Lipovtseva (Vologda Russia)
Here's a woman(?) that contacted me through She sounds like
many of the other scammers that I have read about. I sent her flowers for
Valentines day to the address that she had given me and the flourist emailed
back that the address was not valid. She stopped coresponding after several
requests for money for first proper documents for travel to me and then
for air fare. I refused to send her money yet suggested continuously that I
would pay for the airfare directly.
Hi my love Gregg.
Today I have a bad sleeping and I get up very early. I want to tell you that
you are can't imagine how I love you. I never thought that it can be with me but it's true and I'm
shure that I love you Gregg. I'm thought very long time about us and I'm shure that we'll
meet. If two people feel something to each other they must find out the feelings. I want you
Gregg, I love you very much and I will proove it to you every day. WE MUST MEET, LET'S DO ALL
FOR IT, I'LL DO ALL, DO YOU? I think that you will do all too. It's our chance and we'll
use it. I want to tell you that I want to walk with you under sky with stars, do you like to see
stars? I like it very much. I like to see it and dream... I want to live with you, probably we will
marry. WE MUST MEET AND DECIDE ABOUT ALL... I want to cook you my most liked
plates, and I have a dream about us, I want that we'll be together at night time near the water,
it can be lake or river. Do you imagine the dark sky, thousands of stars under the water, we
watch it, see meteorits and speak a lot about all, we kiss, have hug and it's very great and we
don't need more nothing. I would like to be with you Gregg at this time. I love you very much
Gregg please remember it always, my heart belongs to you and I don't give you somebody
else, I don't want to lose you!!! I want to kiss and hug you as soon as I can do it. Please
forgive me if I said something wrong but all what I say goes from my heart and soul! I love you
Gregg I want that you love me too. We'll be together... P.s. Again my photo I sent it already.
I made my visa, do you want to meet me Gregg? I need ticket now.If you want I'll try to send
you a copy of my visa. I don't understand what you wrote in your last letter. Why you write
me not very Often? I always waiting the letter from you and then I answer.
I love you Gregg.
Yours Natalya Lipovtseva.

Machihina (Cheboksary, Russia)
Very recently I have had contact to a lady who was from Cheboksary, too, who wrote me the
same letter like number two of Tatyana Sergeeva displayed in your Blacklist. But she sent me
totally different photos (find them attached) and she had a different name which was Natasha Machihina. It seems there is someone abusing photos of women and who is able to even use
different names and possibly addresses. Unfortunately my mailbox broke down two weeks
ago and it could not be restored so I cannot give you her email and address to verify with the
one of Tatyana Sergeeva. Anyway, she tried to get money to keep up the communication
through an internet cafe and I was lucky to not pay anything, as I have made very bad
experiences with other ladies before. I wrote her that she should not have asked me for money
and it would be better that we stop at that point. So the whole thing was harmless for me but I
think you might be interested to get the new photos that have a connection to the letter that can
be read on your page.
Good luck with your work and all the best to you.
Bobek Schumann
(Tuymen, Russia)
Lubov Bazhenova (Tumen City, Russia) is now using another name and photos but the same
letters word for word. Her new identity is:
I have received your answer on my last email. I want to tell you that your letters are so very
interesting for me. Also I want to tell that I like that you say about you in your letters very
much. xxx, may be you will interest to learn about our correspondence, about its essence too,
really? I want to tell that when I have seen your profile, it has liked to me among others
profiles of other men. As I want to tell that I have decided to get acquainted through an
Internet due of my girlfriend Natasha which two years back has got acquainted with the
foreigner. His name is Martin. He is from Denmark, from Kopengagen City. They live here, in
Tyumen now. Martin has arrived to Natasha through some time after their acquaintance and
now they are very happy together. Natasha and Martin have a child, she is a small girl. Her
name is Carolina. Natasha is real mother of Karolina and I am God mother at this so nice
Karolina. I want to tell you that Natasha has advised me to use the Internet for my
acquaintance and I am very glad to correspond with you, xxx. Also I want to say to you that I
chosen you in USA, because I know English not bad, as I said you earlier, I have learned
English when I have studied in University, I speak on English freely, but I want to say to you
that I write on English with many spelling mistakes as you can see. Also I can use the
interpreter. It is very conveniently, I hope that you understand my English too. xxx, I want to
notice, that may be you have a question about our writing, I want to say you, may be in future
we will be together, but I think that for that we must to know each other a lot of, really, xxx? I
consider that it is very important to know each other a lot of information when people want to
be together. Ok, xxx, allow me to tell about my parents too. My parents are brought up
people and they have gave me a good education also. My fathers name is Pavel, and my
mother's name is Marina. I want to tell you that my father works at a factory as a mechanic,
and my mother Marina works as the seamstress. I want to tell that I have consulted with my
parents about the account my acquaintances with you through the Internet, they have estimated
it as positively because they care about my future life. My parents would want that I have a
happy life and would want that I will find my man. As I told you earlier I never have been
married. Of course I had my last boyfriend in the last time, but I want to tell that we have part
with him, because he has found other girl. Now they are very happy together as I heard. But
now I don't want to remember about so boring history. Also I want to tell you about my job.
As I told you earlier, I work in a college. I have a very interesting job there in
colledge. My job include to carry out various competitions for the students. I want to say to you that
recently I have carried out a New Year's competition too. It was so interesting. I want to
congratulate you with last Happy New Year, though it is so late to congratulate now:) I want
to ask you, how you spent this Happy New Year? I hope that you have met Happy New
Year well. I have met this New Year very well, together with my parents and friends too. It
was very cheerful. There were many gifts, a lot of congratulations and other happy things.
Please, tell me how you have met New Year, ??? Excuse me, but I must to finish my letter to
you. Oh, sorry, my parents and Marina and Martin ask me to say to you a very hot hi too :) I
hope to see your letters soon.
Your new friend from Russia,
Natashenka (Natasha)
(Komarova, Ekaterinburg, Russia)
I was corresponding with Natasha...I tried to send her a rose and found out I'm 4th guy this
month to send flowers to an old lady w/ a mad dog. She does not live there.
Natashenka Komarova
Street Mira 38-56
Ekaterinburg City
Russia 620014

Koshechka (Novosibirsk, Russia)
My name is Patrick Smith, 40 years old, widower, 2 children 15 and 13, owner of (2) high
tech companies with several degrees including (1) each MS and MA. I wish to have a chance
to begin again and have encountered several wonderful ladies from the Dark Side. Please be
careful in your select, it could have a cost both financially and emotionally.
For me her name is OLGA KOSHECHKA from
Novosibirsk, Russia.
Address: 630099 Novosibirsk Stepana Razina street 20-12.
Email address she used was
Please take care. This is a new style where she writes of a
bad relationship and hopes to find true love, as we all do.
Letter 1
I am very glad, that you to answer me. This day will be main in my
life. I to receive from you the letter and should tell about myself all. I to want, that we it is good to know each other and
to understand completely. You probably already notice what to use the translator when to
write to you. I to do(make) it because I was not so good to know the English language. But it
should not be a problem between us. I to want to study your language and to
learn(teach) you Russian. It will be very interesting and useful for us. As to know
language and culture other country very important. It is the help to us will speak openly. I to want to tell you, that
acquaintance through the Internet this new to me. I never to do(make) it earlier.
I very much toworry and be afraid. I to not trust, that such it happens, but my girlfriend to get
acquaint d and now she(it) is happy. I to decide to try to write to you. I to worry, but I shall
be open and there will be a story about itself. Now I shall speak about myself. ïë. Me call Olga. I live in
Russia. It is very big country which to have is a lot of an opportunity but as I to think,
she(it) to not open yet all potential. In Russia is all for good life: resources, the ground, clever people is a
lot of, but now there is a transition period. People here trust, that all will be
fast well, but for the present it is not known to wait still how many. Though people which want to work and
have the purpose in life, live happily. There were only people which bring up at kmmunism and
it is very difficult to break their stereotype about life when for you to do(make) all state. They
to not know, that such the market, market attitudes(relations) and business. You do not think,
that I so to divide(share) people and to speak so, but it is the Russian
reality. I to think whatthere to know about Russia and to know our life. I too to know about your country much
but to want to study more concerning it. You will learn(teach) me about your country and
the city? It is very interesting to me! I live in city Novosibirsk. Our city is industrial here again to
make much industrial the goods (to add about city). Now you to know about where I live. I to
think, that it was interesting to you to learn(find out) it. I was born and
have grown here. Here I to go to a kindergarten, in school and in university. To remain with me very good memoirs on
my childhood. I was very vigorous and inquisitive girl. Now to me of 29 years and I
already to work. I to work in library. It is children's library.
She(it) small and only for schoolboys. At us it is a lot of book for school and almost all the book the Russian writer and the poet. In
our library each day to come it is a lot of children. With them it is very interesting to work. I to
explain them what book to them it is better to take to study only on an excellent(a different)
estimation. They very much to like our library. With me to work 4 more persons. They are
women at which very(very much) wide experience and I to study at them. I to work here not
so long. In university I to study as building faculty. I to receive higher
education and should work as the engineer the builder. But at us it is very difficult to find work and I can not find
such. Everywhere to demand the experience it is not less 5 years and it is very
difficult for young experts to find work. I can be arranged on work
n library. I to not regret about it, but I always to dream to be the builder and to work in the building organization. I to trust,
that my dream will be a reality. I shall aspire to this. My work not
complex(difficult), but she(it) to borrow(occupy) many(a lot of,much) time. My working day to begin in 9.00am. We do not
have dinner and I to come back home only in 20.00pm. The library is far
from our house and I to go up to work on the bus. I to like to work. You are not strong to get tired when to read
my letter? I am simple to want to tell to you the life. I to hope, that you to understand,
that I to write to you. Now I very much to get tired and I shall write about myself more in the following
letter. I shall wait from you the letter and the information on you if you to want that I to
know about you was more. Good to you of day.
I hope your friend
Letter 2
Greetings. My loved flower a rose, I like to dance, I love the sun, there is no I do not go on a
ski, I not when did not fly in a balloon, I do not smoke, I want to have children while I to not
think yet about trip to USA, I love in the partner mutual understanding, mine a loved season
spring, I not when did not travel.I am happy, that you again to answer me. I am very close to
read your letter and to understand almost all. It was very interesting
to me to read it and I to learn a lot of new about you. I think, that it will be interesting to you to learn about me. My
growth 5 " 8, my weight 115 lbs. I was not so good to understand your units of
measurements. I to write to you, how it will be at us, growth 173 cm.,
weight 55 kg. I live with together with mum. At us with it very much good relations and she my best friend, the assistant. She the
most dear person for me. I very much to love and respect her. We always
with it may find common language. I to think that you are good to understand it. My mother still to not know
yet, that we to write each other. I for the present to not know its reaction to all this. But I
to think, that she to understand me. I to think, that it all the same should tell all. Today I to tell it
about it. At me is not present from my mum of any secrets. We to live together with my mum.
My father has left from us 5 years back. I long may not go through it. I very
much to love it. But they with mother recently had disagreements. I guessed, that all goes to divorce. I now to
not see it. I to not know at all where it now. But I very much to miss on it. I do not have
brothers. I to have only one sister. She now to live in Chita together
with the husband. I to not have the computer of a house, therefore I to write to you from a computer class at university.
There to work my best girlfriend. I to know her from the childhood. We with it together
to grow. I to come to it and there to use the Internet. It is very convenient for me, because it
free-of-charge. At me is much hobbi. In free time from work I to like to spend time with
friends. I to like to listen to classical music. To me to like Bethoven and Chaykovski. To
listen to what music you? To like me simply good modern music which to
cheer up. I very much to like to be on a nature. I to like to be in a wood and on lake. To me very much to like camping.
I to like to float. Each Sunday together with the girlfriend I to go to pool. You to like
to float? I very much. I very much to love animals. I have cat Barsik.
To it of 5 years. This very beautiful and clever animal. By the way I was very good to prepare. My loved dish is a pie with apples.
To love it all my relatives and friends. They speak, that better me nobody may
prepare for it. It is very a pity to me, that you may not try and estimate it. I to think, that it too to like you. I
very much to love Russian kitchen. I to want to know what dishes to love you? And than
you to like to be engaged at leisure? To love what kinds of sports you? To me to like to look the
big tennis. I to want to learn it is more about you. You may tell to me about the life. I shall
finish the letter. If you may, send to me some more a photo. I to hope to receive
your letter soon.
Bye Bye
Letter 3 (she was perfect, well written letters and very attentive)
Patrick. Greetings my loved friend.
My friend of thank you for your pictures. I have a picture of my cat. Thank for your new letter. If it is fair, I
to wait for it all the day. I to be afraid, that you to not write to me. I already to miss under your letters slightly. With each new
letter we to become closly and closly to each other. All of us it is more to learn each other. And I to
consider, that it is correct. Now I to think, that I am available to you to tell about the
experience with the man. At me the man was. I was very happy with it. I to love it and
to be pleased to everyone to carry out together with it day. We were happy with it exactly 1 year. I
already to dream of wedding and I to want to give birth to it children. But there was a case
which has turned completely all my life. I to learn, that it to begin to accept
narcotic substances. Every day it was more difficult at for knowing all. Then all this began to be
combined with alcohol. Both all my plans and dreams have failed. We began to not understand
each other. It began to concern very badly to me. To avoid me. His love began only
a drug and to drink. I to try to it to help, but it to not listen to me. I many night to cry and think. And I
to solve that all this not for me. I shall not bear(take out) some more such moment in life. I
any more will not entrust to Russian men. I to not want so to risk and
break to myself life more. I to want to be simply happy and to live as
the normal person. After that I to decide to address in service of acquaintances. And I to find you. And we to write each other. And it
very much to like me. I to want to be happy with the man and to lead with it all life. I to wait from the man
of understanding, I to think that this most important and certainly big love and care of me and
of our future family. I shall try to make the man happy. But without his
help, without his love and understanding it will make difficultly. I once again to want to test such feeling as love. I
very much to hope for it. Therefore I to write to you. I to think, that you to
understand my words. I to want to learn your opinion on all this. I to
think, that it will be interesting to you to earn my post address in
Novosibirske. My post 630099 Novosibirsk Stepana Razina street 20-12. You may send me there some letters and a photo. I shall be happy to
receive them. But I to think. That it will be very long and it is possible to lose all letters and a photo. You are
simple to not know as at us to work mail especially in Siberia. It while all. I to
promise you to write later. I with impatience shall wait for your answer. To protect itself
Yours friend
With each letter there were photos, excellent, but on her wedding finger there was a
engagement ring and a wedding band. When I ask about the rings, she said they were nothing.
But her address change to: and she started to ask repeatedly for
money. When no money was sent no answer from Olga from either address.
Please be careful for this is a organized method of preying on men..
Any questions please contact me EMS128@AOL.COM
Naumova (Kemerovo, Russia)
I joined friend and received an e mail from
Olga. I received the same information that Don, and Terry, received - dad died in the
war, mom is gone, living with the aunt, working as a poor little
teacher that has no money and nothing left in life but my e mails.
This lasted just over a week. I caught on quikly. here address was still.
Lenin street 44-53 650099 Kemerovo Russia. I noticed that Terry's e mail
add, for her was 001 pochtamt.... the mail. I received was- olga251 pochtamt. half way through the e mail scam. she changed it to olga 252
pochtamt.... I was quite aware then that it wasn't right. she plays stupid at
first, and then became very smart. Her e-mails were clearer each time,.
I also received a voice message and to send $ to speed up her coming to
America. Yes $350 for the passport and $1200 for round trip airfare.
She spoke of marriage and sex. I was asked to send the money via
Western Union. I tried to mail her a regular snail mail just to see if it went
through. It came back, address unknown, it did make it to Russia and
back! I DID NOT SEND MONEY JUST A CARD.. This scammer is living the high life!
Look at the e mail pattern Terry posted 001- and I received 251. I wonder how much she made last month?
I did get in touch with friendfinder and they are investigating.
Olga Yurieva
(Kazan, Russia)
I'm a single Australian aged 34. Olga Yurieva first emailed me from on Feb 16, 2002. Our exchange lasted until today, March
13th 2002, with almost daily emails and photos. She was even able to send a
couple of MP3 files of herself (The English was flawless but the written
word was not for some reason!). The story that she told me was similar to
the ones listed on your site already. What really caught my attention was
the letter from Greg in the USA. The letters he posted (see attached) were
EXACTLY word for word the same as the ones sent to myself, only the photos
were different. She also was asking for $350 for a visa and $1200 for a
ticket. I am extremely grateful for the site and the scams you have listed
My eternal thanks!
Initial Letter
Hi! My name is Olga. My age is 28 years, growth of 168
centimetres, weight of 54 kgs. I am very much interested in your data which I saw on I live in Russia, my trade is the teacher. My hobbies
are sports (I am engaged in gymnastics, like to ski), listening of music and
reading of books. I search of the partner in life. I search for the person
who might understand and grow fond of me. I offer from me the same. Send me
please the address f your E-Mail and I shall send you my photo and more
information about me. If you are interested in my data, please write to me
this adress:
I wait for your answer with impatience.
P.S. I want to add from myself, that in turn I shall offer you mutual
understanding, respect and love...
First Request for money
Hi my love Christopher!!!!! I have received your character and my
heart was filled by happiness. We at school do not have service ICQ. to me here permit to use only e-mail. I
think, that my heart belongs to to you now. You are in my ideas permanently. I spoke my aunt
that I shall leave to Australia. She(it) was surprised with it and was very
admired, that I have found happiness. She(it) has told, that I shall be happier with you than with the Russian man. I
thought today all day only of you as we shall meet you. I have presented as we meet with you
in an airport, we search each other by eyes. When we discover each other, we rush in
embraces the friend the friend, we enjoy these embraces very much. We exchange passionate
kisses. I wish, that my ideas have addressed to an actuality. But before our occurring it -
there are a lot of difficulties. I have the girlfriend, which one work
in transport agency. She(it) has told me, that in Australia the visa, which one lasts within 3 months there are 350 bucks USA.
It is very expensive for me. I do(make) my grant 60 bucks per one month. I think,
that our occurring will not be fast. I need in many months to keep the
sum of money for trip. I became very sad from it. We are far apart. Between us huge ocean, but in ideas I always with you. I
love you very much. I missing without you very much. I shall be closed now... For
ever yours
Second request
Hi my love Christopher!!!!!
Yes I received your mail of a vote to me your vote very much has liked. I talked to my
girlfriend from travel agency. She speaks that visa of visiting is necessary for me. The visa
isregistered 2 weeks and operates 3 months then. It to cost 350 dollars USA. Tickets to cost
1200 dollars USA there and back. It is very many money. Unfortunately I have no such
money. If you may help me with money to speed up our meeting, you may send money
through Western Union.
The address of bank:
1 Dekabristov street
Kazan 420066 RUSSIA.
Olga Yurieva.
When you will send money you necessarily write ten numbers of a remittance. I Is very glad
that you want to see me, unfortunately, to meet Are necessary money, but money it only
paper, main that we shall meet with By you. We should trust each other because we like each
other and we soon Let's meet. Still I talked to my girlfriend which works in travel agency and
She has told me that the visa of visiting the best variant that to us with you to meet. She speaks
that when we shall meet we can discuss that as we shall live Further. Yesterday I
saw sexual dream about us with you, he very much has liked me also I want To tell him to you. Me has
dreamed as we with you we meet, as you take Me on hands, we go to you home. At you at
home we go at once in a bedroom and you Begin to undress me, our hearts are beaten
synchronously, we are passionately kissed and You begin to learn (teach) me to all pleasures
of sex. I to love you and I begin to understand that love this such strong feeling, I am glad That
I could test him due to you.
About love forever yours
Third Request
Hi my love Christopher.
I of rad very much that have received from you the letter. My girlfriend has told that in
general(common) registration of the visa will cost 350 $.??? will include all:
registration of various papers, forms, survey at the doctors and analyses. But I yet have not received your
letter by mail. I of rad very much that between us exist Confidence. I realize that mine
favourite trusts me. Besides I become more sure that we shall meet you
soon. Because love Can overcome any spacing intervals. I realize that there are difficulties, which one hinder To us to
be together, but we should together them overcome, because all in ours Arms. We should
meet with you, because we can not live friend without The friend. You agree with me? Write
me that you think about that that we with you in Speed time we shall meet. It is necessary to
me to know, whether you are enough to me trust? Be all can that about what we with you we
write each other only words? Love Is piled from three components: comprehension,
confidence and patience. You agree with By me? I wait for your answer eternally fond of you