Dzenis Krylou
The original contact came from Lavalife. I found your site, and of course her
picture all over it, before the money requests started. You can also find her as
Tatyana S. pg. 68, Svetlana Gornia pg. 86, and Yuliya Koryokina pg. 91. Here is
the first letter:
How are you ? How is the weather in California ?
I am fine , but there are a lot of work . The wether here is very good , it is
near 25C. I like summer , it is my favourite season , I dont like winter ,
because it is very cold( -20C ,-25C,sometimes -30C). Past two days I was very busy , we worked at
nigtht-club "Joker", it was not very interesting for me , because there was many people there
and a lot of noise. Tommorow I will work at wedding . I like work at wedding ,
because there are many happy people and a lot of fun. And after work at wedding
I feel myself very good. Before I came to internet-club ( I have not my own
computer ), I phoned to my grandma from telegraph , she is fine and and at next
week I will visit her.It will be very hard for me without her when I will be in
California , but she sad that I must go and that she want better life for me . But
when I will be far from her I will phone to her every week. So, now I am in
internet-cafe and I am sitting and writing this letter to you... Do you like russian
dishes ? I like cooking very much , and I can cook different russian and
belorussian dishes , when I will come I will cook best russian dishes for you , I
think you will like it . Most of all I like cook different cakes .(It is like sport for me !
:-) My grandma was my teacher and that is why now I am very good in cooking !)
Also I like animals and I think all animals are very interesting and amazing.And
I like different TV programs about animals. In future I will buy dog or cat .
By the way , I want give you my telephone number in Beloozersk is : 10375164326847,
It is a pity but I have not telephone in my flat in Brest , because I rent this flat and
It is very small and simple , there is one room , kitchen and bathroom in it. That
is why when I want phone to my grandma I must go to telegraph or use street
telephones.But I visit Beloozersk every week , so I will write you when I will go to
Beloozersk next time and you can phone me , ok? And maybe you can send me
your photo by post ? I will be very glad if you can send it , and here is my post
adress: ul.Energetikov , d.14a , kv.92 (street , house and flat ) g.Beloozersk
Belarus Dzenis KrylouAs about me , I will send by post my photo to you at
Monday or Tuesday. I think you will recive it in two weeks. I have not any friends
in California,I have one friend in New York(she is from beloozersk,but I dont see
her since 2001) , only whom I know is you . Now, some words about my trip. I
will come to California in the end of july,now I dont know date , but I will know it at
the begining of july . I use "job agency" to get visa to USA. (it is the best way to
get USA visa here and job agency find work for me ). That is why I dont know
where I will work and in what town I will be , but in july I will know it . At first time I
will get visa for 6 month , after 6 month I will back to Belarus to make new visa (it
will take 2-3 weeks), and after I will back to California again . I will stay in
California , bacause I want it , and if I want I will make it . By the way , Is
it hard to get work in California ? As about me I agree on all kind of work at
first time , and in "job agency" woman sad ,that she will try to find russian
family who need babysitter , so maybe at first time i will be babysitter, it is
very good job , because I like children very much ,and it will be easy for me.
So, I must finish my letter for this time because my time in internet-club
finish , and it is late and I must go home. I am very glad that I met you...
I am waiting for you next letter....

Ivanova, (Kurgan Russia)
I think this scammer believes in economy because the last six messages feel like they've been cut and pasted directly from a previous scam-the last message
was exactly like one of your sample letters nearly word for word. I have received
10 letters. She responded out of the blue to a FriendFinders ad I wrote at least
three years ago and because of that I felt it was almost certainly a scam from the
beginning. It has been going on for 30 days and I admit to doing my fair share of
baiting to get the hook requesting money. She has just made her first request for
$315 (6/3/03) to be sent to: ALFA BANK GOGOLYA, 61 KURGAN, 640000
Letter #1
Hi! My name is Ekaterina. I'm 26. My birthday is on May 14. I live in Kurgan. This
is a small city in Russia. I have never tried this, you know, correspodence on-line.
But I expect a lot from what I'm doing now. I like your profail, and I want to write
to you. I was always dreaming about close frendship, living in peace and
presenting to each other tender and love. Well, I hope we will find a lot of
common between us. My English is good (both spoken and written). Really don't
know what to tell you now. I'll be waiting for any sign from you (better at least a
couple of words about yourself) it will show that you are interested and I'll write
you more then. Can you write me to the E-mail? It is very difficult to me to use
Friendfinder. Please write me here: Sincerely
Letter #2
Hi, Kevin, again! This is great to find a letter from you in my mailbox.
Though I know a little about you now but I feel that you are an interesting man and it will be
a great pleasure for me to communicate with you. I'm wondering what is the time
difference between us. E-mail is so good - it delivers messages in seconds.
Many kilometers are between us, on the other hand, we are no longer so far away
to each other. I promised you to write about myself. I was born in Lipetsk - quite
large Russian city. My father is a colonel and he had to travel around all Russia
during his military service in past. My mom told that they had changed a lot of
places from the Eastern coast of Russia to the Western borders with Ukraine and
Belorussia. I did not have that opportunity to travel with my family because when I
was born my father's service was ending up. I was six when we moved to Kurgan.
This was the last move of our family and my father retired. Now he is on pension.
I went to school in Kurgan. In ten years I entered the Pedagogical Institute - an
institution where you get high education, like college or university. Then I became
an engineer in physics. I had a chance to be a teacher after graduation. But I
went the other way. Teaching is not popular nowadays here. Teachers are poor.
I'm not saying that I'm reach. I can survive being an engineer. But I decided to go
study further as a post-graduate (you call it Master Study). Knowledge is never
useless - the more you get it the less you worry about your future. Now I work at
a plant of machinery. Quite depressing because the plant is staggering. Soviet
time ran away like Forrest Gump, consequently, there are no governmental
contracts with our board. No contracts - no work. The plant was basically
reconstructed for the needs of local businesses. They produce metallic doors and
other staff of whatever nature. I work as a specialist in metals. Unfortunately I live
with my mother and father. No sisters and brothers also unfortunately. We
occupy a three room apartment in the center of the city. I have my single room.
My father loves my mother very much and our family is happy. But I, growing and
becoming a real lady, want to find my love also. I would surrender to him all my
tender and talent. I do not want to bother you with my long letters. I just hope we
will continue to talk. I'm anxious to know more about you. Write me also about
yourself - work, family, dreams. Please send me also your photo if possible. I
check my e-mail often here in the office. I'll respond you immediately.
Have a sunny day! Ekaterina.
Letter #3
Hello, Kevin! Thank you for your reply. It made by day really brighter.
I read your letter with a great interest to you as a person and as a man. I have never felt so
closely a spirit of another life style which you represent living on a very far point of
the Globe. But I believe that we are the same as human beings. We love and
smile, we hope for the best and pray the God feeling something irreparable.
How is your day today? Mine is great. Our department received a rush order. This
means a lot of work. Maybe I'll have to stay at work till midnight for the next
couple of days. But I hope that it won't be reflected on my ability to communicate
to you. This is another side of my life and I never let it be mixed with my job.
Do you smoke or drink? I do not smoke. But I never resist when offered a glass of a
good wine. I like basically Moldova's or Georgia's wines. These are the two former
Soviet Republics. Political background has changed but the wine produced there
has not. I'm not sure whether you have ever tried these kinds of wine but I
strongly recommend. What are your hobbies? I like to draw sometimes. I draw
nature, trees, forests, the sky, the sun, lakes and flowers. Unfortunately I don't
usually keep the pictures I draw. I present them to my friends. The recent one
was a beautiful butterfly I saw in August when our family traveled to our summer
cottage near a beautiful lake. Mother, father and me had vacations and we stayed
there for a week. I can send it to you if you'd like. I'm sure you'll like it. I usually
draw in summer. I like the yellow colors of fall and light colors of spring as well.
But the winter when everything is only black and white is boring. It is boring to
draw, of course, but it was never boring to go skating or to hear the crunch of
snow-flakes when walking. What kind of movies do you like to watch? I like
adventures like Indiana Jones, or detectives about James Bond or Puarou. But I
like elements of romance and drama as well. The recent movie I was watching
was the Fight Club. Yes, you are right, it is not on the list of my preferences.
However, I was recommended to watch it. And the idea behind the movie was
great. Among the music and songs I prefer to listen to E. Morricone, Fr.
Garsia, Santana and Chi Mai. I can work listening music. However, the music disturbs
the others here. Therefore, I usually listen to it at home laying in the bath or
drawing anything. I'm going to wish you now to be purposeful today and to step
closer to your aim or a dream. Write me more about yourself, alright? I have a
great interest. So long! Ekaterina.About My name is Ekaterina, I'm from Kurgan -
moyo imya Ekaterina. Ia iz Kurgana. :)
Letter #4
Good morning, dear Kevin! I believe it's morning where you are.
Thank you for a wonderful letter! I have realized that you are great and it is very interesting for me
to talk to you. The way you write says that you are sensitive to me and you
understand me pretty well. You know I like you too. Maybe we can be friends?
Maybe we could meet one day and talk somewhere in a small restaurant. The
rush order we did execute prematurely. I work in the office of engineering and
planning. Our shop produces metal bars and and other steel framework very
necessary for building. And the task of our office is to project new varieties of
framework, to test it with different methods (chemical, electric, physical, etc.) and
to improve and to rationalize the process of production. Write me please also
more about what you do. At this moment I'm a kind of free and I was reading
Victor Souvorov's book. He was a secret service man in Soviet Era. And he writes
about the Soviet system of intelligence. The book is called "The Aquarium". I
believe it first was published in Great Britain in English where he run from the
Soviet regime. This book is about himself and his past work and has a
documentary style. Do you read anything? What kind of books do you read?
But honestly I do not read that often. Only about a book a month. The rest of the time
I have to spend for scientific literature necessary for my development as a
specialist. I read books and articles both in Russian and in English. Well, enough
about that. Did you really like my pictures I sent you? Do you have the most
recent pictures of yours? I'm anxious to see them. Could you tell me more about
the place where you live in? Are there mountains? I like mountains very much
though have never seen them. I did not have enough of chance to travel in my life.
Have you travelled anywhere? Was it great? Have you been to Russia? By the
way what do you think of Russia and Russians? I heard anecdotes that some of
the western people really believed that when you visited a small city in Russia
you would be able to see a real bear walking on the streets. Is it funny?
I hope you are alright. Wish you another successful day! Ask me anything what you are
interested in. Your friend Ekaterina.
Letter #5
Hi, Kevin! You are one of the best persons I have ever communicated with in my
life. Though we communicate via e-mail I believe this is not much different from a
real talk tete-a-tete. To answer your question- I am 27 now. About weather- it is
about 20C and sunny here. In past I did ignore Internet connections with
somebody and did not realize that it could be so vivid and delightful. Before
writing you something had changed in my mind that said me to try ("why not").
And now I'm happy that it has occurred. The weather today is nasty. Only a few
days ago we had the sunshine and the light breeze. What is the weather like
where you live? Dear, I wanted you to tell me a little bit about your past. Did you
have women? What life experience have you got? If you find my questions a kind
of rough do not answer them, alright? I understand that it is a private sphere
which is inviolable and untouchable. But I think you want to hear about me. And I
decided to tell you about myself. I had a friendship with one guy from the same
course of the Institute. We got acquainted on the third year of our study. I would
not say now that I loved him. I just liked him. We spent some time together. We
walked, went to movies, theatre, exhibitions - were kind of happy. We were
together for about 4 years but we did not have a common housekeeping. One day
I thought to ask him to be my husband. And he agreed. But he agreed an a way
which says that "I'll see... or maybe". I just felt it... Later I saw him together with
another woman. You know what did I feel. I just was so happy - I was off the
hook. We could marry and what would wait for me - the same what waits a lot of
newly married couples - divorce. But at the same time I was sad. And I had
understood that all our previous relationships was an illusion of love. Actually he
was not even interesting for me- I understood this later. The time cures.
Several years gone. I did not have anybody else in my life. Now I feel lonely.
I would be happy if you share with me also a secret from your past. Well I need to go now!
I'll be waiting for your letter! Wish you all the best today! Ekaterina.
Letter #6
Hello, Kevin. Thank you for being a good friend.
You know it would be great if we could meet. I like you very much. I like your delicate sense of a partner - you
were always interested in me. And I like the way you write me. Your e-mails is
the source of joy for me. About my parients- they meet at the New Year
celebrating about 30 years ago. Yesterday I went to our local theatre with my old
friends. We watched a drama. However, I did not enjoy it that much because my
mood was not for dramas yesterday evening, internally I needed anything vivid
and humorous. So I persuaded friends next time to watch anything adventurous
and breath-taking. Yesterday it was raining all day long and it was windy very
much. I'll be thinking of you today. Wish you luck and happiness.
Always yours Ekaterina.
Letter #7
Good day, dearest Kevin! You are my inspiration of every day and night.
Only thoughts about you govern me now. You are always on my mind. How is your
day? I had really started worrying about you. I was very glad to learn a lot about
you. You are very interesting to me. Did you tell your family or friends about me?
What do they find about all this? My parents are very curious about you. I have
already got acquainted them with some information about you. They are very
positive of what is happening between us. Did I tell you about my active side of
life? I mean sports and so on. I like jogging. When I was a student I was a good
runner and took part in several local competitions. I did swimming as well.
However, work takes a lot of time now and I do only jogging in evenings along the
closest boulevard. It takes usually 20 or 30 minutes but I feel then refreshed very
much. Unfortunately I do not like jogging in the rain. When it is raining or there is
strong and cold wind I do not go out. Winter also closes up me at home. But
sometimes I like skiing. I do not sky often because a lot of preparations follow the
sky exercise. Do you like jogging or skiing? You know my dream is to sky down
the hill. We have only a cross-country skiing here. We have no high hills around.
What are your dreams? I have never thought before that I'll get acquainted with a
man from another country. This seemed to me unbelievable. Sometimes I cannot
still perceive all this. But when I do I have a great feeling inside. Wish I could offer
you more than just an Internet communication. Wishing you all the best
Letter #8
Good morning, dearest Kevin!
I believe it's morning in the area you live. To answer your question about american people - I and my parents do not know a lot but
most from TV news and newspapers. It's already seventh or eight's letter I write
you. Don't you see that we have become much closer than ever before. You even
cannot imagine what you mean for me. You mean a lot. You can ask maybe:
why. I don't know. What I really know is that I love you. It is not hard for me to
say it again - I love you. I have never known such a beautiful soul like yours. You
opened it once for me and never did close. Now I open my soul for you. I give you
my heart and my tender. I was thinking of you last night. I did not eat dinner. My
mom was surprised very much. I did not tell her about my feelings to you yet. I'm
afraid she won't understand. Her generation didn't know about fast means of
communication such as e-mail. But I know that Internet did bind many souls and
hearts together already. However, maybe I'm too prejudiced about my parents. I'm
just afraid because I have never told my parents that I loved anybody, and
because I didn't love anybody that much. You are so nice, you are so gentle.
Sometimes you are humorous and sometimes delicate. You are open-minded
and honest to me. I love to read letters from you. My heart's always jumping
when I see when I see a message from you in my mailbox. Then I eat it as a
whole running across the lines and only after that I read it carefully several times.
See, I'm becoming crazy of you. I don't want you to be pushed with my sentiments. Excuse me if I'm too expressive. Maybe you did not expect this from
me. But something has changed the way of my life recently and I believe it's you.
I'm thinking of you every hour and every minute. I wish we were friends for a long
long time. Wish you a wonderful day! Ekaterina.
Letter #9
Kevin, I'm blessed to have you in my life!
Where are you? I did not receive letters from you since May 23. Your make me crazy and I'm dreaming only about you,
my dear! I'm so happy to know you, you even cannot imagine! I did talk yesterday
with my father. He was very curious about the relationship between us. I said that
the ties between you and me were getting stronger day by day. Then they were
talking with my mom together. I did not hear what they discussed. But I feel their
appreciation if what I'm doing and how I'm changing the route of my life.
You know last night I felt that you are next to me lying on my bed. I felt your warm body,
your gentle hands and your soft breath... I felt you everywhere around me. It was
a very sweet feeling I cannot even describe it... You know what did we do...? I
had a desire to eat whole of you, to embrace whole of you... I did not want to let
you leave me... I just wanted you to be everytime next to me. I want to say you
THANK YOU for your existence. For everything you did for me to light the dreams
and sweet emotions go on. Look what a beautiful words I have for you: There's a
sea between us, love, and I wish that it weren't true, for every day when I awake,
I yearn to be with you. There are many miles between us, love, though you're
always here in my heart, and every night, beneath the silver starlight, I pray for
the day we'll never part. I love you and will love all my life! Ekaterina.
Letter #10
Hello my love Kevin. Dear, today I had serious conversation with mum. She does
not have any objections if I would go to USA. She wishes happiness to me. I had
long conversations with her about you. She says that if you write such letters you
are a good person. But she is still a bit prejudiced about the possibility of deceit.
But I love you and completely believe you. There is a firm in our city, which deals
with visa registration. They charge 315 USD. It is unbelievably high for me.
But it is so! Visa is arranged during 1 month. I know also that there is à governmental
visa department. They charge a bit less money, however such visa is prepared
from 0, 5 to 1year and it is not yet known how it will work. My girlfriend recently
visited Australia and she told me everything how to receive visa and to prepare for
the flight. I'll tell you everything about this. You just have to listen me carefully.
I am very glad that you want to see me. I also dream about this. I want to be with
you!!! I understand that a lot of money is necessary to travel to you. And once
again I'll tell you that the visa to refer to is B-2. I do not know why I became so
razy about you. I think that it is the man about which I dreamed all my life. I'm so
inspired with our future meeting that I cannot find a place for myself anywhere.
315 dollars are necessary to buy visa. This visa is valid for 90 days.
We after all will have to come back to the issue of visa. Believe me now I collected all
information. I am very grateful to you that you help so much to our meeting. I
want to tell you that money is better to send on system Western Union. This
system is very reliable and money transaction is carried out within 15 minutes.
Here is information how to send money here: ALFA BANK GOGOLYA, 61 KURGAN, 640000
My full name is Ekaterina Ivanova. After you will send money here the bank will tell you ten figures and you should inform me about them. I
know that our relationship is under construction for trust. But we should trust
each other without trust we simply cannot exist. My mother's sister works in
Moscow in an airport. Mum called her today and spoke to her. Write me please
what airport you will come to and then I'll tell you about the air tickets.
The ticket for me will be with the discount due to my aunt. Many times I asked a question to
myself: Why in this world everything depends on money? I consider that money
is not the basis. The most important is when people understand each other. I can
live without money. But I strongly want to arrive to you and money here is
necessary. So it is obvious that money were separating us. I have a big desire to
meet you, to embrace you and to kiss you. If I would have money I'll immediately
arrive to you. Money is just a temporary paper. But human relationships are built
forever. Now I understand that love is a strong feeling. I am glad that I have found
this feeling. When I open the mailbox and see there your letter it is becoming
easily on my soul. When I read it my heart blossoms. I want to sing with
happiness. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!! Your Ekaterina.
Signed, Kevin

Pismena (Poltava, Ukraine)
I am a 53 yrs old Norwegian widower residing in Spain. I contacted Elena through
an English catalogue-in-the-mail agency, whose ad I found in The Times around
new year. I bought her address, including phone and E-mail for five Pounds, sent
a comprehensive letter + photos, and waited. After two weeks I phoned her, and
we hit it off right away. Although she is only 32 she was looking for men up into
the 50s, and had no problems with my looks, rather the opposite. Her English is
quite good when spoken, not so good when written ... which is exceptional. We
mailed and talked on the phone for three months. She was enthusiastic about
coming to Spain, told me that she worked in a Poltava bank, and could supply
Russian / Ucrainian customers if we were to set up a real estate business (which
I am into to some extent). This woman sounded so resourceful and creative that I
did not suspect her of anything. In fact I am still at a loss to understand why she
decided to screw it all up like this ... she did not have to resort to criminality to
get by in the world, she would do all right in any environment. What a waste!
Anyway I sent her €1000 for air fare and other expenses. She told me she
booked a tourist trip at Intourist, and had to wait for the Visa application to get
through, having an interview at the Spanish embassy in Kiew in three weeks'
time. Then she suddenly told me that she had lost her job at the bank because
the manager was furious with her plans to go to Spain and disapproved at her
having put some real estate magazines on display there (I had never told her to
do such a thing). So all of a sudden she was jobless and pennyless. She was
still going to come to Spain, and moved to Kiew (she said) in order to make the
final arrangements. I sent her €500 more for contigencies. Then she dropped
contact. After a while I contacted a detective agency in Lugansk. They informed
me that Elena had indeed lived at the Poltava address, but had disappeared when
the detectives began sniffing around. The money had been partly used for refitting
doors and windows in the flat. She never went to Kiew, never booked with
Intourist, never had an appointment with the Spanish embassy. Her mother, the
owner of the Poltava flat, was evidently an accessory to this, along with an
elusive person by the name of Sergej. Elena seems to have played this game for
at least three years. The oldest pictures I found of her date from March 2000. I
am now, with the aid of the detective agency, preparing a formal complaint.
Our investigators provided a background check in Poltava, Ukraine due to your
order and found out the following information: 1) Elena Pismenna was a
customer of (an Internet provider in Poltava called
POLTAVAINFOCOM). After getting a dial-up connection this Internet
provide offers its clients to use: a mail server (SMTP, POP3, IMAP) with address it means that Elena Pismenna has a dial-up Internet connection
(Internet access) at her apartment because she could get an e-mail box only in case when she was a client of this Internet provider. We
are sorry to inform you, but she didn't use any Internet cafe to write you because
she had an Internet access at home. 2) Elena Pismenna resides at : per.
Horolskiy, 12-103, Poltava, 36034 Ukraine phone number 00380-532 666493. This
apartment belongs to her mother as well as a phone number. 3) Elena Pismenna
was in Poltava at the time of accepting your order (Saturday, May 17 and
Sunday, May 18), but she suddenly left for Kiev, Ukraine having told not a single
word to anyone. As her mother told our investigators, Elena left for Kiev for 2 or 3
weeks. 4) We don't know for sure yet if Elena has worked for
Privatbank, Poltava, Ukraine. We have unofficial evidences that Elena didn't work at
Privatbank, Poltava. But UaDetective agency is waiting for a Privatbank answer
for our official request about it. 5) It's become known that Elena is
communicating with men; people who know her told our investigators about a
man called Sergei. We enclose photos of a house where Elena's apartment is.
As far as our investigators could see, Elena's apartment is under repair now: the
front door and windows were changed for more modern and safer ones. We can
suppose that changing the door and window sets cost owners about $700-$750.
Financial source of this repair is unknown: Elena's mother doesn't work, Elena
seems not to work too, because she can easily leave for Kiev for 2 or 3 weeks
which can never be a business trip (a common business trip in Ukraine is about
3-9 days), bank accountants can have business trips only in the case when they
have a seminar or a conference for a day or two. IIDear Mr. WIGGEN: Subject:
Second report The Embassy of Spain in Ukraine didn't confirm the fact of
applying for a visa and getting visa by Elena Pismenna. The travel agency
Intourist Kiev had never had a client named Elena Pismenna from
Poltava, Ukraine within the period from February till April. Elena Pismenna wasn't an
official worker (accountant) for Privatbank, Poltava due to staff register. Privatbank
takes active steps for broading its activity that's why there were any staff
shortening. On the contrary they are hiring new people. Elena Pismenna's mother
hide information about the place where her daughter stayed at. Our investigators
checked all the state and private hotels, and rentals. No person named Elena
Pismenna stayed there since the period since May 19, 2003 to May 30, 2003.
Respectfully yours, Svetlana Ivanova Chief Consultant UaDetective Agency
My name is Tim. I live in the U.S. I joined Love Access after divorce and there
was a profile of Russian girl no pictures with an Email address. Her name is
lyudmila Seventzeva. We began discussion out of my interest in Russia. She
seemed so excited first time on Internet through Internet Cafe. Started telling me
good friend, and over five weeks she stole my heart with unbelievable words of
kindness and love. She did the Visa thing send 300 us. Thought maybe this was
real and she had sent pictures and she was beautiful blonde 5.6 130pounds. She
said she was an Orphan and the Ministry of Orphans could help her with flight
tickets. We wanted to meet so she had me wire money Western Union, and
picked up. Later she gives me a sad story that Ministry of Orphans will not pay
for plane tickets could I send 1000.00. I said no but came up with the Idea to
Prepay everthing on her behalf to fly to Russia. She did not like that idea and said
her agency would be able to do it faster and easier because she had to fill out
government papers for me to arrange flight. Finally she agreed to my intentions
saying it was the only way. I set up arrangements 2 way ticket shortest route
cost 1680 us. I heard from her one more time to ask about tickets she said she
understood. Did not hear for 4 days and sent many emails with instructions. She
then sends email telling me the Internet Cafe PC's went down and she just now
got fixed. She promised we would talk every day until her flight which was the
next Tuesday. I did not hear from her again. I cancelled tickets before the flight
date and received my money back less than 50. My advice is never send cash to
the woman. Always send directly to the service with a clause to back out if
necessary. This saved me a ton of money and I now no the truth. She never
intended to be here with me. She broke my heart believe me these women are
cold. I would love to meet a wonderful Russian woman that would be with me in
America. But Lyudmila Kazantseva is not the one you want to talk to. She
worked it perfectly. Broken english but you could understand. Dreams and
statements of loyalty love trust. She sent a number of pictures most were from a
studio some were not. I don't wish this to happen to anyone else. The pain I feel
now is unbearable because I truly believed her and opened my heart up to her
completely. Now she is gone. Tim - US Scammed
Scam organisation 'Ukrainian Tours', also known as Star of Ukraine,
Ukrainian Star and Wind of Love ( ) are now scamming under the identity of 'Red Rose Trip' ( )
Tatyana Ivanova
(Novosibirsk, Russia)
Hello. I have had the unforgettable expierience of almost getting burned, big time.
i have read on page 174 of the black list , the same exact script that was sent to
me. the girl contacted me from AOL or someplace . her name she said was
Tatyana Ivanova from Novosibirsk. !st letter was introductory. bye the third letter
she is in love with me. now here is the real clincher. she went on to tell me about
us meeting at the airport , then the embrace. it goes on to the dream she had
and about teaching her all the pleasures of sex. it must be the same pass along
script. By the fourth letter, she was asking for 650 dollars airfare, visa etc. But , I
swear, i have just read the same exact letter on page 174 by a Olga Antinova.Last paragraph. You guys rock .
Tanya 007/Tatiana03C1/Tatyana
I am Ram from USA. I reluctantly placed my profile in American
where Tatyana sent me a message and after my email to her for more details she
sent me the following email. She did call me, but the call didn't last long for clear
talk. Thanks to Alexandra, a friend of mine in Ukraine, who advised me to avoid
her saying that Tanya could be a scammer. Hope this information would be useful
to everyone trying for a partner through internet. Watchout for scammers!!!
Following is the email Tatyana had sent to me before she telephoned:
Thank you for you reply :) i live Ukraine. i hope this ok. i very happy you reply me.
:)) yes i prefer mature man because they wise and more serious about life and
family. this important to me. I speak and write English pretty good, but not
perfect. I learning very fast. I do not have a computer at home and can not click to
hyperlink either. :( I register with agency to send and receive e-mail when need .
When I not able to reply quickly, this is problem. It cost some to send for email in
ukraine. Please not worry about I forget to you ok. :) I am look for a sincere
relationship. Men my country are most time drunken or do not want make
commitment and to have family. I only 25 year, but I very mature and I learn most
about home and family value from parents. i have for one brother. I would like to
start a new life and have family of own. I speak to my parents and they wish best
for me, but my dad don't believe possible sometime. He think I silly to find
happiness on internet. He think no man in other country will send for me and that
man only to play internet. This not stopped me. I register with agency that can
make for my documents, visa, tickets, etc. This my dream! :) I told my father of
what I planning, and costs, and he cannot afford for costs. Agency can make for
me visa and plane fair under special program for students. It called foreign
student exchange. I would be allowed into foreign country for 3 months. If I
become married or obtaine work visa, I could stay longer or stay for always. I
don't want to scare you away with marriage of course. :) But I want to be sincere
and honest with you of what I want in life, and hopefully, we match. I think i need
only look in you eyes once, and I think then I know for sure about heart :~). If I to
arrive and it not work for us, I atleast make chance meet you and try make a life
with you once. I would really like to meet partner in other country. I have friend
who put ad like my ad and meet for her soulmate. She then fly to other country to
meet her partner. They become married and plan for family together. They live
California. I would love for this to happen me too. :) I am very dedicate, honest
and treat partner with great sincerity. I hope that you sincere to meet because I
would love to meet person who has sincere heart also. If you are sincere with
meeting and want woman with good value and respect to you, and to know place
as woman, maybe you reply to me again, and that we meet possibly. I don't have
any doubts or hesitation about my choice to make this step in life. I know this
what I want. And if could, I would leave today to meet my partner and i not be
scared this chance take. :~) I ask if you interest me, that you not to write for
other girl. I not jealous, but I give all my heart and effort to decision and want
same from partner who interest me. I am client at agency that can help me with
leave Ukraine to meet partner. my cousin also work this agency and am wait for
hope to meet my soulmate and leave very soon. Once my account pay, I can
leave less 2 weeks. So you see how to serious I am I hope. :~) Where exact you
live and exact work you to do? send to me you telephone and i can to call you. I
do not have phone, but I may have chance to use friend's phone or call box if you
sincere want to meet. I have chance call you in my next day i think.
Love Tatyana, not forget send you telephone... i look forward speak you :)
Dezenis Krylou
(Beloozersk, Russia)
ul.Energetikov , d.14a , kv.92 Beloozersk
Berarus Phone# 10375164326847 AKA: Tatyanna(Tanya) Salashina
(Tula, Russia) Svetlana Gorina (Yoskar-Ola, Mari El) Yuliya Koryukina
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
My name is Scott White. I am a 46 year old Engineer in Southern California. I
have recieved 4-5 emails. I went online to check her out and with the help of
your websight I have found her listed with the above aliases. Her letters are
the same as the others, so I wont copy and paste. I havn't been hit up yet but I
am not going to give her a chance. Attached are the photos she has sent to
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ANTI-SCAM GUIDE - Secure yourself against Russian brides scams!
Read how to make scammers to leave you alone, and choose the right girls from the very beginning.
Scams - The real picture of international introduction industry
- Article by
Anatoly Neverov
Dating Services - where to look for a
Russian wife
dating agencies
- how do they make their
Russian Translations - Russian-English/English-Russian
translation: fast and comprehensive. You are not sure she understands
what you mean? Translate your letter to Russian!