Olenevskaya (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
I just received an unsolicited letter and photo from Anastasia (Nastya)
Olenevskaya from Arkhangelsk, Russia that is identical to the letter that "Jack"
received that is posted at your web site dated July 4, 2002. What is ironic and
humorous to me is that in her letter she has plagiarized a few lines from one of
my introduction letters! I don't know how "she" ever received one of my letters to
do this but it did raise a funny red flag in my mind when I read them which
prompted my visit to your black list page. I had a little fun in my reply to her letter
by saying:
Hello Nastya, Thank you for your letter and photograph. You might want to look
at: and see what
they say about you there! Please let me know about the terrible things they say.
Angelika Filippova (Ternopil,Ukraine)
I am divorced white mail age 46. I received a scam attempt.
I received and email from her via AOL (below #1). She stated she had seen my profile on "some site
but could not remember which". I was suspicious from the start. Just for fun, I
replied to her initial email from another email address. As expected, I got
identical emails #1 and #2. She never answered any specific question so I
decided to play it out and wait for the scam. Well, I got it (#2). She requested
$2,200 USD to travel to the US to see me on a tourist visa. I know that is not
possible. I am attaching pictures and a URL that was in her first email. Here is
what she gave me in email #2. I do not have her first email
Here is email #2
Hello dear John, I am glad to hear from you again. Today I was thinking a lot
about our acquaintance and I came to idea that the Internet is great - it helps
people to find brother's soul even so far away - on different corner of the worrld!
It's so pitty that I don't have Internet access at home, but thanks God there is one
Internet-cafe not far from my house. I have my own PC but there is no phone at
our flat. Here in Ukraine the phone access is of big rarity in the private
apartments. I live in small Ukrainian town of Ternopil, it is located in
Western part of the country. Nearest big city to us is Lviv, the other beautiful cities near
Ternopil are Rivne, Lutsk, Khmelnitsky. Although my home town is small, it is the
regional center (Ternopil oblast). Oblast means "province" in your language.
I live with my parents yet. My father is a dentist, as I told you already and my mother
works as manager in "Galichina" hotel placed on the coast of beautiful lake in
the old city center of Ternopil. She speaks good English, German, Polish and a
bit of French and Spanish. So she got this job thanks her talents to foreign
languages. Sometimes she is even able to visit other countries on hotel business
exchange basis. She was already in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany and
Slovakia. Good for her. I've never been abroad yet. I hope to see the world a bit
too. I can speak English, Slovakian and Polish. And of course I speak Russian
and Ukrainian. This part of Ukraine I live in was added to the USSR after World
War II only. That's why our local people still keep the tradition to speak several
European languages of our neighbours - Poland for example was always present
here in the past. But English I studied during my secondary and university
education - other languages I learned "in the streets" and can speak them since
my childhood. I have a sister Oksana. She is married and lives in Lutsk
with her husband. Both of them are scientists and work at the Volyn State University
(faculty of History and Etnography). They have daughter - 6 years old Dasha.
As for me, I was never married and I don't have any children. My sister comes to visit
us sometimes, but not often, because she is very busy with their scientific
researches and has many etnographic trips all over Ukraine. After Ukraine
became independent in 1991 our state donates such researches because Soviet
power always tried that people forget their traditions and nacional attitudes. They
proclaimed new nation - Soviet people. Now it is different and Ukrainians slowly
come back to their national pride. I'm not sure is it interesting for you everything
I'm writing. As for me, I'm really interesting in everything about you, your
nationality and your country. Our friendship meens a lot for me and I want to
understand and feel you like myself - like my second half - to be correct.
Yours Angelika
And here is the scam. Email #4
My darling, Thank you very much for warm words. I'm happy that we are
on the same wave in our thinking, aims and dreams. It became important for me to feel
your presence in my life. It brought me a kind of insight to review my ordinary
everyday life here in Ternopil. As I need you so much, and you need me the
same way strong, I believe, we should not lose any minute staying divided
anymore. We just have to meet each other in person and start our relationship in
real life. Earlier I have found out how we could meet. But now I believe,
the right time has came for us to become more than virtual partners. I can fly to you with
the help of travel agency. Several agencies offer tourist trips to America.
The fastest and most reliable service is at "Intertours" - they can prepare my travel
documents, flight tickets and travel insuarance in one week. My mother told me
they are very reliable, because several her friends used this service to come to
America. They charge 3700 dollars for complete service including opening an
international travel passport and three-months US visa plus tickets and hotel
reservation in America (which I do not need but it is impossible to obtain US
tourist visa without hotel reservation). And they are fast because it will take only
one week till we'll be together. I could spend for this trip 1500 US$, that I have.
Do you think you could find the rest 2200 US$? That is my proposition.
Actually, it is more normal for my country that the man pays for everything himself. But I'm
not agree with that. I have some money myself and my profession is also very
usefull and popular in any country. I'm not rich but I'm able to earn the money and
I'd like to spend them as I want. We don't need to be in hurry. We have time to
get know each other better. But as for me, I'm sure that one minute of real
meeting gives us much correct impression that one year writing each other.
Any how, I think I know you enough via letters and I'm ready to meet. Let me know
what do you think about my proposition. I guess we are enough grown up and
persons to do what we feel to do. If you feel the same as I do, of course.
But if no, I don't think we should meet at all. Yours Angelika You may send the money
using Western Union Their Internet site is at and
their phone number in the States is 800-325-6000. You will need my street
address and probably the address of Western Union office in Ternopil. These data
are: NADRA BANK MEDOVA, 2 TERNOPIL, 46000 My postal address is:
Angelika Filippova O.Koshevogo str. 27/35, app 43 46000 Ternopil,
Ukraine P.S. Any how, I want you to keep my new foto, which I've done specially for you, dear
Matchdoctor/Julya/Julia Shirokova (Kremenchug, Poltava Region,Ukraine)
Hi, My name is Tom. Here is another one, that I met on Matchdoctor.
I am a single white male, 32 years old from California, USA She says her name is Julya
Shirokova and then she forgets and signs Julia. I received my first letter from her
on July 4th and request for her $67 per month request for payment of her writing
to me, on the 17th, after 4 letters. Here are all her letters, and E-mail addresse I did not sent the money !!
Letter 1:
Dear Tom! Many thanks for writing me.
Sure I'd like to keep correspondence with U. I liked U appearance. U know even the girl, siting by the computer, who saw
Urpic. by chance, couldn't look at U without attention! She also smiled that I was
looking at U so attentively. I appreciate when a man presents flowers, it is
romantic and tender! What flowers U like? I like beautiful flowers, roses, scented,
It's great to get flowers from Beloved person. It's nice of the person, who gives
presents to others not only on special occasions. In this first letter I'd like to
introduce myself, if U don't mind, but in my next one I'll answer all your
questions. First of all I'd like to tell U that I don't have any children. I don't speak
any English at all and use the services of an Internet Club. I work as a nurse in
hospital until now. It's great hat U like also music, Yes, music is wonderful! It
may sometimes inspire U on the pleasant thoughts. U may feel dull or merry,
while listening to it. It depends on Ur mood and in its turn it affects Ur mood
either, isn't it? U know I also like to go in for sports. Since my childhood I have
been training in some clubs. I went in for running, volley-ball, swimming. tennis.
When I grew older, I sicked on the tennis and swimming. It brings me great
pleasure, I also like to do aerobics listening to the tunes of music.
You know why I addressed the Internet, Tom!? I almost felt disappointed in men. May be
you disagree, but that's true. I'm not even now sure that it was
right to seek for my love abroad. I decided to risk and write to you. In our country I couldn't find
my happiness. I value love, soul, family with children, who run in the house,
garden and make us with my Beloved person happy and merry. I dream of him
and me chattering nights away about the future, making plans. But all those 5
years I suffered only pains. That was my former husband, who didn't share my
values and thoughts. I didn't want to see those betrayings of him. That thing hurt
me most. May be you can't imagine all that and I won't tell U all. But all was
against my imaginations of a happy real life. So I decided to divorce with my
husband. I didn't know what I would do without male support, but I couldn't stand
that anymore. I do not have any close people to share with about any life things.
But that's my own problem. You know, I'd like you to tell me of you more, of your
job and do not fail to mention about your problems, which hurt you. I care about
it. Will you send me your pictures, please? I don't know what can better
characterize you as a personality. I respect in men not the appearance, but
their inner world. I hope you seek for a real love, not for a friend, don't U?
I've always cherished in my mind the dream of my second half, which would complete me. If I
meet a caring, kind man, I'll love him my whole life. Sincerely Yours,
Write to my e-mail address: Mail <>
PS: Here is a pic ofme. I hope U'll like it.
Letter 2:
Dear Tom!
Thank U very much for your interesting letter. Today I was looking at Ur picture and now I can say that the most attractive for me in U are Ur eyes. Ur
looks is penetrating and thoughtful. I wonder, what U were thinking of when U
were taken the photo? Santa Barbara is know to me by the film, do you know it?
It is some kind of soap opera. YOU might have fallen in love with this place? I
noticed you like nature, animals, everything alive, Tom? I like pets very much. I
always wanted to have a dog or a cat, but my parents didn't let me do it, as our
flat is very small. I liked Ur thoughts as for mutual understanding. A couple
should know each other better, to understand each other further. And to support
in everything. But I suppose equality must not be in everything, Tom, as female is
weaker than a male. As for asking you questions, I'd like to know about
ambitions in the life and what you think needs a woman? Tell me also about your
experience with other women, if it is not a secret. In this letter I want to tell you
some more about myself. I live in a small town of Kremenchug, Poltava Region,
Ukraine. It has approx. 400.000 citizens and is situated 400 km away from our
capitol Kiev, 200 km from from our regional center Poltava. I live with my parents,
now they help me financially and morally. It's a very nice city with beautiful nature
in it's surroundings. The capitol of Ukraine is Kiev. Ukraine is a very nice country.
It has a variety of nature scenarios from North to South. The Country has been
lucky not to be involved in any wars lately. I think Ukrainian people in general are
very genuine and caring. Frankly speaking on the whole I like compliments as
everybody, but I should know that you say them very sincerely. That you are not
writing the same words to many women at once. On my spare time, I like to
spend time with friends, go to a movie , play tennis , dinning , socializing and
have a good time.. In the summer I like to be outdoors more or less 24 hours a
day and during the winter time I spend more time inside, reading a book , listen
to music or just sit and talk with friends of mine. I don't enjoy the winter time to
much,. even though it can be very beautiful , I am always longing for spring and
summer. I like to go swimming for an hour in the morning I love taking long walks
in the nature, planing things, solving problems or just philosophy about life. I also
love to be near water , the sound of the ocean inspires my soul. There is a lot of
things that interests me, The Arts , science , philosophy, sports , nature ,
cultures , global issues. For me a relationship has to be based on true love ,
mutual understanding and compassion. A genuine friendship and trust. A joy in
seeing the best for your loved one. Well, Tom, I'm closing and hope to hear from
you again. Good bye for now Sincerely yours, Julia
Letter 3:
Dear Tom,
If only you knew how glad I was to get your letter. How glad I am to get Ur response! I so much missed without Ur letters! How could it be that I failed
to write me? I feel jealous. Did U behave well? Little time passed since we haven't
written to each other, but it seems to take up so much! As for me, I don't have
any news. Exactly,it concerns my work as well as my life. I go to work, I had
days off as was ill for some time cause of the weather. I felt not well. Now I've
recovered. I am so happy that now I can read Ur lines and not to worry about U. I
am glad that in autumn there may be a chance to meet. Yes, I have some men,
writing me, but I've not chosen my one yet. It's so pleasant to hear that you are
interested to continue our correspondence. You know, in my heart the spark of
hope has lit and I didn't believe that the men are interested in mutual
understanding and spiritual communication. Our men look for the satisfaction of
their needs and desires only and drugs and other affairs. But in you I felt some
special male charm. It keeps me warm. Beauty, outlooks doesn't mean much for
me. I value soul traits, I like kind,loving hearts. And what do you value in a person
and female, Tom? I don't know what about you, but I'm tired of loneliness. I want
to obtain the love, where there will never be an end and will only be love, care,
tenderness and kindness. From reading your letters I feel like you're a very deep
and beautiful person. I'm very happy to get letters from you. I like to read what's
on your mind. Here are some of the things on my mind. It's been very hard for me
to trust anyone at all. For the last 3 years the only person I could trust was me. I
now know that I can't continue to keep myself from having a relationship. I truly
want to share my life again with the right person. I'm a fun person to be around
and very loving. There are so many things that I want to do but I am going to wait
until I find my best friend. This way we can experience some of these pleasures
together. I often wonder what it would be like to come home to a smiling face and
nice greeting after a long day at work. To have someone their to snuggle up next
to and watch a good movie. To get on Sunday morning go out for breakfast. Just
to know what it's like to actually have someone care for you. These are things I
never felt in my life. I want some to express their concerns and feelings with me.
They don't always have to be good that's why we're all individuals. All they have to
be are your feelings. Things aren't always going to be perfect, Tom. You're not
always going to see eye to eye on certain things. If you can communicate and
respect each others views this types of things can be easily dealt with. I feel
asking Questions is very important. It nice to ask just to make sure everyone is
on the same page. Little things like that make life easier for everyone. As for age
for having family, it is no norms for me at all, I always think about serious
aspects, not about fun. My family name is Shirokova. I was born on the 27 th of
Dec, 79. I don't know I can go on and on but I'll end this now. Have a great day, I'll
be waiting for your reply with great impatience. Sincerely Yours With Love,
Letter 4:
Hi, Tom! Now I see that we really have something in common. I should say that I
liked you in your letter. I pay attention to strong men, who have something in
them, to help a girl, to see her inner thoughts. I suppose you are not the same
like others. Do you like to observe nature and animals? I suppose, yes?
You like to go outdoors, sailing, but I like to go to clubs and to listen to any kind of music.
But it doesn't matter, if we have different interests, it doesn't say of different
souls. Do you like your job, if yes, it's great. If your work is like your home, it
means that it's not boring for you. As for me, I take my job for interesting and
necessary for people. I also think of my future life like about the thing that is
coming soon. I want to have children, but I don't have any definite desired
number. What about your willing ,I mean in gender? Do you mind if a family has
more females or males among children, do you think there will be a gender
discrimination, if some gender will prevail, Tom? I think that the children are gifts
and we should take them as granted. Everything in my life I take as granted, with
exclusions. I have to work a great deal, sometimes it's very hard, sometimes
unbearable to see that your salary is so low, you may know about our wages.
Frankly speaking on the whole I like compliments as everybody, but I should
know that you say them very sincerely. That you don't write the same words to
many women at once. Now I'd like to explain to U ,my dear, my current situation.
My parents don't work now, they can't help me. To live and pay rent, I have to
work much, almost every hour I'm busy, and I do not have time to go to write you
letters with computer. Sure I can have half an hour for it, Tom, but wouldn't like to
send you a letter in a week or write just some lines to you. I want, really want to
get to know you better, to understand your inner world, your way of thinking,
and living, to know your intentions and hobbies, to get involved into your
personal habits and the customs of your country just to make such important choice in my
life. It's only the smallest part of what I need to know about you. That's why I
wrote you that we should have only the same concepts to keep correspondence.
I've been looking for my match seriously, I want to know everything of him, and
the same to tell him of me. So our letters will take much time for me if I do
everything myself. I'll have to translate your letters with dictionary as my language
skills are not enough to understand each your word. Then to print your photos, to
translate my letters to you, to scan… I tried to translate your letter with a
computer program, but it was so bad, you couldn't even imagine, the sense was
lost. You know all that, Tom. I'd like to get your letters each day and to write you
long ones every day too. So I want to go to bye a kind of Internet-account, Tom,
thanks to which I can get all these services done for me. Everything I'll have to do
is to write you a letter in Russian, all the rest will be done by the people from The
Internet-Club. But it costs very much for my benefits. I can't afford such services
to me. Would you be so kind to help us in our correspondence? I hope you'll
support me in this hard situation. Sincerely Yours, Julia
Letter 5:
Dear Tom, Many thanks for your response wit hcompliments. Frankly speaking I
thought you would stop writing me after I wrote you of my problems. How are
you? Why you don't write me what are you doing in your spare time? As for me,
I'm very well. Now I know that you are serious to me and I can feel safe with you.
I had a dream to have a prince on the white horse, who would love me and would
make everything possible to protect, support me, create a strong family and clear
all dark clouds off the skyline to prevent anything, which may hamper our love
and relationships. You know last years I didn't believe that I might meet such an
avatar of my dream. But this time I even was surprised to see that there is a man
who doesn't stop against any difficulties in love. I didn't believe in real love earlier.
Now I can't believe in your existence as I've never faced such an attention,
treatment. I like that you want to continue our correspondence. Dear Tom,
I want to find my love, my only man so much ! I dream to create a real strong family
where love, mutual understanding and tender warmth will always cherish. Once
more thank U very much for your long and interesting letters, but my dear I can't
write to U as often as U do. I'm glad to hear that U like me, even though we don't
know each other in person and where our correspondence will lead us, but I'd like
to come to U very much. Sure I'll be very glad to meet with U. U would
show me round your town. We need to write each other more and more to know each other
better. But dear , I didn't want to tell it to U, but I must confess that I use the
services of an Internet-Club and it charges 100 USDollars per month. That's all I
have to pay, it includes all services, all I have to do is to come and write you a
letter. I don't want to scare U off, but I won't be able to write to U very often, if I
don't cover the costs for the Internet. I could write to U a regular mail, but it will go
very slowly, in addition the translation services in our town and country are high,
so it would be much cheaper to use the Internet-Club. If you will be so kind tohelp
me pay for it, it would be good for both of us as I can't afford it to me at
present. My parents are old, retired and in addition they help me with money from their
pension, besides I have my grandparents and they are very old and with many
health problems. I do not have any other source. I don't have anybody to help me
except U. You are my only hope. Dear Tom, I wonder if U are able to help us in
our correspondence, if not, please don't think of me badly, I won't be offended. I
can understand U well, maybe U've already had some bad experiences with other
girls on the Internet in your past, but I want to assure U that I'm genuine and not
a scammer like others. I just want to find my real love and if it's necessary to
leave this country, I'll do it, if nessecary. I'm not like others, I want to be happy in
this difficult life. I just can confirm U that I'm also sincere and genuine and that I
really have financial problems, I mean I can't afford it to me to write to U so often,
if I don't pay for the Internet Services. If U are so kind to help not me, but us
in our further correspondence, I'd be very grateful to U. So you may send the money
through AVAL BANK, PROLETARSKAYA ST., 22/13 KREMENCHUG , Zip Code 39 300,
Phone 38 (0) 5366 2 32 47 Western Union on my full name - I give U my details:
Address: 39608 Ukraine, Kremenchug, Poltava Region, Naberejnaya Leitenanta Dneprova 54, Aprt.44 My full name: Shirokova Yulya Borisovna. You
send me the code ( from 10 digits) with your full name and I get it from Western
Union personally or U can also send some money through the regular mail,
because Western Union charges much money for transaction. I need 67$ USD.
It'll cover all the costs for a month. It includes all the services: translation,
printing, scanning, the phone line, electricity. That's all, I do not want to talk of it
any more. Well, my dear Tom, that's all for now. Sincerely Yours Forever,
Smirnova (Magadan, Russia)
From: Rod
To: Steve
Your special lady friend from Magadan, I believe Her name was listed as Elena
Karaseva. I reviewed the letters very carefully, Those letters are exactly like the
letters that I have been getting from Marina Smirnova of Magadan. The pet dog
saving the day. The father and mother. The place of employment. You men out in
the world be carefull of I ALMOST GOT SCAMMED.
I thank you blacklist @ Rod
Natalia Arsibekov
I am a single father of 2, white American, 28 years old. About 2 days ago I
got an email from Neodates that I had new mail. It was from a Russian girl
who called herself Natalia. I replied to her email, and she promptly responded to my personal
email account. The letter she sent was EXACTLY the same as the one posted
here for Kevin (also from Kansas), and Brian. She had only enough time to send
me the initial letter before I found this website today, and I was shocked but very
glad. She did not get to the point of asking me for money, but I had already
considered this an option to be with her. Thank you for helping me avoid a
potentially heartbreaking experience. Below are the photos she sent me, the letter
she sent, and for your enjoyment, my response to her after finding out she was a
fake. Her email address is <>. She never asked me for
money but I caught her before she could. Thanks!
My dear friend Mark, it is so nice that you keep writing me! I likeyour photo.
I hope that you are also aimed at a long-term relationship. I wish to start a new life with
that one who is gentle, kind and loving withthe whole heart. To say honestly I'm
tired from short-term relationships. And I never let them to be very close to me
because I did not trust them. I could not find here a reliable man. All of them seem
to be devoted their lives for drinking and clarifying relationships between
themselves. But maybe just the chance was not given yet to me to find HIM.
Today it was sunny. All day long I internally hoped that you would reply me. It has
happened - so great. All day long I was busy with the usual stuff I do. I'm a
specialist in marketing working for a small company. This company trades in
common food products and has a couple of small shops here. So I make all
market analysis and statistics. Unfortunately their business does not blossom
nowadays and there is a need in a strong and working manager. So basically I'm
not satisfied very much in what I'm doing now. I mean in what I'm paid now.
But I like my place of work. I have my own computer. I know that computers in the USA
are widely spread. But here only a small part of the population possesses
computers. So I'm lucky in a way :-) Being lucky I still have problems to perceive
this machine. Sometimes it is going crazy and I wish there were a button on the
keyboard like "enough". Unfortunately I have no computer at home. But I always
can devote a couple of moments to write you a letter from here at work.
Sometimes I'm late here busy with some tasks so do not be surprised if you
receive a late letter. I live in a two-room apartment with my mother and a younger
sister who is 12. Unfortunately my father had passed away during the waragainst
Chechnya in 93. I was a young girl when we received a message about his death.
We have a pat. It is cat. His name is Patriot. Is it funny? My mother works in a
drugstore. Sometimes when I feel lonely I visit her there. But to say true it is a little
bit boring in that store. So she is always glad to see me. By the way I told
her that I've started to communicate with a person from America. She was very
surprised and made a joke that it is already time for me... Alright. I have to return
to my tasks. It is very interesting to keep in touch with you. I hope for the
best in our relationship. Have a nice day! Your Natalia.
Natalia (if that is indeed your name,) I thought you should read this page. I don't
expect you to reply. I just wanted to let you know that the "jig" is up. I consider
myself very lucky that I stumbled upon this quite by accident. How can you do this
to people?? I actually thought you were interested in me. How foolish I was in
believing you might be my soulmate. I know now that it is not your intention
to ever meet me face to face, and I think you should be ashamed of yourself
taking advantage of lonely men who are actually searching for someone real
and who do not have money to throw away on con women. The only thing that Iregret is that I
will not be the last man you deceive. I know that I will add your name to every
blacklist I can. I am happy that I did not give you any money, as I was planning to.
YOU lose this time. It is too bad, because you are externally a beautiful person.
You just have a rotten inside. I know that bad things will come to you
eventually, because you curse yourself. I hope you realize now you are not
more cunning than me. I hope also that you will understand right and wrong
someday. If not, I am sure the bad things you are doing will be your undoing. What is it they say in
chess? CHECKMATE!!!! (pun intended.) I will also tell you to watch your back- I
am sure you have enemies by now. Dos Vidanya -Mark
Olena Slepova / Donbass Translation Center, Victor Apov (alias Alena Fedorovskaya aka Kathy Kissska Yalena)
I saw today the fotos from the girl. The pcture (left, under the left) I know but she used the name Nastya for me.
She didn't scam me and I NEVER SEND MONEY FOR STANGE GIRLS! But please enclude her new name at the blacklist.
Thanks, Mathias
Gritsenko/Bagira Agency (Lugansk, Ukraine)
I'm sending a photograph of Olya Gritsenko. A confirmed con amd scam artist. I
emailed my story to you last weekend concerning her. She is represented by the
Bagira Agency in Lugansk, Ukraine. She and the agency scammed me out of
$2000.00 and my expenses to travel to the Ukraine to meet her. I found her profile
at a free site the Dating-Center. They have now deleted her profile at my request.
When I arrived in the Ukraine and telephoned her, she claimed she did not know
me or ever correspond with me. We exchanged more than 80 emailed letters and I
had wired $550.00 to her personally for traveling expenses and things which she
wanted for our planned meeting. I spoke with her on the telephone three times and
confirmed her address and telephone number in Lugansk. She is a real person.
and I believe these are real photographs of her. Please post her photograph at your
site. She and the agency are very cunning and malicious. Sincerely, Greg

Lugansk, Ukraine
I am a 49 year old white male from NY. I responded to a woman who said that she
lived in Los Angeles, Ca., USA on Match Doctor who went by the name Tatka_li.
After seeing her first letter I noticed that she if from Lugansk, Ukrain. It only took 3
letters before I was asked for money. I noticed after finding out she was not from
Los Angeles I checked some of the profiles on Match Doctor and there was
another woman (Keti_m) who said she was from Los Angeles but was not, she
also was from Lugansk, Ukrain. They both claimed to be 25 y/o.
Here are the letters from Tatka_li
If You interesting in me please use this address to write me
Hello Jim It is so nice to received your letter. I think that you are an interesting
person. I also would like to have your photo. Can you send me one? I am
attaching a picture of mine (hope you like it). I am interested in getting to know
you better, and I will tell you anything you would like to know about me, all youhave to do is ask:-) I know it can be difficult learning about someone through
letters, being far away, and I believe that love can conquer all, so a few thousand
kilometers cannot stand in it's way. What would you like to know about me? I am
from Lugansk, not very big Ukrainian city. I am 27, my birthday is November 7. I
work as a secretary at the university. I enjoy movies and theatre, I love to swim
and go to gym. I also enjoy reading, I enjoy foreign literature in Russian (I don't
know English well and have to use a translator service now) I teach myself many
things, and lately I have been trying to teach myself to speak English. It is very
interesting for me, and I enjoy it although I don't think I'm very good... perhaps I
need a tutor:-) I listen to all kinds of music, I like many kinds Pop, Rock, Classic
and I love to dance. I don't go to many clubs, but sometimes my friends and I get
together and we all go dancing. I have a good sense of humor, after all if we can't
have a little fun in our lives what good would that be? I have dreams about finding
my soul mate, and sharing with him everything in my life. I would like to
read of your dreams, and to know a little of what you want in life. Maybe, we have
much in common, I think, and our dreams are the same. Well, I feel that I am
going on and on, so perhaps I shall end for now. I look forward to your reply, I hope
this letter finds you in good health, and that you stay warm and safe.
With my best wishes, Tanya
Thanks for your letter. I feel you have a very good heart and will make your woman
very happy. My friends say that I am very warm and affectionate, I am very doting
and once I fall in love I will give everything I have to make the other person be on
top of the world. I am very romantic, love candle light dinners, cuddling and care ofeach other. The only thing I hate about people
is when they lie, are not honest and play games. I am very simple in my thoughts, love to meet people, I am very
trusting, have had some bad experiences but most of the time I end
up meeting people who are nice, I love my work, I think it is very interesting it makes
me meet a lot of different people, I think people are so different but they are the same in a
lot of ways and if you have an open mind and are not critical, you can get along
very well with people from different cultures.I am looking for a long lasting
relationship, one in which there are little children who will bring joy to our lives,
some dogs (I love dogs), a lovely house and a lovely caring loving husband who will
be my best friend, my lover, my companion, with whom I will be able to share all
my laughs and sorrows, with whom I can confide in and also he can do the same.
I want to build a relationship, where we can be soulmates and life is one continuos
holiday, where everyday will bring joy to our lives, where we can raise nice family,
children who are loved all them time, hopefully I can build this lovely relationship
with a such a nice person like you, they say pictures do not say much but I think
they do.I will be eagerly waiting for your response. Take care of yourself and
write back soon. Hope to hear from you soon Tanya
This is the last letter from her, really from the dating agency.
Dear Jim, We are the firm which provides Tatiana P. with the access to Internet
computer and interpreter. Unfortunately her account is over and she can not reply
to your letter. If you are interested we can send you information concerning our
service and payment. We hope for our future cooperation. Sincerely Yours
Director "Lisa" Marina Kaidalova
Here is the only letter I received from Keti_m
If You interesting in me please write
Hello dear, I was very pleased to get your letter. I think you are an extraordinary
person whom it is very interesting to communicate with. Now let me write
you some words about myself and let's see if we are interested in each other
to go on with our communication. I am from Lugansk, a small, nice town in
the Eastern Ukraine. As I'm a student, I live together with my parents whom
I love greatly and we are very happy and friendly family. I have different hobbies and interests. Let
me bebin with some of them. OK? I like to listen to ifferent music, best of all I like
melodic, romantic ballads, of course, about love, but I find very interesting also
other kinds of music. I'm quite creative person and I like to draw my own projects
to sew dresses for me and sometimes for my friends, they appreciate my designs
and it's very pleasant for me. I adore literature and especially poetry. I know a lot
of poems, but only few of them by heart. Why? Becouse I learn by heart only
those special poems that I love. I don't smoke and don't drink, never used drugs as
well. I take care about my appearance and my health. I would like to meet a man,
king, nice, attentive, caring, healthy and to fall in love if we understand each other,
take care of each other and if we are ready to share all in this life, good times and
happiness and bad times as well. I'm dreaming about my own family, my beloved
husbend and to have children with him in the future. As for as I have this way to
meet my man from another country. I have a question for you. Are you ready to
have relationship with a girl from Ukraine? What do you expect from this
relaions? And how do you imadine your future with a girl from another country? Are you
serious to find your wife abroad? And what's your dream family? Please, answer
my questions in details becouse they are importent for our relations and
possible future tigether. I do belive that two alone people if they have a lot in common and
common, goals in life, if they understsnd and support each other and can fall in
love and make each other happy. Let's try to get to know each other better and
let's try our chance. I'm going to close my letter but I hope to get your soon reply
with answers to my queations and your story, write me more about yourself and
everything you'd like to share with me. I'd be very glad to get your letter, I'm
looking forward to get it soon. Take care. Best regards. Katya

Tatka_Li / Tanya
/ Katya
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themselves, and choose the right girls from the very beginning.
Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
- Article by
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Dating Services - where to look for a
Russian wife
dating agencies
- how do they make their
Russian Translations - Russian-English/English-Russian
translation: fast and comprehensive.