Olga Muraveva
(Novosibirsk, Russia)
I am a 37yr old male and would like to say that Olya Gushina is at it
again. This time using the name Olga Muraveva.She sent me the almost exact letters
that someone recieved on page50.
Thanks to blacklist I caught her.
I didn't get scammed but watch out.
Bill Mc
Letter 1
I am very glad, that you to answer me. This day will be main in my life. I
to receive from you the letter and should tell about myself all. I to want,
that we it is good to know each other and to understand completely. You
probably already notice what to use the translator when to write to you.
I to do(make) it because I was not so good to know the English language. But
it should not be a problem between us. I to want to study your language and
to learn(teach) you Russian. It will be very interesting and useful for us.
As to know language and culture other country very important. It is the help
to us will speak openly. I to want to tell you, that acquaintance through
the Internet this new to me. I never to do(make) it earlier. I very much to
worry and be afraid. I to not trust, that such it happens, but my girlfriend
to get acquainted and now she(it) is happy. I to decide to try to write to
you. I to worry, but I shall be open and there will be a story about itself.
Now I shal!
l speak about myself. ??. Me call Olga. I live in Russia. It is very big
country which to have is a lot of an opportunity but as I to think, she(it)
to not open yet all potential. In Russia is all for good life resources,
the ground, clever people is a lot of, but now there is a transition period.
People here trust, that all will be fast well, but for the present it is not
known to wait still how many. Though people which want to work and have the
purpose in life, live happily. There were only people which bring up at
kmmunism and it is very difficult to break their stereotype about life when
for you to do(make) all state. They to not know, that such the market,
market attitudes(relations) and business. You do not think, that I so to
divide(share) people and to speak so, but it is the Russian reality. I
to think what there to know about Russia and to know our life. I too to
know about your country much but to want to study more concerning it. You will
learn(teach) me about yo! ur country and the city? It is very interesting to me! I live in city
Novosibirsk. It is the big city in comparison with other cities. It(he) is
in east part Russia. Our city is industrial here again to make much industrial the goods. Now you to
know about where I live. I to think, that it was interesting to you to
learn(find out) it. I was born and have grown here. Here I to go to a kindergarten, in school and in university. To remain
with me very good memoirs on my childhood. I was very vigorous and inquisitive girl. Now
to me of 30 years and I already to work. I to work in library. It is children's library. She(it) small and only for schoolboys. At
us it is a lot of book for school and almost all the book the Russian writer
and the poet. In our library each day to come it is a lot of children. With
them it is very interesting to work. I to explain them what book to them it
is better to take to study only on an excellent(a different) estimation.
They very much to like our library. With me to work 4 more persons. They are
women at which very(verymuch) wide experience and I to study at them. I to work here not so long. In
university I to study as building faculty. I to receive higher education and
should work as the engineer the builder. But at us it is very difficult to
find work and I can not find such. Everywhere to demand the experience it is
not less 5 years and it is very difficult for young experts to find work. I
can be arranged on work in library. I to not regret about it, but I always
to dream to be the builder and to work in the building organization. I to
trust, that my dream will be a reality. I shall aspire to this. My work not
complex(difficult), but she(it) to borrow(occupy) many(a lot of,much) time.
My working day to begin in 9.00am. We do not have dinner and I to come back
home only in 20.00pm. The library is far from our house and I to go up to
work on the bus. I to like to work. You are not strong to get tired when to
read my letter? I am simple to want to tell to you the life. I to hope, that you to
understand, that I to write to you. Now I very much to get tired and I
shall write about myself more in the following letter. I shall wait from
you the letter and the information on you if you to want that I to know
about you was more.
Good to you of day.
I hope your friend
Letter 2
Greetings loved(liked) Bert.
I so am happy, that you at me on mind(wit) all the day. I am happy to read your letter. How at you an affair? How mood?
I to think, that at you all is good. I to want it am very strong. I shall
ask the god that you were healthy and happy. I the christian and frequently
to go to church. It is very important for me. You to visit(attend) church?
What you to ask the god? I always to ask him(it) that at all all was good
also everyone were healthy. I to know, that it(he) to hear me and to be good
only for people. Each person in the world should live well and happily
regardless of the fact that it(he) to make bad. You agree with me? I to want
to know your point of view on this question. Well, I to want to tell you,
that my heart began to beat more often when I to think of you. It is spring?!!!!
Certainly yes!!!, but my heart is beaten so when I to think of you!!!! I to
ask you, that you to send me all photos which at you are. They will help
me to feel you r presence near to me. I to want to feel you, your gentle
sight, yours a smile, your hands. I so to require in heat and care and I to
think, that I to ask not so much. I to search pure(clean) love and romanticism in
attitudes(relations). I to like when all is beautiful, fine, gentle and
romantic!!! Desire to have the family, the loved(liked) person beside,
feeling care and constant support in difficult minute, to what to aspire
each person in life and I too. To me 30 years, and I and to ot
ha e, about what I to speak you. I was close to happiness in the past, but my
trust to break my heart. I should trust the person with which I all life. To
trust his(its) each word, gesture, a sight, a smile. In the world now so it is
a lot of meanness(low act) and deceit, that it is necessary to concern to
people which to surround you very closely(attentively). I to not speak
you, that it is necessary to concern about mistrust to everyone, just necessary
to know the person so that to be com pletely sure in it(him). I to know you not long, but I can tell, that you
very fair and open and it very much to involve me and let's me trust, that I
that I can love and be loved(liked)!!! My mum to learn(teach) me, that I
should be always open. I to tell it(her), that our attitudes(relations) to
develop successfully and she(it) is happy for us. She(it) to dream, that I,
at last, there was not one and to have family. Now I to want to share with
you my small pleasure. Last night to arrive my sister. She(it) to work in
university and to teach biology. At it(her) it is a lot of friends on all
world and she(it) to go n USA to the American colleague. She(it) to leave
there 3 weeks back and to return only yesterday. She(it) very much to not
want to leave, as to it(her) the husband and the daughter was necessary to
leave for a while. By the way the daughter my sister is called Oksana and
it(her) with 5 years. She(it) simply charm and I to love her(it) as the
daughter. But this trip was very important for it(her) and for university and it(she) had to
go. But its(her) husband is very good, careful, true the man and it(he) to
consult(cope) one about the daughter and I to be proud of him(it). As soon
as she(it) to arrive, she(it) to send us the telegram and we with mum to go
on telephone item(point) and to speak with it(her) on the phone. She(it) was
very happy to come back home to the family. She(it) to tell me, that was at
Jenifer which lives in staff(state) Florida. She is very good and kind
woman. She(it) to tell what to reach without any problem and to live all
this time at it(her). But now its(her) stay of a house will be not long,
she(it) about the daughter and the husband will leave on 4 week to have a
rest in medical sanatorium. And all these days they will be together, is far
from work and can devote all this time each other. It is very happy and
loving(liking) family. I to think, that you were not against, that I to
share with you my pleasure. I now very much to want to talk about you! I so to want to share with you
pleasure personally when I to see your eyes and a smile of that I am glad. I
to w t o see your pleasure and to divide(share) her(it) with you. I to
want to know what to do(make) you happy? And I shall try, that everything,
t a I to make was the present happiness for you. Please give me chance to
make it!!! Give me chance again to feel the loved(liked) and loving(liking)
woman. I wait for your beautiful letter and I promise, tha I shall think of
you each minute.
About love Olga.
My post address
City Novosibirsk
Index 630007
Gagarina street 20-12
My full name Olga Muraveva
(Syktyvkar, Russia)
Natalia Arsibekov
I am a divorced father of 3 daughter. American, 42, selfemployed.
I did not loss any money but thought others would like to know this lady is scaming
under another name. I placed an ad on www.LoveAccess.com After couple of days I recived an email . From Tatyana under id of Floweret. She gave me her email address smile02@fromru.com on this first letter claiming she might not be able to recieve email from there. Any way it is the same story as Brians
blackpage83 under Natalia Arsibekov (Syktyvkar, Russia)
I could not find her until I search for her by City she said she lives in. So
remember to search the blacklist with every possible word that is in the letter.
It worked for me. Because of your site and others that are linked to you. I
found her on the blacklist before she could ask for any money.I wrote to her
or who informing her that I was aware of what she was doing.
I thank you for your site.
I was one of the lucky ones.
Jon Nelson
Tatyana Lebedeva (Syktyvkar,Russia)
I went as far as sending the transaction, if it wasn't for the nice Woman that I
talked to @ Western Union, I probably would not have been the wiser. She
cautioned me and asked a few questions, enough though. The next day it got
my curiosity up on what she was really trying to say. So in my attempt
to find more about scams, I found this site. Thank you, very much. I was able to call
and cancel the transaction. I would of never thought that there were actually
people out here like that!
Thanks for the education.
Letter 1
My dear friend XXX, it is so nice that you keep writing me!
I like your photo very much.
I hope that you are also aimed at a long-term relationship. I wish to start a
new life with that one who is gentle, kind and loving with the whole heart.
Your words tell me that you could be him. To say honestly I'm tired from
short-term relationships. And I never let them to be very close to me because
I did not trust them. I could not find here a reliable man. All of them seem to
be devoted their lives for drinking and clarifying relationships between
themselves. But maybe just the chance was not given yet to me to find HIM. Today it was sunny. All day long I internally hoped that you would reply me. It
has happened - so great. All day long I was busy with the usual stuff I do. I'm
a specialist in marketing working for a small company. This company trades in
common food products and has a couple of small shops here. So I make all
market analysis and statistics. Unfortunately their business does not blossom
nowadays and there is a need in a strong and working manager. So basically
I'm not satisfied very much in what I'm doing now. I mean in what I'm paid
now. But I like my place of work. I have my own computer. I know that
computers in the USA are widely spread. But here only a small part of the
population possesses computers. So I'm lucky in a way :-) Being lucky I still
have problems to perceive this machine. Sometimes it is going crazy and I
wish there were a button on the keyboard like "enough". Unfortunately I have
no computer at home. But I always can devote a couple of moments to write
you a letter from here at work. Sometimes I'm late here busy with some tasks
so do not be surprised if you receive a late letter.
I live in a two-room apartment with my mother and a younger sister who is 12. Unfortunately my
father had passed away during the war against Chechnya in 94. I was a young
girl when we received a message about his death. We have a pat. It is cat. His
name is Patriot. Is it funny? My mother works in a drugstore. Sometimes when I feel lonely I visit her there. But to say
true it is a little bit boring in that store. So she is always glad to see me. By the
way I told her that I've started to communicate with a person from America.
She was very surprised and made a joke that it is already time for me...
Alright. I have to return to my tasks.
It is very interesting to keep in touch with you. I hope for the best in our
Have a nice day!
Your Tatyana.
Letter 7
Hello my love XXX.
Today I had serious conversation with mum. She does not have any objections if I would go to USA. She wishes happiness to me. I had long
conversations with her about you. She says that if you write such letters you
are a good person. But she is still a bit prejudiced about the possibility of
deceit. But I love you and completely believe you. There is a firm in our city,
which deals with visa registration. They charge 322 USD. It is unbelievably
high for me. But it is so! Visa is arranged during 1 month. I know also that
there is ? governmental visa department. They charge a bit less money,
however such visa is prepared from 0,5 to 1 year and it is not yet known how
it will work.
My girlfriend recently visited Australia and she told me everything how to
receive visa and to prepare for the flight. I'll tell you everything about this. You
just have to listen me carefully. I am very glad that you want to see
me I also dream about this. I want to be with you!!! I understand that a lot of money is
necessary to travel to you. And once again I'll tell you that the visa to refer
to is B-2.
I do not know why I became so crazy about you. I think that it is the man
about which I dreamed all my life. I'm so inspired with our future meeting that
I cannot find a place for myself anywhere. 322 dollars are necessary to buy
visa. This visa is valid for 90 days. We after all will have to come back to the
issue of visa. Believe me now I collected all information. I am very grateful to
you that you help so much to our meeting. I want to tell you that money is
better to send on system Western Union. This system is very reliable and
money transaction is carried out within 15 minutes. Here is information how to
send money here:
Tatyana Lebedeva
After you will send money here the bank will tell you ten figures and you
should inform me about them. I know that our relationship is under construction for trust. But we should trust each other without trust we simply
cannot exist. My mother's sister works in Moscow in an airport. Mum called
her today and spoke to her. Write me please what airport you will come to
and then I'll tell you about the air tickets. The ticket for me will be with the
discount due to my aunt. Many times I asked a question to myself: Why in this
world everything depends on money? I consider that money is not the basis.
The most important is when people understand each other. I can live without
money. But I strongly want to arrive to you and money here is necessary. So it
is obvious that money were separating us. I have a big desire to meet you, to
embrace you and to kiss you. If I would have money I'll immediately arrive to
you. Money is just a temporary paper. But human relationships are built
forever. Now I understand that love is a strong feeling. I am glad that I have
found this feeling. When I open the mailbox and see there your letter it is
becoming easily on my soul. When I read it my heart blossoms. I want to sing
with happiness. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!
Your Tatyana.
Thanks again for your informative site.

Yuliya Koryukina
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
I had contact to this person:
Yuliya Koryukina.
Stepan Razin street, house 84, apt 44.
Russia, Yoshkar-ola
She called herself "sveta1321".
I meet her at germanfriendfinder.
Last Letter
Hi my lover Claus! I to study all concerning my arrival in you my
love. I - necessary need the visa and passport, and also document of insurance
and hospital. I can order "visa of tourist ". It costs 340 $ USA. I also
can order " the visa the bride ", but then the information from your work
about your wages and information on a manor of habitation on three men (you, I
and our possible future child) is necessary from you to me. It is important.
I am written down on reception in the transport company on Thursday. I
shall give back back documents concerning registration. I shall require in by
to Thursday to pay my documents in the transport company. You will send to
me this sum of money by Wednesday to this week? Or you want that I have
made " visa the bride "? As whom you want that I have arrived? My documents
will be registration in time 20 days. It is good? I have given you the address,
on which you through branch of bank Western Union should send to me money?
I very much to want as soon as possible to arrive in you my love.
I to give you the address of my bank where there is a system of remittances Western
My a complete name Yuliya Koryukina.
My home address. Russia, republic Mari-el, city Yoshkar-ola, Stepan Razin street, house 84,
apartment 44.
I give you the address of bank! Guta Bank, Street Vashskaya 8, Yoshkar-Ola city. complete home address and airport, coming to you also
is necessary for me your complete name. It is very important!
I very much to wait on your fast answer!
Your future wife Yulya.
This is your address:
Yuliya Koryukina.
Stepan Razin street, house 84, apt 44.
Russia, Yoshkar-ola
P.S. I never wrote with @mail.ru. my sole mail sveta1321@yandex.ru
I didn't send money to her because I saw
her on the blacklist.
Thanks a lot
(St Petersburg, Russia)
I answered the advert of "Zinalove" at match.com. I was very surprised to
receive a reply within fifteen minutes. It was very obviously a standard copy
reply, but I answered it the same evening. I have not heard from Zina since.
However, trawling through the reports of scammers on your website, I found
details of Svetlana Mnushko, also known as Elena Mnushko. The letters published are almost identical to the one I received from Zina.
She made no further contact with me, probably because I explained in my
letter that I am an airline pilot, and could travel to St Petersburg very easily. I
was not actually scammed, but I post my experience for the benefit of others.
My full name is Zinaida,but my friends and parents call me more short - Zina
and my nickname on site-zinalove. I was glad to receive your answer to my
add,I saw your add -I like and decided to keep in touch and tell you more
about myself. I'm single,without children yet,but I hope to find my future by
net...I try to believe in net,cause one of my best friends just found by this way
her husband,it was about 2 years ago,and she lives now in Italy and really
happy. And now I decided to try,I don't like to know man on disco,bar or
street and in my around mostly girls,but internet can give me big possobility to
choise person,who is really ideal for me.May be is it you? Now I tell some
general information about me,so if you continue interest I expect a big letter
from you and,of course,also your scan pictures,I'm not looking for penpals,so
better if you answer with your photo. I'm 26y.o.,my birthday 21 of September,enouth tall-170cm and athletic girl.I put in my
add-Belorussia,cause my parents original from there,from Minsk,but now
about 5 years we moved in Russia,and so now I live in one of the biggest
city-Saint-Petersburg.I live together with my parents yet.And I have not
brothers or sisters. We're very closed with my parents and they take care
about me and help me always.I have University degree,medical education,I
finished my University 1 year ago,my job is a doctor for children with speach
defects,we tell here-logoped.I work by my specialisation in a privat hospital,which is enouth famous here.
And also in my free time I paint ,even take part in some excibitions like artist.
I like sport and like to visit gym in my free time. Also I like traveling,for me interesting new
countries,cultures,people.I'm honest,sincere,kind,intelligent,pretty and
sweet,with sense of humor. I like art,sport,walks,nature,music,reading,cooking
of a different countries. I'd like to meet honest,sincere,open-minded,easy-going,intelligent,like travelling and have own
opinion always. Also sorry,but I do not believe in long post for nothing and sure what only our meeting show us about our future.I began this new
experience for me by net now,cause soon,in April I'll have some holidays by
my work and have possibility to meet my destiny in reallity even if will be
necessary travell far away,so write me only if this is interest and possible for
you too...I have a big post now,but you really picked my interest and if we
could meet soon ,so in this case we have a good chance!
I'm interest only in serious family-oriented man,not penpals and adventure!!!And sorry,would not like to be impolite,but very curious to ask
you- What do you exspekt from our correspondence?
What you think about long distanse love?
I hope I've peaked your interest and you'll write me back!
You could send me letter ditectly to my email - zinaber@yahoo.com
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ANTI-SCAM GUIDE - Read how to make scammers to leave you alone
themselves, and choose the right girls from the very beginning.
Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
- Article by
Anatoly Neverov
Dating Services - where to look for a
Russian wife
dating agencies
- how do they make their