"Katya" Ekaterina
Smirnova (Saratov, Russia)
410009 Saratov Street Plehanova 8-35.Hello out there! I am a 47 year old divorced
man for the Northwest Part of the United States. I am an Electronics Engineer
and I have four children. I have been on the internet for the first time to try and
meet someone from Russia. I am really looking for someone to marry and to
enjoy life with. I have a friend that has married a woman from Russia and they are
very happy. At his suggestion, I had put my profile on the Absolute Agency site.
About 3 weeks ago I received and email from a woman in Saratov, Russia calling
herself Katya. She seemed very nice and very pleasant. She too, supposedly,
was looking for her one and only. I answered her letter and the correspondence
began. We had been writing for about 3 weeks when she decided she was in love
with me. I was already a bit leery at this point because she had avoided many
questions I had asked specifically in my letters. her letters began to sound kind
of like generic love letters. I even asked here if she read everything that I wrote
and got no response to this comment. At one point I asked here if she was
writing to others at which time she became insulted and told me so. I asked her
for her phone number and was told she had no phone. I asked for her address in
several letters before I got one. I mentioned in several letters of my intentions to
visit Russia and asked if we could meet. Each time no response. Finally she
started to talk about a visa, then began to ask for money, then sent the address
for the money to be sent to. All this without me agreeing to anything. Anyway,
already being suspicious and knowing of this site, I decided to investigate her. Lo
and behold, there she was, in the updates section for last month (Black List page
96: UPDATES, May 23, 2002 page 1.) She had been writing to Steven in
Chicago. Apparently she had started with him a bit earlier and when he quit she
jumped on me. Anyway guys, be careful. Luckily I have not sent any money or
anything to her.
I have written a letter to the Agency and have not heard back, but it was only a
day ago. I intend to contact the legal authorities to inform them. I have not told
her I know about her yet. I am trying to decide what to do. I have considered
contacting the authorities and trying to set up a sting operation of sorts. Perhaps
give them the bank and her info. and then send a small amount of money to the
bank with the authorities waiting there for her. We will see. I am sending the
letter photos she sent me.
I would like to say that all are not like her. I have met someone that is very real
and very nice. We have been writing on yahoo messenger daily and talking on the
phone daily. She gave me her address quickly when asked and things have been
delivered successfully. She gave me her work address and her work number. All
is correct. She does exist and she is real. I have been corresponding with her for
2 months and she has never mentioned money to me. And in fact at one point I
offered to send her money to help with the cost of email and she told me that it
was not to bad and she could handle it on her own. I am planning a trip to meet
her in Russia in September. So do not be discouraged, just be cautious. The
Scammer's Guide was a big help to me and is what tipped me off originally. Good
luck out there and remember, good people do exist.
Ekatrina Anreevna Zharkova/Kate77 / kate777
(Kazan, Russia)
Hello, My name is Paul. I have encountered another scam. I had read other
similar letters of the same making. The woman goes by the name of Kate/Katrina/Katerinka. Her areas are Kate77 and Katrinka777 of which both are
identical profiles. I was corresponding with Elena_m29 for 3 days. Elena stopped
writting all at once. Kate emailed me out of the clear blue the same day of
Elena's last letter. We corresponded for about a week and then she hit me for
money ($640.00 worth). Of course I did not send her any. I requsted the
background check with her not knowing. As time went on she slowed down on
her letters but when she did write and asked for money in lesser amounts
Letter 1
Hello my dear, Do you hear my heart beating
together with yours, my Dear? It's because ofyour letters. They help me to feel
your breath, your heart's beating, every movement of your body. Can you send
me more pictures? Do you know what I do with them? I have them printed and
now they are hanging on the wall in my bedroom. I go to bed every day with a
happy smile - because I see you. I get up every day like a flower - because I see
you. I can do nothing with myself: I want to see you every minute, I want to hear
you every moment, I want to feel you by my side. You know, my mum like to
read your letters with me. She worries very much. I'm the only daughter of hers
and besides I'm her family. She wants me to be happy and to marry an honor
man. Of course I want the same. I've been waiting for the right man for so long!!!
You may not believe but ( I'm feeling very nervous talking about it ) I've never had
serious relations with anybody, I don't know what a real woman feels because I'm
a virgin. I don't want to have any misunderstanding with my future husband to
make our family life (spiritual and physical) just perfect. I won't let any problems
(spiritual or financial) break our family. By the way, do you want to laugh a bit?
I've got my wages today - forty dollars:) Nobody all over the world (except
Russian people of course:)) will work for forty dollars a month! Well,
I don't want to talk about problems with you. You brought warmth and happiness into my life
and all the problems seam to be so small that they are not worth noting. Well,
bye for now. I'll come to the internet cafe once more today. I know I'll be lucky
today and receive one more letter from you:) Have a nice day. Close your eyes,
keep your breath and you will feel my kiss on your lips. Yours forever.
Letter 2
Hello, let's get acquainted. I am a pretty lonely girl from Russia. My name is Katerina or Katya
for short. I adore children, nature and everything alive that surrounds me. I work
as a tutor in a children's day nursery. I like my work very much because it gives
me a chance to communicate with those little innocent creatures. I have
everything in my life, but I can't be really happy without you - my true love and
support. Though I am only 24 years old I will not mind if you are much older - age
is not the main thing. If there is true love and mutual understanding age cannot be
an obstacle. Be free to ask any questions that interest you. I'll answer all of them
with great pleasure. I am looking forward to hearing from you. My best regards
and good luck! Can't wait to hear from you. Katerina.
Letter 3
Hi my Dear! I was very pleased to get your letter. I am terribly sorry for
having no opportunity to write yesterday,I was very busy at work. I would like to
tell you more about myself! My work consists of treating and preventing of
children's diseases. It's a very necessary job,isn't it? My schedule is very
complicated: one day I work in the afternoon, the next day at night and so on.
But in spite of it I like my job very much. I have a cat at home. Its name is Rizhik,
it means "Red". He is very kind and has many girl-friends [:)] He is fond of music.
When I play the piano he sits on my knees listening to the music. I can play
different music. My favourite composers are Bah, Shopen, Mozart and others.
What concerns food I like sea products, and, also various fruit Salads. By the
way I can cook myself, they say I'm not a bad cooker [:)] I try to spend my spare
time out-of-doors. I can go for a walk to the wood(there is a small one nearby)or
to some lake. In winter evenings I prefer to lie in bed reading romantic books, and
also Knitting something ( I do it rather well). I also like different kinds of sports. I
was doing gymnastics for several years. I also like to watch football, hockey,
basketball on TV. You know now I realize how happy I am: I have found you and
now I don't feel lonely, thank you. I'm waiting for your new pictures, if you don't
mind of course. My grandmother asked me to tell you "Hi". Today I am going to
the park. I hope, you are not against it. And what will you do today? Every
second of your life is interesting for me. Okay, I will write to you tomorrow. I am
waiting to hear from you with impatience. Many kisses and hugs to you.
Yours Katerina. P.S. I'm missing you very much.
Letter 10
Hi my beloved! How are you getting along? I
miss you. And what about you. You are in my heart forever. I feel set because
you are not with me now. I always thing only about you. You are my firts and the
only the only love. My love drows and begins stronger with every day I hope that
these words are not the hollow sound for you and you love me as much as I do.
You are the best for me and I promise to love you forever. Kissing you.Katerina.
Janbueva (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
I am a white male, living here in Australia. I was just going through the contact for
free ads in the Soulmates partner site Justmates AND Austar when I saw her ad.
She sounded very nice as they all do, so I thought, what the heck, I will give it a
try. I got a reply from her (if it even is a female) the next day....here is the first
Letter 1:
Hello Michael! I saw your profile and got interested in you at once. I think you are
a very interesting person. I hope the Internet will help me to meet my future
husband and who knows maybe I've already found him. I should tell you something about myself in order for you to know me better. I'll do it with pleasure
cause it's very nice to write you. I feel you are very serious and I can trust you.
My name is Galimat and I live in Ekaterinburg in Russia. I live with my parents
and younger brother. We love each other very much and we are a great support
for one another. I think the same situation should be in your family, because I
feel you are a very loving person. I graduated from the college and got my degree
not long ago. Now I am seriously thinking about getting married 'cause I feel that
I can be a good mother, caring wife. I like home comfort and cleaning the house. I
feel happiness when my home is cozy. I love cooking and can make different
delicious dishes. I love to keep active life stile. I adore swimming and sun
bathing. I like outdoors going and go in for sports regularly. Especially I love
tennis and aerobics Sometimes I go to the night club to dance with my friends or
just stay inside and enjoy the silence. It's very nice to sit in a comfortable
armchair reading a nice book and listening to the calm relaxing music, especially
when it's raining outside. I adore fast driving as well. Unfortunately I have no car of
my own so far but on weekends I like to go to the country with my parents or
friends to make barbecue or something. And what do you like to do when you
have your spare time? I am interested in everything concerning you. I like to
speak English though I do not speak well enough. I send you my picture and
hope to get yours. I am looking forward to your soonest reply. see you,
Letter 2:
My Dear, Every day I am happy to hear from you, my dear sweet heart!. I have to
tell you that although things seem too good to be true, their not. But I see it as
just good and true. And I am thankful. I feel it goes to show that some times we
have to search the world over to find what we need to make us happy in life. You
make me happy. You make me more than happy. There are so many bad things
happening in the world today and it makes me sad but I am happy to know some
one like you, with love and happiness, hopes and dreams in your heart.
Also today I went to the agency and got the information how you can bring me there. I
was told that first of all I will need the foreign passport as I"ve never been abroad
and I should have one. You know, my dear sweet heart, it;s a difficult procedure
to get this passport in Russia as I"ll have to run about many offices to get all
necessary papers and besides it will take much time but this very agency can
get me free from these problems: they can draw my passport for 4 days and they
also can give the guarantee that my visa will be approved. They have a support
from the Ministry of Foreign Department... So I hope that everything will be
fine soon and we'll meet without any problems. I know that they draw visas for 2
weeks after getting the passport but if we draw them together everything will be
done in 10 days! All we'll have to do is to buy the tickets but they did not tell me
about the tickets details as it is individually and they will book them after getting
my visa and passport. As for prices, the passport costs $200 US and visa $500.
I know that it is great fund of money but you know of course that one cannot get
a visa to your country easily. As far as I know to buy a tourist visa and to go with
a group one should pay about $3000 US. So you see we'll save much money. I
do not believe my happiness. And it is so nice you want me to stay with you.
This visa will let me stay in your country up to 1year and I think it is enough time
to get to know each other better and hopefully fall in love. And if we do meet I'll be
the happiest woman on earth and I'll do my best you could feel good with me.
And then we'll be able to apply to your government and ask for the fiancee visa as
I hear it is very tough to get it in Russia. I hope we'll get married and I will not
have to return to Russia. I think I am in love with you so much and you make me
feel loved as well.You have brought hope back to me , that there IS someone for
me, and it's you.... I know this in my heart. you give me reason to be proud
again. You Give me reason to make plans for our hopes and dreams. I Love
everything about you, even if you get mad or impatient. I would look at you and
smile and make you smile once again. Love, hugs and Kisses, Your Galimat.
Letter 3:
Hello my love Michael!!! I am happy to read your letter again. It warms my heart
and gives for me hope for the happy future with you. Thanks for your words for me
and your care of me. I think, the fur-trees we were together, I would not have cold,
because I would be to warm by your words and your embraces. I feel, that when
we shall be together for us any illness will not be terrible. For me so it is a pity,
that we far apart and can not see one another now, but I hope, that our occurring
will be speed. I do not want to seem for you hasty, but for me so is high-gravity to
wait our occurring. My darling, I already wrote for you, that I have no a capability
to take money here, I do not know anybody, who could give them for me. We with
my mum caught in bank to take a loan for my trip to you, but for us there was a
failure(refusal), because a loan here give only to legal persons. My darling, I know
you are doing your best to bring me to you soon. I am looking forward to the
moment I can be able to find myself in your arms. I love you so much. It's getting
more difficult to wait for my trip with every passing day. I would be happy if we
started at least with my passport. I would feel much at ease then. I know that
everything will be fine as soon as I come to you as I love you so much now and
believe you have the same feelings. I want that we have made a first step forward
for our happiness. I already spoke for you, that if to make the visa and passport
together, it will be off-the shelf in 10 days, but we can make it separately. Then
the passport will be off-the shelf in 4 days, and visa in two weeks. For me there
are $ 45 US to write the applications in agency. It is the applications it is
necessary, for design of my papers. I shall miss for you. I love you!!!
Hope everything will be started soon. I adore you. KIsses,Kisses,
Kisses, Your Galimat.
Letter 4:
Hello my love Michael! I am very happy to receive the letter from you again. I shall
not cease to speak for you, what is it pleasure for me always, because it gives for
us a capability to communicate and to know that with us these days, while we far
apart. I have large pleasure, that you it is good there and your activity well. I shall
cross my pins, that for us there was a good luck and we could be together
speed. I want to say, that you can not contact agency here. Because if they
learn(find out), that I meal to you, in the visa to me can be failure(refusal). I
already spoke for you, that I young and single, therefore to receive the visa here
not easily. They should not learn(find out), that I want to remain with you there on
always and I shall leave from Russia, if they learn(find out) it, will not
manufacture(issue) me from my country. I think you perceive me in it. Therefore
we should act through a system Western Union. As for sending the money I hear
the best way is through the Western Union system as it is the quickest and
safest way in Russia. People here do not use bank accounts or something
except for some large companies or very rich people. We have several offices
over there. I wish I were able to afford my trip or make it some how easier for you
my dearest but I am sorry. I love you and want to be with you so much!
When you send me this money in USD I will be able to get it in roubles as I pay for my
papers in roubles but it is a bank and they'll exchange it.I was told that when one
sends money through this system you will need to fill my full name in the form
and the name of my city- Ekaterinburg My full name is Galimat Janbueva and
when you send it you should send me an email and write down a ten digital
control number. Only I will be able to retrieve this money as I will show the office
people my personal identification- Russian passport. You can send this money to
our local bank which is the closest one to my place. Here is an address:
Ekaterinburg ul. Generalskaya,7 I really need to be with you soon. I love
you so much and dream about you every single minute of my life. I do not want to show
for you not patient, but I can not constrain my feelings to you. I want to speak for
you everything, that I feel and to look in your beautiful eye. I want to feel your
heat, your embraces. I want to hear your voice. I want to make for you everything,
that in my forces and to satisfy all your desires. My love to you forever,
Letter 5:
Hello my love Michael ! I am very happy to read your letter again and to know that
you well there. I like to receive the letters and photo from you. I each day look at
your photo and I represent, when I shall see you personally, to embrace you and
to kiss you in your beautiful scarlet labiums. I like to look at your photo, but for
me it is a pity, that one for me. I like you and I believe when we shall meet
personally I shall like you still very much hardly. I very much want, that you were
the husband for me and father of our children. For me very large desires to shout
with happiness, that I have learned you, I very much want to tell about you by
everything, all. But I it shall not do(make) now to not lose you. I shall do(make) it
when we shall be together. I like you very much, very much. Can for someone it
be ridiculous, that we have fallen in love on the Internet, but for me it is not
important now. For us main, that there are we and our love. My darling, I wanted
to say for you, that address of bank I have said about which one for you
conveniently for me, because it is closer to my activity and this bank has the
good character. As to $ 45 US it is indispensable for me to write the application
in agensy to begin activity with my documents and I have this money and I can
write this application. But for my passport for me it is necessary $200US, as I
wrote to you earlier. Probably we do not perceive one another in it because of
mine English. Ask me when something not understandably for you please. I shall
finish here. I hope very well there with you. I wish good day for you. Successes
for you in all. I dispatch other photo me and I hope you like it. I love you my the
future husband Michael! I hope our occurring I will be speed also I can say for you
it personally. I believe in us and in our feelings to each other.
Many kisses for you, Your future wife Galimat.
Letter 6:
Hello John ! I saw your profile and got interested in you at once. I think you are a
very interesting person. I hope the Internet will help me to meet my future
husband and who knows maybe I've already found him. I should tell you something about myself in order for you to know me better. I'll do it with pleasure
cause it's very nice to write you. I feel you are very serious and I can trust you.
My name is Galimat and I live in Ekaterinburg in Russia. I live with my parents
and younger brother. We love each other very much and we are a great support
for one another. I think the same situation should be in your family, because I
feel you are a very loving person. I graduated from the college and got my degree
not long ago. Now I am seriously thinking about getting married 'cause I feel that
I can be a good mother, caring wife. I like home comfort and cleaning the house. I
feel happiness when my home is cozy. I love cooking and can make different
delicious dishes. I love to keep active life stile. I adore swimming and sun
bathing. I like outdoors going and go in for sports regularly. Especially I love
tennis and aerobics Sometimes I go to the night club to dance with my friends or
just stay inside and enjoy the silence. It's very nice to sit in a comfortable
armchair reading a nice book and listening to the calm relaxing music, especially
when it's raining outside. I adore fast driving as well. Unfortunately I have no car of
my own so far but on weekends I like to go to the country with my parents or
friends to make barbecue or something. And what do you like to do when
you have your spare time? I am interested in everything concerning you. I like to
speak English though I do not speak well enough. I send you my picture and
hope to get yours. I am looking forward to your soonest reply. see you,
Hmmm, looks very familiar to me...oh yes, my first letter was EXACTLY the
same.....So, even though it has left me down, due to if it had been real it would
have been great, at least I am not heading for both a financial rip-off and a broken
heart..... I hope this helps someone else from making the mistake, I saw this
great website just in time and have put a cancel order through to Western Union
to stop the transfer.... I will also be getting in touch with the singles site to advise
them of the scam so she and the 2 others there with almost the same wording
can be withdrawn, and I will pass the details on to interpol and leave it up to
them.... I will also enclose the pictures I was sent..... Michael
Liliya Kasylnikova/liliya777
A girl with the name of liliya777 at matchdoctor is
clearly a scammer who do not do anything else than exchange prewritten letter without any special
personal content. Obviously she has no intent to knowing people, why is she when here?
HAs she/he a hobby sending prewritten mail all the time. No! They will soner or
later ask about money, i most ask you to inform people before they are being
This letter down here is typical of here, with no
answers to my many questions or telling me anything at all. Please set her on scamlist before she really
commite a real crime.. Best regards TOM
Letter 1:
Liliya Kasylnikova <liliya@sendmail.ru> wrote:
Hi again!!! How are you getting on? I hope everything is Okay with you.
Your letters make me feel happy. And what do you feel reading my letters?
I live now with my mother because my father left us for good when I was
about six years. And one more sad fact: I have no brothers or sisters.
I don't know why my mother never had serious relations with some other man.
Maybe she didn't want to hurt me or perhaps she still loves my father.
I think we are very much alike with her. Once I fall in love with a man
I will never be able to have any relations with somebody else.Unfortunately
I have no telephone at home. I want to hear your voice so much that I 'm
sure I will recognize it. I wish we could be together right now. Just think about
what we could do!!! I've been reflecting on our relations, and came to the
conclusion that we are not only friends. At least my attitude to you is very
serious. I don't know why I feel so - we know each other not for a long
time. But I have a strong feeling that I have found in you everything that I
missed the whole life. I may seam to you very serious. Yes, I am. Because I don't
want to be mistaken in my life like my mother. I'm sure you understand what
I mean. You are warming my soul, there is nobody who could do it except my
mother. It is very meaningful for me. Well, I finishing for now. Be happy and don't forget about your Liliya.
Have a great day!!! Sincerely yours. Liliya.
Lubov Smolenceva (Russia,Cheboksary)
Hello, This the name and adress and photos of a girl? who was trying to scam
me. We spent two months emailing one another when she started making money
requests which I thankfully never fell for. She has quite alot of pictures, which are
not all of the same girl. That is what made me supicious. I did some research and
found one of the photos on your website under the name of Larisa Karpova
I knew her as Smolenceva Lubov and her address was: Zip code 428014 Russia
Cheboksary Gagarin street, 28 - 10 Smolenceva Lubov. I am also sending you all
the photos she sent me so she will not be able to use them again on someone
hopefully. Thankyou for your site!!! Greg
Kuklina (Surgut, Russia)
I am reporting to you about a scammer who is already on your
blacklist that has tried to scam me,too: Masha(Maria)Kuklina/e-mail
address: devamaria_1080@mailru.com/Surgut/Russia (Street address
given: 628400,MIRA,28,Surgut,Russia)Father's name Sergey Ivanovich,
Mother Aleftina Petrovna. I am a single divorced man of 47 years old,living alone,with a grown
daughter with 3 girls of her own,Caucasion American,employed and financially
self-sufficient. The contact originated with her responding to my profile that is
posted on areyoualone.com,starting on April 7,2002,and continuing up to the
present,her last writing me on June 21,to which I wrote back to-I am now
awaiting her letter,unless she has given up,because I last reiterated to her why I
was not sending her the $300 for the Visa to arrive here.On April 23,she
discovered that she was in Love with me,without yet viewing my Photo,and a
week later came the money request-to which I said no,and was going to end it
there,but she wrote back some words that made me give her another
chance.She hinted after that,and not until June 4 did she strongly request the
money again,to which I again refused.In her most recent letters,she seems to
have come around to my view I why I won't send it-instead of just trying to make
me feel that I do not trust her. The money was requested of me was a Western
Union branch near her work:Akkobank,MIRA,40,Surgut,628400,RU,Maria
Kuklina(her official name as written on her passport,and Masha tenderly.--She
mentioned about the money several times woven into her romantic prose,but not
forcefully again until June 4th.And since then,has seemed to come around to
why I can't(won't)send it,but still writes to me,as of June 21st.I am thinking that
maybe if she keeps writing me,to go along with it for now,so as not to tip her off
that I am on to her,that she will change to another screenname and try to
victimize another guy-I am sure that she is doing that right now-simultaneously
trying to scam other men.And just see how long she milks it out with me.You
agree-you already have her blacklisted,and I just wrote to you to inform you
of her Screenname that she is using for me
(devamaria_1080@mailru.com),which is different than the one used for the previous man that is on Your Blacklist
Site.(mashutka5@mailru.com).By the way,is 3 letters submitted are verbatim
word-for-word,as mine were,like a form letter.And the Photos she sent me are
of a different woman! I found out about your site just last night,and have written to
areyoualone.com,and I am sending them all her info,and they wrote back that
they need a copy of my original letter from her,because they can not get
anything up on her.So I will do that and see what happens.Also,I sent an
e-mail to the previous man she wrote,who you resulted in you blacklisting
her-I have yet to hear back from him.I also sent my story and info to her
Internet Server in Russia(mailru.com). I am sending 4 close up photos of her as attachments to
this letter, ThankYou.Sincerely Jerry
The Best Marriage Agency in Kyrgizstan
I have found another scam thanks to your site it is the exact same initial letter
that came from the angel agency "best marriage agency in Kyrgizstan" but now
they changed their name to Nadejda the best marriage ag,etcMy name is Brian,I
am 34 years old and I found the add in the website named I wantu . the girl that I
was in contact with is FatimaFedotova,or I thought it was, I was responding up to
the point where they gave me a quote of 1280us$ for the process to begin,not
giving any other details on anything else.The agent that they wanted me to wire
the money to was Kuznecov Egeniy Sankt-Peterburg Russia postal code:193167
Thank you so very much you have saved me a bundle. great site!!!
Ps where are the real russian women? Brian
(Lugansk, Ukraine)
First letter:
Hello my dear Mika! Thank you for answering my letter. I am so much happy to
know you. First of all let me tell you some words about myself. Also here a
picture of me for you. My name is Matvievskaya Natalia, I am 24 years old.
I was born in small town Rubeznoe Lugansk region, Ukraine. Although all my life I
spend living in Ukraine, it was always different. I am a kind of fatal woman, people
say. I am a Scorpio by horoscope and according to Chinese horoscope I was
born in Snake year. 2001 - is my year. All my life was filled with unexpectedness.
I am a sort of unpredictable person. As for my childhood, I was happy child in
my family, parents loved and patted me very much. I was rather talented child
with excellent memory. I wrote verses as I do it now. In my childhood I knew
many poems by heart and declared them to enjoy my parents. At school my
favorite subjects were physics and mathematics. Most of all I loved astrology
and nuclear physics and hated chemistry. I finished special Lyceum in
mathematics and physics when I was 16. Soon after that I entered East Ukrainian
State University in Lugansk. My specialty is International Economic Relations. I worked as an
economist for two years, but finally I understood that it was not my favorite profession and I
failed and was fired.Best of all in my life I like journalism. It was my dream to become a
journalist since the very childhood. I published several articles in a local papers and some of my verses as well.
I am a kind of social person like of social person, like to communicate
with different people, like go outside with friends to have cook-out, to swim, to walk in the
forest or simply to have a fun. I like to travel very much, but unfortunately I have
no possibility to do it very often. I like everything new: new relations, meet new
people, new acquaintances, I like spontaneous things very much. For example I
like water, I enjoy felicity swimming in the sea. I am fond of sport very much.
In my childhood I went in for swimming, later being a student - athletics, tennis and
now light bodybuilding in a local sport gym. I have a lot of hobbies in my life.
I like to listen music, especially classical music. I read different
books, my favorite writers are Russian: Dostoevskiy, Bulgakov, Ilf and Petrov; American : Theodore
Draiser; Chase; English: London; German: Remark and many other famous writers. In my free time
usually I go for a walk with my friends or watch some comic programs on TV with my younger
brother. My friends say I am very purposeful person who can reach desired goals in life. I appreciate
generosity, respect, friendship, justice, trustfulness and real love. I hope to create real strong
loving family in my close future with someone who will understand me and love
my children. I am sure It will be the most happy family in the World. I am look
forward to hear from you soon. Write me dear! Kind regards and many kisses
from Natali. mailto:dating@dol.lugansk.ua
2nd letter:
Ups, its me again? Hello honey Mika!
Thank you very much for answering my letter. I am so happy to receive it.
I like what you have told me about yourself in your letter and I like
you more and more. You seem to be very interesting person and I am really really happy to
know you. I agree that we have a lot things in common and I feel like I know you for a long time and are the right person for me,
honey. I think it is time to tell you more about myself. Very important, I am very
serious girl in my intention to find my sole mate, my prince, my beloved, and my
future husband. If you think and want the same, we could get along very well. I
hope we will understand each other. As you know from my previous letter, I am
24 years old, now I am not married, and thus I want to create a family and
possibly to find my future husband through the Internet. I have grown up in the
very decent and intelligent, but poor family. My mother is engineer, father is an
officer, and my younger brother study at school. All my childhood I spend in
small place Rubezhnoe, Lugansk region. It is one hundred and thirty km
from Lugansk. From the very childhood people said that I am very special baby. I was
so beautiful innocent little girl, that everyone wanted to touch and kiss me
tenderly. I was very sociable child, who loved to talk and communicate with
children of our yard. I have blue eyes and fear hear, red chubby lips and pretty
face. My skin is very soft and smooth, athletic body, so I like to keep fit. Since I
was seven years old, father schooled me to take cold baths and swim in the
swimming pool in the winter. When I was thirteen I began to go in for sport
seriously. I attended sport gym almost every day after school, I liked it very
much. That's why I fell myself cheerful and healthy all my life. I like to go out, to
cook out somewhere in the forest near the river with friends and close relatives.
People say I very easily contacted person, I like to communicate with people, to
meet new friends, new ideas, and built new relations. I like to read interesting
books very much, and I consider every new person in my life is a
new unique book, which I can read an think about. I am a philosopher by
nature, my friends say. I like to discuss something and to find the truth, which is always born
from the argues. After finishing secondary school, I entered in the Lyceum specialized
in physics and mathematics (two years).After graduation, I entered East
Ukrainian State University in Lugansk . I was very active student in the University,
liked to take a word on the conferences and other public activities. My specialty
was Economic International relations, I studied there for fife years, till 1999, and
was graduated with degree of specialist in Economics. After that I was
unemployed for about a half a year , and than I found a job in one
private firm, which was specialized in the wholesale of food products and drinks. I worked
their for about two years and than I was fired, because, this company was
closed suddenly. They just didn't pay taxes or have big debts, and also
realized that to sell food products and drinks is non-profitable for
them. As for me, I have just realized that Economics is not my favorite profession. And now I am
looking for a job and live very poor. And although , I even want to write a book about it, in
particular about Ukraine's current economic situation, my dream Is to become a
real journalist, and write articles and make interviews with some unordinary
people. It is true that I want to see a World, to travel a lot, to find more
information about sense of life of different people. Dear, Please send me more
pictures of yourself and your country. I want to know your better.
Please write me as soon as possible. I am waiting for your letter impatiently.
Kiss you, Nata.
3nd letter: Dear Mika!!! Thank you for your fast reply. I really appreciate it,honey.
I AM VERY INTERESTED IN YOU,DARLING. as for your important question, I
would like to move to Finland AND HAVE MY OWN FAMILY AND HAPPY LIFE, FOR SURE as soon as we both want
You became very dear to me and I want to be always sincere with you and also want to know you better.
But I want to ask you some questions if you do not mind, ok? What is your purpose of life?
How do you see your future? Do you believe in eternal life? Are you religious
person? What's your plans for future? What is your most important for you
desire? Where are you going to go for summer to have a rest?Please answer my
questions, if its not difficult for you, it will help us to know each other better.
As for me, now I will answer these questions myself. My purpose of life is to find
someone special for me, to share my life with this person. Then I am going to
leave a trace on Earth somehow, I do not know. May be will write
interesting book of life, may be do something important for humanity.
My greatest desire is to travel around the world with my sole mate, my
friend and my lover. My future I see having a wonderful family, leaving on the ocean shoe, in
big cottage, having 2 or 3 children, big fireplace and cozy sofa. We will live peaceful and humble life.
Yes I believe in eternal life. I am not very religious person, although
I trust in God, which lives in my mind. My plans for future to be happy. Dear, what do you
think about it? I want to know your thoughts. I look forward to hear from you soon.
I kiss you my prince, I feel can understand me. I am waiting for your reply
impatiently. I wish you have good day. I miss you, darling. Love Nata.
4nd letter:
Hello darling Mika!!!! Thank you for your letter and for wonderful answers very
much,honey. It is true that I think you are my man and I think I like you very
much and need you very much also. I think you are very kind, loving, understanding and wisw
man. I am very happy to meet you in my life. I know you need my letter as
much as I do, so I can not leave you without you! I miss you darling so
much! Yes, my love is true, I feel it deep inside, I think about you always, my love! I trust you totally, I can not live without you a
day!!! I dream about having you next to me, to kiss you tenderly with all my passion and desire,
to be with you forever!!! You asking about how I think I am beautiful, I do think I
am, but I am not very proud of it, I am modest girl. You know my love? when I
see couples kissing on the bus, or at the park I wish they would be you and me,
how much I desire to kiss you with passion my love!!! I keep listening a very
romantic Radio Station in English everyday and I listen to it , close my eyes and
dream of having you beside me!!! Once that you stay with me I would never let
you go, because my real love for you, and your love for me will be like a chain
that will keep us together forever!!! I dream of touching your soft skin, of kissing
all your body tenderly, of holding you tight at nights, of taking care of you all my
life, of getting married and have beautiful children with you my precious Rick!
I would like you to kiss me on the top of my head and comb though my hair with
your soft and tender fingers... I dream about it. I am waiting for your next letter,
my love, Kiss you with passion, Natali
Maltakova (Magadan, Russia)
I am a 43 yr old single man, living in USA. I am new to meeting ladies from
abroad through agencies, and was a bit skeptical to begin the process. After
reading some of these stories, I was very lucky I stopped this soon, with little
damage done. Beware, gentlemen, beware. Her email is: natasha033@hotbox.ru.
This is very recent!! I may follow-up with other agencies to protect other guys from
this scammer.
I was contacted "first" from a Russian lady named Natasha, through an agency,
Absolute Angency. It did not take long for the scammer to make contact, less
than 24hrs, on 6/12/02, after I joined the service on 6/11/02. She did not leave a
member ID#, which was a concern, but I wrote to her, along with other ladies, just
to see if I would get a response back. I did hear back a few days later, and then
we exchanged letters daily for about 8 letters. Contact has been made for slightly
more than a week, and it is still underway as of today. I expect it to stop very
soon after my recent emails questioning her identity today, assuming they are
read. This is as of Friday, 6/21/02. In the most recent letter, she asked for
money for a Visa to the US, even though I stated that we should talk on the
phone before this, and I would rather come to Russia to see how she lived, meet
her family, etc. In each letter, should we not acknowledge my questions, another
key concern. She always had a new issue or day tragedy event, a boss blowing
up at her, being hassled in the city by strangers, remembering the death of
strangers on the beach, etc. Obviously, this was to envoke sympathy, and it
worked pretty well. But, thankfully, I am a cautious type. Watch out guys, this
one is very dangerous, very sly, subtle, and cunning. The model here is pretty
amazing, assuming this is not the real person corresponding. Compare these letters to ones already on the blacklist website, I noticed at least one or
more are nearly exactly the same.
Letter 1
Hi!!!. I very much to become interested your frame.
I would like to get acquainted with the man, Who could estimate my care (caution),
Tenderness and love. I would like, that it(he) was kind, responsible,
Capable to extend an arm(hand) of help in any problems. If you to hear me and to understand me, that you can write
to me, that you can write in me, I to ask you what you to write to me on the
address: natasha033@hotbox.ru In my queue I shall try be sentence,
Love devoted (devoted), responsible woman Next letter matches one I saw on
blacklist site, almost word for word!
Letter 2
Hi David! I very much of rad that you have answered to me. I very much liked
yours The profile on this site and I have decided to write to you. I to ask you what
you to write to me to the address: natasha033@hotbox.ru I search for the man
with which I could To conduct all life. My intents very serious.
I live in Russia in city of Magadan. It very much far from Moscow. Our city very small and I already
have despaired to search The man for life. I shall tell to you about myself. My
body height of 175 centimeters, weight of 68 kilogrammes. To me 30 years. I was
never married. I have derivation of the cook And higher education on a speciality
economy and marketing. But in the present Time I work By the cook in a
restaurant. I have no children. For me very beautiful eyes, I think that you will
estimate My view on a photo. I love to be engaged in sports. I frequently go in a
training hall and in club I I love to hold Itself in the form. I do not smoke and I do
not drink alcohol. I consider(count) that it is the deposit of youth, Beauty and
health. I think that you with me will agree. I hope that my photos to you to like. I
I ask you to send me your photos. I think that appearance not most important, but
it is very interesting to me to see yours Photo. I live with the mum. I has told
it(her), that today me has come letter from man from America. She(it) has told
that it well, but it is impossible to trust at once. We should understand the friend
It is better than the friend. We should pass Long path that in the extremity we
shall understand together whether or not. But I think that we Let's shall well.
I shall help you to study about me. I not so well speak on English. To write to you
the letters I while I shall use the program of translation. I think that
You can understand all My letters. If something to you will not be understandable, tell me
about it. Your letters Will help me To teach(learn) your language it is better. I
have no the home computer, because it very much Dearly for me. I shall write to
you >From the Internet of centre. I shall tell to you about the city. I in a nem was
born and has grown. Of Magadan is posed at coast Ohotskoe of the sea on an
isthmus between continent and By peninsula Starizkyi. From two sides is
washed by waters of bays Nagaev and Gertner. The common square of city
constitutes about 18 000 hectares. Max height above By sea level up to 700
meters. The population of city about 14000 men. Year Derivations 1939, and
since 1954 - regional centre of the Magadan area Average temperature in the
winter -18, summer +13. A climate wet, maritime. Duration of the most short day
approximately 6 hours Territory in thousand square kilometers 1199,1. Distance
from Moscow up to Magadans - 7110 kms. An odds in time with Moscow +8 hours.
I to love the city. To me to like to go for a walk on his(its) streets, to visit
museums. For us in City is of theatres, museums, houses of culture. We with
the girlfriends frequently visit cinemas and we look different films. It is more In
total to me to like when to occur spring. On streets the water flows and the kids
start up The ships, sing birds, the sun shines and heats. The nature anew to be
born and I I feel what to start new life, ? of Russia. My girlfriend has advised me
To look for his(its) unique(sole) In Internet. I did not expect that you will answer to
me. I thought that it simply joke. I hope that we with you Well we learn(find out)
each other and the computer can, it is simply impossible, will help us To find
each other. I want to know more concerning you. Tell to me about your habits,
The friends. Tell to me where you live. That you love is. I shall wait for your
answer. Your friend from Russia Natasha
Letter 5
Hi mine dear(expensive) David! It shall be possible I to name you so? I
already for a long time to not speak such words anybody. I am ever more and more began to
be convinced, that I to have already affection to you and already to wait your
letters about impatience. Your letters heat to me to douche. I to not think, that
such can take place. But for me it is very pleasant, I to think, that to you too. It is
very important, that you to understand me and to listen to me. The comprehension is very important between the people, when they want to
have the ratioes. Today since morning poor weather, blows a strong cold wind, Mood poor
and only thought about that that I shall see your letter warms me in This day. I
want slightly to tell to you about childhood. I was born on November 26, 1971.
The mother and The father me very much loved and brought up me rather strictly.
But I is grateful them(him,it) for It. I had many friends and we with them
played in a court yard of our house. It were The carefree years, we lived and we did not
have those problems which have appeared when I Has grown. I studied at school
on good(well) and perfectly. I always remember mine first The teacher, she(it) has
unclosed for us a door in knowledge and due to it(her) I can is free To
communicate with the people. I am indefinitely grateful to it(her) for that feeling of
human kindness That she(it) to all of us has imparted. There were also
tragical moments in my childhood. Once we with the parents were on a beach And I saw
as the boy has sunk. It(he) bathed at major waves, major wave Has fallen on
him(it) and it(he) could not come up, has choked and has gone on bottom. My
father Has rushed in the sea behind it(him), has pulled out it(him), but it(he)
already than could not be helped, it(he) Was already dead. It was produced on
me by(with) such impression and I some days Cried. It was very a pity it(him).
Even now, after there are years, it(he) to dream a lot of me And for me
from eyes the tears flow. Our boys were cheerful, they sometimes offended us, but
did(made) it Not from evil and we with the girlfriends on them not strongly took
offence. But in due course ours The boys, as well as all man's population of
Russia, have begun to drink, to smoke, many have begun To steal and then have
hitted in prison. But I them do not condemn because the realities are those Our
Russian life. And we till now are friends of the girlfriends and sometimes we meet
We talk, we listen to music. Me to like different music sometimes, when for To
me good mood I listen dancing music, and when to me I am sad I love to listen to
slow music. To me to seem that with each letter between us there is something
greater than Friendship. We start more to trust each other, we become more
frank, you Agree with me? I think that our douches approach. But while I one
and to search for the satellite of life. I to want to prolong with you
the ratioes and I to trust, that all can be very well. I shall dispatch to you all my photos, which are on
the computer. Them I not have a lot of, but you should see them all. You to want
it? I to do(make) them the last year. I to wish to you good mood these days and
do not overlook(forget) me (Smile!!!). I shall wait about impatience your letter and
to miss for you!!!! On it all I should go home and lie down to sleep. Your close
friend Natasha
Letter 8
Congratulations my love David! I have received your character, it is
complete emotional of a heat and Sympathies to me. I begin To understand that my life it is
not meaningful without you, because I love you, I think, that during that time, that
we with you are copied we very much It is a lot of transferred together and
between us, the feeling has appeared, I we think that Are necessary the friend
the friend. I permanently think of you, you have received a place My bottom(basis). I Spoke with my parents about that that probably I
shall leave for America, they only Were glad for me, mother blessed me, she(it) thinks that it
and there is mine Happiness. Today I all day thought only of you, about that as
we with you Let's meet. I represented it to yourselves, as you meet me at the
airport as we We search each other by eyes, we discover and we rush in
embraces each other. I have learned(found out) about cost of the visa, she(it)
costs(stands) 350 bucks. I about it was told by(with) mine The girlfriend, she(it)
works in a travel company. Today perfect spring day, but me is sad because we
with you so Far apart. Between us huge ocean, but in the thoughts I by itself. I To
love you and for ever in your thoughts. I wait yours The character, whether - is
important for me, For ever yours Natasha.
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ANTI-SCAM GUIDE - Read how to make scammers to leave you alone
themselves, and choose the right girls from the very beginning.
Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
- Article by
Anatoly Neverov
Dating Services - where to look for a
Russian wife
dating agencies
- how do they make their
Russian Translations - Russian-English/English-Russian
translation: fast and comprehensive.