Vladimirovna (Bugai/Donetsk/Lugansk/Ukraine)
Further to my scam report submitted earlier this month, i herewith submit
further information.
1. The letters from the flower company (and an investigator's) report show
that Katerina Bugai was absent from Donetsk during the time she was purporting
to write to me from that city. Please see the attached letters allegedly
from 'her'. I checked the ip address of these e-mails. A trace confirmed that they were
sent from Donetsk at the time of her absence from that city. This combined
with the fact photographs were refused for flower delivery provides, in my
view, very strong evidence that it was not Katerina Bugai writing to me. I
should point out that Katerina had requested internet and translation fees
for this correspondence. Please note that other anti-scam websites have
listed her as a scammer. They have included photographs that were not sent to me even though Katerina
stated that she had been corresponding only with me for the past eight
months. I hope that her details appear soon on your site to protect others.
Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information. Thank
you. Yours faithfully
Michael Sommers
Dear Michael Sommers:My contact attemtped to make this delivery, Katerina refused to accept
We have no choice but to cancel this order. Our contact is charging us
$20.00 for all the research and time they spent trying to locate her. I
have refunded your credit card $96.00. We do appreciate your business and
hope to be of service to you in the future. Wendy Worldwide Floral Network
Dear Michael Sommers: Unfortunately, no reason was given.
I am sorry that I cannot be more help to you. Wendy Worldwide Floral Network
This is response from "FLOWERS FOR LOVE" Service.
Dear Micahel, Excuse for delay with delivery: The girl was absent in Donetsk till April 19 approximately.
Unfortunately KATERINA not agree to do pictures. We can provide delivery without photo with your permission only:
(with partial refund). If you agree to do so - please confirm it to us.
Regards, Maria V. Rukosueva agency Administrator
Dear Maria The order that you say was delivered already to Katerina Bugai's actual
address by the flower shop, was that an order placed through yourselves? If
so, please could you provide me with the order number. Thank you. Best regards
Michael Sommers
This is response from "FLOWERS FOR LOVE" Service.
Dear Michael, We confirm that we happy to receive your Order 91-9603 and will gladly
assist you: Excuse for delay with answer: Unfortunately our DONETSK florist (usual flower shop) can't provide ACTUAL
ADDRESS verification: but they are already knows recipient KATERINA VLADIMIROVNA BUGAI (This
flower shop already delivered flowers successfully to the address, which you have specified in
the order personally to KATERINA, some time ago). If you agree with delivery to ST
UNIVERSITESKAIA 36A/520, please confirm it to us. And DONETSK florist will deliver your
order so quickly as possible: after arrangement via local phone 062 383 9171. Sincere
apologies about inconvenience: Your CCNow Order Number: 31-2829 will be canceled (with full
refunding). Regards, Maria V. Rukosueva agency Administrator
Dear Maria Please could you confirm the progression of the post code verification
order as the matter is of some importance. Thank you. Best regards Michael Sommers
This is response from "FLOWERS FOR LOVE" Service.
Dear Micahel, I have received from Donetsk very short information on April 22
(Literal translation):We can not deliver this order, the girl refuses to be photographed.
On Friday she has asked time till Saturday to think, but on Saturday has refused.Index of the address of the girl - 34071.That's all...Unfortunately I have
nothing to add... Would you like to ask this questions by phone directly to
Katerina? Russian -English / English - Russian Translation: $2 per minute.
You can call toll-free number 1-888-876-2023 and set up an appointment:
It's a live translation. Operator will be on the phone during the translation.
You can order this service 5 days a week from 9 am EST. Sometimes Saturday
translation service is also available. Please call toll-free number 1-888-876-2023 for
additional information or to order this service. Regards, Maria V. Rukosueva
agency Administrator
Dear Maria Please could you confirm from which source you received information
that Katerina was absent in Donetsk until April 19 approximately. Also, did
Katerina give a reason for refusing to be photographed. Again, unfortunately, the
matter is of extreme importance to me so your urgent advices would be appreciated.
Best regards, Michael Sommers
Hello darling Michael,Yesterday I visited a wonderful concert of a famous Moscov
singer Valentina Ponomareva. She sang in our Donetsk drama theater. I really
liked it! She sang very sensitively, romances in particular.I'm in delight!!!
Don't worry about the flowers.The main thing for me is your attitude towards me and
your willing to help me in a life. If it is possible, send me please a little sum of
money to pay to my translator for services.Grateful in advance. Kiss you. Kiss
Claire! Yours Kate. Best regards, ablelove mailto:ablelove@stels.net
Hello dear Michael, Yesterday I got a big bouquet of flowers, sweets and a
post-card. The girl from a service organization brought all this to me. She
photographed me. The photograph won't be very nice because I felt myself not
very good. Thank you for presents and money much. I'm very pleased! The
post-code is 83055. Waiting for your answer. You can call as you like, darling.
Kate. Best regards, ablelove mailto:ablelove@stels.net
Hello darling Michael, In spring the central heating is turned out in our city and
the weather is not warm enough yet thats why it is cold in the flat. According to
the post code I don't know it yet. But soon I'll find it out. I'm very glad that you are
ready to part my interests, to understand my musical taste that you are not
against my musical career. It is very important for me! Yours sincerely, Kate.
Agency (Ukraine)
I wish that I had paid attention to the warnings on your site...
My year long misadventure is documented at my site:
http://www.medeia.cc When the lady, parents, friends and agency staff all are together in the
scam, it is very difficult to understand. Thanks for providing this site.
Lutjanus Adams
Natalia Arsibekova
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
I am a single farther of 3 boys, 2 on their own & 1 still at home, American living
near Kansas City, 46 years old. Natalia first contacted me through Neo-Dates
using the add name of "flowergirl" (last I checked there is no add using that
name) We talked for about 4 months, many letters & photos & then she said she
wanted to meet me. She wanted to come to the US to visit me. She said she
feared that it would take her a couple of years to come up with the money for that
& of course I told her I could take care of that, because I wanted to meet her. She
requested around $310 for Visa, $695 for plane, $210 for insurance & travel to
Moscow sent Western Union in her name. She ended up getting me for $1450.
Was to be here 2-18-02. Guess what? I got scammed. Unfortunately, when I
realized that, I threw away around 30 letters & maybe a dozen photos, so I can't
help you there. She is an attractive blonde, about 5'5" & 110 lbs. By chance I
happened to come across this site when I received a letter from Ekaterina from
Kemerovo, Russia & was looking for a map to locate the city. Received the same
letter & photo from her that is already posted in the black list. Ekaterina is still at
it (I don't plan on talking to her now) & beware of Natalia. She talks a very good
story. Her dad was a pilot in the Russian Afghan war & came up missing -- she is
a kindergarten teacher making $30 a month & many other things. She used the
e-mail address of flowergirl@pochtamt.ru & then flowergirl@mail.ru. I'm not hurt at
the loss of the money (of course I hate being scammed for it), but I did believe her
& went to some extent to prepare for her arrival & the "future" together & that
hurt. Also that my 10 yr old son was "expecting" also. He's a great kid & when it
happened, he just said, dad - she just wanted your money.
My name is Mike Golom, e-mail address
mgolom@micoks.net. Good luck to all & also beware.
Natasha/Natalya Komarova
Hi, I'm a 45 year old man and was contacted from
Natasha/Natalya Komarova and took her scam hook line and sinker. She even went so far as getting me to
go to the airport and wait on her. I hope I can save someone else from making
this mistake. I found this on this blacklist only to late. here are two of her letters
and her pictures as she pretty much followed the same as another guy. The two
addresses she had me send the money were:Vneshtorgbank, Karla
Libknekhta Street 2, Chelyabinsk, 454092 RU. AND Academchenbank, Leninskii Pr 158
Moscow, 117571, Natalya Komarova
Natasha Komarova
Possible e-mails: natashenka2000@pisem.net
Birthday given: 03/01/1975 This scammer answers personal ads placed in local Ekaterinburg newspapers. The address given is real
but she never lived there. Scam confirmed by at least 4 people. Here are typical
standard letters
Hi my love Dale!!! Again it was so happy for me to receive your warm love words
from your answer on my last letters to you my love Dale, I want to say to you that
your letters are so necessary for me my darling, I can't without your tender and
gentle lovely words for me my dear Dale, my darling, I can't without you my dear,
I can't my darling, it is so pity for me that our letters connect us only by Internet,
but I want to say to you my love Dale that a large distance which divides us willn't
can to prevent to us love each other my dear, realy my dear Dale. I want to say to
you my love that our graet love is happiest that at us is. I want to be with you my
darling, I can't without you my love Dale, I love you and you love me and our God
see it. I sure that God will help us to be with you soon, all nights I see on a
ceiling and I think about you, about us with you my dear Dale, I dream about our
meeting my love, I see us in my dreams, how we meet with you in your air port, I
see in your arms a beautiful flowers, your and my tears from our happiness that
we are together my darling, I see that I run to you when I go on from plane, I run
to you and you run to me my darling, you give me your beautiful flowers and I cryfrom our happy love my darling. I so want to be with you my darling, I want to
be with you immediately my Dale. I so love you Dale, I can't without you my dear.
My love, my dear darling Dale, I want to say to you that my mum rong to our aunt
Masha to Moscow and my mum tried to learn about the costs of necessary
documents that I can to fly to you, but my aunt said to my mum that she will say
about it on quick days because my aunt havn't a free time to speak about it by
phone. But my aunt said to my mum that she is very shocked that I will go to
USA to you my dear, my mum said to my aunt Masha that we with you have met
through an Internet. My aunt Masha said to my mum that she is very happy for
that her niece, as me, found a so good man as you my Dale. My aunt said that
she will do all about quick inform about the necessary documents to fly to you
and about the cost of the air ticket, but she said that my fling to you will be very
expensive. My mum agreed with my aunt in this. By the way my aunt Masha
asked at my mum that will you help me with my coming, my mum said to Masha
that we don't know about it now, but we hope that you will help us with my
coming to you my darling. Also, my aunt at the end of their speaking by the
phone said to you a hot friend and future relative hi and she wish us with you a
happy family life. My darling, I want to say to you that my parents and my more
girlfriends are very happy for that we will together soon my dear Dale, but I want
to say to you that, as I told you, a Tatiana think about our love is very bad. I think
that simple she simple envies us very much. She said that all men promise to
womans a happy life and love on a beautiful words, and she said that you are not
exception. She said that you speak a beautiful words only and that you willn't to
undertake all of effort for our quick meeting and she said also that simple all men
are people who promise on words very much, but on actions, as since sides of of
the gentleman, they are weak people. Also she said that you willn't help me with
my coming to you my dear Dale, it was insulting for me from her words. My dear
Dale, I cried from her words very much, she said me a dirty lie, realy my Dale?
She think about all men very bad, I don't know why? Why she think about men so
bad. I think that she don't and willn't understand so happy feelings as love
between woman and man. My dear, I want to say to you that I don't want to work
in this shop it is so pity for me, because from Tatiana. I want to say to you that
also Tatiana the distant relative our director adjusts against me a director, the
fact in that Tatiana is the distant relative of our director. My dear Dale, please,promise to me that you willn't to offend me, please, tell me about it my
dear, please, I so trust you and I don't want that you will break my heart at once.
so love you my dear Dale, I so trust to your love feelings to me my darling, I can't
without you my Dale, I can't. I want to be with you for ever my Dale, I love you
and I so miss you darling, I hope that we will find all forces for that we will
together soon my love Dale. I called to you from my closest girlfriend, but now her
is not present, she has left for 3 days. As soon as she will arrive, I at once shall
call you. Thank for your photo, she is perfect. I love you and I miss you very
much my Dale. On this note I will finish my letter to you my dear, I want to say to
you that I will wait for you messages with a great pleasure, but I want to say to
you that if I willn't write to you long. see you soon my love Dale. From my love
heart and my feel soul to yours, With my love and all love kisses, Your love
Hi my love Dale!!! I received your e-mail my darling, I love
your letters my dear, I so love you and miss you my Dale. It is so pity for me that our letters connect us
only, I want to see you in reality my Dale. I so want it darling. Our letters connect
our close love feelings to each other, our letters are our rescue with boredom and
from all of boring things. I want to say to you my darling that I can't without your
letters now Dale, your letters are necessary for me my Dale, I love it and I LOVE
YOU darling.Yes I speak on English, but not absolutely good yet. My dear Dale, I
want to say that my parents and my best friends are very happy for us my love
Dale, they are all time ask about you, about you feelings to me and I don't worry
say about our love feelings now, because I don't want to hide my love to you my
Dale, I have found sense of my life my Dale, I love you and I miss you my darling.
My love Dale, I want to say to you that in our shop all people know about that we
write each other, I don't know how they knew about it. and I consider that they
knew about our love from one of the employee of our shop. Also I want to say to
you that one of the employee speak about me not good things. She is the
cashier Tatiana Dirkina, she is not so good old woman, she is 48 years old. She
gossips about me that I am not considerable woman, because I found you my
Dale in Internet and she considers that it is not good my Dale, because she said
that in their past live time when in Russia was USSR, in this time boys found the
girls and that it was better than in present time, when in more cases girls find
boys. I was so bad from Tatiana's words my Dale, because I think that she is not
right, realy my Dale? I think that man can chose like woman or woman can
chose like man if they want it mutual, realy Dale? I think that we have mutual love
feelings and it is better of all when the loving each other people love each other
mutual, I think that it is an important fact of love about reciprocity. Realy my
Dale, is our feelings mutual? I think from our letters that it is true my Dale. Also I
want to say to you that Tatiana havn't a husband, she lives one, she considers
that all men do not deserve her attention because, I think, that she is not simple
in herself soul, I think that she think very high about herself, she think that all
men is silly men, it is her opinion, I don't know why she think so bad about men,
why? My dear, did you meet such, I think, silly peoples as Tatiana the ideas of
which is not right in my opinion. Is it right my love Dale? I think that you will agree
with me completely my Dale. I think that this woman is egoist woman, I think that
you will agree with me my Dale. But I don't want to say about this woman to you
in all because it is so boring for me. Ok? I want to tell about us my dear, about
our meeting soon darling. My dear Dale, I want to say to you that my parents
have reminded me today with my possible coming to you my Dale. The fact in
that we have a good aunt Masha in Moscow which, possible, will can help us
with an information about my coming to you Dale in future soon.She works in one of
the individual tourist firm. It is so positively for us because she will can to help me
with all important things of information about all necessary documents for my
future coming to you my love. My mum will ring to her soon on days and will ask
about all important information. They are so happy for us my love Dale. Also I
want to say to you my Dale that it is so. I so love you my darling, and I want to
say to you that with every day I want to be with you more and more my Dale, I so
love you dear, I can't without you my Dale, you are so necessary for me Dale,
I love you Dale. On days I want to go to church that I must thank our God that we
found each other my love, I so thank our God, I know that God helped us to find
you my Dale. My darling, on this I will finish my letter to you, I will wait for your
next emails with my great love desire, you must know how I feel so happy
myself when I read your letters my darling. Ok, I must go my dear, I will miss you Dale, I
LOVE YOU and I want to be with you for ever soon my love Dale. Natasha.
Hi my dear Dale. I was so happy after your answer on my letter my Dale. I think
about you my Dale all days, all times, all minutes. I so wait for your warm letter
for me, I want to say to you that now I can't without you and your so feelings
emails my Dale. You emails are so important for me, it are a part of my life, it are
a source of my pleasure to my life, I want to say to you that the occurrence of
you Dale is a beterest part of my lonely life now, you letters gave me a great
happiness and pleasure in my life. Believe me Dale, that I speak this my words
with my by sincere care to you, with my by respect for you Dale. Also I want to
emphasize that I thought about our feelings to you my Dale, I have come
to a conclusion that we are created for each other my Dale. In last night I didn't sleep,
couldn't do it because I thought about us my Dale, about our acquaintance on
Internet, about your warm letters and in basically about you my Dale. I thought
about all my Dale, I want to say to you that I can't without you, I want
to say to you that I have fallen in love in you my Dale, yes, I lOVE YOU my dear Dale. My
Dale, it has taken place so quickly and suddenly, I didn't to expect it my darling,
it is so sensual for me my Dale, I can't without you Dale. I love you darling. I feel
to you the greatest feeling on ground, it is MY LOVE TO YOU my dear
Dale. From your letters Dale, I see that we arn't are indifferent to each other I hope that
you will agree with me, is it true Dale? I hope that you feel to me such great
feelings to me my Dale. Also in last night I was asked to God, I thank him that
we found each other my Dale, I closed my eyes and have seen the God's presence. He saw on me and I saw on him, he said me that I will happiest
woman, because I found you Dale, you are my future man. Also in the eyes of
God that he cried, I think that he is very happy for us my Dale. I cried too Dale,
because it is so happiness for us that we can be together soon, that we can to
have a normal family, I so want it my Dale, because I can't to be one my Dale,
the basic part of my girlfriends are married for a long time, they asked me all time
before our acquaintance with you about that why I couldn't to find a man, on their
questions I couldn't answred, but I said them that I want it very much, but I can't
begin any close feelings with any man because of my of modesty. I am a modest
woman, I said about you in my last letters my Dale. But I want to say to you that
I feel about you not modesty my Dale, I feel to you all my love to you Dale. By
the way I want to say to you that I said about my love feelings to my parents. My
parents said me that they are very happy for us my darling. In the eyes of my
mum and my dad I saw a great happiness for me and for you together my Dale.
They said that they hope that I did a right choice in my life and they hope that we
will happy together my love Dale, also they said me that where we with you will
live together. I answered them that I want to live with you in USA my darling, they
asked me about that they will miss me very much, but since other side they
understand that it will be better that we with you Dale will live in USA because
they understand that now in Russia is difficult live situation. They said you a their
warm hi and they wish us my Dale our future family happiness and great mutual
love my Dale. My darling, I am so happy for us my dear Dale. I want to say to
you that I love you very much, my relatives and my friends are very happy
for us very much. Also my dear Dale, I want ask you a main question, I think that it will
so fairly since my side my darling. Do you write with any another womans my
Dale? It is so important for me my Dale, I hope that you will understand me,
because I love you and I don't want that you Dale write with another
womans. I want to say to you that I don't write another men except for you my Dale. I don't
want that any another woman will try to steal you from me my love Dale. I say
you about it very seriously my Dale. It will so pity for me if you are writing with
another woman my dear Dale. Please, Dale, answer on my important for me
questions honourly, ok my dear Dale? We must trust each other in this, ok my
darling? Of courses, my darling may be you will ask me about my work and
about my family and friends when I will far from Russia. Of course, I will miss
about my family and friends and about my work shop, yes, I will miss about their.
I think that if I found my love and my future man, I must change my personal life
in the party you my dear Dale, because I am a woman and I must have my family
life as another womans do it. Realy my Dale? I think that my shop and myfamily
and friend will miss me too, but we willn't forget about each other too, I will can
ring and send emails from USA them too. My dear, how you see on this? I want
to say to you that I miss you very much and I want to say to you that you
became on the first plan in my life than my work my Dale. I love you Dale and I
can't without you my darling, and I decided that I must near with you my Dale. It
is so necessary for me my Dale. I so love you Dale. By the way I will learn my
dear about the necessary documents of my coming to you my Dale, as I know
from my girlfriends, it are the foreign passport and visa,I will try learn it Dale in
near future time my Dale. My darling, I hope that you have a great desire of our
meeting my love Dale. I so want it my love, I love you and I miss you. I will wait
for your mutual warmth letters my Dale. Thinking of you my Dale and all kisses
for yo darling. Your lovly ,Natasha.
Letter #4
Hi my dear love Dale!!! I am very glad to receive your warm and lovely letter my
darling. I know that our hearts will together always, because OUR LOVE IS
ETERNAL, this great feeling connects the another people and us through a
continents. My dear, my love Dale, as it seems, this feeling which includes a
three basic feelings. These feelings are a trust, careful attitude to each other, and
complete understanding to each other, sometimes even understanding without
words,do you agree with me my darling? But not looking on that LOVE is very
strong great feeling, it also is very fragile, realy my dear, because only one word
or an not right action can destroy it and already anybody willn't can to restore this
great feeling. Probably, you will think that a purpose of all my correspondence
with you it is only desire to leave for America. Believe me my darling, it is not so
my love, the fact in that when I began to write to you, I couldn't to
believe what it is possible to fall in love through the Internet. I thank Internet that we found each
other my darling. Only I have decided to try to do it and that from this it has
turned out. We with you love each other very much and we should be together,
because we can't withoiut each other my darling. I have learned much in the
searches as we want to meet each other very much. My dear, I have a good
news for us my darling Dale. My aunt Masha has said to my mum at last day
that she has learned how much cost a visa and a passport. She called in
embassy and there have said to my aunt Masha that it will be better for us, if I
will have the visa of a tourist. This visa will valid during 12 months. It is one
year my darling. With this visa I can travel till USA without any restrictions. The price
of the visa, as my aunt Olga was informed in embassy, is 195 US dollars.
Besides the process of registration of the visa costs 55 dollars. By the way my
aunt as has taken an interest about other kinds of the visas, as to her have said,
that there is a set of kinds of the visas. For example, visa of a bride. My
aunt has thought that this visa of bride approaches to us, but her in embassy
have said that this visa costs more expensively and its registration costs a lot of money.
Therefore for us the visa B-2, it is the tourist visa, is better variant. I want to ask
you my dear, that you will send me a money recourses on the visa. As probably
you know an economic situation in our country, simply it is awful. By the way I
ask you my dear send to me 300 dollars. It is certainly large money, you
probably have thought what is it more than the cost of the visa. But I
ask little bit more because I still should go in Moscow and there I must
live some time. If you will send me money recourses, it will be better
for making through a system of Western Union. As to me my aunt Masha
has said, it is the best and fast translation system, besides this sistem is a safe. When you will send the
money, send it on this address, which is here: GUTA BANK LENINA, 27
EKATERINBURG , 103045 Natasha Komarova
When you will sent me the money, it will be necessary for me
that you must send me the an important information which from you required at a
parcel of money. It is ten-digits, that is "Money Transfer Control
Number" or MTCN. Besides write me your full name and your address. I
understand that I already have your address, but I must will have the
address which at you will asked in the system of Western Union. Without these data I can't receive the money
which are necessary for my coming to you my dear Dale. I understand that it is a
large money, but me any more on whom I can to rely and on this I ask you
about your help with it. We with you love each other very much and we will
together, simply I am sure in it my darling. I am waiting and I am
dreaming for a moment of our meeting in your airport my Dale. I will cry in this moment, because it will
from our happiness my dear Dale. I dream as we will live together my darling, to
go for a walk, keeping for our hands my love Dale.I want to tell you, that is not
necessary to come to me. I very much value you. Recently at us it is very
dangerous, we have a lot of gangsters. I do not want that someone has prevented
our meeting. I very strongly love you and you to me are necessary. I want that
you will show me your native land, a places where you like to go for a walk and
you like to spend a more your time. I want very to be with you my, I want it very
much my dear, I love you and I miss you my love Dale. Thinking about you my
darling Dale, Forever, your love Natasha.
Yoshkar-Ola, Marie-El
Attached some letters, partial very stupid.
Letter 5
Hi my dear Peter! I am very glad to receive news from you again and again. I like
to prepare various tasty meals very much. I shall prepare to you the most tasty
dishes at ours meeting. I am living alone with my mum. My daddy left us when I
was only 6 years old. I do not have brothers and sisters. It's a pity. I live in a
beautiful city. I very much like to read your letters, they are giving a lot of
pleasure to me. With each your letter I am understanding more and more
what will turn out. I am already taking our relations much more seriously. My opinion
that the most important thing between man and woman is the complete trust, I
hate when people lie and deceive each other. As I consider in that moment of life
we have to accept the conciliatory proposals, you see it is the important part of
the relation between the man and woman. You probably think that I am too
serious, but I simply do not want to be mistaken in a choice of the future
husband. At this moment my feelings to YOU already much more than friendship.
I am understanding that you are honour man. Your words you write me warms my
soul and heart. It so is wonderful that there is a man is in this world, to whom I
am not indifferent. It is pleasant for me to receive letters from you and feelings
which I thus test to not pass by words. Probably on it I shall finish and with the
large impatience. I shall wait for your next letter. Strong I hugs and
kisses. Yours Natasha.
Letter 6 The best: "I never had sexual contacts!"
Hi my dear Peter! I've awaken early today to make various fruit
salads. I do not have a lot of food, I keep my figure and I'm constantly jogging a little after work. I
shall be very glad to receive your new photos. I shall print them on the color
printer and place them above my bed in a sleeping room. My mum likes to read
your letters too. I am translating them to Russian and we reading them
together with my mum. I was never married, but I want to marry very much. I never had
sexual contacts! It is very pleasant to me to find out that by mutual understanding
each other, you see it is a very important fact in our relations. If we want to create
strong union, we should trust and understand each other in all I feel fine,
concerning me can not worry with me that's all right. Today I have received my
salary. It probably will be ridiculous but I have earned forty dollars
for this month. Well, we shall not speak about problems which rise on our way. Write me as
often as possible, I like to read your letters very much, they giving me pleasure in
life, giving me chance to believe that I'm loved by a man somewhere far away from
me, it raises my mood at once, it would be desirable to live and to believe that we
shall meet. I shall wait for your answer today. I send you many kisses
and hugs. Every minute you're in my heart. Forever yours, Natasha.
Letter 7 "two identical letters from her"
Hi my dear Peter! I've awaken early today to make various fruit
salads. I do not have a lot of food, I keep my figure and I'm constantly jogging a little after work. I
shall be very glad to receive your new photos. I shall print them on the color
printer and place them above my bed in a sleeping room. My mum likes to read
your letters too. I am translating them to Russian and we reading them
together with my mum. I was never married, but I want to marry very much. I never had
sexual contacts! It is very pleasant to me to find out that by mutual understanding
each other, you see it is a very important fact in our relations. If we want to create
strong union, we should trust and understand each other in all I feel fine,
concerning me can not worry with me that's all right. Today I have received my
salary. It probably will be ridiculous but I have earned forty dollars
for this month. Well, we shall not speak about problems which rise on our way. Write me as
often as possible, I like to read your letters very much, they giving me pleasure in
life, giving me chance to believe that I'm loved by a man somewhere far away from
me, it raises my mood at once, it would be desirable to live and to believe that we
shall meet. I shall wait for your answer today. By the way, I was born
on July 10, 1977. I send you many kisses and hugs. Every minute you're
in my heart. Forever yours, Natasha.
PS: I wrote her she was sending the same letter two times:
Letter 8
Hello my love! First of all today I have gone to look if the letter
from you has come. And I was delighted with your letter.You inform me,that you have received
one letter twice. I do not know, I poorly understand in computers. Probably this
mistake has arisen because of bad communicatioò with enternet or still
something. I have a feeling, like I have received a charge of energy for all day.
Please write me about your work, I would like to know all about you, what is your
the most favourite dish, what do you like to do in free from work time.
Lovely I want to tell, that I have chosen in you soul superior others in love, in mercy, in
mighty desire to love and to bring happiness. And please, be honour with me.
You see the deceit breaks a lot of families. Today I shall attend to church and I
shall ask for us. Be healthy and in a good spirit, remember that you always in my
heart. The fidelity and caress is necessary to you? I have selected destiny
of a fidelity, as closest to my nature. Will be sure. Vainly speak, that the love is blind;
True in that fond is indifferent to those or other lacks, which it perfectly sees, if
only it seemed, that it finds in the man that is most important for him. And it is in
you. As I would like to see us together, evenings, in a room. We would start
with you long conversation, one that I love; we would discuss people, things seen
during the day. Recently has found east love treatise and would like you to read -
Three sources have inclinations of the man: soul, reason (or mind) and body. An
inclination of souls derivate friendship. An inclination of mind derivate respect. An
inclination of a body derivate desire. The connection of three inclinations derivates
love. I'm always waiting for your answer with impatience. Forever yours, Natasha.
Letter 9 She walked to the church!
Hello my love! I am very glad to receive news from you again.I have
received your photos. You are very attractive man. I see that you are very courageous and
honour man. I see that we are necessary to each other. I've visited church and I've
asked for you and ours meeting. How are you there without me? I shall try to find
out how can I arrive to you my love! I'm so alone here without you. You are
always with me in my thoughts. You show very strong interest to me it very
pleasant to feel. I began to think alot about us, what would happen in our
future. Write to me all questions in which you're interested. I will be very glad to answer.
You now are the second person in this world whom I need most of all. The first
person is my mum. I hope that we would meet in near future. I am very grateful to
you because you trust me. Through the Internet it is not naturally, we should take
each other in hands and look into each other eyes and speak about our love
and us. I want to know all. You are very important to me. When I began
to correspond with you I had a hope that everything with you and me all will be
great. With each your letter I understood that I have found that man which is
necessary for me. I as well as you want to see you believe me fast, it would be
desirable. I want to embrace you caress. I consider what exactly creation of a
spiritual emotional basis of the man and there is a purpose sense of family. I
want to tell you that my feelings and the words in our relations always were
sincere and I always understood that we put a lot of trust, that helps
our union to become real. I'm waiting for your answer with great impatience. Always yours,
Letter 10 "I love you"
Hello my love! I was very pleased to receive from you the letter. When
I read your letter, in me even have appeared on eyes of tear of pleasure. I see, that we are
necessary the friend the friend. Not seldom I visit church, and about me ask
about you and our about meeting. How you there without me? I here very much
without you the people. You in ideas always with me. You show very strong
interest to me it very pleasantly to feel. I began very much to think of us with
you, which waits for us forward. I very much hope that that our meeting speed the
future is carried out. I am very grateful to you, that you trust me. In me very good
mood. I want to know all. To me you are very important. When I began to
correspond with you, I had that that hope, that in us with you everyone will be
good. With each your letter I have understood, that I have found, that the man,
that to me is necessary. I as well as you want to see, that you trust to me very
faster this, it would be desirable. I want to capture you tenderness. I examine that
the creation of the spiritual emotional basis of the man is exact and it is
meaningful the purposes of formation of family. I want to you to inform that my
feelings and words concerning you always were, I am sincere also always
understood, that we put a lot of trust, that our union would be, when it is real. Now
I am sure concerning all 100 %, that I can to you to trust. And you, that the
man, that to me is necessary. When I read your letter, I saw in it your sincerity and
fidelity to me. I have made of your letter for me the directly large conclusion,
which is possible is to expressed in three words " by I LOVE YOU ". Today I
even felt so highly, in me by all was going so easily, because my ideas were
directed concerning you. I as knew, when I think of you, and you think of me, and
it to heat up my soul and body. You probably think, that I examine such not
modern, but l, that at first time I should have affinity with the favourite man. Now
in me the large propensity to you, I do not know, why but it - truth. Sometimes
such dreams dream me, that it is a shame to me to you to speak concerning it.
This dream dreamed me today at night. " We have supper with you in you, at
home and then we go to you in dream, and we begin to be engaged with you love.
But in life I know very little about making love, only on television films and
would like to study everything with you. The justification, that I speak
with you so sincerely, but I think, that you should know concerning me
only. I would be happy to visit you - limit of my desires.I think, that we can meet, as you have told in the
last letter, in Egypt. When we shall meet we can understand each other, to learn
more about each other. My favourite time of reception of the foodstuffs, which I do
not know on any other business, I love everything, that is made with a
fruit. I very much love you, and completely you I trust. Kiss yours Natasha.
Letter 11 She let her lover wait.
Hi my love!!!!!. Excuse me, that so long did not write. I had a
problem with the computer. Now all in the order and I at once have decided to write to you. I miss
you. Your last letter was such gentle and in too time passionate. You have taken
hold of my heart and I to belong to you for ever. I agree to meet you in June. And I
can lead with you 2 weeks, it is so much how many you will wish. I have one
question - as you will pay for the passport and other, because the passport íàäà
to take here, and you there. My mum transfers you hi. Mine by a road I am
happy. I with impatience wait for our meeting. I want to you to nestle that you
have embraced me. I love you. I am very a pity should finish. I have a lot of works.
I shall wait for your letter with impatience. Forever yours Natasha.
Letter 12 Bank and money
Hi my love. Today I have found out that it is necessary that we have
met. It will be better if I shall take the visa in Yoshkar-Ola, so will be cheaper. If I shall go in
Moscow to me it will be necessary to live there 10 days, and each day of residing
costs about $ 50 - $ 70. If I shall order the visa and passport here, it will cost $
440. So it is necessary $ 440. I think you can order a double room. I want that
you were my first man. I love you. I miss you. I dream of our meeting.
I as want to embrace you, to kiss you. I have given you the address, on which you through
branch of bank Western Union should send to me money? I want very much
to arrive to you my love as soon as possible. I give you the address of my bank
where there is a system of remittances Western Union. My home address:17
Petrova st., apt. 142 Mari-El, 424000, Russia My complete name Natalia
Smirnova.If required, here is the bank address: Guta Bank 8 Vashskaya
st. Mari-El, Russia
Letter 13 I wrote her 440$ is impossible, the cost for the external passport are max. 100$
Hi my love. I am glad to receive the letter from you. Why you so long
did not write. I also am surprised about the passport and visa. My girlfriend has told that
the passport and visa cost so dearly or I can has not understood her. I so want to
meet you. If you know where cheaply cost the passport and visa, tell me the
address of this transport agency and I can order the passport and visa. Write to
me when we can meet. I very much missed for that time, when you did not
write. I already have told to the mum and at work that soon it shall be possible to leave.
My love I want you to ask. You will order to me the passport and visa or I should
it make. Write to me faster, I shall wait for your letter. Yours Natasha.
(Yoshkar-Ola, Mair-El)
I am a divorced 52 yr. old father of a 5 yr. old daughter ( I have custody)....
Answered an ad from a web page, and a correspondence has taken place. Although I have not yet been asked for money (I assume it will come shortly), after
reading letters from others, I find that the letters I have received are almost
verbatum for some here. The "ladies" name is "Natasha", from
Yoshkar-Ola, Mair-El.E-mail is flower_ss@hotbox.ru.
Hello Eric!!! I'm so pleased that you can understand my not so good
English language, that I has learned in school and in College. I'm 171
centimeters tall, my weight is 54 kg, I have medical education, I'm a
child nurse. I work in children's hospital and I look after children.
I live in the city Yoshkar-Ola. It is approximately in 850 kilometers
from the Moscow city. I want to say you, that I love children very
much. I have an experience of dialogue directly with Russian people,
but they are not adapted, it is serious also. And they drink alcohol
very frequently and it not so is pleasant to me. I think, that such
habit is not a gift. I want to inform, that I do not smoke, and I do
not drink strong drinks. But sometimes I like to drink in the good
company a small glass of grape vine, though it happens very seldom. I
want to say, that I am able well to play a piano, I have finished musical school, I've studied for 6
years. I Want to inform, that I live with my mum. I have the father. My grandfather
unfortunately has died, 7 years ago. I want to say, that I like various music, but
mostly classical. I want to be serious. My relations with you are to
find love and to create happy family. I will be pleased, if you want
the same. I want to say, that I write to you from an office computer.
Unfortunately I have no the computer at home. I hope, that it will not
be a problem. I hope you'll answer me soon. Yours, Natasha.

Oksana Rudenko(Sveta_77,
Svetlana_r, rudenko2, Svetlana455, "9800"Svetlana), Lugansk
I am a white male from the USA and I would like to report to about a scammer by
the name of Oksana Rudenko from Lugansk. Her supposed address is:Rudenko
Sveta,Vatutina Street 93/69,Lugansk 91040,Ukraine.Telephone number is +38(0642)610017. Her e-mail address is Orhid1000@rambler.ru . She has profiles
listed on almost every agency imaginable such as several at Friendfinder(Sveta_77,
Svetlana_r, rudenko2, Svetlana455, "9800"Svetlana), several at Match.com (Sun_flower) plus many more, Absolute Agency (A1028781and A724155), American Singles
(#4416334,#3986234,#5472104,#4416334) -She is a very busy girl; I wonder how
she finds time to be a lawyer. She was trying to get me to send her money to
take English lessons at some Agency called Wild Orchid Agency with Marina
Solovyova as the account manager. I offered to send her to another agency in her
town and she was not too thrilled with this idea (see her letter regarding this
matter):"Would you tell me the address of it so I could go there and find out all information I need to know and whether I will like the tutors. Of course, I will check info about the courses your suggested, but why you don't like the one I suggested you? You see I became friends with people from the agency which services I use and I would prefer to take courses here."She also has a warning
from someone else at Scam Alert (http://scamalert.freeservers.com/Profiles/StoZ/S/svetlana%2Drudenko.html and
has a different address. It seems that she is also affiliated with this scam agency
International Marriage Agecny (Red Rose Agency) which is also fraudulent
according to their report. This is the exact same scam tried by someone else
that I been in touch with and I had reported by the name of Oksana Veselskaya
from Lugansk
http://scamalert.freeservers.com/Profiles/MtoR/O/oksana%2Dveselskaya.html .I
did not send her any money for her English lessons and instead sent her flowers.
Guess what, she does not seem to live at the address she had given me and did
not seem to want to answer her phone as I had tried on two different occasions to
send her flowers with a delivery agency; Both times they were unsuccessful. She
had not gone away as she was still writing to me so I know she was around at
the time. Here is their report back to me: Report from Delivery Agency:
Sveta Rudenko "Doesn't answer phone calls. The entrance of her house appeared
locked. Our agent tried to call her from his mobile phone and waited for 40
minutes until somebody comes in but failed. Photos: Locked entrance and a
plate with house number and street name. Comments: It seems she does not live
there. Our partners have been trying to reach her during 3 days and nobody
answered! SCAMMER."
I was very glad that I did not send her any money as she probably makes quite a
good living from taking all these English classes with all of her profiles which are
listed and probably doesn't have to practice law at all.
Hello How are you? I hope you are doing fine!
I become happier with every letter I get from you:) I congratulate you! As for the winning!:)
We are on the same level of comprehension of our relationship, and are moving straight
forward. We are on our way of creating a strong bond between us, gaining an ultimate
intimacy within our connection, building relationship of complete understanding. We both
want to have no limits in getting know each other. I am working very hard at getting rid of
all my fears and doubts concerning any relationships. And you are a great help
for me! You know, it is rather strange and difficult(after everything I have had in
my life) to let good things into my life. I should never have thought it is possible to
have such man as you are, right there for me, to get so close to him by letters.
But now I am sure - everything is possible, you only have to let that into your life.
You are right. I know that people should "work" at their relationship even when
everything seems to be perfect. here is my home address: Rudenko Sveta
Vatutina Street 93/69 Lugansk 91040 Ukraine My home telephone number is
+38(0642)610017Have a good day Thinking of you, Sveta
Hello Nice to hear form you! Thanks for the congratulations but we will have
the Easter in May:) You know, here we celebrate the Orthodox one. I am glad to hear
that you had a wonderful time:) I think it is very useful to have a vacation not only
in the summer but also during the year:) Tell me, what did you enjoy the most
during your trip? I am doing nothing special, working:), spending the time with my
friends! I am happy that I have them, that I have people whom I can rely on. I think
that friendship is one of the things that made people happy. What do you think?
Hope to hear from you very soon Have a great working week! Sincerely yours,
Hello I am glad to hear from you! Sounds like you had a
great Festival there:) I am sure you had a great holiday. We do not celebrate it here for you know we
have no offsprings from Ireland:))) Thank you for telling me about it! I was so
interested for we do not have such kind of things here! The day has been wet and
rainy. The temps are cool but not uncomfortable. There will be rain off and on
through Thursday morning and then it will clear off that afternoon. Nikita has
been outside all day. He is muddy and really a mess. I told Mum to clean him up
before she brings him into the flat. He will need a bath:-))) As for the English
classes. I really appreciate that you care about me. It is so nice of you to
find the English courses for me. Would you tell me the address of it so I could go
there and find out all information I need to know and whether I will like
the tutors. Of course, I will check info about the courses your suggested, but why you don't
like the one I suggested you? You see I became friends with people from the
agency which services I use and I would prefer to take courses here. But if you
insist I will follow your advice..... I thank you so much for your care once again.
Hope to hear from you soon Sincerely yours, Sveta
Hello You can talk to Marina Solovyova, she's the account manager. The name of
the agency is "Wild Orchid". How are you doing, my dear? I wish you to have
nice weekends and hope to hear from you on Monday. Kisses,
Hello I am excited about our future meeting also! I
realize that knowing English would make it so much easier to communicate with each other.
Here is an e-mail of the agency springtime@rambler.ru And here is the number of the contact
telephone 8 050 564 9767 So you can find out all necessary information by
sending e-mail to the agency. I hope to hear from you soon Sincerely yours,
Hello I was glad to get your answer so soon.
You know I understand the most important in relationship is to understand each other. I want our relationship to
move on, and it's very important to talk the same language. I want to say how
much I appreciate your intention to help me with the courses. Thanks a lot for
your willing to pay for my English courses. You see it's really important for me,
because I would feel very uncomfortable not to understand what you say or have
somebody with us to translate our talk. I have found out some information as for
the language courses in Lugansk. There is an intensive course of English in the
agency. I think even 1 or 2 months of English will make my English much more
better. The cost of 1 month is 300$, but if you pay in advance for 3 months, it'll be
800$ for 3 months. Rather expensive, but the majority of courses in Lugansk cost
a little cheaper, but the quality of education is much more lower. So, Michael, it's
up to you to decide... The tutor of the course is a 45 year woman. Several years
ago she won the conquest of English tutors. The prize was the tour to USA,
where he met with Hilary Clinton and visiting of the most famous American
Universities. She is very highly paid, because she is a high qualified tutor.
what will you say to that? waiting for your reply Sincerely yours, Sveta
Hello Thank you for the congratulations so much. It was a real holiday to me.
The weather was sunny and warm! It seemed like everyone was in a great
mood. The streets were simply smothered in flowers! Women were getting
them and men were carrying bunches to give them to their dear women. There was a spirit of the
real spring! I enjoyed the day very much! Frankly speaking I have always loved
the holiday:) As for my English, I know I have disappointed you saying that my
English is rather poor. I can understand quite much, but my knowledge of it is not
enough for writing letters, as I have already mentioned. I don't have computer at
home, that's why I have to use the translating services and the access to
Internet. I understand the necessity of speaking one language. I realize that
communication is one of the most important part of any relationships. I still hope
one day to improve my knowledge of the language. You have asked me how you
can help this the problem. You know I feel rather embarrassed telling that the
only thing that prevent me from studying the language is lack of money. I want to
thank you so much for intending to help me with the language courses. Should I
find out the exact prices? I have not been to Odessa. Michael, of course I
consider going abroad, otherwise I would have not applied to the Internet:)
You know that I have not much free time. I like spending time with my friends,
watching movies and reading. waiting for your reply Sincerely yours, Sveta
PS I have enclosed a picture.
Hello I was so pleased to hear from you. I am glad to
hear that you are doing fine:) I am fine also. I think you are happy to have a warm weather. You
know it seems like we have another winter here. It is snowing!:) I am happy to hear that
there is a chance that we will meet one day even though I can not go to you.
I think you will like my country:) And I will be happy to meet you here.
I suppose you would like to know about my town:) It is situated in the East of the country. It
is quite far away from the Black sea and the Azov. There are only several rivers
in the region. Lugansk has a population of about 400 000 people. It is an
industrial center of its region. The main branches are coal-mining, machine-building, engineering... But as our country in
in a bad economical situation some of the plants and fabrics do not work. The town is more than 200
years old and there are splendid streets and parks of the old town. My native
town looks pretty in spring, summer and especially in early autumn. But it is
quite dull and gloomy in winter. but the things are getting better day by day:)
I m sure you will like the town. I am glad that you understand my worries about the
language barrier. As you know I would like to learn the language but you see I
can not afford to pay for the language courses. I know that one can study the
language by him/herself. You could send me some books and dictionaries. But it
is not the problem. I have tried several times to learn the language by myself and
failed. I think I just need a teacher to improve my English. But as I have
already said, it is a luxury to me... So, I even do not know what we can do in the
situation... Waiting for your reply Sincerely yours, Sveta
hello I was pleased to hear from you. I am fine. What
about you? I answered you previous letter and was waiting for your reply. I must have not got it. It
is good you are writing again. Even Internet is not perfect:) Accept my congratulations! as for
winning!:) You are lucky to have the real spring, even cool summer there! My
week would have been perfect but the weather:) It is raining all the time.
I want to thank you for your invitation to your country. I have never been abroad and I'd love
to. I am sure I will love Boston! But you know it is very, very difficult to get a visa
there for a young single woman. I think maybe you can come here
first:) What will you say to that? There is one reason why I have been so intensely
interested in you and our potential to meet and possibly be together. We have known each
there for only a short time, but in that time we have deeply explored each other's
priorities and values and desires for what we want in life. I have developed a
trust in you that I would have never thought possible to happen only through
correspondence. I feel we have come a long way in a few short weeks.
One thing troubles me... I think about our language barrier. You know I have good basic
English. But that is not enough got communication in person. i wish I could have
an opportunity to improve it by the time we meet each other face to face. Then it
would be so splendid to talk to you, to understand you completely. but, I can't
afford that now. Hope to hear from you soon Sincerely yours, Sveta
Hello Have a happy New Year, dear!
I wish you all the best what can be in this world. I am so glad you are back! How was your weekend? I was doing nothing
special: having a rest after the working week, working about the house, meeting
friends, watching TV... How are you doing? What is the weather out there? You
know, we have had winter weather since November here. See, our winters are
quite long:) So we HAVE to love winter:))))) As for me I had a great celebration.
first I celebrated the holiday with my family, with my parents and my sister. You
know I think New Year is a family holiday mostly. So I began the celebration at
home. It was very pleasant to spend time with the people whom I love so much.
After that I saw the New Year in with my friends. We had a home party.
Everything was just amazing! We drank champagne and red wine, made jokes
and danced all night, congratulated each others and made wishes of course.
Then we went to another place for visiting our acquaintances. There we were met
very warmly and we continued to enjoy ourselves. It was big fun to spend the
holiday like this. You know they say :how you see in the new year so you will
spend it. So I can say I will have a wonderful year. I hope yours will be great as
well. I wish that your hopes and dreams for this New Year come true, and that
I am included in them:) As you may know, we had Christmas on the 7 of January.
We had a great celebration! I spent the holiday with my family. We had a
wonderful holiday dinner. Every dish was so delicious! To a pity we gather all
together not so often. So it was very lovely to enjoy not only the dinner but
also my family. I suppose I have bored you to death:) I'd love to see those pictures of
yours! Take care. Yours, Sveta.
Hello dear Thank you very much for your
letter, I am very glad to receive it. Santa is packing up his bags and readying his sleigh
Soon, he'll be on his way, to bring you a merry Christmas day. And I just wanted to say,
that I hope you have a wonderful holiday. May all of the blessings of the season
visit you and yours, bringing happiness galore to your door. As you take in the light and snow,
in your heart always know, that someone out there is sending some good wishes to you
and hoping that your greatest Christmas wish comes true. Merry Christmas!!!
I am very glad to know how are you going to celebrate your holidays.
You know, I celebrate winter holidays with my family too, because I think it's family holiday.
We usually have a big party and we enjoy our holidays. We prepare very many
different and tasty salads. I like to cook our national dishes. I prefer home-made
pies, because they are always very sweet and prepared with love. I enjoy to
spend my time with my relatives,we discuss different things. As they are
elder,they can give me advices what to do in different situations. My parents are
the closest people for me on earth. They always help me to make a right choice
in difficult situations. Sometimes they are the only people I can talk to. To tell the
truth my mother is my best friend. She always listens to my endless stories
about the events that happen in my life. Sometimes she understands me even
better than I do myself. I must admit she is a very compassionate person.
I send you my photo and I hope to hear from you soon. Kisses, Sveta.
Hello dear
Thank you very much for your wonderful letter,I am very glad to get it.
Thank you also for your complements,you are a real man and I am glad that I
found you. Thank you also for your nice photo. I liked it very much. I am thinking
about our meeting in summer we could spend a lot of time together,but now I am
preparing to winter holidays. I still enjoy Winter holidays because it makes me
feel like I am child. I remember my joy and happiness when I celebrate them in
my childhood. My parents always made me presents. Not very expansive but
just some nice things I was dreaming about all the year. They always knew what to
give me as a present. I still breathlessly wait for the right time to buy a New Year
tree and I enjoy the decorating it. I have my favorite New Year tree's toys. They
are even older then me. Some of them were buying by my grandparents. Can you
imagine how wonderful I feel taking these toys to my hands. I always afraid to
brake them. And if it happens, I always worry a lot. You know, it's like a broken
piece of childhood. So, I am very careful. Do I seem funny? Big girl who is crying
about broken Christmas toys?:-) But I am not afraid to seem funny. Let it be. It's
me and I can nothing do with it. I think the man who will love me one day, will
except this and join me to decorate the New Year tree. I hope we will be both
careful and he could hear stories about almost every toy. I don't really know why
do I tell you all this. I like to share my thoughts with you. In general I enjoy our
correspondence very much. You know, why? Mostly, because you are nice person and it is easy for
me to communicate with you. But one more thing is that you are far away.
I mean, I don't know if I would tell you all this if you were here right
now. If we, for example, meet somewhere on the street and have a date.
Maybe I would be a little shy and afraid to tell you about my childhood,
holidays, all this nice nonsense I write you in my letters. But as I could
see, you enjoy it. I would be very happy to meet you in spring time,I think it will be
fantastic. So, you let me to continue:-))) OK, I will not bore you any more today:-))) Wait for your
letter, thinking of you. Hugs and kisses, Sveta.
Hello dear Thank you for your nice letter. I was glad to get it very much. You
made my day brighter. I would really like to continue and develop our relationship
and help them to grow in a true love one day. I am very glad that you so nice
sportsman. As for me I am also like sport and I think it's important to keep the
body in the good shape. It's a pity,but I didn't save a piece of my apple pie,but I
think when you come I will cook it only for you. I would like to spoil you with
my cooking and I hope you will like it. I would be also very happy if you make me a
nice candlelight dinner,I am sure we will enjoy it most of all. It's a pity that you
didn't see "Dogma",I suggest you to see it,I am sure you will like it as much as I
liked. Thank you for your advice to see the movie "Shrek" If I have an opportunity,I
will see it with great pleasure. As for me I like cartoons even if I am not a
child,but I always feel me as a child inside my soul. I think I am not only one
who thinks the same way. I like to see you as a lion or a tiger,I think they are the best
animals,they are very big and powerful as far as I know from the fairy tales.
I would like to meet you in the real life and I think we have a lot in
common. I am surprised to hear how the weather is wonderful in Boston. In my
country the weather is getting colder,because it's the beginning of winter. As for me I like all
the seasons I like winter also especially our winters. I wish you could see it some
day with your own eyes. How beautiful when all the trees are covered with snow.
All the houses and the ground are white. I like our nature in general. Sometimes I
imagine me at the Black Sea,you know I spend there my summer vocations. I
wish I could go there next time with you. Don't you mind,? I am sending you my
photo and soft kisses. Yours Sveta.
Hello dear Thank you for your letter and your story how do you celebrate
Thanksgiving. Actually we don't celebrate such holiday in my country. The first
our winter holiday is the New Year and then follows Christmas. Yesterday I tried
to cook an apple pie by new recipe. I think if you were here you'd love to try a
piece. So preparing myself to become a good wife, as good wives need to be a
good cookers, isn't it? You know, I saw the film "Dogma" and was thinking about
Eve and Adam, what did they felt when they were alone, how is it when you know
that except you and this man no more people exist? I think if we will know
that we were made for special people, we won't spend our lives for somebody else
except those special creatures who were made for us. but we cannot guess,
that's why all the time we have to try making mistakes and learning by them. I
think women are more open to that feeling, but if man desires to find his half, he
will feel it also. So do you feel anything about me? Also I was thinking about all
that beauty we are surround with. it's good Moisey(maybe I'm spelling it in wrong
way) left all those animals couples to live, so now we can enjoy those beauty.
Tell me if everything have to die, and you will get an opportunity to become an object(lake, stone, table..), what will you
choose and why? As you know all the people are animals in their souls, who are you? I
think, I'm a rabbit, such a fluffy, white bunny. Is it funny? I think so:)
I hope to hear form you soon. Take care, Sveta
Hello Thank you for your wonderful letter and you photos,Iliked them very
much. I am completely agree with you that the meeting is very important
for us. I would like to meet you as soon as it possible,because i like
you very much and I think we have a lot of common. I like that you are
interested in every aspect of my life. I am very glad to know more and
more about you. Thank you for your story about Boston. To tell the truth
i have never been there,but i can imagine how it's beautiful. I hope to
see it in the real life one day. I think you are very lucky,because you
have many nieces and nephews. As for me I adore children as they are
so open and cute . They are not afraid to show their real needs and feelings . They are looking at the world with open eyes and really enjoy
it , as for them bad things exists only in fairy tales where good always
conquer the evil . I wish we could have the same hope and believe in good .
I want to have a couple of children . There should be more than one because a single child might develop
an egoistical character, but of course not necessarily. It very much depends on
the kind of the parents' education. I want to give my children all the best ,
and be born of love and live in the full family in atmosphere of understanding and warm
feelings. As for your question I belive in destiny and in everything good.
I think that the most important thing in the life is to believe in good,
there are too much good people in comparison with bad ones,there is much
kindness in comparison with evil, fairy tales sometimes come true. Person
has all the rights to be happy, he should be always in the state of love.
When the person doesn't love, he doesn't live but just exist. It's the love
that can unite the Earth with Heaven, black turns into white, rains turns
into sunny day,sad evening into joy party. At the same time,I realize that
just time will show who I am and who you are. Do you agree with me, please,
don't" blow out the fire in your fire place" wait for me. As you know I like motorcycles.
To tell the truth,the situation in the world isn't perfect,but i hope it will not stop us,our feelings,our hopes.
I am sending you my photo,hope you will like it. Hope to hear from you soon.
Yours Sveta.
Hello Thank you for your letter,I am very happy to receive it.
I think it would be great if we could visit this beach someday together. As you know I adore sea and
beach. I think it's very romantic to walk along the beach. My photo was taken
from the Black Sea during this summer vocations. I would be very happy,if you
visit me in my country. I think 1 meeting is better than 100 letters. Do you agree
with me? If you come to my country,I will show you beautiful places of my
country. First of all, you should trust me,because I trust you a lot. I think it's very
important in our relationship. I am very serious and I am not going to
play with you. If you come to me,you will see everything yourself. I want to love and to be
loved. I would be very glad to show you the Black Sea. If you come we will spend
loverly time together. I hope we could sit on the rock, watch how the sun rise. it
will be so beautiful. If we sit near to each other, so I will feel you heart bitting, and
your hand will touch my hair. I hope to see you soon, and show you how much I
care about you, and want to be near! I am sending you my photo,hope you will
like it. I would like to meet you soon. Yours Sveta.
Hello I am very glad to receive your letter.
I will tell you about my job with pleasure. I work as a lawyer. I love
my job very much, because it's a real pleasure for me to communicate with people and help them in all their beginnings.
I don't have much spare time but when I have, things I could do deepens from my mood.
I could just sit near the window and to read an interesting book, or, just watch
TV. I like movies. I have a lot of things I like to do in my free time. Reading,
usic, dancing, cinema. I also enjoy to visit theater. I also like to spend my
spare time with my friends. We always keep in touch and meet often. We
can go to some bar of night club or just come to somebody and make a small party with pie. I
enjoy our communication very much and it is an important part of my life. I am
loyal friend and appreciate the same. I would be very glad if you visit me in my
country we could spend a lot of time together. My postal address:91040
Ukraine,Lugansk,Vatutina street 3/69,Rudenko Sveta.I am sending you my
photo,hope you will like it. Hope to hear from you soon.Take
Hello It is great pleasure for me to read the letter you wrote. I hope I gave
you some reasons to make your wish to continue our correspondence and to
meet in future. Thank you very much for your complements. First of all I should tell you
that I'm lettering with you via agency, but I'm real and the agency is not the
scam. I pay rather high cost for lettering. The reason is that I don't have computer
at home and my English is very poor. I know just some words and common
phrases but of cause it is not enough to communicate with a person from another
country and to write letters. But I really would like to study English someday.
Now it's a real luxury for me, because it's too expensive to study
English in Ukraine. I realize how important it is to communicate with the person whom you
like but who is from another country and who doesn't speak your language. I
think, you know that not many girls in Ukraine speak English and have computers, but it doesn't mean that they shouldn't
forget about finding beloved abroad. It's a pity, but there are a lot of
people which use this situation to earn unfair money. A lot of fair real girls suffer from them,because foreign man, which
were fooled suspect them in fraud. You can be sure that I'm real and my only
purpose is to find my beloved abroad. If you want proves, I will give any proof of
my existence. My only wish is to find a man who will be my husband in future.
Of course, you wonder to know why did I apply to Internet. I was not married, I have
no children, I am young and seem to have good chances to meet my soul-mate
in my own country. But you see, our men don't value things I have in my
character. I don't want to waste my life with the man who wouldn't love and
respect me. I want to get marriage once in life and to live happy life with my
beloved. I dream about cozy house with loving family, nice children, caring
husband. I even don't really care about the country or nationality. I think that I
want to meet the right man, who is he and what is he - doesn't matter.
I see him as wise and clever, serious, kind and treating, passionate
and mature. I would also like him to have a sense of humor. But the main thing is understanding
between two people which are in love. So, I dream about happy family. And only
life will show if I make this dream come true. I belive in destiny. You know I was
thinking about the real relationship, I mean relations as ideal, the combination of
love, trust and respect. It's so nice to have somebody whom you love near you,
but marriage should not be based only on this feeling, it is important
just at the beginning then you get used to your partner step by step love becomes a habit,
that`s why at the first place must be respect and trust. Only in this case you
marriage will be happy. And one more thing our partner must be number one for
you, you must treat him as good as nobody else, need him as an air. An of
course I must be 100% sure in him. I would not forgive the cheat. As for me I'm a
very loyal person. What do you think about my words? I can give you my
telephone number. So my telephone number is:+38(0642)466622 I am looking
forward to your next letter. Take care, Sveta.
Hello Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. I even didn't
hope for such result. As far as I understood, you liked my profile and
decided to write me. So, you want to get to know me better. I feel the
same. Let's not to waste each other's time. We can start right now. As you remember ( I hope ), my name is
Svetlana. I live in Ukrainian city, Lugansk. It is Eastern part of my country. I am
23 years and graduated the University two years ago. I studied Law and
I worked as a teacher of History at school for some time, but now I've
found a job on my speciality. I enjoy my work very much and usually get
a lot of pleasure from the communication with people. Actually, I am very busy at work but when I have free
time I have many interesting things to do. Among my hobbies there are reading,
music, cooking. I also enjoy housekeeping very much. But it is not only a
hobby - it is life style. My house should always be the best, the cleanest, the most cozy.
I like to have guests and I have a lot of friends. We know each other for a long
time and always support and help to each other. I like to travel very much too.
But for a pity, I have not been abroad. There so many places, I dream to visit.
Maybe my dream will come true one day and my beloved man and me will go all
around the world. It would be very romantic trip. Speaking about my family, I can
say that it consists from my Mother, Father, my older brother and me. We are
very friendly and maybe if you meet us you would like our company a lot. Now I
live together with my parents. I also have a cat, Nikita. Well, I guess, it would be
enough for the first letter. Let me close for now. I would like you to know that I
liked your letter very much and want to continue our correspondence in future
very much. Write me back. Also feel free to ask me anything you would like to
know about me. I will gladly answer you. Take care, Svetlana.
Sokolovich (Kiev, Ukraine)
I have just read a story about a scammer called Tatyana Sokolovich. I can assure you that Tatyana is real, I dated her, travelled to Kiev 4 times, and she visitd me in Canada last summer. It did not work out between us but I can assure you all that she is a beautiful, intelligent and very real woman. Her not giving the right address is a mystery, she is a student and doesn't have much money and she moved twice while I knew her. If anyone has any questions about Tatyana please feel free to contact me @ talonaviation@yahoo.ca.
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ANTI-SCAM GUIDE - Read how to make scammers to leave you alone
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Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
- Article by
Anatoly Neverov
Dating Services - where to look for a
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