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9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women
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Do You Love?

By  Jan Tincher

Do you love people? Do you love things? Do you love people and  not things? Do you love things and not people? Do you love yourself?  Do you love whatever you’re addicted to? Do you love money? Do  you love the thrill of the *chase?* Do you love the feeling of defeat?

Don’t laugh. The feeling of defeat can be a definite turn on for someone who doesn’t succeed at anything except defeat. The point  here is to find what you love. 

You see, everyone loves something. Even the person who says he  doesn’t know how to love. At the bare minimum, he loves the feeling  of not knowing how to love, simply because he is in his *comfort zone.* If nothing else, people *love* to be in their comfort zone, even if the  comfort zone excludes love.

Again, I say, everyone loves something. It may be in varying degrees,  but it’s still a form of love.

If someone asked you if you felt loved, and your answer was *no,*  but you wished you did, then this article is for you.

Lot’s of people don’t feel loved, but wished they did. The problem is,  they don’t know how. They don’t realize that love can be a learned response.

There are people out there who are loved, who are loving, and who  love. Lots of times, but not always, one person is all three. Are you  saying to yourself, yeah, that’s THEM. I’m ME. Nobody loves me.  That may be your reality, but it’s not law. I say: If you can think, you  can learn. If you can learn, you can love. If you can love, you can be loved.

Practice loving yourself, and understand and believe that what goes  around comes around. Isn’t that simple?

Once you love yourself, you will automatically send out love.  

We’re not talking romantic love here. We’re talking basic life--we’re-happy-to-be-alive-we’re-in-love-with-the-world love.  My life turned around once I discovered how to love myself. Do you want to know how I did it? 

Here’s how:

Whenever I had a negative thought, I said, "Thank you, Lord!"

I triggered myself to immediately recognize that I was having a  negative thought, and to say, "Thank you, Lord!" in its place!

The minute a thought came in that said anything negative, I went  immediately to "Thank you, Lord!" Your words could be the same or different. It doesn’t matter as long as you replace your negativity with something that wasn’t negative. Your words could be, "Hot dang!  I did it again! I ain’t going to do that no more!", and then smile like you’ve never smiled before. It really doesn’t matter. Whatever you  choose to say will stop the old habit of thinking badly, and the smile  alone will do wonders. When you get the negative thoughts gone,  you’ll have plenty of room to feel the love you are giving yourself! Take control of your life and your thoughts now. Stop the bad thought  the minute the first word comes out and replace it with words that you  now *choose.*

Again, say what makes you feel good and nullifies the situation, taking 
away the negativity.

In case, you didn’t realize it, negativity does not promote love. 
We need to promote love in ALL our thoughts, so we can become 
used to having love in our lives. 

What you are really doing is helping yourself immensely. You know  how? Remember that I said, What goes around, comes around? You’ve  now decided to stop the bad from going out. That, alone, will change  your life around. Make it a point to only send out good.

Truly. Only YOU can decide. Only you can fill your life with love. Once 
you have love inside, you’ll receive more of it, because that’s what you’ll  be sending out.

Thanks for reading,



Copyright 2004, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

DISCLAIMER: Jan Tincher and/or *Tame Your Brain!* do not 
guarantee or warrant that the techniques and strategies portrayed 
will work for everyone. The techniques and strategies are general 
in nature and may not apply to everyone. The techniques and The techniques and strategies are general 
in nature and may not apply to everyone. The techniques and 
strategies are not intended to substitute for obtaining medical 
advice from the medical profession. Always consult your own 
professionals before making any life-changing decisions. 

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