Russian Brides Cyber Guide |
by Maria Vowell,
Some nice ideas would be:
3. Once you have designed 10 different templates like this, print them out and get ready to make your fan. To make your fan, first spread a thin layer of glue on the back of your cardstock, and apply a layer of your pretty wrapping paper to the back. Next, cut out your templates and use a regular hole-puncher to punch a hole in the bottom. 4. Next attach your 10 spreads together with an eyelet in the holes, attach a pre-made tassel or make one with your fancy thread, and your fan is now completed. These can be provided to your guests at the wedding as memorable favors that are sure to please. If you would like to make fancier fans, then you can substitute the wrapping paper for nice thin fabric or plastic. You can decorate your fans with sequins and other thin embellishments. You can make string art on the back of the cardstock by gluing string into lovely designs. For a sturdier fan, take 10 regular popsicle sticks and place them neatly in a row exactly 1 1/2 inches apart from each other. Next glue a string of ribbon along the tops of the sticks (hot glue works best), about 1 inch down from the edge so that they are all attached together with the ribbon. Once the glue has dried, then glue the sticks in the middles of the backs of your spreads before attaching the eyelet. Make sure that you have them centered and lined up as neatly as possible. Now cut out 10 blank templates, cover one side with your pretty wrapping paper or fabric then glue these to the backs of the spreads over the popsicle sticks. Once more let your glue dry, then attach the eyelet and tassel. Now when you unfold your fan, it'll be sturdier and will hold in place like a regular fan and can be used much easier for cooling your guests. These make wonderful and unique favors for any wedding ceremony. You can also make these for other occasions like Holidays, for baby showers, birthdays etc. If you enjoyed this project, please take a moment to visit the following URL for 30 more "Wonderful wedding favors and wedding gifts" projects that are quick and easy to make. Above all I would like to wish you many joy filled crafting days in the future, and I certainly hope you enjoy this project.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Teaching others through various online methods, Maria Vowell has helped many start successful home businesses both online and off. If you would like even more free courses, tools, products and information please visit her site at to view her wide range of products. You'll receive a wonderful and profitable gift just for visiting! Do you
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