Alexandrova (Magadan)
my name is Bob, i just wrote you a scam letter i received. i forgot to
put in that i am a 44 yr. old male from long island new york thanks i
just read my letters from a woman called tania alexandrova,city of
magadan proletarskaya,3-15. i received 14 consecutive letters.this
letter is exactly word for word a carbon copy printed in blacklist here it is.it is her second letter :
I very much of rad that you have answered to me. I very much liked
yours the profile on this site and have decided to write you. I search
for the man in which I can conduct all life. it very much far from Moscow.
I live in Russia in city of Magadan. Our city is very small and have
despaired to search for man for life. I shall tell you about myself.(
sound familiar guys?) my body height of 175 centimeters. weight of 68
kilograms. to me 30 years. I was never married. i have derivation of
cook and higher education on a specialty economy and marketing, but at
present time I work. by the cook in a restaurant. I have no children
.for me beautiful eyes by I think you will estimate. I love to be
engaged in sports. I frequently go in a training hall. I do not smoke
or drink alcohol. I concider that is the deposit of youth, beauty and
health. I think that with you will agree. I live with mum. I has told
it(her) that today has come letter from man from America.(except I
never sent her a letter and at this point did not even have her
address, I didn't realize it then, but she says in another letter that
she goes to the computer center or the cafe internet)
there is more but take it from me this
letter is word for word the same letter received from another
gentle men. except her name was Anastasia Vetrova.
I will try to insert a picture of her. but remember the name
guys.............Tania Alexandrova................. city of Magadan
proletarskya,3-15 Russia
actually i was heartbroken but did not send her a dime......  
Tatyana Levkovskaya
(Kiev, Ukraine)
I got a letter from a person claiming to be Tatyana Levkovskaya from Kiev,
Ukraine. She sounded very sincere until I saw the same letter posted by another
person on here (see http://www.womenrussia.com/blackpage75.htm). She uses a
different name and photo but same letters. Be careful this one knows all the right
things to say to you! She never asked for money but that may be because I
confronted her about finding her letter posted on here. She pulled my name from
a personal ad on www.matchmaker.com. We wrote back and forth for about a
month, she replied almost every day except weekends. She has a lot of very
romantic things to say, in fact I still find it hard to accept she was attempting a
scam. She broke my heart!
Letter 1
Hello, Prince! I've read your ad recently and you seemed like an interesting
person to me. I would like to get to know you better! Well, let me try and tell you
a little about me, My name is Tatyana. I'm 25 years old and I'm from Ukraine. I
work in a wholesale perfume trade company as a receptionist. I love my job! New
people, meetings, phone calls all that bring me great pleasure and feeling that I'm
needed and can help. About me, I am a fun loving and funny person (so I am
told). I enjoy what life has to offer me, and like the outdoors immensely, at the
same time considering myself rather adventurous. I enjoy sports: swimming,
basketball and volleyball. It keeps me fit, young at heart and mind. Music just
turns me on, any kind of it- from Gershveen, Rahmaninov to Beatles and Queen.
My passions are reading, theatre and traveling. I dream to see the whole world
one day. I am a very giving person, and would like very much to be able to give of
myself, to someone P.S. Pay no attention to the data of my profile. I simply dont
like to fill in long profiles. There is such a feeling that I am accepted to work into
some secrete service. I think wed better learn each other during our correspondence.
Letter 2
Hi Mike! I was glad to hear from you.So I'd like to get to know each other better
through our correspondence. And I'll be glad to tell you more about myself.
I am from Kiev, Ukraine as you know. It is really a nice country with its wheat
fields, vast steppes, thick forests , mountains of Crimea and Kiev where I
live now is very picturesque because of lots of parks and ancient monuments of
historical heritage. Its rich and turbulent history is reflected not only in legends
and chronicles but in stone as well. Every street, every building and every
monument can relate many exciting things. I'm planning to go to the USA
and if we have an opportunity to meet it will be a good chance to get acquaintance closer. And now our correspondence can give us a lot. Tell me
about that place where you live. Where do you like to spend your weekend?
Without fail you have many interesting beautiful places where it is possible to spend a good time. Especially I like mountains and sea, like
travelling. My dream is to travel round the world. Are you fond of travelling? If it
is so we have much in common. I also enjoy it. Every summer I try to find time
to travel. I adore mountains, overcoming the difficulties and in the evening
when you are tired to hold a cup of fragrant tea & look at the fire. Tent -it's
cool, it is like a house behind your shoulders, when you don't depend on the
time and there is no need to return somewhere. I think to live in the movement
is wonderful. I wish I could see the world!I try to use every single hour
that is free. I am fond of sports. It keeps me fit & give me strength to enjoy
life more & more. I don't smoke or drink. My height is 168 cm (5'6"), my
weight is 58 kg (128 lbs ). I have never been married and have no children.
One of my favourite occupations is cooking. It is so pleasant to cook tasty
dishes for somebody you love. Especially if this dinner has a romantic
atmosphere. By the way, what is your favourite dish? Ask me everything
what you want to know about me. I promise to be sincere in my letters.
I send you my photo. Hope it'll bring some warmth in your heart. Send me
yours please. I will be waiting for your answer .With best regards, Tanya.
Molchanova Russia
I have noticed a mistake in the black list reguarding "ANNA MOLCHANOVA"The
information about her scam tactics are correct but her email is not.I was writing
to her on a regular basis and asked your advise "is she a scam?":you replied
"I think so":I decided to take your advice and didn't send her any money.YOU
WERE CORRECT!!" Her email is anna_molchanova1@mail.ru.
Ekaterina Sokolova
(Novosibirsk, Russia)
This one's convincing, but black list pg 61 and 90 reafirmed my fears, She
initailly contacted me the same as the other on Date dot con.,,,no pun
intended. this is the second one that ive found on the black list and if you
mention coming to visit them instead of them coming here it seems to slow
them down. both fell in love by letter # 3, I'm a 38 year old American and
may have been born in the dark,,but it wasn't last night. You will notice
she mentions its her first aquaintance on the internet...it's the same
letters basically already mentioned..if you would like to have more info
feel free to e-mail douglasdiederich@hotmail.com
Hi Douglas!!! It's me Ekaterina from the Russia. Excuse me for the
long answer. I so excited that you have answered my letter. I am very glad. At all I do not know
from what to begin the letter. Probably, you will want to learn (find out) something
about me directly? Well I shall tell in brief about myself. I the ordinary Russian
girl, practically am distinguished by nothing from the others. Probably to
describe itself it was easier, if I did not do (make) it for the first
time . Excuse me for mess of words, it because I worry a little, you see this my first acquaintance through
internet. It is time to continue the story about itself. My growth of 170
centimeters, and weight of 52 kg. These are normal proportions for the girl who
keeps up itself and goes in for sports. I very much love occupations by
sports, without it I feel not so well. I go in for sports from the childhood, I participated in
competitions on track and field athletics, and repeatedly won first place. My age
of 27 years, it can seem at first sight unnaturally, but it is the truth because I very
much care of the health. And you go in for sports? However, it has no for me the
big value. Important that we have found with you mutual understanding. I live and I
work in city Chelyabinsk, here I was born and have grown, very much to like me
my city. On the nature I the cheerful person, try to enjoy each moment of my life
and to transfer with a smile all difficulties of my lonely life. I live one in a
small apartment some years. First I liked such life, but in due course I have
understood, that in my life there is no man, on this I have taken advantage of
services of service of acquaintances. Also I think, what not çðÿ. You see you
have answered my letter. I shall tell about the work: I work as the dancing-master
at school. To me to like to be engaged in dances. And you are fond of dances? If
you are fond, with which? I dance a waltz, a tango and variety dances. Now at
us there comes spring, all around starts to vary, and in my life changes too begin.
Do not pay attention to mine not absolutely correct English because I use the
program the translator for a spelling of letters. But I well understand the English
language and constantly I study in new words, soon I shall seize it in
perfection. Do not leave my letter without the answer. I wait for your fast reply
with impatience. Sincerely Ekaterina.
Irina Glaz
(Moscow,Russia)/Anjela Oleynik (Kherson, Ukraine)
Just in case anyone cares....................
Anjela (Kherson, Ukraine) Anjela Oleynik (Kherson, Ukraine) Email address
anjelappp@gmx.net Is also known as
Irina Glaz (Moscow,Russia)-#5771673 at DatingFaces.com
Thanks and keep up the great work, Gary
Zinina (Syktyvkar, Russia)
I am a single father of one son. I am a white male, 51 years old. I live in Saint
Louis, Missouri. I am a school teacher. The original contact was from Lubov after
reading my profile at a singles site. We have sent about 20 emails back-and-forth
over the last month. After several very romantic letters, Lubov wrote me an email
concerning sending her some money in order to obtain a visa to visit me.
Here is our last correspondence which was an obvious scam.
Hi my love Gary! Today is not cold here again, and I'm thinking of you Gary. It
was a great day when I received the first letter from you I thank the God and I
know that I found the man which name is Gary and I love you. Today I find out up
to the end all about opportunities come to you. The holidays was too slowly lasted
without hearing of you Gary, and I miss you Gary. I am pleased with an
opportunity to meet you soon, and I want it very much, I think you want
it too, your letters was the ray of light in my life. As you know I was not interested in
moving to other country but I will do it because I found my love and it's you Gary!!!
We have firm in our city which makes the documents for people who want to
leave the country. I asked about moving to united states and I got the answer that
I need the visa, foreign passport and some other documents for registration. We
have defined(determined) a type of the visa and it's type which allows to marry in
the future but if it will be not realize I must return to my country after ninety days
it's limit for visa. I asked about prices and was very surprised, first I ask about
terms (time) of performance and they said that there is many people who wants
to make documents and leave the country but if I'll make the application now,
and pay for it now they will make all documents not more than two weeks, and if I'll
not make the application, documents will be prepared not earlier than two or three
months because there are many people who wants to do it. I was very surprised
of price of it. It cost three hundreds and twenty nine american dollars. It's make
me little suppressed and disappointed I don't have so much now. I was make
application but I must pay for it. I asked my mother about our savings she said
that the money should not be a barrier between two people which love each other.
I counted my sum and I found out that I have only about fifty dollars and my
wages will be not soon. I asked my friends about helping me and they said that
havn't it at the present moment. I asked the advice my mother and she said that
maybe you Gary can help me because he loves me. I asked her how he can help
me, because he is far from me. My mother said that Gary can send the money
through company which make this service. I asked about it on my work and I
know now that exists reliable and fast company which makes remittances in
world and it's called western union. I has remember that I saw advertising
this company on tv. I take a directory book and found the address of it and it's not far
from me. I went there and I asked them about service. They said that sender
must go to the western union branch, give them information: the name and last
name of receiver, country they make transfer and bring the ten digits secret code
to sender. The receiver must know ten digits for receiving money. They say that
the branches of it must be everywhere worldwide. Here is the information about
me: Country : Russia City : Syktyvkar Name : Lubov Lastname : Zinina Address
of branch of western union: SEVERNY NARODNY BANK PERVOMAISKAYA, 68 SYKTYVKAR,167000 7 (821) 2441931
I must know your full name, full address, your contact phone. You must know Gary that I decide to ask you about it
because I love you and trust you very much. I decide to come to you because I
feel this way and you are very necessary to me, I decided to come to the
unfamiliar country and I never be outside my country. But I decided to do it
because now you are part of my life and I trust you in all. I think you
trust me too and love me too. You must inform me the closest airport to you I'll ask the
help with ticket from my relatives. Please don't forget to tell me the closest airport.
My love Gary I need 289 dollars I think you will help us because we found our love
and we want to meet closer. You must inform me ten digits and I can receive it.
You must know Gary we must hurry because I can receive the documents soon
and if we lost the time it is necessary for a long time. Now it's very difficultly to
receive the visa to america, and it's fact, but if I pay now I think I do it.
I think about sense of money, and I'm very sad if this paper can prevent people to meet
each other. In most cases the money play a main role in life but it's not right! I'm
sure. And the quantity of money was and will not important to me I always not
aspired to material enrichment and don't search specially for rich man. I
appreciate human qualities and relations and I love you Gary!!! I love you all my
heart, I want to be with you now... I want to be with you forever. If it's mutually we
will be very happy in our life. I think you love me too and we will meet very soon.
You are my love Gary. My heart is yours. I'm waiting good news from you, I hope
everything will be all right and we will be together soon. Every day I think about
our meeting, and I think it's real, we must use this chance of destiny. I LOVE
YOU!!!!!!!! I write my letters by myself but sometimes I use the translator when I
couldn't understand the mean of some words. Your love Lubov.
I did not respond…..Gary in Saint Louis
Toktasheva (Kazan, Russia)
I am a 35yr man with 1 child, She sent me a letter stating she found me in
OneandOnly agency I've been sending e-mail from her for about over 4 months
As i look onto this sight i have seen that she been also saying the same
stuff to me about her history with her decease husband and her x boyfriend
that took off and sold her company
She also been requesting money for sometime now through a bank ALFA on 101
Lenin street Kazan, As i pointed out to her that i will go to Russia and
visit the surroundings, She was most eager to say that it would-be cheaper
for her to come to me, and she said time to time again that trust is the
utmost importance and i must do this to prove our love for each other, I
have been thinking about doing this for her for 2 weeks now till i seen this
web page that brought me valuable information about these scammers THANK you
BLACKLIST !!! and the people who support this. I haven't written her back
since but next time if she does i let her know what kind of a scam full deed
she is pulling it has been a week since she wrote to me.
Greeting my love Joe. I am very glad to receive your letter.
Only today I have understood that I love you. Yes I love you though it sounds strange. I did not test
similar feelings many years. As it is not a pity that very soon we may will meet,
but I shall wait this day. I have already told parents that I can leave them on
some time. They have told that will miss me very much. But they will be happy if I shall
be happy. I have learned about cost of the visa. It costs 350 $. Unfortunately, it
will be necessary for me of 7 months to save up such money. My salary of 70 $.
In Russia pay for good work a little. It is very sad. What you think of it? Olga
Hello my love Joe.Thank for care, at me everything is all right,
thank for care. I had no an opportunity to you to write because at us there were holidays and
there was no opportunity to write to you As to your visit to me that will be easier
and cheaper if I shall come to you, it will allow to save about(near)800 dollars
I long waited for the moment when I again shall be may to Receive from
you the letter. This moment has made happy me when I have received Your letter. I have
told about us to my to friends. They are very pleased, that I have The found
happiness and I have the good friend In USA. Certainly I have told that we only
friends, but in To depth oppress I hope for the greater. For me as well as my
parents. It seems, that you and I already on so was a lot of Close with
each other, we, as though the husband and the wife, only, unfortunately, Shared into
huge distance. But not supervision it we should continue to love everyone Another
and to trust each other. You agree with me? Each day I feel more and more
happy. I think, that it - destiny it It may be dangerous to me, but I want to love
you very much. Your letters are filled Such tenderness and care. Sometimes to
me it becomes very sad, that we are shared with such big distance. Sometimes I
Think - my God, thank for that that have helped to find to me of such good and
kind person and to help us to meet. I dream of our meeting and about which as
we shall leave on walk with you, to Hold for hands As we shall care one by one
and as we shall do Love. I LOVE YOU, I WANT YOU, YOU FOR EVER In MY HEART,
In MY IDEAS. I dream as You will carry me on hands to kiss and embrace my gentle a body. It is a pity, that it only dreams. Whether
is doomed to come true? The god Only knows about it. I spoke with the friend and she has
advised me to take the visa of the tourist,this visa B-2, it is valid during 90 days. It
costs 350 dollars. But I have not such money. If you can then send them to me
through Western Union, address of branch: ALFA BANK Lenin street, 121 KAZAN
RUSSIA OLGA TOKTASHEVA When you send money you necessarily will write ten numbers of a
remittance. It is necessary that I could receive money in bank. I am very glad that you
want to see me. Unfortunately, to meet are necessary
money, but money is only paper, main is that that we are going to
meet. We should trust each other because we love each other and we are going
to meet soon. Still I talked to my friend which works in travel agency .She has
told me that the visa B-2 was the best variant for us to
meet. She speaks when we meet we will able to discuss how we are going to live
together further. I love you and I begin to understand that love is such strong feeling, I am
glad that I could test it due to you. I kiss you and wait your letter. Always your OLGA.
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ANTI-SCAM GUIDE - Read how to make scammers to leave you alone
themselves, and choose the right girls from the very beginning.
Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
- Article by
Anatoly Neverov
Dating Services - where to look for a
Russian wife
dating agencies
- how do they make their