Are you going to send money to somebody you met on the Internet? |
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To send your own story, please click here My name is Jose Francisco Farias Garcia. I am a single 28-year old male who has been on several different dating websites, such as, Absolute Agency, yahoo personals, and aol personals. I was contacted on e-mail, and have been been corresponding with, a person who identified herself as Valeria. I do not know from which website she originally obtained my e-mail address. Her pictures resemble one of the pictures of Rusiana Abbasova that you have on your website. She recently asked me to send her money for VISA, plane tickets, vaccinations, etc. I became suspicious and performed a search on the Internet for Russian scam artists and discovered her picture. She is a scam artist who has also used the name of Valentina Kudriavtseva. I sent her an e-mail telling her that I had found out about her little scheme. I am including some of her e-mails, along with pictures. One of the e-mails details where she lives, and where the money should be sent by Western Union. You may contact me at this e-mail address, if you would like. Thank you for your assistance. Letters: Hi my loved prince Jose. I again write you the letter. Never before my life was not filled with such expectation - daily, hourly, every minute. I wait for your letters, I wait for an opportunity to hear your voice by the phone, I wait for our meeting. Heart so extraordinary becomes transfixed, as soon as I shall think, that we shall meet you, and I can nestle on you. Never suspected, that I am able so to wait. And, may, there are simply nobody. And now I have you Jose, my love, my hope. You know, that it would be desirable at present? With you beside to go barefooted legs on pools under a summer torrential rain, but necessarily warm; or - absolutely on the contrary: to go in the evening, in the winter, after a blizzard, on snow-covered street that snow sparkled and sparkled to fall in snowdrifts, to laugh and breathe fresh - fresh air which only and happens pure during a rain and after a blizzard. I as though by the ship which drifts in the storming sea of life. All is carried by by me at reckless speed, and I in the closed space of this Flying Dutch still has only letters which connect us. I hurry and I hurry time which without you lasts am intolerable long. I as though in any imprisonment as though it is punished for something, I choke without you Jose, I do not live, I have turned to the big walking hours, I simply physically feel, how this clockwork of time does not work in separation from you. I as the bird who has got in a trap, am beaten in last hope to escape from a captivity and to depart to you, as to my unique bright asterisk. And I constantly re-read your letters and I can not sleep quietly. I very much hope for our fast meeting. Because life without you it not life, it for me is intolerable. With impatience I wait from you for news Jose.Yours Valeria... Hello my loved Jose!!! I am very glad to your answer to my recognition. I was very much pleased with that our feelings are mutual. I very much waited for your letter. My soul sings a spring bird. Now I dream only of you, about us, about our meeting. I spoke today with the girlfriend about us with you. She all over again very much was surprised, and then asked about you much. She has told to me, that watched on TV the program about the Russian girls who having got acquainted with foreigners leaved to them. And girls got in very terrible situations. From them took away passports and sold them in public houses. Forced to sleep for money with other people. I and itself read a similar history in the newspaper about one girl. It was the awful history, and it is very a pity to me of girls which got in such situations. The girlfriend warned me. She spoke me - look, as though with you such did not happen. But I believe you Jose, and very much I love you. I would like to arrive to you. I went to travel agency to find out about cost of trip. To me have told, that the passport for travel abroad - 210 dollars, the visa - 75 dollars is necessary for me. Still it is necessary to pass medical survey and vaccination, which cost of 180 dollars. It - huge quantity of money for me. For me it is impossible to save up such big money. And air return tickets cost 1200 dollars. For reception of the visa it is necessary to show two air tickets. This visa will work within 3 months. I think that to us is necessary to live what that time together. Whether for this time we would understand we approach each other really. There will be time will get acquainted and to your relatives and friends. If we shall not come nearer to each other, I shall come back to Russia. And if our love is really real, I shall come back to finish all affairs in Russia and to remain with you Jose for ever. I will need to return and sell the apartment. Because I shall live at you. Having sold an apartment I can justify all expenses connected with trips. Whether there is at you such opportunity to help me? I do not want to seem for you persuasive. But I very much would like to meet this sad New Year together with you Jose.Your loving and missing Valeria Hi, lovely mine Jose! As I on you miss! As I do not have no your exciting sight, your lovely voice, your gentle embraces! Each day Idream of a meeting with you. You - mine. As it is pleasant to realize it as magic it sounds, but other words - I yours even better sound. I devote each day, each instant, each life to you. Now you are far from me - for thousand kilometers. May be, there at yourself you too think of me at present. I do not know. But I wait. I WAIT, that you will write and will tell to me a sweet fairy tale of your feelings and dreams, the obvious and secret desires Jose. And I shall listen and remember. And behind a window there is a snow. Heavy, big snowflakes fall, already on white, covered with snow, the ground, being slowly rolled downwards, leaving small Picasso, is split to lay on the ground. Winter. This beautiful season. We may wander hours on park, luxuriating on the avaricious winter sun and to think of Spring. To our Spring. Which in us. Today. Now. You see if people like they always live in the spring. I love you. You love me. Strange, the truth? Though is not present - naturally. Neither it is more, nor it is less. And it is surprisingly fine. But why I then pay? With happiness? May be. And, may io... Well everything, it is time to finish. How to me to live without you this time before our meeting Jose? I do not know. If you, really, want to meet with me in the close future I should start reception of the passport and the visa. And if you may help me with money for trip. You may send me money through the Western Union. I saw advertising by the TVset. When you will come in branch of the Western union, you will tell him my address: Russia city of Kazan street of Decembrists the house 157 apartments 37, and my name Valeria Chekaleva. There to you will give a ten-character code the password which you should send me. Also I should know your exact address and the exact sum which you send. I with impatience shall wait for your letter and to hope for our fast meeting. Kissing, your Valeria. Hi still far my love Jose. To me will advise airline in travel agency. I am glad that you will help me with purchase of the ticket, but conduct to me it is necessary to receive the passport and the visa still. Unfortunately I can not pay it. Whether you may help me with payment of it. It is so much caress and tendernesses in us with you has collected in time which we are familiar with you, that it seems to me, when we shall meet - this wave will overflow us with a head, and I at all against to plunge into it and to be floating on its current all life. I would like to become such small - small enter your heart and to remain there for ever! I so for a long time have given you everything, that am at me - soul, heart and reason then - when you also did not think to take it from me. I to belong to you. I ask you, do not doubt, never doubt of me whatever happened - I yours, I always yours! In a head something not clear is created, all time I think, I think of you, about myself, about us. omething turns endlessly in my poor head, I any more have not sent one letter to you. Has written, has then read - such nonsense, all something not of what I think. More truly, of what I think, but not those words. Whether grew stupid recently?! In general, pity, very poor display of my ideas. Very much and very much I am afraid, that you not so will understand, not that will think. I have suddenly forgot to transfer the ideas in the letter. Very much I regret, that our system of communication so is imperfect, my letters are late, and I so instantly would like to transfer you the pulses arising in my brain to see your eyes, to hear your voice, to smell your smells - me alive dialogue with you is necessary. I feel only one - I can not, shall not manage to transfer you that is now created in my soul. And nevertheless, you all the same would be better beside then all would explain you my eyes, my hands, my lips. You have covered yourself all world: No, it not a usual sleeplessness, When in a brain shapeless monsters Turn or ideas convulsively Without the purpose rush And emptiness around: No, it is difficult to explain it- Everything, that seems to me and is immersed In an emotional whirlpool. Everything, that boils in a brain mine at night. All ideas about you. Sleeplessness. For centurys your Valeria...
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