To send your own story, please click
Ivanova (Kazan, Russia)
Olesya answered my ad in Yahoo Personals and sent several photos 2 at a
time. I am a 46 year old male from Alaska. She has already
been blacklisted, but the photos sent to me are different, and
many of her letters to me are carbon copies of letters she sent to
others. Only in email "02-1230
Re: Happy Birthday, My Love" did she ask for money and list
a bank to send money, and in her last message "03-0109
Re: We are not Communicating", she accidentally used one of
her other alias, Diana. "02-1223
Re: Other Tenants" she listed an address. All of her messages
after the first response were sent as replies to my email to her.
OLESYA AND BRIAN <?xml:namespace
prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
Personals Reply
From: Niakris2000
name is Olesya. After Birthday of my girlfriend after all my girlfriends
have left to meet with the husbands and guys I has decided, that the
friend with whom I might connect all further life too is necessary for
me, but such person with whom I would not be happy is not necessary for
me. I shall tell to you slightly about myself, me 29 years, I live in
city of Kazan in spite of the fact that it is very beautiful city, here
very difficultly to find the good person with which it is possible would
be to connect the life, the purposes of people in our city very much
low, and the girlfriend has advised me to look same people as well as I
in the Internet, I and have made I have gone to the Internet of cafe and
have found a site which to me the girlfriend has advised, at her mum as
has got acquainted with the person from Germany. From all countries
which were offered me on ! a choice, I have decided to choose USA, on
films and under stories I know, that people for which his personal
honour and decency is appreciated more than any petty interests live in
this country. After short viewing structures I have seen yours which
most approaches me, and have decided to write to you in hope that I shall receive from you the answer. Excuse I has distracted from the
story about itself slightly. As I to you already spoke me 29 years I
live in Russia, city of Kazan, my weight makes 54 kgs at growth of 171
centimeter. At me higher education on a speciality the ecologist, but on
the trade I do not work, as on it it is very difficult to find work. I
work to help the bookkeeper in the company which is engaged in sale of
home appliances. I live one without parents, my parents were lost at a
fire of 6 years back, my grandmothers and grandfathers communists, my
relatives were noblemen when Russia king corrected earlier, but there
was it for a long time. I never supp! orted ideas communists, they have
resulted the country which once was great power, in full route. But
about it I shall not continue to me this subject not so it is pleasant
have shot. I live together with mine cat Murka, she my best friend! She
also likes to ask to have a meal black color at me, in exchange on it she may sit next hours me and purr. Unfortunately I badly know the
English language so I the first time shall be to use the translator, but
I go on rates, on studying language. With impatience I wait from you for
the answer. please write me your letter in e-mail:
new friend, Olesya.
Reply to Yahoo Personals Ad
Olesya Your
response to my Mountredoubt ad on Yahoo Personals was very flattering.
Thank you for that beautiful reply. While your message was very
clear, your inability to quite master the English language added a very
pleasant eloquence and charm to your presentation.
I was genuinely touched. While
I have already a glimpse of your inner beauty, I would like to see a
photograph and exchange further correspondence, especially if our intentions are to be romantic.
looked on the World Atlas to locate Kazan, and found the most recognized
city near you would be Moscow. Our
culture and our heritage are quite different, and a few years ago we
would not have even been able to communicate.
But now I guess our worlds aren't so far apart in that if one of
us jumped in a plane we could be together in a day.
I even find there is a certain degree of romance and intrigue
associated with our differences, and, after all, we are just a man and
just a woman. Once again, thank you very much for your kind message, and I hope to hear
from you soon. Love,
Coincidently, I have a neighbor who is currently exchanging email with a
Russian woman he is very interested in.
Re: Reply to Yahoo Personals Ad
my new friend Brian. You would know how many pleasures to me have brought that you have answered me! Now I understand, that people in your
country really responsible ! Today I came into computer club and have scanned some the images and with this letter I send them to you, I hope,
that I to you like. I directly would like to learn more about you to
learn your interests as you live as you work. I am very glad to have
such friend, as you. I in life very cheerful person and at me very
responsible work as I already spoke, I work to help the bookkeeper, and
I not in what a case should not make a mistake, both in work and in life
I not less responsible person, I think, that the person should concerns
to associates as wants that to it concerned. In my life was a lot of
pleasure, but besides it is pleasure always stood on a number with more
sad events. I never was for the husband and I have no children, but I
very much would like them to have, but from the person with whom our
love would be mutual and that the child anything did not require. The
main features of human character I think Sincerity, kindness, politeness
and as I think, that the person it is necessary should be the respectable citizen with love to the country. I very much frequently see
young pairs, I see as they are happy, I sincerely am glad for them, but
thus I remain itself the person whom not loved At me when that was one
friend, but it is little bit sad history, I was possible shall tell to
you about it little bit later. I as like to be on a nature, there I feel
quieter. As other my hobby is domestic animals and in particular as I
already spoke you my cat Murka. On it I also shall finish the letter to
you, and with impatience I shall look forward to hearing.
new friend from Russia, Olesya
Reply to email with photos
woman in the photos is very beautiful.
Thank you for sending these.
And, again, thank you for a very kind and sincere message.
I find Olesya to be very attractive, with no other woman to be
her equal. I just got back from Las Vegas, Nevada, where I visited another woman I
had met on the internet. Las
Vegas is a most famous gambling city with bright lights and much
entertainment. The woman is moving to Alaska and will be living near me
soon. We went to dinner and
watched a play. The next
day I went with her and her 5-year old daughter to watch a magician. The
play and the magician were very entertaining and she and her child were
pleasant company. However,
she was your height and approximately 85 kgs, and I am not romantically
interested in her. I have
learned my lesson to ask for photos. You
may remember from my ad in Yahoo Personals that I work in the oil
fields. I am a geologist
and analyze rocks cut by the drilling rigs, looking for oil and gas in
the rocks. January through
mid-April is my busiest time and I have few days off.
In northern Alaska where they send me to work, it is very cold.
Oil companies explore this area in these cold months by building
ice roads and ice pads on the frozen tundra.
The oil companies must move out before the ice melts so they can
leave without affecting the environment.
As an ecologist you should appreciate this.
am 6-foot tall and 193 lbs (183 centimeters and 88 kilograms).
I exercise and I am not fat.
But I am 46 years old and wonder how you feel about my age.
If we were to fall in love and have children, it would have to be
within a year or two, while I am young and likely to have good health
while they grow up. My
father had good health until he had a heart attack at 67 years of age.
He died when he was 78. My
mother still enjoys good health at 81.
Relatives on my mother's side tend to live long and keep their
health. I hope that I have
inherited this trait from my mother. I would enjoy having one or two
children of my own if my wife were a good mother. I would also be
willing to adopt. I like children and enjoy my nephews and nieces, and
the children of my neighbors, but it isn't necessary for me to have
children of my own to be happy. I
own an apartment complex with four units.
I live in one and rent the other three.
Each unit has two bedrooms.
If I were to marry, I would likely rent out my unit and buy a
house outside of town. I
just bought a new car last week, so it will be another year before I
could qualify to buy a new house. Soldotna, where I live, has the Kenai River, famous for the largest salmon in the
world, the largest being nearly as big as you.
That one got away from several fisherman, so the record caught by
a fisherman is only 45 kilograms. Another
fish, halibut, is caught near here in the ocean, and is very delicious to eat. Alaska is a very beautiful state, however, I do like to visit
warm tropical climates once in awhile, because I like to scuba dive.
I would like to visit Tahiti and take someone with me. Anyway,
it gives me great joy to get to know you, and I am looking forward to
your next correspondence.
Love, Brian
Re: Reply to email with photos
my beautiful friend Brian. I am sincerely glad, to that you have answered
me again. Your
letters give me a charge of energy for all day! I read them with the
great pleasure. In the letters you may ask me about everything, that interests you about me. But if I on them do not answer you, do not take
offence, I simply can not understand it , set to me it slightly on
another and I it is indispensable on him shall answer you.
It is my first experience of acquaintance through the Internet,
but this way has very much liked me as I was answered at once with the
person who has liked me. I
write the letters from the Internet of cafe so be not upset if I shall
not answer you the letter at once, simply the Internet of cafe may be
closed. Today I went to church, today for me little bit sad date, this
day my parents were lost. I
orthodox christian, at us very beautiful churches, at that moment when I
am in church I feel quietly, me already cease, that or to disturb. It is very interesting
to me what weather at you today, I think,
that at you should be warm. Spring
my liked season, I likes to look, how the nature comes to life after
winter. As the first kidneys on trees are dismissed.
Birds who an autumn departed on the south arrive , but they again
will return. The first grows a grass, many children leave on street and
are pleased to this season. Children
it future our planet and on them all our hope, does a pleasure me the
big pleasure to observe of them. My
parents educated me good formation as you know I has finished the Kazan
state university on a speciality the ecologist.
But nevertheless I do not work on this speciality.
Sometimes at me in life there come such times, that I seem to me,
that already for whom it is not necessary, that I shall stay one, but
nevertheless I calm myself and I believe that the main love in my life
still will come, the god will help me with it.
Tell to me more about itself, you like to listen to what your
liked dish, what your liked film, what else music. My liked dish it
pelmeni, this very tasty dish from Russian kitchen which consists of
forcemeat of a beef and pork with an onions and spices wrapped up in a
dough and are cooked. This
really excellent dish. There
may be sometime I of you him shall feed.
My liked films it Gladiator and Angel city, is film about the big
love when it was finished I very strongly cried if you of it did not
look, look necessarily, it is pleasant to you.
As to music, she is pleasant to me different on mood, I as like
Russian classics Tchaykovskiy, Rohmaninov, Rimskiy-Korsakov as it is pleasant to me Madonna, Enya, Kylie Minogue.
I think, that after that you will know letters more about me. I
very much like your letters. On
it I shall finish the letter. Your
friend, Olesya
Re2: Reply to email with photos
friend Brian I am again glad to you to tell Hello Our correspondence
Seems has become stronger also we became
already more close people! I am very glad to receive your letters when I
come in the Internet of cafe and I receive your letter, at me at once am
cheered up, so it is pleasant for me to receive from you letters, I
hope, that our correspondence will be strengthened also we shall not
overlook the friend about the friend! With the letter I send you the one more image, I hope it to you
it is pleasant. You like my images? My girlfriends constantly ask me about you, to them interestingly
what habits at you what you, I answer them, that I already for a long
time did not communicate with such person as you, I really very much
like your letters, I understand, that you that person on which are
possible to rely! Today there was really ridiculous case with my cat Murka, I still
hold houses fishs, my cat observed of them with top, but was
unintentionally broke and has fallen in an aquarium to fishs, having
frightened thus and and ?uaie after that she was all crude, but I of her
have turned in a towel and she has gradually dried up. By the way, it is fast at me birthday, I was born December,
29,1972 and I a meeting the 30 birthday. Tell to me as your affairs as you will spend the day,
it would be
very interesting to me to learn about you more. Unfortunately I on it finish the letter.
With the big impatience I shall look forward to hearing from you! Have good day! Good luck!
Your friend Olesya
Happy Birthday!
Christmas and Happy Birthday New Year!
cherish your images. Your smile and your eyes speak for me the kind and
sincere words of your letters, but with an edge of mischief and
playfulness that I find increasingly alluring as we begin to know one
another. You have captured my heart. Thirty years young, and I can only
imagine that you have become more of a woman, sensuous and beautiful,
with each passing year. I feel your energy within me, it excites me, and
I love and feel very honored to be your friend.
have enclosed a picture I took yesterday. My brother, Kevin, is standing
next to me holding a new sweatshirt. I am wearing my new sweatshirt. His
girlfriend, Doreen, is taking the picture. Kevin went to work that
evening. Doreen and I got dressed up and went to a Christmas party. Later we went dancing and did a little "two step", a country dance,
to some country music. We were both rusty, but were doing quite well by
the end of the evening.
friend and neighbor just purchased a snow machine. We've been getting
some good snow lately, and should be able to get some good use of the
machine this winter. I also like to cross country ski. Last winter was
too warm and snow turned to icy rain, making for poor snow machining and
cross country skiing. Hopefully, this year will be a bit colder. The
only place to downhill ski is Aleyeska, near Anchorage, about three
hours from my house. It should be getting enough snow to open for the
holidays. I'll probably go once later this winter.
grew up in Denver, Colorado, and only two years ago did I move to
Soldotna, Alaska. Today I watched my favorite football team, the Denver
Broncos, lose to their archrival, the Oakland Raiders, in a game to
decide first place in the division. The loss probably ends the Broncos
season. I was very disappointed, then I started writing to you to ease
the pain. It would be better if you were here, so I could think only of
was the winter solstice, and we had under five hours of daylight with
the sun never very high above the horizon. We will begin to add five
minutes to every day, but the nights will remain very long for the next
few weeks. The long nights make for long hours inside. I wish you were
here to share the nights. I have to go to work tomorrow on an offshore oil platform,
the same
platform where I took the picture for my Yahoo Personals ad. I should be
back home the second week of January. Meanwhile, I will have limited
access to the internet to send and receive your messages. Even if I should be unable to correspond much in the next couple of weeks, please
know that I am thinking of you.
Re: Other Tenants
great friend Brian Again I receive from you the letter and I am very glad to
event! I hope, that to you about what I write is clear. You know, for the
small period of correspondence with you and
have already understood, that to you have become attached, without your
letter at me day any not such but as I receive from you the answer at
once my life is filled with pleasure.
And you attachment to me? I
think what yes if it so that it is healthy! I shall give you my home address so we can correspond letters by
usual mail, but nevertheless it is not so convenient, as it seems to me,
in the first letters will go very long, and there is an every prospect,
that the letter will be stolen, at us in Russia of it is possible to
expect. From many steal letters simply from there is nothing to do, but
nevertheless I shall give you the address: Russia Kazan 467000
street Dekabristov 169 flat 62 Ivanova Olesya But it seems to me, that all oaee is easier to communicate
through the Internet, in general I think, that the Internet this big
achievement as people from two different ends of a planet may
communicate with each other freely that I have got acquainted with such
person as you already because of it only I shall tell to the Internet
many thanks! Much to our regret I do not have phone, in Russia it is the whole
problem, not enough at whom in Russia there is a phone of a house so we
might speak by the phone, but it is possible if such opportunity I
necessarily shall call you will be presented me. You Believe, when I sit at
work, I constantly think of you, I
wait for that moment when I after work shall go to the Internet of cafe
and I shall find out the letter from you, it does a pleasure me huge
pleasure. With this letter I send my image. Whether my images like you,
only is fair? Unfortunately my time in the Internet of cafe comes to an end.
Write to me necessarily! I shall wait!
friend Olesya
Tell Me More
am at work, and the internet is more accessible than I thought it would
be, and I will likely respond quickly to your messages. I am very seriously interested in you, and have committed myself to know
you before any other woman. In
Soldotna it is easy to have women for friends, but difficult to find a
girlfriend. It is a small
town and you see the same people over and over.
It is easy to make acquaintances, but at the same time difficult
to have a serious relationship. Women
I have found attractive usually have boyfriends, are married, or want
only to be my friend. Even though some wish they were not married or attached to a man, and maybe a
friend could some day be more, I am impatient waiting for a single
woman. If you are serious with getting to know me, then there is no reason for me
to be patient. No woman in
Soldotna is more beautiful than you.
With you there is no jealousies or crazy ex-husbands to deal
with, or child custody battles in he courtroom.
You are interesting and educated, and give me energy.
I don't desire a woman who is compulsively emotional, and you
appear to be somewhat of a free spirit.
I think it is possible that you could mean more to me than any
woman I have ever met, or will ever meet again.
I want that we get to know each other, and maybe become best
friends. I need to know what you want. I
assume you would want to live in America or you would not have contacted
me. You have already told
me you are interested in finding a husband.
Tell me more what you are looking for in a husband.
myself, I am looking for a partner in life, someone to share
responsibilities. I only want to take care of someone who wants to take care of me.
I only want to love someone who wants to love me.
I want a woman who makes me stronger, and feels stronger with me.
For this I can be flexible, compromising, giving, and happy.
you are my friend. Tell me
what you want. You can say
anything as long as it is honest. I
will listen and not deceive you with my answers.
We need to find if we can be happy together, because I am
impatient, and want to be happy with you soon. Your
friend, Love,
Re: Tell Me More
my best friend Brian I hope you not against, that I name you the best friend.
Simply I very much to you attachment, and I think, that you my best friend! At us with you as I understand the new feeling arises, I
tested such feeling at school when studied in 8 class, I then have
fallen in love with one, the boy, but at present it drinks alcohol very
much, in general in Russia very big quantity people drink vodka do not
understand why. I very big opponent of the use of alcohol, and I in life
of it shall never use! As not the supporter of smoking, I think, that
this superfluous. It was very pleasant for me to receive from you the letter, I
start to be pleased lifes, and this pleasure is connected by that we
have found each other. What all of you the remarkable person! With such
person as you I would agree to lead all life, I know, that it is
possible to rely on you, I completely trust you and I know, that such
person, as you never me deceive. The deceit is the most bad character
trait of the person, it at
all does not decorate the person! Today with girlfriends I went to park and I have noticed there
one pair, there were two and embraced, their persons looked the happiest
which it would be possible only will present, and I represented, that it
is possible we when-ieaoau as we shall go together and we shall be
happiest people, such, that everyone will look at us and everyone will
be to admire. Still I very much love the order, am inadmissible, that at me
houses were are scattered things or there was a dirty utensils, I done
not complicated at all by to clean
all these things, it does a pleasure me only pleasure. With impatience I shall
wait from you for the answer.
Phone Number and Address
would prefer if you were to email me, so that I may receive immediately
your messages. And also,
when I am working on the oil platforms, I won't be getting my mail,
which will be waiting for me at my home.
would very much like to have phone conversations with you, if only to hear your voice, broken English and all.
Of course you know I do not speak Russian.
I don't even know the Russian word for beer.
I will be polite, and talk slowly, respecting and appreciating
your effort to speak my language. I
am currently on Platform C away from home.
We have a cell phone in my working unit.
That number is . I
am working the night shift, Alaska time 6 pm to 6 am, and am in my
working unit approximately 70% of that time.
Unfortunately, I am currently unprepared to make international
calls, and do not know if my company will appreciate international
charges on this phone. I
will try to prepare myself for making international calls in the future.
I have an answering machine at home, but that is not my voice on the
recording. Here is my home
address and phone number.
will be maybe three weeks before I am home.
I will want to work a lot over the next few months, to save money
in the hope of meeting you in person.
Best Friend! Merry Christmas!
Best Friend Olesya
hope it does not offend you that I drink socially, my beverage of choice
usually beer. I am not a
drunk, and seldom drink to excess.
When I am working on the oil rigs, I do not drink at all as
alcohol is forbidden on the rigs. I
am also forbidden to use drugs at anytime, and would lose my job if
drugs were ever detected in my body.
That is not a problem for me, as I have never been interested in
taking drugs, with a slight exception, marijuana.
Many years ago I occasionally smoked marijuana, and found it to be rather harmless.
I have been people in general drink too much, it is a fact of
civilization. Russians are
unique in that they drink so much vodka.
Almost everywhere, beer is consumed excessively.
Some drinking helps put one in a festive mood, but then people
get drunk and often annoying. My
brother Kevin is a bartender, drinks too much and sometimes gets
annoying. He is a happy
drunk at least, and doesn't look to fight when he is drunk.
Some men and women in Soldotna occasionally end up fighting when
they are drunk. I respect
your decision not to drink. If
ever I offend you by drinking, I will compromise with you, as I want you
to be happy. It
pleases me that you do not smoke. I
also do not smoke, and do not allow smoking in my house, or in my car.
My tenants (the adults) all smoke, but compromise with me by
smoking outside. I am
always picking up cigarette butts.
is hard to tell from looking at your pictures if you like to exercise.
Some people are beautiful without having to exercise, and are
lucky that way. Obviously
you have a healthy lifestyle without the smoking and drinking.
You also probably do not eat much, which could mean you don't have a lot of food, possibly because you don't like to cook, or, you
have a lot of food, but don't often get bored.
I eat some times when I am bored, even though, to my shame, I am
not a good cook. I think when you first move here, we should see Alaska together while you
learn to speak the language and understand the culture better, and
concern ourselves with more serious matters such as a family later.
In your first summer here, I would hope that you would like to go
hiking, and some camping and fishing.
My tent is comfortable, and it would be very cozy with you in it.
I would like to show you some of Alaska from a tent. I
recently bought a halibut fishing boat, but have not learned yet how to
fish for halibut. We will
learn halibut fishing together.
you can, tell me other things you enjoy.
I understand that you are having some difficulties because of the
language, and with time constraints at the cafe, and greatly appreciate
your efforts to communicate with me. I think that maybe you would like to find a church.
I went once to the Catholic Church, and found it and the priest
boring. The sermon was oriented towards young people. I
never went back. Even the
choir was boring. If they
had food, I would have been eating.
you are not wrong to have faith in me.
Normally, I would think it insane to get so close to someone on
the internet. But I am
thinking that you have faith in me because your own heart is good.
mean so much to me already.
Best Friend, Brian
Christmas. I have a watch I
am saving for you, waterproof to 100 meters under water.)
Re: Best Friend! Merry Christmas!
my lovely Brian
simply cannot find words of the pleasure. I so am happy that I have
found you in this huge world. You
the unique person to which I can tell all ideas and dreams.
When I write you the letter, I in soul have something such that
it is impossible to explain, it is necessary to feel. Some days I simply
sit at the computer and I look at your photo, and all time I think of
that to see you. I present
as you drive me for a hand on a coast as you embrace me, and I feel
Loved by the expensive person for me. The grandmother looks at me with a
kind smile and speaks that she is happy to see me such what I now.
I and itself am happy, that again I write you the letter.
It is filled with all my love and Tenderness to you.
I very strongly want you to see near to me, but much to our
regret I can not yet. Now I
constantly look news hoping to learn something about your country.
With big Interest I study English.
Besides that it is very interesting to me, it to me now also It
is necessary. To me in
general interestingly to study in all that is not known to me.
In total certainly to not learn, but it seems to me that it is better to know about all slightly than all about the little. And
consequently each dialogue with the person for me a lesson.
But the most important dialogue for me when I communicate with
you. You see you most The
main teacher for me, and I want you to listen.
To listen to your ideas, reasonings, to know about you It is as
much as possible. I think
you not against. On it I want to finish the letter my lovely.
I wait with impatience of your letters. Yours
Thinking of You
would please me to visit you in Russia, as you cannot come to America at
this time. I would depend
upon you greatly, as I do not speak any Russian.
You dazzle me with another picture, sitting next to a coworker
with your warm smile, and I yearn even more to meet you.
I have downloaded all of your pictures on a floppy disk and view
them regularly when at work. At
home in my living room, I have your pictures on my computer's
screensaver in a slideshow presentation.
I leave my computer on when I am sitting on my couch or at the
dining room table, so I can view you on the monitor.
the office picture with the coworker, I noticed a map of the world (a
globe) displayed on your computer's monitor.
Is that a screensaver, a company logo, were you doing research?
Where do Russian's like to vacation?
Do you get good vacation packages?
I know that Europeans are offered less expensive vacation
packages in many cases than Americans.
alternative to my visiting Russia is that we meet some place on a vacation. I understand that
the economy in Russia is not good, and your wages may be poor.
It would be my pleasure to pay for your plane fare and cover our
expenses on a vacation. I
am not rich. It would not
be a lavish vacation, but it would be enjoyable.
Another possibility would be a cruise on a big ship such as to
Mexico or Europe. And, of
course, you can always come to Alaska to visit me.
It is something for you to think about, and offer to me
suggestions. My
work will keep me very busy until mid-April.
I can expect my work to be slow after mid April, and can be very
flexible about requesting time off in late April and May.
The best time to visit Alaska is in mid July, but I don't want
to wait that long to see you.
to tell me about yourself. Do
you live with your grandmother? Does
her politics cause problems between the two of you?
Have you brothers and sisters, or other close relatives?
How sad are your friends, your coworkers, and your family about
my hoping you come to America?
work on Platform C is easy. When
this job is over and I am sent to the North Slope, my work will be much
more difficult, and the internet less accessible.
While on Platform C, I will write to you every day, as I grow
more fond of you each and every day.
will tell you more about myself and America, but only if you tell me
more, and bring us closer together.
Best Friend,
Re: Thinking of You
my love Brian.
was very glad to receive from you the letter.
Yes I live with my grandmother.
Unfortunately I have no brothers and sisters.
When I read your letter, at me even have appeared on eyes of tear
of pleasure. I see that we are necessary each other.
Not seldom I visit church, and I am asked for you and ours with
you meeting. How you there without me?
I here very much without you men.
You in ideas always with me.
You show very strong interest to me it very pleasantly to feel. I
began very much to think of us with you that waits for us ahead.
Write to me all questions which you interest.
I shall be very glad to answer to you them.
You now are, by the second man in this world which to me is
necessary most of all. The
first man is my mum. I very
much hope for that that our meeting the speed future is held.
I am very grateful to you that you trust me.
Through the Internet it is as that not naturally, we should take
each other in hands and look each other in eyes and speak about that as
the world is perfect. At me
very good mood. I want to
know all. To me you are
very important. When I
began to correspond with you I had what that hope that at us with you
all will be good. With each
your letter I understood that I have found that man which to me is necessary. I as well as you
want to see you believe to me very faster it it would be desirable.
I want to embrace you caress.
I consider what exactly creation of a spiritual emotional basis
of the man and there is a purpose sense of family education.
I want to you to tell one that my feelings and the words in
relation to you always were sincerely and I always understood that we
put a lot of trust, that our union would be when that real.
Now I am sure on all 100 that I can to you to trust.
And you that man which to me are necessary.
When I read your letter I has seen in it your sincerity and
fidelity to me. I have made
of your letter for myself the large conclusion which it is possible to
express in three words " I LOVE YOU ".
Today I even felt so highly, at me all turned out so easily,
because my ideas were directed about you.
I as knew when I think of you and you think of me and it warmed
my soul and body. But we
should trust each other, without it we simply cannot exist.
Today when I went on a road home, I thought of that as much to me
to admit to you about it. You
see between us there should be a complete trust and we should know about
each other all. You
probably think that I such not modern, but I consider that first time I
should have affinity with the favourite man.
At present at me the large inclination to you, I do not know why
but it is the truth. Sometimes
such dreams dream me, that it is a shame to me to you to speak about it.
This dream has dreamed me today at night. " We have supper with you
at you at home and then we go to you in sleeping and we begin to be
engaged with you love. Excuse
that I speak with you so frankly, but I think that you should know about
me all. I would be happy to visit you is a limit of my desires.
love Olesya
Love and America
heart is very warm that you love me.
But I am troubled, as I do not know yet why.
I have asked of you many sacrifices, and have offered little.
It is you who strive to learn my language.
It is you who would leave her home so that we may be together.
I have told you that I am not a perfect man, and do not offer the
perfect circumstances for a woman.
My job takes me away from home, 180 to 200 days in a year, and I
do not work on a schedule for which it is possible to plan many things.
It is the only job I know. I
could perhaps work less, but my income would be less than satisfactory,
especially if we are to want a child, or suffer unforeseen problems.
The rent from tenants is extra income but it goes to pay off the mortgage and upkeep on the property.
I expect another 10 years to pay off the mortgage.
America is not a fairy tale.
And, especially, Soldotna is not a fairy tale.
You will many times miss your home and your friends, especially on nights that you are alone.
think you are a woman of strong character, and of intellect and a good
heart. You should do well
in America. But for me, you
would also have to be a woman with much independence.
It would be very unhealthy for us if you could not be home alone.
Also, I would need your guidance on how to make us happy, some
ideas from you to enrich our lives.
the other hand, I am home 160 to 180 days in a year, just enough that
you may even tire of me. I
would come home missing you and not want to leave you alone.
I would keep the windows open and the bedroom cold, and make it
necessary for you to snuggle up next to me to stay warm.
I would take you on long hikes, so that your bones and muscles
are tired, and needing my caresses for comfort.
summary, if what I have told you is enough for you to love me, than I
will say that I love you, but you will clean your own fish.
me how sad it is for you, your friends and family that I would take you
away from Russia.
Love and America
my love Brian
am very happy to read your letter, as always.
You - mine beloved, my love, my palpation! Also, as you urgently
require me, I too urgently need in you, to want be close to you, and to
feel you, your breath. I want to hold you by my party, my lips in your lips and will kiss you, I
feel your language, I feel your breath.
Yesterday night, I had this remarkable sexual dream concerning
you and me. I can not hold
it to me directly. I should
express it to you, divide it with you.
I should find out, whether you also have dream of similar nature,
or is only me. You and me,
anybody still. We - near to
the friend by the friend on a bed.
We cover each other, we press our body against each other, our
lips meet each other and synchronize in operation knowledge.
I feel your body, you feel my body.
You undress me, I undress you.
I feel your sensitive body.
You feel my basis. I lay at top of your sensitive body, listening
your heart beat in double speed. We
lay near to the friend by the friend to speak love to each other, caress
each other. I study your beautiful eyes, you study my eyes both see love
in the friend the friend. I
will kiss you a breast, necks, everywhere.
You also pay with your sensitive gentle lips.
I love you very much. I
want to hear your beautiful vote. I
want to speak love to you. We
now have a rain. The rain brings love. The love
prospers in this weather. It
very romantic atmosphere. Please
write the long letters to me. Inform me concerning your ideas.
Inform me concerning work and friends.
Endless Nights
hold your image
a breath
of hair
contours of your flesh
hold your image
a breath
Re: Endless Nights
mine love Brian
have understood for myself, that I any more do not resent the life not
only without your letters, but also without you!
Now for me life without you is not meaningful.
I cannot live without you and on this want to ask you: whether
you Want mine love that I to arrive to you. That
I was Ms. Brian that we two had one bed that at us the general pleasures
and general to mountain that we were the best pair in the world that all
people looked at us and were surprised to that we the happiest pair in
the world full with love and trust! That
your friends looked at us and envied, to that what at you the remarkable
wife that my girlfriends looked at you and envied that at me the best
and beautiful husband all over the world! I of you ask to think of it as it is
possible more seriously, but I think,
that these feelings at us are mutual also we like each other.
it I shall finish the letter, and very much I wait for your answer, it
is necessary for me to know your opinion of that I have told you.
ever yours Olesya
Happy Birthday, My Love!
Darling, Olesya
my heart you are the woman I have always longed for, and in my heart I
love you. Should we be
together, I would hope it possible in the springtime, in May or even
April, after my work in the busy winter months is over.
You must tell me more, however, because in my mind, I do not know
yet what is needed of me to make you forever happy. I
will keep my letters short and ask my questions more directly, as I know
you have difficulties with my language.
As I have said in a previous letter, my work will keep us apart
180 to 200 days in a year, and sometimes weeks at a time.
Are you comfortable with that?
What do you think about the kind of life we can have together in
Soldotna? I
know that to love someone and have them love you is more important than
everything, which is why I passionately long that we forever be united.
I truly expect that when you arrive at my door, I will never want
you to leave, and will from that day be happier than ever before.
to me, my Darling. We have
several days before I even leave Platform C.
You have heard in previous messages some of my other concerns.
Tell me everything. When
do you want us to be together? When
would you want us to be married?
12:09 pm Moscow is Monday 12:09 am Anchorage.
Re: Happy Birthday, My Love
day mine love Brian
your letter I have seen a lot of your love to me! I very much appreciate
it! But you would know, how
hardly to me to write this letter.
I today called in the American embassy in Moscow and learned
there how I can arrive to you, to me there gave such answer, that the
best variant of arrival to you it will be registration of visa B-2, its
validity of 90 days from the date of arrival in USA, and registration in
very short term, only one or two days, but I am very strong frustration
when I have learned its price, she costs 390 American dollars when to me
have told this price, at me on cheeks tears flow I explained them, that
Brian, he is that person without which I can not live, and I very much
would like it to see, they have answered me, that anything make they may
not, all of them understand, but rules are rules, on another in any way
it is impossible, but they have told me, that I might ask this money to
the visa for you, they me have told, that loving person should pay for
the girl, I in him has told, that it slightly is not polite, but they to
me have explained, that all of you will understand, I very much hope for
your understanding. In embassy to me have told, that it will be the best to
send me
money through system of translations Western Union, it is very reliable
system of remittances and she is in each bank that I have received them,
I should inform you the address of bank in which I of them to receive, and you
should inform me of 10 figures of a remittance.
have learned the address of the bank nearest to me, the address: Russia,
Kazan, AkBars Bank Kremlevskaya, 8, for name IVANOVA OLESYA, please,
send to me money today, I really do not present the further life without
you! And I ask you, do not take offence at my request, to me so have
told, that you should understand it. But as soon as I to you to arrive, I shall be arranged to
and necessarily return your money, it will be for me a point of honour,
I hope, that you understand me.
much I wait from you the answer and as I wait for your translation, you
are necessary for me! You mine LOVE!
eternal love Olesya
Visa Application
Darling, Olesya
opened the site to the American Embassy in Russia, and surmised that you
are seeking a tourist/business visa, B-2. The site is:
have two credit cards, a visa and a mastercard.
My visa card is generally accepted anywhere in the world.
I would make these payments directly to the embassy or necessary parties over the internet or phone, probably needing only your case
(visa application) number.
noted also that you may need a letter stating that I have requested you
visit me in Alaska. I think
this email should suffice, and my visa credit card will then offer
further verification of my credentials. Once you have your visa, how do you intend to arrive in America? Do you
intend to walk? Airfare I would think cost twice the money you requested
for your visa. Again, I can
cover your airfare, but will only make a payment directly to the airline
or travel agency with your flights verified.
am encouraged that you would seek employment in America, as the
additional income would be beneficial for us. Keep in mind that Alaska
has a strong summer tourist economy, but jobs are often scarce in the
winter. It would never be necessary for you to reimburse me on the
charges for the airfare or visa application, even should you change your
mind and return to Russia. I
am discouraged, however, that you do not appear to read or understand my
letters. I have told you
that the winter months are my busiest, and if you were to come here
immediately, then we would scarcely be able to see each other in the 90
days you say the visa is good for.
I would love to have you and you are welcome at anytime, but not
until Spring will we be able to spend much time together. What
sort of plans have you been making?
Have you quit your job, or requested a long leave of absence?
Why is there such a rush on getting this visa? I
have looked at the time zones, and Moscow, Russia, and Anchorage,
Alaska, are 12 hours apart. That is fortunate because I am working
nights. It is 7 pm here in Alaska as I write, and 7 am in Moscow.
Therefore, I can be contacted at my cell phone during your normal
business hours. It is
possible to purchase an international phone calling card for $20 and
calls from Russia to Alaska or only a few pennies a minute. There are
even companies that provide Russian to English translation for only
pennies a minute. Again, my cell number is 907-230-5746.
You can also leave a message on my answering machine at home,
requesting that I call you at a certain time, or for any reason, and I
will be happy to help however I can.
I retrieve my messages every day. Again, that number is 907-262-6828.
would love to hear your voice.
Re: Visa Application
my love Brian.
am very glad that have received from you the letter.
I am very glad that between us exists Trust, I am simply happy to
realize that my loved trusts me. Except
for that I become more sure that we soon shall meet you, because love
may overcome any distances. Certainly
there are difficulties which prevent to us to reunite, but we together
should overcome them, because all in ours Hands.
We should meet you because we may not live the friend without the
friend, you agree with me? Write
to me that you think of that that we with you in fast time we shall
meet. Whether to me you are
necessary to know enough to me trust or there may be all that about what
we with you write each other only words?
Love Develops of three components: understanding, trust and
patience. You agree with Me? wait
for your answer, Eternally
loving you Olesya.
Let Us Get Together!
can take photographs of a beautiful woman, send them over the internet
claiming to offer love, and ask for money.
Send me a photograph of yourself holding a sign that says
"Happy New Year 2003, Brian", and reclaim my trust.
Also, you might leave a one minute message on my answering
machine: , so that I may hear your voice. Then
we can talk about getting together.
With a 90 day visa you can be in Alaska from May 8 until August
2. I will agree to pay the
airfare. In that time I
would hope that we find true love and are married. If
you have other ideas, I am open to suggestion. Love,
Re: Let us get together!
my love Brian.
am very strong to love you and without you and your letters, me it is
very bad. I to require you
and in your words. You to love me and this biggest happiness in the world.
I am very strong to wait our meeting and to think, that it will
be fast. I to want to speak
with you, a kiss of you long long to go with you to cinema.
Up to a meeting with you, my life was monotonous.
I to not have happiness with the loved person.
I to search the love, but these searches have not resulted me in
it. I to receive only disappointment. Each day I
to think about life and to see, that I of nothing to cost in this world
and to me it was very bad. But
I to not want to recollect, that was earlier.
I have you and more than nothing it is necessary to me.
Without you and your love, my heart it will be empty on always.
I to know, that you to see it and to want me.
We to like each other and we should be together.
I to wait this moment. My
English not yet well, but I to study each day.
I shall wait for your letter and to trust in our meeting.
I love you my Prince.
Re: Let us get together!
am happy to read your letter. I
so to want to be your lady and yours princess in life.
I so strongly to miss on you, my love, that I to not represent life without you. Today I
to go on the exhibition French the artist.
I to see there a picture where the girl kiss with the man.
I long to stand and look on this picture and to present us with
you. I to close eyes and to
present, that we to be on a coast the river only two.
The breeze blows, the years sun, water in the river very quiet
shines. The herb easily
shakes and the cane rustles. We
sit two on a coast the river and we are happy.
You to hold me in the hands and to us so it is good, that more
than nothing it is necessarytous also we are ready to sit so all life.
Then we to lay in a herb and long long kiss.
Ours kiss to dement us and we may not constrain our desires and
we to engage love. I was so
am excited my ideas, that I might not look a picture any more and I at
once to write to you. It is
very a pity to me, that it only my dreams.
I to want to be with you and to carry out them. You to want it?
You to want to see me? I
love you also I cannot without you.
I very much to ask you, that we to be together fast.
I am very strong to want to be with you.
I to trust, that you to want me and to make everything that we to
be together. I shall wait
your letter, my love. I
love you my Prince.
My Love
my love:
I return to Soldotna, I will talk with my neighbor Mike, who I believe
will be traveling to Russia in March to meet a Russian woman.
I will find out what sort of plans they have made. You
enjoy the cinema, the movies Gladiator and Angel City among your
favorites. I have seen
Gladiator, but I do not recall watching Angel City.
I have a movie player at my home in Soldotna (DVD Player).
We need to find a DVD of Angel City with Russian subtitles, so we
can watch it together. Is
it a romantic movie? Will
you want me to hold you when you cry?
Make love and console you? Do
you like popcorn?
the summer we will fish for red salmon on the shore, go out on the water
for halibut in my boat, fish for trout and the great king salmon from my
brother's river boat, take long hikes, and camp by a fire.
At home we will have barbecues.
I have a mountain bike, and will get you one when you arrive.
We have bike trails around Soldotna, and there are beautiful mountain bike trails near where I live also.
will take a canoe out on a lake, where sometimes the swans swim.
It will be peaceful, and the air fresh.
I will glide us slowly in the water, and know bliss as the wind
takes your hair and brushes it along your cheeks. Do
you like to swim? Have you ever snorkeled? Would you
want to learn how to scuba dive? I
would like once a year to go to a warm tropical place such as Tahiti.
have told you I own an apartment house with four family units.
We will also paint (our) house, stain the deck, mow the lawn, and
plant flowers. Many people
will want to meet you. We
will have a party in (our) back yard. When
I think of the future, I think of you with me in everything I do.
I can only imagine my world now with you in it.
I no longer want to think of my world without you. We
should think about a child. We
should talk about when you should work.
It will be easier for us to buy a house and do more things if you
work. We will have many
things to discuss.
me more what you want us to do together.
Tell me of your ideas of when and how we will get together. Forever
my love, Brian.
Re: My Love
my love Brian.
am happy to receive your letter. I to love you to love that you me to
write. I to think, when we
shall be together you will speak me these words each day.
I am very strong to want to be with you.
I to love you and may not without you, my love.
When I to think of you my heart come to life, I wait yours kiss,
your love, your touches. You
my destiny, my life. Know,
that I wait only for you and your love.
I to want to be with you. Write
to me when we shall be together. I
shall wait for your answer. Know
I to love you and only you. I
love you my Prince. Your
for ever Olesya.
Talked with Mike
Darling, Olesya:
friend and neighbor, Mike, tells me 10 women from the Ukraine and Russia
live in Soldotna and surrounding towns.
He will introduce me to one of these women when I leave platform
C and return to Soldotna. She
will help us communicate, and hopefully you and the woman will become
friends. It may be
necessary for me to get you a fiancé visa in order for you to come to
America. I will know more
after I talk with this woman, and after I return to Soldotna.
remain very interested in you, and whatever it takes we will meet.
If it is necessary for me to fly to Russia, I will do so.
Whatever the costs, I will pay.
one computer on Platform C is connected to the internet, and many people
share the one computer. We have been having some problems with the computer modem, and it is
difficult sometimes to get on the internet.
Hopefully, I can continue to send messages on a daily basis.
I hope to be home around January 15, plus or minus a few days,
and then I will have my own computer.
I get home, I will cross country ski, and work out at my health club.
When we are together, I will make you a member of my health club,
so that we may go together.
neighbor, Brook, whose image I sent with the baby, Grace, will be living
with her first husband soon. He
is moving up from the state of Maine, northeast corner of the United
States on the Atlantic Ocean. Alaska,
as you probably know, is on the northwest corner of Canada, a long ways from Maine. She divorced
her second husband, Grace's father, and is getting back together with
her first husband, Elijah's father.
It's a complicated story.
You have Elijah's image, also, the little boy with the big red
bucket, standing by the river. I am very excited that I will know a woman
from the Ukraine, so that we
may understand better how to pursue our love.
You remain the only woman for my heart.
Always, Brian
Re: Talked to Mike
my love Brian. I am happy to read your letter. I am very strong to miss
you and to want to be with you. I to not know, that you to think about
it, but I to love and know you, that only with you we shall be happy.
At me all is good, I very much to work.
I to require in your care, love and in your heat.
I may not imagine, that I shall do without you.
I to want to be with you. I
to require you, my love. I
each day shall dream about our meeting. I to want to be with you to
begin your wife and to be with you always.
My grandmother to speak, that we to like each other and should be
together. In my dreams I to
see us together and when I to rise to me to become very bad because I to
see, that you are not present beside.
We shall be happy only together.
I to want to make that happy in the world.
I to learn your language and to know already very much.
And I to trust, that I shall yours soon, my love. I shall wait
for your letter and hope for a meeting.
love you.
Do You have a PASSPORT?
beautiful Olesya,
Visa Requirements:
must meet before you can come to the United States.
In order for me to petition to have you come here on a fiancé
visa, I must have a photograph of the two of us together.
Therefore, we need to arrange to meet, either in Russia, or
somewhere else for a vacation. I
am not so certain I want to come to Russia.
If we meet in April, we might not be together again until August,
as it takes nearly four months to have the visa approved.
I have every confidence that before the year is over you will be
my wife.
Whatever we do it will be necessary for you to have a passport.
Please acquire a passport if you do not already have one.
will be home in Soldotna in approximately one week.
The (Russian) woman who lives in Soldotna is from Kiev, Ukraine.
I will speak with her as soon as I can to help us communicate better.
Always, Brian
Re: Do you have a Passport
my love Brian.
am happy to read your letter. I
am very strong to miss you. Today
on work at us very heavy day. We
to work since morning and up to dinner.
Then we will have check and of us to make great demands very
much. It is very much
intense day and I am very strong to get tired.
But I to think of you, my love and my heart to be filled life.
All my ideas only about you and all to be surprised, why I such
happy in such difficult day. On
my person all day a smile. I
to think of you, my love. I
to dream of us together, about our life.
Your love to me to do me by the happiest person in the world.
Each day, each hour, each minute, you in my head and in my heart.
Know, that my love only for you.
All my life belongs to you.
I am very strong to want to receive the letter from you, in the
end this heavy day. I to want to hear from you words I love you my Olesya.
You to make it? I am
very strong to wait it from you. I
to want to be with you and to wait this day.
I to ask you, that you to speed up our meeting.
I shall wait from you the letter.
love you my Prince.
We are not Communicating
am trying to arrange for us to meet, but you do not understand my
letters, and do not answer my questions.
I will be home in Soldotna in a few days to find the woman who
speaks Russian. I cannot arrange a meeting while I am working on Platform C.
I may have to meet you in Moscow, but I will need a visa.
you be able to meet me in Moscow? Do
you own a car? Love
Always, Brian
Re: We are not Communicating (Diana?!!!!)
my Prince Brian.
am happy to receive the letter from you.
Today at me very good mood.
There is no I have the automobile.
Today at my best girlfriend Day Birth.
Her call Katya. She
to work together with me. We
to live near to it and bring up together.
I very much to love her and she is my best girlfriend.
She always to wish good luck me only happiness.
The ambassador work we shall go to it home and we shall
congratulate her. I already
to buy to it a gift. This
fine red dress. I to know,
that it very much to like it. She
to want already for a long time it to buy and dream of it and I to present it to it. But this
evening will be sad as I shall be one and you can not come with me
embrace me, dance with me. All
my girlfriends will be with the husband.
I shall think of you all day and to miss you, my love.
My heart lives, but in it to not suffice affinity to you.
I very much to wait our meeting.
I may not while embrace you, the kiss to care of you to make so
that you the happiest person in the world was.
I am very strong to wait it.
Promise me, that we shall be together!
Promise me, that you will think of me each day!
I love you!!! I
shall wait your letter, my love.
for ever Diana.
Re: Re: We are not Communicating.
is Diana? You ended your
message "Yours for ever, Diana".