoshkar-Ola'.
Now, gentlemen, it's no disgrace to admit that Svetlana IS an attractive
woman. She should be, for all of her profiles describe her as "athletic", and,
when you compare them, she has lost a few kilos since January. God bless
If you'd like to contact Sveta, or Olya, or Katya, you can now do so at
'' (but her old link, as Katya, still works at
And, by the way, gentlemen, let's stop wasting our time... if you're really
serious about a Russian woman, you owe it to yourself (and to her) to subscribe to Elena's site or attend one of her tours. And if you can't do than, chivalry dictates that we should, at the very least, all chip in and buy
them some better translation software...
World" agency (Lugansk, Ukraine)
I would like to share some information
about a very corrupt agency in Lugansk Ukraine called "Womens
World" I have read a few posts about this agency and just
want to share my experience. I am not out to smear their reputation just because I have
nothing better to do with my time. I also get a lot of email from people
asking me about that agency because they felt let down. I know that you
hear of many agencies doing corrupt things. My name is John I'm 27 and live in
the U.S. I travel to Ukraine quite often for business and to be
with a girl I met last year. My girlfriend used to belong to
this agency although we met on our own. She does not use this
agency to meet men anymore, yet I have sent emails to her profile
number on the web site and get letters from the agency that are
supposed to be from her. The agency charges $5.00 a letter.
I played the game with the agency just to see how honest they were.
My girlfriend never has been called by the agency to come and read my
letters but the agency sends me her photos and replies. My
girlfriend says this why she never met any men through this agency.
It is very sad that this happens. I know now that many of the
girls on this agencies web site are real but the agency manipulates
what goes on with the girls. I know Lugansk has a bad reputation
but there are real, honest girls there that have no hope of ever
meeting a man because of what agencies like "Womens World"
do. If you think you are writing to a girl at that agency,
chances are you are not. It is just one of the employees in a
small apartment doing all the work on a couple of computers. I will not forget the look on
my girlfriend's face when I showed her the letters and photos of her that was
sent by the agency that she had not wrote herself. She actually cried
because she really had no idea that kind of thing would happen. It is very
sad. I
hope this information helps those who are not aware of the agency and
their corrupt business practices.
To send your own story, please click
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Link to
the Black List
ANTI-SCAM GUIDE - Read how to make scammers to leave you alone
themselves, and choose the right girls from the very beginning.
Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
- Article by
Anatoly Neverov
Dating Services - where to look for a
Russian wife
dating agencies
- how do they make their