Anita Agency (Odessa, Ukraine)
I received a reply to a personal ad in February of 2001. The girl said that she was
from Ukraine. My curiosity got the best of me and I wrote back. For the first few
letters, I was never told about any charge; although the girl mentioned something
about her paying an agency. Before long, however, I found myself paying, via
Western Union, the complete charges for translating, and photo scanning. I also
found myself purchasing gifts. They hooked me because I never received such
unbridled affection from someone I was as physically attracted to. But maybe I
still haven't. I may never know for sure. I wasn't terribly familiar with that part of
the world or this Russian bride thing. I came across an ad a time or two but didn't
pay them any never mind. Of course, I gained interest and started using the
search engine to research. I didn't see Anita Agency on this site's black list so I
thought it must be OK (rationale.) In the letters I received, the girl looked so
forward to the time that we would meet. In November, I suggested a time. She
wrote and said that she couldn't receive me until spring. This was a bit
inconsistent. I checked this site again. By golly, there it was, "Anita Agency."
Someone wrote about some very dishonest practices. Still, the possibility of it all
being genuine seemed to exist anyway. It was quite a conflict. If I just quit
writing, would I disappoint what seemed to be a very special girl. But through the
first four months of 2002, Things would get strange. The letters were love essays
but she'd write nothing about her life. Also I quit getting photos. Well it was
spring and I started mentioning a visit again. Wouldn't you know it, now we'd have
to wait till fall. Toward the end, the agency finally slipped up and got things
confused. This girl suddenly had a daughter that she never mentioned before.
I thought it would be nice if someone out there in Ukraine could check things out
for me. I went back to the search engines. I found someone that claimed to do
just what I needed. Here I will paste part of his reply to my initial contact.
We have had some information about Anita Dating Agency and Vitaliy
Vasilevsky, the owner. Yes, they are more likely a sort of an agency which uses
the system of prewritten letters,some of the girls are not real (never exist), some
other are real but are not involved in correspondence and the process of gift
delivery. They may appear on the scene only when the man is already in Odessa
(having paid a big sum of moneyto the agency). Some girls are real and sincere
but under the strict control of the agency.
Eventually, he had people check out the girl. Even though her supposed letters
would say I was the man of her dreams, she must have had a lot of dreams. she
was waiting for a visit from another man she was writing. the investigator, who
shall remain nameless since I never got hes permission to mention him,
suggested she would take the man who spent the most on gifts. He also said
that, even though the girls would take pictures with the gifts, the roses or what
ever were only borrowed and then returned. I would also like to leave myself
nameless. The agency knows who I was writing and I've heard that they can
hassle. The girls are really victims also.
Bagira Agency
(Lugansk, Ukraine)
Director: Marina Gorova
Money sent to Sergey Sapyanov and to Olya Gritsenko.
Olya Gritsenko and the agency conspired to scam me. I spoke with her on the telephone at
David arranged times to call. When I attempt to call the agency at other times there is no answer.
Ekaterina Bazavluk (Kremenchug, Ukraine)
I am a divorced, 50-year-old, self employed white American. I wrote to Ekaterina
Bazavluk at MatchDoctor where her advertisement appeared as Katya117. Her
first letter read:
Letter 1:
Hello! Thank you very much for your letter. I¦m glad that you¦re interested in me.
I¦m a girl who looks for her second half. I guess that happiness of a man is based
on mutual love, understanding and respect. I¦m just an ordinary girl who want to
be happy and enjoy life. I want to fall asleep and wake up beside my beloved
man, share all my joy and sorrow with him, discover the world together with him
and know that every new day we¦ll meet together in each other¦s arms. It¦s real
happiness and sense of life for me. I hope you¦ll agree with me and will become
my destiny. Please e-mail me on my e-mail address which is:
In my next e-mail I'll send you another picture of me and tell more about myself.
I¦ll be impatiently waiting for your message. I wish you all the best and good day.
Sincerely, Katya.
After exchanging a few letters, then came the request for money.
Letter 2:
Hello Darling! Thank you very much for your letter. When reading it I felt so much
positive emotions and warmth. It was like gentle ocean breeze that overcame
great distances and miles and touched me. I feel that we have much in common
and look for the same things in life. Dear, for us to know each other better I would
like to tell you a little bit more about my family. I have Mom, Dad who live out of
the city in a small village, and a brother who lives here in Kremenchug. We with
brother were born in the village. So I spent my childhood in nature and could see
how amazing it's beauty is. As I have already told my Family is very friendly so
we always help and support each other. When I was in pain after my divorce only
love and care of my dear people helped me to realize that life didn't stop and it
should go on. I was like a little girl, hurt, offended and disappointed. I came to
Mom and out my head on her knees and she was petting my hair and said that I
would surely find the love of my life one day and the man will make me very
happy. And now I have met you, and I want to hope that it's you who'll make me
the happiest woman in the world and whom I'll make very happy. I know now that
real love is the sense of life and without love life! will be empty and dull. Most of
all in my life I want to create a happy family with my beloved man and live for it.
I'm glad I have met you because I feel that I need your letters more and more day
by day and feel that we have a magical bond between us. Darling, I'm very sorry
that I have to talk to you about it. If only I could I would never disturb you, but
unfortunately I cannot do this alone. Honey the matter is that I don't have a
computer at home so I go to the Internet Cafe. When I decided to find my destiny
I didn't know that Internet Cafe's services will be so expensive for me. I should
pay for internet usage, mail box I have and translators services. The money I earnare hardly enough to pay for my flat. Darling I'll be very thankful if you help
me with our writing. I got used to be strong in my life but unfortunately the
situation doesn't depend on strength. I'm so upset about it because I need you
and your letters very much and I'm so afraid of losing you. I don't want it to
happen. I hope with all my soul that you really need me and will never leave me. I
hope for your understanding and support because I like you very much and feel
that feelings to you grow and become stronger. Now I meet every day with a
smile! on my face because I know that there is a man on the other side of the big
world that thinks about me. Now I notice how beautiful is world around me. I have
so much joy in my heart and I'm so much afraid of losing it. Darling, I'll be waitingimpatiently for your letter. I hope to hear from your soon and want you to
know that I'm very glad that we met and you're always in my thoughts. I wish you
good day and good mood, With tenderness, Katya.
And after asking for details, here was the reply:
Letter 3:
Hello Honey! I was so happy to receive your letter. I was happy to know that you
still need me and interested in me and our relationships. Thank to that I have you
Honey I want to be happy and enjoy life, because your letters bring me so much
joy and happiness. Honey today in the morning when I was on my way to work I
realized that now I began to realize that everything that surrounds me are
wonderful. I used to think that my city is industrial and there is nothing just
plants and factories. And today I realized that I passed a wonderful park full of
flowers, green grass and trees. I was impressed that all that time I was like in the
dark and didn't notice anything. You have brought light into my life and now I see the
beauty around me and can enjoy it. Honey, I hope you don't mind but I was at my
parents' and told them about us. I told how we met and about you. Of course at
first they were surprised and asked a lot of questions. They just love me and don't
want anything bad to happen. I told them about you and in the end they calmed
down and told me that I look very happy and my eyes sparkled. They're very
happy for us and wish us all the best. For my parents like for any other parents
my happiness is the most important thing and they see how happy I am with you,
so they're happy too.Honey, I'm so grateful to you that you want to assist me
with our writing. I appreciate your care and support very much. Our writing costs
about 100 $ USA a month. Honey I asked the translator at the Internet Cafe how
you can transfer the money. So she explained that you should do it with the help
of Western Union system. You should make it on my full name which is Ekaterina Bazavluk.
My address: Ukraine Kremenchug city Karla Marksa street24/40, fl.40
Honey in your next e-mail you should write me a 10 digit number of transfer and your full name.
Sweetheart thank you very much again for your care and support. My Honey
I'm very glad I met you on my way. You bring me so much joy and inspiration. I think about you no matter where I go and
what I do. Honey I'll be impatiently waiting for your letter. I wish your day to be
good and interesting. I kiss and hug you with tenderness, Katya.
I did not send the money, particularly since a web search showed that the
average rent in Kremenchung is less than $40 per month and I discovered that
internet services and translation can be had a variety of places for approximately
$1 per hour of net time and $1 per letter for translation with an independent
Elvira Savinceva (Ekaterinburg, Sovetskay)
I am a white American male 31 years of age. I recieved an email through a
service called from an Russian calling herself Ella08. When she
emailed me she told me her name was Elvira but her friends call her Ella.
Anyway she emailed me almost everyday for about 7 days tellming me how
honorable I am and what a great guy I am. I am thinking to myself how does she
know how great I am, but I didnt care because I loved the pictures she sent me
they were great. In fact she doesnt know I am on to her so I am trying to get a
nude one of her, if I get it I will try to post it if they let me. Anyway basically my
story is the same as everyone elses, the only difference is that I am tight with my
money so I did what I could to check her out really good before I decided to send
her anything and I am glad I did because I found this website and saved myself
$350.00. Because I appreciated this site so much I donated the $24.95 to help
keep it going. I figure $24.95 is a whole lot less than $350.00. She wanted me to
send the money to Elvira Savinceva. She gave me some further instructions
which were "I want to inform that money to send system of bank named the
Western Union better. This system is very reliable, also money of transfer are
executed within 15 minutes. By the way you should send money to my passport
the data. - my data:Elvira Savinceva. RUSSIA,Ekaterinburg,Sovetskay 32 - 17.
After you will send money, you in bank inform ten numbers (figures) (MTCN,
number (number) control (management)) and not overlook to write your
full address and the full name (name) which you are filled at a parcel(sending) of
money and should inform me it. I wait for your answer as soon as possible.
Please, help me. I know, that you the good person and you correctly all
understood. I wait for you. See. You it is fast. Yours for ever Ella." Like I said
earlier I told about what had happened but I havent heard a thing yet so
hopefully they will handle it. I also gave them the address to this web site and
told them how to find her here so they have no excuses. I have 7 letters and 7
photos of this woman I am going to send with this letter, hopefully it will help
some of you out. When I down loaded the letters and photos to my computer I
had to use Mircrosoft word to open them, you might have to do the same. I sent
these to my sisters email address and I could not find a way to do it other than
that way. When the window pops up asking how to open the letter just click on
"select a program from the list" and then select the second one down "Mircrosoft
Word" it should open for you then, good luck. Sincerely, Greg from Arizona.
Letter 1:
Hi my friend Greg. I am pleased to read your letter, thanks, which you
write to me! I very much would be Like to study (find out) concerning
you more. Now it is a little concerning me: I live in Ekaterinburg, Russia, My birthday of April 1 1976. I
have no any of the sisters or brothers, I the unique(sole) child in Family. My
urban Ekaterinburg Posed about the Ural Mountains, my city - main city in
Sverdlovskaya oblast (Sverdlovsk Range). You perceive me? Well, my body
height of 170 centimeters and weight of 54 kg, in Me a chestnut hair and brown
eye. Now in me length of a hair is long, I think you, all this sees on
My photos. I shall send certainly you even a lot of my photos. Please,
send to me your photos, WELL? I shall be very pleased to see them. I am single, and I have no
children. My favorite The colour is red. You know, unfortunately, that I have no the
telephone of a house, for this reason you could To not invoke(produce) (to name)
me. And nevertheless my salaries - 40 dollars within the whole month. So, also I
very much like Sports competitions and everything, that to this is connected(linked), I - engaged gymnastics, I very much like a The
able-bodied image (mode)((image)) of life and I think, which everyone should it like. I can
speak English tongue a little. I had Never in America, but it will not be a good
lesson, I think, to study the Englishmen. Yes? I work In shop of the foodstuffs by the cashier now,
I stand behind of a cash department, in us in do(make) purchases of a product From submission (nutrition) are sold. I like to dance!!! For
us in Russia it - spring. I on life the pleasure The man. I want to find to me
immediately companion of life, with which I would lead(carry out) rest (residual)
From life. In a choice I do not want to do(make) (do)((make)) an error. I would like,it well has
learned(found out) (found From) concerning the friend the friend. My lists (diagrams) are very serious. I now live with the mum. She most
The good man. I today have said to the mum, that to me the man has answered. She has
said That is it well. But she, while in it does not trust. All this seem to the mum
much more. We with it(her) as two The people, which goes on a labyrinth. At the
end of which we shall meet, or we shall not meet. But I Think, that for us
everyone will be good, also we shall understand each other. It is good, with which
you choose to be Cautious in to study (find out) me, I think, that is it is, as
it should be. I can not do(make) (do)((make)) the promise it The future will hold for
us, but I shall help you to study more concerning me. I never was wedding. I Have
no own children. I would like to find the worthy companion of life. I was badly to
feel The computer but I to study in it. I work in one shop as the cashier. For me
maximum education. I in The parcel(sending) to you of the letters should use a
translation program. I now to hunt(catch) (to catch) on courses on analysis
English tongue. I think, that we should understand and dismantle the friend the
friend and then meet. Mine The liked foodstuffs - Pelmeni. Pelmeni this simple
Russian dish, which is made (has made) Pasta and meat. It Is very tasty(delicious) (delightful). I
like to prepare a soup. I know many different prescriptions for good Nutrition. Me still to similar government a pie of honey. It
also is very tasty(delicious) (is delightful). I like roses, tulips, has
aised(increased). I Am bad to feel the computer. The letters to write to you I enter
in internetcafe. There is a service (service) The Internet. I to hunt(catch) (to catch)
on activity 7 times per one week. In free time I like to listen to music. To music I
listen Any other business in dependence on mood. I never to be wedding. I want
to frame good. Probably we become The good friends or are more, if we are
very successful. As with you my period of validity is carried very much out(very much
spent) (is maintained) Small free time. So that my representation days were filled
with these problems. When I have free time from My order (order) concerning
services, I am usually transfered I (am substituted) somewhere for my own
activity, so that I had Any there is a lot of time for my own pleasure this year. I
hope, to what I to not sound similarly to, I complain. Even That I am carried
out(spent) (is maintained), it very much renumerates for me. I am simple I have
business a part of my time now for greater Compensation after that (in the future).
In an exchange I feel, that I shall have the much greater control (control)((management)) concerning
my period of validity after that (in the future), As I shall be my own
flexure (camber). On personal norm (standard) I would like to find mine The husband of section my period of validity of second. I was not
successful enough to find the man for me. I wish to Find the man, who will believe
strictly in exact adjustment and quenching for a period of validity. I know, that It
there will be firm (difficult) job, but I shall be executed (is transferred(handed) (is
displaced)) ((handed)) to this purpose. I Will try to form the strong obligations of
privacy (trust) and communication(connection) with you and to be good The
mother of our future children. I would hope, that your purposes will be similar, I
would like to hear yours Ideas, that you wish during the future. I hope, that you
find my words of interest percent)((interest)) and that is it is Beginning to help to
you to know me little bit better. I wait the answer from you again. Your friend,Ella
Letter 2:
Hi my dear friend Greg. I was very glad to receive from you the
letter. Excuse, that has forced you to wait with the answer, I was very much engaged on a
Summer residence. At us warm weather only was adjusted.=20 I live in an
average strip of Russia,from Moscow approximately 1000 kms. I not so for a long
time rest on a coast Volga, there very beautiful places, was very many people,
but I was one with the mum, on this was not so cheerfully. I hope, that
when be we could together lead(carry out) remarkable target(day off). What you think in
this occasion? It is a little about itself. I love to prepare food, I like home
businesses, is especial if I shall do(make) this all for favourite the man. My
favourite colour red. In free from work time I sometimes go in clubs, but it
happens seldom, basically I prefer rest on a nature, on a coast of beautiful lake.
At us a beautiful nature, but also the city has many beautiful monuments of
architecture, beautiful museum. To me to like to go in museums, but it to not
speak that I am old-fashioned. Sometimes I love the noisy companies, good
friends. But for me main it is family. I dream to create a warm home cosiness and
happy family, in which we completely trusted each other, care and mutual
understanding. Soon I have killed meal to the aunt, she(it) the very good woman,
its(her) husband in Afghanistan, but she(it) has remained to it(him) on always. I
want to tell to it(her) about you. On it I shall finish the letter to you. Having wished
all most good. The god with us. Ella.
Letter 3:
Hi my fond friend Greg. I so happy to receive the letter from you. =
Your letter contains a lot of high temperature and mine is heated up, I
soul. With each your letter I feel, that you are very interesting to me. I want to study (find out) you ever
more and more. I very much love to go for a walk on a nature. Still very much I
love to prepare itself, to think up new and it turns out is very tasty. Today to us
called to the grandfather from village and has named us production (release) (free
day) in village. I never spoke with it(him), but it(he) can not independently to
present also for us to village. I to you shall not inform rather village sauna slightly.
This such premise(room), with which is made of a tree. There in wipe there is a
government. When you throw wood (wood) of fire (fire) what to be flared a rock.
Then you to throw water of a rock, that to be excreted (hidden) of pairs (pair,
pair). You to jump up by a broom and it are very good. This pleasant (pleasant)
sensation. Inform me more=20 concerning a way of life. How you carry out(spend) the time? I very much wait your
letter. Yours Ella
Letter 4:
My Greg this complete trust, I hate when the people deceive each other. As I
consider(count) in what that the moment we of life to accept the
conciliatory proposals, you see it too is the important part of the attitude(relation) between the
man and woman. You probably think that I the very serious man, but it not so, I
simply do not want to be mistaken in a choice of the future husband and liking
man. At the given moment my feelings to YOU already that that more than
friendly .To your words I begin to understand that you the honor man. Your
words which you write me warm my soul and heart. It so is wonderful when there is in
this world a man to which I is not indifferent. It is pleasant to me so to receive
from you the letters and feelings which I thus test to not pass by words. Probably
on it I shall finish and with the large impatience Separately you are grateful a map
which to you to me has sent. She very much has liked to me . It is very pleasant
to me to learn(find out) that we by mutual understanding each other, you see
it is the very important fact in ours with you the attitudes(relations). If we want to
create strong union, we should trust and understand each other in all I feel fine,
concerning me can not worry with me that's all right. Today I have received from
us at job wages. To you probably will be ridiculous but I had made forty
dollars. Well good we shall not speak about problems which rise on our
way. Write to me as it is possible more often, I very much like to read your letters, they install in
me any pleasure in life, to believe in that that at me somewhere away there is
liked a man, the mood at once raises, it would be desirable to live and to believe
in that that we when be we shall meet. I shall wait for your answer today. Many
times you a kiss and from the bottom of the heart I embrace. You in my
heart each minute. At me even such feeling, that I have received a charge of the large
energy for all day. Write to me about the work. I would like to know about you all,
what at you the most favorite dish, than you love to be engaged in free from work
time. Lovely I want to tell, that I have chosen in you soul superior others in love,
in mercy, in mighty desire to love and to bring happiness. And please,
with me be honor. You see the deceit breaks huge quantity(amount) of
families. Today I shall visit(attend) church and I shall be asked for
us. Be healthy and in a good arrangement of spirit, know that you
always in my heart. The fidelity and caress is necessary to you? I
have selected destiny of a fidelity, as closest to my nature. Will be
sure. Vainly speak, that the love is blind; True in that fond is
indifferent to those or other lacks, which it(he) perfectly sees, if
only it seemed, that it(he) finds in the man that for him(it) most important. And it in you is. As I
would like to see us together, evenings, in a room. We would get(start) with you
long conversation, one that I love; we would touch the people, things seen for
day. Recently has found east love treatise and would like it(him) to you to
read - Three sources have inclinations of the man: soul reason a body.
An inclination of souls derive friendship. An inclination of mind derive respect. An inclination of a
body derive desire. The connection of three inclinations derives love. I shall wait
for your letter. A kiss Ella.
Letter 5:
Hi my love Greg. I was very pleased to accept from you the
message. When I read your message, in me even were on eyes of tear of pleasure. I see, that we
are necessary the friend the friend. Not seldom I visit(attend) church, and about
me ask about you and our about an occurring. How you there without me? I here
very much without you the people. You in ideas always with me. You show very
strong interest to me it very pleasantly to feel. I began very much to think
of us with you, which waits for us forward. Write to me all questions,
which you interest. I shall be very pleased to answer to you them. You
now, second man (man) in this world, that to me is necessary most of all. The first man (man) - my
mum. I very much hope that that our occurring rate the future is carried out(spent)
(is maintained). I am very grateful to you, that you believe me. Through the
Internet it - as that is not natural, we should take each other in arms(hand) and
view the friend the friend in eyes and to speak concerning it, as the world is
perfect. In me very good mood. I want to know all. To me you are very important.
When I began to correspond(conform) with you, I had that that hope, that in us
with you everyone will be good. With each your message I have understood, that I
have found, that the man (man), that to me is necessary. I as well as you want to
see, that you will believe to me very faster it, it would be desirable. I want to
capture you tenderness. I examine(consider) that building the spiritual emotional
establishment of the man (man) is exact and it is meaningful the purposes of
family education. I want to you to inform that my senses and words concerning
you always were, I am sincere also always perceived, that we put a lot of trust,
that our union would be, when it is real. Now I am sure concerning all 100 , that I
can to you to believe. And you, that the man (man), that to me is necessary.
When I read your message, I saw in it your sincerity and attachment behavior to
me. I have made of your message for me the immediately large conclusion, which
is possible is to expressed in three words "by(with) I LIKE YOU ". Today I even
felt so highly, in me by all was going to so easily, because my ideas were
directed concerning you. I as knew, when I think of you, and you think of me, and
it has warmed mine I throttle also body. Today for the sake of interest has come
in embassy and will study (find out) concerning the visa what to reach
you. Cost of the visa 400$. I was very surprised. It for me the large money. And I can not
them to find. To me became sad. I perceive, that our attitudes (attitudes) are
under construction on trust. But we should believe to each other, without it we
simply can not exist(breathe). Today I had rehearsal with the schoolboys.
Rehearsal it, when we have prepared with children musical numbers(rooms)
(number), as, informs poems. Today with children to me was so =D3=CD=C5=C8=CF=D4=D7=CF=D2=CE=CF. Children - such perfect
essences, = when they in small age. Today, when I continued a path(route)
home, I thought of it so much to me to recognize you concerning it. You see
between us there should be a complete trust, and we should know rather each
other all. I do not know how to inform you, but I - =E4=C5=D7=C1. You probably
think, that I examine(consider) such not modern, but I (expect), that at first time
I should have affinity with the liked man (man). Now in me the large declination to
you, I do not know, why but it - true. Sometimes such dreams dream me, what is
it is a shame to me to you to speak concerning it. This dream dreamed me today
at night. " We have supper with you in you, at home and then we go to you in
dream, and we begin to be engaged with you love. " But in term of a storage I
know of rather very small sex (sex), only on television Membranulas and would
like to study (find out) maximal with you concerning it. Excuse me, that I speak
with you so sincerely, but I think, that you should know concerning me only. I
would be happy to visit you - limen of my desires. =
=20 My senses to you are reflected in this poem. My love - similarly to a burning flame=20
Attenuation up to=20 I know your name In my heart I live I can not without you
Develop(unwrap) my love, it you can only do(make)=20 Give me all your love and=20
I shall give you mine=20 And for ever two of us o=C2=DF=C5=C4=C9=CE=D1=D4=D3=D1=20
I want to please your reason, body, and douche I want to be unique(sole) =CC=C0=C2=CF=D7=D8=C0, which
you know=20 I can be young, but my love is pure(clean) We have lonely hearts,
Together we - =CB=C0=D2=C5=20 I treat(process) hold so many secrets=20
I can only inform you=20 But where - mine soulmate,=20 The god only gives me a
key=20 For love we know only, that is required=20 We should like, esteem,
believe, and intercommunicate (to sustain communication(connection)) =20
With you I should be joint My reason will be easy,=20 My heart will be admired=20
When I find you, in one we will grow=20 But remember,=20 All of us enter and we
abandon this world one I shall wait your answer. Yours Ella
Letter 6:
Hi my love Greg. I have received yours email. I loved it.
Honourly, I completely use Reception of your characters (marks). That I use most of all, which you very
much open, and It does(makes) it very simple for me to open my basis (basic
principles) also. That I really loved, was your three sources of love. It - silent
understanding, Mutual privacy (trust), dividing(sharing) and pardon. It - loyalty in
good times. The love is pleased existing, it hopes during the future, and it does
not reflect the past. It - chronicle " day per day from " Irritations, problems,
compromises, small disappointments, large victories and General purposes. If
you have love in your resource (safe life), it can fill very many things you
in absence. By and large, which can slightly also " to be juicy " for the man, but it
Something, that to close (to capture) by me within the limits of the last several
years. Successful opencast but it is honour, they really do not mean (mean)
much, because their things do not help the basis (basic principles). I am pleased,
that you can trust me, and you can name me the love. I hope it of a Leg (support)
that path. If there is any time, where you doubt rather concerning me or if I speak
something, that the infringements (excitement) you, please inform me. I think,
that is very simple, be Honourly, when we speak concerning good subjects
(section), however, I find difficult to be completely honour, when we speak
concerning the negative editions. At least it - for me. I hope, sometime, that you
feel, that you can trust me sufficient to inform me "Poor" things also.
Especially (specially), if you - infringement (excitement) with me. I shall try to do(make)
Same. However, I should emphasize, I have no any any reason to doubt rather
concerning you. Honourly, your characters (marks) were filled so with the large
soul and basis (basic principles), which it (shall force) me to feel really good. It
was long time, as I felt warm feeling Inside my basic principles. I love to receive
yours emails. You, seem, very pleasant (pleasant) person, it seems, really for
knowing, that you search in the Attitude(relation), and does not wish to agree
about less than it, you search, It seems, really for using a resource (safe life),
and to have the strong basis (basic principles). Gratitude for opening your
basis (basic principles) to me. I wish to study much more concerning you Ella.
Letter 7:
Hi my love Greg. I have received yours email. I loved it.
Honourly, I completely use Reception of your characters (marks). That I use most of all, which you very
much open, and It does(makes) it very simple for me to open my basis (basic
principles) also. That I really loved, was your three sources of love. It - silent
understanding, Mutual privacy (trust), dividing(sharing) and pardon. It - loyalty in
good times. The love is pleased existing, it hopes during the future, and it does
not reflect the past. It - chronicle " day per day from " Irritations, problems,
compromises, small disappointments, large victories and General purposes. If
you have love in your resource (safe life), it can fill very many things you
in absence. By and large, which can slightly also " to be juicy " for the man, but it
Something, that to close (to capture) by me within the limits of the last several
years. Successful opencast but it is honour, they really do not mean (mean)
much, because their things do not help the basis (basic principles). I am pleased,
that you can trust me, and you can name me the love. I hope it of a Leg (support)
that path. If there is any time, where you doubt rather concerning me or if I speak
something, that the infringements (excitement) you, please inform me. I think,
that is very simple, be Honourly, when we speak concerning good subjects
(section), however, I find difficult to be completely honour, when we speak
concerning the negative editions. At least it - for me. I hope, sometime, that you
feel, that you can trust me sufficient to inform me "Poor" things also.
Especially (specially), if you - infringement (excitement) with me. I shall try to do(make)
Same. However, I should emphasize, I have no any any reason to doubt rather
concerning you. Honourly, your characters (marks) were filled so with the large
soul and basis (basic principles), which it (shall force) me to feel really good. It
was long time, as I felt warm feeling Inside my basic principles. I love to receive
yours emails. You, seem, very pleasant (pleasant) person, it seems, really for
knowing, that you search in the Attitude(relation), and does not wish to agree
about less than it, you search, It seems, really for using a resource (safe life),
and to have the strong basis (basic principles). Gratitude for opening your
basis (basic principles) to me. I wish to study much more concerning you Ella
Letter 8:
Greetings my love Greg!!!! Many thanks for your good letter! Well, I
searched for the visa one still, and to me it is necessary to pay 50 dollars the visa and
registration for 25 dollars, and it is necessary to transfer survey in hospital
Rentgen and it more to cost 150 dollars and more and more document registration, the foreign passport, that is
400 dollars should satisfy me. You understand? I have gone to embassy,
and in me 50 dollars were, and I start registration the visa, it is necessary to pay it, I have told, that I have 50 dollars,
and they have told well, give 50 dollars. And me have started registration. I
so have understood, that for the visa of this money will satisfy, because on me so
have told. But today I have gone there, and to me have told, that to me have given
the visa which it, to finish registration it is urgently necessary to bring to all those
documents, that is medical and another. I have told, and it is possible later in
some days, because I should, enough money to receive all these documents, in
me at once shouted, abused and have told, that for you then have begun to
do(make) the visa if you should enough money, but I speak, that the visa
costs(stands) 45 dollars and registration little bit more, but to me have not
explained at once to receive the visa, is necessary which were applied all
necessary documents, I has certainly apologized, and has told, that I shall bring
soon, one of these days. To me have told, that they may wait approximately for 5
days and if I shall not bring necessary documents, they will stop to do(make) the
visa to me. And it even the worse, that if I shall not have time, to me have told,
which may not do(make) to me the visa more, they will take offence at me, for my
actions. But I promised, that I shall do(make), all is correct and to me trusted.
Therefore I very much ask you, try to borrow from whom - that money if you now
have no it, in friends for example. As to me now in such situation the help nobody
may, I searched already, but not for any successes. Therefore I hope only for
you, you one to me may the help. As I believe in you, and in us both, that all in
us will Well! And I hope, that everyone will be good. I know it. I ask, that you have
sent this money to me as soon as possible. Please send to me 350 dollars these
5 days. Well? It is very important. I wait! I want to inform that money to send
system of bank named the Western Union better. This system is very reliable,
also money of transfer are executed within 15 minutes. By the way you should
send money to my passport the data. - my data:Elvira Savinceva. RUSSIA,Ekaterinburg,Sovetskay 32 - 17. After you will send
money, you in bank inform ten numbers (figures) (MTCN, number (number)
control (management)) and not overlook to write your full address and the full name (name) which you are
filled at a parcel(sending) of money and should inform me it. I wait for your answer
as soon as possible. Please, help me. I know, that you the good person and you
correctly all understood. I wait for you. See. You it is fast. Yours for ever Ella
Galina Ahmolina (Kazan, Russia)
I'm a 38 yr. old divorced man in Williamsport, Pa. I was contacted by Miss
Ahmolina around the middle of May, she claimed she had gotten my address
from a friend. It appears Galina feasts on mid-30 divorced men found through Thanks to this site I have found she has lso used the names:
Ekaterina Golovina, Irina Smirnova, Lubon Smirnova and Yana Voknova. As of
yet, she has not asked for any money, I guess I was asking to many questions,
such as why her photo files were coming through titled Kat? She is a very sweet
talker, others beware!!!
Irina Sergeeva
(Kirov, Russia)
I live in turkey, and I am 37 year old man, divorced.
I contacted a woman, called Irina Sergeeva, I saw her add on
she fell in love with me after the second letter. I invited her to istanbul, and told her that she would not need
any visa for entering turkey, and told her that I would send her a ticket.
but she seems not to read the letters she gets carefully, and she asked me for 600.- usd
after 1 week. I sent her nothing. I got suspiciouse first, when I asked her about
her phone number, and she said she has not a phone. and in her next letter, she
said she could call me, I should give her my number. this was a typical sign.
this is her last 2 letters. thanks for this service.
last letter :
Hello my love !!! Excuse that I to you so long did not write.
My love, I very much to miss on you but I to not forget you. I am very glad that we with you to
correspond. I each day think only of you my prince. I very much want that we with
you were together. What you to think if I shall come to you in the near future?
I very much would like to spend with you this summer. What you to think if I shall
come to you in August? My lovely, I very much want that we with you spent this
August. I went recently to travel agency to find out that it is necessary to arrive to
you. To me have told that to arrive to you, I need to make the visa and to book a
ticket aboard the plane. I very much want that we with you were together.
When to me how many have told to cost the ticket aboard the plane and how many the
visa I very much will cost was surprised. To me have told that the visa to you will
cost 145 $. And the ticket will cost aboard the plane 465 $. My lovely, I very
much would like that we with you were together. I think that I can not find such
money to the ticket aboard the plane and on the visa. I do not know where to me
to find such money. It is very a shame to me to ask you such money because
you so to invite me to yourself. Very much it is not convenient for me before you.
I very much want to be with you on the present. I very much want that we with
you to spend a lot of time. To me have told that with this visa I can be with you of
7 months. In agency to me have told that the visa will be made 5 - 7 days.
If I shall give tomorrow documents for the visa that I already I can arrive to you 3 -
August, 4. I very much want that we with you were together. I hope that you to
understand me. My love, I with impatience shall wait for your letter my prince.
Your princess Irina.
as I said, there is no visa required for istanbul turkey, but she does not care, and
she does not read , probably she writes to 100 s of men. please dont send her
money. here are some photos of her. her mail address is
Belan (Kherson, Russia)
I am a 50 year old white male, divorced, self employed. I contacted Irina through
MatchDoctor where she appears as Galina33, a 22 year old from Kherson,
Ukraine. We sent each other two letters, then there was no contact for one week.
Here is her original letter to me:
Hello Dear Thank you very much for your letter. I am very interested in our
correspondence. I am going on for sport, I like aerobics, running and I am always
in a good shape. So I don t smoke and drink. My birthday is November 13
(Scorpion). I am from Ukraine. What will you do this summer, if we like each
other that we will meet? I have many friends whom I meet in my Institute. I am a
future Economist and I like my profession very much.It is my last year at the
University. I am an economist and manager of hotel business. My main goal in
life is to find loving and caring man to make family. And if you intention is serious
I am very glad about this. I will be glad to know more about you: about your work,
your friends, your family, what do you like to do in your spare time? Also you can
tell me more. I also want to find my second half and I think I will find him.
Now I will write you about my family. As I know you are interested to know about
I have very close relationships with my parents. We are great friends. We all live
in house and communicate every day. I love my parents very much. They help me
a lot in my life by their attention to me. They always can help me when I have any
difficulties in life or I feel bad or can?t do anything . I always feel their warmnessand love to me.
With my best wishes, Irina!!!
Then came after a week without a letter, I sent her a hello letter and this was the reply:
Hello dear!!! I have received your message. I very much am interested in
continuation of our messages. I was very borrowed with the work, therefore could
not write to you at once. If you seriously treat to me and want to find out me
better pay to me the Internet that I could answer your questions through the
Internet. I can not pay the Internet because for me it is expensive, therefore I
would like to feel your care and love to me on distance. If you will help me, I shall
feel, that you serious the man which is interested seriously and want to find the
second half which will make your life happy. Peredavaj greetings to the scare.
Kisses, irina!!!
I asked her for details and this is her reply:
Hello my dear! I got your letter. I see that you are serious man and love me that
really help me. I see, that you really serious relationship to me. I appreciate your
understanding and attention to me. I am interested in continuation of our
relationship and when you will help me we frequently we begin to communicate
through the Internet and I can answer your questions.You can send me money by
Western Union, it is the safest and fastest way to do this. I only need to know
your name and (surname) last name, and the code which consists of 10 numbers.
My full name is: Irina Belan Ukraine Kherson I need about $100 -$150
I need your full name!!! I send kisses for you, Irina!!!
I did not send the requested money. Irina operates at MatchDoctor as Galina33
and uses the following email address of:
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Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
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