Mosunova/Natalya Butakova (Omsk, Russia)
came across your web site just a little bit too late! I have been in
constant contact with a young woman for about three months. Everything
seemed on the up and up. Our relationship seemed to grow closer with
each letter. I was actually happy with the progress. Now I feel like
the most ignorant man alive. I worked to bring this woman to the
United States on a permanent basis. I went as far as calling airlines
to check the prices of tickets. It seemed that everything that she
told my was the truth. Well, I have to admit that I didn't research
quite enough. If I had it might have saved me $1,632.00. Yes thats
right... I am the idiot that lost almost two thousand dollars. I can
earn back the money. It is just the fact that I was using a foolish
heart to think with instead of my head. I would like for all who read
this to compare my letters to those of a young man named Darryl. Well,
Darryl, It looks like I spent enough money for the both of us. I am
sending all of the photos that were sent to me. Please note a third
name in letter 18.
contact letter:
I have seen your add and I think that you are a very interesting
person. So I decided to use the chance to get to know you. Hope I will
be lucky:-) I don't think that the age and appearance is so important
though I am rather pretty. The most important what is inside you and
how do you feel about the life. I know this life from many sides and I
am rather mature already to know how to make a man happy. I don't know
if you answer me or not. But why not to try? I will regret if not to
try. I think we should use every chance to find our happiness. Life is
too short to use it only for thinking and dreaming. I try to act but
not only to dream. So here I am:-) I will not write you much about
myself now. I will just give you an idea of who I am. I work to earn
for my living. I have a higher education and I am rather intelligent.
The only one I miss is a beloved person and I want to have a family .
I have really many interests:music, reading, books, movies, good
conversations, sports and many other things which make the life
wonderful. I like beautiful clothes and things. I can't say that I
have many friends. I know many people but I am very picky about the
friends. Friend is a person who will be with me all my life. And I am
lucky to have some really good friends. But I am very sociable that is
why there are many people I have good relations with. I am rather
independent. And work to be able to pay for the things I want to have
in my life. In some words I can tell you, that I enjoy the life as it
is and I love the life with all it's aspects. I am very kind ( I am
not boasting:-) ) which hurts me often.
Rick, I was very glad to get your reply. I came to the Internet cafe
just to find some information and was looking through the sites. And
suddenly my eye fell down on you. I don't remember what kind of site
it was. I liked very much what I have seen and decided to write you.
So if it is interesting for you, I believe I should tell you now more
about myself. Thank for a photo very much was pleasant to me!! Well,
my name is Irina, I am 29 years old. I have blue eyes and fair hair.
But I try to change my image often as I always like to be different. I
live in Russia, the city of Omsk. It in Western Siberia. It is not big
but very green and cosy. If you come here, you will find an ensemble
of different architecture here The e are also theatres, cinemas,
cafes and many other cute places. I work as a waitress in the local
bar. Though I have a higher education, I can't find job on my
profession that is why I work there to be more independent. My parents
are on pension already. But pensions are so small that my father works
part time as a watchman in the car park. And now I would like to ask
you some questions. Tell me more about yourself, please, everything
you want me to know. Where do you live, what place do you work in?
Tell me about your parents. Everything you write me will be
interesting for me. Unfortunately, I don't have a phone and computer
that is why I use the service of the Internet cafe that is why
sometimes there could be delays in my replies. Hope you understand me.
Waiting for your reply. Irina.
dear Rick!!! I am so happy to hear from you again. I feel so tired
from the life here and you are the only one who warms me and gives me
strength to live. The life in Russia is so difficult and though we got
used to it sometimes I feel so unsafe and tired from everything. But I
am lucky one to get $65 a month. This money allows me to go to the
Internet cafe to send you letters and to get yours. It is the only one
thing in my life which makes me happy. I miss so much being without
your letters. And the internet-cafe is the onlyone place where I can
communicate with you. Unfortunately, I can't afford myself to buy a
computer as it costs for about 700-1000 dollars and it is too much for
me. Not so many people in our town can afford to buy a computer. Well,
enough complaining…… May be you will tell me about the life in
your country, it will cheer me up. ~ Also I would like to have your
mail address for some case. And this is mine. 32-12 Motornaya Str.,
Omsk, 644109, Russia to Irina Mosunova. May be you will need it. I
want to hear from you so much………….Yours Irina.
sunshine Rick!!! It is Spring here. It to become warmly here and the
sun to shine more. I feel so sad without you here. I have such a
strange feeling inside. I miss you badly. I need you so much. It is
not just words. It is what I feel now. I think about you all the time.
I have never had this before. I haven't seen you yet but I already
can't live without you, your letters. I want to touch you, to feel
your warmth and tenderness…… I love you…… I love
you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you are not scared. It is strange for me
too. But I can assure you that it is true. I love you and the thought
about you makes me so happy. I want to be with you so much. I want to
feel you with every part of my body, I want to feel the tender touch
of your hands, to feel the smell of your body, just to know that I
belong to you and that you are mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am full of
desire and I want you as a man, I want to be your wife, your friend,
your soul mate, your lover, your dream. I understand now perfectly
that you are the man of my dream. I was searching for you all my life
and now I have found you and I am not going to lose you. We will be
happy together, I will do everything for it. I am strong enough to
overcome all the difficulties and hardships which are between us.
There is no barrier which can stop me. My love will overcome all the
difficulties on our way to each another. We will be together, believe
me. I will cross the ocean just to be with you. I don't need anything
else - I just want to see you, to look into your eyes, to kiss your
lips, to touch your strong body. My love will be enough for two
of us. Do you know the song of Bon Jove " Always". This song
is about my feelings to you. I am afraid to ask you this ……but
what do you feel? It is very important for me. It is better to know
the bitter true for me than the sweet lie……So, please, tell me
about your feelings. ~ And I think it is already time for us to decide
what to do……I could come to you and I think it is the best variant
for us. Life in Russia is very dangerous. I don't want you to have any
problems here. You never know what will be the other minute here. I
hate it…… So, I will get to know everything about visa and how I
could come to you. And I will write you about it in my next letter.
Loving you Irina.
honey Rick! It is amazing to get your letter again!!!!!!!!!!!!! In
hands I to hold a gift for you, my love! I miss you badly, honey. I
love you so much. I can't be apart from you, it is so hard. You are my
life, I want to hug you so much, to feel your warmth, to look into
your eyes, to feel myself happy and safe near you. I am sure
everything will be Ok and the destiny will work for us and we will be
happy together. I often think about us and try to imagine our life
together. Sometimes I feel you so near and close to me. I even feel
you on the distance. I feel when you are in a high spirit and when you
are sad. I am happy when you are happy. I want to be with you so much
and I though about the ways for us to be together. So I tried to do
something for us and decided to go to the Embassy to check what I need
to come to you. So, to come to your country I need to make some paper
work and to get visa. It will take some time, of course, and to pick
up many documents from my side. But I will do everything which depends
from me. As for visa, there is a Fiancee visa but it is not the best
variant for us as we haven't met yet and we don't have the documents
and pictures to improve our meeting. They will not allow me to go
there as a guest but it is possible to get a Labour or visa for Work
there. I can get this kind of visa very easy and quickly now. But
there is one thing which upsets me very much. You see, I need to pay
for getting visa. And you know that my salary is too small for it. I
don't want to complain but you know that I have a difficult financial
situation here. I have a great desire to come to you, to see you at
last and only money separate us from each another. I love you so much,
honey and I don't want to lose you. Nobody can help me with it. Of
course, I could ask my Mom to help me but she doesn't have such money
though she would like to help us. I am honest and sincere with you. I
hope that you understand me and that you will do it for me. I already
gave some papers to them and they made a file for me. All I need now
is to pay them money. So it will be, $45 for visa and $40 for
registration, also I need to pay for medical exams - it will be $50,
$40 for the interview, and I need to get a foreign passport, it will
cost for about $50 and for some another expenses I may have. So in
general I will need for about $225. If you want to help me, my love I
have found out that You have to sendthe money by Western Union or
MoneyGram. You need to send me your full name, address, amount of
money and the control number. You need my full name and address, so
here it is: 32-12 Motornaya Str., Omsk, 644109, Russia to Irina
Mosunova. I could find such information, love mine. I really hope that
you understand my situation. I want to see you very much but without
your help I can't do it just because I don't have such money. Money is
nothing but they help to overcome all the difficulties on our way to
each another. Sorry, dear, if it upsets you. I just think that we need
to trust each another and to share everything. Hope that you agree
with me. Just imagine that in short time we could be together. And
there is only one problem now which can be solved with your help,
dear. I love you so much, you are the best in my life and our meeting
could be the happiest event for us. Miss you badly honey and waiting
impatiently for your soon reply. Yours forever Irina. P.S. Trust me
and in some days I shall be with you. Pictures were taken by my mum,
it she has helped me to make it.
beloved one Rick!!! I miss you so much. Every day without you is like
a year for me. I am so tired to be here without you. My friends
already say that I am crazy as sometimes I begin to talk to you. You
can t imagine how hard it is to be without you here. I want always to
be with you. And i don t want ever lose you. Life without you will
have no sense for me. I love you so much. I called the agency to get
all the information about the tickets today. And they told me
that there are no problems with the tickets yet before the
holidays so we should hurry. I am confused to ask you but I don t have
money for the tickets and I hope for your help. The one way
ticket costs 864$ for me. It is a trip of an airplane from
Moscow up to Texarkana, Arkansas Regional Airport. It is a very cheap
trip. Please, hurry up, because this trip on April 24 and me needs to
be paid it till April 18. Or this ticket will sell to other person. I
better to pay for the ticket this week as it is reserved already.Dear,
we will be able to see each other so soon. Just one more
attempt. Love you Rick
sweetheart Rick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you so much. My love I
very much to be pleased that we soon shall together!!! I wanted you to
inform, that I to give the passport on registration of the ticket. So
I to ask you to send money for a name my grandmother. Her name
Ekaterina Samoylova, and the address at her 21-13 Sovetskaya St. Omsk,
644122, Russia. I to go with her in bank and to receive money. You to
understand me??? I VERY MUCH YOU LIKE AND TO WANT TO be WITH YOU!!!The
grandmother to be pleased to help us. We very soon shall together!!!!
As soon as I to pay for the ticket I to write to you the information
on flight, my love!!!! I had a dream about us last night and I am
still under impression. We were somewhere near the sea……Just
imagine this place: blue water, white sand and sun is shining all the
time. We are swimming, kissing each other. Than you take my hand and
we are going to the hotel. It is a very beautiful place. Our room is
full of exotic flowers, soft music is playing there, you open the
bottle of champagne, it is so cold. Then you kiss me, you are so
passionate and hot……You put away my dress and continue kissing
me……Then there is a long and sweet night. We have been making love
for the eternity. Then we go to walk on the beach holding hands,
looking at the stars on the dark sky. It is so peaceful there and we
enjoy each other. It was our paradise, only for us and as soon as we
meet I will do my best for you to be happy with me. Love you so much.
25 (this is the letter where she let me know that she couldn't make
the trip)
my love Rick, I do not know from what to begin to write to you, but at
me very bad news, it not that that bad, they simply break my heart. I
can not hold the tears on eyes and at me heart is poured by blood. I
not many times was in Moscow, it is possible to tell, that I there in
general in second time, I very badly know Moscow and when I to go in
the underground, there were very many people. Me pushed from different
directions, it very much was not pleasant to me and at me the bag was
in hands, but it didn't it was visible, when I to leave from the
underground, I have seen, that my bag is open, I have thought, that
like I would close it, why it is open, I look in it, …… and there,
there is no at me is not present money, my notebook, all documents,
temporary sanction to be in Moscow, …… glory god at me passport
have not stolen, I sat on bench and could not be set with place, I
thought, how you is all to tell, you see it were such hopes on mine
future, on our future, at me tear are poured river, I to run to
militiaman and to tell all him, that has taken place, he me asks, you
remember person of the man, which at you has stolen thing, but I can
not recollect, there was very many people near to me, someone left,
someone came, I do not know who at me has stolen everything,
militiaman me speaks, as we shall search thief now, and I to cry and
nothing can tell …… he me speaks, Then I can not by anything the
help to you. You certainly can so think, this your right, you have on
this right, but know I always to trust to you and to love you, I knew,
that you me too love and if you spoke the truth, please, if can do not
think about me poorly, because I shall love always you. You probably
will tell, there can not be such, that so simply have stolen things,
if you do not trust, I do not know, as though we could with you live
together, if you do not trust me, basically, to me it seems, that you
now to see me and do not want, because all so has turned out, and I do
not know, how I now shall go home, because at me anything is not
present …… I hope, that will be the kind people and they help me,
I do not know as all this to tell to the mum, because at her sick
heart, and suddenly at her happen a heart attack with strong
experience and frustration she can die, I do not know, how to say this
all to my mum …… Then probably I'm so sorry and goodbye ……
…… ……. I'll be love you all my life …… Your love forever
Irina Tamilina,
(Kharkov Ukraine) NOW Iryna Tamilina, (Arizona, USA)
My name is Ed, 66, retired, divorced white male with 2 adult children. I am now
living in Arizona, USA. I first found her on June 4, 2002 in Elena's Weekly Ladies
Catalog, issue 122. She was number 7766. Now, number 4307 on Elena's
Models Internet site. (John at AFA will love this): Her profile had been posted
since September, 2001 on the AFA site,, as number 34201. Shealso
has profiles on and American She has two email addresses; and
She stated, she was a trained and experienced Civil Engineer, had a good job working as an
engineer with a construction company in Kharkov. She stated she lived in a large,
modern, 2 bedroom apartment in a safe district in Northwest Kharkov. I first
sen her email on June 5, 2002 and she replied. She spoke good English. We
continued with email and many telephone calls. Most calls about 1 hour, (usually
twice on Saturdays and Sundays). In a telephone conversation, on or about June
29 or 30, 2002, she mentioned she had not been paid this week. It was only
mentioned in passing and I assumed she would be paid the following Monday.
About June 22, 2002, she no longer went to the Internet Cafe each day as
previously. Her email became shorter, without much to say. About July 3, 2002 I
found her on with a paid membership. Later I found her previous
membership had expired about June 22, 2002. She denied this, stating she had
NEVER been on before July 3, 2002. We continued to discuss her lack
of salary, lack of food but now a computer at her home and a paid $25 membership to She stated the cost equivalent to $1.25 to receive my
email, print them and answer me. Also, she had additional pictures scanned at
my request. I estimated she had spent approximately $30 - $40 for email during
the first month. Feeling sorry she was "starving" I sent $100 through WU.
On July 11, 2002 I discontinued writing. During mid October, 2002 we exchanged a
few "Hi, how are you" type notes through Late October, 2002
w started writing again. In our early June correspondence, she advised, she had
won the first drawing in the "Green Card Lottery" for the DV2003 drawing.
Approximately 4,400 "Green Cards" were to be issued to Ukrainian Citizens
during FY 2003 of the US Government, starting in October 2002. At that time we
did not know if her number for a interview would fall within the allocated number of
available Visas. In email and phone calls, she seemed like a wonderful and
serious lady for a potential wife and we had started talking about the possibility of
a Fiancee Visa. We started planning to meet in Ukraine during the middle of
December, 2002. About November 9, 2002, I found her on the "Russian Black
List"! (Not Elena's but one of the others). She stated a French fellow had sent
100 Euro's to obtain a visitors visa to France. She stated, he later became
"explicit" and she cancelled the idea of visiting him. She contacted the
webmaster at the Blacklist site and convinced them to remove her name!
In a telephone conversation, about November 10, 2002, we were discussing having her
required documents for a Faincee visa copied and translated into English. She
mentioned the cost for preparing the documents and the she needed a new winter
coat. November 11, 2002, I sent her $200 through WU for documents and coat!
We continued planning our trip to Kiev. I obtained my Ukraine visitors visa, rented
an apartment in Kiev and made my airline reservations to arrive at 14:00 on
December 12, 2002. November 23, 2002, I sent an additional $250 travelling
money for her Kiev trip. Either a evening flight or the Kharkov - Kiev express train
plus money for meals and return to Kharkov, in case my airline flights were
grounded, cancelled or I missed a connection and would not arrive on time. (After
9/11 anything unexpectedly may happen). November 25, 2002 she sent email,
telling me she had notification for her interview at the Warsaw Embassy for her
Green Card visa on January 16, 2003. This was NO guarantee she would receive
a Green Card Visa, only the interview was scheduled. We decided to continue
the paper work for a Fiancee visa, just in case the Green Card visa was not
issued, assuming we liked each other. About November 25, 2002, we were
discussing additional needs for her interview at the Warsaw Embassy. She
stated she would need $8,000, cash! This sent cold chills down my back.
However, a few hours later I received a email stating it would not be necessary!
As scheduled, I arrived in Kiev on December 12, 2002 and met her train at 22:15.
We scheduled her medical examination, X-rays and vaccinations at the Gas
Workers Clinic in Kiev for December 16 or 17, 2002. That morning, I gave her
approximately $200 to $250 cash for the medical tests, vaccinations, taxi fairs
and lunch. December 17 or 18, 2002, we purchased her train ticket from Kharkov
to Warsaw, leaving the night of January 13, 2003 and arriving in Warsaw about
06:00 on January 15, 2003, the day prior to her interview at the American
Embassy in Warsaw. (Possibly we purchased a return ticket to Kharkov, in case
the visa was not granted). I don't remember the exact cost but approximately
$100 to $175, paid in cash to the courier who delivered the tickets. She departed
Kiev about 17:00 on December 22, 2002 on the express train to Kharkov.
During the time in Kiev I became totally, madly, 100% in love!!! She was the most
wonderful woman I had met in more than 30 years. (As I later found, she was also
the BEST ACTRESS - - EVER encountered)!!! Prior to departure I gave her
approximately $800 to $1000 cash for expenses she would incur going to
Warsaw. This is the approximate breakdown: Embassy interview and fee for
Green Card visa, $425. Two days hotel in Warsaw, $150. Taxi from train in
Warsaw to hotel, from hotel to American Embassy and return and from hotel to
Warsaw airport, $100 and meals while travelling and in Warsaw, $200 to $300.
December 24 through 26, 2002, we had many telephone conversations about her
interview and trip to the USA. She wanted to delay her departure from Warsaw by
1 day, in case the pictures were not acceptable, possibly the X-rays were not
acceptable or additional vaccinations were needed. She stated, the agency
helping her in Kharkov advised, she would need a "Affidavit of Support" on INS
from-134. (This is common in Fiancee visas and for adjustment of status, after
the Wedding), January 2, 2003, I sent the packet,14 pages of financial
information by FedEx International Express. $76 (The most expensive letter in my
lifetime). We changed the scheduled so she would leave early Saturday, January
18, 2003 rather than the original plan for Friday. She would arrive in Phoenix
about 17:00 on January 18, 2003, (Phoenix time). December 26, 2002 I purchased airline tickets ($814) from Warsaw to London and London direct to
Phoenix, Arizona. Because she wanted to stay the extra day in Warsaw, I was
not sure she had adequate money. January 13, 2003, For her, I rented a hotel
room, 3 nights in Warsaw $161. January 18, 2003 I met her as she cleared
Customs and Immigration in Phoenix, AZ. This was NOT the same lady I had
spent 10 days with Kiev!!! In late January, 2003 she wished to learn driving. I
spent many hours teaching her. By mid February she had received her Social
Security card and Green Card from the INS. In mid February, 2003 she received
her student driving permit in Arizona. Late March, 2003 she wanted "professional"
driving lessons. I prepaid 6 lessons, $300. Late March, 2003 she started working.
Early April, 2003 she had taken 3 "professional" driving lessons, leaving her a
credit of $150. During early April, 2003 she wanted a car, with a automatic
transmission. With lack of experience and NO drivers license, I felt it was
premature to purchase another vehicle.During the early AM, April 10, 2003 she
left. She did not say goodbye or thank you, only a note that we were different and
wanted different things in life. Four days later, I delivered the remainder of her
cloths, at work. I have talked to her about twice on the telephone, she is well.
I have retained the services of an attorney specializing in criminal law who he will
guide me in filing criminal charges, both state and Federal. I learned of fraudulent
documents she filed in obtaining her visa. She never mentioned having money
left. Sometime during March I asked if she had money, she stated, NONE!
Anyone encountering her, be careful. She is smart and can be charming when
she wants something. She has a lady friend in Kharkov who is an attorney.
Together, they are cold, calculating, deliberate and careful. She is especially
careful with email. Anyone considering a Russian wife, purchase the Anti-Scam
Guide available on this web site. Read it carefully and believe what Elena tells
you. I read it long ago but did not follow the advice! If you are seriously looking for
a Russian lady, read ALL articles written by Elena on this web site. I have found
the are 95%+ correct. Anyone wishing additional information, contact me at:
Hi Ed! It is not "Russian game" and I am not cruel at all.I was very serious about
you and our relationship and I was going to meet you in Kiev and even get
married with you if you would wish. But you made me very offended, because I
hadn't had any money even for food and for writing you and you couldn't help me!
Sorry,I don't want a greedy man to be my husband.If you have 800 for calls,you
could find 50 to help me! When I understood that you didn't want to help me,I
was very upset and I asked my girl-friend from Texas to help me and pay for
Kiss-com,which I haven't used before 3 july!I am very upset now...Please don't
write me more.I don't believe you too. Irina
Ed,how are you today? I am sorry that we misunderstood each other,I didn't know
about so much your bad experiences. I thought that you didn't love me and
I didn't want to care about me. But I can feel your love!!! I can't stop thinking
about you.
Hi Ed! I was waiting for your call yerstaday about 10p.m.,you can see you
completely spoiled me with your calls. I don't believe that you didn't understand
me. We don't have a bank's accounts here and sometimes if the salary is
delayed, it is very difficult to make both ends meet.It is unpleasant thing to be
hungry and to be not able even to write a letter to you.OK, let's finish discussing
that unpleasant subject.After all you mustn,t help me (even if you love me).
Please let me know if you want to see me in Kiev or in Kharkov.
*NOTE: Remainder of message
removed* I will be waiting for your call at 10 p.m. my
time.I am very sorry that you still don't understand me. Irina
Dear EDxxxxxxxx Thank you for using the Western Union Money Transfer(R)
service. Your money transfer has been authorized, and is now available for pick
up by the receiver. Following is a summary of your transaction. TRANSACTION
DETAILS: Your Money Transfer Control Number [MTCN] is: 9053771727
Please use this number for any inquiries. Date of Order: 07/09/2002
Amount Sent: $ 100.00 Money Transfer Charge: $ 19.00
Additional Service(s) Charges: $ 0.00 Total Amount: $ 119.00
Exchange rate* 1 USD = 1.000 USD Local currency pay out = 100.00 USD
*Currency Exchange. All payments will be made in the currency of the destination
country (except in a limited number of instances where payment is made in
U.S. dollars or other currency through a Western Union agent in the destination
country). In addition to the transfer fees applicable to this transaction,
a currency exchange rate will be applied. United States currency is converted
to foreign currency at an exchange rate set by Western Union. Any difference
between the rate given to customers and the rate received by Western Union
will be kept by Western Union (and, in some cases, its international agents) in
addition to the transfer fees. For information concerning the current currency
exchange rates provided by Western Union to its customers call toll-free
to 1-800-325-6000(English) or 1-800-325-4045(Spanish). The total
amount will appear on your credit card or debit card statement.
No Additional Services selected Sender: EDxxxxxxxx
Hi dear Ed! I am very surprized,please call me right now or a little later, I am
waiting for your call tonight. Irina
Ed, I am very grateful to you,thank you again.I am going to write you
tomorrow.Please don't smoke so much,please... Irina
Dear EDxxxxxxxx Thank you for using the Western Union Money Transfer(R)
service. Your money transfer has been picked up by the receiver. Following is a
summary of your transaction. TRANSACTION DETAILS: MTCN: 9053771727
Date of Order: 07/09/2002 Amount Sent: $ 100.00
Receiver Name: IRINA TAMILINA Status: Picked Up
Exchange rate* 1 USD = 1.000 USD Local currency pay out = 100.00 USD
*Currency Exchange. All payments will be made in the currency of the destination
country (except in a limited number of instances where payment is made in
U.S. dollars or other currency through a Western Union agent in the destination
country). In addition to the transfer fees applicable to this transaction,
a currency exchange rate will be applied. United States currency is converted
to foreign currency at an exchange rate set by Western Union. Any difference
between the rate given to customers and the rate received by Western Union
will be kept by Western Union (and, in some cases, its international agents) in
addition to the transfer fees. For information concerning the current currency
exchange rates provided by Western Union to its customers call toll-free
to 1-800-325-6000(English) or 1-800-325-4045(Spanish).
Hi dear Ed! Thank you again,I got your money today,I am going to save it partly
to prepare myself for our meeting.And I ve' bought some apricots already,it is my
favorite fruit. It is extremely hot here,I would like to be in Alaska or in Subiria
now.The forecast is bad,they say that the heat about 30- 45 degrees C will be
till August 15.Are you going to call me tonight? I would like to hear your
voice.I will be waiting since 9.30 for your call. Irina
Hi dear "old rock"! How are you today?You sounded very sad last night, I don't
want you to be so sad.I can tellyou some jokes every day if you wish.
I feel very close to you and I like you.We have related souls and we match each
other. Do you know that you are my best friend now? And I believe you will
become much more for me after our meeting.Though I realize you may not like me
when you see me,I know that is possible, even though you think,that it is only
a small %. I think we both have a right to continue our correspondence with
someone else untill our meeting,untill we would make our decision about our
future. I am very determined to see you and I will wait patiently for your
coming. I understand that you are angry with me now,but I am sure everything
will change soon.Sometimes it is so difficult to put into words all feelings...
Hi Ed, I am feeling better,wasn,t on Kiss on Sunday,stayed all day in bed,came
home from work just now,tired and hungry,how are you? Tell me how do you live
there.It is raining all day here,dark and nasty,I would like to move to a sunny
warm country right now. Irina
Hi Ed, You make me smiling and more happy with your letters,I am going to work
soon,have a nice day there,will write you later. Irina
Hi Ed, First of all I want to tell you about the Scammer list.A french man invited
me to visit France,send me 100 euro for visa and tickets to Kiev embassy
for the interview,I bought the tickets,he seemed to be a rather normal
man,then he began to tell me some vulgar jokes and hints,I said we didn,t
match and stopped communication,he went crazy and put me there.I found out
about that after some time and wrote to that site and they took me away
from that list.I wonder if there is any list for men-idiots.I don,t want any
money from anyone and I still feel bad I took your money,I can send it
back,please write me your address. I don,t think I will become rich if I get the US and I don,t want to be
rich,I want just a normal life,it is so difficult to explaine you about the
life here,you may not understand how people manage to survive for the
salary of 50 dollars per month or pension 20 dollars a month.And the most
important I can,t find a man for me here. Do you understand why I can,t see
my future here?.I realize how difficult it may be for me for the first time
to adapt in the Us,but I know there is much more chances for me there.Thats
why I will wait for the Green card and I don,t want to search anyone,this is
so humiliating to expect a help from anyone and the men are getting so
suspicious,I hate that,I have to prove all the time I am just a normal woman
who wants to get married(not just take his money ),hope you understand.
I can install Messenger,but it is too expensive for me,I have spent a lot of
money on the internet for last 4 months,I don,t want to spend anymore and I
don,t want to take your money again.(thank you very much indeed) If I get
any extra money at work I have to buy a coat for winter.I want to be your
special friend very much and will write you as much as possible.I think we
could be special friends and maybe even more if we meet,I even think I could
take some vacation any time if you wish to come.It would be so nice to see
you tomorrow!I could meet you in Kiev or Kharkov.Ed,I am so tired of this
writing and this virtual life, I do want to live a real life already. My new
job will not give me any satisfaction ,I am sure,because it will
change nothing in my life and I will still feel lonely.I have been living
all my life in Kharkov,it is a grey industrial city with many noisy students
and windy cold weather most of time,I do dream to change the surroundings
and daily routin,I suffer from this bad car,s and buses,s smell,this
darkness and cold. And they have taken off a hot water in my district
again!because most of people don,t have any money to pay. I will deal with
the administration of the Southern railway wich is in Kharkov,our firm has a
lot of contracts in Kharkov now,my general boss from Odessa is happy about
that,we are finishing the reconstruction of the railway station and
starting the reconstruction of the big hotel near the station.And we have
some objects in Sumy and Kremenchug. Hope you understand me better now,I have a little depression this
month,sorry,will fight with it,smile. Irina
Hi Ed, I could take 5 work days + weekeend in December,9th-13th-16th is
Ok,there is a new fast train Kharkov-Kiev,it takes about 5,5 hours to get Kiev,it
gets Kiev at 1pm and another one time,I will find out . I think my computer at
home or at work will be able to open and print any documents. I wanted to send
that French man his money,asked that site about his address,they didn,t send
me. Ed,I have plenty of food and I have money to buy the tickets to Kiev. I have
to go to work now,it is raining very hard outside.brrrrrrr. Irina
Dear Edxxxxxxxxxxx, This email is to confirm that you have successfully changed
your profile. If you did not make this change, please contact
Western Union Customer Service immediately by email at or call us at 1-877-989-3268.
You can access your profile at Thank you for using
Hi Ed, I would like to keep you as my special friend too.Istopped my searching
,will wait for the green card now,it seems to be so long,but maybe one day I will
be able to see you. Here are a few my pics taken this August,probably it would
be interesting for you to see them. Irina
Hi Ed, How are you today? You have made me laughing,thank you.Could I fill in
all these forms at the weekend? I have some forms filled in for the Green card,I
could take them with me when we are meeting.I understand this trip will be
difficult and expensive for you ,I am sure you can make a right decision. I
am hungry as usual:-),dreaming about my dinner now. I am going to check my
mail tomorrow morning in hope to get some emails from you and to write you a
little.Have a good day there and please sleep at night:-) Irina
PS Please write me on hotmail,there is not any connection with rambler
Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Our records indicate that the transfer is
available for pick up by the receiver. When using our On-Line Order Status to
verify the status of a transfer, you cannot attempt a trace using a combination of
the sender and receiver inquiry. If you do not have the MTCN, then you must only
use the receiver inquiry status. To use this service, you must enter in the transfer
information exactly how it appears on the transfer. Therefore, the information
needs to be entered as: Receiver's first name: Irina Receiver's last name:
Tamilina Sender's first name: Ed xxxxxxxxx Sender's last name: xxxxxxxxxxx
-mails are handled in the order they are received and may take up to 24 hours.
We apologize for any incovenience. Thank you for contacting Western Union.
Tiffany opr 393
Hi Ed, I understand nothing about the money,please explaine me how I should
receive them,if you sent me them through the Western Union I should know the
number. I have to go to work earlier today,waiting for the weekend already
and dreaming to be lazy and fat:-) Irina
Hi Ed, I understand about the number now,my brain is so busy with my new job
these days,sorry,I will try to receive the money tomorrow.Ed,I promise to write
you much more at the weekend,can you believe I go to bed at 9-10pm these
days,hate this cold and darkness,feel tired after work.I will answer all
your questions,especially when we meet:-)Don,t worry I will not forget you,I
am glad you sleep better,I sleep much better too.I am waiting for every your
Hi Ed! I just came home,got your money,thank you very much,took a check
about that money (in case you will like me in real life ,not just through
the internet and we will get married,smile).Your letter made me smiling and
happy,I think it was wonderful.You should know I think of you a lot(even at
work:-))The weather is warm today,but rainy and the streets are mudy,do you
know we have mudy streets here,especially this time of year? I hope we will
get a snow when you come. I am working tomorrow again,I am getting mad with my work,hate
working on Saturday,I am trying to think of more pleasant things now(for
example of our meeting and your kisses),could I invite you to the theatre in
Kiev? I will try to write you more tomorrow and maybe to hear your voice on
Sunday,stay safe, Irina
Hi Ed, It is a beautiful day here again,very sunny and warm,I slept all night with
the open window,how are you today? Did you call me yesterday about 9pm my
time? Somebody was calling but I could hear nothing,I guess it may be you. I
will scan and send you the forms this week and I will find out about my
tickets to Kiev,please don,t worry,I WILL get Kiev on December 13.I hope to
hear your voice tonight 8-9pm my time,is it OK for you? I have to go
now,kiss and hug you,Irina
Hi Ed, Thank you for your information,it is very interesting,I will keep that in my
mind and we will talk much more in Kiev.How are you doing today?I was happy
to hear your voice yesterday,though you couldn,t hear me well.I told you I
would prefer to stay at home,to be a house wife ,not go to work at all,I
want to take care of my future husband, enjoy the life together and spend
the rest of my life together with my future husband.Darling,I am looking
forward to our meeting in Kiev,please stay safe for me and write me,your
Hi Ed, I am VERY HAPPY!!! I would like to meet you tomorrow too!I am glad you
stoped worrying about your visa and you will come soon,I am getting
impatient to see,hug and kiss you,I am sure we will have a wonderful time in
Kiev together.Thank you for the money,I will receive it today and send you
the forms today. I will ask my boss on Monday and buy my tickets soon,I
don,t want you to worry anymore,please be calm and sure I WILL meet you in
KIev .Tell me how do you feel now,I am very excited already,slept not well
last night,was checking my mail at about 11.30pm,there was nothing from
you,I am very glad to receive the good news in the morning.Good night to
you,please sleep well and have a nice dreams,your Irina
Hi Ed, My girlfriend from Taxes just called me,she got the letter from Kentucky
with the invitation to the interview Green card for me(on JANUARY).Can you
call me right now? I can,t sleep,feel too excited and miss you,Irina
Hi honey! I am somuch excited,even was getting hungry and having breakfast
early. I forgot to ask you how are you doing today?You didn,t call me last
evening.Tell me how do you feel and what do you think about everything.
You will see all my documents and papers for Green card in Kiev and we will
talk about everything much more.I have very nice feelings to you and I need
you as my friend and I hope as my husband. Your Irina I am waiting for your reply.
Hi Ed! I enjoyed your kiss very much!I am still in good mood after your short call
in the morning,you are so funny sometimes,I like this very much.And I will
love you to be sexy!smile I just got home ,very tired,I went to the agency which helped
me to fill in the forms for my Green card in May,they told me what papers I must
prepare now,before the interview,I need some more papers,for example the paper
I changed my name when I got married and the paper about I am an owner of my
appartment.I have to get them soon,before our meeting.This week and the next
one will be very busy ,please understand if I am not able to write you the
long emails. They help people to make all documents right,many people use
their help ,I paid them in May and they will help me now,hope you
understand,it is so difficult to make everything myself,I am glad they can
give me some advice and information.Don,t worry about 8.000,you don,t need
to have it,I will tell you in Kiev. Honey,I am hungry,will have my dinner
now,bye ,I kiss you,Irina
Hi Ed, You can,t imagine how much you made me smiling and laughing with
some of the last your letters,I like them very much,I think I am too serious,I
should change my mind and try to forget all my problems soon,hope you will help
me,I want to be happy with you and make you happy.My train is 163,carriage
3,seat 2,arrives in Kiev at 22.17 on Dec 12,platform 1.Please don,t worry
about anything,I will like you from the first sight in Kiev and you will be
MY man forever,because you can make me laughing so much.I am waiting for
your call in 30 min,kiss and hug for you,your Irina
DATE: 26 DEC 02 CUSTOMER NBR: 1000100444 JEKFQP PAGE: 01
TO: ED xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ROAD xxxxx AZ 8xxxxx FOR: TAMILINA/IRYNA V
Hi Ed, I am worried why you didn,t call metonight,please let me know why,hope
everything is OK with you,I am waiting for your call,YOUR Irina
CLIENT: Mr. Edxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx ADDITIONAL NAME: Iryna Tamilina HOTEL: Metropol, 99a Marszalkowska
Street, Warsaw; phone: (+0048) 22 xxxx ROOM TYPE: Single Occupancy adults:
1, beds: 1 (breakfast included, all taxes included, private bathroom included)
Smoking? YES ARRIVAL DATE: Jan 15, 2003 NUMBER OF NIGHTS: 3 Service Provided By:
Polish Travel Quo Vadis 2 Ptasia street Warsaw Poland Primary Phone: (+0048) xxx
Phone: (+0048) 22 xxx phone: (+0048) 22 6xxx Fax: (+0048) 22xxx Emergency Contact: (+0048) xxx
* Client's Credit Card will be charged by * Change/Cancellation Fees Apply to this Reservation
Dear Mr. xxxx This is a courtesy email to inform you that has charged
your credit card (MasterCard, last 4 digits: xxxx, exp: Expiration: x/xxx0)
in the amount of 161 USD for the following service: (PL-
Service: Metropol (HOTEL) City/Town: Warsaw Service Date: 15 Jan 2003
Number of Nights: 3 Change/Cancellation Fee: 0 Total Charge: 161 USD
** Your credit card was charged by HOTELSCENTRAL.COM ** If you have any questions about this
charge, please contact our accounting department: email: accounting@xxxx
Toll Free: 1-866-xxxx Intl Calls: 1-703-xxxx Fax: 1-703-xxxx Thank you for being our
Hi Ed, I am in Kiev now,everything is fine,I printed your letter about the hotel
here,waiting for the train to Warsaw,kiss for you,see you soon,Irina

Larisa Rayder (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
I would like to report another scammer, namely Larisa Rayder (she sometimes
spells it 'Raider') of Tashkent, Uzbekistan. I had been writing with this lady for 2-3
months prior to my travelling to Uzbekistan a month ago to meet with her. Prior to
my arrival in Tashkent I had forwarded to Larisa $35 for my visa arrangement and
$300 for apartment rental. I did notice however that on the evening of my arrival
that in her purse she had a substantial amount of US dollars, this lady had
previously claimed to earn the equivalent of only $20 a month. Before my
departure from Tashkent a week later, Larisa asked me for $100, supposedly for
English lessons, this I gave to her however upon my return home she was asking
for more money, these English lessons were apparently more expensive than she
first believed. Also, and around the same time, Larisa was declaring her love for
me, I had previously told her my next opportunity to be with her would be in
August, now and in these letters Larisa wanted us to be married, however there
was a catch:
Hello my loved Martin!!!!!!!!! I hope, that you feel you good today.
My lovely, I have found out, what documents are necessary for us for a
marriage: 1. the Information, that you are single. 2. Translation of the passport.
3. the Copy of your passport with the visa and a registration.
4. the Certificate of 50 dollars. 5. the Return ticket.
That we were married officially for this purpose money will be necessary.
1. Registration and translation for the conclusion of a marriage
of 100 dollars. 2. the conclusion of a marriage, about 500-600 dollars.
My lovely, I very much miss, and it is a pity to me, that we not beside
now!!! Money to me you send so I arrange. I very much love you, and my heart belongs only to you!!!
I send you one thousand my kisses and embraces!!! With love Yours Larisa
My last visit to her involved a total amount of $435 but inflation has kicked in,
$750 for a marriage, later followed by another $335 for visa and apartment and of
course the English lessons still need to be paid for. Were Larisa serious about
our marriage then perhaps, but she is not, on the very day she wrote the letter
(above) she also wrote the letter below to another man and it subsequently came
to my attention that she is involved in letter writing with numerous men.
My dear Axel!!! I had Smile when I read your letter.
For me the external beauty of nothing means, the main thing, that is
inside the person in his heart and soul!!! I very much regret, but my English very bad. Now I only began to study
it. I translate my letters with the help of the program of the translator. I have upset
you? Axel, I do not defend in court, I work in the big state organization
which watches, that all laws were executed, in time in all organizations
and establishments! It is very responsible work. I everywhere different, on work, I
business, with friends I cheerful. My friends very different on a nationality, a trade
and belief. Sometimes we gather and like to joke together! On holidays my
friends I do(make) to me beautiful and good gifts!! My dear, I very much would
like to hear your voice. I think, your voice also fine, as well as you! What you
think of it? Send greetings and a kiss for me your son!!! I very much love children
and I hope, that the God will present me happiness of family and
mother!!! My dear, I with impatience shall wait your letter. I send you my gentle
kisses!!! Sincerely Larisa
This lady should be regarded with caution, not only does she ask for money but she practices 'unprotected' sex.
Efimova (Kazan, Russia)
I am the single father, white American, 34 years of age, have worked the same
job for the last 15 years and came very close to being scammed. This Russian
woman found me on the interenet about 1.5 months ago and quickly fell in love.
She requested much money to come and meet me in America. Although this
story and the pre-written letters are not new, the photos are new and have
never been published on your site!
Letter 1:
Hello Jess!!!!!!!!!!! I am very glad that you answered to me.
In this letter I will tell to you slightly about myself. I was born and I live now in Kazan city in the Russian
Federation. Kazan is very beautiful and old city. You sometime heard about it
city? You sometime were in Russia? Kazan approximately 850 kilometers from
Moscow.In our city it is a lot of sights and beautiful places. Near my house there
is a park. I with my girlfriends like to walk there. In park it is a lot of trees and
fountains. Where you like to carry spend a free time? I shall tell to you slightly
about the work. I work as the teacher in the music school. I teach children of age
8-12 years. I very much love the work because I love children. Unfortunately I
don't have children. I never be marriage but I really want it. I very much want to
have family and children's. I play on musical tools: the piano and a guitar.
Do you may play on the musical tools? I like to listen to different music. I like to listen
Madonna and more Russians singers i like classic music too. What music do
you like listen? Do you heard about Russians singers Zemfira? She is the
Russian singer. I like she song. She plays the rock. I like sports. I like to play
tennis. Do you play tennis? What sports do you like? It is very interesting to me,
i want know about you more more and more. Please answer to my questions!!!
It is very impotent to me. I think that we will be a good friends. I send to you my
photo. Do you like my photo? I waiting with impatience your letter.
Lidiya (if you want may call me Lida) P.S Excuse me for my English. I don't very well speak in
English and I use the dictionary. Unfortunately I don't have computer in my home
and I write to you from Internet - cafe. Bye-bye
Letter 2
Hello Jess!!!!!! I am very glad, that you write to me.
We have today very cold weather. Now is spring and all time it is raining.
To me of 27 years after May, 1 to me it will be executed 28 years. I search serious attitudes and I would like
To leave from Russia as my girlfriend. Thank for your image you very much like me.
All city very dirty, snow thaws and many pools. I love spring but I do not love its
beginning. I love the end of spring when the warm sun all nature shines becomes
beautiful and the grass and trees turns green. I wait for this time with impatience.
What weather you have now? Do you like spring? In this letter I want to tell to you
little about my family. I was born May, 1. I am 27 years now. In my family I have
only my mum. She lives in Kazan near to my home. She works as the seller in
book shop. I very much love my mum, because she one at me. My daddy was
die, when I be 8 years old. He was broke by the car in auto accident. I very much
love he but Now him is not present with us. My mum lives single. She loves him
too. I also have the aunt and grandmother. I want write to you why I have decided
to get acquainted with you. Two years back I met the guy, but he many drink the
alcohol and frequently beat me. Once he has strongly beaten me and I laid in
hospital. I have left him and more did not see him. I long could not recover from
this shock. You know, at us in Russia guys many drink alcohol. Now I don't have
meet Russian guy and have marriage with he. I know it will be a bed family.
I two years did not meet good guys. At us in Russia it is very difficultly to
find the good person and find a real love. And consequently I have decided to find the
second half in other country. To me has advised my girlfriend Masha will find my love
with Internet. My girlfriend Masha tell me about the, she find her love in this web page. She tell that it is real good
web page. She find her husband in it web page. It is my first experience to become acquainted in the
internet. Excuse me if I do it don't incorrectly. I don't know what I must doing.
Sorry... In the first step I find Internet Cafe in my city because I don't have
compute at my home and in the my work. I registration my profile and than, I try
search the real future love. I find your profile and you like to me very much.
Than I write to you little letter. I thought that you will not answer to me.
But you answer to my letter and I was very happy. Now I try learn about you more.
My girlfriend Masha has met the husband with the Internet and now they live together and are
very happy. A floor year ago they had wedding. Unfortunately I should go to my
mum. We will prepare the pancakes. You love pancakes? What your favourite
foodstuffs? I like to prepare for pancakes, soup, pizza and other dishes.
If one day I want to prepare pancakes to you. Also I like to prepare any new dishes.
I will wait you answer. YOUR FRIEND FROM RUSSIA LIDIYA P.S. I send to you
some more my photos i do it in my home.
Letter 3
My dearest Jess!!!!!! I'm fine thank you, and very glad to get your letter!
And how are you? Your letter is very special for me, reading it I start feeling that you are
looking for the same as me. My girlfriend Masha will arrive not on long
She then at once will leave to the friend. She with him is very happy.
You feel a little bit lonely, and that's makes sad. I know it, because I feel the same. I have dream,
I want to know what does it mean to love and to be loved. I think that it's the
greatest feeling in the world. It's the only thing which can make a person happy.
And I need it. I think that when you are alone, when you don't have your
sweetheart, your life is not so bright and seems to be a little bit empty.
Even to enjoy the things you like is much more pleasant when you do it with your loving
person, I know that you will agree with me. what can I tell you about myself, I'm
an active person, I think that we live just once and we should try to get
everything that the life has to give us. I think that it's better to do something then just to sit,
waiting that somebody will bring it to you. I like romance and I want it to be an
unseparated part of my married life. I'll try to make my future husband the
happiest man in the world. In me he'll always find a necessary support and
understanding love and care. I understand that life is not only a holiday but I want
to share everything with my dearest man. Your good friend
The Last Letter (many short letters in between)
Hello my dear Jess!!!! Thank you for your letter.
Your letter has brought the big pleasure in my heart. I think that if you can help me money.
I could do the visa during 10-15 days. For that that you could help me I should have the bank
account. I have no bank account. Today I feel very well. Now I precisely know that
soon we will have a meeting in real life, and somebody and something can't
prevent us to do this. Today we have fine weather. The sun shines, weather is
very warm, my soul is pleased about approach our meeting. Today I did not work
and I went to the bank (it name is: PROMISHLENNIY bank) learn about transfer
money to Russia, but in the bank which is near to my home (PROMISHLENNIY
bank) to me have told that I should have the currency account in dollars.
I wanted open it but to me have told that I can not open account in
USD. Accounts in USD in Russia can open only the enterprises and other official organizations.
Simple people can't have the bank account in dollars he may have bank account only in
Roubles. I have gone to other bank near to it (IMPERIAL bank) but there have told
to me too that I can not open the bank account in USD. Having the big grief I have
come back at my home. Then after dinner I went to center of our city.
I have decided to visit the most important and largest bank in our city it is:
bank KAZANSKIY. When I come in the bank I see the advertisement of Western
Union. I visit the branch of the Western Union in it bank and have learned
how you may transfer money to me. They have told that Western Union the most
reliable and fast way transfer money from other country to Russia. I can receive
money in some minutes after your transfer. It is very safe because only I may
receive this money. They have told that you need it information to transfer
money. my full complete name is: Lidiya my full complete surname is: Efimova
my full complete address is: zip code: 420004 country: Russia city: Kazan
street: Gorkovskoe shosse 43/1, abonementniy jashik-42 To receive your
transfer I need your full complete information. Money Transfer Control Number - it
is 10 numerals (MTCN number); Your full complete name; Your full complete:
surname; Your full complete home address; Your phone number; How much money you send to me.
Without it information I don't may to receive this money. I tell thank you to the god that he has helped to me find the
good and kind person as you. I speak many thanks to you for your help.
I dream about our meeting and I know that our meeting in fastest time to be carried out.
I wait for your letter with impatience. Your forever
Sabiryanova (Verhnyaya Tura , Russia)
I am a 33 yr old swm. I live in Dover De. USA. I was first contacted by Lyuciya
Sabiryanova on March 12 through She used the profile name
Skadkaya2 on f/ She also told me a photo of her was at the profile named
Zaichonok1 alos on f/ The final email I received is dated 5/5/03. I sent her
money 2 times. Once for visa, and second for plane ticket. Both times I sent
money western union to Lyuciya Sabiryanova. It totals 1146 USD. I became
suspicious of her after she got the plane ticket money and then sent me another
letter saying she needed 200USD for insurance and 500USD for proof money to
show customs house she can pay for things after she arrives. I no longer have her
letters to me online but I did print them out. I will be able to send them in a
second email if you wish. I just need to have them scanned so i can get them
back onto my computer. I do happen to have the first email from f/ here it
Hello!!!I have seen your add and I think that you are a very interesting
person. I decided to use the chance to get to know you. Hope I will be lucky:-)I don't think
that the age and appearance is so important though I am rather pretty.
The most important what is inside you and how do you feel about the life. I
know this life from many sides and I am rather mature already to know how to
make a man happy. I don't know if you answer me or not. But why not to try? I will regret if not
to try. I think we should use every chance to find our happiness. Life is too short
to use it only for thinking and dreaming. I try to act but not only to dream.
So here I am:-) I will not write you much about myself now. I will just give you an idea
of who I am. I work to earn for my living. I have a higher education and I am
rather intelligent. The only one I miss is a beloved person and I want to have a
family . I have really many interests:music, reading, books, computers, movies,
good conversations, sports and many other things which make the life wonderful.
I like beautiful clothes and things. I can't say that I have many friends. I know
many people but I am very picky about the friends. Friend is a person who will be
with me all my life. And I am lucky to have some really good friends. But I am
very sociable that is why there are many people I have good relations with.
I live with my parents and we are very friendly though don't understand each other
always. I am rather independent. And work to be able to pay for the things I want
to have in my life. In some words I can tell you, that I enjoy the life as it is and I
love the life with all it's aspects. I am very kind ( I am not boasting:-) ) which hurts
me often. But I am strong enough to overcome the hardships on my way.
Well, now it is up to you to decide to write me or not. Please write to me directly at I still hope for your reply. Have a good day!!!!!!! Lyuciya
p.s. Also you can see my foto here at the profile that is named Zaichonok1
If you wish for me to send more letters just email me back and ask for them. I am including
some photos she sent me.

Lyuciya Sabiryanova
(Chelyabinsk, Russia), Natalya Butakova (Omsk_Russia) and Nadegda Savelyeva
(Tyumen, Russia).
Hello, I am 30, single and living in the greater Detroit area of Michigan. I was
contacted by this lady via MatchClick. Our emails lasted about 20 emails. It was
her last email to me that she asked me for money.Her first letter is almost
identical to that of one she sent to another man. I will include the first letter and
the letter in which she asked for money. it is sad that there are ladies that do
this, thank you for your website, the information saved me money among
others. The email she used is (was) Edward
Hello!!!!!!! I have seen your add and I think that you are a very interesting person.
So I decided to use the chance to get to know you. Hope I will be lucky
I don't think that the age and appearance is so important though I am rather pretty. The
most important what is inside you and how do you feel about the life. I know this
life from many sides and I am rather mature already to know how to make a man
happy. I don't know if you answer me or not. But why not to try? I will regret if not
to try. I think we should use every chance to find our happiness. Life is too short
to use it only for thinking and dreaming. I try to act but not only to dream. So
here I am:-) I will not write you much about myself now. I will just give you an idea
of who I am. I work to earn for my living. I have a higher education and I am rather
intelligent. The only one I miss is a beloved person and I want to have a family . I
have really many interests:music, reading, books, computers, movies, good
conversations, sports and many other things which make the life wonderful. I like
beautiful clothes and things. I can't say that I have many friends. I know many
people but I am very picky about the friends. Friend is a person who will be with
me all my life. And I am lucky to have some really good friends. But I am very
sociable that is why there are many people I have good relations with.
I live with my parents and we are very friendly though don't understand each other always. I
am rather independent. And work to be able to pay for the things I want to have in
my life. In some words I can tell you, that I enjoy the life as it is and I love the life
with all it's aspects. I am very kind ( I am not boasting:-) ) which hurts me often.
But I am strong enough to overcome the hardships on my way. Well, now it is up
to you to decide to write me or not. Please write to Me directly at krasivaya (AT)
fromru .com I still hope for your reply. Have a good day!!!!!!!
And here is the letter asking for money.
Hello, sunshine Edward!!! In the first lines of my message I want to tell you that I
miss you so much. You are the most important and best part in my life. And I
just adore you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shall stay at you how many you of it will want!!! And if
you will love me and want that I have remained, I shall make it. I SHALL be WITH
YOU HOW MANY YOU of IT WILL WANT!!! Well, I've got to know what I need to
come to you. I need to do all the paper work to get a visa and then to buy tickets
to come to you. As for visa, there is a Fiancee visa but it is not the best variant
for us as we haven't met yet and we don't have the documents and pictures to
improve our meeting. They will not allow me to go there as a guest but it is
possible to get a Labour or visa for Work there. I can get this kind of visa very
easy and quickly now. But the only problem now is that I don't have money for it (
I need $186 for visa ). It is very expensive for me and I can't find this money now.
So I ask you to send it to me by Western Union as it is the most safe way to
send money. For this purpose you will need my precise address: 6-14 Respubliki
Str., 625035, Tyumen, Russia. to Nadegda Savelyeva. And in a week I will have
this visa if I pay for it in some days. So everything depends on you now. I miss
you so much and I want to see you as soon as it is possible. Just thinkin some
weeks I will be able to hug you, to kiss you, to feel you near Love you and think
about you all the time. I love you!!!! Your loving Nadya. P.S. Trust me and in
some days I shall be with you.

Antonova NOW Nadezhda (Nadya)
If not for the information contained in your site I would have been scammed also. I would like to bring to your attention that Svetlana Antonova, Russia, Ekaterinburg sovetskaya 38 Apartment 26 is now operating under the name Nadezhda (Nadya) Email address I hope this information is of some value to you.
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