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Honeymoon Ideas

By Elena Solomon, Professional Dating Coach: 

You only have honeymoon once (with this partner, anyway), so building romantic atmosphere is essential as this will create wonderful memories you are going to cherish (hopefully) forever. It is a new committed relationship for both of you and you are starting your life as a married couple. Make sure that the word "honeymoon" reminds you just as much about the matters of the soul as about the heat of your bodies - this is especially important for women who are emotional in their nature. The emotional high means a world to women.

Candles are the time tested way to add romance to just about any setting - and it will cost you only a few dollars to buy a set of tea-lights and a couple of minutes to set them up, and voila! - you've turned an ordinary hotel room (or even your own bedroom) into a honeymoon playground.

Here are some more ideas for you to spice up your honeymoon and make it truly memorable (if you are a man reading this, implementing these ideas will score you tops with your newlywed wife - most men's romantic ideas exhaust themselves on having clean sheets for their wedding night!).

  • Become a sex explorer
    Buy a sex book with pictures (or pick up a photo edition of Kama Sutra) and try every position possible. If you never done it in your life, I highly recommend it - it's a lot of fun and you both are going to love it! Great sex is the first thing most people remember when you say the word, "honeymoon" (they would be fools not to), so do it the way that will make those memories truly special! Now that you are married, you can do it legally... no restrictions.

  • Swap houses
    If you don't want to splurge on a 5-star hotel, get yourself a home exchange buddy through and live in an exotic destination some other folks call home! Whether you are a prince or pauper, this can be something really different from what you normally do in your everyday life, and this way you are not just enjoying your honeymoon, but also learning something new about life!

  • Create a honeymoon video 
    The days of photo albums have passed! Nowadays people create their history on DVDs. Get your camera with you and remember to record the juiciest parts of your honeymoon. Make sure to include background comments as you are recording - this is like commentaries when you watch a football game; they help you to tune in and enjoy the moments when your team have scored. A nice memory for your future grandchildren!

  • Get spiritual
    It's not all sex and fun - you can do all of those and be spiritual, too. If you haven't done it before the wedding (you should), sit down now and talk through your life goals and aspirations: finances, careers, children, your dream house, the place you'd love to live when you are 80, where you see yourself in 5, 10, 20 years, what you dream about and how you can help each other make your dreams come true. Get a free coaching session with a life coach (they always give the first session for free) and ask for help if you get stuck.

  • Write a "Personal History" book 
    While you still remember that, go over the first time you met, the first phone call (or email), the first kiss, the first night you spent together, and remember all the feelings and fears you had back then... incredible, how far have you advanced from these times! Write it down, how it was for you, and your partner should write how it was for him or her, and then compare the notes. You can then cut them off or re-type and paste into an album; include photos if you have some, or simply draw funny pictures. Give it to your future home guests when you are too busy to entertain them.

  • Go parachute jumping
    Nothing can get your blood boiling faster than jumping from an airplane cruising at some 30,000 feet above the ground. The experience will make you soul mates forever.

  • Write a New Year resolution together
    It doesn't matter if the New Year is in 11 months. Write it anyway. You are going to be still together by then, right?

  • Take a quiz
    Do you really know each other? Create "true or false" quiz with little-known facts about yourself, and let your partner guess whether you really were expelled from school for kissing a boy during a geography lesson at the age of 8. (Tip: make the answers match the question; i.e. if you asked the question whether you were expelled from school for kissing a boy during a geography lesson at the age of 8, the answer can be: (1) No, I wasn't expelled; I was just suspended for a week; (2) No, it wasn't a geography lesson, it was an English lesson; (3) No, I wasn't 8, I was only 7; etc - you got the idea.) Pick the funkiest and most incredible facts from your life and share them with your chosen one. This will make you even closer!

  • Create a honeymoon blog
    You can get yourself a free blog at, which will allow you to post online videos, audios, photos and comments. If you are away and your family and friends miss you, they can always check what you are doing and turn green with envy with all the honeymoon fun you are having (and they have to work! ;-)). Let them. They love you anyway.

  • Sponsor a child
    Whether you already have children or just plan to start making babies as soon as you pay your mortgage in full, you can make a child smile by sponsoring a kid through For mere 30 bucks a month a child in an underprivileged country can have clean water and school supplies. You love each other. Now, share your love with the ones that don't get much - and you will make your love last in the world. Sharing is multiplying.

You have taken the wows and cut the cake, went through all the planning and rehearsing for the wedding, entertained dozens of semi-strangers (and family members you cannot stand)  - now it is time for you to stop doing what everyone else expects from you and simply have fun for yourself! 

Enjoy your honeymoon - and make sure you have plenty of lubricant! :-)

Lots of love,


Elena Solomon is Australia's leading Dating Coach, a Certified NLP Practitioner and Best-Of-The-Best dating expert of For more dating tips and free relationship advice, visit 

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