Valeria Chervonnyh (Kazan, Russia)
My name is Nhat, 29 years old. I received an email from Valeria on Lavalife,
originally. She said she works as a child nurse living in Kazan. We corresponded
for almost a month and the first few letters were innocent enough, but the next
few kept saying how her feelings for me were getting "stronger and stronger" and
then, of course, the inevitable letter saying "I Love You" was the exact one that I
found online. Some of the letters show a better command of the English language
than others, as if they were written by more than one person, so I was skeptical.
Also, she said that she'd be happy to answer all questions and didn't really
answer many past the first two letters. Nope, I sent no money, thank god. To test
out the address she gave me, I sent some flowers and they came back with a
"delivery problem." Here are the letters in their entirety:
Letter 1 - Introduction
Hello !!! My name is Valeria. I'm so pleased that you can understand my not so
good English language, that I has learned in school and in College. I'm 171
centimeters tall, my weight is 64 kg, I have medical education, I'm a child nurse. I
work in children's hospital and I look after children. I live in the city Kazan. It is
approximately in 850 kilometers from the Moscow city. I want to say you, that I
love children very much. I have an experience of dialogue directly with Russian
people, but they are not adapted, it is serious also. And they drink alcohol very
frequently and it not so is pleasant to me. I think, that such habit is not a gift. I
want to inform, that I do not smoke, and I do not drink strong drinks. But
sometimes I like to drink in the good company a small glass of grape vine,
though it happens very seldom. I want to say, that I am able well to play a piano,
I have finished musical school, I've studied for 6 years. I Want to inform, that I live
with my mum. I have the father. My grandfather unfortunately has died, 7 years
ago. I want to say, that I like various music, but mostly classical. I want to be
serious. My relations with you are to find love and to create happy family. I will be
pleased, if you want the same. I want to say, that I write to you from an office
computer. Unfortunately I have no the computer at home. I hope, that it will not be
a problem. I hope you'll answer me soon. Yours, Valeria. PS: I see you profile on
lavalife. You know may be it's strange, but I felt that you're so understanding,
careful, tender, intelligent and loving person I need. And so as I always fall in love
with somebody based only on my feelings I decided to try 'coz I felt sympathy to
Letter 2
Hi my dear . I write this letters from an Internet cafe. It's very fast. My weight of
64 kgs. I'm 171 cm tall. I to not have children! I was never married! I very much to
want to marry. My age 25 years. I've finished a musical school. I am able to play
on the piano. I work as a children's medical sister. What you to love to do in free
time? What kind of food do you like? I have a day off today and I have decided to
write a letter to you. My mum an me are going to visit my grandmother today.
She lives in 50 kilometers from our city in a village. I live in city Kazan. There are
perfect nature and circle of woods. She will prepare pies which are made in the
furnace. They are very delicious and fragrant. You probably never ate such tasty
pies. My feelings with each letter to you are becoming stronger and stroner. I
talked to the mum about our relations. I told her some phrases from your letter
and she said that you are probably honour man and your feelings are sincere
about your relations to me, but you should not hurry up with acceptance of the
serious decision, you should understand the feelings. We with you as two
climbers which rise in a mountain, I am on the one side, and you are on the
other, and the final point is the top on which we will meet. We should climb to the
top not looking on obstacles which can will meet on our way, and then everything
will be very well. I shall wait for your answer. Always yours, Valeria.
Letter 3
Hi my dear Nhat! It's a very big pleasure to read your letter. Yesterday I had a lot
work and was very tired. I want to say more about myself! My work consists in
treating and preventing children diseases. It is very necessary work. I have sliding
work schedule. It once in afternoon, other time in night. I like my work very much.
I have a dog at home. His name is Polkan. He is a large but very kind dog. When
I am playing the piano he tries sing under the music. I am playing different music.
I like music of the composers such as Bach, Shopen, Mozart and others. My
favourite food are sea products, and also various fruit salads, but I also can
prepare other dishes. I am a very good cook. In free time I like to go for a walk in
a wood or on lake, when warm weather. In winter evenings I love laying in beds to
read the romantic books, and also to make a wool of the ram for a sweater and
scarfs. I also very much love sports. I to be engaged in gymnastics. Also I watch
football, hockey, basketball on the TV. I am very happy, that I have found you on
the internet. I always wait for your new photos and pictures. My city is small it is
near Moscow, and it 150 kilometers far from the city Novgorog. My grandmother
sends you a big hello! She taught me to how make tasty pies. I think that when
we would be together, I shall make tasty pies for you. I am going for walk in a
park today. I hope you are not against. What will you do today? I am interested in
each your step. Well? I shall write to you tomorrow. I am waiting for your letters!
Kissing and hugging you, yours Valeria.
Letter 4
Hi my dear Nhat! I am very glad to receive news from you again and again. I like
to prepare various tasty meals very much. I shall prepare to you the most tasty
dishes at ours meeting. I am living alone with my mum. My daddy left us when I
was only 6 years old. I do not have brothers and sisters. It's a pity. I live in a
beautiful city. I unfortunately still do not have telephone. I've worked hard for the
last year to earn money for the telephone, but we are still unable to pay for it's
installation (its cost very dearly - near 330$ USA need). I want to hear you very
much, but I to think, when we meet we shall not only speak with each other, but
also greater! I very much like to read your letters, they are giving a lot of pleasure
to me. With each your letter I am understanding more and more what will turn
out. I am already taking our relations much more seriously. My opinion that the
most important thing between man and woman is the complete trust, I hate when
people lie and deceive each other. As I consider in that moment of life we have to
accept the conciliatory proposals, you see it is the important part of the relation
between the man and woman. You probably think that I am too serious, but I
simply do not want to be mistaken in a choice of the future husband. At this
moment my feelings to YOU already much more than friendship. I am
understanding that you are honour man. Your words you write me warms my soul
and heart. It so is wonderful that there is a man is in this world, to whom I am not
indifferent. It is pleasant for me to receive letters from you and feelings which I
thus test to not pass by words. Probably on it I shall finish and with the large
impatience. I shall wait for your next letter. Strong I hugs and kisses. Yours
Letter 5
Hi my dear Nhat! I've awaken early today to make various fruit salads. I do not
have a lot of food, I keep my figure and I'm constantly jogging a little after work. I
shall be very glad to receive your new photos. I shall print them on the color
printer and place them above my bed in a sleeping room. My mum likes to read
your letters too. I am translating them to Russian and we reading them together
with my mum. I was never married, but I want to marry very much. It is very
pleasant to me to find out that by mutual understanding each other, you see it is
a very important fact in our relations. If we want to create strong union, we should
trust and understand each other in all I feel fine, concerning me can not worry
with me that's all right. Today I have received my salary. It probably will be
ridiculous but I have earned forty dollars for this month. Well, we shall not speak
about problems which rise on our way. Write me as often as possible, I like to
read your letters very much, they giving me pleasure in life, giving me chance to
believe that I'm loved by a man somewhere far away from me, it raises my mood
at once, it would be desirable to live and to believe that we shall meet. I shall wait
for your answer today. I send you many kisses and hugs. Every minute you're in
my heart. Forever yours, Valeria.
Letter 6
Hello my love Nhat! First of all today I have gone to look if the letter from you has
come. And I was delighted with your letter. I have a feeling, like I have received a
charge of energy for all day. Please write me about your work, I would like to
know all about you, what is your the most favourite dish, what do you like to do in
free from work time. Lovely I want to tell, that I have chosen in you soul superior
others in love, in mercy, in mighty desire to love and to bring happiness. And
please, be honour with me. You see the deceit breaks a lot of families. Today I
shall attend to church and I shall ask for us. Be healthy and in a good spirit,
remember that you always in my heart. The fidelity and caress is necessary to
you? I have selected destiny of a fidelity, as closest to my nature. Will be sure.
Vainly speak, that the love is blind; True in that fond is indifferent to those or
other lacks, which it perfectly sees, if only it seemed, that it finds in the man that
is most important for him. And it is in you. As I would like to see us together,
evenings, in a room. We would start with you long conversation, one that I love;
we would discuss people, things seen during the day. Recently has found east
love treatise and would like you to read - Three sources have inclinations of the
man: soul, reason (or mind) and body. An inclination of souls derivate friendship.
An inclination of mind derivate respect. An inclination of a body derivate desire.
The connection of three inclinations derivates love. I'm always waiting for your
answer with impatience. Forever yours, Valia.
Letter 7
Hello my love Nhat! I am very glad to receive news from you again. I see that you
are very courageous and honour man. I see that we are necessary to each other.
I've visited church and I've asked for you and ours meeting. How are you there
without me? I shall try to find out how can I arrive to you my love! I'm so alone
here without you. You are always with me in my thoughts. You show very strong
interest to me it very pleasant to feel. I began to think alot about us, what would
happen in our future. Write to me all questions in which you're interested. I will be
very glad to answer. You now are the second person in this world whom I need
most of all. The first person is my mum. I hope that we would meet in near future.
I am very grateful to you because you trust me. Through the Internet it is not
naturally, we should take each other in hands and look into each other eyes and
speak about our love and us. I want to know all. You are very important to me.
When I began to correspond with you I had a hope that everything with you and
me all will be great. With each your letter I understood that I have found that man
which is necessary for me. I as well as you want to see you believe me fast, it
would be desirable. I want to embrace you caress. I consider what exactly
creation of a spiritual emotional basis of the man and there is a purpose sense of
family. I want to tell you that my feelings and the words in our relations always
were sincere and I always understood that we put a lot of trust, that helps our
union to become real. I'm waiting for your answer with great impatience. Always
yours, Valeria.
Letter 8
Hi my dear Nhat. I am very glad to receive your answer. It is pleasant, that our
acquaintance is a success also we have progress. I to think and very much to
want what to have our love together. I to search specially for such the man as
you. I am very glad, that my heart me to not deceive. Why, from all I to want to
choose you. I to think, that it is destiny. Because me so to tell my heart. And I
was very glad when to find your letter in the box. Now I go to my work what to
look my box and to find your letter. Each night and day my ideas on you. I to not
know, that this such. But I to feel as me 18 years. I to feel the young and young
girl. I to lose good dream. Because I long to think of you before that how to lie
down to sleep. It to not give me to sleep. I to think, that tomorrow I can receive
from you the answer. Now I to finish the letter. Strong I embrace you,
yours Valeria.
Letter 9
Hi my love Nhat! What you do last night? I to want to know everything, what you
do. I to want to know each your step. I am very pleased, that you to write to me. I
very much love it. Me very much make happy your letters, when by you in them
to open feelings my love. I do make pies with meat and potatoes, pies with a
strawberry fuse. You to love pies? When I to arrive in you, I to you shall be the
furnace very tasty pies. I very much love, prepares the various tasty foodstuffs.
When I make pies, I go and to check electronic mail. I was very pleased when to
see, which you have written to me! I at once began to write to you this letter! I to
similar your friends. I very much to wait ours at first with you of night. We shall
love each other all night. You to want it my love? I today enter shop and will buy a
pie. Then I to drink tea with a pie.. I now to go home and to make cleaning. When
I shall be in you, I shall prepare for you supper. I hope, it will love you it. Well? I
to send you this song as my recognition I love from all my heart. You concern my
life I live for you As your eyes they understand I live for you Come to me
Lay your body down I won't deny you anything Look at me I feel so different now
You're the one I cry to You're all around me I breathe you in like air
Your arms have found me Like waves that find the sand And baby I'll be there...
Chorus: You touch my life I live for you Because your eyes they understand
I live for you In my life You come through I live for, I live for, I live for you
Walk with me The future's in the wind Though the road is winding I'll be near
Talk to me Tell me all your fears I'm the one you cry to You call me lover
And tell me I'm your life I won't run for cover I've shown you who I am
And in the darkest night In your arms, I come alive In my live I am free
No one could ever understand what you do to me You hear my soul So deep in you
Nobody knows the things you know I live for you In my life You come through
I live for, I live for, I live for you. I very to wait for your letter. It
is a lot of love and respect. Yours Valeria
Letter 10
Hello my love Nhat! I was very pleased to receive from you the letter. When I read
your letter, in me even have appeared on eyes of tear of pleasure. I see, that we
are necessary the friend the friend. Not seldom I visit church, and about me ask
about you and our about meeting. How you there without me? I here very much
without you the people. You in ideas always with me. You show very strong
interest to me it very pleasantly to feel. I began very much to think of us with you,
which waits for us forward. I very much hope that that our meeting speed the
future is carried out. I am very grateful to you, that you trust me. In me very good
mood. I want to know all. To me you are very important. When I began to
correspond with you, I had that that hope, that in us with you everyone will be
good. With each your letter I have understood, that I have found, that the man,
that to me is necessary. I as well as you want to see, that you trust to me very
faster this, it would be desirable. I want to capture you tenderness. I examine that
the creation of the spiritual emotional basis of the man is exact and it is
meaningful the purposes of formation of family. I want to you to inform that my
feelings and words concerning you always were, I am sincere also always
understood, that we put a lot of trust, that our union would be, when it is real.
Now I am sure concerning all 100 , that I can to you to trust. And you, that the
man, that to me is necessary. When I read your letter, I saw in it your sincerity
and fidelity to me. I have made of your letter for me the directly large conclusion,
which is possible is to expressed in three words " by I LOVE YOU ". Today I
even felt so highly, in me by all was going so easily, because my ideas were
directed concerning you. I as knew, when I think of you, and you think of me, and
it to heat up my soul and body. You probably think, that I examine such not
modern, but l, that at first time I should have affinity with the favourite man. Now
in me the large propensity to you, I do not know, why but it - truth. Sometimes
such dreams dream me, that it is a shame to me to you to speak concerning it.
This dream dreamed me today at night. " We have supper with you in you, at
home and then we go to you in dream, and we begin to be engaged with you love.
" But in life I know very little about making love, only on television films and would
like to study everything with you. The justification, that I speak with you so
sincerely, but I think, that you should know concerning me only. I would be happy
to visit you - limit of my desires. My favourite time of reception of the foodstuffs,
which I do not know on any other business, I love everything, that is made with a
fruit. I very much love you, and completely you I trust. Kiss yours Valeria.
Letter 11
Hello my love Nhat! This night I thought of you. I don't know, that occurs with me,
but it is heavy for me without you. All your letters fill me love to you. I think, that
we need to meet. But it is rather difficult, because we live so far apart. This
distance not prevent us to express the love in our letters, but I consider, that it is
very difficult, when the love does not find the exit. I would like to meet you, to hug
you, to kiss you... I want to arrive to you, that between us any more did not
remain of barrier. For this purpose it is required not only our love, but also there
need a lot of money. It is heavy for me to speak about it, but unfortunately, I can
not pay the travel. I hope for your help in this business. When I shall come to you
we together shall decide, that us to do further. Reading your letters I have
understood, that you - that man, which is necessary for me, which I searched all
life. I am grateful to you for trust rendered by you to me, but even more I am
grateful to destiny, that has helped me to find you. I hope, that destiny will not
become to interfere with our meeting, if destiny already has acquainted us.
Tomorrow I will go to find out circumstances of my travel to you and that for this
purpose is necessary to make . My girlfriend works in the tourist company, and
she promised me to help with the information. I love you. Always yours, Valeria
Letter 12
Hello my love Nhat!!!! I wake up today in morning from good dream. Ours dreamed
for the benefit of me at first with you meeting. I fly to you and you meet me at the
airport. I at first to not see you and to search. Then I saw you. You stand with a
bouquet of red roses. Seeing each other we run to each other at meeting. We
urgently to capture each other and to kiss each other. In me on eyes of tear of
happiness. It is real? Then we go to you home and me slightly to lie down to
sleep from tiresome trip. When I to have rest we with you in the evening we enter
into restaurant to have supper in candles. We drink a good wine drink, and we
dance slowly dances all evening. After restaurant we go on foot on beautiful
avenue. You to capture me, that it was not a cold. Your warm hands so are
gentle. We look together at stars and softly to kiss each other. When we were
slightly froze, we to go to you home. Whether beautiful dream the truth? I so want
that it has come true!!! Now I shall finish the letter. I shall wait yours after the
letter. It - there is a lot of love from yours Valeria.
Letter 13 with Address Information
Hi my love Nhat ! How at you? I hope, that as well as at me is excellent! I have for
you one very pleasant news! Soon we can will meet! Remember, I wrote what for
the sake of the favourite man I can go to you? So here, for the sake of you, love
mine, I have decided to arrive. I was at the girlfriend in company of travels and she
has told me that we soon shall meet! You not represent, what feelings now
overflow me! I very wait for that moment, when I can see you, to embrace.... I
have found out all concerning my arrival to you my love. I will need visa and
passport. Also I need medical references for visa receiption. It will cost 240
dollars for me. I can try to receive visa myself (in that case it would cost 90
dollars), but I would have to go to Moscow to the nearest embassy and live in
Moscow for at least 10 days. As I know, I will need about 50-70 dollars per day in
Moscow, so it would be much cheaper and convenient for me to make request for
visa via local transport company. Also I can make prepayment for airplane tickets
and buy round-trip tickets for 499 dollars. After successful arrival I would be able
to request a refund for the back way ticket and return about 400-450 dollars. The
last important condition - I must have 300 or more dollars in cash or on a credit
card as a proof that I'm able to pay for my expenses. As I know this rule is
applied only for Russian and other third-party countries' citizens. I don't have to
spend the proof money, I must have them only to show their presence at
custom-house. My visa would be valid for 6 months and I would be able to prolong
it for another six months easily. And if we will decide to marry (I hope we will), I
will not have problems with visa anymore. I will need 1375 dollars to arrange my
arrival to you and I will be able to return 400-450 dollars. I hope it would not be
very expensive for you. I have found out that the easiest and safest way would be
send money by Western Union, using my home address. My home address. Russia, city Kazan, street Lebediba,
house 60b, apartment 3. Mine a complete name Chervonnyh Valeria.
Your complete name and complete home address is also necessary. It is
very important! I'm waiting for your answer. Yours Valeria. PS: My love, I perfectly understand that it is the very large money. But if you
want to see me you should send me in a near future even their part for the
beginning of registration of the visa. My dear, believe, it for me is very important
also I shall wait for your fast reply.
Letter 14
Hi my love Nhat!!!! I love you now and forever! You ask me to accept the most
important decision in our life. Please do not take offence at me, but I should also
learn that my senior relatives think about it. You know, in Russia it is not
accepted to enter into serious relations without approval of the senior relatives, it
is very old tradition and it is not accepted to recede from it. I am very happy to
say you, that my relatives understand our feelings. They wish us good luck and
both long and happy life. You want to know, whether I am ready to arrive to
you and to live with you. The only answer I can give you - YES! I want to be with you.
miss you every day in my life. I cannot imagine my life without you. I need
you. Loving you, Valeria
& Svetlana (ukraine)
Another 2 'products' from Wind Of love a.k.a. Ukrainian Tours / Star Of Ukraine
etc. These 2 ladies, Marina & Svetlana are their latest attempts to scam money
from men: From :
Hello my dear Peter At last I'm at home. How I was waiting for this evening, so
that to say hello to you as soon as possible! I really wanted to have time
to write you this letter so you would get it soon! And of course
I'll be waiting for your reply. I just came from work and after making all the home chores, after
telling my news to mother , I am sitting and writing you this my
letter with happy smile on my face and dreams in my head …. Please do not laugh … It is so
important for me that everything goes well between you and me , that there is real
hope in our lives for wonderful future together, for beautiful days to be spent
holding each other's hands and smiling to the warm and tender sun. Tomorrow
I will go to the agency to leave my letter to you to be sent and
again , I will be waiting for your reply … and maybe picture and maybe virtual tender kiss.
I am little bit afraid Peter… You know why ? I am just a little bit afraid that something
can go wrong , that some phrase or word or action from my side can spoil our
relations , can destroy them and I won't hear from you anymore without even
knowing the reason. Please be sure that I am not going to leave our relations
undeveloped or undecided. If some problem I will let you know , if I do not like
something I will try to let you know and I want to hope that I will meet
understanding and desire to come forward and to overcome any problems we
might have. Right now , we both are sure that we can trust each other and it is
the base for our growing relations …right ? We have found something special …
right ? So, I am not going to loose everything we have , everything we reached. It
is important for Peter… and I want to ask you to agree with me.
You always can ask me … why with you ? why you ? I tell you ….one of the reasons why I am
alone … Just because I failed to find a man who would be serious and
responsible in our relations, who would appreciate not only my body , but my
feelings and inner words. Maybe I asked and am asking too much …. I do not
know. But I am sure that all the things I have told about are the base for true
marriage and family and … love. We will have passion and hot feelings, we
will have bright days together , we will forget about the world outside of our feelings
only when we are sure that everything is ok in the backward , in the base of our
mutual understanding and being together . I hope Peter that I am not speaking
too clever or to complicated things. No, I am very simple person …. Just when
sitting and writing the letter , you always trying to be in your best and I like to
express my feelings , and my positive mood is growing more when I
get your reply with the words which tell me that you appreciate everything I wrote.
Sorry for such a complicated beginning of my today's letter, I just
wanted to express some of my feelings , the positive ones that our have regarding our relations and
I wanted you to know them. Please be sure that when you meet me, you will see smiling, nice and tender girl who will be happy and shy to meet a man from other
country and other culture , but to meet the man she already knows from the
letters …. I have many, many dreams and hopes for us. I see us
together and it is the main and best part of my dreams. I see us sharing a lot of things together .
I was thinking about If I am ready to leave my country and to change my life , to
leave all my friends here , to meet and make new ones. I think yes… I think that
I am ready for this adventure. And I want you Peter to know that it
is not the main purpose or aim to leave Ukraine . I have normal and good life here , but it is
not complete I do not have my one and only next to me and I am ready to do
anything to be close to my soul mate , to be together with him . I also want my
future family to have secure life and you know … it is hard to have such one here
in Ukraine :-) . I am smiling just because people here and me are used
to the life we have here. But you start to analyze it , you see that most of the things here
are abnormal and hard to understand and accept . For example ? Ok, how people
can live their lives without be paid their wage for several months ? Or in general
how people can live normal life with the salary of 50 dollars … And please note
that we have very close to the world level prices. Or why people changed the
government 11 years ago , made communists to go away and in the same time ,
most of the parliament are from communists ? Is it normal that we have
new government every year ? You know …my friend Anna is working not in the bad
school , usual and normal one , for the Ukrainian standards … She told me that
the director makes the gathering of teachers every week … last time they
discussed the issue of drugs at school … The ladies who clean the rest rooms at
school always find what was left from the drug injections , feel the smoke of
drugs …. We often see the children in "condition" or even drunk … It is
horrible… right … No , I am sure that it is not the problem of
Ukraine … A lot of countries have the same …But when I was studying
at school or you was studying at school … We never had such things
like that … Other interesting thing. I am not very good in cars , but I know how much this or that car can cost … at least
some kind of Mercedes or other expensive one … Ukraine is not rich country ,
yes ? We often takes credits from the different countries and banks
. But when you walk the streets , you will be amazed with the quantity of expensive cars we
have …. Hundreds … Very hard to understand . I am not mentioning the
everyday issues that can be more than strange to you :-) … but I leave for my
other letters. Ok, I just want to say that we are discovering a lot of from our
cultures for each other. This is very good. My today's letter won't be long and I
am not going to ask you a lot of questions. I am so appreciated to you that you
are answering all my questions that you want to let me know as much about you
as possible. I do like your letters as the way for our communication.
And I wantto hope that you like my letters also. And my pictures :-) .
I will be finishingmy short letter , but I hope that it also brought some news and
expressed you my feelings. I want you know Peter, that woman in Ukraine thinks
of you with warmth and affection and dreams. Please be healthy and lucky , ok ?
With the kiss that makes sun shining brightly, Your Marina. .
From : Svetlana <>
Hello, dear Peter. Svetlana from Kiev, the capital of Ukraine is writing to you.
I should admit I feel like a first-grade student during the first
class…:-) It's totally new experience for me, and I still can't
believe that I've made this step and my ad appeared in the internet…And now I'm writing to you, Peter. But I think if you paid attention to my picture and I made this decision to answer you,
something starts working out between us. At least I hope so. As well
as I hope that you'll like this letter and will decide to continue our correspondence.
First, I'd like to explain why I came to this decision to meet someone in the internet. To my
opinion, this kind of getting acquainted with a person has a lot of advantages.
Some people say that meeting in the internet is a risk and it's much better to do
that in person. Well, I have not met this RIGHT person in real life
yet. I don't like meeting people on the streets, in public places, it's not safe either. So here I am!
:-) What is great about the internet communication is writing letters, which will
give us the possibility of learning more about each other. For me it's very
important to find out what kind of person you are, what your views
are on different aspects of life, how you imagine your future family and home. Yes, I have very
serious intentions. :-) I'm not just looking for a pen-pall, for a good friend - I do
expect more from our correspondence. I am looking for a soul mate. I'm rather
romantic person and I believe that there is someone in this world
who is supposed to be my other half supplementing me. Perhaps, in
the future when we have enough information about each other and are ready to make some
conclusions we'll decide to meet in person and unite our lives forever…But first I need to know how serious your attitude towards our possible future
correspondence is. Please, be honest. If you really are looking for someone to
create your future family with, and you think I might be this person you are more
than welcome to keep writing to me, to describe events that take place in
your life, to share your thoughts and feelings. And I'd like you to know me the way I
am with all the advantages and weak sides of my character. I really hope you are
the person I'm looking for, the person who will share both joyful and bitter minutes
of my life, who will be a loving husband and a caring father for our children. Also
I'd like to consider my future husband a faithful friend as I believe a strong
long-lasting family should be built not only on true love but also on trust and
respect. I think it's time for me to start writing some information about
myself instead of expressing more demands towards you. :-) As you know already, my
name is Svetlana. I am 25 years old. My birthday is December 30th, so soon I
will be 26. My height is 168 centimeters. My weight is 50 kilograms I live in Kiev,
a very beautiful, green city with marvelous places of interest. I work as a manager
in the beauty salon and I consider myself one of those lucky people who
enjoy their job a lot. If you wish, I will write you more about my job in my next letters.
I like fashion and beauty; I like to care of my body, and face and hairs. I even do
not know if it is hobby or not, but I think that every woman who want to look good
should take care of her body. I am trying to do it. I will try to send you more
pictures as a proof. :-) I hope you'll like them. In the same time I am hoping for
the pictures exchange, of course if you have pictures you are welcome to send.
Well, let me tell you a little bit about my inner qualities. I think that I am kind,
sincere, tender, and I think that my most serious quality is that I am faithful.
However, of course, it is better to be supposed by the people who are around me
than I do it by myself :-). In addition, I hope that one day you and me will be
together and you will manage to see everything in person but by this moment,
I would like to know more about you, because I don't want us to meet like strangers.
Dear Peter, I would like to meet a man who is caring, responsible,
tender, and faithful, with a good sense of humor. I really hope I'll
find those qualities in you. :-) I want to meet someone whom I can
give all my love, warmth and tenderness and I believe that this person will make me happy as well. I'd like
to have someone by my side whom I can rely on and who can rely on me.
Therefore, I will be finishing my first letter to you with the warm and sincere hope
that you like what I wrote and that you will send me your reply in the soon time
and we both will be making some decisions together, letting each other become
closer and dear. I'm sending you picture together with this letter with sincere
hope that it will continue attract you to me , not opposite.
Ask me please more questions, I will be very glad to answer any of them.
With hope and happiness to you, Svetlana
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