Shukurova (Chboksari, Russia)
Here is a new face for your scammer list, I noticed a lot of ladies repeated on
your pages they must be really desperate, or it is easy for them to get money so
it continues...after 3 or 4 emails I got this one requesting almost $2,000. I wrote
her back that there are just to many women looking for money from men from
US...that good things take time. Thanks for your informative pages.
1st response
Hi my dear Ernie, I am very pleased that you have answered my letter. I want to
tell to you little bit more about me directly. My growth of 173 centimeters,
my weight of 55 kg. I never married also I have no children. I very much love children
and I want to have own. I want will marry the correct person which to love and
care of me. I shall hope that it there will be you. As I already spoke about that I
work as the teacher of biology. I like my work. As to mine preference that I love
classical music but never I listen rap. My favouritefoodstuffs - sea products and
also various salads of a fruit because I like to watch (keep up) the figure. I the
good cook also am able to prepare for a tasty meal. I like to leave on walk and to
breathe fresh air. But within long winter evening I books or knitting prefer to sit on
a sofa reading romantic. As to my site that I live in city Chboksari. It is
small city in comparison with Moscow. Chboksari it is located approximately 1000
kilometers to the east from Moscow. Chboksari Is in a Volga region part of
Russia. I have no sisters and brothers. I live with the mother. My father has died 5
years back and I frequently recollect about him. What you still want to know
about me? I want that you told about you and about a place where do you live
more. I am interested in you and our future relations. I send you my loved by a
photo and I hope that my photo will like you. Now I shall go home. I shall wait for
your fast letter. Yours Elmira
4th response
Hi my dear Ernie, I am very glad to your letter. I liked your photo! You very
interesting person! I very much liked your beautiful letter. I liked your story about
your character and I see that we are similar each other! It is very good! I very
much like your employment(occupation)! It very much interesting to plant
cactuses! I shall like to help you in it! Yes certainly I speak on English and even
it is very good but to write to you the letter I use the program of the translator
because so to write to you the letter much faster! My birthday May, 10. It is
very fast also I liked to be together with you on mine birthday! You sound similarly to
very romantic and careful person and I would like that at us all turned out also we
would be together! It is very difficult for me to arrive to USA because my salary
makes only 40 $ in 1 month but I would like to meet you and closer to learn(find
out) you for a marriage(spoilage)! The visa of USA is difficult for receiving
but I have girlfriend which works in USA embassy and she(it) speaks me
that she(it) will help to receive to me the visa of USA but it should be made during 9 days
because May, 5 she(it) will take away documents from work and she(it) will not
work any more there after May, 5. I asked it(her) the prices to receive the visa
and she(it) have told me about that that the visa costs(stands) 400 $ and the
passport costs(stands) 100 $. For reception of my documents it is required to
me 500 $ and that I had time to receive my documents to me it is required 500 $
May, 5. My girlfriend has told me about that that if I shall give it(her) 500 $ that
the visa and the passport I can receive for very short terms! You to me seem the
good and correct person and I shall be happy to come to you and to learn(find
out) you closer! Only if we shall together we can learn(find out) each other for a
marriage(spoilage) and if we shall decide to marry that I I shall remain together
with you in USA and if there is no that I I shall be compelled to
leave(abandon) limits of USA. My girlfriend has told me that I can arrive to USA during 90 days
and we should have time to marry during 90 days. You very good person and I am
sure that if we shall be together that we shall marry and we shall be happy! If you
would like my arrival to you that to me it is required 500 $ for reception of my
documents, 1100 $ for purchase of the ticket, and approximately 350 $ for on trip
to Moscow because in Moscow is the most nearest airport. That I flied to you to
me it is required 1950 $. If you would like that I would come to you that I can be
already in USA during 8 days! Tell that you think of my letter. I shall wait for
your letter. Yours Elmira p.s. For reception of your money I need your surname and
your full address. My full name: Elmira Shukurova. My home address: Russia,
city Chboksari, street-Chavaina, house-18, apartment-13. I want that you
have translated money through the Western Union in Bank. I give you the address of
bank which works with the Western Union: " Menatep bank " Prospekt Lenina
6A Chboksari (428003.) The phone of bank: (8352) 662190. "elmira999"

Navalihina, Saratov Russia
I am a 38 yr old single no kids, I used a matchmaking service and out of the blue this russian bombshell dropped the bomb on me! I exchanged letters for 1 week and a half and knew something was wrong when her letters were not answering mine specifically. I found her on this blacklist and
she wrote the identically letter to me as well!
(needless to say no money from me!)
(Yoshka-Ola, Russia)
I am a divorced 45 year old father of 2. My children are grown and looking
for a Russian wife became very appealing. I never new that this site existed
until I was looking up Yoshkar-Ola Russia and I couldn't believe what I read.
I can't believe that I let this happen, but it did. I was contacted by Katya
on Apr 20,2002 thru Frind Finder.com. She was using the name Katya Sergeeva
and works with children at a hospital, like you can believe that. The
pictures I have do not look like those that other men have of her but I will
post them so that should she try to contact you, you'll have some idea. We
conversed thru e-mail night after night. She sent pictures and so did I. She
has a very convencing story and I was gulable enough to send her $1600.00 for
her to come here to visit and possibly marry. She was to arrive on May
27,2002 (Mamorial Day) . That never happen and all contact with her has now
ceased.So gentleman watch for this preditor of men. After arriving at this site and seeing other letters that she has sent to
other men the simularity was unbeliveable. I was shocked to read what she had
written with only minor changes. I will enclose her first letter of greeting
and those where she has asked for money. You will be able to judge for your
self and hopefully not be caught in her innocent web. At the moment I have
HEAL and STUPID both stamped on my forehead. I have started filing charges
against this person in order to stop this type of scam and prevent it from
happining to someone else. Hopefully she will be caught and prosecuted. But
then she may not. She does leave a trail though and one she can errase. So
beware of Katya of Yoshkar -Ola she is smart and knows what to say and what
pictures to send, but she is still a preditor.
(Vladivostok, Russia)
My name is Ron, 37 year old , Divorce male no children. The total time of
corresponding was 2 months then I ended it. I first received a email from
Marina (marinasher@pisem.net) at Jumpdates.com web site where I had a
personal a posted. She started out friendly so I responded to her email
just to see how far things will go. She didn't get any money but she did
ask. I was surprised when I saw her photo on your website and my last letter
to her was a scorcher so I'll include it here!!!! (You can use it if you
want to.) From Ron Meyers: rmeyers@courant.infi.net
Letter 1
Hi my new friend. This is Marina. As you understand I'm from Russia. I live in the
city of Vladivostok. It is very far from Moscow but I think that I live in not bad
place.I will not write a big letter - I'll simply send you my photo and
you'll decide if youwant to continue to conversate more with me. In short about me. I'm very
comunicative girl and I like big and funny companies! I like to be in good company
and I like to live with open heart and with good moodby life. I like to love and love
to be loved by people. I love to live!!!I like to have fun and I hope that you are the
same. I love romantice... It is the best thing that people invented....
My desire is to get more and more friends all over the world - I hope you
don't mind that I wrote you and want you to be my new friend... So if you are intersted I hope to find a
letter for me in this e-mail. I'll wait very much. You may feel free ask what you
want - I'll try to answer for any of them. Bye! Bye! Marina. p.s. I want to know
what do you think about my photo!...
Letter 6
Hi my close friend Ron! I loved your pics very much!!!!
I'm so glad to write an answer to you again. It takes to me a great pleasure to read your letters and to
know that someone far away waits for mine too. I feel happy to find news from
you my dear friend! As you understand it has come warm here. The weather is
very fine and clear air gives fresh feeling of freedom when going through the
street. That kind of the weather is my best in the spring - it is sunny
but very-very clear and very specific - even I can't describe by words.
With each letter between us I feel that firstly called feeling between
us is growing and becoming stronger. It is very strange to understand the fact that two people can feel closer without even
ever meeting but it is really so!!! My girlfriend at work began to mark that I'm a
little differ from mine else several weeks ago. She said that I became more
looking happier and having fun in every moment of life. And I fell that I
changed my mind too after acquaintance with you. It is really great that I feel so!!!
And you know... I feel that I have a great desire to come to USA to see you in reality. It
may sound a little crazy but I really would love to meet you some day, to say you
"Hallo" in person, to shake your hand. It should be so romantic meeting!!! But
from another side it seems to be crazy dream only - you see - we live so far apart
that it makes me unhappy that such a usual girl as me have no chance to move
there where she want as easy as it is possible in fantasies... But from dreams to
reality... I finally forgot to give you my address you can write me a letter through
usual mail. It is following: Marina Lipova Russia Vladivostok Pushkin street, 27-11
In turn I'd love to know yours. I'll be really glad to send you the letter
by mail. So if you don't against I want you to send me your mail address.
OK? I'd love to tell you else about my first love. He was a boy of my age. His
name is Andrey. I loved him so... so... But our love story finished very
sad. He exchanged me for the career. He is gone to Africa to the city of Cairo
and live there now. I suffered so much. I loved him. We were meeting for
almost two years but he drop as... I can't recall this without tears. I almost forgot it. t happened a year before now I
found you in so far!!! I hope that you are not bored with my stories? It seemed to
me that I feel for you growing feelings. What is it - I don't know. I think that the
time will show!!! But you can't deny the fact that our hearts becoming closer.
I hope that I don't make a mistake thinking this. I really feel something
new in my soul!.....
Letter 7
Hi my love Ron! Or what is it - I'm in total confusion - what's happening to my
poor mind. It may sound so crazy but I feel something for you! It is a very great
feeling love! I can't describe that great mood that I got up today in the early
mourning thinking of you huging me in the field of flowers! It was a great dream!!! I
didn't see such kind of dreams from time of my firstly falling in love!!! It was so
wonderful as in reality!!! I feel love and this fact heat my soul when the spring has
taken it's rules in it's hands and already warm in the street. I feel that I'm enough
powerfull to make my dream come true and come to you to USA and to see you
in reality and to shake your hand and to look into your eyes and to say you in
person what I really wanted to say but can't get it in words on paper...
.....But I have known a little about how can I come to you. The most important is to get the
foreign passport and visa to visit. It is not easy as have heard and but I think that
there's no impossible things in the world. The most important is great wish and
will to do what you want. I will speak with mother about this but firstly I need to
know what do you think about this. I have learned that the cost of making all
papers for me will totally cost about 200 US dollars but I'll learn it more better if
you want.
Letter 8
Hi my best Ron! I'm so glad again writing a letter to you from Russia. I know it
sounds a little official but I feel that today is very important day. I finally
found the information about what do I need to get the visa and to make my
dream come true and to come to you my love! I think that the best way for me is to get Tourist
visitors visa. It is the easiest way to come to you. Sure it will be very hard to get
it nevertheless but I hope that I can do it with your help! It has one
weakness - it allow to stay in your country for only three months but I
hope that after coming that time I will have a chance to prolong it. I was
said that it is possible. I heard there are many events when girls from Russia got Tourists visas
and after that got married and stayed abroad. So I think that we can be
together too! How do you think? Am I right? I have known about total cost of preparing of all papers I need
to come to USA. It has appeared more than 200 USD as I said before. It is
needed 240 USD to make everything: visa, applications and passport. It is
b g sum of money that I can't get in even several months. I hope that you can help
me to find that kind of money to make our dream come true. My the way I can
get my visa in already two weeks! I was so pleased to hear this! It means that we
can meet so soon as I didn't ever dreamed! I'm really happy to know that!
So I need 240 dollars as soon as it will be possible for you to send. I hope
that I don't ask too much from you! You can send them through the system
Western Union. When you will send the money they will give you Money
Transfer Control Number (MTCN). This is ten digits. If you send me that
MTCN by e-mail I can get your money at the bank here in Russia. I'll give you the adress of Western Union here
in Vladivostok that best ofall to get for me: ALFA BANK
SEMENOVSKAYA, 26 VLADIVOSTOK , 690000 The money are to send for my name - Marina
Lipova. Another important information is that I need information about the closest
airport to you. This information will help to get the ticket with big discount!
This was asked by my aunt Irina. She promised for me to make this good
deal and can't express thanks to her for this! As you see I speak too much about money. I hate
this world for it is controlled by the money! But without your help I will never see
you! Unfortunately we are to pay to be together! It's so pity! I'd love to fly to you
simply with help of my love-wings that carry me in my dreams about I will meet
you and we will live together forever until death!!! I love you so much! My parents
were not very good with that idea for us to be together firstly. They thought it is so
far and dangerous! But I convinced them to let me be with my beloved and they
agree with me at the end. All my friends wish for me to be the happiest girl in the
world to be together!!! Sorry if I may be offend you asking the money. But I hope
that in your next letter I'll read very good news for us my love! I need you. I dream
of you! I love to think about you. I'm so crazy.... Marina. p.s. Here's my photo I
made not much time before but you may be sure the weather here is more warm
now. And sure no snow at all!
My final letter to her and it's a SCORCHER!!!
Dear Marina, It's good to hear from you again but I'm going to have to end this
game we are playing. I'm bored with it and just wanted to see how far it would go.
I knew it would be a matter of time before you asked for money. Not every one
in america is lonely or dumb and can be taken advantage of. I must say about
the time I received your first letter I had just seen a movie called "The
Birthday Girl" starring Nichoel Kidman as a Russian mail order bride. Needless to say her
character wasn't a honest person. Basically she and her partners ran a scam
where she would meet rich men and rob them of their money then flee. Then I
found a website called "The Russian Blacklist" which tells actual stories of
russian women who contacted men from other countries and try to get them to
send money for Tourist visas and plane tickets!!! Needless to say the timing of
my being exposed to this information was odd but necessary for what was to
come. I searched the Russian Blacklist for your name but I didn't see it but your
motives are the same as the women listed on the site. It's really sad that you
have to LIE to make a living. When I look at your pictures I see someone who has
the potential to be whatever she wants to be but settled on a life of cheating
people. I truly believe not all Russian women are like you. I'm sure their are some
really nice and honest girls who want to meet someone and fall in love and have a
good life regardless of where they live. I briefly looked into the city you live in
VLADIVOSTOK and it's history. I know during the time of Soviet rule it was a
major port city and station area for the Russian Pacfic fleet. Unfortunately, after
the collapse of the soviet government everything fell into decline. Now that city
has high unemployment and crime. In fact many areas are under Russian mob
influence. With this in mind I knew I had to be careful with any information I told
you about myself. I studied the photos you sent me and you look like any other
young woman who likes pretty things. Unfortunately, I doubt if you earn
enough to purchase the things you want. Life is rough every where and we all
have to struggle to survive. It's a shame you have to resort to lying to
survive. How can you live with yourself? How do you know what the truth is?
Do you fear God or just don't care? I did not start this game but I will finish it!!! You contacted me out
of the blue about 2 months ago from a dating website and just assumed that I
was a lonely American looking for a woman at any cost. Yes, I'm alone but
not lonely and surely not stupid!!! How long have you been playing this
scam? You don't love me because you don't even know me. In fact, I bet you
have at least 10-20 other guys on your so called hook trying to get money
from them with your lies. You have the tongue of a whore and just pray on
the weak! GET A LIFE!!!! Try to make something of yourself and stop trying
to steal money with your lies! Your hurting innocent men who may want to
care about you and probably start a real relationship but your wicked and
have an evil heart! I knew something was up because your letters were too forward and
aggressive. In addition, I never brought up the subject of us meeting- you
did. In fact, we never even discussed the when or were we would meet you
just assumed we would meet. The thing about telling lies is you have to
remember what you said because it's not true. Then after only six brief
letters I'm the love of your life and asked for money! So, let me get this
straight. In order for you to come and see me you need to get a Tourist Visa
which cost $240? Since you don't have the funds and can't pay even part of
it you want me to pay the full $240? Yeah, right!! I don't think so. I'm not
sending you a DAMN thing!!!!! Don't write me again! Remove my name from your
mailing list or else you will be sorry!!!! How will you be sorry you wonder????? First, I am
reporting your name to the Russian Blacklist website with your letters and photos
so others will be aware of you. Second, unfortunately you tried to scam the wrong
person this time. I work on computers for a living and I'm a computer graphic
artist. Attached to this email are a few of the nude and pornographic images that I
applied your head and face to!!!! If you contact me again I will up load
these images to several hundred pornographic sites throughout the world and
you will seen for the person that you really are!!!! Don't contact me again!!! GOOD-BYE!!
Marina Varaksina
(Perm, Russia)
Hello, My name is Ron, 41 in USA. I have been this route before,
This one seemed a little bit more clever, but generic. This is strike 2 for me. I initiated the
first contact, after several letters, she made reference to visa and a 300.00 value
for visa. At first she seems sincere, but will avoid specific questions, Attached
you will find letters and photos. Her last letter was asking for money, when I
explained in detail the truth of why I could not send money, she just stopped
writing. You can see that she might be new to this, there are several redundancies in the letters. Even though she says she has no computer and she
uses different locations, school and girlfriends computers. All come from the
same IP.
Letter #1
Hi!!! To me very much to like yours strukture and I to become very much
interested in you. Yes I to want to acquaint with the man, I to want that it (he)
then to become my satellite on all life. For me principal that the man is good to
concern to me, to be careful, to understand me, you see principal I to think
mutual understanding. I very much to want that it (he) can the help to me in
difficult minute, I in the turn shall promise that I shall love it (him), to care of a
nem, also to try to understand it (him). If I you to interest, you can write to me on
mine the computer mail: marishka_st481@pochtamt.ru I
responsible(crucial), understanding, cautious, business and sensitive woman. I to hope, that you to
interest in me and to write to me. I to think, that we could more learn(find out)
about each other during correspondence. There can be we sometime could meet
you. I very much to want to get acquainted with you. I to hope that you to interest
in me and to write to me. I to you to promise that you to not regret (pity) about it.
Letter #2
Hello , Hello name !!! I to receive your letter and very much to be pleased to this,
because I to not hope, that you will answer mine the letter. Thank to you for your
photo. My girlfriend to say to me, that I am possible to find of the friend on
internet, at first to not check, but then to decide to try. My fears to not be
affirmed and I very much of rad. Excuse me please but I to not know English
language and thee I shall write to thee in Russian, and then to
transfer(translate) through a translator. But I what is it will not think by an encumbrance in our
dialogue. (I to hope what is it not last your letter to me.) I shall
learn(teach) your language and to think that you to help to me in it, and if you to want to
learn(teach) Russian, I too to help to you in a measure of the forces and
capabilities. I maiden time to write the letters in internet, and I very much to be
tirred, because my girlfriend to say, that there are such people which one to
receive other. I to not want, that me to deceive, because it very much to offend
me and I more never to be decided to trust other people. But I to hope what is it
with me to not happen. Therefore I to write to you the letter. I to say a little
about myself. My name is Marina. To me of 30 years. I to think, that it is the most
suitable age for acquaintance. Many to speak, that I to look of the more young @
years. But in my opinion it to best.:-) When to me will be 40, I shall look on 35. I
live in Russia. This is a very big and beautiful country. I to like my country and
my ground. But our government is very bad to operate(control) our country. The
people can not realize the potential completely. It is not enough in our country
to remain of the good people for this reason. On my view. It became very difficult to
live with such people. Everywhere to operate(control) gangsters, and simple
people - beggar. But I to think, that for our country to reach the best time. I the
romantic and optimist. To me to like to go in a campaign to the nature, in cine, in
theatre. In our country there are a lot of beautiful places of the wild nature. I to
want to know how to live the people in other countries, to see their nature,
architecture, culture of other people. I to like to travel. I to live in major and
beautiful city Perm, the capital of the Perm field(area), costs(stands) on beautiful
and great Russian river Kama. To be about cities of Ekaterinburg, former
Sverdlovsk. I to live and to be born here, here I to go at school and to end
university. Now I the teacher of original classes. I to become the teacher because
I very much to like children. Me very much to like my activity and children. For
me very good and clever children in the class. I them to like and they to respond
me by reciprocity. Not all of the teacher of our school can brag of it. I to reach it
by the transactions and knowledge. The person can very much achieve, if very
much wants. I am right? I to start activity at 8.00 in morning and I end at 17.00.
sometimes to be delayed(held up) on activity. It when we with children to be
prepared to conduct holidays, dancing parties. You likely to get tired from reading
my letter. I too to have a fancy the story about myself. I to end to write my letter
and to hope, that you to answer to me as soon as possible. I to want to learn(find
out) about you on more. Write to me about you. I shall be of rad to your
letter. I hope that we can begin the friends with you and we shall learn(find out) a lot of
new about the friend the friend. How you to look at it?Before a new occurring!
Yours Marina. Best regards, Marina
Letter #3
Hello ,Greetings Name !Many thanks for your answer to me. Thank to you for
your perfect photo. I very much to look forward to hearing from you to my
message to you. If you to answer me, our friendship means to proceed and we
shall continue our dialogue with you. I so am glad to this. I to read your letter and
to be pleased as the child. Because I still to not trust this. It is very pleasant for
me, that such the man as you to decide to write to me. What to me to tell about
itself? I to have growth about 173 sm, my weight of 55 kg. I watch(keep up)
myself and to try to be always in the form. I to not drink and to not smoke and
love all natural products which contain vitamins: vegetables, fruit. To me to like to
go in for sports, sports to help me to remove a pressure(voltage) and stress. My
loved(liked) kind of sports is run and navigation. I as to like to have a rest and
sunbathe on a beach at the river of Kama. Though I to not bathe in
it(her), because she(it) dirty. At us very bad ecology and it t! o have an effect on health of
our population. But we shall not be about sad. I was better to tell to you a little
more information on. I to live together with mine mum. My mum very good person.
But we sometimes to quarrel with it(her), but I to be sorry about it(her) and we to
be reconciled. My mum my best friend. I very much to like my mum. I shall tell to
it(her) today about yours the letter. My daddy recently to die of illness. In
him(it) have found out a crawfish and could not cure. Though it has taken place 2 years
back, it seemed that to me absolutely recently. It is such terrible illness. I to not
wish to anybody such illness. From it(her) the people to die very long and
strongly to suffer. I to not have the brother and the sister. I to have very far
brothers and sisters, but I am very rare to see them. We to live far apart. Is very a
pity that I to not have the personal computer. Now I to sit at my girlfriend at work
in Internet the centre and to write to you the letter. I do not have computer of a
house and me to have to go to my girlfriend. If I have the computer we may to
communicate more often and more to learn(find out) about each other. But I shall
answer all the same all your letters. At leisure I to like to have a rest on a nature
to listen to beautiful music or to walk with my class in a wood, still I very much to
love animals. But most of all I to love my class. We together to go to cinema on a
day off either in theatre, or on an exhibition, in a museum. I have hobby I to love
to knit different things from a wool. And than you to be engaged at leisure? How
to carry out(spend) the holiday? What your loved(liked) dish? I is loved a dish
these are pel'menis and pancakes by which to do(make) mum. I to like to
prepare. I to like to eat that what to prepare(be going) mum. Most of all I to
lik! e to prepare plov and hot and still for a borshch. Write to me more about you, your
life. I to want to learn(find out) it is more about you. You see our friendship to not
be finished on this letter. I to want to ask to send you to me your photo. In the
answer I to send you the photos. I to not have many successful photos. I to
choose the most good and to send you. On my photo you can see tatoo, but you
do not think that she(it) present. To me to draw her(it) one familiar girl by an
ordinary ball pen. I to hope, that you to send me your answer to me in the near
future. Your answer to warm to me mine oppress in my cold country.
Good-bye, my friend! Marina. Best regards, Marina
Letter #4
Hello , Hi, my friend name !!! I to be very happy to receive your letter. To me to
seem, that each letter to do(make) our hearts closly and closly. We to learn(find
out) about each other it is more and more and more and it to pull together us.
You do not think that I to speak it simply so. I to suspect this theme much. I to
not want that you to think of me poorly. I to want to find good person, which may
support me a difficult minute. I to meet one man earlier. I to think what to love
it(him). But as soon as I to learn(find out) it(him) is better my love to it(him) to
pass. It(he) to appear very bad person. It(he) to begin to come home drunk and
malicious. To appear that at him(it) not all it is good to turn out at work and
it(he)to break the failure on me. It not so to like me. If at someone something to
fail what for someone to offend because of it? You with me to agree in it? And
therefore I to leave from him(it). I long to suffer(bear), but then I to
understand what to not love it(him). Many women at us in Russia to live with alcoholics. I to
not want such torture. I to want to find in the life of the kind, lovely, gentle, tender
friend. I to be disappointed in our men, I to not want to search here for the partner
in life more. May be in Russia still remain the present men, but I to not meet
some more such. I to want to create normal, high-grade family that my children it
is good to finish school and to act(arrive) in university, instead of to begin the
addict. Many children at us in Russia to become addicts because to receive education in the street. They are children
of families in which mother or father to drink. We have such families where to drink both mother and
father. They to not watch(keep up) at all for the child. At me in a class children of such parents
study. They to not be on employment(occupations) to not learn(teach) the
domestic task, they to put on in dirty clothes. I to be at them at home as the
teacher of their children. Their parents to be drunk and it is bad to talk to me.
They to live very bad. I to not want such life for my children. I to lose hope to find
the present the man at us in Russia and consequently I begin to get acquainted
through service of acquaintances. And consequently I to begin to write to you.
I to want to know that you to think that I to write in this letter. I to want to learn(find
out) your address (staff(state), city, street and so on). There may be I write to you the letter. Though I to doubt that the
letter to reach you. It is very bad to work for us mail. I to think, that it is better to write letters on a E- Mail. So there is very
much an every prospect of that the letter to reach you. On it I to finish my letter
to you. It is possible to set to you one question: when your Birthday? Yours
Marina. Best regards, Marina mailto:marishka_st481@pochtamt.ru
Letter #5
Hello , Hi my lovely friend name !!! I to be very glad will receive your new letter.
Thank to you for your photo. My birthday will be September 6. I shall be possible
to name you "The lovely friend". It is pleasant for me to name you so, because I
to want to name the person expensive(dear) to me so. I too to want that you to
name me so. I to wait your letters with impatience and very(very much) to be
pleased to these small messages. I to count days from last your message and
to wait new. I very much to begin to worry when your letter to be late. You to not
test the same? I to feel that we to become closely more to each other and I may
not present myself already the world without your letters. You to understand me?
I to think that you to understand me. I may be not right. It is very important to
understand each other. It means for people loving(liking) each other much.
Today I to observe a terrible picture. I have gone to parents of one boy because the boy
for a long time to not occur at lessons. I to worry for this boy and to go to
it(him) home. To appear that parents to beat it(him) and it(he) to escape from a house
and to not occur on employment(occupations). I to find it(him) in a cellar
and it(he) to tell all to me and to tell that does not want to live! It is very terrible to hear
such words from some more small boy. I to be in a shock! Now these parents to
deprive with rights to the child. I may not understand such people which may beat children. What to do(make) with people alcohol. I to not want to
speak about it any more.May want to speak you with me. Unfortunately it cannot be made. I
to not have the phone of a house though for my trade it is very necessary thing.
To put the phone of a house it is necessary to have the big money. And money
which we to earn, us with mum to suffice only on a meal and to pay for an
apartment. I to want to speak with you because on conversation it is possible to
learn(find out) much about the person. Though I to not know the English
language, I to study it(him) slightly at school and at university. And I can
understand you is a little if you will speak slowly. It would be healthy if we can
talk with each other, even to tell each other a pair of words.I to hope, that I to not
tire you with the letter. Simply I to have while time suffices and I shall continue to
write with your permission. I very much to love summer. Summer this my
loved(liked) season. In the summer the nature to live and sing in the voices of
different birds to give us flowers, different berries and mushrooms. I very much to
love flowers, and am especial - field. When I to lay on a years(summer)
meadow I to represent near to myself of the loved(liked) person. And we as though to talk toit(him) about
all on light. From it to me to become well and joyfully. I to want to see
loved(liked) person to look in his(its) eyes and to speak about love. I am valid
to want it all soul. There may be we too shortly shall embrace each other, you
see the distance may not begin a handicap to those who decide to achieve
something. I very much to wait your following letter and to hope that you to not
keep me long waiting.Up to a new meeting!!! Yours Marina!!! Best regards,
Marina mailto:marishka_st481@pochtamt.ru
Last letter
Hello , Greetings, my tender Ron! I am glad to read your new letter. Today at me
to be fine day.At us to be good weather. All day to shine the sun and to be very
warm. And from it at me to be very good mood. The lessons were already
terminated and now I shall teach to children only the next educational year. At
children to begin a vacation and now at me to become little bit more free time, but
it does not mean that now absolutely there is no work. Excuse me, but I very
quickly to change my opinion because I very much to love you and to want be
with you. And I to know, that if us many times to deceive, it does not mean, that
it is impossible to anybody more to trust. Forgive me for that hasty written and
sent thoughtlessly letter. Thank to you for an interesting monologue. Me to like
your ideas Still I am very glad, that you to present me the letter. I am boundlessto thank you for it. I today to learn(find out) in embassy, the visa will
cost how many. There is such visa which is valid 90 days. She(it) to cost
approximately 310 dollars. I to think and decide, that I can not collect such sum.
My familiar have no the big income. And they to not give me such sum even if
they at them are. I to think earlier, that the visa to not cost such money. It to
anger me. Why people may not meet if they like each other? Everywhere all to
solve money. These pieces of paper which nothing to cost in comparison with the
most pleasant feeling on the Earth - love. But nevertheless I to become before the
fact, that these pieces of paper are necessary for me. And as they may not arise
at me, I to address to you for the help. Perfectly if you will not give up to me.
Certainly it is very inconvenient for me to ask your money. But if to look on the
other hand this fact may become check of our! attitudes(relations). We to
learn(find out) to trust we each other whether or not. You may think of me
everything. But what I may make? At us in Russia it is good to live only fat
officials and stupid(blunt) gangsters. If you to trust and believe me, you may send
me money on the Western Union. The address of branch in our city: KAURY
BANK BELINSKOGO 47 A PERM , 614039 RU Marina Varaksina
I to learn(find out) to receive money to me it is necessary to tell a code. The code
consists of ten marks (figures). These figures should give you in bank. It is
number money transfert. If I to tell these figures only then me to give money. If
you to decide to make it I shall be very grateful to you. I to test now very much
strong feeling of shame. I have not got used to ask money somebody. I to earn
money itself am usual. But it is other case. I can not earn such money in short
terms. I should work and save money 1,5 years. I to not sustain so much. I to
promise you that I to pay back you with their love and caress. I to think, that
money to not become an obstacle in our vital way. Once again excuse me, but to
me any more whom to ask the help. To reach to you I should know where to be
the closest international airport from you. I to not want, that we to stop the
attitude(relation). I to not want to see near to myself anybody except for you. At
me tears to occur on eyes because of my powerlessness before this world. You
are necessary for me as never. I to want to embrace and kiss you.
I may not write this letter more. It became very hurt me suddenly. I may not collect the
thoughts. Up to a meeting in the following letter. I to want, that you to know,
that I to love you. Up to a meeting, my love! Yours Marina! Best regards,Marina
I hope this is enough to help others from being suckered in by this one. As taxing
as this is to ones emotions. I am thankful that your sight helps me before going
any farther with communicating with these people. This is a new one though, I
have searched several sights thinking I would find her on a list and did not.
Her letter format is new and unlike others I was reading. If anyone needs more
specific information, feel free to contact me. lostindiantribe@hotmail.com
Have A Great Day, Ron Hansen
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