Tania Alexandrova (Magadan, Russia)
My name is Robert Franks and I am living in Louisville Kentucky.
Tania contacted me after finding my ad on Absolute Agency. I guess being all those
years of being in the Military Police paid off. She sounded very sincere, but
things went way too fast. I started checking your site for scammers and came
upon a letter from Allen Bauer. Tania's first letter to me was word for word
except for the names, like the one Elena Maltceva sent him. By letter 4 she
was in love with me and could not wait to come to America . She was not
answering any of my questions, only speaking of how much she loved me. The
prices for the Visa are up to $325 and she has a girlfriend that works in a
travel agency. I have heard nothing from her since I told her that I would come
visit her first, then we would see what happens.
Be careful guys the scammers are out there!
Robert Franks
Tatiana Zhmur
(Kazan, Russia)
I am a 39 year old divorced American. I had placed an personal ad
on Friendfinder. On April 4,2002 I received an e-mail from a young Russian
woman. The name she gave me was Tatiana Zhmur. Her e-mail address is:
I was curious and began to write to her. I also did some checking and found this
blacklist. She fit the profile of a scam artist on your list
perfectly. I received daily letters from her for 13 days. By the 8th day, she was telling me
that she loved me. I became suspicious because of this and also because she
never answered any questions that I asked her. On the 13th day, she asked me
for some money to help pay for a visa. She asked that I send it Western Union
to a bank in Russia. I refused to send the money. I haven't heard from her
I think the information on your web-site is very useful. It helped me to avoid
being hurt both financially and emotionally.
Thank you.
Bill Rice
Letter 1
Hello Bill!
I am 23 years old. Mine birthday of July 8, 1978. I have growth of 172
centimeters and weights of 54 kg. My profession is an the designer of
a landscape .Now I work in the commercial firm as a the designer of a
landscape . I want to inform, that I do not smoke, and I do not drink
strong spirits drinks of spirit. But sometimes I love to drink in the
good company not a lot of grape vine, though it happens very seldom. I
want to you to speak, which I love various music, but basically
classical. I to not have children! I was never married! What you
to love to do(make) in free from work time? What you to love from the
foodstuffs? About my hobbies... In my free time, I study English (I
want to hope for success), and go to the sports club, in the evenings.
I like music. I like dancing, but not often, because I don't have a
lot time for them. At the same time, I like cooking, bat not every
day. Some time, I like sewing, when I have any mood, and I like own
clothes. It's my favorite hobby. I very love th
What am I looking for? I'd like to meet a man, who can become good
husband. I want to live a happy family life. Where? It's not
important. I'd like to be together with dear man. I believe that
relationships between people must be bused on trust and respect. I
value in the persons: the honesty and the seines of humor. If you
would like to talk, please write back to me. I' ve promised to you,
I'll answer all you questions frankly and honesty. I hate any lie.
Some attention, kindness, and care will make me happier.
As for my location. I live in Kazan.
Tatiana (Tanya).
Hi dear Bill!
Today to rise early and to do(make) various fruit salads. I to not have a
lot of food, I to watch(keep up) the figure and constantly to do(make)
not the large jogs after work. I shall be very glad to receive still new
your photos. I shall do(make) their listing on the colour printer and to
place them above my bed in a sleeping room. Mine the mum too very much loves to read your letters. I to
do(make) their translation on Russian and we together with my mum to read. I was never married, but
very much it to want. I never to be engaged in sex with the man! It is
very pleasant to me to learn(find out) that we by mutual understanding
each other, you see it is the very important fact in ours with you the
attitudes(relations). If we want to create strong union, we should trust
and understand each other in all I feel fine, concerning me can not worry
with me that's all right. Today I have received from us at job wages. To
you probably will be ridiculous but she has made 150 dollars. Well good
we shall not speak about problems which rise on our way. Write to me as
it is possible more often, I very much like to read your letters, they
install in me any pleasure in life, to believe in that that at me somewhere away
there is liked a man, the mood at once raises, it would be desirable to
live and to believe in that that we when be we shall meet. I shall wait for
your answer. Many times you a kiss and from the bottom of the heart I embrace. You in my heart each minute.
On all rest of life
your Tanya.
Money request
Hi my love Bill!
I to study all concerning my arrival in you. I necessary need the visa
and passport. It costs 294 $ USA. I am written down on reception in
the transport company on Tuesday. I shall give back back documents
concerning registration. I shall require in by to Tuesday to pay my
documents in the transport company. You probably think that I hurry. I
really would like to see you, to meet you closer, there can be you my
destiny. It is a pity, that you are far. I not capable completely to
pay the visa and passport. I think, that you will help me to pay a
part of my expenses. It would be wonderful, if you will pay a part of
my expenses. I never was outside the country. There was no occasion.
And now such remarkable occasion has appeared. You will send a part of
this sum of money by Monday? My documents will be registration in time
10 days. It is good? I have given you the address, on which you
through branch of bank Western Union should send to me money. I very
much to want as soon as possible to arrive in you my love. I to give
you the address of my bank where there is a system of remittances
Western Union.
Mine a complete name Tatiana Zhmur.
My home address My home address. Russia,
republic Tatarstan,
city Kazan,
street Dekabristov, house 9, apartment 43.
I give you the address of bank!
street Kremlevskaya, house 18,
city Kazan
You also should send control number from 10 figures, which should give
you in your branch Western Union. Complete home address and airport,
nearest coming) to you also is necessary for me your complete name. I
very much to wait on your answer !
Your Tanya

Miheeva (Samara, Russia)
my name is Mike Williams I am 37 years old
I live in Texas. I wrote letters to this girl she contacted me first.. she fell in love real fast and asked for 390.00
to be sent for a visa so she can come to me.. she lives is Samara,
Well I felt it was weird so I asked her if
I could send someone to check her out she never replied. Then I looked at all her letters and realized she sent prewritten letters sometimes adding a few new
words and each letter came with a new picture.
She never replied to any questions
directly and I am sure she is doing this to many guys. She obviously doesn't read the letters she must be send these out
in mass quantity.
Zoya Chernonos
(Kremenchug, Ukraine)
I am a 45 year old living in England with my daughter of 13. I found this
scammer on Match.com. no I.D. number, as once we had made contact her profile was suspended. I liked the pictures but I was a little suspect about the
first letter, it sounded to much like other ones on this site, I only had 3 letters before the money request was
made - $100 for internet fees, and now I was the light of her life. I had a strong hunch something of a scam was going on, so
I had her name and address checked out, surprise, surprise, the name she
gives is not registered in Ukraine and the address is of someone else. I wrote
back and asked her to clarify the address and if she was sure she new who
she/he was. I haven't heard since, but no money changed hands, watch out for
this one she is sure to come back for more!
Sussex, England
Her address:
Chernonos Zoya,
town of Kremenchug,
Poltava area,
Sumskay str. 40b-3
E-mail Address toy4567@ukrpost.net
Letter 1
Hello Darling Paul!
Im sincerely glad that youre interested in me. Thanks to you a light flicker of
hope and faith lighted in my soul. Frankly speaking I dont like my pictures
though my friends say I look far better in real life. I think its pleasant for any
man when his beloved woman has beautiful appearance. Its not so important
for me to have a beautiful appearance, as to love and be loved. I send you
one more picture, for you to be able to have a better look on me. Nowadays
any man is lonely his own way. Why it happens so? Im afraid of loneliness
very much. I have been lonely for so long and this loneliness just must step
aside for love, warmth, weasel, and care+ I want so very much to believe well
find it in each other. Honey Paul! Ill tell you a little bit about myself. Im 25
years old, and I have graduated the Institute for Economy. I have been
working as a junior book keeper just for 2 months, because in our country its
very hard to find a good job. Honey! I must go. I hope we have common points of view and opinions. I must tell
you that I dont need a pen friend. Im looking for a man wholl take care of our
future children and about me. I want to know that my children and me are protected.
I want to see your picture my Sweetheart Paul. Though I told you that appearance is no
matter so much as inner world of a person, his soul, and heart. I hope to hear from you soon. I
want to hear more about you- your job, way of life, and plans for future. I
want to know what makes you happy and sad+ I want our views about life to
be similar. I wish you all the best, and good day.
Letter 2
Sweetheart Paul!
Today it is such a wonderful day in my life, because I received your letter. I
reread it several times and felt that we become closer to each other. I want
you to know that I need you and your letters very much. Thank you for the
picture, my Honey. You're a very handsome man. You have very kind eyes. I
want so very much to beside you and to look into them! I'm grateful to God
that He gave you to me, and I'm so grateful to you, my Honey Paul. That now
I have You, and I won't feel myself lonely anymore. When I was a child I
liked very much when Mom read fairy-tales to me. Most of all fairy tales I
liked that one- where a prince saved a girl. They loved each other and the
whole world was glad for them. I thought I would never meet my prince. But
now when I met you I believe that a fairy tale can be real. Sweetheart Paul!
You lighted up a light of hope in my heart, and light rays of love. I love all this
world only for that it gives you to me! When being lonely after I divorced my
husband I often ask God to give me power to outlive all this. He helped
me much, and of course, my little Angel helped me too. Her name is
Nastya, and she's 4 years old. I love her so much! You and her- all I have in life. And I
thank to God for this priceless gift. Honey! I have never gone to the internet
club before. I talked to my friends from the internet club. They told me that
men often betray their women. I'm afraid of being on their place. Honey Paul,
I'm very sorry I have to tell you about it, but I'm afraid of treachery very
much. Honey, if you're really serious about our relationship and will stop your
choice on me, I'll be very happy. Because I want so very much to believe in a
fairy tale- kind, pure, and happy. Sweetheart Paul! I have to pay for our
writing. It's so hard for me to pay its price. I don't want to limit Nastya's
needs. If you help me with our writing, I'll see you have serious attitude to me.
After all pain I had I need a real man, who I can trust and who can care.
I hope you understand me, and that we also can have a fairy-tale. I think we
deserved it. I wish you all the best, and good mood.
I kiss you. Nastya kisses you too.
Say "Hello" from us to your daughter. You must be proud with she. I hope
we'll became friends.
Letter 3
Hello my Darling Paul!
I'm very happy we have found so much in common. And that our feelings become
strong day by day. I really began to get used to your letters, to your
tender words, to you. Now I wait for a new day impatiently to go to the
internet cafe and to receive your letter. They give me so much warmth and
light in this gray and sad life. Give powers to fight for us for our happiness.
Now I know for sure it's in the world and I hope it won't pass me by. I
believe we'll be able to create a strong, and friendly family. I want it with all
my heart. The main thing can be in life is the happiness of your child, well
being and coziness, and peace in the family. Success of dear to you people
and smiles on their faces. I hope when we are together your face won't be
upset with sadness even for a minute. And even if anything will happen I'll be
with you always to help you and to share all your troubles with you any time.
It's very pleasant for me Honey Paul, that you want to help me with the
payment for our writing. Thank you very much for it. I understand little about it
that's why it'll be better if you explain everything to my translator. Transfer is
better to do with system Western Union to my full name -Chernonos Zoya , town of Kremenchug, Poltava area,
Ukraine.My adddress - Sumskay str. 40b-3 Our correspondence cost about 100$ in month. Next letter you must
sent me cod transfer, your full name and sum. My Nice Paul! I very positively
look at, that we will meet in nearest future. I want very much to meet with you,
because no letters not change meeting. It's very important, that people will feel
when they will be together. I so want to feel you near me and kiss you eyes!
I know you better with your every letter. I see you're a wonderful man. You're
tender, careful, kind, and also smart and strong. I don't know how could I
deserve such a chance to meet such a man like you before the destiny. I was
alone for a long time, and taught a lot of things to do by myself. But
I still remained weak, tender, and unprotected woman. I need a strong, and reliable
shoulder to lean at any time. I need a wise advise and tender word as any man. I have
no one to give my not wasted woman's tender. And I also worried very much about
Nastya. She grows and I see day by day how she needs man's attention. I try to do
what I can but I understand I never will substitute a father for she. Early when we
were walking at the park and she saw other children playing with their father and
mother I read in his begging eyes a mute question. I had nothing to say and words
stick in my throat and I couldn't help but crying from my helplessness. But now I
can answer she for sure we'll be fine. You appeared in our with Nastya life and
everything has changed. Every new day gives much joy in stead of usual sadness.
Because it brings hope with it, and make the light at the end of the tube closer, and
makes you closer to us my Honey Paul. I'll always be grateful to you that you
gave me hope back and to the destiny which let me to be happy. We with
Nastya kiss you tender. We're waiting for your next letter impatiently. And
send you all our love.
Your Zoya.
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ANTI-SCAM GUIDE - Read how to make scammers to leave you alone
themselves, and choose the right girls from the very beginning.
Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
- Article by
Anatoly Neverov
Dating Services - where to look for a
Russian wife
dating agencies
- how do they make their