Valentino Mironenko, Fortuneteller (Lugansk, Ukraine)
OK, here was a quick scam in progress from a girl posing as username
Valusha28 on the site. I just tried to look her up again and her
profile was apparently removed already. I began contact a week ago,
e-mailed her a letter. In her first letter she "warned" me that she was using this
dating agency called "Fortuneteller" for interpretation and so forth because
she doesn't know English. That was fine, so I replied and answered her
questions. The very next letter I get from her address is from the "dating
service" telling me they need money after 2-3 letters. Well, she had only
sent me one, so I immediately got suspicious. The girl also appears as
Valentino Mironenko on this site, so she's a known
Fortunately, I got to see her picture before I started agreeing to pay for
the translation service, which at $65 didn't seem like too bad a
rip-off, but now I KNOW it's a complete rip-off so - no way!
Letter 1
Hi, dear ,
How are you there? I hope this letter finds you doing well. First of all I should say that my English is not so good as you read in my
letter, because I use the interpretation service of the agency "Fortuneteller" , I want you to know about it, I am very interested in our
further relations and so it will be a great pity for me if we lose the
connection. I want you to know more about me, so I will tell you about my
interests. I like open space, as fresh air of mountains and sea. I like very
much to see stars, especially the moon, when is great and brightly, in warm
nights of summer, and to think that everybody desire it can see in the same moon in
every part of the world. But it is so sad to have this romantic moments
without a person close to me,who is agree about this simply but nice feelings.
I am open minded, and able to understand a different culture, because I am
motivated about this. I have a dream to be able to come home from work, give my husband a big kiss
a hug and tell him I missed him during the day. To be able to sit down at the
dinner table together as a family and talk about the events of the day and
our plans for some future outing or something we would like to do. To be able to
call my sweetheart during the day and take him out to lunch and maybe shopping
or have him just show up at the office and take me out if he wanted to. To be
able to bring home a small gift (maybe not so small) to let him know I was thinking of him during the day. For I have always
believes that there is no "me" in family only a whole lot of "us". I dream
of quiet evenings together by the fire in the winter and long walks on warm
moonlit nights in the summer. I have been called a bit old fashioned at times but I
would like to think I am just a hopeless romantic at heart. I would like to believe that in a relationship a man and a woman should be
as equal as possible. They should both give and take, listen and voice their
opinion be able to share their thoughts, feelings and Love for each other
without expecting anything in return. By both husband and wife giving to
each other then neither should feel they are always giving and never receiving
anything in return. I would very much like my future man to be my best
friend and confidant then my lover and last but not least my husband. I put them in
this order because you can be friends without being lovers, husband and wife
without being friends and lovers without being either. But to have your mate be your
best friend first your lover then your husband or wife seems to me to be the
best of all worlds. I would very much like to learn so much more about you, your dreams for
yourself, I am interested in your feelings on family, how you see your roll
in the family? Are you interested in pursuing a career? What are your favorite
colors and what do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Here I go asking far
too many questions, well I hope you know I am just interested in learning about you.
I invite you to ask me anything at all about me, I will try to be as open an honest as
possible, please do not worry about offending me as I have pretty thick skin and I do
not offend easily. ha-ha-ha Now I am a student, I am finishing my last year in the
University, and at the same time I work as an accountant part-time. It is not very
well-paid job, but I hope that in the future I will have a chance to find more paid job.
Close up for now,
Kiss you,
Have a nice day,
Very romantic, isn't it?
Here's letter 2, already begging for money
Letter 2
Dear Sir,
In our agency there is a letter for you from your lady Valentina. Unfortunately,we can't translate and send it to you,because we don't
know about your intention as to further correspondence with Valentina.
We help Valentina with the translation of her correspondence, and we also provide the Internet service for your lady. The translation of
2-3 letters are for free, but further translation is must be paid by you or by your lady. Before we offer Valentina to pay for our further
service, we decided to propose it to you. Could you be so kind, to inform us what should we do in that case. Are you going to pay for
our further service or should we give her letter back to her? Are you interested in this
correspondence? The price for our further service is rather reasonable.
You pay 65$ and this sum covers all your further unlimited correspondence with Valentina, we will also provide you with all necessary
information about your lady: her postal address, her full name , her phone,
where you can contact her, and we will send some of Valentina's recent
pictures. Also we will arrange free English lessons for your lady during 1
If you decide to send the money , you should send them via Western Union on the address: Ukraine, Lugansk, on the name of Lubov
What do you think about it? Please, inform us.
We are looking forward to your reply.
Lubov Guzeva,
Account manager.
Also was skeptical of above where it says
English lessons for 1 month, that's got to cost more than $65,
Ivanova (Yoshkar-Ola, Mari-El, Russia)
I am a 32-year old American, divorced, with no children. I work as an
electrical engineer.
I was contacted by "Elena Ivanova" via FriendFinder
( Her alias there is "elena1978". Her email address is I had not previously had any experience
with Russian women, and was not aware of such scams. I started corresponding with her via e-mail, and naturally, became interested to
learn more about Russia in general, and Russian women in particular. In
the course of my research, I stumbled across several sites pertaining to
introduction agencies, and then of course the related scams. By this time, we had each sent 7 messages to each other, and were developing
what I thought was a good rapport. However, I did notice several "red
flags", as pointed out on this site and elsewhere (she contacted me, things were going a little too well too quickly, etc.). But I was still
able to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Then WHAM! - I read some messages here that were EXACT copies of what I
had received from her. Specifically, there are three letters from her
in which the main part of the body of was exactly identical to the letters posted here from "Victoria" (also from Yoshkar-Ola, Mari-El,
Russia). See Black list page 51 (December 13, 2001 - page 3) for
details of Victoria. All letters there are the same as ones sent to me
by Elena Ivanova, with some small changes to the first and last few sentences to "personalize" them. So there's no point in reposting them
here. Also on this site, I found a letter from Elena Shurygina / Elena
Volodina that has a long passage in the body that is not word-for-word
identical to Elena's, but so similar in concept that they could not have
been written this way by accident. So, I believe Elena Ivanova is somehow "related" to these other known scammers.
As a point of order, Elena did not ever actually ask me for any money.
But that is only because, in letter 8, I busted her outright, and told
here exactly what I had discovered. There was, of course, no further correspondence from her side after that...
I hope no one else gets scammed by this person. Thanks to all involved
in maintaining this site. It may have saved me a serious heartbreak and
a lot of money.
Good luck,

Shurygina/Volodina/Yambaeva/Maltceva/Maltseva (Tyumen,Russia)
My name is Russell, I am 48 yrs young.
I registered with NEO-DATES.COM and to my surprise received letter from ELENA SHURYGIN of Tyumen,Russia. She says that she is 27 with birthday
forthcoming. I come to find out thanks to your WEB SITE, all the pictures I have
of her are listed on this site and that she has many names and e-mail
address, but always uses same bank for WESTERN UNION delivery.
Names used are as follows: first name is always ELENA. She has many last
names; Shurygin, Volodina, Yambaeva, Maltceva, Maltseva.
E-mail address are as follows:,,,
Also has different birthdays;Nov.27,1973 and Jan.14,1973.
The bank used for WESTERN UNION;
Also uses two different address;
31-73 TYUMEN
She fell in love by 3rd letter and asked me for 315US for VISA and US dollars to fly to St.Louis
MO. She is very convincing and plays your emotions. Beware of this
thief. Have forwarded her information to the RUSSIAN TAX POLICE.
Thank you for your web site and GOD BLESS all the good women in Russia that are looking for a man like me.
Inter_Chance (Odessa, Ukraine) aka Amour of Ukraine
Amour of Ukraine has disguised itself!
I have checked out this website several times in the recent past and I was aware of the scam agency known as Amour from your input. However; and I think this is funny, I came across the agency Inter_Chance in Odessa. They are advertising heavily on the dating site Well, I imagine the site looks the same as the Amour used to and of course some of the ladies have exceptionally good pictures. I paid $70 for unlimited one month subscribtion for corresponding with Mila #251. I received painfully obvious pre-written letters from Mila #251 and I made some complaints to the Manager, guessed Natali Romanovski. She of course did not answer me. Then by
accident I noticed when I access the Inter_Chance website at and go to the Correspondence page the website URL identifier lists the current page as Amour of Ukraine. Now
that's funny, well maybe not $70 funny. It just goes to show you that the crooks are updating their scam as we catch on to them. Its not personal, so don't take it as such.
and Interchance (Odessa, Ukraine)
My name is David Siegel. I contacted Mila251 at and she immediately began sending me very affectionate emails. I had suspicions so I asked questions and most of them came back with reasonable answers. Several times the exact same paragraph would come back to me, prompting me to wonder about her translator. Everything went through the Agency and translator as "Mila" had no phone and no access to the Internet. After several weeks of emails, I decided to wire money for her translation services, passport, visa, and airfare. As soon as I sent the money, she sent a very nice email thanking me and saying how excited she was to come see me. In the next email, her mother became suddenly very sick and she had no one to ask for help except me. I was the only person in the world who could save her poor dying mother. She was very upset and needed money urgently. I told her that if she came to see me personally, I would be happy to give her more
money. I heard nothing after that.
They are currently operating at
Their current email addresses are:
Here are the photos of "Mila". I believe every woman on this web site is there to help these scammers trap men into sending money. They aren't there, just the photos and the scammers emailing asking for money on their behalf. Beware -- they will probably come back with another name, but watch for the same girls: #1: Inessa, #2: Natasha, #3: Lena, #4: Anna, #249: Sveta, #251: Milla,
#252: Natasha
The woman who seems to be behind this scam is Nataly Romanovskaya
Danger! -- do not send money to Ms Romanovskaya!!
There is a web site about this scam agency here:
Feel free to contact me if you have more information.
David Siegel
'Luba' Bajenova, (Ninhevartovsk, Russia)
I am a recently divorced 44 year old
father of 3 grown children.
Contact originated through
Person said they were an individual who got tired of all the men
drinking in Russia and went to an internet service to 'find her man in
another country'. It lasted 6 weeks. It followed what I now know is
the classic scammer guidelines...
First emails were clear about wanting to find 'her man', liked my
profile, stated she was a 27 yr old virgin, father had died, single
child, rapidly progressed
to declarations of love & trust with statements of sexual dreams
of us together. (Almost identical to another letter I read from
Ninhevarrtovsk publeshed here by 'Brian' - it must be the same
person). The letters started getting fewer once money was sent.
I sent $260 for application for b2
visa. Sent by western union to:
Country: Russia
City: Nizhnevartovsk
My name: Lyubov Bajenova
the address of my branch western union:
I started looking for more information
about Russian culture and came across this site. Started checking out
the scams and found Brian's story. Same city, same address for Western
union funds, almost identical letters. I am now sending in my story
and emailed a copy of Brians letter to 'Luba' letting he/she know,
"yep, ya scammed me". Plan on following thru on all other
recommendations to help prosecute this individual.
Letter 1
I am glad that you answered to my email. It's interesting to receive
the email from man of another country. I want to tell you about me and
my life. I am cheerful woman, I think that the people don't must be
gloomy. I like camping, fishing (there are many men in my country who
love fishing. I like to see movies Usualy it's romantic movies,
comedies. Now I want to tell you where I live. So, I live in
NNizhnevartovsk , it's not small town in our country. There are many
beautiful places here. Maybe you saw this places on the pictures in
internet. Do you saw? Please tell me about your live place, your town.
I want to know where you live. I have the purpose: I want to find my
soulmate, I'm looking for companion of life with which I want to be.
Of course I don't want to make mistake. My intentions are serious. You
may think: why am I looking for man in other country? I think: Our
country is beautiful of course, but there are some problems. There are
financial problems in our country. It derivates drunkenness among the
men, growth of number of criminal elements. I had two men, they are
liked to drink alcohol. So, I decided to find my man in internet from
other country, I choose the america because I think it's more
successfull country. In future, if I shall have a children I want that
they must live in normal society. I badly know the computer, I ask the
internet center consultant from internet service for help to find the
nominee, he show me 'match' service, I saw the profiles and I decide
to write you. I decide that you quite worthy man. So what you think?
You may ask about my english. You must know, our people learn english
in school during five years. Then it learns in universities or
college. By the way I finished the college of culinary. You know, I
like to cook very much. My favourite dishes are italian and russian. I
know english not bad. I can read and write english, I speak a little.
Sometimes I use the dictionary to translate some words. I am 26 years
old. I live in small flat which I rented. I have a mother. My father
dead five years ago. He was taxi driver and he has got in failure
(auto accident). I am very missed him. I havn't any brothers and
sisters. My mother work in food-processing industries, she is casher
of food store. I am work as bookkeeper in office of public catering. I
make the receipts, checks and other. I think that you understand my
english. Do you understand? I hope yes. I write you from work, we have
two computers here for accounts department I work five days per
week. Sometimes I work in weekend. Please tell me about your life.
What are you doing in weekends and free time? What do you do for a
living? Do you work? I want to know more about you, and you? Sorry, I
havn't pictures of me now, I shall try to scan it and send it to you
in next email. If you will answer me, I shall write to you more about
me and send my picture. So, please send me your pictures. I shall wait
your email.
Luba from Russia.
Take care.
Letter requesting money:
Hi my love Mike!
Today I asked about visit america of my girlfriend. She visit USA last
year and she said that I must buy the visa first. She said that I must
go to representation of United States and ask about receiving
visa. I went to it and asked about visa. They said that I must
wait about six month and I was very confused, I asked about faster way
to receive it, they said that it's difficult
to do because many people want to receive it and I
must wait but they said that if I want to receive it during two
weeks I must pay for it two hundred eighty two american
dollars. I was very confused and surprised. I went
to my mother and asked for help, she said that she have
only six hundred roubles it's her last savings, I have
only three hundred sixty roubles, and I can have only
about thirty american dollars. I want to meet you Mike all my
heart and I believe you want it too. I trust you completely and you
must understand that I have share of risk too, but I feel that I
love you all my heart. You show the large interest to me
and I think we can have the future I think it's more than
real, it really!!! The visa type is b2 or k1 and it works for
ninety days and we must decide how much time we
can be together. So, I need two hundred sixty two american
dollars for visa, it's the step to our meeting, the big step which
helps us to meet faster. I really want to see you soon Mike, I
dream about our meeting, I wrote you about it. I went to
bank and asked about the most reliable way to sending money, they said
that the most fast and reliable way is western
union. I've asked about this system. They say that
the sender must know name and surname of
receiver, the country, the city, and
maybe the address of western union where the
receiver will receive it. I've asked about reliable they said
that it's simply and reliably: when sender send it, sender receive
the secret ten digits code which
he must to inform to receiver. The receiver
must have identification of person, so I have it. I sure
it works. I asked your help about our meeting because I love
you Mike, I think you want to see me too Mike and I'm very happy.
You must go to the western union office and help us. Here
is the data you need:
Country: Russia
City: Nizhnevartovsk
My name: Lyubov Bajenova
the address of my branch western union:
When you will send
money, tell me of MTCN - money transfer control number. It will help
me to receive money. I hope we'll meet in nearest future.
Yesterday I have a sexual dream about you Mike. I saw you and
me, we walk on street then we come to home and speak a lot. Then I
told you that I love you and we have appeared in a
sleeping room, we kiss each other and I heard your
pleasant voice and you say that you love me too. I heard the beat of
your heart, our bodies were together. It was a great
evening. I kissed your neck, your lips your body and you do
it too with me. It was so beautiful, but then I waked up and
understand that it was a great dream, I was warm and breathed often. I
want that it will be real and soon Mike! I LOVE YOU!!! I
love you all my heart and my heart says that I love you Mike! I
know that I have problem with money and I ask you help. I think
that the money is only paper, which was thought up by
people for economic relations. I think that tometimes
the mohe money is not applicable for personal relatives,
sney brings evil to people, at our
country very often people kill other for money, it's awfully!
The money is not important to me much, I want only
happy life with my love. I never had much money in my
life and my mom too, and you can trust me: we did not
worried about it, we live and were pleased to each happy moment of our
life. I think we have the future, so I asked your help,
please write me as soon as you can Mike and don't forget
that you are the most loved man for me now, I love you Mike.
p.s.I shall have
holiday 2 months. It it is a lot of! I think, that I should
visit you at this time! I already dream of it. Your words
warm me, your words make me quiet and happy. It is very pleasant to me
to read your letters! I really
enjoy by it. I shall call to you soon!!!
Mike Stewart,
Natalia Gorbunova
( Perm, Russia)
I am from the southeastern U. S. I am 50 years old and recently divorced. I put an ad in looking to find someone locally. On
Dec. 2, I received the first of 15 letters. This was from This lasted from Dec. to Jan. 13, 2002 I am still
waiting for the reply. Hot off the press. I asked her to explain why her
picture is on the black list. When I started receiving these letters I sent
a photo of myself to a girl who is 25 and didn't care what I looked like or
how old I was. In a weak moment I sent 300.00 USD. It was Christmas. One
time. Then I found this site because it wasn't "right". There, she/him/they, were on page 29 as ,
Marina Svetlova (Ekaterina Ershov), Murmansk, Russia on page 29 she is 27.
Thanks Brian. And he referrs to Mark and an Identical letter they both
received Page 27, Raisa aka Ekaterina
Ershov, Murmansk, Russia here she is 27.
HI!!! I very much to become interseted in your structure. I very much to
want to get aquainted with the person which to begin my satellite on all my life. The
main thing that I want, this that that it(he) to be responsible (crucial),
close (attentive) to it(him). If you to understand me and to want to write to
me you may write on my electronic mail:
In the turn I shall try be that woman which you to want all life, that is
loving(liking), careful, understanding, advanced and responsible(crucial) the
Five letters later love had been
declared. She is coming right away she goes to travel agency. Very expensive. Her letters now have a format
with the message inserted in the middle.
Greetings, my tender Dave
I am glad to read your letter. Today at me to be fine day. At us all the day
to shine the sun and to be cold. But it is so fine, when goes along the
street. Under legs to crackle snow. I to inhale cold air and to feel like
very vigorously. My children to be with me very affable today. They to pleasure me with gift.
They to present me of the small fluffy bear cub. I am very glad.Still I am very glad, that you to present me the letter. I am boundless to
thank you for it. I today to learn(find out) in embassy, the visa will cost
how many. There is such a visa which is valid 90 days. She(it) to cost
approximately 300 dollars. I to think and decide, that I can not collect such
a sum. My familiar have no the big income. And they do not give me such sum
even if they are at them are. I to think earlier, that the visa to not cost
such money. It to anger me. Why people may not meet if they like each other?
Everywhere all to solve money. These peices of paper which nothing to cost in
compairson with the most pleasant feeling on the Earth-love. But neverthe
less I to become beforrs the fact, that these pieces of paper are necessary
for me. And as they may not arise at me, I to address you for the help.
Perfectly if you will not give up to me. Certainly is very inconvenient for
me to ask your money. But if to kook on the other hand this fact my become
check of our! attitudes(relations). We to learn(find out) to trust we each other whether or
not. You may think of me everything. but what i may make? At us in Russia it
is good to live only fat officials and stupid(blunt) gangsters. If you trust
and believe me, you may send me money on the Western Union. The address of
branch in our city:
Bank Dzenjinskiy
Street of kirov 43
Natalia Gorbunova
I to learn(find out) to recieve money to me it is necessary to tell a code.
The code consists of ten marks (figures) These figures should give you in
bank. It is number money transfert. If I to tell these figures only then me
to give money. If you decide to make it I shall be very grateful to you. I to test now vey
much strong feeling of shame. I have not got used to ask money somebody. I to
earn money itself am usual. But it is other case. I can not earn such money
in short terms. I should work and save money 1,5 years. I to not sustain so
much. I to promise you that I to pay back you with their love and caress. I
to think, that money to not become an obstacle in our vital way. Once again
excuse me, butt to me any more whom to ask for the help. To reach to you I should know where to be the closest international airport
from you. I to not want, that we to stop the attitude(relation). I to not
want to see near to myself anybody except for you. At me tears to occure on
eyes because of my powerlessness before this world. You are necessary for me as never. I to want to embrace and kiss you.
I may not write this letter more. It became very hurt me suddenly. I may not collect the thoughts.
Up to a meeting in the following letter. I to want, that you to know, that I to love you.
Up to a meeting, my love!.
Best regards,
The end of the story I think will be that I never hear from them again. I sent an extra e-mail to this address to see if it would be
returned. It was not, so this site is still open.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this site.
Sedulova (Russia)
I have seen stories about this girl with the name "Natiliya Sedulova" from Russia. I knew
I had seen her photo before somewhere else. I found her at Her name is
Marina(contestant #119) from Kiev, Ukraine. As far as I know this is a legitimate
site. It appears that someone has stolen her photos and is using them for their own gain. I don't know anything about this girl except that she appears at the modeling contest site. If she is really looking for a husband through a dating site
I thought that it should be clear that "Natiliya Sedulova" and this girl are not the same person.
Antonova (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
I'm a 34 divorced father of two. I first
received a letter from Ms. Antonova on October 11, 2001, asking me if I wanted to get acquainted with a lonely Russian
woman. I replied to her letter. Within a few days Ms. Antonova, wrote and asked me to wire her through
Westeren Union a fee of $350,so that she could get herself a visa to come visit
me. I wrote back and told her that I thought it was best that we first got to
know each other somewhat better. And over the next several months, we
did. I did some research and I found out that a B-2 visa did cost
$350. I wrote Ms. Antonova on January 6th asking her where I should send the
funds to her. She replied with the required information. And on January
7, 2002, I wired her the funds that she had requested. A few days later she
wrote back asking me to send her yet another $860 for an airline
ticket. I told her that I had found a better deal here in the states and that I could wire
her, her ticket to Moscow. She wrote back and said no, because she had already made a
deal. She gave me a chat room address and told me that she needed to chat with
me. So we did. The next day while in this chat room, I found someone who was scammed by
Ms. Antonova, he gave me the blacklist address and told me to check it our for
myself, which I did. And I can say that Ms. Antonova, may have gotten $350 from
me, but she didn't get the other money she had asked for. To this day I am
thankful to my new friend in this Russian chat room.
To send your own story, please click
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